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tv   11 News at Noon  CBS  February 26, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

12:00 pm
noon. now, from your brereing news leader, this is kktv 11 news at noon. an overnight stata offs over. what charges the`euspect now fafafa good aerno a thanks fofo watching 11news at n/nn.i'm betttton. we start with an u uate an 11 eakingews alert. we're told this n, dan brimer, facing some pretty serious chargrg. early this morning, , barricaded hself inside a home on colonial drive. itit near fountain mesa roro and mesa ridge parkw in fountaiai this is vidio from the scene.
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hidingn a basement close covered in clothes. depupues were a&ter brimereror dnaping and assault t t a dead weaean. i iscarbut we areere to see anprotect and d at's what we're gogog g do and th was the reasonor evacucting the homes. the wawaantefrn incident last month at garden of the gods park. spngs police sd brimer pist whipped a a kidnapped a won. time now to check in with meteorologist joan sherman and yourirststorort.t.ey jordan, nieading io the weekend. anothehebeautiful day is unfolding for a aoss
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is car and temperarures are already y rmer than we were all of yesteteay. in fact ts morning by 8 am we were already warmemethan wf were all y yesterda tem are ithe 50s and d s throughout the region thikiafafafoooo about 20 degrees warmer across the board compared to what we felt yesterday. the weekend will c/me with more dry, mild weather, but fyre danger returvs tototoowow details cong uin my full weather forecacaca happing now. porch pirates s e back at it,
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repoer khloe keeler joins us nono khloe, for those w don't kno whats porch pirate? tty, porch priries are thieves who steal l ckages diverer to mes. it's'still an oningpissue in uthern colorado, even though the holiday season is over. in this video, you can s the car pus up and a wowon gets out and takes the package. i ihappenedededneneay near fntntn and powers i colorado sprin. the homeowner thinksksks thihi werere watctc mail delivery truc he saide caht them on camera stealing the package e st minutes aft it t was delivered. cesar cardona, package stololj 8:09095 5 cheed mym tracking numbebeand it saiaiwas delivered to his frontorch. so i i nt o o a a checked and it sn#there." ==b=bt to== 06:40 0 went ba to o securitytyamerersystem a a thehe thth we,. we askedppinincarrieie how theyre combatg this problem. u-p-s and fedet say u can sign up to get an a art on your phone with the delivery
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home at thth hime. fefex alsosouggests requiring a sisiature foroyoururelivy. liveven the studio, kk, kktv 11 newsbetty bao e latest oan unbelvablbl story. police s s a woman took ererer another won's s identity... for fofo years. we told you aboukalena winston. she'facing charges for entiti theft. ring the past f#f#&c&crsrs records show e wawaarrestst and senen through the c urt system several timesall while using someone e else's name.e. we t tcked down the im, , o sa her idtity was stolelealg with her wallel, dung a trip tcolorado springs. tiffany portrtrtdentit t vyim 14:15:2626 "i was rfal d, i dididt knkn who w and i'm all the way in arkansas, so basically there was nothing i cocod do about it." ==butt to== jouh b bss/financial crcmes s unit detective cspd d 131:02 "a"afar as the victim, w unable to get t r life togher because lana winston had takenver r identity." winstotoisisow in federal
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charges including filing fraudule taxes. investigors s hesston, , nsas investigatina workrkace e e ting. . the people are dead d 141414othersre iured. a polifficer was ae to kill theuspect ring the attack. now, m muel bojorquez reveals more about the shooter's motives. "police ininansas!say y ooting suecec cedric ford was se with a protectionfrombuse orderern ththfactory ere he word 90 minutes beforee opened fire. iff waltotoharvrvrv county he didn't dilay ything tha wa outrageous. he just displad, heas a liltle upset th he was geing this der.r. ford, who had d criminal lord, left w wk afafr getting the or andndirst openededirfrom his car, hitting someone in a vehiclcl he then shot another er rnd s sls their car b forere headininback to the excel plant. ford shot one person in the parking lot t d another
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gunned him dowow the unidentified officer is being called a hero. sot:heriff t. walton/hary county he hahatotototothat threyou've g 2-300 people there. lulu0 0pppp c ce out.reretives rush to the ctct aftetehearg g out the ooti. one cole,was united a a aras re rolling. ce s s ford was armemewith an a aault rifle and ananutomatic handgun. ininststators are trying to figure oututow a susuect a criminal rd wasble get t t t a@on bojorquez, s news, hesston,ansas. ford h c cctions foreveral burglaries , running from polole, and disorderly conduct. thorits say the peonam in the orderid not work at ththfactory,ut released n nother details out the order. happening today. this f#fmemepolice officer wil be i icour mes ashby is accusededf second
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he was working for the rocky fofo police depameme at the t)me. ja jacquez d just come home froa night of babysitting i octobeof 2 24. investigators say ashbhbbarged into his homand shot him in the ck. e former officicays he thought haw-kez was a burglar. we'll be there, and let you know what t ppens in court. this year's flu vaccine is working pretty well. that informaon f fm the c-c. it apparently cuts the chance of getting thth u bybyearly 60 percece. that makes it one hehet effective flvaccines in recent years. laststutson's flu u ot onl rereced flu risksky just 202perce. asase've beereporting. thehe c-d-c is still not @ too late totget t flu sh if you haven't gotten one yet. an update to onepef the largeses auto recalal in n .s. story. lawmakers accusing takata of faki teses results toov up thtp
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a rerert looked at tata documes fr thet 12 yea. . one domeneho a tat nar llinthth nior v-p-p. th prorod limitations mimia a olatioioof our ral obligation to protect the publicic in this 11all r acti investigation, a wararng f parents about the potential sks of everyday item thatat after a nickel sized object aost cost a o ye old boy his l le. we spoke with his family who says they want others totonow everyitems you mamanot thof as beina that... cod ruin your p life. likehe remototto a car. brock k s rushed to e emergency room where an x-ray revealed a dangero proem. a @ithium battery sat loed in hihiesophagus. 28 hours later it was reved, but e cr was far from over. 51515:12 cing "it was that time ehat they came ououand the nurse gave m ma bottle wit(ta corred d dck coin looking it
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and he said yes. and i said h bad is it? and hehehed, it's black d it'snt d i've never seen anything liket. the batttty ac burned a hole ininis esophagus andleaked chemica intnthis body. childrs hospital in aurora says they see an average of 18 n- intentional buttoto baery ingestions per y yr. brock doesese some long term complications, his lt vovol rd is paralyzebut doctors say it won't fect his abity to speak. now an 11 breaking news a a t. right now crers s e respspding to4a grara firirin eastern el paso county. it's happening on ororon wagon ail, north of falcon high scscol. . no word ononow largeget isor how it started. we have a crcr heading to the scene, we'll let you know when we get more detail much mororto come on 11 news at
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still ahead. onlv a f more days for reblican p pdential candidates to gainigigig donold t tmp. the runners up are working to win big, on super tuesday. but first. tpe entire coaoaing staff of the men's s sketball t%tm at a local hihi school haharesigned. the latest injormatiti, when we return. i'm hillarclintoand approve thth message.helife's work hahabeen a a a breaki barriers. d wowld heh presidenc ich hyhyfor r ery y ericans nobegngnwhat t treth. o's ld back bytudunt debt b s stetiltlt against them- d there are far tototony o you- she uerstds t tt our country y n't reach it poial. unlnss we aldldo. together.
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the testptow... about the suenesignationonf an entnte high schoologirlrlrl basketball coaching staff. it's happened at pine creek high school, just as s e team w s gearing up for the firstsplayf game. the girls' h hd cocoh kenny van-rysays he doesn't belie at happened in the department,t, is faito thetudedes or the other coaches.
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coaching. district 20 wowod not give any detailabout the sudden resignations. ththheadoachchchileds thisis statement, sing quote-- "/"/t't'very unfortunate timimg but it's wt the schoololelt best to do at the moment. asasar as the e rumorsbout why and people atatcking my character, #i am extremy proud o thehe work i iut in the last c cple momohshsith the kiki and that'something nonone c takakay nf tterw hardrdhehetry. as farars the ploff memimie bokealacacff ll be filling in for the rls' coaches. republican presidentl eandidides are desperaly trying to sl donald trump's mentum, bpforeret's s o late. the insults were ruthless duri a wild datlaststight, but trumisnt backing down. weij j jng has the latest. "senators marco rubio and ted cruz launcheheverbal attacks against gogopresidential
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duri a debate on cnn lt night. if he hadn inherited $200 million, you know where donald trump would be right now? trump's opponearararrambling for support ahead super esday. cruz sollllimimlf as the bebe candidate to beat hillary first of all, hehe talking a aut e polls, i am beating hihi awfullbababain the p pls....very singlone them... but you're non beating hillararyou' not beating hilly! wewe then, hey, , can't beaeaea her, you're alal gonna get killll, ar't you rubio picked up where he left off at the debate with an appearance on cbs this morning. and i'm asking eone watching if you're a republican and you don't t nt your party ken over by a artt like dond trump unite behind us. trump hammered rubio on twitttr cag him a lightwtwght, oker and mr. meltdownall o eet. wjia jiang on t democrac cf, hiary ton is ngng women t eve of t t south carolinanarimama... . ich she' expected to
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clinton danced on stage with charlre wion during a camign stop last nigh bore stumng in georgiand d e palmetto state today... taeding minority voter bernie sanders meets with pptersrsn minnesot headbacko soutlina. weijia jiang, cbs news, white hoh+" " " today, new jersey govern chris chchstie announced d s endorsement for donaldldrump. back to ouran 11 breaking news alert. right t w w w s are redidi to a grass fe in eastern el po countyt) it's happening on ororononagon trail, north of faon high school. no woron h h large it is, oror how w staed. . our crew is heading to the scenen we'll let you know en
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jordan? it's'seen t 3 weeeeesisie wewee had d y measasab momoture in colorado springs, d elele pr dryl lkut en and wherereire danger will
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now, from the 11 breaking
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ototr r autiful day is unfolding for us across southe colorado...the satellititand rar picture is clear and tempepetures are alreadwarmrm than
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fact this m/ininby 8 am we were already warmer than we w we all day yesterday! with the advent of gpsps technogy, , s.avy y er tn we were all l y
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back to ouran 11 breaking newswswsws alert. right now crews respondidi a grass firin it happeng oo egon wagon traithf fafaon high school. no wor how large it is, oro@ how itittarted. our crew is s ading to the scene, we'll l l you know
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back touran breaking news alajt. right w crews are responding to a grass fire in eastern el paso coty. it hpening on oregon wag trtrl, north of falclc hh scsc. no word onlhow large it is, or how it srted. our crew is heading to the scece, we'll let
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>> s sff helel? who is this? lia groans adam. who is this? >> steffy: i think i -- i misdialed. >> deaco that manin there i#i not t ur husband. that liam spencer, andndnd tes you. quinn, come on. you can'n'-- y y can't be in love with him.& >> wyatt: i think it's's good idea. >> steffy: i agree, but this idea should be a finished necklace b)"now. >yatt: i -- oy. it won't te mom long. the gem's already cut. the metaork's not too intricate. it'll be fine.e. >> steffy: it's already late >>: i i ow, dnthat's the whole oblelewith this situtuion.


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