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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  February 29, 2016 2:00am-4:00am MST

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stteeeyou re..w'yoyohi? it w goo i know ack anrthonk. yebhbh with dad.t/ wanto ometngveryld-fased. wawao kiouheea tt all gh gh sure tucking ins o mu. right.rry. love you. ighs) m getting boring. getting? i'm seous. ususbe....interesting. spene entire d
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i saw the clothes. thk you. i mean, en did this hahaen? you're the one out having sex wi your boyfriend. owen... and i'm the one at home with the ks. and it's much appreciated. are you gonna get hurtrt ts guy? i don't know. have no perspective.e. yoyoshould have rebelled high school. youn'tthao dot w. tt atis, io e. ititt , t? good cae thould make it ryplated. (shs) captioni sponsedy sb
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now ... a brkthrououourom aveeee solutely agele 0ight cream wpth active natuls blackckrr complex ...
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fr ave tistablime, th sohinkcain in vemb%
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>>hecbninit will r bk. [ cazing
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[ tr crashes wind h h ] ]
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thyoung policeff rembmbeddnighghsh k k kd t ts weekend ri f f d onnhe job.b. folling awf serieief ennn northn virginia. >> reporter:r:ri william coun poleeparent poste thisture of rooe oer ashlendo autotott herst ifio-- fe >>itly s srn in fo,n ay. she ierne fof the police department. >> she carly had a passion to see e hers in a ay that w wt yond herself. >> reporr: she and twowother officers responded to a domesti disturbance on saturday. when the rid,uspectctt ld hamiltonpned fire from
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have bee ot. >> reporter: g gr training officer alonon with jessisi hpen woued dnd a expected to suive. >> offic providede@irit aidid to the wounded officece, and as rescueff could get on mbe later intt afternoon, officer guindon succumbed to her injuries. hamilton is activuty stafb rgea whoorkst thee pentagonon ne knows which hee fired o o the ofcers nehboreon harrrrcribed hi gen gian >> the guy w a greatgugu great igors, jus somomhing stee d. >>eporr: earlyda rng, morehan0ro rs linp outsisi thoho wre offs what ke ey pro et to ang
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tragically bece h . hamilt is@ expecteteo bee i urmorr. he o cnt ofapit muer o a piceicer a is hel withoound. and the e ate's attorney w w seee theheth penalty. ngng over a policehootg dgeus protes tt shututarfowown salt lala ti..>>or violenclodedda nig a a s lake cy polfferhoa 17eaold blblk teenage chese'd ach. s thog. >>ths me, ey r upnd tol himop. d wh h hasndho m. owgot, i seenis chest an ac >> >epr:ol rpondeded a call too breakak a fight tsesomeless shelr. police s t openedire
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the weapon. kutvs jeremy harris was one o the fit reportethef scene. the witnesses were veryy rked u angry. you could telhere was a lot of passion. so many people saw this. at anyhivenen timehere were or more peopl snding outsidede the heless shelter. >> reporter: protesters launched tttts a rocks at police >> the witnesses say this was about t ce. in fact,, several people wer walking by, chanting "b"bck lives matter." >> reporter: also the officers arody ceras andl release the vidid of the shoooo a asoon as possib. meanwhilil mammed i i iticic condition. and tw officers aren routine @ paiddministrate leave. >> in hehtonssston, kansas, we have a sviveory.
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ce-tface wh te>> saw h comundhe co he jt looke kin of conf sq i t td h n tru ere' a .an jususoodcoed t tim aind he said ow,dhe he stt . epr:edef for shot 17 peopop, iluding 1 co-worke, quillin of befefe pocetndlled hivestatorbeev a inle ang rved with pctivrdtan bnex-giriren hessss dad,d,ttt w a time toometoge.atsundayces toncts, a at a townall meetwh s sgeantisonof the fst on t sce wbsmbced by e mmmny.>> pehat w wdthatlaerhunal. r aer hoic t day. r rorter: hesha beco aotto here they're all going through rually toughime. theea i couldo is come out and help.
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means forgiveness and compasoneven for the killer. >> i don't know what he was going through,h,ut obviously,e felt thihi was theayay t, and so my heartust aes f him. >> reporter:hehe will b a morial service tonight at sston high scscol. next ww, ford's egirlrliend is expected to facaca judge for givi him weaeans knowing he was a convicted felolo syria remains ratively calm, two d d into he ase-fire, butheuiet has brought little comfort. >>orter: three years a the city of homs was the fiercest front line of the war. thenenhey moved on, leaving a wastelana and hundreds of thousands ofeless pple. some pas, residents are trickling back, establishing e essentials of life, ,
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this i i day two of the parti cease-fi, and peopop a ldinintheir breath,opt will hold right othedge@ ofl wn, we neands ghti, thou. but th no morsyw 'simpossib toay i tag whwh. the n ner r rorts o olatns tod uer w a fragi tnghearti uce e e t 48ours in,bo es, thingsreucuieter thananhey' beenn years. ouou the k kd ngeace toilinceikee lllsongayff el er cne ho>n dozens@wle and aboedhuhu. a groupiltete wsi clily. s gs i i a
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happenene i northern russia, abe the arctic circle. 81 minors werecuedfter the orinal blast, but thosetiti pe areresumed dead. coming up, we follow the n e-mail trail in a a int war crisis. and aruisisshiphreaned with a suel.l.
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y delsym twelvlvhour cough liquid. i$s advavaed formula releases powerful medicine tt acts fas while its e eended d lease medicine sts fofo hours ry delsym . dry ray? that's fun it's alrdyry noaiaiaime. is is grgrt. it's very soft. n i keku it? (laughs) all thcare ...n in a dryy anrsrant spspy. l e ngs)whe aryou? weweheququlsls bac the attic mo yoyo d won't call an exexelinator...
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ay's pna this time... you'r'rm, u callththwotime it's whau youant se ftftpet t mor on cnsns, you sw to it's what yodo. ere are it's very loud there are you taking a zuzua class? sosotimewe use k-y ugel to enhae my body's natural moisis so i can get it a bit quicke d d en inoshe's into it, i get into iand.d.
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ousands of-m releasese this w wkendho how t t chigan governor's office struggled to handle a water crisis in flin we've been repoptingn this story for months. we have this updatene >> reporte just weeks sefore governorick snyderececred flint's corrosive riviv water unsafe todrk, there was a push to disage a back to the old water-sourcec tpeovernor'r' aide was ld, gentmen,n,n th attacd is a ription of wt it wld cost to r@cot etetit water. the eststateded cosas12 miion ye ntyy dreke
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15,aya tovrr decl r wat sa. ennounc wasggered iennt s tha link loisongn ildren the water. one ing kp hris at theernor is n n ininlvedr iss tachede thisisould beshow that he'she a hecare anifee annntnt he th we can avoid the protests and sll get the opcs. the protests have continued. e fallout was eerilyredicted in an e-m-il sent m tn a whehehee govern's special prongs projects m mager wrote, this is a publiceasons crisis waiting to explode nationally, friday the government aitte hehould have been more directly involved backhen hisides first e-maedeabo t probm. >> tshe i kkingmyi wish have kekemore
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i wisioun't have acceptede answer i'm not going to have that happen aga. repter: snyder says he'e' workinio e e edealth h cocorage foresisentsnd subsidizizthei w bi
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fiveveour tarum. veryay it getting closer going faster anoller ae urco my wa , ey s st y unt at l 39 weekp. if your pregnay is healthy,y waitor labor to begin on its own. a healy baby is worth the wait. o0 c1 avel is s rt the amecan way life. enren ti, we keep an eye for anything that looks out of place.
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missyour bag. when we travel from city to city, we pay attention to our surroundings. chng ] ererne plays aolee in kee o%o communi safe. whetheheu're traveling for businessr pleasure, ( be are of your surroundings..
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nally, tot,alkl a gymnastics floorvtitis and manynyictureomething like ballet set to classicalmusic. t we iroduce you to a mnast strehi the l too ffentbeat. orte gymnastics is all about grace. >> ce. >> repr: po andp-hop? it's not just the h hhes thatat ucla gymnmnt sophiena hi it's those moveve is is s errueiggs sport, whaha y did w w very non-traditiona she d her teammates are chan is >> i fl that it's muchh more about entertainment tn ridge id sport as peection. repepter: she is getting high mark from judges. but even higher marks onn social
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tihe e performed it, wewe ral.l. >>ok anaom and shsh saidido you know you haveveike 5 million views onnn your for utinin i didn't know it was posted anyw. repter:r:ow b viewed more than 40 million times. telllle s sef e ur sponses.f >> some of my favit one have been marriageposals and prom proposals. >> reporter: and a lot of ceceities havev taken notice. >> yeeesewithspoon. fouutt chri b b popoed i4ion his facebook. i was like , my sh. no wa eporr: even h h tat ha gten inthe oooo, onghwithth herach,hodmits you pleewd but still not please everyone.
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caera lfplld not put icassosoheir hcae d't likikit th doesn'tean i i not exceclent ar >> 2eporter: : :sophiena says shu has ofofofonal. ly nd tae naeae whip and the dab in.. t perrm idi th w my olympics. eporr:r: aomen a goods ld. carter evans. cbs news, los angeles. that is t tvernight news for thisis mondayay for some of you, the newss continues. for otners, check backerer for
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morning., > this iss "c"overnight news." welcome to the overnight nene. est dayn prentiaia ceom tay clca awawith 72 of the vote 26%fhe vote for sanders sanders. trump has the support of% of imary votersrs compared to 27% for mco rurio and 22% for ted . trump is alslst40 in t in his home state of texas, cruz i iout fro with 42 pntsetrrhan p.p. rcoub's in third. criscuedhee o ace
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>> i thinkuper tuesday ithee most important dayff thiss primary electionon it isshe most delegegeg awardrd ainglel@ghtlll b b ard onuper tuesda and i k k re p pitdo he ryood nhtup tuesday. about % of republins believe that donald trump is not the best candidateteo go head to head with hillary clinton, and we are they campaign that has beaten donald ump,nd wee onlyandi that n donald tr l ae super tuesday states, we areunning neck in neckckith donana a across stat in super tuesday it's iornt ty recocoizet nomata caide wh agree with llartoto w w hasas ayy similar r cord, is not the path to ctory. if conservatives stand togher, we're going to have a great night on tuesday. >> reporter: if y t,he unstoppable?e?
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ns everywhere ith h g margins, t tn he may well be unpapae. t t t y are at homend n't t nt donalum tbe mimie, thenhe o candidatt donald is r r"mpaioou@ uryoveve iyou l anotr ndidat s w ,f yonan dalp be the neec i and wh wetstop him on super tuesday, that's how we end up beating donald and nomining a proven conseative, which is what it's ng to take to beat hillar >> reporter: what did you make c cistie dorseing doldldru? >> i d't thinkhat was a briri. i i ink was bw tohe bio campgn. the end of the day,y, the washgt stablishment i i inin tgo w wrerehey're going to go. this super tuesday is a batate to determimi where conseseatives . and i think he datat thi wee was reay someerful moments of clarity. weaw that donald trp has t me issueue ueerss ililclinto aee hla clint
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govement inlibya.thedirectly t tghaz le t handidihat country ver radicic islalism. greed with hillalalinton suorting john krry, he agreed th hillarylinton o bng ote, neu on israed the palestinians. as president, i'm not going to be neutra ama snd apologetical wh i il. then heee wh bk aanla clinton on the tarar bailout ofig banks. i ink the goveme o oo s snding with main street wowoinmen and wen,hen you put ononop ofhat t t ethical issues, whetr it is refususg to release his tax, and d at's a b@al oblem. >> repororr: whys at a problem? >> he said in thedete, he sa gos i'm being audited for o years, then said three years, then he said maybe five year list, the's probl sxes,oterss have a righto know. because come september,ocber,
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the med are goi to makee a he about any problems in his xes, a a a voters have a@ight tono anddhe exce thate'e' being audited, that makes it mor important fohimorelease his taxes so thehe votercan see, tt romy suggested there ulde a bombshell there. iion't know if thehe iss or not, but donald is hidinthem from theots and he owesananro the@ters tein a candor, he'said some b bng thingsbo you. >> donald i a charming rson i mean, he can be fun. chming ts abouyou. >> he can turn on you. overnight he can turn on you and gett nasty a a p psonal l d virks. entertainer. i laugh him off. it's like goingngo the circus eeini tcrats and ncbes. he's willing toay things that are patently false. so, forxale at the debate this week, he backed off of hi heheth care posion for 20
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hiary clton and bernie nds onon socialid medine enough.. he wststs the goverent to pay fofoevevyone's health care and controit, ist truer f fse the govnment saidhoul pay for everyone's h hlth h re. we h hideo ofim a few months ago saying exa lil opposite.and what i think the debate thi weekid is gave rerelarity to the voters, that t beat hill wed a consistent consererve, s w w@has stoorrererket ciples, , o has ststd fo theeconstion, and itic, , sodhe cotry. u knowyouook at, we talked gration. ere's iray that heade the center ois c cpaign on
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he fac a judgment for conspiracy to hire illegal aliens. just this week, ns bro t as hirirorke hi f fel iflor id an intvi whee saouan't find americanso dodohe bs to be wters or waites bellhoho.l wh rididulous nonsense ththnerk times rorted roughly 30 americans apped for those jobs. he onlhid in h brougn f fgn woers. anhink themen mndwoare gting hammered rightht now. ey want sooneehey canrust to stand with them. and pt of theeason m my conservatives are uning behd our r mpaigngns i'm the only@ne who lidid theatatagainst amy, l the b btle t cuhe bords,he for@ wennd won. >> le asyo aututour sihigraon,, bill o'reil presented y with
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overstayed their visa and he said dresident cruz isoing to send t feds t h house,e him t and put him on a plple, and you said you betelieveve .bubuin antview with jak tappppppou said w w don't have astemhano d eve era. in cas'rnockin dos ahe o ar. >>e tavor ter nkck o the doors of amertizen. but w w he evie t a partularerso has committ acrime, we senen law enforcement to apprehend them. and thepecificuestion was visa overstay. righ nowur l requireri entysten yououcome vi t ama adstration i igring federal l l. 40% of illegalal immigration is not people who crosshe borders ilgallll it's people whoho
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but it's not you, itit the laundr protect your clothesmmmstrehing, fadi, , d fuzz.. ...with doy fabric nditior... it oy soenfrnsns helps proct cloesme daf e wash youfavorite cloes stauravorithehe downy brbr condion. in thw! sometitis use k-y ultragel to enhance my body'y'nanaral istureo i can get into it a bit ickeke d when i kw w s into it, i geto it and..... feel the difference with k-y tragel. deee motnsense.e world's rsantiperspint th unique microcapsules tivated by movement, that relea bursts of freshness y.
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protection to keep you movg. degree. it won't let you dowid youounow there's a coh liquid thatlasts fotwee hours? try delsym welve hour cough liquid. its advancormula releases werful medici that ac fast
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try delsym . as wdntouper esdap, mcoco rubio's looto wt his first pry state anipipng into druru cling hi a con n. john dedeersopopo with both rubio and for"face the tion". >> i'd like to you about a wagtgtosteadle ys rubio strategy for super esday is survival. doou agree with that characterizationon characterization? no, i don't. we're not the front runner, brbrhe anndererg. and i relish that. i've been anan underdog rsonal life and in politics theye awarded proportionally. d we'r'r gng to moveve on. rere what's veveoingo en in this race. the's neve going t b a t enhe rlican pa ralloundnds h g o o f p ps of rallying aund d nald trump. hehe not arepuicdn he's not a conservative. he trying to pu off the biggest scamn american
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whe 's tryin toe eubnn pty by telling people he's somebedy he's not. 'roing to be inhice asasonastas, ama stat to ee that i'm thehe mined th dtrum ver ts1, dat wh wt he nee t bee nomine ai gotnd lot tolileoo la on'tsosor a cous. ier wandt t this int. i hopedy its own urse, by the way mediaovers tics woupehis eyeeyndnd e whhe ry is. bu'ss been able to fool a spgnificant number of peopop inin bie t h ththat he's n. s aor con artis. onned allllhese pple wh
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that he's fighting fofo american rkerut he's hirirg foreign wos els, t's to o in b js frfr mexicocand china, b b s ea j ichininin mexico, because that's where all the suits and ties that he sells are made. itit a scam. and we're goingonvnv it anan reveal it and the morer pple arn n outhat, the less support he's going to come. >> y said rng a scamam a c how cayou retain the position that ife's s e nomineeee you'll spppororhi >> bausese he's never going to be the minee. so i'motored about a potheticalalhat's never gngng tope, ihink you ustd acacac 's ing .you pick uypape and is wawaatking aboutut how are we gog to overthrow dontrump? m rereesenting mililons of people that reallyeel a ary an disen frfred..
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treatinge righand they're not treatg t pepele that iepresent right. >> let me ask you a question ababt thehe questionis queueion ofof@ftaxes. whatboutelelsi at'set w w cda will do, show your comeme chitable deductions, tax rate, would you do that? >> i've alady released my financials, which are massive, and by the y, we've sho a a tremdousmpapy,t' over $10 billlln in netthth tha bubut th vy,ery sll starter loan years o.o. d i've already done at, and that's down n d filed i the federalctioofce, and i opleant to see it, then go see it. and obviously, allfour coee mores haveonee t toughgh tn grta and'veeenen eatiewsor wt i've done. yoyo don't leaea vy mumu fro tax -- hey, johnh you don't learn very much from tax rererns, l me tell youou right no
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n'giou rs.i've bee undud for smanyea. er yi get audited for maybe ten years, 12ears. i think iei sinin out.d it'not fsiatio bu trsuds me e ye. i ve friends who a a very weweth i y,do youu get ditete they d't knowlhat i'm'm talkingng about. >> it's beenraisese about foreign workers i florida. theneyork times" said tre were people who wanted the job. and youaidou could only find foign workers becau trewen't ers who wa t b. but ththnew@yoesaid ere e reeoplo apie hey y bequieitryryyd t/ h pelp,ualipl d a lot o pe d't w e j j because it's three orr monththjob. it's very hard to get peop. it's just one of t things. everody is working. then during the off-season, it's
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peopopuring the off seenpas, becae the clu cl. loof people don'tant partrtimjob.>>ayhoom ck toamerirprprpr haverican work bhyould tho mps aesiononont u'yi, , hecan' nd theor heree ty ve to o oer aceseswhy ul they do wt youe sang? t ty're full-timobs. lot of the peoplehatt we've made offers to and where we me offers, when t ty h hr i is a rt-t-te job ohr a four month o five-month b, i understan they'xe inst.. t you d'talkbo iss th thousands ofeople that i do h he. i ve ehousands and thousands ofple on mymy payroll,, over the years i'vead tsf thouounds of pple that work for me. you're pkikep e clhe has a high asheres very, veryryhard, it'sy hard toeteopl i i i palm ach duri t se, duhe socialalseas>>ichadenshe rectf natialurit
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fofoes to kill t famamies of terrorists, which you've suggted and to use water ardididis you've also susuestud that they woulul refuse you. wh's your r rponse to that? >> i don't know what he mea by refuse. i n on tel you, hehe's a lot bad tngng on.theye opng oeahe insyria a llvevethe middle east. isis is doi a number of, plenftherseyond isisss ing gtgtow. all inow is when they start chopping off headsehave to be very frm. have te veryry strong. we havtovery vinl lgt and hehed thetatent andnd disagreeeeee we havav to be very rong. can n u imaginehese people at chop p f headsf chrirtians and pleley of ototr oplu and do it routily and drown people in big steel metalal cages, they leave itn for a half hourrnd pull i up a everybody's dead.
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water ardinggivesometimewe u kltl ncy's ra isture so can get ibiicr. and enen knoe'togegeto iand... feelhefefence k-yul. >> i'mlex tr. 're age to 85,is i i i itantes sosolele write downhe number onr r r en the lock i wt to talk to you aboutut n't the ononon your door. it's a rate l ck r your le inrance uanteey yratee n go up at a t any reas. but be carefef. manynyolicies u see do not have one, but yoyocan gett a litimemeate lock through the colonial penprogram.
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this plan was desied wi re lock for peop on a fixed income who o"nt affordable lifefefeurance that'simple totoet. covevava options r juju $9.9.9. month, less than 35 c cts day. act t w and your rate wille locked in r r feit w wl r . your coverage can never be cancelled as long as y pay your premiums, d yoyryrcccctanc is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down becacae of your health.h call lor your information kit and gift. both are frerere wi no obligation. don't wait caca this number now.
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thesssve fast. th're w liid gs. and u're coming with m%-.. you alize i ha gold stat? mucinex sinus-max liliid gels. dissves fast to unleash m s sengtgt dine.. t's enis. > bnie sananav iists op@d ls toilry inn insaturd sth linariryryl no be repeatedn the superuesday stateses he g g only 26% of the vote to clintos 73%.
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trailing clinton. erseded tace dicon f e t ".>>t apngoss ou car lt gh comi ,'sora,a, rg, whwhlysts lot that they sre as not a aue th f youemition at i youespoe? >> my spon is we in nnesot think 're g g t wn mimiesotot codo,nd massssseseaner, and i inke'veveve g a nr states comingngp w wreng to do tremy we andossiblyn, inin calni newew rkte ihi w doe a pho now on tl thatdn't a bea b bteay in s rolina. congtula s cnton on hervictory, butut john, think for us, tt is abo as ba as it's going to get. >> when you l lk at theroroess
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analysts whoould have lked ycagnrom nning, een thehe prres you've made, is there enough time left? you've mentioned some plalas where you think you've de well, but t time kind d running oulu well, no.i don'n' t t t soso i think you'vegot, on tuday, we're gng to have over 800 deletes bng selelted. i thkke' going toent very goodhare of those delegas. i think yoy haveajor state coming up. and ihinknk the important point is@shat peopl throughout this country are resonating to our message, and the mesge is that super pacac and a cororpt aign finance system, destroying america democrac we're oud t tt we have received milliononidual ntbutions, moree than any candndate in amemecan hihiory at thisispopot,nd i think, john, people understand that the onomy is rigged. they're working l lge hours for wagese almos allsoing to t tple o and even iff south caro, badl as dind we der
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people yearsrs o oage o younger. the future of the democratic papay, the future o a this countrs involving young people in theiticicprocs, gettjng them to stand upor thr rights, dealing w wh studt debt, which iot to tell you is just crushing p peoe all over this country, making publ colleges and universities tuitioiofree, thoho are thehe ideas we areringing out, demanding the wealthy andarge coions stata ping the fair sre o taxes.0tpishat yerle workg class oplet. that is the ref democrcric >>utnrder t c ce the ofovent y/y've been suggggting and that yount, you' going to need to attract african-american voters, and your economic jusce mesesge just didn'teem to hit home in soututcarolina and in other places. isn't thth kd of fatal fw?
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older african-ameri usic p ibaba when pblems seem permanent, and impossible to cape, don'vep.
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beuse i get papa. und.....on this deof the g know prostate am casavees. so youre a m ove,,,talk`k`kyou docttoa ostaxaisight f youife can it,n
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winter, but one ver special duckckust gets underr the covers. stev hartman found this heararng story o theoad. >> repr: ko t e pao s.bububu kylie b of frffport, mae takeses duck to see the park. snowftake com here to swim around t t pd andnteturns when called. becaeenowfke t telie kyliisis motheran t dudu is s t alo thi si'm h>>orter: e'e' rea >> y y, i i his. >> ror how d d d d y y yir ndut? ha he w aduck? >> repter: no. kye is unbearably cute.. and s nce@ never did r rover t asth qststn, he ju tl@ you t ttylie f
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the the brownshro h home last summer.. oo oklookok h hlows >eporr:or w reason thduck prinind on kyl andndjuststadoo br s eno ma wt t wh r ro s ininhe bk yard, her parntss had no choice but to give him a aper and make him a house duck h goes everywhere the ducks e allowed andlmost everywhere they're not allowed. i don'tnow if you have a 2-ar-oldr 4-yr-olhat t leaveom witho her blankie? e will n l h wit dududuhttin th negotiabab.>> repter:ggg#e bein sme and s sdd in wier. he's g to soccer practi, gone onn sleepovers a a went tricker trereing as olaf, the snowman from frozen, and over mebebeuse they both ncncncy believe they belong together, snowflake andnd kylie have formed aaa bond d ke m mt o usill never know. >> it's spspiaeven at 5
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ersososhshisoingng t b >>eporter: she really i going to make a aat mom some dada lylyecse she alreaea is. isom day,,e's going to ow up andnd go tocollege. >>what? rortete steve rtma oftethe r r eeport, main > thats tvehtews fothth thers, clele b b b w wh
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itthe b bgest presentiti primary day oj all,l, wi one full day l ft until super tuesday, a new cbs battleground tracker poll shows donald trump and hillary clinton ahead in two es. >> you havnehit. so t, airnia ce off gd d her fifit day o t rean ea, al accedf kiliswi >flfl mhihier newl rerea e-mlsp faure frururatiti in the verrfi d gnanawi u u e tern a a breakhe roe. is i vdion spo% anatid iss non-aditnal. notttraraonalt t yoe"cbs overnht ws"" news". > welcome totohe overnightht news on march 1st, some candidates might get tir last ce. supe tuesdayris caucus andd
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prestitiominationre up forrara.for demos, it'sbouo a ird. a new pho dalum comfortably ahead in th key sur tuesdatates ofeorgia and rgia, but tra ted cr in n texas, uz'some state.e. hilly inton leadser saer the three bigigst states, georgia,irginia and texas. have a new controversy surrounding trump today. here'sajor garrett. >> i donon know anything aut dad ke,ay?? i n't anyingbohat u'nnnalking a wh e srecy or white supremacists. >> repororr:onald d ump red about david duge. >> i have to hook at the group i dot know what group you're tag about. you uldn't wt meo cdemn i group i know nothingabout. >> rororr: but trump's remarksp toy are 180egrees from his stance friday when he was aske ouuke'enenn'n k
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okay, i disavow, okayay >> r rortete his rivals poced. kasich ss trumpas explaining to do. >> donald trump refused to $% disassociate hsese and cdemn white supremts,nd t rric.@ weon'teple rhihi suts in th unid stes ica. >> ted c to twitter, we s sdllgr it extmistst are g. we c aarty t nos soe who refus em wteremastsnd e e cluc . cnottte pty tha doeoe that >> reporter: trumpppeaeasily didinchantth that pty andaidd he' prepared to ru as a third party candidatney. theepubn i n eati me ght. and eyeatin thepele that i represent rit. reporr: and there's some evevence to s srt trtrp's claim.& a new cbs news battleground polol fod that moror thaha half@ rereblicans in three super
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and inia, say the r rublilin partrt d ds not represent them ll. thatoll also showewethat ters those steieve trump offers the most oimisc message of any rublin still in trace. in alabama tonight, trump p pked theorsement of jeff sessions, the state'sp jununr senator and ng-time adser to ump immigrati@n popocy. major garrett, thank you v much. hillary clinton expanand her adadver bernieanrs` with a primary victory in south lina last nigitj julinagoldmann has mn how clininwoand what itt means r sas.s. >> r r`fr: hry cnt orin arksnd ese on nday, s sting her sites he hdful o southern states t tt vote on super tuesda d`ryingo capitatize on her momentum with black voters, who propopleherandslide victory in south carolina. nearly 90% off african-americann voters backed@clininn yesterday, breaking the record sety then
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that spes trouble for bernie ndererwho had hoped to sld intos$omenm hding into states wherehe dememc primary e,ectorate isore@ divers >> wdi reay, rbaly wier african-american voters i mean, weotot decimated. >> reporr: he has wracked up detes owa and newewhampire,ar w ppt t ynghi vote ande is visitin states where demographics play to his favor,ike okayaylahoma. i'm goingo nyour help to win the democratic mination. [cheers and applause] d i'm going to ed i'm going to need`our r lp to with gel elec. heapplau] had.
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next et,epublica fro nnonaltrump,n if eeray in aememis churur sheot mgis me >> i sailast night, ameri haeinggrt.t.rask is to make arica whole. [ plause ] >> reporr: behinthe scenes,, clinton alliespnd the democratic national committ are a soororng through various strategigi to run against trump,p, but not all establishment democratssreoalescg behind clclton. chelsea gaborik steppednn ass hesition a ve chair of the dnc toorsesander morhan1500elel alporbsuper esinseen statanre jdtcr s. w wusus a mon hry
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what somes%ile can say rean wor c eexs. atatatatu codn't slele unfortatelel that's t t sad reality for so many children todayny "#t it doesn't have to be this way. sie 1999ile train has been`nelng children say more thun words ever could with theirireaututul new smi.
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thisiss how you saitit goioio b% o oy tototoeonenehoj"st lost t erhing. that, yes, we'll fd you someto stay and our chlleaast. evevy 8 minus the red crcrs responds to a disister and makes this pmise.
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from maio mama, thounds of high hooo stutunts ross the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. chris ung:cttetutu of high school students e joining lunteere of america anmajor le baseball players to heleltrain d inshiree the next generation volunteers.carlos pe it's easy to start actteam at s sool so you, too, can get in othe acti.
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ifououera ppie e 'ou nd knono 'she dawning of the age of aquarius. yeah, and something else that's cool. what? teoporosis i ipreventable. all: osteo's prpventable? right o ifif dour ne t th
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aouololffer i beinrememeedtonight. she wasille this wkend durinwer first day on the job. following anwful series of events in northern virginia. jamie yewass has details. >> reporter: thi picture posted ofshley guindon about start her fir shift, the caption, be safe. >> s was lerally sworn in the day before on friday. >> reporter: bore boming a s. marinee reservisis s depapament. >> she clearly had a way to serve oths@ that went b%bond >> repteo win newen a othrespd des violee call >>e havehree officers that
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>> rortete guindon's training offifir and eightr veteran jee hem w we wed and e expecte tosu > officervid a to t wounded officers until fire andnd rescuetaffould g g oncene. later in the afrnoo officer indon sucmbed t t her injuri. >> >eporr: thehe s soter rrrrrrred and police found his fe dead in the hoho. ss s w ed. he is atafferho wat peag no oneno whyee firer5nehbors s s rid him as a gentleia. >>heheuy wasas g geaighbororou k kw, j something must have sed ny. >> repter:r:y yfnday mor, re thann100 patl carssined up ode t f hospitatawhere office guindon was tan. ey proroded esco y
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tragically became her last. haon is eectedbe.. t tomomo heaces oneouf capapap rderf aaol officnd is belitho bonhethth cououyttorory willpeek e de nalty. in utah, anger over a police shooting last nig sparked otest at clod par of downtown salt lakecity. >> repter: vnce exploded late satury night after a a st le city polocefficer shot a 17ear-old blacac teenagerr inn the ches amach. s friend saw the@ htini >> when he c cs came, theyan up t him,m, pulled theieiei gunun out and told him to stop. and asas he was turning around, they st m. i kw i sn oo h
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ide th homel ter. lili the opened fe aftet mohon refused to the .tvsemharr o thrsrseprs on t ene. itss w vy wor ther eryyngry. you ulul telelthtj was lot of passioioioso myyeo saw thth. at aenen time trere at let 50 if not 00 o peoplend outside home shr. >>epr: theroros grew angryttesters launche roc botes at t 10poce >> the witssesayhis w ababce. verahe ealdby titi "blkesmatter >>epororr: the oicers wear p cameras wil r lease of shoing g onons possible. meanti, , hammeds in iticalondion and two offirs a a o o utine, paid, raightive lead. in hesston, requestkansas, more details areemerng. >epr: am mille c ceee face-to-face with the shooter.
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corner, and he just looood kind of confused so i totd hi nee to run, there's a fire. and d just looked nfnfnf i told him againinndaidd w, andeho >> rte cck f fdhot 17 sday, incding4 -wrs oot excel industr killing three of@fhem before popoce shot and killedm. investigators s lievevhe acted out in violence after bng served with a protective order ken out by an ex-girlfriend. acroro h hston today,t was a titi to come togogherr asunuay services to honor the victims, ananat a an hall meetingherere rgeant chris carter,ne of the firstn the s sne w w embred by themmy. ppleet wkeke a a thatceehe eitis oic that >> reporr: hststong has come aa motto here. >>hey'rerell g through a realal tououimim ehasasi couos c#meutut dlp. >> r rter:or ma, h
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compassion, en tkill>> i don't knono wt he goro boby, lt tsas t w out, and my tust aesor hi repr:reill b a ri sce tht sston hh hoolo nextwe, hiss expected t f jud knowgly giving weapo knowing he was aonvicted felolo siansivel calm tight two days int a a rtlase- buts elizethmerrohothth quiet has b jug littleomfort. >> rorter: three yearshe old cici of homs was the fiercest lininhehear in syria. t then it fell to@he government and the war moved on, leaving a wasteland and hundreded of thohods of homs ople. in s parts, residents are tricg ba,esblhing
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this is day two of the partial cee-fire, and people are holding thr breath,opingtwild right he ee of to4 we n hear the sounds of fighng, thououououou but witho monitors ywre, 's impsiblee sho i ing . the nes repor of violationss reveal what a finehing peace is tieaessa to rebuild in a place like thi stilileels a long way o. izabeth palmer, homom >> in iraqaqozens were k kdd anabou0 hurwowoom ta e firsnt o i adoor rketbaghnutes lat a suiui bombe blbl himlfup a group aild wisi aime onsibity.
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@a@aasas three n. happene northern ruruia above the arctic circle. 81 m merser rcued aft the ororinin blast, but those still trapapd are p2psumememedead. cing w follo t t e-ma trail inint's water cris. cbs@news overnight will be rht back. enough pressure in here for ya?i'm gonna ke mucinexsinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolveast. they're neliid gels. and re cg g the....... yoali veold us mucinex sinus-m!x liquid gel ssolves fast to unleash max strengthh medidine. let'end this.
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an avale 2777 and thenenur cararveeatete.. athe chances? y/ dowowrklee? uh, the e ti ot goiobee th ium... 's in a ee. wi w jokg,g,atatit litly in a . (car hn nking) chainsaw? non#no, all weeay is a tow tru. day or night, geico's emgesirvisor somemes we use k-y ultl to enhae my body's natural moistureo can get into it a bit quicker. and wh i know she's in it, iget into it and... / feel t diffefee with-y ultrtr. drray? at'sun already! noait ti this ieatitery soft i keti gh thcara .. ...nowa rsrsrsntray. toy you can doryththg
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introducg g soclick k l. ick it in tonjoy c canreshness with every ush.
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ousandsf eails releasedhis weekend show how theichigan vernor's'sfficicic struggled to handle a wat crisis iint. adrian adia has beeneporting for months and h thisupte. >> reportere just weeks before rn snyder declaredhe river wa to a deputut tried discouragtctc back owatar-urcecetreaearyepepold the vernoraide, ntleme ithth a ahed i a description of what it would cost to connect to detrt-provided water, assume/hope no one is seriously iderinatopti. th estimed cost wa12 lln a ar. tne cit eventlly did reconnect to detroit water in
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days aer the governorlared flinins river water ununfe. the annouementas trigged by an iepende stu lied l ld ison children t t the water. one ththg we keep hrings thah the governor not involved or is detached. th sould be good to s tt 'shere and ca if we@don't announcf until hs there, we can avoid thehe ptests and still get theheoptics. haha but protests have cntinind. the fallout eerily predicted in an e-mail sent morehan a yeye ago when the governor's special pro jebs manager wrote, is a plic relatioioio cr waitio titily. idididihgogornor aitte thate should haveee moror direly invnvdack@ wheheis aiais fifitt eleabou prm. >>hat's where kicking self every y. i wish i would he asked more questis. i wish i wldn'n' h he accepted answers.
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ppen again. >> reporter: sny says he's working to expandealtltcare covege f f flintnt resididts a susususue their wat billsn
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chicago. >um , eant'five-hr tarum. cold sweats. there's an ununual tirne and fatigue.e. there's unfamili d dziness light-headedness. ususn your n ja o o a as,s, ev yr per ststach, are gngnyore havggheheattata. dot exc ke t call o-1 aty. arn a womenghe.g/heartattaca. whenennsre about 10 days sldthe s told us they wergointo nee blood transfusions. we're so proro of who they've become. as a rest of oneerso ciding to spend an hou their life giving blood
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ll togigi t tk about gymnastics floor routitis maicture s setetng like lletet t music. but we introdudu you too a gymnast stretchg the lim to a diffe at >> rstics is s ababtra. > nice. >> ror powe p-p? 's'sotust tigh nes thatcla gnast sopna dejesuhits it'shose mves. this is a very trational sport, and what you did is very non-traditional. >> not trational atll. >> reporter: s and herer temates s e transforming the imagf the sport, sayhe coach. >> i feelhat i is much more perfectiti.. >> reportete sophina i is getting highghar fm js. hherks on socia
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ti everformedit, wt viral. i woke up, and my mom called my, andhe was like,h, honey, did you knowhat you have likee million views on your f foror utine? i didn't'tven knowt was poslsd anywhere. >> reporter: it's now been viewed more than 40 mlion time ll me about se of t reonse you've enen >>/se heinteing hav b prs d prom proposals. eporter: some celebrities have tak notiti. reese wierspoon. i fouou outrown pteitnis bo, d iasli, oh my gosh,owao wa>>eporn r teammates te io gr, occh wdmcaleasthe cro b ilnone. > think tre are j jges that stillon'tike it.
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api worthth30il,, t t er aololeoeo whwouldn't't't one in tir ho becauau ty't lik it.. but th doe't mean that it isist excellent art. >> reporr: sophias danafdd essionally. but you will notind it in her utine. you will not fd the nae nae or the w ip in her routine. >> the one pformrmce i d, that was le my olpicscs >>r:nd a hes good as. carter cnews, los geles. th is t t t overnights r ts ay. me o o oew inue r othe,,ck bk laterfr for the morning news an cbs this
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jeff glor. ths thecbs s s night news." welcome tohe overnig news. i'm jeff glgt. thee bigge d d in thth presesentiti primaryryson comes tomoow. susur tuesday. 12 states involved. democrat bernie sanders is promising a come backfterisbig loss to hillary co^ in sosoh h h roli's's imimy. intotocame away with73 o the e e and 26 for sanders. supepe tuesday cld bring dald ump closer to e nominaon. in virginia, ourattleground tracker r ows ump with 40% of the supppppp of te, compared with 27% for marco ruruo. in ora, trums a 40%. but his home state ote cr is ouou front with 422%%.
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john deciconn "fe the nati>> i ihe m mt imrtrtday offs primary eltion mostelegeses will e awdeum nig oup 656565ubli bvedoldmpmpsot@het candid hea t laryli,nd a the e c cn ttt h beat%dalum w enlyandite thacan bt donald tmp. ififou loot the sup tueueay states, we are running neck in neck witit donald across sumper tuesday.
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we're going to have a grate nigh -- grt tueay.. if eyon't, opbl >>re is dououif doruteroh super esday,t may hahaent if youhoou don' wan donald p be ththpublic nominen the onon c cdidate w can b donald i i our campaign. sosoven iffoue ananhehe & candidade, stand wit us, i you don't wa dd te the mimi cause if andn w stop hel on super day,has how ung donalnd ming a pven er, hstt's going toe toto beatillala. >> what did you makof chris christie endorsi dond trump? i don't tnk that was a big surprise. i thin it was a alow to the rubio campaign b b at th of the da the washington esesblishment is going to go where they're going to .. this rlly on superuesday iss a bate to o termininwheree conservativesgo. i thijtheat tsomemowowlts o clarity. dono trump subantively has the same isss a hillary clinto
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topplili the gernment in libya it led to handing that goverfment over toadical ismism.. agreed with hillary clint n being quotete neual between israel and the pti asprest, i w't nel.l. era wi unapologallylyith is. and dc cy, na trgrd wiacama` dil on the wall street ilou thearp bailt of big ban. ihinkhe(eovererentugug t stainitmainstreee, rkg a women. an tn yutut to o o t thal issues, whethth it is refusing to releaseis tas. >> whypy is tha a pblem if he don't r reaea his t tes? >> h hsaidth tesh i'meingudited for tyear he said three years, then he said maybe fiveears. if the's a pblem in his taxes, the voters have a rig to know.
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na a heyy about a proems inis taxes, a a pri voter have a rig toknkn. an hess excuse that he's aud makeketore importan mittomy suggtetehe uld be mb slel ereshell l l e.@ i don't t ow ifffre i i or but he oss cananan t the te >> spepein, saiaimetty brara tng abo d you sd u sll likhim. donaldss charmon. >> he didn't say charming things about you. >> he c turn onzou and geg nasty and personal and vicious. but lien, i irere him a an rtaine igh i ioff. o eir eieihecrats a ncinars. heillingo o yhis that artely ls so, for example,t e debatee this week, he backed off of his health care position for 20 yes.
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hillary clcntonnndnd bernie sander soclized medicine sayingngbamacare doeoefar enou.. he wants t t tovernment toay everne's healtre and control it. and he and i had a bac a a fofohhherere isked, is it t alsehattdd t f gove shod pa fof everyo's healtcarere d it's faen,hi minut,e out aideo cococasting what he id, with vidid a few month earlieraying exact t opposisi, and whatt i think the debate this wk did igave real clarity thevors, that b hlarye neea consistent conservative somomne who has stood f free market principl, o h stood f th nstituon, d critlywho for the rkg meanomenf t countrtr yououkn, you look at, we talald aotutaldld's coimmigratio given thth he faced a $1 milllon
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a conspiracy to hire illegal aliens, given that just ts weee news bre that hs hiringeign wkers at his fa hot frida d clmsounono hdi ntew a aer t tebate whe he id, well, goshshyo can't find amerinsnsostht joeirs itssesr llhops. what ridulou nonsse of the ew york times"eported roughl300 americanslied for r ose jobs. he only hed 17. instead, he bvghtn f feign rkers, because her' captpve rkers s use you can pay th less because they can't leave d inkheririn m m womeare gettingmed rinow. wtoueo totand w wthem, andary reason so many conservatives are organizing behihd our campaign is i am the one who has led the battle against amney,y,y,
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rkme aen.o're p th a pothical. ininn intervrvw, give a a similascenarar youaidoave ste t ks onoors of p pnn amica. ems like ine ce youuue not knockingn the doors and gettttg them and on n e otherer you ar wdon't have sto troops that knockn the door off every sing americannpepeon.. t when we have evidee that a particular perso has cmitted a crime, w send w enforcement to apprehend anthth speueio w vierstst right w, c crent luis etetc exi e syste when youome in on a a vi and ththth obama admistratn is ignori federalla % of iegal immigraon is not peopleho cross t t borders illegally. itit pple w womon a v um yr es new plumpifmamaa a rmla lifting brubotsashes 5timee vome
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new plumpi mascara from easy breezyeautiful rgirl metimewe usu kragel l enhamyodnal motureo n intot a biquke anwhen knoe'to i ian
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ouw the'a a ugh liqui th lasts s we hrs? trdels wee hooughghquid its advancedmu relelse werl didine that ac hile itsxtas iclafofo ry delsym beuse e m a a ma.. you think i'm gonna crack depressusu or conquer theheield? fy exptations any day with alwlws finity. ma wititflexfofo.
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ase head into super tuesdsy, m mco rub's lookingng to win his fstririry state anipping io dold trumum - calling him a con man. john dickerson spoke with@ both rubio and trump for face the tion. >> i i like tosk youlu about a washington postdlth saqu riotregfo supersd isaldo y agree with tha chactetezation? >> no. weweno the frontrunner, wre an underdog, d that' a rre. i'veeean uerdogg both i life a anpolitics. we'r going to`ick up a l o gateon tuesday. they're awarded proportionally. here's whatever going to ppen i this race. there's never going to be time where the r rublican party raieieound and says youave to get out or a one hasget ttor purposess of rlying around donald tr s tonativ heryininto p plhe ggesam i american
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con job where's trying too take oveve the republican party telling peopope's someone he's not. wee@ going to belong as takes, a ama stateteds i takes me sure i t nomine and that dond trump etet the236delegates. >> your campaign hot a lot more scrappy with donald trump. ththquestion from so, though, is it too lili, too te? i don'thi so. ne wand it to ge t ts t. i h by i own course, by the way the media covers politics people wouldpen their eyesnd see who%h really is. but hehe beeee a ae too foo a gngnicant numberf peoeoe into belng that he is something that xe is not. nald tmp isor c ar.hedheplthat gnedp fmp universi now 's tin tot dhe samam thing for republican votes. 's tryinino convince the thatlltata uo i iegal
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illegall imgrants, he h hes foreignorkers foris hotels that he'sga ting jo fch andxico, b in fache crees jobs in mexico and china because that's whererall the suits ands thatat sells a e made. we're going to unveil it. and the more people learn out it the less suprt he's goingng to have. >> you said he's rng a aig am, it's c hohocayou psiytiti taheositth ife's the nomee y y'll support him? >>ecause he' nevev gng t behe nominee, so'm notot worried about typothetil that's'sev going to h hpen.n.>>, i tnk you undstan tly whasyou ckpnyer a is alwaysysalking aboutow are we ing to overthrow donald ump. i'm represting a trtrendous, i'm presentingng mliononof people that r rlly feel angry and disenfranchid. and these are great le, and love em. and i tell you what, we're n
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treae r r.heotating the people tt repsentntright. let me askou a q qstio about this queion of taxes. you'u' being dite you said youon't release your returns. what about releasing a summary? that's what candites will do, it will show yreductions, your tax rate, will youo that? >>of' already releasemy fincials, whh are massive, and by the way'v shown a us over r ilon i wortt ieit alar l years at'sn d fil i the deral eleltions office. and if thehe want toto seet t t t t can seeit, and obviously,y, all of yourohorts have ge throug i i greatdetail.% you d d't learn very much fm tax, hey, john, you on'tearn ryuch from tax returns, let meell yoig now. t wh'rnderer audit, you don't give youpapei'ven undnd audit for s
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every year i getuded for i think ten years, 1years. i' bee dited. and i think i'meing singled ound it's n fair situation. i haha friends that areery weal and i say, you get audited? theyon't know what i'm talking about. it's very unfair. >> let me ask you,t's also been raisedbout foreign rkers in florida. ththnew yorkes sai replvlo t b. you said biciclyou could ly fin feign worke because there weren ameririru who wanted the jobs. but theneyo timessaid there were beampeople w w wid w wt the jobs... qualified people. and a lot ofeople didn't want the job becaeeit's a three or four job,t's just dinthe as. calthehe hot, hi sso it's hard toet peopl everyrody is workinin and then d ding the offsesson, it'seasy, but w d have the pepele durthe offseason,
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the offsfsson. so a rot opepele don'tlot of pple don't want a part-time job. re' sayingomni shohod bere, b b b b their products here h he american workers.s. y uldn they say asion of what'rsa? ey fifd work>> ty'-timejo. whwh you're talking about thatt kind of thing you're talking t fu-te bsa o peoplee'ade fers wn thrs parte br a fronth or fi-mth jo i understan this, th're not intetested. th're ameran people, theye not interested.what you donabout i thehe thsands of pe that do . thousands of peoonon plz over t year i have had tens of thousands ofpleeho work for me. are' picking o o one club that s a high season, and it's very, very hard to get people in@ papa beaea during the season, thehsocici as. micicay saidtf
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the f fteorists which you'veuggested andlso use water boarding as you'v also susuested,hat t tyould refuse you. wh yesponse t to that > whaha h h m rese i can only tell you there's a lot of bad things going on. they're chopping off hean sya anan all over the middle east. is is doing a number and plplty of otherseyis a dow. analknkn i ith when th starhoppinf w w vebebey y firm weavavbe vy st.av b very vigilant. i heh h h statement and we have tbe veryy strong. n n iginesese peoplp th chop off@eads of christiund pnty of other peopnd t dy doo didoutinean pplen b b sell throem thve it f aalhour anput u und evybs dead when tyatk ou uwar arar ho
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sosoone's haed all our technology. technology. say,ave u enllheaming nolo in geico's mobile app? mobilelapp? look. electrtric i icards, emergency roadside servicece i can even submit a alaim.m. wow... yep, geiei's mobilappworks like a charm ge ex gand wholollore soti ese kltral ha bs nal moturen get intot qur. knoshe'inint, iinan.. el fifrence kag miothe worlrls anpersra thocapsusus actited by movt, th relseseurst freshnall day. moonsense. prti tep min deee. et down.
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too late, we're abou take off.esssve ft.they'rw idels.d yore cg the... u u ali gold statususus cicisinus-mali gs. ssolvefast to ueashsh strength medine. les s d dhdh i did everything i cou to make her party perfect. almo everythinin yoy kno n 10 hsecould get hit an expenve septic disaer but fofo $7 a nth, rid-x hes brdodo waste..
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bernie sanders inst his lop-sided loss to hillala clintonnn south carolina will note repeated. viinia battlegroun
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in dbyby28 po. > i a dippointg ls. there's geora, virginia, texas. wh analysts look at th map, they say there's not a plausible path for to you the mina. whatou res >> r i i'm nnesota. i think 're goi t win i i nnesa,lorado, oklaho, massachusetts and vermont. and i think wee have aumr of stes coming upup that we' going to do well, possibly winning in califor and newew york state. so i think we do have path to victory. now i won't telhat didn't get@ beatennd beatenn very badly yesterday in south ro. i ngrgtuteecretary lion er ctorut for us, t isbost' gngo get. >> when you look at the progress you've made, which surpasses all alysts who wouou havav looked
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beginning, even given the progss of' meu' de issshere im n't timeinfng out? wl,l,o, i don't think so. tuesday w wre going tooavav 800 delegates selected. i think we're going toin a very gd share of those. have majortates coming up and the important point is that people thrououout this country are resonating to r message, and e message is thatt sup pa and aruptamn fina sysys a desoying icandecracy.'rdt w w h he re mil individ contriritiononore tn any candidatinin american history at this int, and i thk,john, people understanan that the economy is rigged. theye workingonger hours for low wages, all the income a wealth, almost ald, is going to the p pple on top. evenn south carolinaas badly
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badlwo totes o op29rs ofgerr younger. e fututu of the d dococtic partheur t unnv yngng opheol procs, ttem t stata u for their rights, dealing wh studt debt, which i got to ll you is just crushing people all over this country.p. making public cges and uneres tti free, e thease bringin t,anng t tltnd large corporatio s payingg their fair share of xes. thisiss whatounger peopop, working class people nt. ths the future@f the democratic p pty. >> but in order to create the kind of movoment you've been suesting and thahayou want, you're going to need t tooo attract african-ameran voters, and your economic justice message justt siegeeem thitom in uth carolina and oerer p ps. isatin fal fw? >>weteno question. let me be very clea
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olderfrican-ame noatter at wewealk k ou we a as end up fighting... ghng is thonay i caget wh i want. i l`l`y bebeo be ad parentbut l i t a t laect. respect?eresptse! waightin'n tal lack o oret. weweeehelp. narrator: help is ju a phone callllway the boys to nationa hotle. call the
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itakeless tnonmiteo out imay harediabes. u dodot re. i it,oue busy. and ple can't have prete ahhhhhre thaong.
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whenhe engines faiaidon the planene w flying, knhat to do to save my passenger but when mfather san into depression, i didn't know how to help him. when he timately shot himself,he left our famimi devastatad. dot let this hpen totoo5. if your a loved one is sl, heational ideprevention lifel no mattetew ss rplesu feel th the right help, you u n get wellll
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...and inspired as it should be to ke thoso resrces and oppounities available for the enjoyment t all... ...we proachreemoymentith real hope of bteaswererhan we havnow. rrat: dodoteteo goodwill whwre your donatio help fund
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> mostucks fly south forhe winter, butneypecial pckus getunderr the covers. eve hartman found thisart heartwarmi story on the road. > lot o kids go to t park to see ducks, but kylie takes heheduck see the park. snowes h s ou thehehedhe rur en called, because swflake truly believes that kylie is his mother. and ducks not alone in this delusion. >> i'm his mo repter:ou're nototeally s mom. >> yepe i'm his m. >> reporter: how did you first ut?? >> that heas a ck eporter:,ha-ie is unbeabay c ce,nd since i never diddecover to ask that questionagain, let he jt telel you thatylie firstoticed snowake'ttachment thththay
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mmer lookooeollows her. reporter: for whatever reon, thduck imprinted onn kylie and just haha tbe by herside m mte w wt thehe hour. en snowfla refus ty t b,kykye' pare ashley and mike, , y they h choice but to giveim a diaper a make him a house du. >> he goes everywhere theucks are allowow and almost everyw they're not allolod. dod't know if you've had a 2-yeye-oldr 5ear-old that woul leave home wut plan key? shwould eaveuter ck ananing's gotiable. >> reporter: snowflake goes to the beach@n summer, o the slel in winterer he even went trick otreating as olaf, thesnowman from "fzen". and over time, snowflakend kylie have formeme a bond likeke most of s will never know. >> is ecia eatears olha i khaat's
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repepr: s r iss gogng to m keat mom s most b bauheeaea is. what? . reporter: s sve hartman, on
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>> that ithe overninews for this mondaycani fun c > day,y,ebruy 29th, 2016.. is "cbs mororng n ns. >>i'ret thacy awds hen t whi 'shoicawar.thacacy awds. the 'sest t lms she th light, butwas a la of rsity under thspotlight. edn her fit t t on ththjob. a virgrg commuty mourns e deatof aficewhwa ororheefshs gunnud down, and an army sergeant is behi bars charged in her killing. and d mpaign 2016. new questions about donald trump and the kkk, and mar rubio


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