tv Right This Minute KICU May 28, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." it's good times at a graduation. >> but not all was happy. >> how some of the guests got schooled in the fine arts of fighting. some musicians tried toake their instruments on a flight but the airline told them -- >> you're out of here. >> kicked them off the plane. >> now the talented guys behind the viral video tell how they finally got a seat. >> i said to nick, film this, man, i'm going to play for them and maybe that will get their attention. >> race fans gather around a
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bonfire when one of them goes -- >> through this fire. >> the dude who doesn't let a few burns stop the party. a baby outshined by a jealous dog and the love story behind a frat house homecoming. 2014, that time of year. ♪ >> where graduation celebrations are happening all over the country. a lot of stuff captured on social media. a girl posting lots of vine videos to her account by the name of big evap. for their friends, mugging for the camera, having a good old time. a little bit of the commencement ceremony right there. all for randallstown high school, but not all was happy. >> fighting at graduation, really? look at this. that's sick. that's just sick. >> a fight breaks out at graduation between two women and at least three guys trying to break up the fight.
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>> are they graduates or adults or people who are just there? >> police are still trying to identi the people in this fight. >> it looked like some of them are adults and well out of high school. >> that is sad. >> thisust devolves into a fistfight. >> what do you have to fight about? it's a celrararaebratory occasi. people have reached a milestone in their lives. >> way to take away from the moment that's supposed to be about the graduates. >> right. >> some reports say the police arrested one man and one woman in connection with this fight. these videos are going viral. they may be able to help police identify who was involved in the fight and what happened. >> fighting at graduation, really? air travel can be a big old pain in the wazu. >> what if you're carrying a musical instrument. >> you carry it on because you don't trust the baggage. >> exactly.
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that's what happened tos they fellas. these fellas are members of a group called time for three. the brilliant guy playing the violin is zach de pu and they're on the tarmac trying to board a flight on u.s. airways to fayetteville, arkansas, to be part of a festival. >> u.s. air is not letting us put our violins on an airplane. >> the crew, the captain said you can't carry these violins on to our plane and if faa finds out we could get fined, you're out of here. kicked them off the plane. >> what do we do? >> is that really an faa rule or policy in. >> it's interesting you should ask that back in 2012 congress passed the faa modernization and reform act which says passengers are allowed to carry violins on to an airplane. >> this has my blood pressure going. i'm like raging inside for them. >> unreal, guys. we got to fight this. got to fight this.
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this is wrong. >> we have all three members from time for three, zach de pue, nick kendall and ranam meyer via skype. will you hold up one of your cases so we can see how big these things are. >> this is my violin case. >> looks like a carry-on to me. >> walk us through exactly what happened once you got on that aircraft. >> we were just greeted by a steward that said you have to check those instruments. we said they're valuable instruments. can you give us a chance to put it in the overhead and show you it fits. he said no. we get off the plane and standing on the tarmac. >> the captain says it's beyond us, it's faa mandate. we could be fined $10,000. >> i was like i'm going to play, maybe they don't think we're legit musicians. i said film this, i'm going to play for them. maybe that will get their attention. >> we reached out to u.s. airways and there is an apology.
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here's the statement. we apologize that the musicians were inconvenienced. we confirmed seats for them on a later flight and they arrived in fayetteville last night. we wish them good luck as they perform this week. >> what do you say to that statement. >> that's nice. very nice of them and we appreciate that, you know. >> to tell you the truth the next flight we were greeted by another agent that told us we were supposed to check our instruments but we educated ourselves and said there's an faa act passed by congress and showed it to him and he said okay. just don't tell anybody, get on the plane. it was like so hush hush. >> how do you plan to fly in the future? what if this happens again? >> we have a video. but this happens so many times. many the conversation will really come out in the way that it deserves to. ♪ i'm going to show you what happens after a mad police chase
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in russia and this video proves the chase wasn't over. what you see here is a black subaru legacy. this guy had been involved if an accident and a police chase ensued because the guy wanted to get away. police eventually cornered this guy. you could see it's in between two police cars, but watch what happens next. you hear a car revving its engine and then boom. that guy backed into that police vehicle and rams that police vehicle into another car. you can see people scrambling around to get out of the way. and watch, he backs up again. and he tries to escape but watch what police do. police open fire and they start firing at the wheels of the car. but according to reports, that driver was able to escape temporarily. they eventually caught up with the guy after they found the car
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abandoned. >> i can't believe he got away. that car was in shambles by the time he got out of the scene we're seeing here. no wonder it was abandoned. probably broke down a mile later. >> police in london are looking for the gang involved in this caper. what you're looking at is a high-end store. we're talking purses as expensive as $28,000. and some criminals want to get their hands on them without paying. you can see there are customers in the store. but there's also a woman there with her 8-year-old son. you can see that door closing. that is one of the store employees pushing the woman and her son back into the bathroom. she hit the panic button and smoke fills the store. >> what is that? >> that must be some defense mechanism where smoke fills the store once you hit the button. >> how long does it last? is it just smoke or sleepy time stuff in there? >> unfortunately there's no sleepy time stuff and the guys were able to get away with quite a bit. they say that what they stole was worth about $252,000 in
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channel and hermess bags. the indy 500 went down this past weekend. pretty big race. when the big race is going on they have big parties. people go down there, don't watch the race, just party. believing these are a lot of college co-eds, probably more dudes than girls in the green grass area with a bonfire, everybody is partying. all of a sudden the -- the old [ inaudible ] starts. the indy 500, had great time. watch this fella who comes out of nowhere. >> oh. >> yeah. doesn't even run, doesn't jump, takes a few steps through this fire. >> wait, maybe he's wearing shoes. >> even if he was, you can't do that without suffering serious burns. wh he getscross i ms
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massive cheering at this point. everybody goes completely bonkers. and this is the guy you're seeing this fella with his shirt off. now he's on somebody's shoulders. the chant is continuing. >> he has to be on somebody's shoulders because he burned off the soles of his feet. >> he looks to be in some rough shape. in the end it sounds like he maybe lets out a scream, i can't tell if he's screaming ice ice or my legs. listen. >> [ inaudible ]. >> that's going to be quite a hangover the next day. not only the headache and all that stuff but your legs are burned off. >> congratulations to that guy. a man approaches a woman on the street. >> and then -- >> what? >> you dirt bag. >> why there's more to this kick than what's caught on camera. a sar gent heads back to his college stomping ground for a visit. >> that's not what this is about. >>he love story behind his surprise arrival.
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these are as random and scary as they can get. check this first one out in poland in the security video, you see two women walk down this sidewalk and a few seconds later you see that one of the women turns back around but notice a man wearing a green hoodie walking right at her and then -- >> what? >> you dirt bag. you dirt bag.
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he doesn't try to rob her or anything. random violence. >> unprovoked. no intention to rob her. just the physical attack against this woman. >> what a jerk. >> oh, man. >> ever wish you would see something like this happen so you could just go thump this guy's face. >> it wasn't the only one. according to reports this was one that was actually caught on video, but he apparently had also been attacking in a very similar way other women and men. fortunately after one attack where the woman reported it at the right time they were able to find them. he apparently was arrested and taken to the hospital for a psychological evaluation. this is just as bizarre. police are still investigating this one. you see the driver with his dash cam come up to the intersection, a pedestrian that's crossing. that pedestrian stops because he notices another vehicle isn't going to stop for him raises his arm, throws his drink at the vehicle. the passenger and driver get out of that vehicle and start physically attacking him, not just that.
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they grab him and throw him in the trunk of the vehicle and drive off. >> whoa. >> what? >> they did it so methodically. they did it so fast, without even thinking. >> and that's kind of what police are saying. they think that there's a possibility this is real, but they also are wondering whether this was actually a prank or if this was set up. they think it was pulled off a little too perfectly. >> yeah. so quickly and so succinctly and almost looks choreographed a little bit. i hope it's fake. that's terrifying if it isn't. >> college grads they always like to go back to the old stomping grounds. check out your alma mater. see old friends. if you're a recent college graduate. a guy named clark graduated from florida state fsu in 2012. he's been out of town a little bit. he's not just clark, he's sergeant clark ramman. he spent nine months serving in
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afghanistan. being greeted by friends and his family, but this isn't just about a homecoming to go back to your old frat house. that's where he's going. >> i love that shot. great shot. >> you can see him soaking home in. you know, feeling the air, feeling home. >> feeling the freedom that he's been fighting for. >> yeah. but, you know, not just because he wanted to go to the cool kegger that he liked to go to. that's not what this is about. the sergeant is heading back to his old frat house to surprise his girlfriend lexy in front of her sorority sisters and fraternity brothers. here is that moment. ♪ >> awesome moment. everybody is there. you know, this is around their friends, right. her sorority, his fraternity. >> these people know their story. >> can't you hear the other sisters saying oh, my god that is so sweet. >> it is really sweet. it's beautiful.
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she was surrounded by so many people, guys and girls, but in that moment, they all disappeared because it was just about him. >> explosions in slo mo in one. >> should it be called explomotion. >> done. >> see the message in the video next "right this minute." still to come, it's an unusual dinner date caught on camera. >> that is a hedgehog and that is a fox. >> why this night out won't be their last. plus -- >> dude tricks people into thinking they're getting a free burrito. >> but it kind of backfires. >> how feeling guilty takes his prank in a new direction.
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has 30 cameras to capture the animal life in his backyard and he caught this on camera one night. that is a hedgehog and that is a fox. they are eating together. he says this took place over about a half hour so it was a short date because it was their first meet. >> like just for lunch kind of thing. >> that wasn't their last date. things went on well. although jason said the hedge hog was nervous at first. >> at first the hedge hog was wary, raised its spine on its back. the fox came along and had a brief look at the hedge hog and innord it and carried on feeding. >> don't know they're a hedge hog and fox. they just each like each other. >> i don't think they knew it was being filmed. >> but this dog knew it. >> come on, charlie.
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>> cannon. nobody is paying attention to you? >> like, awesome. >> the dog is like, what is this creature you brought into the house? you used to take pictures of me all the time. >> the dog is like i'm cuter. come on. >> the dog strategically moves its head to block the baby as best it can. >> cannon. what? nobody is paying attention to you? want a free burrito. >> sure. >> everybody would say yes to that, right? that's what the guys thought too. >> why not send out 1,000 flyers that advertisers a free burrito to chipotle and pass it around to college students. >> so mean. >> free burritos. >> everybody wants the coupon for a free burrito. >> especially college kids strapped for catch. yousef had a change of heart. >> felt so bad how excited the
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college students were getting i called up in chipotle and put in an order of $1500 worth of burritos. >> he decided to buy the burritos and hand them out. one small problem, though. >> we put the wrong date on the flyer. >> oops. >> people were getting turned away. he goes out and hands out a bunch of burritos. the folks over at chipotle didn't like the idea of him handing out free burritos. >> you need permission. >> i'm not doing anything wrong. >> what? >> kind of weird. >> like if i bought you guys burritos i could give them to you. >> i'm doing a good deed out here, giving it to homeless people. >> but he still had a box of 200 burritos. so here's what he did. >> on behalf of [ inaudible ] chipotle palooza. ♪ >> he just walked into a classroom unannounced, they put he professor wanted to do
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something nice. the professor has no idea what's going on. he wasn't in on it. >> who would like a chipotle burrito? >> this took a lot of turns. >> did not go as planned. the second didn't go as planned. >> but they made it work. they got a good video out of it and a bunch of people got a good burrito. >> a group of guys come together to goof off in the sky. >> this is nothing but an entertaining video. >> why jumping out of a plane never looked
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and what do we have here? oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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water look how gorgeous that is. >> max sees himself for the first time. ♪ ♪ >> sometimes during the course of your day you need to sit back, relax and let yourself be entertained by a really awesome video set to a song by europe which makes it more awesome. the song "danger on the tracks." ♪ danger on the tracks something is coming down ♪ ♪ danger on the tracks >> this is nothing but an entertaining video. this was shot in bucharest, romania at the tnt brothers drop zone. guys from all over the world joining together to make a fun video during the dynamite days. four fabulous days of skydiving
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in romania. >> wow. ♪ >> what's fun about this is they're so good at what they do, that now they can just goof around with it. you know. you're jumping, you fling your body out of a plane, but you can still smile and wear a fancy mustache. >> they're just having fun. it's just a fun video. >> can i point out that really awesome plane. pink with yellow stars. a paint job, pretty awesome. >> yeah. mustache just make everything better. it's just a fact. >> that's our show, everybody. we're going to leave you with a special "rtm" zip performance from time for three playing "roun "roundabout" and we'll see you next time. ♪
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you love great videos from the web, this is the show for you, "right this minute." a driver pulled over for texting suddenly throws it in reverse. >> crashing into a police cruiser there. >> how he hauled down the highway and straight into a police trap. a world-class adventurer decides. >> i think i want to try wing suiting with my dog. >> poor dog. >> but see why whisper is up for the challenge. >> [ bleep ]. >> it's a vicious parking lot brawl with -- >> four guys beating up two men. >> how it led to a b
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