tv 11 News at 10PM CBS February 27, 2016 10:00pm-10:30pm MST
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at t tir rignation l say. and a little girl mauly a dog at a busy shping center we talk totoitnessesbout the horriblettack. now, f fm m bruing ne leadad, this is kktv 11 news at 10. good eveningngnd thanks for joing us i'm tie pelton. weegin thtith eaking news in the sports world. the e nver post ports pepeon manning will retire. th say man wanunce his s ment deon by enof next e rert sthe infoiomes ce ousptsirec oredut tois b bnc sources. sa wilvehe details comi uininport new ten a younungirl is recovering from a dog attack. itappened in the parkinlot of walmart near the chapel hills mall in cocorado springs. witness te us s earby shoprs didn't rush to o lp... it could have bebm much worses
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joins us live fromom. jessica, how is ththlittle girl doing? ce s she ten penrose hoit fite un to face.isthcond dog#attttttinthpaeeoumay memeerereek o ydchildrdr were tabyreat in "twn oose 3 gr gaga up rsofof e gs, d tiededit ng aangmro dog. thmaocief thke peakegioioeuthizedhe ds last wee somom the chdrhoere attataed, havavsurgcausof t injuri, ananarerexpected to bekay. today's attack in colorado springs, h h many peopopopop ononh alert.t. i spokth a witness who did not want to be on camera. she saysysaw a girl whface had been md d a dog,he was bleeding profusly anpeople got out of their cars to pull the
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thnkat hadappe they imely ran outside. "she wasasryg, seangngng etz ysyst wawaunclr who owned the g, but she was relieved to see how many people d& stopped to help thgirlrl sami lietzorks nearbr a lot of people stopped, a l l of pepele were standing over there trying to help her at least with what theyould and what thad. it was a good feeling to know people just didn't'tet the dog bite her and drive e e polili did not know what kind of dog tataedhe gigi, but t@ll me it wasen the pikes peak area humane society - and they willollow up on e investigation.n. i reached out to them but t ve noheararback t. rerertrtg li in colorado ngs,`,escachkktv 1 news. new nigh troooors say t t motcyclist werereilled by a s spe d-u-u iverer it hpened d ou 10 on high n tussroadadth'sust uth town
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ty. . ate patrol sit toycle peoe weed thirmotoycle rideb had minor injurin troopers say the driver was arrested.. . are waiting to learn his charges.. but officials tell us they suspect alcohol was a fact. the roas closefoseseral hours. ate papaol says more bikes lle on the roads n n nt the weather is getting nicerer they remind ivers to pay attention for torcyclists . . a prope tank caught on fe whwle sosoone was grli. itpenearou 3he ci mel soh nedara sp e pepepe hor iuries. officialtells the ill wa t erle a a old eat onire.right t w,$ nted fugivis back behind bars 'sccusededednghi ino.heas aesinoloro after r ing on t forbout .
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lee elly wasrest o osideestm rework. as w wteedo ght un of pe a sual asult. ovheearso forcenenac skel inaces allr thu-s an xi iexpe tapapar i cot moay blbl fgsrereg ghwa 5.izwereutlag flags anriononday suprt thearcoco ers of follong t deadly deputynvolved oong. the jen county sheririri ficeha espiesmasterroty k kbymartin w wound in shoo. the spspal sheas grgdgdm seriou aiq ndn. three deti were shothile serving ananan eviction notices one deputy w w killed, alongg th the suspect. new infoatioiotoninit from our pardners at theheazette. zensnsf colora springs ofcers hav resigned f/flong recenenmass oong accordinto g 52 fice lefe rce
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eisiles e violen ain enforcemt. rece pole acemy cruiui willllikelellp somemef e posis. st of thofce lafter woing ere r ss thwo yea ree mohs ago, u-c-s offis edth a plneparehood icic vefficers werenjured. rit t w.w.. e search contities for a suect inlvedn a la nigobbebe. it hapapned at aveencecestne dn anun ce tell usus r ofbeforeofrs a aived. a poce d dhed the ar but they cououn'trtrk him m wn. the s5spect is described as a heavy-set man, lasasseenen wearing a red d ndnda. if you hahe any information, call crime stoppepepepe634-st. 11 minutut of non stop news continues with this. notorious mexican druglgrd joaquiui"el chapo" guzman says he's ready to plead guilty to the charges he faces in the u-s. under one condition.&
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and trarsferred to "medium secuty" prison in the u-s. ken mind, he's escapededwice from maxum securitytytysons i`dco. el chapo'o!attorney ss guardsds his curnt prison near mexico cy wolet him sleep. they rortedly check on him mnd ke h ve toulog ead. petuday ist a feda away. the lts llel shape tht finastretch of the p pma election season. todavolunteers with the el paso county republican party held aree training session to educate votete on the entite cacaua pce. 20:02:1717thng is importrtt because folks come inin th, we'rall adul, and fos come into this they wawa to da a odod job. they can do a g gd job if they feeconfident abouat they're ing asked to do." vovonteers for bernie sasaers campaign also heldld similar ent today at penrose libry in colorado spr. we spoke with ornizersrsbout e upcominglection.
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, i think that's anoth reas people n't caucus because yououon't know w wre yr precinct is, you don't know w g gng, you don't know what ti i iisis's all complilited and d unun reaeay wed, s" havale ion u ed ahef supetuday colorancngolng locad intective political maps. ad tour website kktv dot we'll have more on hothe caidates a arepapang fosuper tuesday later the shownw the dry conditions and high winds caused hh fire danger r r mumy of the area today. a red d ag warning hasince exexred. we've seeseveral grass firerecent becse of the y y n itio. pele w wspoke to today say they t te thfire danger s siousus. "as it gets warm, you've gototo watch`your barbecues outside, you've got to watch it in the eountains if you're going camam. you've just got to be super, susur careful." you can ay on toof all our eaking wther alerts w wh the 11 news app. it's a free download, just
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time now wor y y yno wait weather with jesesca lebel. ssic wthe re dange stl a ccernrn morr? the reflag warng has expiped but winds s ll st gusty throughghhe evening espepeally in el paso d ll counties. low temperatures will drorointo t0s a a a0s over nightititpartly cloudy y skies. sunday will brininlots of sunshine and highs into th 5ps and 60s. ounexthancncsome isture may arrive
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rns 6coke ein a rorryryry clinini. thththrmreteryryf stbte won ththsoututrolina democratiw predential ppimary... beatatg vermont senatototornqfqf sanders. boswl has more. "h"hlary clintonanway withth thehehututcalinanareredeial primary. c news inton be v vmont senator bernie sande by a wide margin. sot: clinton thank k u soutcarolina llary,la, hillary it polls shswe8484ercece of
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domimid among women. by nearly 50 points. neollln hohohoamererans gigicltotoc resi & sanders wawainexas earlili on saturday.. where he is fighting an up battle in t t polls. n.n.erere sasaerpresidenti,acandidate if allllf you come o o tvote and yobring yoyo f fendsnd g youjjneigororord your coworkersr# we're gogog to win he in tx. clinton campaigned in alabama befofo rurningngo&south carolina for her rictory celeation. llarclclton/n/esidentia l cacaidate we are going to ght for every vo. we will take nothing for granted.
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"welcome eo dedecious!s! nd opele t tk the e pl t.. all a odse. e e r plge tacacp osct lakakh in colororo ng rticip r r io e tetoaiseey touprtpeal olympmp colorae s s to alag d ny dedstum. cae of not-s-sartiti pticis jokilycacaeat "sarng" dra a ause, teprprng anthrv o : shwhwhfeir get int's li 'oh it's( but nothat then iele y inin i was s keke iit's's nihae r'r'waay even if it snowing itill d ha gone i" theheheenenens s ss ra mthan 1.6-m
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a pool plunge was he aer zoo ood tinjuonono rnionalarabe. . ni anting a cu rthis iru the emu. livt nil sanctuar cnte r of tanua sayayy twariinred d ing ic td lala mononwiwh msivepedadaneckck es. vet saidididid w w notng th coulde . t the sancary wo whim d now tatoat a ohis ththmomo p pe who ucacededando sayo no we t ing tototogivep.e ititbetter f f f tteh amae owner w more monohs of therapy the e ce eilbe g new a lot of localms sti iththhuntor@r@r@b tle . e hichl state fsfsfsfsy ithotttt.. i've got thhighghghts ananes you want te.
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manning lling it qui... what thbroncos are saying about tht. ariri sports ixtxt fn susu d yoord de ithe place, tofifincnc ntnt oa forduv rig usanance anpe... araible 0ncinfo mons.fords.nenene hp u u&u&u&ulelele wr i )erica'a'best llllllbjananan burry, 0% financing for 606060ths on ford suvs is a lilitetetiti off.. susuyoord aler t tay.
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/ heconomy rigd?d? wewethe 15 r r r rririnsns quired m me w% in twtwtears anhe b b b 100 million n oplelelmbibid.d( i'bernieandersrs ani approvovthisessage my plan n make wall reetanks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, pride liling wesesfor working people, ensure equal pay for women.the midd class willllontinuuuto disispear unlele w e playg field.
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might be his last rodeo atathehehe end d the afchampionship game. but so f no offifi annoucements have been made. tonight sports directosam farnsworthhtalk to the club and askeded them poinl bnk. the team's only rereonse was thih statementnt from t ve presididt of publ rions.. h h spid quote " "on has not made a decision on his future. plananemains for him to contueal wiwi the team thth week." the high school basketball playoffs are heheing ... for r r"a teams.. 're already in the swee16 playiyi for a spot inthe grea8.8nurur-a slslsre looking to oet into the sweet 16 w wh a win toght. we'll start with doherty. ==== 2n2nqrt... tigers with the ball down 23-17.. manuel the 3.. to b bng them within 3 3 === 's now 26-24 sparts... until brbrin bri from top ofofheeyor- - t it. spta-2==littleleermere bie ing he lane- whaaaaaaat?! the spining lay up forhe score.. spartans lead by 7... and in
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doherty advances beaeang lakawood8- 69. 4-a play now.. sierra hosting mead.. thisigame would be back and forth- and close eaeay on.. ==== 1s1sqrt.. cj jenningsgin traffic.. making some moves and drops in 2.. for the first points of the ga.. ==== but backhe other way.. the pass ahead to miaeward who lays it in to tie up within seconds. ==== stallions now up 5-4.... & nnings.. from down town knocks it dowand ge t whistle.. he miss the free throw, but irra still up 8-4. ==== it's now 10-9 seirra.. but the long range 2 from walker k k kl boostshe micks ahead, and a rocky h qrqrfor th stallions as they fall 62-52. wipalmer tosting the evergreetoday.. ==== start of the game.. no score.. passide charlie hvaay o powers ufothcknd rangs stke first u2-0.====== few conds later.. a stl.. e ss tjoe coud rangers. ==== now up 6-3, t ck the other wa. chase e ge ubleletheir r ts and ties
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==== now it's 1 16 sam straraurger@t@ knkn in the floater to me it 12-6.. and the end... lewis palmer runs away with h is one 77-56... they will face vivia ridge here's a look at some of our other scores.. in thth5-a ranks.. palmer was on the ro tonight taking cherokee trail.. unforntuately, the terrors end theiseason here as they fall 78-67., ==== the same result for liberty.. number o seeded overland moves into theheweet 16 as they beat the lancers 64532. here's a look at the 4 sweet 16 games... vista ridge beat golden 526.. again, they take on lewis palmer. ==== a tough game and loss for pueblo south as the coltsdrhis one inds 661 == pulo walso on thrdwood to ty sted duran and in e..henes win is 541. ey nexexpl
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the sandreedptiourcoinketodaagnst ra ==== 'lpickt in 3rd qrt.scorup 2....iana squis.. 3 ba corner r cket- got it!.. scorpions up 34-29. . ==== little later, sa score.. leah davis.. from down w drdrs inin pair of points.. scorpions up 7. ==== sand cre now up by just 2.. squires flies in for the bucket from the box scorpis take 38-34 lead. ==== little later.. good ball movement to o open conner proctor who nails@it from down town and sand creek goes on to win n this one 72-61... they'll next@ face pueblo east. two southern coloradteams in this one.. mesa ridge hosting vista dge. ==== here in the 2nd qrt.. kate roar with the long range two pointer... but the lady wolves still down 31-18. ==== afte10 straight foul line points f the gzz it's 41-18.until that roar buckkeit 421. wi timwindg wn ithe ..ecthe ck b grzlies lee shk.. he ridge mares io thgr8 as twith one9-45
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to.. is rt playg . ugh day fothe ncs as theh fall 45-29 in fort colls. ==== and again, it's the sweeee16 in e a rankkk.. check out your pueblo east eagles.. squeaking by montrtre th the one point win 51-50. ==== pueblo sou was visitng holy family today.. and the cocos drop thihione 69-61... but with o oy e seor on the sqsqd.the young team sayay they're hopeful for the future. the cololqdo avalanche on the ice against the detriot retiwiwis- outdedet t ors field!! this is the first ever outdoor nhl game in colorado ==== pop p durininthe 3rd period. tied at t .. justin n -del- - kar sneaks it in for his 15th goal of the season here to put detriot up 3-2. ==== just aew seconds lat... several tra efforts and ots goal...( it alex tangay who nets e in to tie it up at 3 all. ==== just over a minute to pl.. brad richards gets the boue and scores break the tie, detriot uld ade
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