tv Right This Minute KICU May 6, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. get ready great videos are coming your way "right this minute." it's full speed ahead for two rally racers until. >> they come up to this curve. >> how they survive with some badly bruised egos. a young philly can't fight the current much longer. >> she's worn out. she's scared. >> what happens when some heros hatch a plan to get her out. security cameras show a guy attacked by a shark shadowy figure. >> the thing pushes him down. >> see if this video can make you believe in ghosts. how to win a new ipad mini.
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and a prankster's having trouble scaring his buddy but -- >> that turns pretty quickly. >> what sent this one over the edge. >> oh. >> rally racing, these two guys got the driver and navigator. come up to this curve. >> feel free to laugh at this. both of these guys were okay. >> yeah. >> a lot of screaming. >> for a guy that's like in a rally race. you know. kind of, you know, accustomed to crashing every now and then. >> that's what i was thinking. that was the navigator who pretty much lost his mind when the car started to tumble. i thought okay, maybe this navigator's very first race and that would be true. but upon some research, apparently this team of steven and nicolas, according to a post on one of their facebook pages
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it is their 11th start in this particular rally. >> in his defense, i mean, you are going fast. you hit a bump and the car starts to roll. i'm not going to sit there and say -- i'll probably scream too, even if it is my 20th time. >> sounds like they're ripping out his finger nails one by one with a pair of tweezers. >> as amazing he has the ability to scream. like when something like that happens don't you usually embrace. he's able to even scream like this. >> poor fella. he's scared. >> take a look at this video captured on trout creek out of summerland, british columbia, canada. you can see right off the bat what we've got here. that's a wild horse. she's worn out, scared.e horse you have to keep in mind too, really cold water here. >> oh.
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looks pretty young. >> only six months old. >> she collapses again, kind of on this sort of rocky bed. and watch, you can see these big logs coming down the creek too that could take the horse out, injure the horse's leg. watch. >> i'm surprised the horse let these people get that close to her. >> and they took extra precaution. watch this log. you almost see almost like the horse is looking at the log. >> that was dangerously close. >> again, she collapses another time. exhausted. you can see her head almost in the water there which would be a risk of drowning. the horse is right there, but it is not very far that they're trying to get her. it's incredibly difficult. you see one of the people there moving boulders out of the river to sort of create a path for the horse to go through. they bring down this plywood. they also bring down a big tarp. they get the horse. they're able it to get her on top of the tarp on top of the plywood and able to slide her out of there. but at the same time they have
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to warm her up too before they get her to stand, they have to warm her up. eventually the horse is up, but it's not over yet. and, of course the horse, legs obviously not operating at 100% here. at this point they say hey, you still have to be careful. wild horse. but guess what? she's got a name now, and it's river. fittingly. for the time being she's going to be taken care of at the foster home where she'll hang out with other horses for now and kind of get back to speed, get back to health. >> "right this minute" viewer raymond and his girlfriend got quite the eyeful in this parking lot. you can see here, something is going on between that man and that police officer. according to him, the man was attempting to steal a car. >> now! >> the man is arguing with the police officer. >> that's a good idea. that will get you far. >> watch what happens next because he doesn't get very far. >> oh, boy. >> he deploys the taser and the guy hits the ground.
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>> what else is going to happen? the guy has a barricade. the officer can't see where his hands are, he goes to make a run for it, going to stand him up and het him ride the lights. >> after he tases the man he has his foot on his back and this guy is resisting still a little bit. the officer has him pretty much in custody. >> i like the speaky camera work by the couple as they start to creep closer trying to hide behind the side view mirror there. >> hands out right now. >> we contacted san jose police about this video and they are looking into it. hey, everybody. we're giving away an ipad mini in a little while. >> you will need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account don't worry, it's easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up. you have to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> we're giving away an ipad mini in just a little bit.
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>> something is lurking in this hallway and it was all caught by a security camera. ♪ pay close attention to this man in the hoodie walking down this hallway. suddenly you will see this dark shadowy figure appear in the distance walking toward the guy with the hoodie. >> pushed him over and then grabbed his foot. it's dragging the dude down the hallway and he disappears. guy is scared to death and ran back. >> you want to see that in slow motion? we'll zoom in on the shadowy figure. the thing pushes him down, grabs his foot and drags him. more than a million views. the time stamp said it happened in 2013 but people are just now speculating about what this shadowy creature might be. >> i'll tell you exactly what it is.
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it's not a ghost. and it's some sort of video -- >> people are commenting on the video saying this video is not fake. some people are saying it is. >>s this person writes -- >> new technology that makes them invisible. >> i'm going with that. >> look at this one. this dark entity called a shadow person or shadow people. google shadow person. there have been numerous sightings of these beings and they are evil and real. >> okay. >> dude spots something circling up above. >> whoa. hunted him? >> what swooped down to take him out. >> the food mashup that could only be described as -- >> delicious combined with love and more delicious and awesomeness all together. >> bring it in. >> see what happens when we give the cereal la san ya a try. >> here it comes.
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i got a pair of animal videos. the first one, a guy spots what's called a red kite circling up in the sky. >> look at him. looking for food i think. >> pretty cool bird. apparently it's a bird that's more known for scarf vajing. around certain times of the year it can hunt for food . >> whoa. hunted him? after his camera? wh what? how does it think it could hunt that dude? >> don't know. the guy was out there with his 5-year-old daughter. the bird knocked him to the ground. no injuries. both kind of stunned. you don't see the thing coming up over the ridge of the house and then boom in your face. >> how crazy. >> the bird is like, what did i say about taking pictures of you? i did not give consent to put myself on camera. >> you would expect if this was a small animal down there, maybe a rabbit or small dog, but this
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is a human. >> maybe trying to protect a nest or something, trying to defend its territory, who knows. the next video is a video of camels in a truck and it's kind of entertaining. ♪ >> not a scene you see every day. >> camels in a truck. >> camels in a truck. >> looks like they're kind of enjoying it. i have to say, they're like, this is nice. >> they are well behaved. >> the music is hilarious. >> like you're in a music video with a wind machine blowing their hair. remember the other day i showed you the video from tasted. it was time for a food mashup from tasted. cinnamon toast crunch and reese's puffs and lasagna. >> oh, gosh. >> sounds pretty disgusting off the bat. >> but it won't be. he's making a lasagna out of breakfast and dessert products. >> the cinnamon toast crunch and reese's puff lasagna. >> remember that? >> oh, yeah.
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>> what was your request? >> make it. >> it was like cool whip and cinnamon toast, reese's puffs serial, melted peanut butter and nutella. >> like delicious combined with love with more delicious and then some awesomeness altogether. >> hey, bring it in. >> yes. see. the power of television. come on! >> yeah. >> so now -- it's so cold. >> it was in the freezer. >> oh, yeah. here i go. >> you're first. >> i'm ready. >> there you go. you're welcome. >> i'm getting the biggest one. >> thanks, gayle. >> i didn't cut you, did i? >> here it comes. here it comes. >> i just want the topping. >> christian, come have some. >> tau. >> say hello. awesome. mina, you're the best. i love cereal so much. my favorite thing in the world. if i could have one food the
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rest of my life it would be cereal. >> she added marshmallows and chocolate chips. >> holy crap. >> it's a dream. naked and alone for ten days. >> no water. no food. not even a knife to do anything. >> hear from discovery's marooned star on why his skills couldn't prepare him for everything. >> i didn't like the nakedness thing. >> a student gets a special package. >> with a note inside saying you have a series of challenges you need to complete. >> how accomplishing every challenge makes for a sweet surprise. >> get tuesday's buzzword for a chance to win an ipad mini.
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go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> closed captioning provided if you're ever concerned about the future of this crazy
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world we live in, think about the young people ins this video. this is raymond high school in glendale, arizona. this video is being shot for this young man. his name is cody. prom time is approaching. cody gets a special package with a note inside saying you a series of challenges that you need to complete and then there will be a surprise. and cody goes on kind of a scavenger hunt challenge around the campus. cody is a special student. he has some developmental disaltss. everyone seems to love and respect him and appreciate his good soul. the first challenge is a bowling challenge. >> here we go. >> knock down all those pins. >> once he successfully completed the challenge he gets the next clue. he's sent to a courtyard. more students gathering around. shove a bunch of marshmallows in his mouth. >> what's wrong with that challenge? >> he's very successful at the challenge. crown and earrings and clip-on
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tie. led to the other corridor and has to stack a bunch of oreo cookies on his forehead. >> these are more like treats. >> gets his last clue. there's a surprise waiting there for him. this entire video was sent to your hand in mine by explosions in the sky. ♪ >> oh. >> gorgeous girl in the aqua t-shirt is asking cody to be her date to the prom. >> wow. >> and he gets the girl. >> he loves the cool game she made for him. so move by her thoughtfulness. >> prom is something everybody looks forward to. and the students did such a good job getting a bunch of people into it and including cody. >> that's awesome. >> don't you feel better about the world? >> oh, yeah. good kids out there. nowadays people freak out if like your phone battery dies. well this puts that in perspective. how about being stuck, dropped off by yourself for ten days in some of the most
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life-threatening, locales in the world. no water, no food. not even a knife to do anything. >> i'm on the unforgiving coast of western australia. the harsh environment gets the better of me and i take my life in my hands in crock infested waters. >> up to the challenge, ed stafford, might remember him for "walking the amazon." this is something called "maroon" wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. eastern and pacific on discovery. >> now i'm battling a new challenge. to prove i can make it in some of the world's toughest environments. >> what is that? >> i don't know. >> bottom of his foot. >> like a bullet wound or something. >> something awful. what he eats doesn't look appetizing. >> i'm quite excited about this. should be great. seafood grill. >> that's a hermit crab. >> it's crabs. people love crab meat. hermit crab, quite different. got another clip where he's making fire.
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>> come on, come on. yes! >> ed stafford braves man in his five-part series. we've got ed joining us "right this minute." what was the toughest part out there by yourself in. >> the toughest thing is literally the enormity of doing it on your own, really. i get dropped off naked, left in the most weird and remote places and not only do i have to find water and food and shelter and that sort of thing, also obviously i've got to film the whole thing. there's no camera crew there, no one there to direct me and tell me what to do. >> what was the craziest part of your experience? >> i don't liked the nakedness thing, i have to admit. in a real survival situation the first thing you do, wouldn't be to make a grass skirt but that is the first thing that i do in every location, is i need to put some clothes on really. you feel so vulnerable. >> what was that on your foot? we all kind of reacted like aw when we saw that? >> an infection.
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cut the bottom of my foot. as things do when everything is damp and moist it got more infected. started growing and growing. i think it's a diversity of all these locations make it a real genuine challenge in every single episode. it takes its toll. i suppose that's the price you pay for deciding or telling the discovery channel you want to do everything for real, really. >> why do you do it then? it sounds miserable. >> the thing that scares me more than anything else is not really exes persons life to the absolute fullest. >> i love i'm given this opportunity to put myself in these situations. >> okay. everybody, it's time for us to give away an ipad minip. >> now to enter you will need a twitter account. if you don't have one don't worry, it's easy to create one. >> enter at click on that win an ipad mini button and then enter today's buzzword. >> so here we go. the buzzword for tuesday is
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grasshopper. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter tuesday's buzzword grasshopper, that's grasshopp g-r-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-e g-r-a-s-s-h-o-p-p-e-r. >> and don't worry if you don't win today we're giving away another ipad mini tomorrow and don't forget to follow us on twitter. >> good luck, everybody. >> a quick pit stop turns into panic when -- >> on the top of their car and what's standing there. >> how one guy had a front row seat to his own plot for payback. >> that >> then slows down and you can
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>> they're lively and going to sleep about one hour. >> the viral brothers have a popular youtube channel. they prank each other. they go back and forth and do really dastardly stuff. you might remember a video i showed you not long ago, the one guy gave the other guy like sleeping pills. he woke up like in a town square. >> [ bleep ]. >> the thing when you a prank versus prank youtube channel you're always going it to have to one up each other. >> retribution actually. >> this is my revenge. >> they're driving down this sort of wooded area at night. pulls over. this is a dark, unlit road. guy goes out there to pee. eric is not paying attention. almost falling asleep here. keep your eye on the guy that's peeing. he sells this. what did i see? what is that? runs back.
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>> he's freaking out. eric is smiling and laughing. what are you up to? what is this? >> that turns quickly. >> [ bleep ]. >> that just gave me chills. >> they called this the paranormal prank. kick on lights again. you see the figure now like gets underneath the car. now watch. >> oh! >> there was another long haired creepy zombie lady in the trunk. >> oh. >> had two all along. reaches out starts screaming grabsen to eric. watch eric's face. eventually here comes the reveal. he goes revenge, revenge, revenge. >> oh. that's mean. >> that's our show, everybody.
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thanks for joining us and we'll see you for the next edition of "right this minute." now, at 7:00, new video of the moments just after touchdown for a young stowaway who wound up in hawaii. a minor warmup is in store for wednesday. i'm tracking your neighborhood numbers coming up. all of a sunday, i heard a bunch of gunshots. >> neighbors describe tense moments in an apparent road rage incident. the dramatic altercation that left one man hospitalize and had police searching for at least one gunman. ktvu channel 2 news at 7:00 is next. >> complete bay area news court and coverage starts right now. gunshots in a quiet south bay neighborhood sends police rushing to the scene. i'm gasia mikaelian. good evening to you. happening now, authorities in the south bay are searching for at least two men after a violent
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