tv Right This Minute KICU May 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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hello, erveds, i'm beth troutman. it's a new week and time for new videos, "right this minute." > running instate. lo. bicycle, piece of crap. >> a driver has to go around a cyclist. he's not happy he's having to share the road. >> i'm going to hurt one of them one of these days. >> how his video rant got him on the wrong side of the law. a paraglider sailing along when the equipment -- >> collapses like a balloon popped. >> why there's no soft landing after a long journey down. a guy getting up in his
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grill for a holiday barbecue. >> i'm sure this isn't how you go about hit. >> how he decides to fan the flames. and a 5-year-old with a decision to make. the pain of one tough problem. >> you can't have three girlfriends? >> no. >> it's too much to handle. what a problem to have. >> yeah, right. >> the constant battle, the battle between motorists and cyclists. a man named keith maddox is not happy he has to share the road. >> ride your little bicycle, piece of crap. going to run him in the ditch. just run him in the ditch. >> cyclists were back in traffic, cause zing problems. keep watching. this isn't the only video.
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>> look again. ain't nobody making it to work because you have this little piece of crap. oh, lord, lord have mercy, lord. cuss, cuss. cuss, cuss. >> what? >> he says cuss? >> he's not realizing how dangerous it is to be recording while he's trying to drive a big truck. >> it's like following the rules of the road. >> he apparently posted the videos on facebook. people from cyclist organizations and cyclists were upset. this is after the league of american bicycles ranked alabama last in bicycle friendliness in the entire u.s. they feel a video like this basically proves their point. he did get so much backlash from people he did remove the videos
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from facebook and also issued an apology. >> that seems sincere. you never know when you post something online, how it upsets people. >> the calhoun county sheriff has now charged maddox with reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor because in the video, it does appear he gets too close to the cyclist and is endangering them. >> that'll teach you a lesson. i agree, it's hard to believe. if he doesn't shoot the video, it never happens. >> sit back and enjoy a beautiful, scenic view from switzerland. look at the gorgeous rolling mountain, white caps in the background. this is what paragliding is about. >> it makes me want to yodel. >> he looks up. something isn't quite right. looks up again.
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then his parasail collapses like a balloon pops. the risers are twisted. okay, crisis overted. >> that was good work on his part. >> heads up, good work. it's not over, yet. panic after that as many of us would. i thought he was going to be just fine. not quite. >> oh, boy. >> yes, i imagine you want to get as close to the ground as possible after an accident like that. >> what happened? what was the problem up in the air? >> i wish i could tell you. i wish i could tell you. i don't know what causes something like that. >> everything seems to be going just fine. before you know it, he's tangled up. >> it does seem like that happens too easily. >> no word on injuries to this guy. looks like he comes in pretty fast. he is able to get on the
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radio -- doesn't look like he was seriously injured. this was a scene on the road in china following a serious accident. look at this thing. this is the front cab of what looks like a tractor trailer. you can see that thing really smashed up. the driver off to the side. if you look closely, it looks like this truck was carrying some sort of cement. you can see it all over the front of this truck. people jump in, to the rescue. it looks like maybe one official guy, whoever he is. then all these other civilians, bystanders out there on the road. it's hard for me to figure out what they are trying to do as they pull the rope. you can see the front of the blue truck is smashed in. pulled out enough to give the drivers room to wiggle out of there. just like here in america we would say one, two, three and pull the rope --
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> you can hear them all in unison. they are trying to pull the rope. it's like a really kind of skinny rope. their attempts aren't too successful here. eventually, we will see the man stuck inside the truck. rescuers were able to get in the cab with him and help him out. maybe just his legs were trapped or pinned. rescuers are able to pry open part of the smashed up blue truck. the guy is able to dislodge himself and come down on the stretcher. pa ar paramedics and other officials were there. >> it's not such a scary situation when you are not alone. so many people were working together to help him. the most racers are tested.
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their disciplines are put to the test here on this mountain bike is rider jerome. he goes around corners and, as we are used to seeing there's a lot of rocks. >> make them fun. u don't need a mountain bike tire, right? >> there's not a lot of room to lose control. >> you are going to be in the bushes. >> exactly. >> i know what happens. the dude with the camera inches away from the tracks, scared him. what is that guy doing here? >> sure, blame the camera man. >> they have another angle for that dude. >> accidents. you can see exactly what happened. the wheel seems to have caught it. >> oh, wow. >> wrecked. it didn't seem like anything was there that was an obstacle. he's on his back. >> better in the bushes than down the hillside. the bushes are like a match up.
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>> taken to the hospital, looks like he had a dislocated shoulder, but is going to be okay. will probably miss most of the remainder of the season. here is another crash. [ bleep ]. >> this one just on a bicycle on the streets. >> uh-oh, something broke on the bike. is that a brake? [ bleep ]. >> whoa, whoa, whoa! >> crashes into this fence. it seems like the worse is in the palm of his hand from the bush. >> not bad at all. he could have gone face first into that thing. [ bleep ]. she showed up to be part of a surprise party. >> suddenly, you hear piano music. >> see why the surprise is on her, next. three robins in the nest, one question. >> what is the white thing in her mouth. >> see what heck is going to happen, "right this minute."
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fella standing over here. ♪ >> he starts singing. he's singing the song "wedding vows" made by jaime fox. he is talented rksz incredible and the sweet es guy ever born. >> he's not the american idol. >> no. ♪ >> my gosh, everybody that's important is there watching this all unfold. >> i think you know what's unfolding. it's so much fun to watch it happen, though. ♪ >> of course, she got a ring. >> they will tell their kids. >> i have already watched this ten times. >> perfect because you don't have to think of something to say. it's a song that means so much to the two of them.
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♪ i married my angel." >> once he's done singing, he does speak a few words. >> will you be my wife? >> she says yes. watch when she takes the ring out of the box. i think it's an awesome ring. listen to what she says. >> oh, my god. >> think about this. she thinks she's going to someone else's party. ♪ i married my angel >> i have never actually started a barbecue, but i'm sure this is not how you go about it. they have a little grill. >> a little hibachi thing. is that a gas can? >> yeah. >> that's a great idea. >> yeah. you can hear someone in the background. they are like let's get some axel ra. >> it' going to
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face. >> don't do it. >> right about here. >> it went in the can. >> immediately a fire breaks out. you can catch a fire. he throws it right next to the home. everybody there starts reaching for buckets of water, throwing water on it. that's a solid bonfire they didn't intend to have. >> here is the thing. gasoline, in the liquid form is not what you have to worry about. it's the vapor. come on, guys. maybe if you got the grill started like that, you would have unleaded hamburgers. >> never use gasoline. they seem to manage to never put the fire out around the can. the can still has fuel in it. it has gasoline in it.
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are you serious? >> mh-hmm. they are eventually able to put it out. >> send them back to man class 101, how to start a barbecue. >> gravity. >> avoiding it. >> it will get ya. >> it looks like a loving relationship between cat and kitten. kitten is taking a nap while cat is cleaning its belly. >> cute as heck. >> social behavior. then gravity gets in the way of this beautiful moment between feline friends. >> where'd you go? did i do that? somebody is filming this. no one cared the cat fell a couple feet. >> another video shot by a go procamera. it's pointed toward a robin's
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nest. how beautiful is that. a couple baby birds, momma comes swooping in. watch when momma comes. >> oh, boy. >> trying desperately to get food from mom, but mom has other plans. this is a teachable moment. she didn't feed them. she didn't come in and give them food. she flew away because she wanted them to learn to be birds. fly away. we are not going to feed you. you have to get your own food. this bird starts flapping its wings, preparing to be a robin. gravity gets in the way, again. this happens. >> mom is bringing you the food. eventually, she's going to pull the plug. get a job. >> it's video that is rarely seen. >> pretty remarkable, isn't it? >> see why it's remarkable, next, "right this minute." those guys won't take his survey, what about hers?
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they don't have time for jack, they have time for the girl. they flunk again, next. he's about to do something on that rock she's never done before. >> can't wait to see this thing. >> you don't have to wait long because it'st on "right this minute." jijim'm's s hahairir i is . soso's's h hisis s ser, anand d hihis s mamandnn [speaking mandndararinin]] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of amamereri, jim falls short in gegettttining g imimpoportrtanam food alone. mamakikingng j jimim m moro. adadd d onone e a a daday y m, rich in key nutrtrieientnts sy need.
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once again, i'm disappointed by men out there. there's jack. we know him well. he's out on the beach trying to get people to take a survey. >> hey, guys, do you have time for a survey real quick. do you have time for a survey. >> every guy walks past jack. >> do you have time for a few questions. >> and into the arms of his accomplice. it's the same guy. >> do you have time for a few questions? yeah? all right.
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>> she's cuter than jack. no offense. >> she's very young. yeah, they are going to give their time to a cute girl in the bikini, not this de. >> i'm not mad at theseys girl conversation. yeah, i'll answer you questions. i don't have time for a survey. >> they don't have time for jack, they have time for the girl. >> i'm impressed with you that your argument is they should stick to their guns. if they don't have time, they don't have time no matter how big the boobs. >> the girl does have a couple funny questions for the guys. >> what is the first thing you thought about when you met me? if you are stuck on an island, who would you take with you? >> you. >> it does make them seem like losers. you are hot. i would take you to the island.
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>> what were you like at that age? you are on a mission. you are born to have a mission. >> what does she got that i don't got? it's stupid. >> if you are going to be involved in extreme sports, you have to have nerves of steel and face your fears. that was captured on video in epic tv sports episode of "stone kingdom." we have a rock climber here. her name is nina leslie. she normally does indoor competitive climbing. any rock climber who is a rock climber is going to get tempted by this. nina heads to a location called unfamiliar. >> it makes you want to find it. >> where do you hold on? >> that's what makes you a good climber, being able to grab on to the tiniest wedges. >> that's what she does. but, they are preparing for her to possibly slip and fall.
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which she does. >> that's nerve-racking. you have to let go and hope you land on the pads down there. >> right. then you have to be able to face your fears enough to get on the rock and try again, which nina does. and again, she fails. finally, she faces her fears again. >> go up. come on. keep going. >> it's close to the top. >> wow! >> she does have safety harnesses on. >> the options are limited. you have to push on. >> again, able to pull herself together and make it to the top. >> i climbed up it. i'm safe. >> the kids got a woman problem. >> a young casanova in the making. >> it's rough being 5,
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for over 60,000 california foster children, it's a challenge to replace clothes that are too small or worn out. i grew 3 inches last year. i don't need anything fancy. i never had much to begin with. when i look nice on the outside, i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small.
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the day. this is a bummer. this 5-year-old has a pretty tough decision to make. >> it's like -- >> you are thinking what does he have to give up? >> candy is a big one. >> can't eat all these candy bars, right? >> puppy? >> that would be tough. oh, no, this is something much harder. >> you can'tave three girlfriends? >> no. >> why? have two, but i don't want three.
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>> a young casanova in the making. >> he's worried about having three girlfriends, it's too much to handle. what a problem to have. >> yeah, right? >> now he faces the 5-year-old bachelor scenario where he has to choose between one of the three. >> they are all pretty. i have to give one up. >> it's stressful. they are all pretty. i kind of like them. she's good at sports, she's smart. >> he can't handle three girlfriends. imagine if that was added into the mix. >> i would like to know how you eliminate. is there a rose ceremony? >> it's a good idea for a kid version of the bachelor. group dates at the skate park and the bowling alley. then you figure it out. >> mom says it's rough being 5, huh? >> he's like yeah. >> i wish i was 4 again. >> he's going to say the same thing when he's 25 and single. >> does it stress you out having
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>> all right everybody it is time for the best videos from the web, right this minute. >> a mountain biker suddenly hears a warning. dude he is coming after you. what happens when a massive beast charges him on the trail and just keeps coming? >> famous food challenger surprises a fan who is in the hospital going through chemotherapy treatment. how he is making himself sick to make her feel better. close call for mama duck on
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