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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 15, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos from the web, "right this minute." don't do it, you idiot. >> it's good advice from the crowd, but things turn out to be -- >> not so good for the idiot in question here. >> see what happens to the daredevil who didn't listen. >> a police lapel cam captures a traffic stop where -- >> you see this. >> keep biting my finger you're going to get charged. >> why it's the part that you don't see that got some cops in hot water. >> we went under another tornado warning. >> a mom endures a wait that is -- >> nerve-racking.
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>> see where her kids were when this storm moved in. >> great. >> plus, how to win a new ipad mini and get ready for -- >> a little bit of red neck southern humor. >> fancy wind gauges and it's up here flapping like hell. >> get all the dirt on the real robert o'connor. >> what do you farm? >> what are you doing? >> i was -- >> i was -- >> don't do it, you idiot! >> actually pretty good advice because what you're about to see not so good for the idiot in question here. >> usually is good advice if someone is yelling that. >> someone is about to cliff jump. this is a new angle of this whole thing that happened back in 2011. this is in cedar creek falls ramona, in california, near san diego. where is the person that's going to cliff jump? over here. see somebody there, not that person. you think maybe here. wow that looks high. right here. that looks dangerous. no. even higher. people are concerned out there.
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we're not the only ones. >> i'm scared. i don't want to film the man's death. >> yiks. >> keep watching because we eventually see our jumper and he is actually up here, higher than you would think. >> and doesn't even look like it's anywhere near the water. >> it's nowhere close. >> watch this. >> oh. >> people screaming. the guy bounces into that ledge we're seeing there and rocks from that ledge come flying down, falling down, right where the dude lands in the water. here it is again in slow motion. see the guy, hits that ledge, hits feet first but he's hurt pretty bad. >> he has to be, right? >> this guy is apparently named iggy, a football ayer. ack full of bruises, broken ribs, had to be airlifted to the hospital from this. really ruining probably a fun day for all of these people. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> no one is going to jump off that or have a good time or want to go swimming now. he's going to be okay.
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some are saying he had been doing drinking that day. my opinion is who were you trying to impress? >> the lapel camera becoming more useful for police forces around the country. this video from the lapel of justin, a daytona beach florida police officer, with matthew booth, another police officer, their approaching this woman here in this red car. her name is christine. she had been stopped underneath the bridge. they ran her records. >> date of birth 4/4/1977 white female. >> license came back clean. sounded like they were about to walk away. >> okay. >> thank you so much. >> yep. >> then the camera goes black. and when the camera turns back on you see this. >> you keep biting my finger you're going to get charged. you understand me? >> we see christine on the ground, the officer's fishing in her mouth. they believe she has swallowed drugs. there's a missing part of the video between the time that it
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appeared they were about to walk away from her and this point. >> thanks for kicking me in the head. >> you bit my finger. >> what did you call me? >> you did bite him. >> no, i did not. >> you did bite him. >> other officers show up and you hear the officer describe what happened during the moment that we don't see on camera. >> i came over and said what do you have in your pocket. i said nothing. turn them inside out for me. turned them inside out and then she put it in her mouth. i said what do you have in your mouth. nothing. i grabbed her and took her down and it fell out. she grabbed it again. he went to get it and she bit him. >> they thought she had swallowed drugs. this happened way back in the summer of 2013. this video just now being released because an internal investigation revealed that officer renham deliberately shut his camera off. the chief saying that it was a bad arrest that used excessive force and a camera that goes blank. >> that's terrifying to think that an officer would
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intentionally do that because that means that he's expecting that he's going to behave in a way he doesn't want caught on camera. >> the officer resigned after the incident. the other officer in the video, officer booth, was later fired. all charges against christine were dropped and she was given a $25,000 settlement from the city. >> here's the problem, see this camera right here. >> yeah. >> this is where it's going to be a problem for you. >> that's fine. >> some severe weather hit parts of ohio and west virginia. videos of the weather have been popping up all over the internet. this one possibly the most nerve-racking. this is a woman, her name is cat, waiting at the bus stop to pick up her children. >> we just went under another tornado warning. this one the warning is one of our longest warnings. >> you can see she's nervous. keep watching. you hear something in the background that will get your heart pumping. >> as she's sitting there and
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the tornado warning alarm goes off, she doesn't want to leave because she wants to make sure her children are safe. >> really feeling uneasy right now. here comes the hail. great. >> in the description below this video, cat says that the school decided to keep the kids there in the building to keep them safe but she says they didn't let the parents know by calling their cell phones. >> that's a good thing but it's tough because the parents are out on the road thinking they have to pick up their kids. maybe some unnecessary danger that didn't have to be made. >> check out this video shot by whio. you see a funnel cloud that's part of this same storm system going through ohio. >> it is really crazy to see the hail to see the change in weather so drastically from one minute to another. >> you see what looks like the funnel cloud starting to form. even when there's bad weather the mailman still delivers. >> rain, snow, sleet or hail. the mail will get there.
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>> this is video proof. we're giving away another ipad mini in just a little bit. >> that's right. to enter you need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account don't worry. it's easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up. you have to be 18 years old or older and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stand by, everybody, for the r tshgs mshg rtm giveaway. >> two completely different ending to two robberies. the first moscow, somebody being forced into the cellular store. this person has what appears to be a gun in his hand and employee has his hands up, complying with everything the guy says. he forces the worker into the back utility room. back there the safe. he's forced to the ground. he does get into the safe and gets money out. when the bad guy was leaving he kicked the guy while he was down. >> the suspect got away with $20,000. they're still looking for him. however two different endings to the cctv videos.
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this robbery this girl was caught red-handed. that woman identified as abby blendle. according to the manager of tricky, a pub, money was disappearing so they installed a cctv camera made to look like a smoke alarm and what they caught was abby taking money out of the cash register and putting it in her handbag and they said she did that multiple times during their shift. it's awful that she would take a job and then take from her employer but good for them for putting in a hidden camera to catch this person in the act. >> she got away with $5,000. but because she told the court she was acutely remorseful she only has to pay about $840 back. >> whoa. >> she also said she took the money because she needed to pay loans. >> why don't you have to give it all back? >> not going to like it when i tell you she only has to pay about $8 a week. >> oh, my gosh. >> a driver tries to back out of his driveway when --
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>> another car backs up and blocks the driveway. immediately that driver realizes this is a carjacking. >> see how this turns into more than stealing a car. >> a bachelor taking shots gets the warning. >> stronger grip. hold it. this thing kicks like a mule. >> stronger grip. strong. >> how he wasn't ready for what pops off. twtwizizzlers bitesncnchehed are so soft, c chehewywy, , and with their fruity selves... ththey thihinknk t thihi both o. bubut t wewe a assssurure e yoy. bibitetes.s. l litittltle e. dog: get four years get four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection, even a queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress
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for just $497. the memorial day sale is ending soon.
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this is undoubtedly one of the scariest videos we have on the show. this man is backing out of his own driveway as he's doing so you notice another car blocks the driveway. immediately the driver realizes this is a carjacking. two men start heading toward the driver of this white car, guns drawn, pointed at the driver. he tried to back in, but there
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was no way he was able to get away. try to open the core door and when they are unable to they pull the trigger of their handguns striking the driver twice. >> geez. >> they pulled the driver out. the other hijacker goes around. we don't see what's happening here but at this point the driver of that white car is on the ground. eventually they all drive away. >> was all of this just to steal a car or were they after the guy? do you know if he had money or what? >> the only thing we know they were after the car. there is speculation that this was part of a gang because several other very similar hijackings have occurred in the area. there have been no arrests made yet. >> what's creepy they were waiting out there. how long were they out there waiting for this garage door to open up and this guy to back out. that makes it seem not so random. >> according to the posters of this video they claim that 90 minutes after this incident they did find the vehicle but police
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say they actually haven't. >> do we know the condition of the guy that was shot? >> emergency services came, he was stabilized and taken to the hospital. even though he is in serious condition his injuries weren't life threatening. you've been to a lot of weddings. i know that. >> too many. >> you've been to a bunch of bachelor parties as well. hilarity ensues. hanging out with the dudes. this guy is one of a bunch of guys on the bachelor party all standing behind the camera. dude steps up to handle a desert eagle, one of the most powerful handguns you can get. >> knocked his hat off. >> the kick. >> so strong from that hand gun, blows his hat right off. >> oh. definitely wasn't ready for that. >> kept the headset on. that's good. >> hear a couple guys before he pulled the trigger. >> saying stronger grip. the thing kicks like a mule. the instructor is kind enough to pick up the hat, only for it to
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get knocked off -- >> right. >> a second sfim. >> time. >> looks like he's wearing a child's sized hat. >> no wonder this thing is falling off every time he shoots. >> an update on an internet hero and his story of hope. >> stephen's story is to spread as much positivity as possible. >> an abandoned girl has people wondering. >> do you approach her, try to figure out what's wrong with her? >> why there's something very wrong with her. >> oh! >> and thursday's buzzword for a shot at an ipad mini.
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closed captioning provided by -- you need to give it up for my man stephen over here. >> i showed you guys this video from a rock cup sert in the uk featuring a teenager named stephen sutton doing something
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pretty awesome. crowd surfing in a rubber sort of boat you see if the swimming pool at this concert the whole way to the back, sent him back to the front. this was awesome. if you remember stephen, a 19-year-old, diagnosed with incurable cancer at 15 and he decided to create a bucket list of things that he wanted to do. crowd surf in a rubber dinghy was number 44 on his list. even though he got to do this and sky dive and do a bunch of cool things the main thing was to raise money for the teenage cancer trust because he wanted to help other people. i regret to say or sorry to say stephen sutton lost his battle with cancer. he passed away peacefully in his sleep. his mother wrote a facebook post on may 14th that says, my heart is bursting with pride but breaking with pain for my courageous selfless inspirational son who passed away peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of this morning, wednesday, the 14th of may. guess what?
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told you guys about the insane amount of money that stephen raised. his original goal was 1 million pounds which comes out to about $1.6 million. when we first talked about this he was up to $5.3 million. guess what? that number is continuing to shoot up now that stephen has passed. currently somewhere around $5.9 million. some celebrities, ricky gervais, writing about this young guy and all the good he was really trying to do. his legacy is going to live on and all this fund-raising, if this is any clue, looks like it's going to really continue. put yourself in this position. what would you do? you see a girl in public, she's got her head buried in her hand. appears to be crying. upset. do you approach her? do you try to figure out what's wrong with her? >> yeah. you have to offer help. she might need it. >> she might. these people do. >> hi. >> oh!
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>> that's evil. >> this is a naughty prank. >> oh, boy. her face is awful. it really looks like the devil. >> looks like she had like a botched face lift. >> this is basically preying on the people offering up help and support and generosity and people are getting scared to death and probably pooping their pant. >> maybe eliminated a few nice people out of society. i don't know that any will ever approach somebody again. >> i was going to say that. these people will never help anybody ever again because they'll feel like they'll get scared. >> [ inaudible ]. >> all right.
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everybody, it's ipad mini giveaway time. >> you will need a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account don't worry you can create one when you enter. >> enter on our website, chick on the win an ipad mini button and enter today's buzzword. >> all right. so the buzzword for thursday is -- salsa. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter thursday's buzzword salsa, that's sal-a-l-s-s-a-l-s-a. and if you don't win today we'll give away another ipad mini tomorrow. follow us on twitter. >> good luck, everybody. >> just six seconds is all you need for -- >> little bit of red neck southern humor. >> what the heck is that. >> meet the guy who found fame on vine but plans to stick to his roots. >> i'm still a farmer, honey. organ and the
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captain are responsible for pulling this off successful. >> i don't know if you know this, from the south, i don't
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know if you can tell. gobble gobble, strut strut. >> you know you're going to poop at 9:30 doing be jogging while you're doing it. >> want me to bring mini cheese sandwiches. >> oh, sick. >> there's a certain kind of humor i think that comes with being southern and there is a guy on-line who's very popular, by the way, who captures it. his name is robert o'connor. he's very popular on vine and it's all a little bit of red neck southern umore. >> been hollering at me barking orders all day. >> i'm a grown boy. >> a couple i have to show you. >> make sure your barrel has properly been cleaned. >> [ bleep ]. >> isn't it incredible how you can get across in six seconds. >> we got to go. game wardp en >> we got to go. game wardp e is coming. >> ain't going to make it. >> open the gate, dude. >> the one that will grab your attention might be this one. >> what the heck is that?
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>> that's just his face. >> he's spraying air into his face. >> yeah. >> right? >> i hope. >> we can find out because we have robert o'connor, via skype, "right this minute," from florida. robert, can you make this face for us now? >> yeah. ain't compressed air. >> it's not? what is it? >> one of the metal ring bracelets you wear around your wrist. my brother's sister has one, we got to goofing around and sticks in my lip and holds it out. >> hysterical. >> how do you think up these ideas? one of my favorites, the red neck weather man. >> go to robert with the weather. >> fancy red neck wind gauges flapping like hell. >> has the piece of plastic in trees. >> you get stuck in a tractor riding around all day ain't much to do but listen to the radio and think. it comes to you. >> what do you do? are you a comedian by trade or not? >> oh, no. i'm a farmer. that's what the weather man vine came from, because i was working
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a saturday and supposed to be warm and it was colder than [ bleep ]. >> we got here some clouds, the barometric pressure is going to come down, hit, and going to be colder than [ bleep ]. >> the weather men don't know what they're talking about. i'm going to make this vine. i was making up [ bleep ]. >> awesome from having been a farmer to super vine famous. >> i'm still a farmer, honey. i go to work every day. >> well, we love you. what do you actually farm? are you -- what do you farm. >> what are you doing later? >> i was -- i was plowing a field. >> we use tractors. we don't hand till. we're a little bigger than that. our main crop is peanut. >> you don't plow? >> no. >> that's our show. we'll see you for the next edition of "rtm."
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. right now at 7:00, tens of thousands of people have been told to get out as a massive wildfire burns out of control in san diego county and bay area crews are headed down south. good evening,. here's what we know right now. nine wildfires are burning. the most dangerous is the san marcos fire. the wind has been erratic this afternoon. some 13,000 people were told to evacuate. here's an update from the fire line. >> reporter: eight fires continue to burn here while some homes were lost and that's -- 24 homes at this point. firefighters have done a remarkable job of saving thousands of other homes. but the bottom line


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