tv 11 News 630 CBS February 26, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST
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very low humidity y d temperautres a md this afafrnoon into the upper 50snd 60s. . there are eezy winds into the teensnsns the i-25 corridor. winds will picup more tomorrowith even warmer temperaturur. recent wildland fires ve some people on edge a a this weekd southern coloro wi b bunder fire d d dr. today, a grara fire sparked by a vehicle malflnction burned more than 30 rein falcon. jessica leichts live.
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ge homes? it got prey close. in isis particecar backyard itit wawaabout 100 feet tway y om the hohoho fafaon firefifhters s llllthe e tigation people did by cutting their asses paid off, and they were able to containhe fire fairly quick. 7 agencies assisted in batating the flames. marlena cox says she was going shopping ghen she got ou11 breg news tete a on her phone. she turned around and trieto go'home, but the roads we blocked by sheriffs depues. marlene cox/lives in neigorhood "!"m retired d d i cannot sta a over again. it's really not whwh i haha t, leleife u u ere, my lilileog i#)up t t`e anani i can'n'see m. im told 13 s suctures w%re threatened luckily no werdamaged by the fire
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develolong, ththinvestigatn into the deaths of fivev peop after an hours longng stdoffffn the northwest part wf wawaingt countytywest of seattle.e. one child was taken fromomhe hoho after what the sherififcacas a orrifif) tragedy." thorities y the man k`lled 9-1-1 to say he shot his s wife and children. thstandoff eed with thma walking out the home and sotinhimself in enforcememt.t. no word on how t t child taken from the home e doing. authorities in loveland are e searching for a missg man who may have been kiapped from teteitness tolpolile th saw mamililn being eda va halton, 30, is described as 5-fooo-2, , 0 pounds. she has s wnde h hr anblue eyes. puties in larimer county shared aictu of 1980s or 90s chrysler minivava they@believe s s sas kidnapped apd taken away in theh investigators have identified e man facing charges for
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deputy. ey sayavid mararnez had been inking when he rearnded the sheriff's office susulast week.k.he duty y ffffed a broken ck bututasas not razed. martez is facing chargrgrgf dui i d d hiculur assault. a deputy whohoas shot just a few days ago is making great progress. deputy kby m mtin has bebe upgr now, frfr rious s s air conditioio is is a picture withthne of f s trauma surgeons. 's one othe deputies who was ot in papa county while serving an eviction nptice. another dety, nate carrigan, died. we'r'rlearning more e out the possible motive for a man who killed three peoplen ton, kansas.s.s. we're getting the late informion noomooururistere station w whita. we just got ananpdate and d lelenelaw enforct s on s othooting a athxcel plant in heson photogrgrhin g the e scene and rking evidid. the manpower as ma as 150 local, state, and federal officers who are involved in is investiion. they he inrviewed 11 othe victims who were s st. the other three nonoable to talk with
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offials also identied d e threxcel worofrs who we kild in the plant, two men and a woman. officialalalso say they ve a a lot of work to do in the coming days to learn extly what happenen and w w. we do knkn cedririfoas seseed with an protection from abuse order at the plant an hour and a a before the s soting. a girlfriendn court docucunts scribed a fight on feb, 5th ere he pushed her, gbbed her ananput t r in a chokehold. she also called him an alcoholic who was violent, deessed and ininespera neeee of medical and psychological lp. we also noknowowho stopped thehe ooting, , e eolicecehief from huhuton who confrontedfordrdn ththplant. the sheriff says his actions sad manynyiviv. in wichita, kansas. ciy close, back k youou ford had convictions for muipleurgtarieie, eeing from polole and disorderly conduct. auththities say the e rsononamed in the order did not work the factory, but released no other detailil about the e der. wantededugitive e behihd baba tot.t.amp waedmornafa and
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it happeped d fountain on colonial drive. . is is v deo o om the s sne. we're told swat officers eventuallylyound brimer hihi inin basent clos, covered in clclhes.springs police said brimim pistol whippedednd kidnapped a w/man last month. 11 news talked to ahoties at the scene. "we were doing an attempt to locate an individual who had several ` warrants he had ree e t for his arrere... for dnapping, feny menacing and assault with a deadly weaean." he's expected in court next week@ to heathe charges against him. an update on the rocksli cleaeap on i-70. cd h been awarded one million doarfor repairs and recotructi on. last weeka rock slilesed a a rtion of the e terste for mcre than wewe. yesterery, one lananinin each dirtion was reopened. but t will be anoer month before both h nes s reopen. good news for sing beer brewererererrequirementhat lorado h hebrerers be a "head of a family" is being taken off the books. today, the state senatvoted 34 to zero for a bill athanges the l lguage f om "head of a family" to
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sur tuesday is just da away, and 11 n ns wantntto make sure you ha all the tools you nene. we've ed information about on webs it's called "evething yoneed to know about r tuesesin cor b! sure to o eck it o. da firefights from all oundndorado had a friendnd compitio ey had aire hose rlay at apapoe basin . is is all to benefit the colorado childn's spalurmps s m. a a it looks like a lot of fun! altogether, the ams raised about abt 15- thousand llars. bubucc of driving drunk. coming up on1 news at 6:30, what tipped ofofpolice and l ld to the iest of a man who allegele drove chihiren while under the jluence. but t rst, dedeils on a largear seat recall in an 1callor action ert. yoyore watching kk 11 news with dnne e rby,y,on ward, f teorologist brian blblsoe and sam fafasworth with sports. this is
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prcemenen ha never, never seen a aoundupup likekehis rks smoothly a ait didid the u-s attorney forebraska says the people arrested are m mor dealers who operated alone or in small groups, without t y overarching g ntrol. a school bus driver in arahoe coun allegedly drove middle schoolers s ound whi drunk. authorities ararsted michael hohbs yeyeerday. pupues tesesd hobbs on the side of throad after a teacacr r portrt smelling alhoho his bre the cherryrere school distriri saysyse ll not b bcoming bacac to work. donald truru pickekeup an endorsemenenfrom formrmr gogopresidential candida chrhr ristiechristie says trump is is thenly one gho cadefefe the democrat ;5;5i've been on thastage, and i've gotten to knoall the people on that s sge and there no o e who is tter prepared to p pvivi amerera with the s song adership that it needs. "well listen. . is decision is going to be ma by th tersn n r r da
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sights setn super tuesday... t the demomoatic candidates have to get t rough the south carolina primary firir. statlawmakaks had an emoon batevevaccccions at the capito colorado has some o the lowest vaccicition rates in n the country. today, a democratic house commitee passed a bill that wowldldldow the health department to handle vaccination inrmation. before e at informn was hahaled by school striris.s.& that bill probably wililnot make itito the governor's desk. republicics argue it invades privacac an n1 call for action alt..... evenflo is recalling6- thousand child s sety y ats. this is s cauae kids can loosen the internal harness. the recall includes transitions ree-in-one coination boososr ats from december4 through h nuarar2016. thnanananats sairs to let the stars be theirir gugue. with the encreased t teat of cyr attacks,@ the navy ibringigi bacac celestial navigation. the navy stopped teaching this form of navigation more than a decade ago when gps was troduced. .
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what's cled sextan it was named fororor sle, which extends 60 d d des. it useseshetars to deteine a navigatotos cation. is tre a fear of hacking in tptp agef f r atatcks d cybebewawaare? i wouldn't really call it a fear, but t would say y is a a a potential threat."." the navy is a so bringg ba celestial nagationraing at navy r-o-t uni on college cacauses. fans of leonardoicaprio in russia want to ke sure the osnominee does t goome e pty ha sday y ght. a group caed "car leo"lt a close replica of t covet statata nearly 150 fafa d dated gold d silvlvlv to make thisisappen. w long will this critil fifi weather last? more
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bernre sanders -- the courage to stand up p big oil because he won't take eimoy. thatat why sders said no to the keystone pipeline d never wawaled. he also the only candidate to oppfracking because ki can e eanger our drinngngater and threaten o o climate. sanderhas the most feaching plpl to fight climate change and build d clean engy future.
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wewere warming up day... highs willlleach for the mid 50s to upper 60s this afternrnn along with plenty of suns today through the weweend lookok great if you've been infor some wthth to get tdoors! saturd lookso bebehe wararst day wiigthe s and 70s. it will bbreezy to slightly winin at times too... will bring in t cononrn f f crititit)
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on saturday is not a g gd d ea. a wea watill go into effect t te saturday morning for paof s coloro. asassaw from fridas grass fi in fafaoa, , thfuels available to b bn are veryve dry especially a ang t t plains.nextxthance for some moisture may y@rive nday night into tuesday... thatill also bringitit a
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it is not looking toto spad o o ognificict. we'll wawm back up and dry out for the middle of xt week. today.ighs wililreach fofo thmid 50s to upppp 60s this afternoon along with plenty of sunsnsne. todqy y ugh the wewewed look great if you've en waiting for r me weather to get outdoorsrs day with highs in the 60s andndnd. .t will be breezy to slightly wdy at times t t... thisill l ing in the conce for critical fifi weather so outdoorninin a fifi w uther watchchill go
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morning fopartof s colorado. we saw from friday'y'grass fire in falcon, the fuels avlable to burn are veve, veryryry especially alo the plains. our nexthance fosomeoisture may arri monony nigit to tuesesy. that will also bring with ia cool down fofotuesy.y. right now it is not lookokg too widespread or significant. we'll warm back upupup d dut r ththmiddle of nexteek. a a by icarnias ale e afterare prurmed d d rehe ven bor liysonila has all his fingers and t ts. but t 's the scars on his chest th tell the story of what he's en through. 22 weeks into his mother's prprnancnc doctoro discovered
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leaves tpe l lt sidef the art underdeveloped and a small le talalw blood flow was c,csisisip. save his life, dodoors had d d sert a lg, t tn needlelent samantha's womb en into the fes. at allowow blood to flow to thright t de of his hear he was born ononhe9t9tof novemberernd we got to hold hihi on the 27thlhso. but i`i`as worth it! it was worth theheait!. ter r was borgrayson had more surgeri. but doors say hehould live a normal, healthy life. we'll be
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d there are far too many of she understands t tt t r coununy can't reacit's'steia.. unss we all do. geth. a stroroer cnt. +kkkk 1sportstsith sam farnswsw. se is ac action... of course we won't be seeing anyz gular season g!mes u uil april... & t stl... baseball is back!!! yesterday y s the first officialal full team practices at spring aining forhe coloro ckies... a tol of 64 ayers getting togetherern scottsdale, arizona... that's 40 players under contract
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and 24 non-roster invite... . ys that t ll likelylytyrt the seasoin the minor league system... and since it was the f da..t wawthe e rfect day for walt weiss t tstt thing new... sethi call the-inning dril.. catcher nick hundley said it was pretty fun... "intntestiti concept. we have five differentnteaea and try to score as many runs as you can inin one inning and then rotate. we have to makeke a couple of stmtmts s far as the timing of it but it will be a aoad d drill for us in the d." wee a loadedchedede of gh schoooobasketball toght... itit t t state pyoffs and r s srts team will be all l er southern cololodo thering th highlights... we'll have them for you in o extended coverage t tight on 11 neks a a ten. 'll ve t tm f#r yoyoin o
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nene a ten. quite a a al fome students th election season. nancarw lls howhe chemisy department at c-u boululr is giving underara a a a chan to take part supy.emistry stenet out of a mid-terernextxt week.... t onlylyf theyeyhow w selfie print ey were actually taking part in a a per tuesday caucus. . is scheduled for tuesday night. the departme c c says caellili and d scduli the exam woulul be a logistitil nightm.. /so, he decided that students who talk to e r professoso in advancnccan get ananxcused absesee.@( /sincecehosebsences noally require cumemeatn, likeka doctor's note, the chair asked stududts to take a selfie to pre they were acauallllat the caucus. about 12-hundr students are scheheled to takakthat test on tuesday night... we'll see how many choososa lessonn polics instd. dn kv 1111ews. shshki n wetailslsonight on the plned papahood shoing
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toucucucthth newsrm day.y. healled ononof our reportete thisiss one e ory we're workin for 11 1 ws aten.n. only on 11 news,s,hy he ys he was justififd in k j three peoplele & and d d he plans to do when those court ocedings me e rward. i want to take a moment to thanks the studentntand d i i nt to take a moment t# thks thedents ananstaf jenkins midd s sool in lorado ngs p i was ere th aftftnoon as part o otheir career f a chance to talk to many grgups ofth g gdgrs. thom grt estiabout ew ititas`c good time., t tnks jenkins.
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viously onthe amaz ra," 1 1 teams raced to coloia. rockyy start. >> we got tastt flight. ph::ut it was marty and hagan who sunk into last. >> never thought we'd bat the bottom of e race. and koror were a busines >> we're killing it. phil: passing lders brodi and kurt to win the leg. you are team number one! scott and blair overcame a fishy spd bumpo stay i ithe race. comeba >> ahh philil but onene finalisisis -- >> what? hagaga and marar areunningng i guess theyeft the tii over
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