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tv   11 News at 10PM  CBS  February 25, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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a man on aeadly rampat a a business in kansasbsseveral people a a dd including the susuect. what we're e nding out abououthe gunman, his motive and the ofceo himead. a titianr r evevee' me.... oneea almomo died becaus i i i heararhim m oking,o ran ther whatatt was and atvery rent needsdso know in an 11 call fofiac investigation. and it's so furiating. packages s olen from your porch. o o local man caught it alalon camera. 8:8::05 5 he thing about it is u uld sesethtt they were actually waiting for the mail man tget t ofoferer 11 news is asking carrie what they'rdoin to help put a stop t. now, from your breaking news leader, this is tv 11 news at 10. hello.& d dnne derb hello. imimon wd porch pirateon therowl again tonight.t.nlininshopping turnsns to a headadae when thievev strike.
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and steal the papaage. we talkekewithhippg g rriers abouwhat you can dabout it. is is w tonit 11 ns rererter katie peleln jos now. katie, the homeowner thinks the thiej wewe tching t maiaiman.he sd ththpackckckwas delivered juju minutes fore t t thihies showed up. they stole the package right off his porch. ththhomeowner caught thehehole thing on s sveillance e deo.o.o. cesar: 8:06:40 "i sasaa car pulling u to my driveway and d n got out and actualal from & right h%re she took my packaka." porch pirates strike again. cesar r rdona,a,ackage stol: 8:8::50 "it is ustrg because yoyoexpepep% toet t t things you orr online for your r ughter and then sudnly it's not there. somebodytole it." it happened yfstery near fountain and powers in colorado springs. and it's tecond ti theheve hit.he installed these camerasasfter a package was stolen last susuer. cesar: 8:07:35 "it'sike e ey saw the package being delivered and then
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he's jusas frustrated as the others we've talked to in the past. "she got a box with old crananrry sauce with aote that said 'smile you're on ca.aid camera.'" fromlile girl. m beautiful little girlr" ce 8:08:20 t's n t ththvalue of the thing it's just that it's t fa's st not fair for her." asked our shipping carriers how they are mbatinthis problem. p-s ananfedex x ll me they will send you alert with the deliry time to your r ononon yon inststtly roututytur papaagif you won't be homemet that t te. dex x ys y y can alsask k haveveoupackages left behind sosothing that hides them, maybe a planr or a grill. backo you.u.u. thank youlkatie. dex x so sugsts s require a signature fofo your deliverer they say most peopleon't do that. a sasasitutuion developingngn kansas tonight.
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and at least 1 othersrsnjured during a deadly reretoday. police s s theheunman killed sosof his cocorker befofo police took him down. is is an updpdpdto an brfakingngngs alalt. it happened in hesstst kansas, near witchiha. ththlocal shererf's office says cedric ford, factory whe worked. jennifer trujillo's husband was inside t t plant d ding the ooting. d d say someone n nt toim got w ot.. oh myod.. oh god. they were reuinited on live tevision. lice a a investigating multiplelene sceces and say thth think they knowis motive but th are not leasing it just yet. w at t, it was the last chance for republican preredential candidates to face offefororor super r esday. marco rubio and ted cruz who are fighting for co plala turned agnst donald trump, who fireright back. ubio - "you'rerehe only pers this stage whohhas ever beeee
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-ring people to work on your projects illegally." trump - - o, no, i'm the only y one on thegegeho's h hed people. haven't xjred ybyby!" n carson focused a lot of immigration and hn kasich on rerereous liberty y rsus s s ssex x marriage. all five c cdidates vowed to repeal obamace, but none prededn ternrnive. weweave w infoation about a former cheleadadg cowho xually assauaued a t%tnager ina private le. mitchell greenstreet pled guilty.ywhen he is s stencedhe faces life i iprisis accorging to arrest papers grgrtreewas s coaca#at "coloro chr academy alta." wealkeketoe victim's d d shorory aftet%s arrere last sum prote t vm w% arehidinghe fher' identy. "is disgusti iinfuateses here's'swordto descre it." greenstreet will be sentend in may. funenel arraements are bng ma tononht, for the deputytyho was killed in the li of f ty. toda law enforcement agegeies escorted his body.
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yesterery whene was serving an eviction notice ble twtwother r r tiere also . today, t p pk unty sheriff says the shooting should've never happened. our hope that thththvent do not deter a aone in the law enfoecenencommunity, officics, corrections the sheriff's office, but pes s strengthen their resosoe defefd their counity and the t in blue line. the suspect ed in the shootout onof the deputies who was shot is now in able condition. ththother ononwas released last ght. we he an updatatton 1111 breaeang news alert firir told yououbobobot t 30. a grgrs fire in calhan wasas started by som construction work. ittarted ts a&ternoon off eurichchnd mc-clasky road. that's about 45 minutes east of colodo springs. about acres b rned. no structures were er threatated. the firehiefantstsveryone to
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increafire danger. crewstare e scene monitorg thisrass fire tonit. it staed this afternoon n the fremont countyy sheriff's ofofce.e the fire stayed a creek bed and neveththatenen any structures. roads the area are alsoopen. there is no wo on n cacae. an unbelievable story of identity theft whererpolice say woman took k over anotherer wowon's identity...for four years. first told you about kalena winiton yesterday and how she repotedldl had bebe arrsted sevel times in the past t r other crim, gogoo cot and took plea deals s l while using another womamas name today,`,`,spe witi thahaher won who says her wallewas stolen back in 2012 when she was visiting family in colorado springs. 14:15:26 "ias real ma i didn't who ititas and i all the w in arkansas, so basically treas nototng i could do aboutt." the im tells her this arst
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she faces hehe, shshsh also facingeder chars fofofradulan tatas. new tonighgh basketball staff has resignededed th is happeningnat pinincreeee hihi schl, ju as s e team is days awawa from their first playoff game. 11 newreporter danieiee krtter joini us now, you've been in contact with coach kekny van-ryn. what did he tell you? don and diannf, heays he doesn'n'think what's happened in the department is fair to e studen or rhe other coaches, but says iso thankful for the time he spent hihi with them. hool distrtrt 20 would notve any tails about t e cistances rrounding thehsudd rignaf coh van-ryn or the two otr j-j-coaches who alsl resigned. this isn't the fir time there's been issues involving the pine creek hig school athlelec department. you'l$ remember all of the
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aftecha viio by the wresiniha&a&a&ball team. ththrestriciions have beenen lieds oronactlwhat b b b`outthis wavavavignation e c c c emailed this staten s sg e-e- /ivery unfnftu buhahahae hool f ft bebebe at the momont. far as s e mors about why and people attacking my character, am extremely prouof the work iut in ehlast couple months wit ososkids and that't'something no o o can take e ay no matter how hard t ey trtr" as far as the plaioff f me this friday, ththys basketball coach joe e coachingtaff will be fifling in. bao u dianne wu havavan update i-70 in glenwood canyon. thinterstate isjreopen again in b bh directions 1 1 ys after auge rockslide.he eastbound lalas are being us for both dirtions. a 24 mile stretch h the highway was s ut down
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onto the road. happening tomorrow, this fororr cowil be in cour james ashby isisccusus of second murdrd. wasorking for theheocky ford police department at the time. jack jajquezezad just retutued@d home from a night ofabysitting in october of 2014. ininstigators say yshby barg into jacquez' home and shot him in the back. the former offffer says he thought jacquez was a a burglar. we'lt yoyoknow wt happpps in court 1111inutes of non stop ns continueuewith this. a lot of you called us today plume. it started around 11 on east 8th street in puebeb. l the e oke e s caused by old tirerethat caught fifi. a man was tryiyio o place a fufe line on a c. whene started d e caththfire started. of a fence wasas damaged.d. the pueb airport is opening. great lakes airles is bringing back conneneing g flflhtto denver.. today ey held a ribbon cutng remony to kick off i service
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the airprpt restaurant and thehe remodeled terminalal 47:52:02 ore availalae flights just ans more options. ititeans givi people an opportunity to fly o of pueblo and t t to drive up 1-25. we like to use the exe that if you werefly out of pueblo you could have s syed d bed another hour and aalf." rit now they have one flight per day but are okinto add m/ue in the ture take a look at this new video of a lion cub and mom at the pueblo zoo. this little y is just six wes old and loves to play and snuggle with mom. the zoo is having a naming contest for hihihi they are takakg ideas ugh march 12th. nonoait weather with meteorlogist jessica lebel in for brian t t tht. highs this afternoononeached into the 40s and 50s. w wh momoly clekieses
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are cooling off quickly. winds will stay calm through the ght. friday through the weekend looks great ifif you've been waitini for somememe weatheto get outors! higig will climb into the 50s and 60s with plenty of sun. sasarday looks to b@ thehearmest day with higig in the 60s and 7070 it wi bbreezy to slslhtly windy timoo...(nhis wl brcncn in crn f f f fre athesosodoningngn saturd is t a gogo i i r xt cnce fosome moisture m arrrre monday nig to tuesday... . at will also bping g th it a a coolown for tuesday. are flu shotototepeppeopop
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coming up on 11 ne at t n, new numbers from the cc tt
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ol down for tuday. are flshots k%epininpeop safe? coming up 11 1@ws atete new numbers from the cdc that @ show just w effectivivit is. but first,ents stay up with h us a little longer. you'll want to know about this dangngnwe all have in our homeme litite boy nearly died from ite
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heararight now. bernie sanders -- the courage to stand up to b oil because he won't takak eir r ney. that's why sandere sai wo the keystone pipeli and never waled. he's a ao the only candidate oppose fracking because fracking cananndanour inking water and threaten oururlimate. nders s ss most far-r-rching planan to fight cmite cngand bud a clean energy fute. beieanders - people befefe polluters.
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a household itit t tt all ofofs have i iour mes is deadlyly you'll want to h hr th momoer's story when kktv 11 news 10 returns in just 60 condnd i'm hillary clinton and i apprthisessage. her life's work has s enenbout breakingngarriers. and so wld her psidency. ich h why, for every americ o's not being paid
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whwhs held back byde debt or a system tilted agast them- and there are far r many of u- s s understands tt ourcountry can'n'reach it'spotential... unlesse all do.. together. a ststnger count. u're watchinkktv 11 news with diadedey, don ward,
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meteorogist brian bledsoe anan sam n rnsworth with sports. ckck sized object alalstst cost a onener d his s fe. 11 news reporter ka ler spoke with theheamily inb eulala ey want to spread eness about these evydaytems... ins 11 call for action investigation. it's hard to imagigihis s ttle boy was once this sjttleleoy fighting@for his life. all becaus something so small. 54:01:07 ititas r%rlly scary to think thth this was a#tual happening tos.daacey was terrifila yeawhen s hed hear o s oking.dananaacac - mom "ient right t t t toror was puttinin lof lndry an abt 60ondsfelt like, it w extreme quick thai ard hi oking, so i ran in there. the choking quickly stopped and one precautiony doctors vit lar brocwas backo o aying and d ti liknormal. thth, in the ddle of the`nighbrock got a high
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theyushed hito the emergency room where an x-x-y reveal a dangerous problele 48:57:27 "i could just read it t h face that somemeing wawarely g and it was just a matter of, justplplse tell us what itits." a lithium battery sat lodged in his esoshagus. 28 hours late was removed, but e e isis was farrom over c sin t th time thaty y ye ououane e e ve ma boleith corroded black coin looking item and i said it leaked didn't it? and he saiaiyes. and i said how bad is it? and he saiditit blacacand it's bnt d i'ever sn anything like it." brock was s d flighted chires hospital in aurora wre he was in the crital care unun for a m mth. the batttty ac h h hurned a le in his esophagus and ha leakak chemicils i io his s dy. 57:03:27 "i had to know. i said, do you thininbrococisoing to die? she saididn my heart of hearts i don't ink
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brinhomehee d you brght intohis h." on he was rereased from the hohoital brock still had spenfiveonth a fdido tubeb@now, or later hehe hethy, and plays soccer with his bigigister. his pants s ve an important message for other families. "follow your gut. . strurule witht all e timewisha, coulda, woulda. hahai just followed my gut a a taken him in sooner." brn . brian dodds - ent t c orlr removed battery from brock 13:22:10 "the soooothe better, ifif thers any suspspioio obvioioly go right totthe e ergency room.n0 they alslswa parents to knowow just h h m everyday itete, like your car remote, contain these small button- - keke batteries so no othe family has to o through what @
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"we just can't imagine what life would be like without him." la tag: was a battery from these car keys t tt got lodged io brock's that. now he will have some long term complications, s left vocal cd isisaryzed but doctors say it won't effect his sbility y speak. reportg he s sdio, kylal ler kk 11 news. ililens spitit i iauro seesbout an average 18 n- inteional buttonattery ingestions p%p year. the family pes one day those eries will haha a plastic coang s sif accidentally s sllowed they at ast wont leak chemicics into e e&ev. new totoght, just how effective is thisisis seasonon flu v fcine? e cdcdsayso far, is working prettytyell. the c-d-c says this season's vacccce cuts the chahae of getting thu by nearly 60-percent. thth makes it one of the most effective flu vaccines recent years. comparison, last seseonlu shot only rereced u risk bjust 20-pepeent.
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apple and the fbi. comini up next on 11 news at ten. today the tech giant took the battle to urt. wh theheeoays will happen n nextxtf ththjudge doesn't rereve ananrder to hand over enenypted datapto thfbi.i. bubufirsrs a suspect t dead, and an investigationg undway y following a shootiti wh police in colorado o today. what we know about it
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switit to centururink prism tv d get the me great channels cabde gives yo withtht having totdeal w)th cablele s and? anan..ththe'e'whwhwhhoho dvr. plus tons ofofn demand optio you can watch whatever,enever yes s d? why dodoou guys keke sinthat? it's theirst rule of improv. by saying "yes and," we accept the rereity created byururomedy partrtrs, papa.. yes, r rht, i know. go you? feel like e hollywood sisi
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confrontation with police in northern colorob early this morning ound 1-30 in the mornqng lice were callll out to check on a s spicious vevecle@in evevs. it's about t tours north of spngs.two meran from thehscene, one
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fofosevevel hours, before exchging gunfire th pe. the d-a's office and outsi lice a ancies are now investigating. joe tymkowowh weld countntnt erifi spokesperson we hope thatonon that none is injurururthat i iprimimy, on the othehaha there's times died, and the officers involved haven't been releasese today, apple a aed a j jge to vacate ader to helel thfbf acss encrypted data. that data is o oan iphone lololog to one of e sasa bernararnr shooters. the company acacsed the federal governmemene of seeking quote "dangerous power" ugh the cour. the fbi says it needs the tech mpany's heheheo find ouwhether other people were ininlved in the plot that killed 14 p pple. apple ceo tim cocoays helping the govevement sets a bad precedede. "to oppopo your government on mething doesn'n'feel g gd. and tooppopo it on sometng wheree aradvovoting for civil
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protect, it is incredibly ironic." applsays it plans totothis issue alalthe way to the supreme court t necessary. state lawmakers are debating a bill l lt uld epemem some drivers from puffingng la. new bill would alalw drivere with a r rote start t y to leave their c running, , locked a a unatteed. the bililis a aroveve then it ulprect ivers whhavehaautort tetegy. . . e bill pd the e anis rreninnanal keke you posted t bill mes f frd. franchise tag on super bowl mvp von miller.. the franche taallows the team to keep a pyer fr teringreagency flr at least onenmore year... but if john elway has it his way... he'll have a long tm hear what elway saidnext. major leagag baseball and one of them has the fullupportf rockies manager walt weiss... that's next in
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you'll discover how fast the rewards add up. it's t easy way to earn pots on the thingu buy so y/u can more of what u love more free fo, more free drinks, and re fuel dious. thmoreououse youkum & go &rarararararhe me e u get. stopto get your ca or downloathe app and start rewarding yourself with more today.
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kktv 11 sports with sam farnsworth. know we can go back and for but ere is not an answer there yet so i ian't wive you one." f peytyt says he wants to keep playayg, ds that p you in a od s st or a difficult one?"?" ny other questions?" i thinjohn elway had enough quesons ababt pepeon mning and his fufuju todayay. john elwayayayspendingnghe week indianapolis at thehefl ououng cbine... bumuch of p his s rkhiweek has revolvearound mting witentsndenentiv esf some of f s playererthat are about to hit the free agent market... but day... multiple times he was asked abt the status o o q-peytyt manning... he nfirmed that h%hmet with peyton a couple e nigigs ago but at t ty are still in the same situation... standing back to give peytothe time he
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elway ys hepanticites a meeting in the next 10 days or so... the meaeaeae... he's got plenty of othth things worryrybout... . prprar..upup bowl l p von ller. miller i isetetobebeme a fagen mar 9th... but t e bronons can protect that by using the frane tag on milil.. however... elway isn't necessarily going settle on the franchise tag... he's already trying toet a ngte deal done n n n. "we're in discussions with von. 've exchanged d me offersrswe continue to be able to meet with his representatives. we feel good about i i obviousus w-th the careethate's had already and the way that he plpted this yeararwe're very hopefef t tt 'll be abltoet something dodo. we're alwaysopeful that if we can get together t tt ik to do thatat ely said today also o at thehe are talking with malik jackson's pepele on a al..but t alsls tolo the mediahat wld likekeo have
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ware's cont is a team option....wa's ant happens to be the same egentntk ryan cly'y' way said h talk to the a-ent t out b#b# p pyers and eieicontract situations... major leagueueaseball todada announced a few changes to t rules... e e particucur is a rule th appears s protect infielders when a runver ononase is attempting to break up the doublblplay... the rockies weormed of thehe new rules today... now... plpler that is s sding inta base to break a play isuired to slideithin reaching distancncofepbase... th must ma an atatmpt to touch the base amu stn n e baseithochanging t tir the baba ckgegegelteisi likek lele "i le the ct tt we2pte plers. i#i#illllor ie ma so anges toroct the catchchs in rect years. i'm glad toee
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middle iies, too." l-b also adoptededpa of play rules.. m-nagers and coaches n wililbe miteto 30 conds foromound sits... al. commal breres wiwi be lited to two-minutes,s,e seconds for locally televised d mes... and 2:25 for nationally televised
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om last season. isheconomy rigd? ll, the 15 richest aricans acquirir more wealthin two years than the bottom 100 million n ople combined.


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