tv Right This Minute KICU May 29, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT
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. hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. if you love great videos from the web before they go viral, this is the show for you. "right this minute." an officer whips out the taser when he real sizes he's outnumbered and. >> surrounded by a bunch of partygoers. >> what happens when one gets in the middle of police business. this is joey mcknight. >> hey, guys. >> a cold water challenge for charity has a firefighter submerged in -- >> giant tub of ice water. >> cold. >> meet the brave guy who reveals how long he lasted. >> my muscles they were shrinking up pretty good.
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a hawk attack has a glider pilot thinking -- >> maybe i should land this thing. >> see the crazy maneuvers to escape one angry bird. an forget the x factor. now there's the sex factor. with a prize -- >> of $1 million. >> the adult film reality competition no pros allowed. >> for people who have never performed. >> i would hope that would be all. >> the indy 500 went down this past weekend. a lot of people talking about the race, the winner ryan hunter-reay. do you know about another event that went down, the indy 211. it was the 211 people arrested, most of them drugs and alcohol. i hate to say this, someone died during the indy 500. here is a video from the grass littered field. this officer here by himself surrounded by a bunch of partygoers. watch closely right here. see that. he gets hit with something.
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watch it again. see this thing bounce off of him. like a water jug. as soon as he is hit he starts marching in a certain direction. the guy with the camera follows, clearly got this guy on the ground with the taser pointed at him. watch this other guy who walks up. >> wait! >> the officer tells him to back up, the kid puts his hands up but then watch. >> oh. >> dry tases that kid. not a good call by the kid but the kid did put his hands up. >> happened so instantly. this officer is outnumbered, there by himself and trying to control a situation. >> and he's already been attacked so he's already a little aggressive. >> turns into complete chaos. people screaming and yelling and some laughing. another kid come by and say he got batoned. i literally got batoned. it looks like a giant mess. >> that amazing event, the indy
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500, is being tarnished. this stuff shouldn't happen. it should be fun. >> don't let it get to this. >> it's a beautiful day at the airport in logan, utah. somebody has a motor glider out and this happens. did you see that? >> that's a big bird. what is that? >> a hawk and that swanson hawk apparently didn't like the fact that the rc glider was flying around and dives at the glider several times. >> looks like a tara dak tall to a hawk. >> more reason to attack it. >> shows how brave the hawk is. this motor glider is probably bigger than her but doesn't diminish her attack instincts. >> i think some of those gliders are made of light material, so like i wonder if the claws of this thing could rip out a bunch of glider. >> it is made of foam. the bird isn't done. finally the guy is like, maybe i should land this thing. >> he lands it and also shows us what the rc glider looks like after his encounter.
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>> oh, yeah. you can see that scratch right there. >> he's saying, she got you right here and shows us the aftermath of this midair attack. >> i don't think i did that. >> he goes, i don't think i did that. he thinks she is responsible. but he also got some still images you can check out. see the bird up close, a beautiful creature. this one he says her mouth is open because maybe she's looking for a bite to eat. she's like this is bland. >> probably like her feeding grounds. when you find a really cool taco spot not a lot of people know about yet and a bunch of people find out about it and before you know it it's packed every day. >> i love the hawk might be protecting her taco stand. >> yeah. there's a popular challenge making its way around the web called the cold water challenge. seems to be particularly popular with firefighters. >> cold water challenge, we do that on a daily basis for fun. >> you're challenged by someone
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you know to either dunk yourself in cold water. or get sprayed down with cold water. or you have to donate 100 bucks to a charity chosen by the person who challenges you. if you do take the challenge and dunk yourself you still have to donate but couldn't have to donate as much. >> as you can see we filled this bay up full of water here. we call it the possum belly. >> the mobile fire department getting involved. >> that's my colleague the driver of the truck, the driver of the engine and this is joey mcknight. >> hey, guys. joey mcknight, firefighter with mobile fire and rescue. my captain challenged me to the cold water challenge. >> firefighter joey mcknight taking the challenge. >> at least the fire department is there to save him. >> looks like he's chillin'. >> let's see how joey mcknight is doing. we have him via ske, right
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this minute. welcome to the show. are you still in the tub of ice? >> no, i'm not in the tub. i was in there like ten minutes. >> how long were you trying to stay in? >> long enough to get that video and to be honest tony wouldn't put the camera down fast enough because he likes to hear himself talk. >> trying to get his temperature down to 88. >> ended up being in there longer than i planned. >> how cold was it? >> i did not have a thermometer in there but it was really cold. >> shrinkage? >> yeah. my muscles, they were shrinking up pretty goodp. >> who were you donating the money to and the charity? how much do you donate if you submerge yourself in the water? >> i think it's up to us. most of us are doing half. mike challenged me to the national burn foundation and $100 if i didn't do it and 50 if i did. >> when you were first chaelds, did you think about just writing that check for $100 at first? >> of course i did.
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i don't like cold. i live in the south. they're not kidding when they say cold water. >> that concludes this act of joey mcknight. as you well can see. >> this does not look like a fair matchup at all. in the far lane we've got a 2008 smart car. >> yeah. >> and in the near lane we've got a shelby gt 500. take one look at this picture and everybody would say, i'll take the mustang, but that would be boring to watch. >> it would be boring and believe it's not going to go down like that. this video comes to us from juken video. >> whoa. >> that is nuts. >> that thing takes off like a shot so much connection and torque the thing lifts its front wheels off the ground, has to get out of the gas, doesn't quite beat the mustang because of that wheel stand. >> oh. >> yeah. lost that one. but it gets a second shot. that yellow mustang gets shouty and loud in the background
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before this little blown smart car tries again. does beat that mustang for sure. >> what's in the smart car? is this your standard smart car like an airplane engine in this thing? >> a standard smart car goes like 35. certainly not standard but not as impressive as you might think hp he's got a toyota engine in there, 1.5 liter. there's a super charger buried underneath there and it's also very, very lightweight. >> right. >> like a go-cart. >> some more fascinating things on wheels. these people. >> three, two, one. >> what are they counting down? dan witby. uk freestyle motor biker. >> oh! >> dan did his superman grab over. thousands of people watching
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this jump. dan is the first man to ever do that jump. >> that was really good. how much fun would that be during your day at the beach. >> i like they made the ramp out of sand. looks like they used bulldozers. >> yeah. >> oh! he's the guy behind this viral hit. and now he's at it again. >> internet. >> right, right. >> but this isn't just a video of a talking dog. this is actually a promotional video. >> how the chatty dogs are helping a cause. plus, this little guy is ready to -- >> go on the big kid ride. >> are you ready to go upside down? >> yeah. >> see his roller coaster ride of emotions next.
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little known fact that is putting out there, dogs hate the internet. >> don't you think we should go out? >> no. this is important. >> important? >> yeah. >> facebook. >> yeah, i'm on facebook. >> the internet. >> right, right. hang on. >> hey. >> hang on. >> the dog is annoyed. dog wants to go out. does this look or sound familiar to you guys? >> yeah. this is the same guy that made th dog wanting bay ko ining bacon. >> the maple kind, yeah. >> i took that out and thought -- >> yeah. >> i know who would like that. me. so i hate it.
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>> oh! >> nick, absolutely. this is all from the talking animals youtube channel. same is true of this newer video. >> okay. so you want to go out? >> yep. >> want to go for a walk? >> yep. >> to the park or for a drive? >> yep. >> okay. let me do one more thing. >> this isn't just a video of a talking dog. this is actually a promotional video. the talking animals youtube channel is now supporting pal, pets add life, a pet adoption organization, hoping people will see the video and adopt a pet. there's a message even at the end of this video. >> see what i'm doing. come here. come here. take a look. >> let me see. no way. let's go pick her up. >> pets need a pal to talk to. and you can now submit your videos of your dogs and the talking animals youtube channel will make a video of your animal
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talking. >> brilliant. >> the panama canal a modern marvel of engineering, fascinating to watch, the locked doors open and the cargo ships come through. may not know how some of this stuff works but check out the four locomotives or mules they're called. on either side of this container ship. that ship is tied to each one of those locomotives and they're the ones that keep the ship right where it's supposed to be. something goes wrong right about here. >> oh, no. >> here comes the ship. >> here comes the ship. >> bang. >> oh. you can hear the crunching. >> it's like a slow motion emergency. that one little mule getting crushed. you can't like -- >> push it back. >> shock the thing. >> of course not. >> this guy jumps out of the front locomotive but for a while now, you don't see anybody getting out of that mule. the ship continues to move over that pushing that mule off the tracks and the crunching
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continues. but thankfully, you'll see here, the guy gets out of that mule. he was uninjured. no injuries in this incident. >> oh, yeah. it got hit hard. >> you know that weird face you make when you're on a roller coaster, like an intense roller coaster. you can't replicate that face. it only happens on a roller coaster. we're about to see a little fella show us that face because this video unloaded by dad buzz bishop of his boy zacharie. zacharie just tall enough now to go on the big kid rides. >> ready to go upside down? >> yeah. >> he doesn't know what he's in for, i think. he doesn't know what this is going to feel like. >> oh, my gosh. >> here's the face where you're kind of like your eyes are bugging out. >> oh! >> want to go on it again? >> dad actually told us on his blog that a few minutes later the kids definitely did want to
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go on it again and dad, he didn't want to go on it again. dad was like, once is enough for me. he said he calls himself a bad dad for doing stuff like this. check out a shot from 2009. look at how little and terrified zacharie is there. >> i feel bad for this kid. >> i think it's a great indoctrination to learn that this stuff isn't as scary as it might look and it's going to encourage him to take new challenges as he gets older. >> dad admits and says look it's time for payback. i've been dragging the kid on these rides and i don't want to do them and he keeps wanting to go back on. he has to suffer through it. >> two elite climbers in fat suits. >> yeah. >> can they make it? next "right this minute." and still to come -- dude combines explosions and slow motion for one awesome video, but -- >> not all about just awes. he's got a point. >> the message.
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that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller. female narrator: sleep train challenged its manufacturers sleep train challenged its manufacturers to offer even lower prices.
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but the mattress price wars ends sunday. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing, plus free same-day delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars ends sunday at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ closed captioning provided by --
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explosions and slow motion, two things richard ryan at the rated rr channel does so well. >> i set up three seconds worth of explosions and filmed them in slo mo for you to check out. >> should it be called slo motions? >> done. sold. here it is a 55-gallon fish tank. he's using dets cord, the stuff that zigzags all over the place. first on an aquarium. next he put this together with c 4. cool, zigzagging through that goes under water here. he's trying to blast home a
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message with this video. not about awe. he's got a point. >> don't be a dummy. here in tennessee over 60% of people killed in car crashes weren't buckled up. takes three seconds of your time to save your life. think what you could be doing, dancing, kissing, gaming, loving, living. some of life's meaningful moments happen in three seconds. >> put your seat belt on. it's awesome. richard gets hundreds of thousands of views on his video and to get this point across going to watch one of his cool explosion videos i think it's a solid thing richard is doing. >> well done. >> slow motion. >> we've heard of fear factor and "x factor" but have you heard of sex factor? >> the 2014 award shows in los angeles, some of important's biggest stars came together to create a reality competition called the sex factor. >> you have heard correct. they are looking for eight men and eight women to compete to be
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a important star and a prize of $1 million. >> these 16 contestants have never been seen on film before america will vote to decide a male and female winner. >> the host is none other than duke university student bell knox. >> the important college student getting it tons of attention. >> she's the host and the judges are other important stars that have worked quite a bit. >> you have to be fearless to be in important. the first couple scenes are a little nerve-racking. but i'm going to help the stars gain the confidence they need. >> they have to sit there and watch people have sex live, is that how this works? the panel, table, people come in and hump each other in front of the other? >> like "american idol," simon and the rest of the gang, the judges critiquing their movement. >> america, nothing like this has ever been done before. >> insured for $1 million. >> how do you get that policy? is that through state farm?
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>> you the fans will decide who has the sex factor. >> you will be able to participate to decide who you want to win. >> one of the things i'm most excited about i'm going to do a scene. >> reality tv has been wildly popular for so long now, and let's face it, porn is one of the hugest money makers out there. put the two together, voila. >> do you have the sex factor? >> this is a sign of the apocalypse. >> dude taking the plunge so his friends decide. >> make him take a plunge in a blindfolded bungee jump from a bridge. >> how they pull off the perfect bachelor party prank. dog to
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walk in. >> probably jumps in the water every time he sees him. >> if you're a dude getting married you trust in your buddies to throw you some sort of bachelor party. for this guy he was getting married in the netherlands. his buddies decided let's do something crazy because he's about to take the plunge. make him take the plunge in a blindfolded bungee jump from a bridge. they actually take him to a tiny platform on a small pond. >> this is so much better than actually pushing him off a bridge. >> this is evo, the blindfolded guy.
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handcuffed. the buddies are connecting the bungee. they're speaking in dutch but you make out the bungee jump. >> bungee jump. >> they brought the stepladder type thing to make it seem he was climbing up something and walking out to the edge of a bridge. >> i feel like you can hear the water. >> they have headphones on him. notice the guy pulled the headphones to say something to him. evo. >> yeah. >> that's why it worked. because they removed all his senses, sight, his hearing. >> they inch him toward the edge, get him closer. he's a little nervous. eventually take the handcuffs off all right, buddy, hold your hands out, let's do this and then give him the countdown. >> thryeah. >> if you're him do you think thank god or are you mad? your mind has to be blown here.
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." road rage in the street as two drivers go at it. >> and they are relentless. >> the amazing moment a kid at the scene showed them who's the grown up. a worker keeps smiling even toe her hand is sandwiched. >> caught in the dough machine. >> why rescuers had to resort to plan b to set her free. if you're brave enough to pa paraglide on skis you can do -- >> cool stuff like this. >> how a speed rider
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