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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 19, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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it is time for great videos and the stories behind them right this minute. a painter is trapped for hours. how one brave firefighters went all action to get him down. a day for a cop driving down his lane. why that changed real quick. some dare devils do in sane stunts. the move that defies death and
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gravity. and a celebration rtm style. why the hits keep coming. get your sweat rags out. this is in us trag thea. see that giant skyscraper there? there is apainter trapped 24 floors up. there was a cable malfunction and that guy was stuck on that tiny little thing for five hours waiting to be rescued. 28 floors up but not close enough to the top.
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this drew quite the crowd but also brought in the firefighters to the rescue. the crew has to go to the top of the building and they lower down to the platform which was built for one person. the rescuer was ready to squeeze onto the platform with this guy and they are ready to guide him to safety. he is being hailed as a hero. he was taken to a ambulance and was assessed. a good experience having spent five hours 28 floors up. this is dash cam of an officer in atlanta. did you see that? >> this police officer makes a
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right-hand turn and as he's driving down his lane someone decides to run across the stree. no major injuries. a big old scare. the police department decided to release the video because they wanted to show why they give people die walking tickets. >> here is another incident that happened in australia. a woman is filling up her gas tank in australia. one of the guys sits in the driver's seat. another guy starts walking away from it as the woman realizes that she is being robbed in
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broad day light. they are acting like she isn't even there. we are going to steal her stuff and ignore her. >> according to police, the driver ended up crashing into a bus stop and collided into a four-wheel-drive. police are still looking for the perpetrators. how many times have you said hey look there is a giant rusty medal tower in the middle of the woods? >> you are not an in sane person inside. they have climbed it. yeah, they are high up. doing stuff like this, now the wind is blowing. they are doing like hand standing. that one alone is impressive. what is this guy doing?
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>> he is crawling down with the tips of his finfingers. he is holding on with his right giving a thumbs up. they are going to like switch positions. right? >> look at this. this dude is doing a bridge on top of that thing. you can see how hard the things blowing because of this pants. >> one flip and their plummeting to the earth. he does the slow motion move back and forth pedals a bunch of times. there he is doing what looks like break dance stalls. one hand purchash up style. my hands are sweaty and hurt. >> my stomach hurts from watching this.
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some say it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong here. >> it is a new week and we have a new ipad mini to give away. you are going to need the buzz word and a twitter account. remember you have to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to center. stand by. >> the island in texas a popular destination to go out on the beach and hang out. you can drive your vehicles out onto the beach. somebody thought it would be a good idea to bring their semi out. >> so, you have i acouple of guys in your f-150s to help these guys out. thankfully he is here because if he wasn't he is there in the right position.
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the two trucks are changed together. the red truck is out of the eation. >> it seems impossible when they were revving the engine they were spinning. you get bogged down quickly and puts the strap in that slack to pull him out. and what? don't go in the ocean. this is a great commercial for f-150s. a woman walked toward the train platform and then into the pit. how a group of brave bystanders jump into pull her out. how doi ining yoga by the sea s like a good idea.
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how the downward dog just goes down. >> here come the cross feeds. soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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there are many places where you have to be aware of your surroundings and a subway station is one of them. you have a platform and no gate if you are walking around not paying attention. nbta posted this one on youtube. you can see what is going on. according to nbta officials at the transportation authority. this woman walks around appearing that she is unaware. she doesn't slow down and falls into that pit. for her there were commuters who were aware. you can see them jump in and rescue this woman. no one touched that third rail which could be deadly if you touch it. they get the woman and her things out. >> it is hard to figure out what
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she was doing. it keeps as if this woman was unaware without paying attention to where she was going. the way that she was stumbling and holding her body. she did seem like she might have been struggling. they got her out of there and the train wasn't anywhere to be seen. she was taken to the hospital for treatment. no word on what caused his woman to do what she did. >> a fail. [ laughter ] >> all right guys i got a couple of fails for you. both of these videos, this first
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one lovely yoga in strucker doing poses on a sand mound and a tide pool there. but the tide is acomin. it knocked her off. >> knocked her off of that mound and covers her. but listen, she gets a big old kick out of this. >> awesome. i got that on home video. >> this gave her a wonderful morning greeting from the ocean. >> this next one hard to watch but another fail. couple of cheerleaders doing a w basket toss. also a male. >> i got to see what happens. oh. >> and you can see his draws. it hurts. they toss him up and he does an
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awesome flip. i guess they forgot how to catch. he hits hard. >> he wasn't close to catching that. >> not a perfect basket toss. this guy does work on the pyramid. >> try this. let's do it again real or fake. >> a cat gives a low hello. >> a table saves the day. and dude wigs out on a ride. real or fake is next. plus get monday's buzz word for win an ipad mini. >>
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. are you guys ready for monday fun day? it is time to check in with matt for some real or fake videos. >> let's do it again.
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the shout out to the guy with the killer mustache that noticed me at the giant's game. i appreciate that. >> let's hop in first video. >> woe. woe. no. the worst one ever. >> fake. >> mac if you say this is real. >> this is definitely fake. like me when i was in second grade with a bad cold calling for my mom. >> i guess you know, not even close. can only go up from here. i think we might be on the way up. video two. >> this one is on the way up late rally. keep your eyes on the dude. >> oh. oh my. go back to the beginning i want
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to see what his hair looking like in the beginning. i think this might be a set up. this hair is moving around as he is sitting there getting ready to go. >> wow. if that is what it is, can he put it on, i'm going to say fake. >> i think this gary sandaling want to be. maybe he was wearing it for fun. >> i think it is fake. >> so four fakes for the video. i'm goi ing against you guys on this one. i think they didn't glue on tight enough. i'm going it real. >> we are going to agree to disagree on that. >> welcome back my name is spencer and tom is our helper the cat. we finished the prototype of our
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first ever in des truck able table. oh. >> that was really bad acting. this is just a video to prove the point that the table is indestructible. i can't believe this is in our real or fake. >> fake. >> this is so bad it is insulting. >> i feel like i failed you guys this week. >> this is fake. >> i'll be bad next week with stronger video s. >> this video has super cute. this is the moment that this puppy is meeting his human puppy. >> that is your sister. >> for the first time. i'm glad it is going well. dogs can get jealous. that puppy's name is vaila.
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she has her own facebook page where she posts pictures. cool that she knows how to type and post stuff. that is a cute kid. only two days old. fresh out of the oven. but look at her. she is apprehensive can't figure out what is going on. she has seen humans before. not a dog. not a man. >> very sweet dog, sweet baby. i think things are going to progress well from here. >> the wait is over. it is time for us to give away an ipad mini. it is easy to create one when you enter. you enter on the website, and then enter today's buzz word. let's reveal monday's buzz word.
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it is vacation. get over to right this minute. enter vacation and if you don't win today don't worry. we are giving away another one tomorrow. follow us on twitter. good luck everybody. >> mom gets a sweet card but has a strange reaction. are you kidding me? >> what was inside the card you are about to be a grandma mom. >> how popping the news has her flipping out. brains.
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mushed. it is a bag of iced cream. >> yes, you can open a wine bottle with your shoe.
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oh, my god. yeah. >> woo! >> hands down best reaction to a surprise possibly ever. this video was uploaded by lisa. she gave her mom a valentine's day card. her bottom jaw drops out. >> valentine's day is supposed to be about love and joy and happiness. >> just wait. maybe pee in your pants. >> are you kidding me? are you kidding me e inding me! >> what was inside the card. you are about to be a grandma mom. lisa is pregnant and she is letting her mom know. she screams for the rest of the video and it goes on for a minute. and now the baby's newly formed
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ears are ruined. she is so happy the dog is barking and lisa seems nervous. >> don't hurt me. >> this is the video they show grandma. no, you want to be a grandma you get to baby sit friday night. >> you would think mom is going to pop a blood vessel here. >> she is running around, grabbing her heart. that is the greatest reaction effort. she went to hug and like hit her. >> what are they going to do when the baby comes. you are not having a silent birth. >> that is for sure. >> that is our show everybody. we are going to leave you with
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foetage foot ith of tage of the boss's . rtm style. >> the bouncy house. [ laughter ] >> ah! ♪ >> watit, wait, wait. >> all right. >> good job.
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cool, breezy even the potential for thunderstorms, how much longer this weather pattern will hang around. san francisco school reverses course and its response to a class photo that has received national attention ktvu news at 7:00 p.m. is next. a new twist in the disappearance of a girl who story continues to captivate the bay


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