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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  February 28, 2016 8:30am-9:30am MST

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>ickerson: today on "fa the nationcan anything or anyone stop d dald trump or hillary clinton from going all the way to their party's nominion. and superuesday, we'llll talk to the ree top republican contenders, donald tmp w ads bybyig margins i most per tuestatesnd te nator te cruz. er thes n doubt inald stm lls thrper tuesday,e may welele unstoppable. don'think that will happen. >> dicicrson: he's not the only one vwing to s op ld trumu wel talklko senat marco rubio. >> i will dohaver it takes. dickerson: hillary clinton thunders tough south carolina with b win.n. we'lllalk to her rival bernie sanders about hislu w cbagrnd trackekemb a a aheadn " the tion captniponsoredy cbs
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thti"ohncker ry whhe%he a imies auces 1stat rding totour cbwsws bblegrouck thiloinod f ent rus. in virnaldrumps at the p t rlifield with 40 rco ruo followsith 7%nd ted cruz i in third at 22. orgi is also showing 4 4 for ump, ted cru second 2%. marcruoos at 22.bububuom satfexas it t cup1 dalumd o rubiis inird with 19%. john kasich a a b cararson are muchchurtherer behind. we'll haor battlegroun poll numbers and results om ththsouth h rolina democrcric iqary mingput r rht now we wt to go to o ld trump who joinin us frois home in west palmeach. mr. trump i want to start wit a tweefrom this morng in ish youririre, qte,, pupuishmenen
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ything to hit trump. iigned thehe pledge, carar. what doeoethat mean? >> well, they're notot treating me wellll i signed the pledge, i've been very good and straight and honestnnd hononoble e t treated well. look a a the w w they stacked th audiences inhe date i ie won every debate acordinto every poll. every singlenline poll butaythey stad the adiens, the wathey talk. they he ts l w torcbi sg teleinus per terrib things. i doink is fair theay that thestshmentntnt titiononp. ll be h hest you. siigned pled. i will abide by the ed unless they default. as as i'moncerned they ulted. >> dickerson: you wouldn't abide by the plelee because you think ey'r'refating. >> i thk you unrstand exacy wh's goi o ououk any pr, alwki
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i'm reprtiremendous miio people. that feelngry and disenfranchisese these arr great peopl i love thhem.. i'll tell you what we're not being trere right. the repubcan partnot trtrting me right andhey're not treating the ppleht i represent right. >> dickerson:let me ask you ask you question of ta@xes,ou're bebeg audited. whwh about relee knowlge summary that someteshat candidates do,w your inncome, charitable deductions, would youou do that? ieeaddasedy nanc whichre me,th way, it't' o or10illionof net worth thaha i bilith veve small starter@years a ao. i' adyone tatat that's dn an fed in thede electioio office if ople want to see ity obsly urhorts hav ge thugth inretail.i' been ven
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mmy. >> don'ttearn vy muc johnouon't learn of mometns w w y y yre pe. i'veeen unr ait f so dited. foroi think over ten yearsaybe even 12 ye@ars.s. i've bee a a@d. i thinkt's veryair, i think% m being singled ou it's not a fair situationhat t t i.r.s. dits me ery year. ii have friends that are very wealthy, they hahahaever been ought it. why are -- am i ated evy si year. unl th aududtssomplplpl ousli@ul'tw anything. i'll shohoit as soso as it'smpleted d have nothing to hi- >> dickerson: what about -- evererhingngf real value is in my fiinanciaiadisclosure foror >> dickerson: you said that i intervw with cnn afr the lastebaba youere being targeted because the fact'm a ststststhristian,h what does that meanan >> it cocod be that.
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belier in the people of the tea party. i have o diifferentesmae diikes i n'n' why. but wh is i i tvery sinyear iedii hve friend aereyev b a >>icked ruc eudit inerms of tho sl thi i efrtnot relea your ta returns? >> i don't think i havav problem with that. i assume i can give you a letter from a big law firm saying that$% we're underudit. bpt i've been -- let you know how many yes. i'i' beeuditor nsivars,anany,yyears i thinkt' unfr. say toy peopl howow come'm alwauditedd and frien o o minire n nerudited. >> dicrson: let me a a you a questitn that's been raised about foreign workers in florida. the "new york times" said therer wereeople that wanted t job you haddaid basically only can find farm workers because there aren't americans who wanantheh jobs. e "new york times" s sd there re people.
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's during e seas within u caget people it's very, very hard to hire people, ququified people.. lot t eoppf dididt wanthe job cause dhree@ f montjousturhe seasonthe e seon, the hh season. it's very to get peoplel because it's just one of thos things. everybody y working. and then during thth off season it's easy weedon't't have the people during the off seasonh cae cublolos duringof sson,otf pe d't want prte dke: yosaat amicic crpioiohoulilomck tericicicbuild eir prodtsts hre, h hve@ an work woejs. why woulul t thorporationsay ion n whayou're caying they can't find the workerseretheyo goer places. [oulhesthat u're sying. >>ecause those are full tijobs. that kind of t tng, talkinn about full t te jobs. t of the pethiss we made offers to, whene m mers wh they heart's pab-time job, it's four monon o five moh job i undndstand this ey're not interest.
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what you don't talk about is thf thousands of people that i do hire. thousas and thousasas of pele@n m paollverer theyears s at a ten of t tusands ofple tt w me. pickck u c cb where h high sean whwhe very,, vy rd. it's'sery hard to get people in lm beach during the seas, duriri the social seon >> dickerson: michael hayden the rmerer director of the naationall securi agencsaid thaif y red u.s. fofoes to kill the families of trrororts whic you ggesd also use wateterdg which you al suggest that they wod refuu aou.p.p what is yo rersponse to that? >> i don'tnow whate means by i n onel lad thin, th'r'rchpi he, thoin heads al over tid east, is is doioiumbmb en ofther -- isis is doi itow. all i know ishat when they start cppinoff hds we have to be very firm, we have to be
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isag with the statethe t be ver strtrg, can u igineheeoe at c o he o o chchstns and plentferpele ahedotouty and dzdzro peoplph inig eetaas, ty dnn th. leave theheinorororfou then pull it upbnd everybodyss dead ey hear us talking about waterboarding, give ee a aridid we he to get a lotougher i we're gog to win t ts war. ife're not going to get tougher we're nononoing to win this w. >> dickerson: thanks for being with us, we'll spepe to you again soon. >> thanknk very much. dickerson: we caught up with senanar ted crcrcrnhe campaign trail in rginiaia beach. what othth s stes were you onn per esy? >> the most impmptant d of th entire primary elececon is th mostelat aard a sileigh thwe aresition too have a verer goodh nighttn sup
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to go head to head with hilly clinton.n. and we are the onlyampaign that asasbeat donalaltrump d 're the only candidate that can beat donalifou lot superdatate eningng necnd w ld iat all acro superue so it is m m hopehatllfhe blanshoecognizeta nomiti a cdite who agrees with llary to hoswsof issues, whoasy r, nothe tot if wcomeothercoervavavesttogeth 'lhaight kekehey the unstoppabl heso doubtatf ldamls through super tuesday,s evererhere with big marge in tt ay well be unstoppable. i don't thk that will happen. butt i think if you're at home and you don't w wt t@na trump to be the republicananomnlnlaho cntt dona is ourampaig i iould encourage, en if you like another candate, stand with us if yououon't wan donald to be the nominee..
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sunner tuesday, that is how we endddpbeating donald and nominating a proven conrvrvivee which is what it's going to take >> dickers: whatatid you make of cis chrst enrsing do >>on think thawaa bi rp. thinitas a toherubio campaign. t at the oheay,he washingnonnn esblisent t g whe they're going to go. thisis is super tuesday is a battleleoeterne where conservaves s . i think the debate this weekas really some powerful moments of clarity. we sawhat donald trumpmp substantively has the same% issuesesn issue after isssss% hillary c cnton. hegre witithillary clinton on ibyaya totoling the govnmentt libya that l decy to beehazi. led toandndnd that countryry ovov. he agreed wh hillary cnton suting johkerry og ththlaliononei, qu neueual betweesrael d the p pestitian t t ass preret mnong t b b nra
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aplyhel onomc polic donontrump agreed with barack obama on the watre bail ouuu the bail ouu of big b`nk. i tnk the governnt oug to be standingng g g maststst, with worng men and wome andheyou putn pthe ethica isusu. her iefusi to hitata d th's robm. dicony that proboby ist a a obobe doesn't reem>> i bei ait for two years, thethreears,, then maybe fi years. if there's a proble hisis taxes, voters have e right to knowbebeuse come septemr, october the general ection, fox in the media are going to make a heyda& about any problems in his taxes, i think primary voters hav right to@ know anhiss excusus that he's being audited. th itvfnore important. el his ts can see i i there is -- mi romney suggested there cod be bombshell t tre. i don't know if there o o noo
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e v vers s d ihink he owes cannedder to the vote. >> dickerson: he said sososo etty bracing things about you stililli him. hohocan n at be the e se? >>donald a charming p pson. cneun >>icon: bubuann onh jt oni can tn ge nnal a vicis. ret im an e e e ener,laugh h m. 's le ink eirc eiei the arobats andancing s. wilng tayhgs tt aratent false. for exple, athe debate this wewewae cked offf hisealth re position f f 20 yeaea. for yea he haha agreed with hihiary clinton and d rn sanders on socialized m micine saying, obama compare doesn't go far enough. wants the government to pay for evyo hlth cre and rol it. d a hadackk a f f ere i hi ist tr or falalt h h said the government shoulday for@ everne's health ca.
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within minutes we pulut video contntstinwhat he said there with videoeo of him just few months earlier saying exactly the opposite.and at i thinknknkhe debate this week did,s gave real claty to the voters. that to beat hillary, we need a consistent conserertive, someone who o s sto foror free market principles, who has stood for constitution andritically who stoofor thhee working m%m and women n thisotry.y. talkldlott'srenmimiio( that he ironye mad t center of his entire campaign immigration given that he faceded a $11 million crt judgmgmor bepart o #aocy re ill alie gent just week n ns bre that hiri foke ay hotel a d la h h hid i ivi afr thbaba he said,d, sh, you can't find amecans to d d these jobs to be waiters or waitresses or bell hoho.
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e ew ykim reporord rohl americans appliedr thosee jobs, he onlnl hired 17 instead he brought i ioreign workererbecacae they're captive rkers, you can pay tm less, ey can't'teave. anani ink the working men a women are gettingammered right now, they wantomeone they c trust totand with thehm and part of the reason so many conservatives arar uniting bebend oucampaign i'm the oy one th leded the badtle againstm gligenceee,ed the btle secur the boernd for rkg medomen. >> dickerson: the question about bordere anyour positionn on immigrgrion with undocumented workers. billll o'r'reillprepared with h u hypothetical someoeo over stayay eirr visa,resisintruz going end the feds, take him outp him on a plane. you said you better believe it. inin an interview given similir spenario we don't havav sysysm thatnocks on doors o o every person in america, one c ce yoyo were not kcking n the doooo d
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d't hetormroops that k othe eve ericananen w d't d th.. buwh wve edee a particulul person smmitted a crime ween law enforoementnt to arendhem. the he iff i c qti s visveray. john, right now, curedel w requ aetexitntntntysm m yomomeinini obama stsus ig fedal. % ofof illel immigrationot peop acrs t brders i willlilylyt's leho ce a ais and never if w wha bomom it-e sysm wenow john dickersononomeses in for s months and hassn't leftwenow t t d after s s months, okay, john exceeded his visa. with tha exit-entry system we can sen law enforcemen agents that exist o go get johnay, you're h hellegally. that is how lawnfofoement opereres. >> dickerson: senator cruz, thanks so mumu. >> thank youou zohn dickerson: we'll bback in one minute w w another o th top consteppedders in the
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marco rubihing? it's a great s sool, but is it the rit one for her?is this really anyettetethan the one u got last yea ife nsollis,'s'sheingshere should we go wi46horsepower ..r is 423noug good ask a lotoof good questions... i think we should move you into our new fund. sure... ok. but t e you asking enough aboutthow your weaeaeais managed? wealth manemenenat charles scab. it's easy to love your laxative when tt lax loves yourury back. only miralax dresseans to unblolo nly,
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>>keon: we're ba wh rporin arkansattg y toead to he toh nepper - suuruesfs campaign state.d d ke to ask you about ashingtotopost" headlin this morning at says, rubio's straragy for super tuesday is survival. do you agree with th charactetezaon? no, i don't. we're not the front runner here we're underdog that's r re that i relish. i've beeee ann underdog my whole life. we'll pick up a lot of delegatess on supe tues we're ing totoove on. here is with i i nevevoing thahaenisar. ver tiepuicarty s ound tt ve geout or pposefallyi ndtrp. na tru is tt republican. donald trump is nott conservative. donald drump i i trying to pull f theiggest scam in amecan poti historor basically a con job tryinto take over the repuican party by telling people he's someo
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we'll do whatever he takes. we'll be in thisace a a long ass ek be in y stasma re i theominee thahjna umuve g g 1236 deteh% needsn >> dickerse arour mpgn gotter t ruthe fo am of - iever edto to ts poioi. bybown crsehe wed pits`eoeld open the e e s w donald trump ly is. thnfounately has not happened. the e lls a earar states indicate he's be able t/ fool a gnificant number ofeoplel to believing t the is somemeing th he is not. donald trump i a lales con tist, , coed t tse ople thaign u u tum univerty now tg g o the me thi to republicaters. 'sry to convhethat somehe's the guy that is going tstand up to illegal miation but hires illegal imimgrants. th he's fighting for amemerica wowoers but he's hiing foreign
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bring back jobsrom china and mexico but inn fact he'e' c ceating jobs in china d mexico becausef that's w wre all of his suiui and ties that he sells are made. it's'son jb,tis sca gogog tol itit to r rveal it i beve ppllearbout tt e ss sup hs too have in t wks t com >> >ickerson: donald trump is one in t tee states. you y vots ther were conned, what does at say about voters in thosctat >> well, i think has lot to do ththhe media coverage as women i'm not speaking a aut you in particular, buthe media coverage has been cheerleading ererer last couplelef weeks i'm cind it'sauauany in the pre wanm to b mine hethint'oi t b goodorg, t,ecauau ey hlot oia rkh. ontrp wereo eve me ninee idiatelyy hoodes o him, ing g rimrt, evythie's everonone from relngaxes a of his s il businessealings and hillary clinton is going to he ear shot to the oval office i think the are many out there rootg fothat outcome so that
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in the corage he'ssotten. is guy hh not offered singlg serious policy proposal which is important if you want to be president of the u uted d ates. anan agagagathep nigig at the he r fusese touinhealthare pn. justoved o o instead of si on hee a rdilo ansnsr on el d he mov prsing. no oer candidate e ulve gotten awi tt. i ththk there's weird bs in the mediaia rooting for donald trump becacae he's the eiest reblican to at. >> let meesk you about all the thing you've saidbout donald trump a. big s scamam's's a con job how can you possiyetain position t tt if he's the nononee yoyoll s sport him? >> becausee'neveveoing toto be the nominee. i'm notorried about to happen. donaldldrumpilil never he 6 detes whwhh is whaene wppen. delegates.s. we're going to c ctinuto work hard to make that happen.
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sisi inhen voters realize wh wee gast here, hs trying tou're goino s a s sft here.. ickerson: at's confusing you sa heh were t nmine d dtroyootivemovent en youe s sgevev heu sne to #evtr you say teseeibthinhris cstieai b thgsgsgs aunrsrs him opce he ge the nominatn? >> well, again, he's not going to be the nominee b bause we a a not going to allow. peopleill l ke upp not allow con artist to take o thehe party of l lcoln and ragan. he's pulli o o a world class scamam her he's telling people h all ese things, he's fighting for the little guy. the working class. he has spent his entirereuses reertitig to wo pe prectsnder t le thatton pai are contracacrs thatt some of themave gone bankrupt.
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calls from people that have been scscmedy donald trum and their stories a heartbreaking. >> dkerson: you sayougre goininto stop hihi are you goin to win florida or beat threw? >>bbsolutely. we'r'rgoing tooin florida. florida is notgoing to vote for con artist likikdonald trump. has the benefit ofofhe fact tpat he's dominated media covevege. literallyominated media coveracause of t tpagus things he says.. th'sndthero rllht for het and sulfhe republic pars not, i will do wtever it takesre prt it frommngakronst i a pe gnto our effort at to make th en. >> dicicjcon: you'lg dwhatever it takes. yourpaigig manager talkeded about cononed convention,, taking it all arthe way to t convention. in that case, basically taking nomination away frodona trump. wouldn't that juju c ce anuproar from all tse pe w vofor h wh h gen himei suor
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>> wll, that we beat himut right in therimary process believe th's what's going to ppenn thnene fewew weeks as states. terrain begins to change.e. i fe very good. to t tt. let me justay thehe ules whatt are they are in thth republblan rty, you ve totoave xumber of delelat in orr to be the nominee. if you don't have those n nber of delegat then there's a process inlace. here is where there i i c camity minee. if he's our nominee it couldd be the end of the republican party. it will split u andplinr in w w m n nerererbl cor emrailjo a aout it. dkerson: we'll haha to end it there.
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wel be righthtack. jake reese, "dadato feel alive" jake reeee, "day t/ feel alive"
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, you're an at small b bess exexrt sure a mytaffould y stayin with om at&t canelyou coected.amam s sing leno ma'am. ourt&t neet e fr' makeit eie for urta to send appoint r minders to your custers... ...a share promotions on social media? you know it! noi'm s eing dollar signs. you shouldrot your eyes checked. od one bab optometry humor. right now get up$650 in creds elyoit too&t... >> dickerson: now for the
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last night hillary clinton h a biwin in south calina. she won a wopping% t dd66of bends. anancraticicace in ouruper tuesday battlegroundracker hillary clton is up ovv` bernie sanders by 20oints in virginia. she ads 59o 39.
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erhas 37%. nally geoia it3%comped to berni sandut innt w bernanders. your path rement... mat alalyse clea t t twe pryce weweanp guide urmentntavin foover inveves haveveveieieie on dciplinedppro to find ngerm value. wheheveveyour rerent jrntakes yoyowewc help yoh your goa. ll a. p retirement s scialis orr adviso ...tsee how ananelp make tt of y yr rerent s sgs.
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inst witconfidence. j. some of ctas s ee us n.
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with bernie saers. >> dickerson: welcome backcko the nanaon. vermont s snator bernrn sananrs joins us from rocheheer, mimiesota. senator, i iwas disasaointin loss in south carolina last night. coming up the's georgia, virginia, tes. whnalysts at that map ey syhee's no psibleth f yheinatatn, wh i i youesponse? well,,,my respsehat'mn nnot ihinke're goi toto hernn minnesota and win in colorado. i think we're going too win in okokhoma. wewee goih to do wll i ssachuses and go in vmon and g nr es are cominin thatt we' goto d extremely well ibly winningncludin carniaiand new york state thihke do have aath to victory i won't tell l a y y y we didn't gt beaten and beaten very b dly yesterday in sou carolina. i coratulate secretary clininn on her viiory, but,ohn, i think that'sad a a is
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asall aalysl ok at yo campaign fm the beginning, evegiven proess you've made, ihererenough time left, you mentioned some places w wre youhhk ye done we,, but isn't't timee kind of rning out? >> noi don't thin so. i think you got tuesday we'll have over 800 delegates being selected. i think we're going do win a very good share of tho delegagas.s. major states comin upn think e iportant pints that people throughout this country arar resonating too ourpmessage. d eessasasas tha ser csnd coorrtp campai fince system areerong icananan decry. weerou that w w received ur milonndivual contributions m mre tha a ndidat america history at is pointnt
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is why wexreoi wel ou shing even i sosoh carolaa as badly as we didi we did v vadly. wonhe vfeoe9yeaeu aroger.the future of theeememematic party, the future of this country invngngouou people i the potil process, geing them t tstand u for eir ririts, dealing with student dede which i got to tel you is questioning peoe all over thiss country. making public collegesnd universities tuition free, those are the ideas we are bringing t, demanding the wealth and large corp operations start paying the fair share of tas. is s at younger people, working classeoe. that is the future ofhe democr partq. >>kerson: in order to cre vement ye suestihau wawa you'r going toeeee t arica ican votersnd you're onomicicusticeessage didn't seem to hit home in south carolina. and inther places.
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>> noo question, to be vy clear. weweid really, r rally badly with der a aic american voters. weot deemated. on the other h hd if youoo att thyounr people, affn amican y pop a awhed e. so, again, i thkk our message,, the clinton campaign was very ststngngremembererss their fourth cpan inou rolina. o for bibilion, f f fhillararinto theyadadlganinid ey well cgrala herer ceo tee orlr 8% t polls it w tou roadsooe. i wanto thank a of our supporters, the members o the uth rolina statete legislature whstuck with us. are cnfident the future. >> digkeon: oullshow that onerightpo yous that big majoritnk that u are more honesory anillaryli. whatoeitay t you, tugh, ers may believe that and
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clinton? >> well, i thihieople cas their vos fo a number of reass. iiink if you look at your s you'll probably findhaha manyeople ththk that our views are closer to what they believe the fre of ammica shouldd be. our views are@ closer on economic issues lot of those pollls come dowow o demographihi, the age, to howw ch m m m mou are making. at t tottom line p, we std this cmpai, john, 3 in the polls. hesosowoeeksationapoll actllyads i e lead or reasonably clole to secrctary clinton. if you we with yesterday in texas ee 10,000 peoe out in austin, 8000 people out in as.. we had good t tn out here l lt night. i belie we have lot of momeum. somemeeedia -hisstate ha eecon athe end o
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zensf re stateso g 'relgood. >>ickersonl ri senanarbernie sanders we'll be back with more numbers f fm ourbs nene bateground tracker. (cell phone riris) where are you?u? well the sququrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad't call ananextermrmator... i call you back, m m? heays it's personal i3 timim.. if youe a m, yo ae t titi. it wyoyodo. ou wto s fiftn rcenen me c ins, yoswitge it's what yodododo ere e you? it's very loudhere araryou tating a zua cls? there is no way allergies are geing in my way. 14 days into my alleley season... .and i am still claritin clear. bebeuse when i got itchy watery eyes...
9:06 am
when your allergy symptoms start, doors recommend taking one claritin every day yououallelgy season for coinuous relief. 23 days relief from sneezinin.n ...andnynynye. claritin is werful, l!s 24 hours... ...and it's non-n-owsy. get the number one doctor recommended... ...non-drowsy aldlrgy brand. livelaritin clea every da >> d: urbs ws direcr of eltions onl to dona tru uverywherin texas whaeeaedew oussurabily. >> @he'som sns he e earl starngs pushack ait thth e e et.
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ticss usu he's g2gowin somethinmuch more.e. specififally, voters inneorgia, in virginiand in texas all ththk k at donald trp has the best chancnow toinhe general election. and also think that he hashe most opptimistic message of t remaining candidates. this isn't just about for themem voting against something, agnst politics as usual. it's a signal thatty're voting for something. that is plitics v porful. campann thall h legs. >>icrson: : esy e t bunch kf states vting, tecruz llo welelinexas. what can we learn about what's hahaening with cruz in texas whetefr ititranslates to any rf. >> is not t anslating right w. in texas, voters who know him sahe has the most expernce and say thatat he can best shake uppolitics. but dona trumpwns thosese issu everywhere else.
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cruz you h hrd in your injnjview ying he's thed conserertiveve wmlll l 's winning that argument. th a overel as m co inot engh. ushe loses s se he whonk m@stervativerumpnd also voters are placing more portance on, not j jt sking up politics,ut also fixing t t ecomy and donald trump owns those issues. on t potical m mnooard yo to ownaceuthe moststaluab space. that shakeku polits in thes ststes. >pkeon: imimrtandnagn t t be bec sugges iuz't ououid he t tryry t gog t menroads i her ac >> may picic up delegates sewhere d hold s sven his meta butight n n trling erylace els >> dickeon: althe candates y,mag cateses w wt c cown t o on o race thai#ll he shotgagast
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evidence that if other cacaidates wererto fall away that enough voters would go to the remaing pepeon who is alternative to trumpmphat would actually change the state of things? >> n n n. donald trump wld get,, when we askeople,e,e, if he doesnsn get the nomination who wouldou support. donaldrump would getnoughf rubio voterer enough of c cruz's voters, not majorory but enough, edo hisurrent stan wou keep hefronunner consided re don' cearily he whs ltanng a a ihink th imrtant. fid donald trump up arounun he doesn't ne thatnuch to thenet t#ajoritit we'v'vways talkedd about howtt he has a ceeing, he sti does. there's lot of people would not ke him second c cicece but his@s ceiling isn't quite as low as w once thougt.>> dickerson: : er to the democratic races itver? >> notet. but sper tuesday looks prettyy gogo for hillala c cnton.n on. one is w talkedbout the
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statesesyou saw the bi suort amafrican amicer atatonsit aoss a suruesdayteshahaha eyey people stil s thqt bebesanders is t h nestante anan tinedanditebu silaere almost eplin sid. ththe arar m that tht going wouldld b winninhereot inincipledndimimrtant, but w wrw vot are going for senator clinton's campaign that they're seeing g r as qualified and seeifg r as expepeenced, thas obviououy her campaign message. theyeye voting on t. e's t big leadsve sde onhose meicanshatt dring ts.>>keongreat,nt,ththkso ch.. wel be back inomentnwith
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ancer: you taught himimhow 'm hiy clintod i prove is message. her fe's worhas be aboutbrbrngngarris. so wouldererresidency. which isishy, for evevy erican who's not being g id at they're worth.... who's s ld bk by student deb or a system tilted against them- anthere are far too ny o o you- s e understands that our countny can't reach it's pote.eial... unless we all do.togegeer.. a rongou. >> dickekeon: we're back with more polital 'al c ct. peggy noonan is column any for the "walalsteturna
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jamelle boy we c cers politics for late also cbpews pitical ant. ruth marcuss iss columnist for t t "washington post anben domenech is the ofeedera."pe inamp stoppapa>> w we we go fii t. th indices are all i i his direction, aren't they? i'm interested in his power, iff that is the word, is suchha he has actuallyee ab toe a wy ane-mreckiinherea o oeport. an ped polical on e sump. rubibiisttmpting as yokn t giumig i ump's sty.. tpm no sowhatks. buy e i i idire gogo.>> t 11 commandment is
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a republican. rubio is tryingr tatic is that effective?e? >ight h he en effective had he bee dooingt s monthg. beeneneay hitting tum on this point tt trump seems be in this foror himself. as it stands, at this stage not only do i n ot think it's effectivivit m mht b coun are prodtive. what it sounds like rubio saying to people@hat y we e r'on n comeot me. >> i ag i th thers ano w which it can be less than effective. u askedubio if i i was too litt too late. i think there's a l ltle bit of too muchch tot latee which iss, he is just geg down inhe buck with tump. whwh you get downn thth muck you get u up wituck onn you. ne to go after trump university, and call him a con man about w wat that sauce.
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t tking aboutut whetherwes paat i th----'s litt - no omp b b bein knock of of trump. people wanan inabilititey gotonvoic >> thihey way that you can beat tmp rcognizing atatis a oe-n wrkingchinfuelel hispeonalyou attackck him t tse bases.s. of these ideologil tig su mattefor tromhi w you ,n y u sd is now y saidhis t that doesn't geto his people. just out alphaiai trump. >> tkou r the tig isss t lking tomp voters, i think the things that they attach to that they like about trump that he s sms like he gets them. h likeehemmn some fundamental way.
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true. the trump university thing is a ststt. bubu the on man stuff works ainsthat. >> the i isue on his can manan thing.g.g. i hearou innterview and ask veve plainly would y support he danceround the qstion. he's going to destroy the republican party. i don't think 's going to be% the ninee. he n ner said he would support h. d soeoundsyuch l lician andhats t t language that agggravav those voters. >> dickerson: e cocon in this political season are the politians.s. that's the setting for con man we learned fromoters. >> you know, iinheayfor -- igree with w wat jamle yso loktu tpptersrs hey, con h's con manthat's what yo d. my gdneseshat's tay
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how about something more inteteteing. how out you me forward say, trump spportetetei asotelyowhat y/ tnk thirepu a a thepublicanablilimentntnd h sappntedou are.gues what,'moing toel youowhwh you'r'r rightbout. what they are disappointed about. publ ptys easy to tell you the e@aws themoic party.take trum supportete sriously byonceding hatt is true about -- >> think candidates have been ying to othatll alllyo qstion out whetetettrtrp istoppable a is poi. inkh thehe candites,th ates havfssntially nceded that he is momo or less unstoppable in the prrimaries at e place to stoto him if he is to be stopped is at the convention iself. youee, rubio campgn and cruz campaign, theeasichampaign all positioning themselvlv and i even -- did i som caassisi
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in addition to the various stages of regnation you hea azy ideas like, mighthtot o late f f mitt romney to file. >>h, my,oodne. >> all tking aboutonntntn stragies nt pim >> drsbe gng tohee hig fasheri no >>hat we'reitnessing is political realignment. we're moving from traditiol dersnding lefght popocs t tt we'vead a ng tto s sething thaloifrent.thth teranes thond trbernie s ey're these they'rnonompm m t t diase theyre ba test of cure for pspective of e people. the those of u who lookedort% of the established order of the political fray looks like chaos. to the people it looks like democrarar i think at is something that really i imoving us to a newreality where the partrts are
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>> ink that wassmt. diern: ponfor icquestionbout rug nstump. ou teecryorewang ts,n si tyouedo be i e uefdo t ldmps ing e gr cndeo rugnsouhs mhtve b glbtni dold t. in dcrware wa bsee'heef pectiohe sea t a e ofngeandtyeratld g g t core of teeace, wrk vtewog cls s aven ifwhtt d d thi ipayhe bit riors,icularlyanotersihi th,ha wale's iltwn helf a sp vs c b -
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th's auge pem f him. hneralltionithwohik h w gvanizeze thocce.i stillhi hs- has to too t winhe presency bui tnk h ded expectatioo ch thateople are little wary. > a lot of the anger is nt don'th insa if lk ol ofrin americ lnoeo i es rgmericanlto ey a pretyp to mtuck outhetr's pepepee. it'sng slifte erics,ounge m whamericans feel betray abo monnlend bla thaheer uro tumnenel
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americanwhoo nt amlly feelhenger. e hi ameri arthheon tat. hothislao m isa this,eo s ere'thapeei t tur tru inheidot the enia gap haryinld bhe mi dtrum perhaps ee at w wvaze who may nobenthu a her a eyetarack obama. drs: weaw tg toureast niht.>> serryg t do two ingst lt nhtch i gh sidust fi.f which to ill attnte trd v messtheyyano hrr hndnd sreatat about bi b.rneder ationo her vion ofme g agaiwhic iangrica wh o say oneng a donald tru the excellent ques thattou asked.
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bee rgument is, we don't ar anythg frax returns. and thats just not tru heh we lrn lrnro oer fing yo inc eve t re w ch yseesnd dectio andaxhomu y'veen tri ifanto g iutho arare untandaaw don pple deudit t give t eiei s. di e y cano tthgse retur a veri.. case close kersont meddqutionyoayhahar want, butheuesti is is.wh youk abohaeta in that the maye dohat anat there isiffen sanda oro thshold inms fdold tmp bn f chd fair weay thin haldn , heai aboutors eyar abo pic tionthe sma t
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rgerru y think that'r tt e d hinhat cod knk m bk? >> i there is someththg atpe, penen tha happs ound cora theo, youie i it thatryit tt ha thry i smpor prot e cscys.s. th is someing goes terof rumto hisoi a his taxp few years agoruasng d codyenenal alwa have r thi thatou c't ke about. nald tru'syu codnokeboutas ggtion that he hes money at he claimedo. ink ttsuite a g how you can g under h in. >> dickeon: back to the. mocratic racwe hilla clclton ke this pivotot ruthh pound out that te ses to b general reement that donald
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wereubn.>> two tou. on ithabernie srsaawheverap iis cai ve muc sccdenshinrliono t t lt er o poli at bhing, water s im we'll s h that goe mrs.lion a aump,ums sort of ow oagus guhosh aea dal. t ms.lintonnsnstentntfteron i aopeen a pe w h helf iot trtwor ds tl the ut weouldipi thhe twoly uus figshe sthe pe te hs ouageosh utry.
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he rpuputi a d dshon unustwor >>has ad g -ou cacat stand up s im usth yo hve to a-oottt mhh% impa.utu haha qstio > e q%q%ha stanrdeeoplow,a,esmpmpeaeao ty efadeel sh`@engtdea forothehsues.sinfrumhe@ausibl can ieie psine causeyolutyyj e is. >> to goaco poiou ma e e er, trr nooo o`& eerp erlierf rl against central parkve hed feral gogornment for housingdidirimimiti. umum aguy who a as a
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mymytaffffouououse your r lp aying ininouchchchh custststs.s. at&tanananp p p stay connected. ameeeeg g uble?? nonoa'amam o o a a a'buyuyneneetetonononmamamaititasier for your staff to send apapapapapaprerenders to you custom.. .and s sre pros ononsosoiaia you u owow i'm eieilasign you shou probabayourureyes chehe. good o o babab optototry humor. ght t w gegeup to $650nn
9:27 am
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i'm a wife a sister >> dickerson: be sure to join mesct lley, rah o'donnell, charlirose on tuesday ghfo complete coveragef sur tuesday results. we'll be on from 10:00 to 11:00 eastern d pacic ecieragen ou dital networkbsn arting at 6:00. for "face the nation" i'm john dickerson.
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brooke: hey eryo, thth ichicken soup forhe ul'sidden heroes e cames are rollg. this is a different kind ofidden camera experience. we're on theheoooout for eray people who show courage and kindness to total strangers. they know how too therit thg. what t fdoow is at we're a aut to share theieistories s ththherld. comimi up, w wve gothe beststf the best today on hidden heroes tending the game for our basketball bullies, our hidn heroes go in for a slamamunu. boy: y y're a terrible sketll plalar. brooke: entop, drop and giggle.... girl: e eryone, i'm'mgoing to be e ururoga qeher r day.brooke: 'sot eastotonnt with your inr child when youhink you're a grownup. and do you know what a lly looks like?


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