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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  April 20, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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developing news tonight, you're looking at a live picture of maneta san jose airport after a teen claims that he breached airport security here and hid on a
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plate to hawaii. now this story sounds unbelievable but tonight the fbi confirmless. we -- confirms. we get more from noelle walker. >> reporter: it seems like something straight out of a movie. tonight the fbi office in honolululy is confirming that a 16-year-old boy that is from santa clara jumped the fence here at maneta san jose international to start this unbelievable breach. from san jose to maui surviving a five hour flight by riding in the wheel well. there are unconfirmed reports an individual traveled from san jose to maui in the wheel well
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of flight 45 which arrived at 10:35 a.m. hawaii time. personnel in maui noticed an individual on the ramp after the plight's arrival and immediately notified airport security. a spokesperson for maneta confirmed fbi and tsa are investigating the teenager's claim. san jose airport has surveillance video network cameras. and the airport spokesperson won't continue firm whether anything was captured on video. we talked to sources in aviation who say it is unlikely that anyone could survive and stowing away in this manner and survive 10,000 feet in sub zero temperatures with that oxygen. and authorities are saying that
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the teenager was unconscious throughout this flight and that he regained consciousness after landing. a special agent said the teen will not be charged with the crime. hawaiian airlines says its main concern is for the teenager. there have been others who have stowed away and lived to tell about it. we know of two people who have done this in the past. both times they had severe hypothermia because of their stow away. now to the heroic actions of a fast acting stranger. a 17-year-old got into trouble in the water near the san
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leandro marina. debora villalon is live. >> reporter: she was submerged more than a minute. she is in critical care. the fact that he survived breathing at all is thanks to an oakland father of three. jose tamayo was strolling with his daughter when he heard someone screaming for help. >> i heard, help, help. so i had to go get the girl first. >> reporter: then handed her to another person on the shore. >> i saw a little bit of black. the pants right there. when i get it i put her in the face. head out. and i take it out. >> reporter: life and death
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amidst the bar-be-que had the lake packed. neither the lagoon or bay are swim friendly although people sometimes walk out to the island in low tide then get caught when the water rises. >> i have seen people half a times a year off the island. >> i think it was a difference between that child's life and death. >> i don't believe no nothing, nothing. >> reporter: 44-year-old tamayo started cpr on the limp blue boy. after pumping his chest maybe 20 times. >> in like five minutes, the kid started breathing a little bit. i feel good when i saw the kid move a little bit. because before he could move nothing. >> definitely a hero. definitely took his shoes off and went into the water and saved this kid's life. definitely. >> reporter: firefighters say
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you saved this boy's life. >> they say that but i don't feel a hero, anybody else would have done that too. >> reporter: but nobody else did, you did it. >> yeah. >> reporter: he is glad that he took that cpr class at work. tonight he's pulling for the 7- year-old to make a full recovery. debora villalon, ktvu channel 2 news. san jose police are searching for suspects in a bar stabbing that injured four people. it happened at about 40:00 this -- 4:30 this morning at the spr restaurant. four men in their 20s were hospitalized. bar management did not want to talk on camera but employees confirmed it happened outside
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of their bar. the bar reopened today with no sign of trouble. a san francisco police officer is recovering tonight after being dragged by a get away vehicle he was pursuing. police tell us they were responding to a report of a suspicious person on castro street at around 12:30 this afternoon. they say when that man spotted police he jumped into a car and sped away dragging the officer. we're told the officer's injuries are not life threatening. in continuing coverage of the upcoming boston marathon. tomorrow's race is the first since the bombings that killed three people and injured more than 260. 36,000 runners are taking part. many of them to finish the race that they couldn't last year. today runners were given a special blessing at boston's old south church. >> they received scarves in boston colors of yellow and blue. niters from all over the world contributed their handy work. the church is less than a block
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from the finish line. meantime security is extremely tight. 1million people are expected to attend in person to cheer on the runners. our claudine wong is in boston and she talked with the parents of a bay area boy injured at the marathon about their desire to return this year. their story of determination coming up ahead at 10:30. on this easter sunday, pope francis spoke of the striking growth of hundreder and poverty and he also made a plea for peace in ukraine, syria and nigeria. >> st. peter's square overflowed with worshipers who enjoyed sunny skies. pope francis denounced wastefulless as so many people go without around the world. he pushed for peace around
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syria. where people have been killed. >> we ask you lord jesus to put an end on all war in every consulate, whether near or far, ancient or recent. egypt's minority of christians who make up 54% of population have come under attack following the overthrow of morsi last july. fireworks and flames in mexico city were the annual burning of epegies. neighborhoods compete to see just who can make the most impressive figure. they can take 2-1/2 months to build and can cost up to $5,000. a large crowd gathered for a sunrise easter celebration in san francisco atop the city's highest peak.
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a bag pipe began the nondenominational service in mount st. paul. wise and cohen participated in the service. today marked the 97th anniversary of that event. and the easter celebrations continued in san francisco at glide memorial church. reverend cecil asked everyone to get close who wanted to take part of that service. the church opened its kitchen and served hot meals to those in need. at least eight people were arrested at today's pot smoking celebration in san francisco. and are facing felony charges
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tonight. police are not releasing details of the nature of those arrests. katie uthes were hoping to avoid the mess of last year. >> reporter: a celebration of 4/20 drew thousands. >> i've been here for several years. and i think it's a great use of the park if people will just clean up. >> if you're bringing it in, plan on bringing it back out again. >> reporter: the mess prompted city leaders to step up enforcement this year as announced last week by london
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breed. >> we will have understand cover officers out. we will not tolerate underaged drinking. >> can i hit this on camera? i don't know the rules. >> will be siting folks for unpermitted booze. >> said it was business as usual without a permit. >> it's lightning a start and maybe one day it's going to be like we started it. >> reporter: while there was no shortage of drinking and drug dealing in the park, as long as the trash hits the cans the celebration of smoke will burn on. >> we can have a good time without trashing the place. >> when the clock struck 4/20, police told us they had no serious incidents of violence. in san francisco, katie uthes. ktvu news. surfing's up and so is the warning. the concerns for those hitting the beach. that was a young man asking miss america to the prom.
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but school officials they weren't cheering. the consequences of his prom request. and pg & e heading ♪ hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this.
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[ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. take a look here as a man pulls a little girl from the water's edge after she getting a little close.
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the waves pose a risk despite the pleasant summer like feel today. a high surf advisory e mains in effect through tomorrow morning from monterey to sonoma counties. officials warn the waves could reach 15 feet in some areas. cristina rendon was at ocean beach. >> reporter: ocean beach drew out the crowds sunday afternoon. >> we just thought it would be a beautiful day to spend easter and enjoy the water. >> reporter: condon and her husband made the trip to soak up the sun with her two boys. >> we were actually way in the water and the life guard came out and told us to be careful. >> reporter: beach patrol are spreading the word of high surf water. that means there's an increased risk for reef current. >> i just wanted to put my feet in and say i was in the ocean
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today. >> reporter: alexander pickavi says that even the beaches can be dangerous. it only takes 15-inches of water to overtake someone. that means the water only needs to go over your ankles. >> it will rapidly take them in and that's when they get caught into the deep water. >> reporter: the -- last week, a teen was taken in and was never found. >> i wasn't planning ongoing too deep into the ocean. now that i know i'll be keeping my eyes open. >> we're still going out there and having fun but just trying to be more conciencious of
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the water. this was the case last night. you can see the swell developing to our north and west. as we put an estimate right around 21 feet up here. all this energy has been approaching the bay area coastline and right now from the current buoy heights you can see 10 to 15 feet just offshore. that high surf advisory in place right now. as we take a look at the advisory waves still in the order of 10 to 15 feet. that advisory in place through tomorrow morning through 5:00. swells out of the west to northwest. whenever you have a pattern like this, rip currents and also the waves will be on the
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increase. coming up at 10:35 we're talking about the warm up for today. a big temperature change for tomorrow. i will also let you know when the showers make a come back in the five day forecast. that's all coming up at 10:35. >> thank you, mark. you can get the very latest on the surf and other conditions with our ktvu news weather app. it's available on our smart phones and tablets. drowsy driving appears to be the cause of a fiery crash. a big rig crashed and then overturned and caught fire on highway 101 just north of todd road in santa rosa at around 8:20 this morning. chp officers said they were amazed of the driver of that mangled semi truck managed to walk away. >> he was able to get himself out of the cab and walk into the ambulance by his own power. how is that explained? there's no explanation after seeing the damage to the vehicle and the damage to the
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site. it's a miracle. >> reporter: investigators say the driver of that big rig may have fallen asleep and drifted off the road hitting that large freeway sign. no other vehicles were involved. concerns about mold on treasure island are apparently growing. the san francisco chronicle reports that more people who live and work on the former navy base are complaining about mold and worried about their health. the complaints follow discovery of mold in an aging fire station there just last mold. soil is contaminated with other toxins. officials don't believe it's a widespread problem. miss america is asking a district in pennsylvania to reconsider a punishment on a young man who asked her to prom. >> there you go that was the
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question capturedded on cell phone video. it got him in trouble, three days suspension. he was asked -t not to ask miss america to. an inflight scare the sudden trouble that forced the malaysian airline flight to make an emergency landing after departing. a fast food meal with a surprising bill. >> she bought four hard shell tacos and two regular tacos. and it cost us $10,220. >> $10,000. the mistake that left one customer without a penny to his name. >> and remember you can get ktvu news to go right on
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year.
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turned to safe and pray together as they sought solice on this easter sunday. the death toll rose to 26 today where they discovered more than a dozen bodies. about 260 people remain missing most of them students. a transcription from the vessels communication system released today reveal a chaotic situation as that ship was going down. some tense moments for those on board the malaysian airline flight today as it had to make an emergency landing. that plane had just taken off
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headed for india when the right landing gear malfunctioned. relatives in india said they were revealed to learn that all people on board were safe. last month malaysian airline flight 370 disappeared. the search for that plane continues in the indian ocean. today marks 15 years since the massacre at columbine high school in colorado. two students opened fire and taking the lives of students and teachers before taking their own lives. the massacre led to an intense debate about access to guns and assault weapons. family and friends of columbine victims came together at the memorial site built to honor the slain teacher and
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students. they were honored by those who lost loved ones in the aurora movie theater. they say it helps to embrace victims of other tragedies. hurricane carter died this morning. the famous middle weight boxer gained international attention in 1966 after he was wrongfully convicted for a triple murder in new jersey. he spent almost 20 years in prison before being let go in 1985 after years of appeals. carter died in his sleep early this morning in toronto. he was 76 years old. all right, it is a small meal but it came with a super price tag. customers at a del taco in ventura county they were charged thousands of dollars all for a few tacos. it happened to about 1,000 1,000 people at the restaurant.
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one man says that his wife's meal that was supposed to cost about $10 cost them a lot of money. >> it put a damper on my life because that was a lot of money. >> it was a lot of money. the cause of the technical error is currently unknown. an emotional return to the finish line. >> i thought i was back there, i felt all the emotion. >> what the bay area's mother said to him a year after the boston marathon bombing that almost cost him his life. and the simple mistake a young driver allegedly made that had deadly consequences. the bay area is in the clear right now. but i amtraking
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[ yodeling plays ]
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running now to our developing news involving a stow away. officials confirm a 16-year-old survived after it got into the baggage area we want to go to noell walker with more on that teenage stow away. >> reporter: the story just seems crazy. but the fbi confirms that this 16-year-old they say is from santa clara jumped the fence here to get on that maneta flight from san jose to maui this morning. it landed around 10:30 maui
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time. we just received this photo of the teen on the tarmac. the teen was unconscious for most of that time which was at about 38,000 feet. some savuation experts said at that altitude the air temperature would be about 40 below zero. the teenager was allegedly unconscious through this flight then regained consciousness when he landed in maui and then according to hawaii airlines some personnel who were on the tarmac spotted him and that's when this all went into motion. we talked to some passengers, asked one of them what he felt about security that someone was able to jump the fence and get on a flight in that manner. >> it's a little scary because you want the best security here possible. especially with what's being
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going on. but it's something that probably won't happen again. but it's definitely a concern. it has to be on people's minds right. so i would be a little concerned about it. >> reporter: now the airport spokesperson here at maneta san jose told us the airport obviously has a network of security cameras but she couldn't confirm what if anything was seen on security cameras here. we also know from the fbi in hawaii that this teen was put into child protective services, but we did put a call in to child protective services on maui. the spokesperson we spoke to there said this was the first they were hearing about this case so we hope to get more information from them as well. this is still a developing story. certainly a bizarre story and one that raises some questions about airport security certainly here at maneta san jose international. noelle walker. ktvu news. returning to our continuing coverage now of the boston
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marathon bombing. tonight a bay area family is preparing for what will be a very emotional return to the boston marathon which is tomorrow. katherine and her family are traveling hundreds of miles to the finish line a year after the boston bombings injured their son. >> reporter: it is boston home and for the hearn family coming back was like coming home. >> reporter: was it hard to come back. >> no, i don't think so. >> it was logistically hard for all of us getting down here. but from the standpoint of needing to, there was no question that we needed to. >> reporter: they needed to come back. to face the site. >> i didn't feel emotion. but my mom said now i'm stronger. >> reporter: aaron was
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seriously hurt in that bombing but he is boston strong. this trip was about recognizing all those people who helped define those words. >> there were so many actions that took place that day. people who helped complete strangers because they're good people. >> i could hear aaron screaming, my leg, my leg. i didn't know who it was at first. >> reporter: it turns out the heros needed help too. >> not too bad. >> reporter: boston native larry hiringer got to aaron's side and got him to an ambulance but never saw him again until this weekend. >> i waited an entire year to see aaron. every day, i worked. every day every day i woke up i waited to see aaron. the only way i could get closure within myself so my soul could rest. >> reporter: and on this day his foul finally got that rest. as he spent the day with aaron and his family watching the sox win one at fenway. >> reporter: a trip to fenway
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was just part of a whirlwind trip for the family. but aaron's family says it's about crossing the finish line. both his parents will run. both katherine and aaron will watch from the sideline, just like a year ago. >> reporter: is there any fear? >> there's concern. i don't want to say fear. it's hard not to think about last year. >> reporter: but this year it's different. their family is bigger thanks to caroline. but they're confident and know that that finish line will be what it was supposed to be, a place to celebrate. >> be sure to stay right here with for the very latest on the boston marathon. in the central valley,
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authoritied a teenager involved in an accident. the driver who crashed crashes after taking her eyes off the road to look for her cell phone. a local pastor in that area says it is indeed a difficult time. >> we have quite a few of our teenagers that are connected to these kids. and a couple in particular are very a really hard time. >> mia aguiar is being held on a charge of vehicle manslaughter. pg & e is going to be in court tomorrow facing charges
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for the san bruno explosion. pg & e is expected to plead not guilty to those charges. a portion of yosemite national park that has been closed since it was torched by last year's rim fire is set to reopen. authorities say many seasonal roads, campgrounds and day use areas will again open to the public on friday. those areas have been closed since the rim fire which was sparked on august 17th. that fire went on to become the third largest wildfire in california history. all right what did you think of today's warm weather? you can say bye
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we're wrapping up a beautiful easter sunday. lots of sunshine out there. temperatures really soring. lots of 70s and 80s. today clearly the warmest day of the weekend. look at all the 80s for the afternoon high. out toward santa rosa, livermore. san jose topped out 80 and san francisco 75 degrees. we still have mostly clear skies out there except we do have a weather system right now approaching the north coast of california and all this cloud cover will be moving into the bay area as we head into your monday. as far as current temperatures updated for the overnight hours, san francisco has cooled off to 63 and san jose reporting 61 degrees. a few high clouds out there as well but a beautiful sunset during the 7:00 hour so looking pretty good. for tonight, we do have this, mostly clear skies in the short
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term. we do have our live camera coming up in oakland showing you a nice evening out there for your sunday evening. tomorrow more cloud cover and a chance of a few scattered rain showers by the evening hours. the extended sun cloud mix and we could be tracking a stronger system. that will be on friday. overnight lows first thing tomorrow morning. coolest spots will be in the 40s but lots of upper 40s to right around 50 degrees. partly cloudy skies. patchy cloud near the coast and patchy fog near the bay as well. the big boost in temperatures cooling begins tomorrow. temperatures come down easily from today's very warm readings. as this system moves from the north and the cooling continues into tuesday. definitely clouds here. there's a possibility we could have a few scattered rain showers by late monday night into tuesday morning. we're going to track that for you right now. at 2:00 you will see by tomorrow night into early tuesday morning we have a few scattered showers pop up here in the bay area.
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also notice out toward the sierra as well. they could pick up snow especially up above 6,500 to 6,700 feet. we're tracking a stronger system that could move into the region that will be on friday in the long range forecast. forecast highs for tomorrow, santa rosa 70 degrees. we're taking off the 80s with the forecast maps for tomorrow. warmest locations mid-70s. oakland in the upper 60s at 67. san jose will go with 73 degrees with partly to mostly cloudy skies for the north bay. and in san francisco, no more 70s. we're thinking 64. and palo alto tops out 70 degrees. here's a look ahead. the cooling trend kicks in for tomorrow. really bottoms out on tuesday. gusty winds by tuesday as well. wednesday a partly cloudy sky and thursday we'll thicken up the cloud cover and those clouds could produce rain drops maybe some moderate rainfall for the friday morning commute
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with your weekend always in view. more cloud cover on saturday. a slight chance of a shower on sunday. heather some variable weather in the bay area. today was beautiful and sunny then we might be shivering on tuesday. >> given the drought, i think we're all happy to have rain in the area. the giants try to wake up their offense against the padres. all eyes in san jose as the ready?
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happy birthday! it's a painting easel! the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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um...hi georgia. i just wanted to apologize again for what happenedoww, that's hot.picnic. that is hot! wow daddy like. owww, that is smoking hot! ahhh, hmmm, awww! hi georgia. hey georgia. man this is hot! try jack's hottest sandwich yet. his new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. owww, that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich. good evening everyone welcome to this late sunday night edition of sports wrap. scoring flurries have become
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the norm for the sharks in their cup play offs. tonight the sharks scored seven in a row. sj shark at least for the evening replace by a more appropriate animal. sharks fell in a quick 2-0 hole. drew doughty approach. and the kings have the lead. the sharks went on a scoring spree. they already had one goal. got even when dejardi scored. tori hit net. justin braun the blue line, braun fires past jonathan quick who's seeing history repeating itself. the sharks scored at will. it's 4-2 san jose. then after the can he thinks get sloppy with the puck. back come the sharks again.
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joe pavelski scores again. reeling out seven straight goals in all. 7-2 the final. and the days of the -- sneaking into the finals is over. the oakland coliseum a good place to be. a good place for jesse chavez today who got first-inning run support from josh donaldson. donaldson puts one over the 364 sign. 2-0a's. chavez has been the most effective starter. jason castro then george springer. chavez allowed just four hits and one run in 6 innings of work. a's took the lead into the seventh. donaldson helped provide some
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insurance. his drive goes high up the wall to score, scoring coco crisp. a 3-4 day for him with three rbis. the a's get one more in the inning for a 4-1 win and three game sweep. chavez has a team leading 1.38 earned average in four starts. after three straight days of scoring only one run they did a little better than that and it translated into a win. the giants were trying to prevent the padres from sweeping a three game series. lincecum got two runs of support before he even hit the mound. hunter pence out in front of him. 2-0 san francisco. lincecum would have a 4-0 lead before the second inning was over. this time it's angel pagan with a base hit that scored two. 4-0 giants. stayed that way into the third. the ball rattles around in the
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right field corner. will venebel comes home. here comes xavier neves as well. and he's ruled safe by plate umpire rumiro. it's clear that posey applied the breaks before he arrived at the plate. he totals just three on the day but makes his work for four runs in a 4-3 win. lincecum gets his first win of the year. if giants stay one game back of the dodgers. now it's on to colorado for the first of three tomorrow night. everybody is happy at this point in pittsburgh where the pirates are trying not to be swept by milwaukee. the tranquility broken in the third. gomez with the hit to center. slide in with a triple. garrett coal took issue with the way gomez flipped his bat at the plate and lets him know about it and that sets things up.
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schneider is not even in the line up. schneider got thrown out of the game along with gomez and milwaukee bench coach neren. and chris davis figures time to end this. brewers make the run stand up in the bottom of the inning and win 5-4 they completed a three game sweep. still to come on this late sunday night edition of sports wrap. a dramatic run. and we
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really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues& great terms& let's close. our best ever value plans for business just got even better. now with free broadband for a whole year.
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no one really anticipated game one to play out the way it did. whatever the formula warriors have a chance to take a commanding lead in this series
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when they play tomorrow morning at staple center. portland and houston in game one of their series tonight. just under eight seconds to go and houston leads by one. the blazers inbound wesley matthews missing. aldridge misses. robin lopez there to clean up. the blazers take game one 122- 120. in other first round becames washington was up in gail two. the spurs ran up 15 straight points late to avoid the loss. matt kutcher continues to fill up his golf resume. doesn't have a major win but he's piling them up in lesser
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tournaments. kutcher got his lathest in hilton head north carolina. down four straight. kutcher ultimately got what he was after. the birdie attempt from the bunker. that goes. kutcher has a fourth approach advantage. by the time he came to 18 he needed to make a very unlikely shot to force a play off. donald gets close but kutcher gets a win by approach. and finally tonight, athletic experiences are often used as metaphors for life. one experience that happened nine years ago has turned out to be more than a metaphor. it was the inspiration for an organization that's changing lives. >> reporter: contrasts couldn't be greater. two contra costa high schools richmond and monte vista.
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both field soccer teams. both are very different. at mone vista where every student is expected to enroll in a four year college soccer is something most kids have played in organized team activities since they were children. >> i was just living in my bubble in 2008. >> reporter: those two cultured clashed. richmond was seated number one. the host team and favorite to win the championship. monte vista was seeded ninth. >> the field was very wet. it was messed up. there was lots of rain. one of our defenders made a bad pass and got stuck in the puddle. one of the forwards came and just scored. >> we had a very difficult time. the goal they scored on us was because of the field. it was just our luck. >> reporter: mono
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>> reporter: -- monte vista had a -- that's when a funny thing happened. >> we got huddled together on the field. >> what came through my head is they're going to get scared in there. >> they made a huge tunnel and applauded us. >> we were really proud when they started clapping for monte vista. >> it was just the ultimate show of sportsmanship. >> reporter: the gesture did not go unaccounted for. >> he said our kids don't need money. they don't need soccer equipment but they need hope and they need something to do after they get out of high school. >> reporter: what blake did was found an organization called
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college is real. angelica arriaga is the director and its goal is to show what the name says. show students college can be a reality. >> a lot of these students are ago tkhully going to be the first -- are actually going to be the first in their family to go to college. >> we're helping primarily latino low income kids who have an ambition to go to college and improve the life of their family. they are the epitome of the american dream. >> reporter: it's been nine years since the display of sportsmanship opened the eyes that would open doors for students who want to make a college education part of their lives. college is real holds its fundraiser next week in alamo. >> that will do it for this late sunday night edition of sports wrap. have a great evening. >> i hope that fundraiser is a
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great success. >> i got to know those guys a little bit and they're great guys. >> be sure to join us at 4:30 a.m. for th come on, ray.
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12:00 am
where are you going? i told you yesterday i was going to pick out paint colors for the bedroom today. i told you i wanted to go golfing. yeah, and i said, "too bad." i thought that meant for you. ray, i'm going to the hardware store. you only have to watch the boys 'cause ally's at molly's. i'll spend the whole day with them tomorrow, i promise. i'll even-- i'll skip church, okay? i'll give my kids the time i normally reserve for the lord. do you want to be any part of their childhood memories? "childhood memories." come on.


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