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tv   11 News at 530PM  CBS  February 27, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm MST

5:30 pm
later on thi evening. also, we have seen cloud cover r ild in ugthe afrnn. right now... li jessica said, much of southern colorado o o under a red flag warning. re danger is high because ofthe nds and , y weathe news porter dusn cu is l l latathe colorado sprgsgsire department headar. duintell us ain, m longer wililthe
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the red flag warng lasts until 7 o'ock toght, but just because that warning eppires doesn't mean the fire nger will go away. temperatures will op a little overnight, but the winds will actually pick up. 've alady seen how q qckly those winds can sprere fires tough the dry brush and grass.thirstard ststdane lcon ansp tren acr foirhters go undnd c ctrol. thankfkfly it didn't burn any all rt s ve pe we ed tkite pvent`tompeni. charmerritt/cautio about fire danger: "you have to practice goooohabits no tter what you do when there's flame involved. we're talking grilling campfires, anything like that, seasons don'n'matttt." there's no word yet on if th national weather icllue anoth red &wng tomomw,w,ut we're nonoctctg in
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pret warm, sit's still a good idea to sck to those red flag guidenes. live in colora sprdustin cucuckck tv 11 news. . anks dn. to dowload ou p.s the best way to st on top oour 11 baking heerts. li in isice weatr turned into a scary scenthis aernoonfire ews tell us a ane tank caught on fire while somewacookg. it happeneneound-30 the rcle sel o o soutnevada in lo spriris. ewququt t nder coro one pepeon h minor iie but is okay. crews s y theyeyidn'operly clean th grill so old grease e ught on fifi. new tonight.t. a wanted fugitivwho has been on theun for almears pici o cldwawaugug in yeday. u-marsls 4year old vid e elly.. who also ooe hfrman singn. was reed outdeheelhed i
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ght un of pe andexl assault. o or the years, tips to law w forcememem ac sy ininlaceall l er the u-s and mexico. he w even p2p2umededeaeaat o o o pot. he iexpected to appear in court in adams cnty on monday. new inrmation folllling e fatal depuxy shshting in baey this we. today citize werplting gs`a`a rbonghighy 5. these ct a from the ffn coty sheri's thearinit to nor e pa cotyhe oice. grlie oul%agai rr. master pl puol martinas wounded the shooting hohoalays he was upgrededrorororious toair r condition. ththe deputies were shot while serving an evictn notici. e deputy was killed, along withhe suspect. w at 5-30. dozens of colorado sprin ofofcersrsave regfed followingecent mas shtingng our partners athe gagatte
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ar eisiation lettblam violenen ainst law foement.most of e offieft pg ere le an t yrs. threntgoa u-s officer ws killed in the shoot a a anand renthood clinic. five officers were jured. recent police academy recruits will help fill some of those positions. lice say ty're iestigating if drugs or alcohol ayeded role e an rlrning crasa+ it happened around 2 a-m nea astrozon and acamy in colodo springs police say t c lt contl heerion, we ovethe curb, ok ome t t, d laeded dedeown in parot. th pplinside t t c wer ay'rldhevevewa ck fecs ivingn ke aook k this. a car crashed right into a a house. this haenedn la junta. these piures were shared by dael on our facebook page. we're working to learn more om lice about this crash. we'll yoknow what f
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ppening no arcliniselejting a biwi south carolinana e won all 53 deleges during today's democratic primary election. now candidates o obo sides arere focusing on the next bote ser tuesday. ctor blall repor. " pesidenal candidate) "friends do not let friends vote focon artists." presidential candidatete e was so scared like a little frightened puppy." the rowdy republicaf c- n-n ba spills to t cigtraio ruo cos ou gi..tam at nild truwes. esidentialandidatete "and i only ach two nclusions. .umber w e, that's hohothey spell those words at the wharton school of busiss where he went. or number two, just like trump tower, he must have hired a foreign worker to do his ownwnweets." then a former trump rival hihi ckt rubio... w rsey"m rio, yoigigisalr ddy. sho l of desperaraon tod, , rowi
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nonef th e lag cause amichas tirecision." and governor christ christie has made his endorse donald trump. new jersey) "donald trump p presents strength and marco rubio represents washington, dc." on the democtic side as polls open in h carolina. e e rt rea anothehehe- pages llcln'ails. withnal cocong mday. tataur obligations to thth court seslreakinin erfoo ly with h or" ie sandersop toegaisome of the um a tetack he neva cacauses. "bniei!" sanders rallyi in combia and orangeburg... at the historically black llege of claflin univerty. "you havto eararthe black vo, you don't own the black vote" thdeletes from colorado are up for grabs on tuesday. we havall the infofoation you need be heading out toote
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'lve moron preparing for cauc toniat0. ththe's mo aheadadn 11 news 5:30. coming u notorious ugugugd sasae' y facchars inhe. . t only under one condition. findnduthe catch. but first. a late night robbery still unsolvlv. police are searchingng
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teou what happened.. next. the d presidto grgrplplwith. sotimis u can'en imimine. that's t t job. ananshe's the e e e o's provenshe can get itone. ssivitionn in npo taing gain the abu w.. ....rotecting socici security. ...e.eanding benefititfor the natitialuaua.. .and winning healtltcaca for 8 mimiion children... the prididcys the e ughestst job in t world
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ce are searcng for a suspect ter a n nhtbby.y. it happened a4 aonnienstore e d dn anunion.lice tl ususctct f beforecere arrivededa police seahethe arar, , but t ey couldn'tr him do. the suspect is d dcribed as a heavy-set man wearing red bandana. if you have any information, call c cme ststpe636363opopop netas s s ght t out imimrtant bugs in jejeardydyf f tincncon.
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showthsasas ofpecici o bebi tterfls, and bes are at risk ese e ecieare importrtt bee ey're alalal owowowllinor e ds a aut three-fourths ofhe wld's foododrops depend on polololtion insnsts olsimiminctine ss ofohabitat, agricultural pesticide use, disease, a alitet& ananb toous u@can ug\ord uin chop guzman sayagueadypyo ead gpgpty t apgee s.thers a a h@thomom.m poanbextrtdited p om mico and trtrsfd to"mrity or ie s.fhe's esest#ice fr maximimimurityt isonsh mexico. c'sory says tx p guds at`s cuent prison neafexico cityon let sleep. they check on him, and wake him up every two hours. he says it's turning him into a
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ssica.. w lolo oill l e mild and dry helast? tas
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anim be in the e e anim afternhighon sdawill bee s d 70t ll
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tis toto . ill brg in the concncr crit f weather sosoutdoor rurninin saturday is not a gooddea.ededg rninllin effect saturday morning for
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ra. as we saw from friday's grass firin falcon, e s avlalatototon ar ve,yvevevery especially along the pla o o nene chance for some moisture may arrive mo n into tuy. thatl bit a
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despread or significanan wewel warm back nd d d out for the m ddf ne weeee
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stploff tie busier than ever!... some teams inhe sweet 16 day.. i'll take you through the highlights andndcores.. plus!... colorado statatstandout rashard hiins workinout at e nfnfting combine today.. 'll hear from m m.. stk
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5:49 pm
kktv 11 sports heo. aa ch. e highghchool basketball playofea up. f r 4-tes.'rrein
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for e top seedn the ste... they're continuing to mamah on through. lewis-palmer hosting the everereen today.. ==== art of the gamam. no score.. pass inside charlieova-sse o powers up fothe bucket and rangers strike first up 2-0. ==== few seconds later..0off f steal...the ss to joe decoudud o put ininins 4-0 rargers. w 6-3t ba tth@r y.. chase rogers lethr popots a ties the gat 6 all. ==== now it's's0-6 sam strasburger knocks ithe floater to make it -6 and in the lmlm rs ay wth o 77776. they wi facst ridge/golden. other scores today. in the 5 ranks.. number one seeded overland moves into the sweet 16 as they beat the libertlancers 64-32. ==== the r.. aouam anssor pueblo athlts dropop this one to windsor
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ininhe end..he cnen ih one 541 stl c ce night...oherty ays at he against lakewood, palmer is on the road at cheree trailm both games tip off at 6 oock. and sisira istininmeadad toght`at 7 the sand cre redemption tour continues todaagainst durango. ==== we'll pickt up in the 3rd qrt.. scorpis ... .liana squiuis.. 3 ball corner popoet- t it!.. scorpions up 34-29. == lileatsa scodavi. om dn w drinoints... scs 7 ====== dumons driving.. kick out to taylor edwdr..putu in trfianan 3636 ==== sand creek uby j jt 2.. squires flies in for the bucket from the box scorpions ke 38-34 lead. ==== little later.. good ball movememe to an open cocoer por nlslsfrom wnn sandrereoes tn n is o6161. th'll blea.
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rie hosting visia ridge. ==== heren thth2nd qrt.. kateter with lonrange tw inte.. b thelves ildodo. . te10 sght t ule foror gzz is s 41-18.tiat rr bucket makes it 4 421. ==== with time nding down in thth half... check the sick block by grizzls s lee the end.. mesa ridgearches into the great 8 8 as they win this one 79-45 the only-a girlslgame on tap s lirty.. eyreyit udre.. th game st g artenit clock. they changed the te soheirls and boys coulwatch chthy. ll let y know w ey at 10. itit the sweet 16 inhe 4 4 ranks... and checkckut your puedlo ea eagles.. squeaking by m/mtrose withth the onpoint win over montrtre 51-50. ==== pueblo south was vitng holy family today.. and the colts drop this one 69-61...ut with only one senioon
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r arhiggins is ho do ab me aen ding workoutsts today thefl annual scouting comne. afteststsree seasons, higgins says he's ready to make the jump from coeg p. hisearst . ts leg ceivh 4 sa-3ceivg yards. his breakoko sophomore seaean s incredible.. but with the coaching change a departrre of qb gartt grayson.. higgins' mbers haven't been quite as stellar this y yr.. don'get me wroro thoughghey were still l ettygrt... wiwi ovevethtdsand yaantoto ggins "iust ee like peo to big-memechool ys instead heheoradste,i, k kd sch inow a ofeople n't show me a loof attention, but when i leave here, i look to
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5:57 pm
rememb, kktvnews is your eaking news leleer. e ysn atv dot co sav' fiundr coming soon from proroessive,,
5:58 pm
cash money bigge dis ununtata the e zzts. safeveererss, id-in-full, mumui-car and ey fe. savin' yo hdrede i i savin' ' fiunured we have auto-tune,e,ight? oh, yeah.
5:59 pm
[ whpeng ] [ cuck] [ chpingng [ burps ] [ clatte] [ sqs ] [ giggggs ] 'sme'see.. . fortune! dies andtlem hererehe s ofur sho pat annnit llo,merica! llo,o,im trnto hi, players. hi, vanna. hi! ank you. appreciatehat. tvank k u veryryuch.
6:00 pm
good t's thagotta asoon he n thmamas thte for ououfis upupup it's1,00 go g 'em, nna. [ cmis bi. rhrhlala th's it. wompleth. chrs and applae ] uh, bill vitalal is it? bill: that's right. fromomochester, michchan, and tells what you do back there. i workrkor a title insurance company. / weweo commercial real eseste transactions and developing commercial real estate. yeah? brewouer htt,all kindrs. porter, sttsi.p.a. [ laughs how muchcho u brewew / wewe, i an5 ons, tycall wegoodall ghha goosether th rig. bisporan ye, miigan ste. e yogo. bifootba, basketet fan. evything. ..., , u've aeady w $1,000. hope y y win some more. nice to have youere. appreciate i annie gerstner. hi, annie. yes,ellolo from auburn, washingn. a hairstylt? yep. i am a ist. i do men's hair, d i actually went totoollege


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