tv Right This Minute KICU May 21, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've been searching the web for the best videos of the day. we've got them for you, "right this minute." >> hey, [ bleep ]. >> a guy on a bike who takes on a dude in the truck. >> who is not having any of it. >> who started the fight and what finally ended it. little dude's got a frown e he's stuck. >> 22 feet down. >> how rescuers moved heaven and earth to get him out. a woman is cornered in her driveway by two men who tell her. >> you're coming with us. >> see who jumps in to stop the kidnapping. plus, how to win a new ipad
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mini. a mama bear has to save a cub. >> getting awfully close to the road. >> that is the coolest thing i've ever seen. >> now, meet the storm chaser behind the magic shot blowing up the web. >> one of their videos knocks all of our tornado videos. politicians aren't the only ones fighting in washington, d.c.p. we have here a road rain incident called by evan wilder a man on the bicycle. >> hey, [ bleep ]. >> oh. the guy cut him right off. >> it's a bike lane. the big bike sign right on the pavement. >> the person driving the car, rashad watts, wants to know why that guy ran into his car because it doesn't end just here. >> what the hell? [ bleep ]. >> what are you doing? >> the bike lane is over there, dude! that's the bike lane. i don't know what the sign says.
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you ain't got to touch my car. >> this is a one-way street these guys are going down. if you notice right over here, that counter flow lane is for bikes going in the opposite direction on this one-way street. mr. watt does say i don't know about this counter flow lane business. he thinks that's where evan w t should be. this is a one-way street. i can share the road with you. >> the bicycles have the same right. >> mr. watt not having any of it. >> you better call the police. >> what? >> what is he going to steal it? >> the bike, he throws it in and the bike bounces right back out. >> what a jerk. >> destruction of property at this point. >> what happens to this guy? did police get involved? >> police did get involved. the cyclist says while he was at the er an officer arrived and gave him a notice of infraction for following too closely. we contacted d.c. police. they said mr. wilder was cited
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but they had not seen the video and upon further review a determination will be made as to whether to change the classification of this incident. >> i think it's pretty obvious because this guy cut him off. how do you follow someone too closely that cuts in front of you. >> hey, [ bleep ]. >> my bike. >> every now and again we like to check in with the folks in china to see what videos they're uploading. seems to be a lot of videos like this one. >> oh, no. another small child stuck in a very small space. th >> this is a 5-year-old little boy, playing in this area. fell in between these two walls. he's about 22 feet down in a space that's only about 8 inches wide. >> and he looks terrified. family members had no idea what to do. you can see them scrambling trying to figure out how they're going to get to their little
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boy. >> not like you can drag him up. look how jagged the cement, the mortar on the sides is. >> they bring in firefighters and police officers. they actually go in from the side. they are on the other side of the wall trying to get close to where this little boy is stuck so that they can pull him through. >> the sound and commotion must have been terrifying but looks like he held it together pretty good. >> does look like he remains calm. miraculously this boy came out of this with only minor cuts and bruises. >> maybe he was calm because he's thinking, am i going to get in trouble? always think they're going to get in trouble. >> there he is in the end of the video in what we believe is mom's arms. when you''re at your house you feel the safest. from fresno, teresa miller returning home from a trip to the gym when two guys pulled up with a gun and blocked her in
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her driveway held her at gunpoint and try to kidnap her. see the car pull around and follow teresa into her garage. her husband noticed something going wrong and heoes and chases after these gunmen and manages both of them n injured. >> just a random kidnapping? somebody was just after any woman who happened to be driving alone? >> police are not sure how random it is, because they are going back to look at the cameras at the gym she was at to see if she was followed home. apparently all they were after was her because she offered them her purse, keys, take whatever you want. they said you're coming with us. police still looking for these guys. >> she has to worry every day when she comes home wondering if they're going to be after her again. >> in a similar scenario this one in south africa, a guy pulling out of his driveway, gated driveway, the man backs out of his driveway only to be blocked in by a silver mercedes
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as it pulls up here. three armed men jump out, go into the passenger door of his vehicle, and hold him at gunpoint. >> what were they after in this case? >> in this case they were trying to rob the man. affluent area. we have seen videos like this before. police are calling this the silver mercedes gang. they believe this group has been involved in other similar robberies. you see the man's wife come out, to the gate because the gunmen threatened her husband, they were going to shoot the husband if the wife didn't open the gate. now these armed men go into the house and start robbing the place. >> oh, my goodness. this is terrifying. >> one come out with the wife's purse and eventually you see all of them come out with arm loads of stuff including laptops, jewelry and cell phones. eventually they get back in the car, take off and don't injure either of these people. >> they just pillaged these people like pirates. >> not only took their belongings but their peace of
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mi mind. >> right. >> we're giving away on ipad mini in just a little bit. >> all you need is the buzzword and a twitter account. but relax, it's super easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up in a little bit. remember you have to be at least 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stay tuned. ipad mini time just ahead. so every year a huge, very prestigious fair in san marcos is celebrated in mexico. people from all over the world come to this. it's full of entertainment, culture. it also has a huge livestock expo. we see another part of the event that includes live music as the camera pans over you see the spectators that have come to be part of this event. what you almost never see at an event like this, though, are scenes like this. this is one of the many videos hitting the web from the fair. unfortunately, this one is less
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than pleasant to look at because it seems like a huge brawl inside this event room. we're talking a lot of huge men inside this room. it's possible that these men have been having a drink or two as part of the celebration. >> that's dumb, actually, because this is supposed to be such a great event, a great multicultural event. these guys are acting like a bunch of hooligans with no manners. >> another video coming from the same event is this one here in which we see an 18-year-old wool who was at this fair to celebrate her 18th birthday being beaten by cops. >> why are they beating her up? >> according to some reports, police claim that she was drunk, maybe drugs. she says she wasn't. she was attempting to stop them from arresting her brother. that is apparently what led to
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the police beating on this girl. unfortunately, this beating did land her in the hospital with some very serious injuries. the case continues to be under investigation. no word on what's going to happen with the police officers at this point. an underwater encounter with -- >> a beautiful eagle. >> hear how this diver waited who whole life for this experience. >> ken is known for pulling off insane stunts. >> but somehow with all the stunts ken is able to pull off, seems he couldn't nail this simple right-hand turn. >> the slipup that made for a big spill. toto y youou...... ththey're momorere t thahana pet so protect them, with k9k9 advantix ll itit's's b broroadad s spepm protection kills fleas, ticksks a andd mosquitoes too. k9k9 a advdvanantitix l fofor r ththe e loloveve o g athis is paul's s. fofor r ththosose e whwhoe a serious job dodoesesn'n't t hahaveve t to o.
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onone e a a daday y memen'n's h key nutrients like b-vitamins. alall l ththe e fufun n ofof s a complete multivitamin. female narrator: through monday, get 36 months through monday, get 36 months interest-free financing and save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic, but this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train.
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welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out great videos all darn day long. enjoy. ladies, familiar with the name ken block? >> yes. >> he's the rally car driver famous for the videos. when you see those videos he's scooting, and screeching and squealing all around all these different obstacles. here he is at a global rally cross event in barbados. first lap around the track, right around there towards the front of the pack. >> the guy is a stud on the track. he's good. >> he's really good. but somehow with all the stunts that ken is able to pull off, it seems he just couldn't quite nail this simple right-hand turn. >> what? >> watch this group of cars right here. crash. >> what? >> after all of the crazy videos from ken block taking some crazy
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hairpin turns, doing really cool drifting videos and just a little -- >> little right there, trying to get past that guy ahead of him and he just clips the curbing of the racetrack a little too tight. that bounces his car up in the air and over he goes, backs it too the retaining wall. looks like you see a flash of flames. but ken walked away uninjured. >> that's good. we'll have more great videos. >> sad to see this because it takes away his bad status just a little bit. >> unfortunately he raised standards for himself. now seeing stuff like this is hard to watch. >> i don't want to see it anymore. >> show me cool ken videos. ♪ stacy frank and her brother have been waiting to see this for years. this an eagle ray.
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she spotted this in grand cayman. this rarely seen in the water. stacy has been diving for 40 years but this is the first time she spotted a beautiful eagle ray. she believes this eagle ray is a juveni juvenile. that's why it wasn't skittish and swim away when she got close to it. >> it's so gorgeous. like dainty and graceful. >> majestic, really. >> she did a darn good job of getting solid video. >> somebody yelled shark when they spotted this little creature in the water at sea cliff beach in california. as you can see, that is not a shark, but everybody runs from the water screaming. >> [ bleep ]. >> one of our viewers sent this video to us. she said little sea lion was out there having a good old time. he was there for about 20 minutes just swimming in the water. she also said the sea lion
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probably would have had more fun if people weren't running and screaming. hanging out and having a good time. >> so cute. look like dogs, they're so adorable. their faces are precious. a snorkeler takes the plunge in a lake full of yele fish. >> how is she not getting stung. >> on the next "right this minute." >> still to come, three ridiculous desserts you can make -- >> on the grill. >> the simple steps to wow at your next cookout. >> look at that. >> your banana boat. >> a hero tracks down the bad guy. >> this time the hero is one of the watchdogs. >> see the crazy parkour chase inspired by a video game. wednesday's buzzword for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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thi video all based c watchdog. it an open world action adventure game in chicago. hayden pierce our character, our hero, chasing down this guy. hayden is also a hacker. he's got access to the entire grid in chicago so just by using his cell phone he can activate stop lights an all kinds of systems within the city to use it as part of his weaponry. >> so basically what we're watching is a real life version of a video game. >> that's right. and doesn't by none other than devin supertramp. >> oh. >> he's getting out of the hey, we're having fun out of the way video and getting into much more cinematic experiences all shot in the higher definition of high definition these days. >> does so many of the outdoors
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videos he never gets to do something scripted. >> he's going to be an oscar winning director eventually. ♪ ♪ >> lots of cool parkour moves just like in the video game. if you like the way this video looks check out the actual video game that comes out may 27th. we're all getting ready for summer, here are three delicious summer desserts you can make on the grill. a strawberry shortcake kabob. the churro. the smores stuffed banana boat.
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>> look at that. your banana boat. >> please. >> banana boat is like super throwback to when you were a kid. >> the guys at food beast tv on youtube show us exactly how you're going to do it. . take ripe bananas, cut a sliver. >> like making a banana split or sunday. >> leave it in the peel. >> you stuff it with marshmallows and chocolate bits, coffee covered popcorn, wrap some of it in aluminum foil and throw it on the grill until it starts melting. how about the churro. >> grill on low. this is super easy. >> start with a flour tortilla as the base. put butter on it, sugar, peanut butter, chocolate chips, marshmallows, bananas, wrap it and grill it. strawberry shortcake kabob. >> glaze it with condensed milk.
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will keep it moist while on the grill. the skewers have been soaking in water 30 minutes. >> spray a little nonstick spray on the grill. >> what you want to do is turn them over every 30 seconds. >> side of whipped cream with more chocolate chips and you have another delicious dessert. >> this is awesome because every summer barbecue is full of hot dogs and hamburgers and somebody brings a bowl of fruit and dessert. this is dessert. and you can do it all at the barbecue. the wait is over, everybody. time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> you need a twitter account and it's easy to create one when you enter. >> enter on click on the win an ipad mini button and enter today's buzzword. >> let's reveal wednesday's buzzword. it's chess. >> get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button and enter wednesday's buzzword about, c-h-e-s-s.
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>> and remember to follow us on twitter. >> good luck, everybody. a bear cub stuck on the road, but don't worry because -- >> mama bear to the rescue. >> that is the coolest thing i've ever seen. >> the story behind the priceless moment caught on camera. >> i don't think hey there. did you select these things on purpose? not a color found nature. there's nothing wrong with tha. i can hear your arteries clogging. ok. no. this is tap water. i can't let you buy this.
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oh. crystal geyser please. crystal geyser. bottled at the mountain source. announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at surprise!lcome back. crystal geyser alpine spring water. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. news flash, it's bottled at the source. news flash, we sell it in cases. oh. thank you. oh no no no. crystal geyser. bottled right at the mountain source.
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>> peekaboo. >> bop bop bop. >> peekaboo. p picabo -- peekaboo. >> peekaboo. hi cody. >> hi, cody. >> peekaboo. >> come hell or high water, a mama is going to make sure that her baby is safe even if that mama is a mama bear. >> oh. >> we're looking at video footage shot in british columbia in canada and as you notice, a little bear cub sitting awfully close to the road. >> oh. >> mama bear to the rescue. she pops right up over that barrier, scoops right in and pulls that baby cub back to safety on the other side of that wall. >> that is the coolest thing i've ever seen. >> the thing that's really awesome about this video, this video was shot by a storm
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chaser. we have that storm chaser via skype to tell us all about it. his name is ricky forbes. what happened just before the camera started rolling that made you pull over? >> right before we were driving down the road and saw this makeshift sign that said "bears on the road" so i grabbed the camera thinking we would see something and not even two minutes around the corner we came upon this scene. pretty much exactly what's shown in the video. >> of all your storm chasing videos is this one of the most popular, one of the most viral of your videos? >> absolutely. we put a lot of blood, sweat and tears in short chasing but one bear video knocks out all our tornado videos. >> which one is more fun to shoot? >> a bit more adrenaline in the tornadoes, but the bears i don't think i'll ever see anything that cool again. that was pretty neat. >> that is the coolest thing i've ever seen. >> that's going to do it for "right this minute," everybody. we'll see you next time. who are you?
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[whispering] i'm the breakfast fairy. what are you doing? leaving you a few bucks. that's all you need for my - sourdough breakfast melts, with your choice of ham, egg and cheese, or bacon egg and cheese, both on toasted sourdough. right now they're 2 for just $4.00. there's no such thing as the breakfast fairy. woah, woah - you're right. uh, i'm jack. i just put these wings on and broke in through your window to leave some money under your pillow ohh, good. cuz for a minute there this wasn't making any sense.
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great videos from the web and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> sit down, please. >> a cop's lapel cam captures the groin kick that sent a suspect to the hospital. >> to remove his tessticle because it shattered. >> how a routine traffic stop ended in a trip to the er. a woman leaves something on a bench that -- >> will blow your mind. >> what it was that has cops on her tail. a hunter is in the woods when suddenly -- >> what the heck was that. >> the story behind the mystery
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