tv 11 News 630 CBS February 29, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST
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becaususof that report, el paso coun commissioner pey littletoorganized today's etin e repopoays that at least one veteraradied while awaiting care fofo 'tatable' conditnd leaders that isn't the last timemet ll happen. jajabowen/americananegioioof coloraro: "these proble that we addressed t tay and that we've seen and thatate are seeing they'reot going to be fixed overnig, we don't even have a plan to fix it, so i iave to believe e at sad the could someone thatill die before ty're seen andndave recieved the medical treatment that they've earned. the e eting wasn't just a chance for veterans to tell their stories... it was also in opity for r eir experienens to be documemeeded and compared tofficial rords from the clini commsionon littleton has bmitted a freem of information act reest for records cluding interview trtrscripts, and ails between staff members s thehelinic in the hopes to get to e bottom of the delays, and hold those accoununble fofothththoblems. live in colorado sings, dustin
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kktv 1 1newsws thanks dustiti commissioner littleton s ss theyey planann holdinmore of thesetings. they wt to hold d e xt one with a monththbut they want to give people enough time to plan fob it. we'll let you kn as soon as theynnououe when and whehe that will be. tomorrow is super tuday, and candidesesesnt today getting ready. voters in aut adon states, i&clududg colora will caststallots. hureds of delegates ararup for grabab for anyone in colorado headed to caucus totorrow 11 news wts to ma re yououave all the e infofoation you nene. we'v'vposted a comprhensmse gue on o o o ceboboag haening nigh e raor senene getting underway in colorado sprgs tonight, 6 republican candidates are holding a a fom. ea is trying to get democrat michael bennett's se. bennet announced he e running for re-electio we'll have more on the f tononht on 11 news s
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counties. corado's attorney general sasa the governor's plan totovoid taxpxper refunds is gal.l. governor hickenlooper anan democrats who control the house want to remove about 750-million dollars in state hospital patientnts frfr stata ending limiti.the mewill be rererected t t roads ananschools.s. republicans insist that coloradans@are eitled to taxrefundthrere pblem is medicaid expaion. govern hickenlooper says he will formally endorse a superfund cleanufor 48 oldldining g tete thisncludes colora's gd king mine. a spililat that mine sent wastewater into riversn threstates. if thehepa dtes at mine
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siteteteeanup work couou stillbe months or years away. a close ca, a truckcnarrowly avoid plun into riveve that truck dananed over r e edge of i-25 today anan nearar p pngednto the sosoh plplte river. auorities say a driviv swerved ile trying to avoid hitting sothing in the road. e driver was able to get out. he was taken to the hospital wiinor injururs. tensioioioows on the borof eece and macecea. regees are huddled there, trtrngo gegenonono ts of them rming t t tetef th a m mesringam, fugees trd to storm down the gates on their own. grgrce warned thisould happen. it told other e-u tiononthat if borders closesend greece is left on ititown, the refugee crisis will reach boiling point. ( greece is ththdoorory to europe. it is a shboat ride from ey and the easasst w w for refugees to cross into europe. but macedonia is not letting an in n thoua
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regees have.too chs, no fofo, no ney, thitomonoow, tomorrow, tomorrow, what is s morrow? look, maybe after 10,000 . 0 some people have been hurt in the vice, inclcling chchdren. ( a large baba is now under inveveveioio cnectioio e fa s sndal fifafas e ininrnatiol && governing body of soccer citigroup said it's been slapped with a subpoena from u-s "brabery, corruption andndon laundering auththities say last year r nior fa officials used variu-s nks to transfefefe ananrececee 150 million dolls bribes and kickbacks - - possibly linked to4compepetion among various nationonto host the world cup. authorities are questioning whetetr citigroup tutued a blind eyto suspicious tranctions. data brereh at the i-r-s is bigger than initiay thought. coming uon 11 1 ws a6:30....
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these creamery shakes are so rich and creamy. know. finally a shshe for an aficionado like myself. wait. you're a shake aficionado? not a shake aficionadothe akehaficicnado. -whouckles) ah. well, pes yoc/ddbe one too. ahead. mm. ere'e'a coness. cold, , 's colokay. ice cream is c stop the psses, guys. "ice c cam is cold,"saysete. pri it. new slow-churned creameryhakes are here in premium flavors
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and all shak are halalprice after (ccks) ate on the depy whwhwas killed in park county. corporor nate carrigan will be & norereat faith biblelehapel in arda on march 14th. the service starts at 11 a- m. the park countsheriff's office says anothereputy who was shot is s in the hospit. ster patdety kolby mbrtininas been moved t ofofntensive care.e. ur students are expected t t survive after a teenagerpened fire inside a school cafeter. happened totoy at a s sool in middletown ohio,o,th of cincinnati, near dton. two boys, ages 14 and 15 , were shot. two others were injured by shrapnel or r ying to escape. couldn't fufction. i w w crying, lling everybody. you never know ny people are volved the thth you d'tnow iswh
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police aested a 14 year old boy. invesgators say they havev anana a a motive, bre not releasininit just yet. a local district attorney says it will take money tcut down& the violence in pueblo -- so the a jeff choner is suggtingng sales tax increase. it comes rightfterer bar p shooting that left one man d%dd and twothers iured or the ekend. the e a hopes a half cent sales tax will cututown n e ime rate. the money y llllo to hiring more ficers. and that means more men and men in be on the streets. 02;24:15 "it's coming to a cresesndo now. and yoyosee yet the ill effefe of police o-manned, out-gunned, able to takekehe evil criminal elem on `nur community to the tent that we wld like to d it has a cascading effect."
6:41 pm
creaill generateix seven millili d dlars a yeaeathat money could hirirararhere omlm0-50 officers. developi tonight, a massive irs data breach is much bigger than first realaleded hackers were able toet sensitive informrmion using the cy's "get anscript prpr which allpeople to chchk their tax history ne. n crawfofo repts f outside e e irs headquarters washington. t even virginia basesetax attorney, wayne zell, , s protd fromomacacrs who he sa stole his identityny "sebody was trying to claim a a fund using my alalecurury number and i knew soing was wron" " irs's data dp the latest in a se o& didilosure in may 2015, the ency rerorte cyber criminals accessed some 114,000 0 taxpayer accccntst three months later, that t number greweto 334,000. this montnt the irs says there e mana as 724,000 victims.
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enough totect ." the s said hackers use personalalnformaon thered from m heli ururs - kekekek counts t/ ansnsnspersonalaldentity y estis on the "get transipt" forms. one possib culit: irs- approved tax prepararsone audit t und 6 out of 1irs- approved companies failed aoving adequate securiririo customers. we'r'rofofn our own rst evemies becausustherare mes we don'n' e propopasords, we d't e op securitit the sa it otyi hacked taxpayers b ma, as well asasasing fr identy protectioio for a year. thehenline viewing g downloadeatutu of "get anscript" has beenenuspended since may 2015 tht i-r-r-is worki to store that b tkitimeme with eanced security t/t prprect taxpayers. j crawford, cbs ne, wawaington.> the irs has evioly said
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in russss. ' the highght mimimiryor. presesent obama awawded the medal of honor toto navy seal who risked his life to rescue an american hostage. in 2012, edwdwd byers junior, who is now 36, w part oraididhat rescued d american hostage in afghghghn.n. dr. dilip joseph was abducteteby the taliban. josephphays realized a rescue s s derway when he heararsomee calling s name. that man was byers. " as soon as i heard my name and i answerer back and they heard d ere myoice e c cinin fromomononseal just came and i willontinue doing my job inhe navy, continue being a a seal.. doing the thing i love." byers s ed a fighter to a wall untitihis teammates took action. byers says hwas s st doing his job.
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acquired m me e althth two yearsrs than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i apprprt is m msage.@ my plan -- make wall stet banks and the ultrtrrich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for workinpeop, ensuqu pay for women.. the middlelasssswill continue to disapar unless we level the playg field.
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& om the 11 breang w wer centermeteorologist jeica lebebe highghwill rge through t t 50s upper 60s. we'el sesevery slighththancfs f#r scattereded erfternondnd ening as a serers ofeak disiururncesush through. thehee palmer divide, mountains, andnd. plains have thehbehahce@of seeinght showers while e e i-25 corrido will be mainly dr this will be a low i%pact event. thehe
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resu we will see high fire danger. a red flag warning iin effect unt 6 pmpmorhe sgspulolond n ci nditions wilclr by rning day and willlllso brbrg wiwi it t cool d d din temperatures to the 40s and 50s. we'll warm back up to the 50s a a 60s on wednesday andndemain dry through e rest of the work weweith mild temperatutus. through the 50s to upperer0s. weserylit chances sbr scatteted showers this afternoon and evening as a ss of w wk stururnces push throh. the palmer d dide, mountains,
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ceseeing light showersrsrs while the i-25 cridor wiwi be mainly d d. this will be a low pm eve. these wi kick up our winds and as a a reltll s s high fire danger. a reflagag wawaing g in effece untit 6 pm for the springs, pueblo a canon city. conditions will clear by mid morng tuday y d ll also brininwith it a cool down in temperatures to the 40s 50s.p.e'll warm back up to the 50s an60 on wednesday and re]ein dry thrhrgh the reses of theheork week
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two peopop in southe colorado are now the proud parents of a aeaeayear baby. hereheheare with their little bundle o&o&oy. t expepeing tototoe ththbaba on lemp day. they will leba little christian'bibihday in february. :09::11 ant to keeeehim in the mononon was born, in nfbruaua. it's exciting, brooke a a i talked about it and it's a nicece converertion starter for him " we wouldldust ke to congratulate thehe new parents onheir healthy baby boy. th woman is celebrating her th bibthday on this leaday. schwab was born on febrbrry 29th, one hundred years o. bubutechnically this is s ly her th b rthday. she had plenty oflfrieies there to help her blow out the eandl
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e world a president t t t grapplplwith. sososomeyou can't even iminin that's the job and d e's the e e whwhs en she can get i d ...s.suring a masssse reduction nuklear weapons... ...standing up a a ast the abuse ofomen... ...prorocting cial security... ...e.eanding benits for the national guard... ...and winning health care f 8 million chilen...
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farnsworth. the trade deadline came... and e trade dead went... and somemeere, shortly before e all l that passed... the corado avalanche got busy making a a st minu deal wiwi t t arizona coyotes.s. a trade that brings anotheoffensive threat to the coloradont line... colorado o is sending forward alex tanguay along with two prospects... the avs first two pics of the 2014 draft... connor ckley anan kyle woo.. to the arizovo cotoefor rward mikkele boedr... the eighth h erall pick of the 2008 draft and the coyotes thirleadinscoror th 39 popots ts s on. herere a looat what the avs are gigingp and what they're getting... looks like an instant upgrade fofocolorado... boker nine momo goalslshsn n nguay and 17 more points.s. ananhe doesn't g penalaled much... ju ten penalty minutes this season compmpedo tanguay's 24.... this ia pretty big deal inhe soccer world... unitedtates s al keeper tim
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enenish prememr ague... will be couing to colodo to play for t t t t rapids of the m-m- he is expectedo join the pidsdsn ly aft he e fifishes h h season withthrton and d ll make ababt twtwmillion s per yeye wch would make him the highest paid goal keeper in the s... apparently shortstop troy tulowitzkikis stillla aiaibier about h trade from the r rkies... in a usa tod article this s ek tulo was quoted as sayingnghehrockies spring aining fility is re like a coununy club... rockies managewalt weiss toooo exception to that remar.. hear what he said coming up tonight at ten toght we are taking a closos look a awho lolol vovors are susuortitin the campaign trail.l. asasah swaba sws u o o o candpaicul is gfttina d&t ofof donations right t re in southern colorbdo. over the pfefemont, marco l rubio o s sese a big spike ininhe amount of l lal dollars cocong in. according to our partners at the gazette, the flori senator is the beststunded presidential candidate in e e paso countnt local republicans ve d dated re than 82 thnd dollars t t te ruo campaign.
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onspot...previouou sly held by ben carson. rson is w at numr two...ving raimomo than9 thou dlala in n pasososonty. d cruz is ththd with more thth 52 thousd dollars donations. meanwhile, hillary clinton is s ill ahead of bernie sanders in locaca fundraraing. she has raised a little over 42-thousand dollars. in the studio, sarah schwabe, tv 11 news. this is e story we're workin f 11 news at ten. tomorr isuper tuesday 're getting a a t of calls tour nsrooooabouwherto cacaus and how it t t s. we'll eak l th dowowowu on 11 news s tenen o bsthey moun z z got t t plorthe outdoor main exhxhit for the firsrstime over e week. the zoo arhis pictures o their facebook pagag the cubs were bo back inijune. for the past few months they've been hananng out in
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and by the timimi got here, my cousin had already grown n and becoco supman. and so i hid my powewe tirecently whenaacidede force revevl mysysy to the world. to most people i'm an asssstant c cco w wldwide meded. but in secret, i work with my adopti s ster r r ththdeo to protecty cici fromli life ananyone else thatateans to o use it harm. i am s sergirl. cat: previously on sererrl... assistant mberne, meet aistant number two. 'm two? -s-sbhan smythe. (cckles) i'm not here to makeririds. i'm here to be the neat grant lucy cght me lyingng i need t tbebebee tell heththtryoarsupergirir (a(ara gasps) -what happpppp? -i killed her. -why did you lie to kara? -because y y're supergirl's hero. i dot know how to o rk alongside e u ymor
7:00 pm
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