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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 1, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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live pictures tonight, more rain at this hour from a strong spring storm that's already caused problems for the bay area. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. we're back on storm watch tonight. let's get back to rosemary orozco now tracking some strong storms, rosemary. >> the downpours keep coming. let's dig in to storm tracker 2, let's see where we're seeing rainfall into the east bay, looks like it's tapering off
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just a bit. we have some steady rainfalling along 680. just when you think it's over, another round moves in. we have scattered showers over the marin area. you can see rainfalling over sausalito. this is going to be the case as it moves over us. i want to push all the way south. take you into the south bay where we have light rainfalling on the ground, san jose. in the 9:00 house there was a waterspout detected 12 miles offshore. it did fizzle out. it did weaken. but lightning reported over the monterey area. this storm will continue to move a little closer to the bay area. so the active weather is going to continue through the evening hours and we will be left with gradual conditions for tomorrow. we'll have a look at your wednesday and a peak at your weekend coming up.
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in the sierra, state water officials conducted their april snow survey the most critical of the year. tomorrow we'll be listing water agencies on how to conserve. now to san francisco, where one person is dead after a fire ripped through a home. several people were trapped inside that home. one person actually jumped out of a window to safety. amber lee is on castillo not far from the cal palace. amber, it is really lucky more people weren't killed tonight. >> reporter: family members and neighbors are in disbelief over this deadly fire. tonight they're mourning the loss of a woman who's lived here a long time. she was loved by many. >> i saw joe laying on the floor. and he was covered in blood. >> reporter: this is cell phone video shot by a neighbor. this man jumped from his third
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story window when the fire raged from his window. >> we saw his uncle. he was on the top. so me and the neighbors went and got the ladder. we brought him down. and he told us his sister was still in the top floor and there was nothing we could do about that. >> reporter: the woman who died in the fire was 86-year-old jane thompson. the matrioarch of the family. her grandson called her the leader of the family. >> i'm glad i got to kiss her in the fore head one last time. but i'm sad i'm not going to see her again. >> i just saw flames, seriously billowing out of the back. >> reporter: firefighters say
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they were able to put out the fire in about 20 minutes, but the challenge was saving liveless. several people trapped inside were elderly in their 70s and 80s. >> we had the combination of having to extinguish the fire and deal with the medical conditions we were dealing with. >> reporter: for manuel chavez, this was the loss of his beloved grandmother and their home. >> i don't want to look at it. it's tough. >> reporter: one relative showed us the fire dog firefighters were able to save. the top floor is destroyed. crews say the home is not livable. the red cross is helping the family find temporary shelter. live in san francisco, amber lee, ktvu channel two news.
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a powerful earthquake hit chile it was so large it was called a super quake. and it was more than 12 miles deep. announcements on loud speakers and sirens warned people of the danger. the quake hit at 8:46 p.m. local time. chileans poured on to the streets. the elderly were rescued. we're hearing reports of lands slides and buildings collapsing. numerous aftershocks have followed. one measuring 6.2. chile is one of the earthquake prone countries in the world. late today a federal grand jury indicted pg & e with connection with a deadly pipeline explosion in san bruno. on september 9, 2010 a gas
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transmission line failed and exploded destroying an entire neighborhood in san bruno. eight people died, many more suffered catastrophic injuries. the government filed a dozen charges against pg & e for repeatedly violating the pipeline act. they included failure to keep proper record. others deal with overpressurized pipelines. and failure to identify risks and deal with them. in a statement pg & e said in part, san bruno is a tragic accident, we've taken accountability and are deeply sorry. there's relief tonight in the sierra where a missing snow boarder from the bay area has been found alive. that word just came into our newsroom within the last hour. abraham singlestein went missing yesterday across interstate 80 near boreal. searchers spent the last 24 hours scouring the sierra back country for any signs of the
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san francisco man. then this evening around 9:00 p.m. they received a call from a near by home saying singlestein was there. he apparently spent the night there and we're told he is doing well tonight. all the snow in the sierra is welcomed but it's certainly not enough to end the drought. ken pritchett is here with what it means for residents. >> reporter: it may have been just enough, this rain and other storms we've had over the last couple of months in some areas to end the need to call for more drastic cut backs or mandatory rationing. at union square the shoppers were well prepared with umbrellas, scurrying from weather that could make anyone forget about the drought. but in the sierra, the drought and the summer of scarce water
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was all but set after today's april snow survey. consider the most definitive snow pack of the year. >> maybe it's seen with keeping with the day, april fools day. but it's almost a miss picture. this snow course was basically bare two days ago. >> reporter: the snow pack and the sierra stands 2-1/2 of average. this making just a dent in the drought. >> we should be getting in a good water year we get eight to 10 of these storms that we had the last couple of days come through. where as this year, we only had two or three. >> reporter: but that's not to say this latest storm has not helpedded. the san francisco puc in two weeks will decide if the current 10% voluntary conservation call is enough. >> in all likelihood we're likely to continue our voluntary call. that's really thanks to mother
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nature in the last couple of days. >> reporter: tyrone says the reservoir is expected to fill. but the concern is for next year. >> if we don't get any rain or snow next water year, then we're going to have to start to dig into supplies and we might not have enough snow to replenish that for if spring. >> reporter: customers are being asked to conserve water by 5% and its board will meet to decide if that's enough or a more cut backs or calls for conservation should be required. water agencies around the state and the state itself are telling people that conservation is key right now to get through the summer: in san francisco. ken pritchett, ktvu channel 2 news. a wrecked car discovered on a steep enbankment has been linked to missing man from the north bay. >> reporter: julie, for weeks
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now the family of robert -- [audio difficulties ] >> it's very curvy windy portion of highway one. >> he was able to hike down to it. he didn't notice anyone in or outside the vehicle. he was able to reach in and get the vehicle's registration number. >> reporter: the car belonged
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to davis, last seen leaving marin court's restaurant. it was raining the night that davis went missing and family feared he may have become disoriented. >> it's just a sad ending. >> reporter: ralph delison called davis dad. the family has met for dinner at the restaurant every thursday night for 19 years. >> my condolences to them. dad is a great guy. and i'm glad to see they have closure. >> reporter: that's what davis' grandson said tonight. that dealing with the unknown has been unbearable. but now that the family has this answer they can now move
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forward. reporting live, from corte mad era. another student is groped on her way to school. >> and a twitter page dedicated to gossip teen. the police intervention by police to stop the posts. and police are linking really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day.
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you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year.
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oakland school district tonight says it's taking steps to increase security after a young girl was sexually assaulted near a campus. police say it is the third such incident at or near a school since january and they're now comparing similarities in the cases. ktvu's jana katsuyama live in oakland tonight with this latest incident and what school officials are telling parents. >> reporter: frank, the school officials are telling me today that the girl was sitting waiting for her parents to pick her up. then a man approached her and offered her ice cream to lure her across the street. parents picking up their children today told us they were upset about the attack. the 6-year-old student says the attack happened around 3:20 friday afternoon across the street from vela vista elementary school on tenth avenue and east 28th street. >> i didn't even occur to me that what happened at this school, because they're so tight. >> reporter: the girl had been playing on the monkey bars
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while she waited for her parents. >> she was playing on the monkey barless. at that time a stranger who had observed her came up and spoke to her. he lured her down from the monkey bars and across the street to his car with the promise of ice cream. >> reporter: the man took the girl across the street to his car where he sexually assaulted her. >> i saw the little girl with her parents friday. >> you did? >> yeah, with two officers at the corner. >> reporter: neighbors say there should be more police patrolling the area. oakland police say they are investigating whether the crime might be connected to two other sexual assaults at the world academy and college elementary school. the attacker in those cases, shown on this sketch, has not been arrested. >> we're looking at the attackers in the area. we have to educate the community. we have to go out and tell parents hey, you need to talk to your child. >> reporter: the school district says they are taking steps to increase security. ktvu obtained a copy of the
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district's letter to parents today. changes include extra oakland school patrol police and additional adults to monitor the area. the district has alerted other oakland schools about the latest attack. >> reporter: the attacker is described as being a latino man about 20 to 25 years old. his height about 5'6" to 5'10". average build, black hair and was seen driving possibly a silver suv. he might have a horse tattoo on his left calf. and police say there is a $7,500 reward for any information that leads police to his arrest. jana katsuyama. people living in oakland may be getting assist to remove illegally dumped trash. now city councilwoman brooks is announcing that large waste
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containers will be placed around east oakland starting april 12th through 16th. she's asking people to get rid of the trash using the dumpsters, no questions asked. back now to the storm watch and some drenching rain today across the bay area. a ktvu camera captured these pictures. while the rain created dangerous driving conditions for many, for others it came as a welcomed bonus. ktvu's noelle walker was in the north bay and tell us why a cattle rancher says this rain is going to help him save money. >> reporter: it's a sound we haven't heard a lot this year, rain, real rain, soaked marin county. cattle rancher lewis could not be happier. >> we're glad to help the rain. it will help a lot with the pasture, so it'll cut costs. >> reporter: in years past, his cattle would be grazing only. >> but this year seeing that we didn't have any rain.
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i had to buy a couple extra loads of hay. pretty sure everybody i know that's got cattle had to buy extra hay which means a lot of money up front. >> reporter: lewis made the decision early on not to thin his herd and pay extra to feed them. >> it costs a lot of money but i held on to what i had. so or what i have, but hopefully, you know the price is good and if it stays off it'll pay off in the summer. >> reporter: those who's livelihood does not rely on the wind had mixed review about the summer. >> the rain is great. i'm waiting for more thunder. don't you. >> we don't get it very much. >> mother earth needs a shower too you know. >> reporter: this commuter heeded her coworkers advice. checking her tires before heading out. >> when you have to drive to santa rosa, it's not a good
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idea. >> reporter: the hope is the rain will make more green for the cattle business as well. in marin county, noelle walker. tonight's tickets will be valid at the second game of a split double header. that's set to start at 6:00 tomorrow night at the oakland coliseum. a woman from berkeley has quite a story to tell. she says she was struck by lightning while walking across adelin and stewart after yesterday's storm. >> i had an unusual metallic taste in my mouth. then i heard a flashbulb go off. then an orb of light come down my umbrella handle. then after that happened i heard a clap of thunder that was the loudest clap of thunder i've ever heard.
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>> reporter: davis says says she was shaken up but not hurt and says that she is very happy to be alive. she says she also just heard from her family that her great, great, great, grandfather was killed by lightning while riding a home. the odds of being hit by lightning are one in 700,000. so when is it going to end? i continue to watch fast moving showers move through the bay area as we slide in a little closer you can see through the east bay. moraga, some rainfalling in your area danville as well as areas around concord. we will be drying out in the overnight hours and here's a look at what you can expect for your wednesday. we get out the door tomorrow morning with the possibility of a few showers lingering. temperatures should be chilly. it'll be a cool dry day. for the afternoon upper 50s to upper 60s in the forecast. but again partly cloudy and dry conditions expected for your wednesday. when i come back, i'll have a time line and hour by hour of when this rain is finally going to taper off.
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we'll have a look at the weekend and a look at how much rain we have seen in a little while. the fireworks show will go on afterward on the fourth of july. two people have sued the lake tahoe's visitors authority. they argue that the fireworks debris polluted the lake in violation of the clean water act. but a spokesperson for the authority, says they reached an agreement. the authority has agreed to step up clean up efforts and also accomplish a hot line for people to report the presence of any debris. a twitter page
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many parents in pleasant hill are concerned tonight following two incidents in two days where young girls say they were groped on their way to school. ktvu's john sasaki tell us one of the girls reacted quickly and took a picture of the man. >> reporter: harriet driver is a quite spot. but what happened here at 70: 7:00 -- 7:30 this morning has shaken the community. >> it would be nice to see police presence early in the morning and when students get out. >> reporter: the girl was walking along hariette drive when a man walked up and grabbed her rear end. she was quick enough to take a cell phone picture of him. you can see the man is wearing a bright blue jacket as he goes south on cherry drive. >> i can't tell you if we have two or one. we definitely have a person
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running around. >> reporter: the same thing happened yesterday morning on this east bay mud trail near pleasant hill middle school. >> it's scary. very scary. this is why i am the one who picks up my daughter. i don't let anything pick my daughter up. >> reporter: parents received a message, it said in part, please use this opportunity to walk your students. kids should walk in groups and always report any suspicious activity. >> it's a groping incident in this situation. you're grateful the child got away safely. you're grateful that's all it was. >> here's the photo again. police do not know if the incident involved one or two gropers because the descriptions were digit. one a white man the other hispanic. if you know the man or men responsible you are asked to call police. i'm john sasaki, ktvu channel
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2 news. police have made a connection with a story we first brought you yesterday on ktvu news. police in pleasanton say they arrested david allen venzel in connection with a robbery sunday night. he tied up a woman and her 83- year-old mother who lived there. venzel faces charges and is now being held on $8 million bail. malaysia authorities reiterated they think a deliberate action is what caused flight 370 to veer off course and vanish. officials also released a transcript of the radio conversation with the airliner and it appears to be routine. in the south indian ocean, the japanese coast guard has joined the search for the jet but nothing has been found. the australian official in charge of the search now says, there's the possibility that the wreckage may never be found. >> we will have to probably in consultation with everybody who
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has a stake in this, review what we do next. >> reporter: however, he said right now no one is putting a time limit on the search. unless the black box flight recorders are found very soon it's likely that the batteries will die making it almost impossible to find them. the fdi raids another office of state senator leland yee. what we've learned about that and another figure in the federal corruption case. >> this intimidating for the kids. the kids are being picked on here. >> reporter: a twitter page dedicated to vicious gossip shared amongst high school students. the response
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back now to our storm watch. storm tracker 2 shows lingering pockets of rain in the south bay right now and on the right rain tonight in oakland. it has been heavy at times. a ktvu photographer took this shot earlier. a popular twitter page has been taken down after ktvu started asking questions of school districts and police departments across the east page. >> the - - a cross the east bay. >> the page was created by students and it might be considered bullying. >> reporter: most of what's on this twitter page is inappropriate. with references to sex and race. the page named ghetto gossip g. as far as we can tell it was fairly new and as of this morning had more than 2,000 followers. those followers appear to be students from high schools in
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benecia, vallejo and american canyon. >> there's a definite level of meanful here that's scary. it's intimidating to the kids. and there's kids that are being picked on here. it's not a back and forth. i don't see a lot of back and forth. >> reporter: it does use first and last names and references specific schools. >> we didn't know about this page until a concerned parent told us and none of the school districts or the police departments we contacted had heard about it either. but when we told benetia pd they started identifying kids who posted on that page and talked to both them and their parents. >> there were several students that our officers, our sro spoke with upon meeting with their parents their parents had no idea that their kid had a twitter account. >> reporter: officials from napa valley unified school district also told us today that after our cal they called a staff -- our call and they called a staff meeting telling us, sometimes we have to educate our students on making
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the right choices. we tried to tweet the owner of the account itself, but we did not get a response. and tonight the page was gone. we don't know if posts on the page can be considered cyber bullying, but they want students to know they're watching. this page should prompt parents to check on what's going on. the latest trial pitting apple against samsung got under way today with opening statements and conflicting arguments on the basis of the case. the trial is being held at the federal courthouse in san jose. apple attorneys say they have proof samsung copied its patents and wants $2 million in damages. samsung attorneys argue that
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apple is trying to -- samsung accuses apple of stealing its patent. ktvu's david steveson reports one defendant closely tied to yee calls the corruption case nothing but a trumped up smear campaign. >> reporter: nearly a week after raided leland yee offices, authorities raided another office who's charged with wire fraud and arms trafficking. >> we told the fbi we let them know we found this office. and we wanted to make sure they had all the information they needed. >> reporter: a office is used by leland yee's assistant. >> spent a couple of hours looking through the office, looking through the computer. >> he's considered a central
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character in the case. his charges range from drugs and armed trafficking to a murder for hire plot. >> there is no murder, there is no body, there is no corpse. it was in the mind of an fbi agent. >> reporter: defense attorney told the judge and recorders his clients is the victim of trolling by undercover agents. >> the evidence will show they went to keith jackson as honest business people and they kept up that pretense to get him in. >> reporter: the fbi and jackson's friends and family declined to talk to us. brenehan repeated the theme raised yesterday morning, that the fbi investigation was a waste of taxpayer resources. >> it succeeded to some extent in creating, i want to call it a sort of hysteria about what is this all about. >> reporter: leland yee's
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defense attorney declined comment. yee is expected back in court next tuesday reportedly to enter a not guilty plea. david stevenson, ktvu news. the death toll from that devastating mud slide rose again today to 28. so far 19 victims have been positively identified. they range in age from four months to 71 years. search crews continued their grim task of combing through the toxic debris that 75 feet deep in some places. some workers have come down disentaries. initially investigator found a leak in a gas main adjacent to one of the buildings. now they say they have discovered a number of smaller gas leaks below the pavement on the same gas main. whether that's a factor in that explosion has not been
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determined. president obama marked a milestone. in remarks in the rose garden he announced that 7.1 million americans have now enrolled for coverage. the president also acknowledged the problems with the website and say they'll likely happen again. he says that the health care system is working a lot better and he had this for his critics. >> many of the tall tales that have been told about this law have been debunked. there's still no death panels. armagedon has not arrived. >> reporter: republicans have said the law is a catastrophe for this country. and that many americans are losing their jobs because of it. lights, camera and police action. a reason why local officers are going hollywood to help the force. >> heavy rain and thunder popping up across the bay area. i'm using live storm tracker
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after surviving two nights alone, rescuers in placer county found robert rouse of modesto. runners noticed he was missing and sounded an alarm to start the church. he was only wearing long sleeve shirt, shorts and a windbreaker and was carrying what amounted to a half bottle of water and candy. >> he said he hunkered in a
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bush. his sleep cycle was just nodding off and he went like that throughout the night. >> reporter: he complained about cold hands but other than that he appeared to be in good shape. the ceo of general motors promised answers today for families who lost loved ones in accidents that those families say could have been prevented. ignition switch defects the victims say were ignored by the auto maker for more than a decade are being blamed for at least 13 deaths. gm now says the switch failure cut power to the air bags so they wouldn't go off during a crash. at today's hearing, documents show that the piece needed to fix the switch problem would have cost just 57-cents. >> it is not the way we do business today. it's not the way we want to design and engineer vehicles for our customers. >> reporter: gm has now recalled 2.6 million cars and says it's looking at ways to compensate the families. two positive economic reports sent wall street higher
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today. the dow gained 248 points the nasdaq was up 69. both manufacturing and construction are increasing following a difficult winter. hewlett packard of palo alto has agreed to pay $68 million to settle a lawsuit filed by shareholders. that suit claims that the president defrauded supporters. such as stopping the sales of touch pad after only seven weeks on the market. he was fired shortly after that. a pilot strike crippling air travel is about to impact flights in and out of the bay area. 3800 flights will be cancelled affects 425,000 passengers. a spokesperson for sfo says the airline has cancelled all flights there for at least the next two days.
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that's about 12 flights. all right, what would you do with $242 million. the latest power ball winner finally steps forward. what he plans to do with that huge check. >> meteorologist rosemary orozco is tracking more rain. where it's coming down the heaviest and
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175.
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our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year.
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real police officers working to fight crime. the vallejo police department is taking a page from the u.s. marines or u.s. army and marines in hopes of recruiting a few new officers. ktvu's allie rasmug got a look at a production of a commercial with the aim of turning around the department's imagine. >> reporter: they weren't responding to a crime. this is a film shoot for the vallejo police department's recruitment video. >> we want to be able to reach out to those that are willing to come to vallejo and make vallejo police department a destination. >> reporter: the video scheduled to be finished by the end of april and could hit the air waves, internet and even movie theseuat -- theaters by the end of the month. >> reporter: the vallejo police department is looking to hire 26 police officers. the department is expanding again and they have to replace the dozens of officers who have retired or left in the past year. >> reporter: we've faced some challenges this past year which is why we felt the need to have a recruiting team and have an
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aggressive recruiting campaign. >> reporter: since the city of vallejo declared bankruptcy in 2008 it's lost almost half of its police force. in december of last year the city council decided to cut police pay. but the department says that 70 to $90,000 is competitive with other departments. >> you're going to experience a whole gammot of police work. this is anything but a sleepy city. i think that appeals to a lot of candidates. >> reporter: we reached out to the vallejo police department but didn't hear back from them. the 30 second spot costs $60,000 to make and was paid with a state grant. allie rasmus. it's been a long time coming but today san bruno has a new cal station. it took three years and $157 million to elevate the train tracks over three dangerous street crossings. commuters will now wait on a
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raised platform while pedestrians and cars will cross underneath. the san bruno station is considered one of the state's most dangerous before the tracks were built. the man who won the $425 million power ball jackpot last night came forward today to claim his prize. b raymond buckston showed up to claim his winnings. he did not want to show his face so he is holding his check in front of him. he wants to travel and visit family and friends. he also wants to help children. >> he wants to start a foundation to deal with childhood hunger with education and with health. and that's going to be his long term goals and use that money toward to doing something really positive and making the
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world a better place. >> reporter: he opted for the lump pay out. it was the sixth largest power ball jackpot in history. back now to tonight's storm watch. and some video just into the channel 2 news. a downpour in china town. ktvu captured the picture. just some of the rain that we're following tonight. rosemary is back now with storm tracker 2. looks like the rain is not over yet. >> it just keeps coming. and it will for the next several hours before it finally winds down. let's get to storm tracker 2 and we'll see where some of these showers are moving through. as we head toward the peninsula, i'm picking up light rain perhaps moderate at times. moving through san francisco, we have some light rainfalling rainfall -- light rainfalling
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along. we've got rain continuing to fall. not picking up any lightning at the moment. you have to get into areas like farther south, monterey, salinas reporting lightning strikes at this time. but we are continuing to see these passing showers and the cold unstable air moving into the bay area. light to moderate rain along highway 101. and i have to take you into the hills, mount hamilton. this pink shade indicating a mix of snow and rain. let's head to the sierra where the snow showers continue at this hour. winding down just a little bit. but pollock pines sits around 838 feet, and that's where the snow has pretty much hovered the entire day. before this is all said and done -- i want to take away the radar and show you the center of circulation. you can see it moving closer to the bay area. it's going to take several
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hours before it finally pushes to the south. and we could even be left with just a lingering shower before we get going tomorrow morning. i'm going to time that out for you. here are some of the rainfall totals so far. these are preliminary because they are constantly changing but any where from a half inch to an inch. so here we are, into the 10:00 hour notice widespread scattered showers, embedded thunderstorms still a possibility. 3:00a.m. still dealing with scattered showers. 6:00, 7:00 a.m. now we're beginning to see it push south. we do have the possibility of a few showers in the morning but we'll be drying out for your wednesday. it's going to be a cold start upper 30s to low 40s over the north bay. widespread 30s across the bay. 47 in oakland. the extended forecast here getting into the afternoon. it's going to be a cool day. but we'll be left with sunshine for the afternoon. and dry conditions. increasing clouds on thursday, and shall we talk about the
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next storm just yet? on friday the possibility of wet weather coming our way but it won't last. >> i was looking into the weekend. >> i was going into the 70 number down there. >> thanks rosemary. the concord ski resort is overjoyed by all in any snow. here's a look at video shot at kirkwood' location south of lake tahoe. in the past three days, kirkwood reports getting almost two to 3 feet of new snow. it's also that deep light dry snow that they say has been great for skiing and snow boarding. >> looks like fluffy snow. >> all right, joe is in for mark tonight. >> with eight regular season games to play, golden state in dallas today on the 49th birthday of mark jackson. david bogut still out. which means they needed contributions from the bench. dallas up three with a minute
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to play. clay thompson hits three of his 27 points. they go to overtime. tied at 108. in ot now with the warriors lead by one. the shot clock is running out on the mavericks but jose calderon lets one fly to beat the buzzer. curry works for his shot and nails it with .1 of a second left. the warriors get this one 122- 120. they continue to hold the number six spot in the west. portland at two in front of both memphis and phoenix. the stafford women tonight trying to make it to the final four for the sixth time in seven years. jim harbaugh in the house at naples to see the the game.
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and it's now off to nashville for the final four and a match up on sunday with defending national champion connecticut. >> still to come on this tuesday night sports cast. the giants gets four runs in arizon
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last night the a's were unable to make their opener. they will play it tomorrow as part of a double header. and 4-0 game before the diamondbacks even come to the plate. but arizona chipped away at that lead, first off matt cain and then offer reliever gutierrez. that scores owens. it's a 4-4 game in the sixth. arizona took the lead later. the giants put runners at second and third with one out but miley worked out of the jam. first he got perez looking. and he got pagan to pop up
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after that. the giants lose 5-4. after letting a 3-1 lead get away trailed 4-3 in the four, pretty play by pavelski to thornton. sharks back even at four. then a few minutes later on a power play. patrick marleau gets the puck. fires it up and over edmington's shyman. woods had back surgery yesterday to address a pinched nerve. he says after rehabbing he may be able to play at some point this summer. >> won't be the same without tiger. >> whether or not he will catch
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jack nicholas. people thought it was automatic. >> thanks. >> sure. and thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news.
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warner bros. domestic television distribution] "tmz," on >> josh elliot hates abc. and nbc both offered him a contract. >> he decided to go with nbc. >> josh elliott was really pissed off at robin roberts who got $14 million. >> why is there so much drama? if someone offer me 3 million and i found out charlie was making 14 -- >> no, that's a lie.


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