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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  April 30, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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a mangled mess is all that's left of a plane that crashed into the bay. tonight, investigators begin the work of going through the wreckage to figure out what went wrong. good evening, i'm julie haener. >> i'm frank somerville. that cessna was pulled out of the bay this afternoon. inside was the body of the pilot. ken pritchett was there as ntsb investigators got their first look at what was left of the
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plane. >> reporter: frank, the plane was brought by boat to this location. this is where the pilot's body was removed and the debris was taken for preliminary investigation. we could have an answer as to what happened very soon. >> reporter: a crane on the barge latched onto the debris. the salvage operation watched from a mile and a half away. he knows this water, and says visibility is low. >> they're right on the edge of the channel. 13feet of water. at times it gets to be a fairly high current. >> the plane was brought to the surface. it was crumbled. the result of what one witness said was a high speed crash into the bay.
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the mid-air collision happened between a vintage hawker sea ferry and the cessna 210. the sea ferry pilot was able to fly on and land safely. the wreckage of the cessna 210 was brought to the marina. as for the wings. >> it's hard to tell. parts are there. but with it all folded down, we couldn't tell. we'll try to fold it out and get it back in its relative position and see what we have. >> reporter: he says the pilot was planning to photograph the passing sea ferry. >> we're documenting this airplane. we're documenting the sea ferry. we're talking to the pilot. >> reporter: the wreckage will
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be taken to a secure hanger north of sacramento. we should have a complete report sometime early next week. as for the pilot's name, that's not yet been release the by the coroner's office. in richmond, ken pritchett, ktvu, channel 2 news. happening now, airports up and down the west coast are working to get back on schedule tonight after an air traffic control outage in southern california. this afternoon's ground stopped delayed hundreds of flights. l.a.x. is hoping to be back on schedule by midnight. heather holmes and her photographer were trying to fly home from los angeles when the accident happened. they join us from the oakland airport with the firsthand account of the trouble it caused. >> reporter: you know it's not going to be good news when the announcement comes on, and the first words are we apologize. what followed was word all departing flights are grounded.
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as you can imagine, that created travel troubles up and down the state. needed to sit through the delays at los angeles airport. passengers jammed at the gates like cars during rush hour. >> i have a family emergency and i'm feeling kind of stuck right now. >> reporter: stuck with us at the southwest terminal after a computer glitch at an air traffic control center in palmdale. >> i know there's nothing that we can do. but i'm also stuck with having to call mom and say, i'm delayed. >> reporter: because of the technical issues, the faa halted all departing flights from l.a.x. and all other airports in southern california. >> we were supposed to be on an 11:30 flight that got delayed and canceled. >> reporter: he now had a seat on our 135 flight to oakland. that's our plane there. it would be another three hours
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before we could board. >> is this like 1995? are you kidding me? >> reporter: the problems rippled across the country. we finally took off at 5:00 this evening. when we landed in oakland, things were finally starting to improve. >> our flight's been delayed four hours. so we're finally boarding now. >> it became clear the delays had taken their toll as another passenger's anger boiled over. >> i'm trying to take care of this before i get on. >> reporter: frank and julie, one man who didn't lose his cool was lieutenant governor gavin newsom. he was stuck there at the terminal with us, as he was returning to the bay area. i did talk with one man who was trying to get to a convention in utah. he told me this is why we need high speed rail. heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. police are looking for more
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possible victims tonight after two unusual kidnappings in the south bay. ktvu's robert honda spoke with one of the victims about the suspect, and how he initially appeared to be harmless. >> reporter: police say pictures of kenneth middlebrook show an innocent look he used to his advantage. he convinced a woman to drive him in his car to see his father in mountain view. the woman described him as harmless looking. >> your average joe. your average white guy. daisy dukes, white t-shirt, dirty blonde hair. >> reporter: middlebook and his father got into an argument, and the mood changed. >> she felt like she was not free to leave. >> reporter: the woman deliberately crashed into another car. her mother says that happened only an an earlier attempt by middlebrook to put her daughter in the trunk. >> she refused, refused,
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refused, and thank god she is alive. >> reporter: police say middlebrook ditched this car, and abducted a woman. the woman escaped when middlebrook stepped out the car. he was caught by police and is now in jail. both alleged victims are safe. >> i'm just happy my sister is back. i remember when she came home, i gave her the biggest hug ever. >> along with kidnapping, he also faces charges of shooting, battery, and resisting arrest. a big legal fight may be looming over the los angeles clippers and the forced sale of the team. owner donald sterling said the team is not for sale. yesterday, they called for him to sell the team, because of
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racist remarks he made. if sterling refuses, he could start a legal battle that could last years. owners of the 29 other teams are expected to meet on the sale. estimates of the clipper's worth are as much as $800 million. a lot of potential buyers are lining up. oprah winfrey is one in talks. nba hall of famer magic johnson is another possibility. and boxing champion floyd mayweather jr. says he is also interested. new at 10:00, police making preparations tonight from marches and protests tomorrow as people prepare to celebrate what's known as mayday. you may recall these images from past years when protesters filled the streets and clashed with police in oakland. amber lee is in oakland tonight, with what event organizers and city officials are saying about their plans for tomorrow. >> reporter: we're outside
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police headquarters. police tell me they do not expect vandalism or violence tomorrow, but they are prepared. city leaders put out this message to businesses, letting them know where the scheduled rally will take place. calls for social justice. using strokes of a paint brush. volunteers using artwork to promote equal rights. >> i've been in this country since i was 4 years old. i'm 27 years old now and still have to access. >> reporter: this woman says she lives in fear of deportation. she says her family and many others left their home country because of unbearable living conditions. >> our home countries have been war torn, economically torn. >> reporter: yet these may day event volunteers say they're still looking for good jobs
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that pay fair wages, and are fighting displacement. >> reporter: two years ago, a may day rally turned violent. there was a handful of arrests. police say they do not expect vandalism, and violence tomorrow. >> everyone in the oakland police department will be working tomorrow. so our entire department will be out in the community to ensure that it's a safe environment. >> reporter: rows of rented vans are in place to prepare for tomorrow. event organizers say they too, will be ready. >> we're going to be training folks on how to deescalate situations. on how to make sure that the march stays safe. >> reporter: organizers tell me the folks and families are the same people who will be marching tomorrow. the event is scheduled to start and end at the fruitvale plaza. organizers say everyone is
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invited, but they expect to keep it a peaceful, and productive event. mandatory evacuations have been lifted in southern california where a wildfire is burning out of control. in san bernandino county, just north of rancho cucamonga, the fire has grown to about 1,000 acres. there is no word yet on containment, and the cause is under investigation. spring here in the bay area felt a lot more like summer today. temperatures topped 90 degrees in most parts of the region. some folks went for a run today at allen rock park in san jose. >> it's great. i know we need some rain, but i'll take this when we can. >> reporter: once their window units and air conditioners kicked in, pg and e said an
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underground equipment failure knocked out power, and the power wasn't restored until about 4:15. bill martin is tracking the weather tonight. >> he's in the channel 2 weather center with the record that we tied today, bill. >> yeah, a couple of records got tied today. a couple of confusioned records. here's the run down on today. it was hot. check out san francisco. i think this the most striking element of all of today's weather. 90degrees in downtown san francisco. that's hotter than las vegas at 82 degrees. phoenix was warm as well. we're looking at san francisco airport tied a record at 90. salinas 93. king city was three degrees from 100 today. highs tomorrow in some places are going to be just as warm. a little cooler in some places. so when i come back, i'll dial
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it all in, big changes are coming, to cooler weather the next couple of days. i'll let you know the changes. we'll see you back here. the bay area's best known landmark. >> are you really clocking an 8 hour day? >> 2 investigates why your tolls keep going up, while they're sitting down. >> and next, parents say a child was nearly snatched near
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there is a warning tonight about a disturbing incident at a park involving a 5-year-old girl. >> reporter: novato's royal ivitchee park. packed, and now home to some concerned parents too, telling one story from just a few weeks ago. >> what i had witnessed was two males sitting in a white suv. >> they were sitting in the car, not getting out, smoking cigarettes. not something you see here. >> reporter: this past saturday, a second story. same park, two men, and a white suv. >> a 5-year-old was taken, and lured from two men.
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>> reporter: it was during a baseball game when the mother of a 5-year-old saw two men walking away from the playground with her daughter. she and other parents were alerted by the school being lured away from the park. >> to the school parking lot. asking her if she wanted to have dinner with them. so it was very disturbing. >> we investigated these cases. talked to involved people. and determined there's no reports of criminal behavior. >> reporter: novato police did say a car was stolen from the school parking lot on saturday. and sometimes the creek behind the baseball field can attract homeless. >> we try to pay extra attention to those areas. >> reporter: the mother says she saw her daughter being lured away by these two men. she started screaming her daughter's name, the girl came running back. the two men got into the
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vehicle and drove away. the description of that vehicle? a white suv. a woman stabbed to death in san jose yesterday afternoon. police say she was targeted and that the public doesn't need to be worried. they wouldn't release any more details. neighbors say they did see a man leave her apartment shortly before her body was discovered by her husband. >> screaming, yelling, that she's dead. somebody killed her, and all that. it was horrible. >> reporter: police aren't saying if they have any suspects, or if there's a motive for the killing. neighbors say the woman leaves behind her husband and three children. two people with burns over most of their bodies are hospitalized after an explosion that we first reported last night. authorities say the men and women were using butane to make hash oil. the butane exploded. the alameda county sheriff's
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department says both of them suffered third degree burns over 80% of their bodies. they were rushed to the hospital in critical condition. the oakland unified school district has elected a new superintendent. the board has spent a year searching for a new suspect after tony smith stepped down last july. wilson beat out 20 other applicants. his first day on the job will be july 1. back now to our weather and the warmest temperatures we've seen so far this year. in pacifica, account beach and the boardwalk were packed with folks looking to escape the heat. most told us, they're not used to this kind of heat, especially in april. one man we spoke with said he quit work earlier today to beat the heat. >> too hot. you touch a hammer, your tool gets too hot to even touch.
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>> at ocean beach, it was ouch the same story. the crowds made it look a lot more like summer than spring. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, bill martin once again. tracking another warm day tomorrow, but changes around the corner, bill. >> that's right. we've got a few clouds out there now. these are high clouds. it's not coastal fog. by tomorrow, we're going to see fake creeping around near the coast. that will start an onshore flow that will start some cooling armed here, but not right away. tomorrow morning, temperatures are going to be on the warm side. we're going to see temperatures in the morning hours that are going to be starting out in the 60s, and they're going to end up by lunchtime in the 70s and 80s. another very warm day tomorrow. 72 right now in concord. 73 in livermore. 70 in santa rosa. you can see clearly that there's a slight onshore flow, but the temperatures are still warm, so you're not seeing a big cooling affect. tomorrow, we'll notice slightly
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cooler coast and bay, with temperatures inland still very warm. high pressure going offshore as we go into tonight and tomorrow morning, that will allow temperatures in the 70s, mid- 80s around the bay. low 90s inland. tomorrow is a lot like today, except you get the slight cooling along the coast. this is the isotherm map. a little bit of cooling along the coast. that begins a major cool down that takes us into the bay area weekend with increasing clouds. big changes coming after tomorrow. when i come back at 10:45, we'll dial that all in for you. just know tomorrow is another hot one like today. >> thank you bill. it has now been six weeks since a landslide devastated a small town in washington state. some worry not enough is being
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down to protect people from the next big slide. >> if we were willing to throw more resources at it, we could do a better job of determining whether those potential mudslides are. >> since returning home, he's been looking at parts of the bay area, most at risk for landslides. tomorrow at 5:00, he'll show us the four areas of biggest concern, and what is being done now to protect you. a salary that's nearly six figures with short days, and long breaks. tonight at 10:30, 2 investigates why bridge workers are sitting on the job while your tolls are going up. >> it looks like an ordinary bi
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we've heard an awful lot about smartphone thefts in san francisco. but there's another type of theft that some say is actually three times worse. the simple technology police are now using to hopefully stop these thieves in their tracks. >> reporter: his favorite was the 1991 fuji club given to him by his parents. surveillance video shows thieves stealing it. >> i had the bike for so long, and it was kind of something that was just special. >> reporter: cycling advocates say the rate of theft in the city is astonishing. >> right now, there's a bike stolen every three hours. three times worse than smartphone robberies. >> reporter: officer matt friedman has taken to posting mug shots of alleged bike
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thieves on craigslist to alert would be buyers. gps, and radio frequency id tags have been placed in bikes like these, in hopes that thieves will take the bait. >> we can track them in warehouses, in closets, in cars, anywhere. you'd better believe we will, and we'll come for them. >> reporter: police and cycling advocates hope today's roll out of these new bait bike stickers will confuse thieves. >> at any time, at any place throughout the city, any bicycle could be a bait bike. >> reporter: 3,000 of these bait bike stickers are set to be given out in the coming months. david stevenson, ktvu, channel 2 news. at, we've posted several resources to help you prevent bicycle thefts and try to track down your bike if it does get stolen.
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look for the hot topic section on our home page. >> overall, the state added 368,000 people last year. dublin was the third fast he growing city. the state department of finance says santa clara, and alameda counties were the two fastest growing counties. the san jose airport is also seeing growth. passenger traffic jumped 5.5% last month, compared to march 2013. the increase is contributed to more flights to los angeles, and strong demand for daily non- stop flights to tokyo on the boeing 787 dreamliner. southwest, hawaiian, delta, and alaska airlines are all in the process of adding flights out of san jose. >> in washington today, senate republicans blocked a bill to increase the federal minimum wage. the measure failed to gain
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enough votes votes proceed with open debate. the white house and democrats are pushing to increase minimum wages from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour. top democrats are vowing to reintroduce the bill later this year. the dow jones set a new record high today in spite of poor economic news. it gained 45 points. pushing it above the last all- time high set on new year's eve. investors ignored a report showing slow growth during the 1st quarter. partnering with police to fight crime. the program giving police eyes in and around private homes and businesses. >> late starts, long breaks, and short days. 2 investigates why your toll at the golden gate bridge is going up, while bridge painters are sitting down on
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safeway knows you don't want to fly all over town to find the best deals. that's why they have lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, bite into a juicy, seedless watermelon. they're just $3.99 each. breyer's ice cream is $2.99. and start the fiesta. corona is just $11.97 a twelve pack. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life.
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dramatic pictures tonight from the southeast, where torrential rains caused massive flooding in parts of alabama, and florida. rescue workers pulled people from rooftops in pensacola. entire neighborhoods are so waterlogged, rescuers are having a difficult time reaching those who are still stranded. it worked its way south, killing 37 people. california senator barbara boxer is questioning a report that says san jose airport passed a security review. she raced concerns in light of the santa clara teenager who stowed away on a flight to hawaii in the wheel well of a
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jetliner. a few weeks earlier, the tsa reviewed security measures and approved them. saying if a boy can get past them, the review may not be secure enough. today, authorities identified him as 27-year-old timothy dutten, they say he collided with another jumper in mid-air yesterday. he was knocked unconscious and wasn't able to open his parachute. dutten was described as an experienced skydiver. recovering from serious burns. today during said jared leaf's condition has been upgrated from critical to serious. he's recovering from second degree burns that he suffered while trying to escape a fire inside his apartment last wednesday. leaf plays linebacker for the spartans. a judge sentenced a benicia school teacher today who was charged with serving marijuana laced food to her colleagues. teresa badger will serve two years probation, and perform 50
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hours of community service. she pleaded no contest monday to a misdemeanor count of furnishing marijuana. at least eight school employees became sick after eating a dish laced with marijuana at a pot luck. she remains on leave from her teaching job. 2 investigates questionable work habits on the bay area bridge. tonight, at 10:00, even the head of the bridge district says he's seen the same thing. >> ktvu's melanie woodrow is live to explain how you're paying the price. >> reporter: it will cost you $6 to cross the golden gate bridge now with fast track. earlier this month, as your bridge toll was going up, 2 investigates caught bridge painters sitting down on the
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job. turns out, we weren't the only ones. >> reporter: keeping the golden gate bridge international orange is a full time job. your tolls pay their salaries. which is why you might care that 2 selects caught these bridge painters working part time. >> what time do you have to be back? >> this ain't rush hour. i can come back anytime i want, right? >> reporter: not really. general manager dennis mulligan. >> i'll be honest with you, there are times i've been out there, i've seen employees doing things that are inappropriate. i've whip out my phone and captured that on film. >> what would be an example? >> people not working when they should be working. >> reporter: that's exactly what we captured. we reported the bridge painters starting nearly an hour and a half late. instead of a 30 minute break. we saw them take a 50 minute break. 2 investigates staked out the bridge after this video of the
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bridge painters. >> taking long breaks. taking long lunches. >> reporter: bridge painters used to belong to dc16. when dues went up, the painters got out. now they belong to another union. remember bridge painter chris bartlet? >> actually i sell lollipops to all the little kiddies down in kiddy land. >> reporter: he thought we were members of d.c. 16. >> all i say were people up there again, spying on us, trying to get us fired. i thought it was just more harassment, that's all. >> reporter: d.c. 16 says it's not harassment. union members say they want the work given to painters who will do it. >> what i want to see is it going out to bid. >> reporter: he called his boss to clock out before talking to us again. >> were you guys working as efficiently as you should be? are you really clocking an
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eight hour day? >> every day throughout every day? >> reporter: he says he's seen the video d.c. 16 recorded. >> there's no way you can discredit video. that's thousands of hours of video, over years and years, but that doesn't excuse it. >> reporter: he spotted the late start, long break, and short day the first time we went to the bridge. mulligan said he's following up with staff regarding what we saw. the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district anticipates tolls will bring in $106.3 million this year. as tolls continue to go up, mulligan said there will be consequences for bridge painters sitting down. >> we have a duty to make sure people are doing their jobs. if not, we have a duty to it, and we do. >> reporter: to that end, mulligan said that in the last 6 months, two bridge painters have been suspended for five days without pay. another bridge painter was
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terminalled. mulligan wouldn't specify why. the bridge painters are union members. they can dispute the action, and he said they often do. reporting live, melanie woodrow ktvu, channel 2 news. >> the question is, why isn't the paint work put out to bid? >> reporter: some of the work does go to contractors. but the painters are full time employees. there's about 36 of them, and they are union members, so of course there are certain rules and procedures that are outlined, including their designated breaks. however, mulligan, their boss said that everything we observed was outside of the scope of acceptable behavior. >> all right, melanie, thank you. if you have an idea for 2 investigates, we want to hear from you. just email some east bay mud customers are drinking water from a new source tonight. the sacramento river. a dozen cities are getting a mixture of sacramento river
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water, and water from san pablo reservoir. this is the first. the utility is tapping into the sacramento river and sending it to reservoirs. the supplemental supply was 40 years in the planning, created for times just like this. a drought. we set up an unscientific taste test of the tap water and the mix. some noticed it difference, but most incident. how do you plan to use that information? >> next find out how long we're going to hold onto this heat before your ne
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microsoft is issuing a patch for a work around for its security flaw. security experts are calling it a complex fix, and homeland security department is advising people to use a different browser for now. the flaw allows hackers to install malicious code and take over a computer. facebook says it will now allow users to try out an app without sharing personal information. there are new controls to fine tune exactly what personal information an app will receive, such as an email address or birth date. there is also a new central app control panel to manage games and other applications. one of the most prominent
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figures in northern ireland is under investigation. adams is the leader of the political arm of the irish republic army which fought against the british. he is accused of the killing and kidnapping of a widow and mother of 10. he denies the charges. iraq is undergoing a major test of its democracy. its first election since u.s. troops pulled out three years ago. iraqis are going to the polls in parliamentary elections. the prime minister's political party is expected to win despite complaints of corruption and sectarian violence. in april, 800 people were killed. the final results are expected in 30 days, depending on challenges. san jose sharks fans going home really disappointed tonight. they just watched the sharks lose game 7 in the 1st round of the playoffs. as you probably know, the sharks won the first three games. but then they lost four straight to the l.a.
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kings. needless to say, fans were disappointed to see them eliminated from the stanley cup playoffs again. >> watched them through bad and the good, and unfortunately, this is the bad. >> every single year. i'm always going to be a sharks fan, no matter what. but every single year, i've got to see this, it breaks my heart. >> sharks fans told us they'll be back next season, and hopefully the sharks will make it to the stanley cup finals and win the stanley cup. a big announcement for a high school student. >> in five minutes, bill martin's complete five-day forecast, and when cooler temperatures will return to the bay. >> there
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safeway knows you don't want to fly all over town to find the best deals. that's why they have lots of ways to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week, bite into a juicy, seedless watermelon. they're just $3.99 each. breyer's ice cream is $2.99. and start the fiesta. corona is just $11.97 a twelve pack. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life.
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new at 10:00, vallejo police are hoping to gain more access to private security cameras to help solve crimes. the department launched the project today hoping it will help the city's budget strapped police department. jana katsuyama joins us now live in the bay area, where police tell us the program is completely voluntary. >> reporter: it is julie, on a sign up basis. police tell me there are dozens of surveillance cameras around the city that belong to them. what they want to do is have residences and businesses with those private security cameras to register them with police. these days, you see surveillance cameras almost everywhere you go. the city of vallejo has more than 30 cameras in hot spots. >> our goal with that is to catalog and know where all the privately owned cameras are
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here throughout vallejo. >> business owners with private surveillance cameras can register them with police, to form a citywide map. so officers can know where to look for security cameras near a crime scene. >> if people don't want to participate, there's no obligation to participate. >> reporter: police say the number of private cameras is on the rise. one family told us thieves recently stole computer tablets from their home. >> there's a lot of crime going around, and it's not safe. >> i should have some cameras. >> you're thinking of getting some? >> yeah. >> reporter: the project is about partnering with the public and is just one step to help a police force that's strained in numbers during the city's bankruptcy. >> we will be up to probably at least 105 officers by the end of june. >> reporter: that's 20 more police officers than vallejo had eight months ago. >> to have businesses in our
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community that take cash have cameras. >> it's actually gotten better compared to what it was before. >> if there's a crime that's going on, it should be solved. the better the city. >> reporter: police tell me they would not have district access to those private cameras, and they would still have to ask to see the footage. this program launched at 2:00 this afternoon. so far, they've had five people already sign up. reporting live in cay lay hoe, jana katsuyama, ktvu news. san jose is another city debating a crime database. he is hoping to get it approved sometime this year. people in berkely who rent out their homes could be charged a 12% hotel tax. currently hosts don't pay taxes, but last night,
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berkely's city council gave initial approval to a tax proposal. meanwhile, starting this summer, air b and b says it will start collecting, and remitting taxes in san francisco and portland, oregon. starting tomorrow, strict water rationing begins in santa cruz. the city has been warning, people have to get serious about limiting water use, especially outdoors. households of fewer than four people can use 60 gallons per person per day. if customers go over that allotment, they will be charged $25 for the first 10%, and $50 for each 10% above that. a beautiful sunny day out there today. lots of records tied. it's going to be another hot one tomorrow, especially inland. slight cooling. we saw clouds at sunset this evening. those were high clouds not coastal fog yet. i think we'll start seeing
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indications of it by tomorrow night. the winds right now are all over the place. we're still seeing an offshore flow. oakland is onshore, then concord. a south wind here. the winds are kind of all over the place. by tomorrow night, i suspect they'll all be blowing with a westerly component. look at half moon bay, that's kind of an east moon wind there. tomorrow will decide. and tomorrow it will cool off, slightly. then by friday, temperatures really drop off. current numbers, i showed them to you once. they're pretty impressive for this time of night. san jose, 73 degrees right now. san jose tomorrow is going to warm up nicely in the afternoon. by lunchtime, you're at 80 degrees. it will feel a lot warmer than that, obviously, because of the concrete. downtown san jose, going to feel like 99 or 100 degrees.
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lots of mid-80s around the bay. what you're noticing probably is not much of a change from microclimate to microclimate. this type of pattern will give you, as a matter of fact, san francisco today was warm, or warmer than most inland cities. this type of high pressure, sinking air pattern sets you up with a real uniform temperatures. except as we head into tomorrow afternoon and friday, temperatures really start to change over, and drop as this system gets closer. the uniform phi goes away. we're going to start to cool off. it just goes away from the 90s and mid-80s, and back into the 70s, and 60s. still very warm, a lot like today. tomorrow is at lot like today, exempt on the fringes of the bay amend the coast. temperatures slightly cooler. then the real cooling begins, as we head into friday. another warm one, or hot one. the five-day forecast with the
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bay area weekend in view. a little fog shows up on friday. and temperatures work their way down. this deal on sunday. we'll get clouds, maybe some showers which would be really neat sunday night into monday. certainly means cooler weather around here as we get into the weekend. press conferences for a college acceptance announcement are usually reserved for athletes, but not today. he attends public school in long island and was accepted to all eight ivy league universities. today he announced he's going to yale. he scored 2,250 out of a possible 2400 on his s.a.t., placing him in the 98th percentile across the country. the teen says financial aid played a big part in his decision. mark is here now in sports. i didn't see this one coming. >> no, we could talk for about an hour and a half, all the things that did go wrong for the sharks tonight. sometimes you've got to be careful of the knee jerk
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reaction when things go drastically wrong. not after this epic collapse. they need to act swiftly. enough is enough. san jose, only the fourth team in nhl history to blow a 3-0 lead in a playoff game. emotions running high. only two goals for san jose in the last three games. matt irvin, 1-0. but l.a. takes over from there. 1-1 in the 2nd, kopitar, who had 10 total points from justin williams, the beautiful backhander, l.a. leading for good. sharks fail on their last 15 power play opportunities. that one there by the much hated by sharks fans, dustin brown. the same old routine. 5-1 the final. here's the postseason, and postgame comments. >> i'll be thinking about this series all summer.
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i think every single day, and definitely want to help the team. so it's tough. all right, change of subject real quick. bay area victory, yeah, there's something to talk about provided by the baseball team.
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an economy of pitches, and an abundance of talent. tim hudson comes within one out of throwing a shutout winner. 81degrees at game time in the city. yeah, let's talk about all the coldness at at&t. nice to get on the board early.
11:57 pm
they've been doing that of late. michael morris with a shot. here's a rarity. right handed hitter hitting it out of the park at at&t. brandon hicks. scutaro who? only 44 times in the park's history as a right handed hitter hit it out to right. tim hudson. 2 runs. now 4-1. romo the save. 3-2 the final. everybody entitled to a meltdown. texas, unprepared. the elephant never forgets. the a's avenge last week's sweep. alberto callaspo, the grounder. elvis andrus had a couple of errors. adrian beltre throws it away. this was a route 10-0. in the 6th inning, the a's, did earn a few of those runs.
11:58 pm
coco crisp hit one out as well. but that is the sporting life. 10-0 lead. and easy sweep of the series.
11:59 pm
12:00 am
warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on "tmz," >> t.i. and the game got in one of the most unbelievable fights with the l.a.p.d. and about as intense as it gets. >> one of the homies got cracked in the head by club security. >> oh! >> and becomes this standoff and they are ready to fight. >> but a cinematic type of standoff. >> you know what i mean? >> dr. oz out in new york. >> watermelon juice will make the erection better. do you know anything about this?


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