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tv   First Business  KICU  April 7, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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new evidence the economy is hitting its stride. in today's cover story.... a startling sexual abuse case advances against united airlines. plus... how making simple changes at your desk...can improve your health. season is in full swing...which "underdog" team could make a pitch to investors. first business starts now! you're watching first business: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas. good morning! i'm angela miles. it's monday april, 7th. in today's first look: a hard landing for high flying stocks. tesla, facebook and amazon were among the stocks wiped out gains -- as the nasdaq has its worst day in two months. forbes reports facebook coo sheyrl
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sandberg may have lost her billionaire status because of the stock's fall to $56 dollars. friday's volatile session...ended with the dow and nasdaq taking a triple digit tumbles the s&p off by 24 earlier in the dow and s&p had been at record highs. gold added 19 dollar and oil 81 cents. traders in part were reacting to the jobs numbers for march. 192-thousand jobs were added to payrolls-- just shy of estimates. and the unemployment rate remained unchanged. what a great way to start the trading day with trader dan stecich of athena advisor services. good morning dan. what a tech wreck on friday. what was behind that move in the nasdaq? >>i'm not really concerned about why it came about. there's a lot of reasons why people are saying it happened. i think the most primary reason out there is these markets have gotten very lofty. there's some profit
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taking out there. simply putthere's nothing more than that. >>how much of it though was maybe reaction to the jobs number? >>that's an interesting one. on friday morning, you had the jobs number come out and the market rallied a little bit and then it started fading. throughout the day it came down. i think 2 things happened here1 is there were expectations. i think in the whisper numbers they talk about250-275 on that non-farm numberyou didn't get that. and the other thing is what i said before. i think it's just profit taking in the market. so the combination of those 2 things helped push the market down. >>do you see this as a buying opportunity today or would you wait? >>i'm going to wait a little bit. i want to see how this market goes over the next couple days. it may end up being just today where i look at it because it was a lot of fear that maybe some other things were happening. but i do find it interesting that there wasn't a massive panic sell in the markets on friday. so i'm pretty confident that this may be an opportunity to buy. >>thank you daniel. >>you're very welcome. investors have a massive
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appetite for ipo-s. grubhub opened to great fanfare friday. shares shot up nearly 35 percent also on debuting friday, medical services company ims health was soared 15 percent. opower --a cloud-based software company closed up 21 percent and five 9- also in the cloud business closed up more than 8 percent. more ipo madness happens this week. 15 companies debut including hotel chain la quinta holdings tuesday trading under symbol lq. and, auto lender ally financial wednesday under "ally". renaissance capital indicates 64 companies have gone public this year, double the amount of this time last year. the chicago cubs are tossing around the idea of selling shares...chuck coppola catches on to that story. good morning. angie, if you're dreaming of becoming part-owner of a major league baseball team, now's your chance. the chicago cubs are exploring limited partnerships to help the team finance a proposed half-billion dollar renovation of the cub's
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wrigley field and build a hotel next to it. sources say individuals of high net worth are being contacted first in the hopes of raising capital through as few investors as possible. "i'm not against the notion of expanding the ownership base." "i think it's a good thing for chicago, it's a good thing for baseball, if they get more people involved in the ownership." the rickett's family, whose patriach founded ameritrade, owns 95% of the cubs. cubs chairman tom ricketts says he figures something less than 25% of the team would be made available. forbes magazine ranks the cubs as fourth most valuable major league baseball franchise--worth 1.2 billion dollars. the rickett's family, whose patriach founded ameritrade, owns 95% of the cubs. cubs chairman tom ricketts says he figures something less than 25% of the team would be made available. forbes magazine ranks the cubs as fourth most valuable major league baseball franchise--worth 1.2 billion dollars. the pace to investigate high speed trading is picking up. i can confirm that we at the justice department are investigating this practice to determine whether it violates
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insider trading laws. attorney general eric holder made those comments friday to a house committee. the fbi, sec, cftc and new york attorney general are also probing high frequency trading. it follows allegations in the new book flash boys by michael lewis ---he contends the stock market is rigged by brokers and trading firms using computer systems designed for high frequency trading. regulators are questioning if the firms are obtaining information ahead of the public. a growing number of s&p 500 corporations are sharing the wealth with investors. companies will return almost a trillion dollars to shareholders through buybacks and dividends, this year, according to a goldman sachs report. that's up from $800 billion last year. companies that made goldman's list of high buyback and cash returns-- include yahoo, cisco, macy's, pfizer, and viacom. congress faces a time crunch over a vote on unemployment benefits. the senate is expected to vote today to restore jobless benefits for more than 2 million americans who lost the insurance at the end of the year. it would grant 5 months of benefits to the unemployed, and is retroactive to december. the legislation is expected to pass
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the senate, but could face hurdles in the house, which adjournes for recess friday. house speaker john boehner has said that the bill lacks a job creation provision. exxon mobil is taking a step towards greater transparancy over the coming months, the oil giant will release findings on the environmental impact of fracking. exxon is under pressure from new york city's pension fund -- a major shareholder which holds a billion dollar stake in the company. the new york city comptroller contends there are signficant risks associated with fracking. exxon mobil tells reuters it understands people have concerns because the process is so new. a ruling from a federal judge is expected this week on whether cars recalled by general motors are safe on the road. last week --gm ceo mary barra told lawmakers the cars are safe as along nothing is hanging from the ignition key. gm reportedly has turned over a 200,000 page stack of documents to answer questions-- including why it took 10 years to issue a recall. bloomberg news reports-- the task force set up by the obama administration to manage
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gm's bailout was not aware of the faulty igniation switches. boeing is in the lead over airbus to gain more new jet deals. boeing won 234 net orders in the first quarter, including 61 jets for air canada and a license to sell spare aircraft parts to iran. airbus had 103 net orders, hurt by cancellations from alitalia and philippines airlines. both airbus and boeing are increasing output due to growing demand for fuel-efficient jets. mcdonald's has closed restaurants in crimea while tensions remain in the region. three company-owned restaurants will temporarily close. the chain says it's because of "operational reasons beyond our control". reuters reports mcdonald's offered to relocate staff to ukraine. glaxosmithkline is cutting staff in china as it faces a bribery probe. workers were dismissed for failing to follow expense rules, according to a reuters report. chinese officials launched a probe into whether employees used expense money as bribes to encourage doctors, hospital administrators
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and government workers to comply with prescribing more drugs. glaxo says it increased its employee monitoring since the chinese government began its investigation. it's unclear how many jobs were cut. an alarming amount of pre paid cards are charging fees. bankrate dot com finds a surprising 83% of the cards have add on expenses. prepaid accounts charge extra for activation, customer service calls, and account statements. those fees vary considerably-- from 50 cents to $9.95. greg mcbride of believes--- the better route is traditional debit cards. "long term, if you're going to build wealth, save and invest for the future, you need to be part of the traditional financial system. " mcbride adds that the pre-paid products are popping up in more national and regional banks. the threshold to reach the top one percent is a little lower than just a few years ago. using the most recent i-r-s data from 20-11, cnn reports that if you
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earn at least $389-thousand dollars a year--you're in the top one percent. in 2007, before the financial meltdown, it took more---426-thousand. what hasn't changed----the sort of work that pay commands. top earners tend to be doctors, lawyers, financial and non- financial executives along with tech experts and engineers. a judge wants to throw out a lawsuit over lululemon's see thru yoga pants. investors accused the company of fraud by hiding defects in the pants. the judge says if lululemon knew of quality control issues, company managers would have fixed the problem, rather than taking a $2 billion dollar hit. an upcoming hearing will determine whether the decision is final. in our cover story, united airlines is facing a civil lawsuit over an after-school program it sponsored that resulted in allegations of sexual abuse by the person chosen to run it. a federal bankruptcy judge has ruled that united airlines 2002 bankruptcy does not protect it from a civil suit brought on
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behalf of seven people who allege that they were sexually abused as minors by the leader of a mentoring program sponsored by united in the 19- 90s. "as early as 1996 or 1997, there were complaints of how he was interacting with the children. they did nothing." the program called" united airlines believers" sought to help students at chicago's james weldon johnson elementary school stay out of trouble and provide guide college scholarships. but in documents entered as evidence, the plaintiffs say the person who led the program, identified as 38-year old marvin lovett sexually abused them. lovett was shot to death in 2000. police found 140- videotapes of lovett in sexual acts involving underage boys in the believers program. united shut down the program and according to plantiffs provided no scholarships. "my presumption is that given the community where this
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happened, united thought these kids would just go away and not have the wherewithall to do anything." court documents presented by united show lovett had no criminal record. the airline also released a statement that read: united donated to this program nearly 20-years ago, with the understanding that it sought to provide often- inacessible opportunities to chicago youth with great potential. we strongly disagree that those donations constitute condoning the reprehensible acts of one individual involved in the program." plantiff's attorney lyndsay markley says high-profile cases such as the penn state university-jerry sandusky scandal motivated her clients to come forward now--years after the abuse is alleged to have happened. celebrity chef paula deen who
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was sued for alleged racial slurs and sexual harrasment-- is closing a chapter of her career. paula deen and her brother closed uncle bubba's oyster house. deen was in charge of daily operations.. a former restuarant manager there claimed deen used slurs and harrasment. paula deen offered tearful apologies and defending herself on youtube to fans. the suit was settled last august. still to come: the desk workout you won't regret trying ! plus... the stock that was in the green when many others where in the red friday... and... as the snow and ice fade away, analysts have a better sense of the economy's road to recovery. the green shoots they see are up after the break! i'm going to pass chemistry, and i'll take it from there. i'm going to do what makes me happy. i'm going to work hard. be independent. live large. make the most of every opportunity. i knew i wanted to go to college.
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but figuring out how to pay for it? i didn't have a clue. the u.s. department of education has over $100 billion. and that's a lot of money. to help students pay for college. and the free application? you mean the fafsa. i did it online. it was easy. i'm never giving up on my goals. i will make a difference. i'm going to find out how to pay for college. i'm going to
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heavier hiring could happen soon by small to medium businesses. that's as companies shake off the winter blues according to pnc's senior economist. manufacturers continue to be pretty upbeat about hiring. but we are seeing some broader growth in hiring intentions. construction is looking better
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than other types of businesses are looking to hire as well, // stop here if you need// so it really is according a recent pnc survey. more than 30% of small to mid- sized companies plan to hire and the number of business owners felling "greatly optimistic" about the u.s. economy nearly doubled since fall. one drawback. company owners remain skeptical about borrowing money after getting burned by debt during the finanical crisis. however, pnc's gus foshay predicts as the economy improves more businesses will borrow and banks will step up lending. for more on job growth -- we turn to bill moller.. bill? angie, this long lingering winter of 2014 is on the wane. that's certainly true with the economy. the government reported 192- thousand jobs were created in march.the rate of unemploymnt held at 6.7%. brent schutte is senior investment strategist for bmo global asset management. things are getting better, not a strong rebound but not bad either. >>it's pretty good actually. one positive thing i want to point out before taking a look at the current numbersover 2008- 2010, we lost 8.79 million jobs.
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with friday's number and the revisions from last month we have now regained all private sector jobs that we lost during the recession. so that's a pretty big thing for the economy. looking at this number, the 192 was a little bit less than what consensus was but in general, it's better than what the dark days of the polar vortex werewhich now don't look as bad. january and february both revised higher and actually we're kind of where we were last year. 192 was the pace we were at. >>some people might interpret 6.7% unemployment as bad but it's not that bad when you consider that the labor force is growing. >>right. we've talked about this a lot on the show. labor force participation is key to an economy's growth. the u.s. is actually towards the lower end of what it has been historically. today, the labor force ticked up. that means more people are looking for employment which is actually a positive thing going forward. >>do you think that fiscal policyi know you have addressed this beforeis this favorable for economic growth? >>absolutely. if you look at
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different uncertainty indexes and you talk to ceo's one of the things actually holding them back from investing their corporationswhich they have to do before they hire people. they actually have to go out and build capital stock. they have been noting that fiscal uncertainty was a huge impediment. we have some minor budget deals at the end of the year. the effects of the american affordable care act are being more well known and now you're seeing people and ceo's be more willing to make capital investments which is key. >>you've looked at some other data. what stands out to you most importantly? >>i looked back to 1948. i looked at the average workweek for manufacturing employees in the private sector. they worked 42 hours this month which we have never seen historically. i've talked about the manufacturing renaissance on the show and i think that shows there is some real heft to that. so i would imagine that going forward you're going to see manufacturing hiring because you can't stretch that much further. >>brent schuttethanks so much. >>thank you. another plus for the economy. thank you bill. coming up in chart talk...the "pipeline" to a stock that's bursting onto options market. easy remedy for anyone who's ever complained about
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sitting behind a desk all day...get ready to groove -- after the break.
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call her a confidence coach.joining us on set this morning is stephanie mansour who started up step it up with steph. you are enterprising. you actually help people elevate their careers by giving them confidence. so what holds people back? >>exactly. a lot of times people are held back because they don't feel good about themselves. in the office this is very prevalent. so if you're sitting at the same job and you haven't gotten a raise in a couple of years, what's holding you back from asking your boss for a raise? you need to sit down and write a list of 10 reasons why you're great at your job and really boost yourself up
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and get more confident and then go in and ask for a raise. similarly when you're dealing with difficult co-workers, feeling more confident in your position and confident in how you feel is going to help you communicate more effectively with those co-workers. >>i think that's great advice and i think that people need to be their own person and not compete with the person next to them. develop yourself. >>develop yourself and prove your self worth and self esteem. that's going to show because when you're upset and sad or feeling bad about yourself, your posture is really shriveled up. but when you're happy and feeling proud, your shoulders are back and your posture is great and that is going to be more influential and get you more sales and a raise. >>you are also a personal trainer who has created the cubicle crunch. how well does this work? >>the cubicle crunch is great. if you're sitting at your desk all day you really want to stretch it out, improve your confidence, and improve your energy levels. do you want me to show you a few moves? >>i'd love it. >>we're gonna start with some shoulder rolls. i have this on my website set to a really fun song so you can listen along. then reverse the shoulder roll. >>this is stress busting. >>yeah, we're busting stress
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one shoulder roll at a time. >>you can feel the tension coming right out. >>go ahead and drop one ear over to that same shoulder, lift your chest and then switch sides. come back to the center and reach your arms up. reach over to one side and then the other side. relax the arms back down and then just do a simple twist. >>we have to run, but i burned a few calories. first business continues right after this.
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andrew keenepresident of keeneonthemarket.comjoins us now for a look at a stock that bucked the trend on friday and
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actually rallied. good morning. >>good morning angie. how are you? >>i'm doing very well. you're here to talk about boardwalk pipeline partners. what do you see in the charts? >>if you look at the chart it looks pretty awful. they missed their earnings on february 10th. their earnings came in at 8 cents when they were supposed to come in at 31. the stock got smoked. it went from $25 down to $12. it's down about 48% year to date. however we see institution continue to buy calls. unusual call activitythey started with the june 12 and a half calls. now they're buying june 15 calls and september 15 calls. so call activity has been very, very violent. i've seen this before in new star, tesoro, valero, also eca. so bwp is my next pick to click here. i'm doing it through the call option instead of stock. it's off about $2 from the low, so if i wanted to buy stock, i would put my stop under $12. right now it's trading about $14.10. as we said on friday, it was actually up when the futures were down 23 points. that's a good sign. i think this stock can get up above 15 and test the gap area.
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>>what is moving this stock? or is it just a trading vehicle? >>basically, they had poor earnings, the stock sold offi think it's oversold. when the market was up, it was going up last week. when the market sold off on friday it actually went up as well. so i had the screen up and i had every single stock was read except for bwp actually was up which is a very good sign for strength. with the call activity, i think this one can push north of $15. i think it could possibly get to $20 by september. >>thank you andrew. we appreciate that. >>thank you. millions of americans are losing hard earned money when cashing out of their 401k-s. tips on the correct way to cash out are coming up tomorrow. from all of us at first business...have a great monday!
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