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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  April 28, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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great videos from the web are coming your way right this minute. the buddy good times don't last for long. it is striking fear in the hearts of social media usiers. how a game of flirting takes on a sinister twist. >> dad is hiding something in his jacket. >> the amazing story behind
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mom's new dog. >> plus how to win a new ipad mini. it looks like he was on a new roller coaster. >> guys have three first videos a couple of guys in the utv having a good time through the trail. it is all going great. it was not going great. if they get a little too side ways here. oh boy. oh. it starts to roll over. did the guy have to hold on to the bars there. this guy, maybe not so fine.
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and then the traffic begins to slow down. here we go. bad news traffic. but he's making some good time. right. so, you are kidding. i felt that one. people go flying and land into on coming traffic. the truck driver opens the door. >> i feel like it was intensional like he didn't like that this guy was splitting lanes. i hope you are wrong about that. similar situations, busy road. things show down and he finds an opportunity to split lanes. but watch what happens here? >> she goes running out into traffic. you thought coming too. you see her step off the curb right there.
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she's not happy. she's totally fine. she walked off. >> unemployed, can't find a job been drinking all day. notice where he is. he has climbed a high voltage tower and he is going to need to be rescues and this has caused quite a problem for traffic and firefighters and police. they have to rescue this man. he is in a major city kren ter. there was a power fail iion. he was fined after this was said
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and done. he looks like he is in descent enough shape. they say the man was suicidal. you feel bad, but totally dumb. in conveniencing a ton of people. what you see stuck in there is a pig. the pig has fallen down a well. the pig did not assist in a rescue. he was kind of happy. he looks like he is smiling as he is being rescued from the well. i think he liked the attention
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and shakes it off like a wet dog. everybody i'm fine where is the food. going to speak the truth right now. if ma mx a is happy, everybody is happy. you see a lot of sneaking along going on. do you think they are going to prank mom? >> look as they go creeping through the house. dad has something special tucked in his jacket. it is a toy p poodle. that poodle does not live in that home. >> how is it going. >> good. >> oh my gosh, oh my gosh hello. >> that is mom and she breaks
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into tears. quite an emotional reaction. about this time last year they lost their toy poodle they had had for 15 years. that is such a devastating loss and dad said we are not going to get another puppy for a while. after a couple of months, convincing to buy the dog for mom. they had no ea whether they wereead pick up the puppy. and now rosey has a home and mama is happy. >> everybody it is a new week and we are kicking it off giving away an ipad mini. you have to be 18 years old and a us resident to enter. talk about two scary situations
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for different reason ares. this first one we are on the streets of brazil. he is talking to this wife inside two people walk past him and pay attention to the third person and pulls a hand fun and puts it to the back of this head. a second suspect that then walks over to the driver's side and gets in while the wife gets out of the car and they are let go and start backing up but watch how quickly there is a interpof events. as soon as he hides hind this wall here that officer was armed look another flash and another
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flash he shoots the suspect. he fatally wupd lly wounded bote would be car thieves. video in another town. see this woman. she is looking down the hall and she fraeks out. look at what they are running away from. oh my gosh. was that a bull. it is a knock. >> apparently this region in a brazil where wrongs are known to move freely. and this one found himself in a hospital. you need doors that you need to pull to get in. >> this bill boy lost his hat. he is convinced that he left
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that hat at his apartment gentleman what does it looks like. >> it is green. how he realizes what is under his nose is on his head. >> see how this cups alive. >> and it has a retractible mouth.
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at some point or another we have all lost something. keys or glasses or the hat on your head. what are you looking for? >> himy hat. >> what color was it? >> green. >> this boy at the park is telling the guy behind the camera i lost my hat it is the green one with the horns. >> it is so lost you can see it. >> where did you leave it last?
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>> at home. >> he thinks he left that hat at home and he is at the park and needs the hat. >> i love the dad he is mess wg him. >> you stay here. >> okay. >> i'm going to go back and get the had. >> wait, hold on. >> wait jamie. >> then check your head. >>. >> he's so cute. he is concerned about his hat. >> and look at the smile on his face. >> it is fun dwri to any to all because we have all done it. it has happened to me before. oh my gosh.
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>> do you guys know what the risk is for a system to strap this thing on your head? >> it transports you to a new place. this guy here looks like his buddy has a haircut straight out of the 80s. if you look at the skrecreescre is interesting is he is standing up. most of the time, keep your eye on 80s hair caught guy.
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>> that guy freaks. when he gets to the top. he gives him a tiny push. he loses his mind and it takes like five people to get him under control. he has a good laugh himself. we have a golf swing gone wrong. real or fake next. plus we've got another ipad mini to give away. monday buzz word is your chance to win. i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay
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and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now. oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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totogood thing she used news b . act braces care mouthwash. it's designed to help clean around braces, frfreseshehen , anand d prp whwhitite e. act braces care.e. smsmilile e ststror.
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monday madness means videos with matt. i wanted to give you a matt minute. the real or fake family. all right. i do is that a black bear? his name is duke. >> starting with video number one. i think it is real because i would have done that same thing.
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real. i'm surprised you all think this is real. this is steve he sent it into us. he is a fan. he loves real or fake. he is going to love that you thought this was real. he just hustled youfi fguys. that was an amazing fake. he went so big that it turned out real good. >> i think he failed so bad at this. it could be a new category or fake but it doesn't go as planned. you got fooled. >> and our next video.
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[ laughter ] >> really cool crew member. of course. five real goodies. duke threw my mike cord here. this is real and comes from a hun fair ygarian news station. i think it is real. got to go. got to take care of this. >> this is a blood worm and look at how it has a detractable mouth. you have to cut them up and use
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bits of them and they are muddy. i love how he slowed the video down for us. worms shouldn't have team. you canp see the blood through their skin. if you can see the blood through their skin i'm not interested in touching it. >> gross. all right everybody it is time for us to give away a new ipad minny. click on the ipad mini button. the buzz word for monday is theater. enter today buzz word theater. >> if you don't win today we are
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giving away another ipad mini tomorrow. >> good luck. >> dudes chatting up two ladies but they things take a dark turn. this guy springs ep to s female narrator: for over 60,000 california foster children
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female narrator: for over 60,000 california a pair of shoes is a small but important gift.
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my shoes have a hole in them. i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child.
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vid video. i couldn't walk this. >> in the social media world that we live in, this is terrifying. this tlfilm plowin iblowing up is called murder on snap chat. it is this day's birthday. talking to stephanie and flirting with her and gets a text message from kristen, his
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dpoif. he is saying thanks and he is kind of avoiding kristen but trying to get stephanie to come out. vent wally h kristen starts to send snap chats. and then it deletes. he is telling her i can't come over not tonight i'm tired. stephanie says she is on her way over. his girlfriend start s sending snap chats and he keeps saying he's tired until he gets this. she is dancing around to beck's loser. and there you can see there is a man in black in her place.
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this guy asks her what is going on. and then he started getting snap chats like this. you have ten minutes or she dies. you can see her in rough shape. this guy tries calling and gets her voice mail. gets another snap chat that looks like this. nine minutes comes alone. gets this with a knife up to her throat and fetes a cab and gets there and walked up to her door. >> no. >> there is one more snap chap they are about to send. >> they got hem. that was the murder on snap chat. >> that is it for rtm.
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we'll see you next time everybody. . now at seven, storms roll through the south leaving a path of destruction. we're learning about more deaths from the latest round of tornados. search crews discovered the plane in the collision. the dangerous maneuver some may believe may have turned deadly. the challenges one north bay leader says he is facing after being cleared in a high profile legal trouble. ktvu news at seven is next. . the southern united states getting hit


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