tv 11 News at 10PM CBS February 29, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST
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now, from your breaking news ader, this is kktv 1 1news at 1p. . . hellll im dnne derby hello. im d dard are und an 11 brereing her r ert right noecause for soso of f , the wind is real@yg. leles get straight to meteorolist jeiclabel. je, isiss ing to k kus e e l n ght, rtling ththwindnd wiwis araralal picicng up p p p eveng withthth susuained wiwis into the 20s and ens and gus into the e s s d d d this wind cld be s s sg enououo knocover your trash cacacq hl ththugh your ndow winds wililnot t lm wn uil tsday mningngng i was drivg on t tye tonight, it's one of tse times when you can feel the r luluh with atrtrg gust. 11 news reportrt alyssa chin is s live tonight in the springs, yssa, just in the la houor soou
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it? don,ndianne.. standing hernear i-25 and fillmore.. u can see my hair flying around. eople we talked tonononon saidhey fe like the strong sts were going to bl them overer this is video from jusa fefe nunus o.o. c s t t flagaghipping around and treeand bush blongn thth wind. folks i talked ttonight say, the e nd g are pretet bad, but it'sretty pical coloado weather. "it's horrible, i had to pututp a sign nororork todadaand it like literally blew ovov as on as we put it in i don't realal le the wind" "i"is pretty norma it't' lorado mean you ulgege all ur seasons in one day, it's crazy, it's beautiful, i love it." the windndeemetotoe woroe on i-25 going southboundo just be sure to bebe
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out on theoaoa live in colroado springs, alsa in, kktvtv1 nene. happeng tomorrow 12 stawill hold a prprary or ucus, inudg here in corado. ththdauld be a aame e anger bmth parties' ces. news rerter danielle krkrtters live a apalmer higigschool in the springs whh is a cacaus location foboth parties tomorr night. dale? rrowr coloradodoo get its say in thehe esidential eleleion, but it willllave different impacts s r democrats and publicans. nats ringing today was a busy one for both el pascounun republican a democrat t fices. they're getting rey for super tutuday. 19:07:00 we're hohong for smooth sailing 40:02: i ju he it goes smooly, i think itl funi thina lot of pe wiwi turn out voters aoss the state will be caucusing morrow to get their voices heard. and up " soere's w itll wor foror
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restered republicans meet tomomrow, there will not t raw poll. /at the cacaus', d degates will be elected t tgo to vas elect national delegates. /#those will h hd totohe@ tional convention inin cleveland d ertheyl vote to o nomina the republican candidate for prprent. /when democratcaucus tomomrorother will be a non bindininstst ll tget t neral elininof whevererne is leg, the timeoriscuion. /after tt, there will be a prefefence poll, and tho results on@who everyone likes will be leased. . /sfinally theyeyeyl choose legagato represe tpose e ndidates at e counun assembly and the e e onon conntion." both parties are hopinfor a good turnonono niel cole,l paso county republican party in 2012, the turnout was about 9,000 inl paso couy.y. wouldldex tt 's g t memeg silathis annie schmitt, el pasa county dememratic pay nono as huge as it was in 2008, but based on`nhad!s going on around e cocotry and on how many phone c lls we've en gettiti,
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gog to be big." we will knkn who the demococts here in n lorado want as their cacaidide e tetethe caucus i overert the republicans lililyill not t lease e results of a areference poll until the race i icloses totoonventiok time. reporting live in coloraro springs daelle kreutter kktv 11 news. if yououant more infmation about super esday we have a a eat page on our websbue kkkk dodocom. just search the mepage. w ataten night before super tueay that show whpresidential candidates are in the leaeaar donaldrump is dodonating the field@nationwiwi. 49 p pcent of vote say t ty suppppt him. heeads his closese comtor, nator o bi 300ininin teteteuzuzhohe o otrump on sup tay. "at the end of tomorrow, donald trump is in allikeliodng
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have a b b chunk of delegatesesand i think evevyone else e ll be way way, way y hind." a new c-n-n poll shows the jojoty omocrats acro the country favor hryryryry clintoto percent to 38 percent over ie sananrs. clinis hoping her south carolina landsli c c ces over into tomororw. she's shifting her focus frfrfnders s s publannen partrtular. presenal c cdidate) "yes, i dodot thk america a s s ever stopped beiei great, what we need to do now is make america whole." sanders says theheace e just getting started and they both h veve ways totoo. there new informati about the effort to bring the crime rates do in puebeb. diststct attorney is proposing a half cenen sales x f r the novembmb ballot. that would g g hiring g -50 ofcers. omes rigig bar oo thahahapppned i dotover weekend. 26 yeye o o devin clark died. t others were e jure the d-tell us the more ofofcers on the ststets mean shohoer r rponse times and less crime 07:56:08
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senseless crime, that's true. t i think if you have more police on n e strere i ink the message will be sent; you will be caught and y y will be osecuted and i thinknkhat will dre e ime down." he w wbrbrg up t proposal to cityouncil n nt month. local aders are demanding answers about the springs v-a clinic and the lg wait times. we've told y y about the acacsationonof falsified record keepi. most of the veterans who shoho up at the library ininowntown lorado springs, saididhe problem with the clinic s how long it took tget in. it wasas meeting organized b b one of the el paso county coissisisis . some of e ts say they wted d re tn 90 t t tt an aointment. jay y wen/ameran legion of cololado: 1:21:56:191919m not t ying that you go and fire everybody, but it's accountilitit if you ve people wowoing foyou that refuse t t& ceptpthat actability, you get rid of them`and get somebody thatat willing to do it, and on thehere accountable for their actions we'l'l
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commissier peggy littleton h quesesd interview trtrscripts, and ails beten staffffembers at t clinic in the hopes to get to t ttom of the d days,nd hold those accountable fothe problems. new at ten, this colorado springs man pldedeguiltyodayay jacorahric sededed his 14 yeararld babysitter. he fes up to le in priso his wiwi is also accused in the cpe e d the couple o&oered the gi rolas a quote--"sister fe". cortney rahricht eventually grew jealous theatiohip. she will be in court in a weekek new tonight.( republican candidates vyfor senator michae's seat, met withiness leaders in cololodo sprgsgsonigig. the 8 candndates were e asked 6 questions d given 90 seconds to ans then asked 2 yes or no questions. the el p`po unty republican chairman says s believes a publican can, andnwill, win ugainst the incumbant democrat bennet. jeff hays/el po county republican chairman "we feel li over 8 8 ars pepele have urn a sense of distaste for those things it has not relyly
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nation and so i think the people of el pa county certainly are e excited about ououprososctctand think that tacacss the great statatatolorat" epququtions toght were selectededrosinenees i the community. 11 minutes o onon stop news ntinues with t ls. tonighauthoritieiebelilie they know the m mive hind a sool l shootingbut theyeyren'n' ready to release it. it hpened today at a high school in middleto io. th'sororf ciinna, , ar dayt. ureople weret.t. e had what we beev one individual eut i i ithe e hool and begin fifing a w gpon at other students in e lunchrm. w w have fr stents injujed. +` believe two ofofhem were injured with gunshot and two of tm with some other typypof shrapnel-- justn injuju of trying to get out of the way. all fofo students e expect to recover. a 14-year-ololboy y named james austin hancock was takeinto custody. ur corado license will lk fferent soon. it will also have me new secuty ftutus too. the esesdifferenceceou'll see is the picture. it's notoin color. statatsays t t graysle will me it hder to
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there are only fewewffices using g e new license and nonere in sosoheoloro righnow. other dmvs will start issug thth when the e lolo prprrais will not need get a new license until your expires. we j j jchecked and this manans out of jail. chmimiski is aused of f king hashshil i iidhi home when it e elodede that's when yoyoeotracac rijua a l. it happened over the weekendnd the uth eastide of the rings. when policgot on scene they say there was a big g plosn in e kitchen. the suspececis now facing several chges. weave an upde ovev the weekend. humane societettells us t t dog's owner is cingharges a iattackeda ild. apned near the w wmartrty the chapel hills mall in cololodo springs. wiwiesses tell us the girl's was mauled a sheas blng a lot from m r fafa. e nenewas ticketed f ownehip of a aangerous d d, and say it w w some sort of pitt bull mixix e humane society toooocontrol of the dog a say thehowner has
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itit will likely be put down. takiki a look ahead thty of pueblo is upgradinin some w m m m in a bubu part ofodown town, and it mig slow w down your comme. all ththareas you see in rededre where the water mains are th need to bebrereaced the project isjsxpected to start in the next couple of days and will last through the end of july. expect to sesoso temporary la clos from time timim gornor john hickenloop says he will formally endorse a superfund cleanup for 48 old miningiteses this i i ides colorado's gol king mine spill, which sent wastewater into rivers in three states. he sent a letete to the-p- day. if the epa desigtes that m)me a superfund te, cleaeap work cou stiti bebeonths or yeyes away after stsdies and plananng. a colorado sings couple are proud new parents of christian, a leap day baba. his pares, brooke and ni ga, llluluas
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0: "our due datatwawaactutuly februaua 20t0tso we a week er our d d date, sopoe were a aicipating havin'n'im sunday then we cbme totohe alation he was gonna come on a leap year." they tell us sce he was bobo in februarararey wiwi celebrate his birthdadaon bruary 28th. then every fououyears they will have a big celebratioi on the 2929. our flfl wning has expired andnwindndhave calmed down to the teens and
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temperatures. troopers say she was drunk and had smoked pot. coming u w w welse thehe pe say theheriver was doing ririt t fohe plowewe into couplplon ththr momorcycle. wewel tell you in st a few minutes. but firs we' been telling you about the ght t tween applpland the government. . ll apple have to unlock a phone for the
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what a judge ruled. is the ecocomy rigged? well, the e ricst ameririns quirededore wealth in two y yrs than theheottom 100 millioiopeopop combibid. i'm bernrn sanders, and i approvthis mesesge. my p pn -- make wall ststetanks and ththultra-rich pay their fair sharef taxes, provide living wages for working people enenre equal p for womom. the mimi class willontitie to disappear unless we level thdlaying field.
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yoyore wching kktv 11 ne dianne e y, d war chief meogist brian blede d sam farnsworth with h orts. a federal judgdas ruled investigators cannot force apple unlock an ione owned by a convicted drug deal. the govevementad r rueed ple to breakak the phonons security cod without wipingngut the data, so it coulacacss the contact inin of other suspected drug dealere.
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'pment cant impose on applehebligign asst the government's ininigigion againsits will. the e@mputer company is s currrrrry being g essured d feral invmstigators toreak into thee eflonging to ononof t t san bernardino shooters netonigh wewee learning morororout`the accused drundrer w poedly k kled two o ople. troopers say athina munoz was un had smoked weed and was texting whenhe crossed the center li into an oncomomg motorcycyc the accident happened at 1- 30 in@the afternoon on n saturday in anktown arar cale rocinvestigators s y e kill a married cole. . . fror s stembmb to nozemb t colorara state patrol was accepting a public opinion survey to giveve anonymous pinioof the sate patrtr. there wawawaer 21 huhure respondents tookokok survey.. /pherere some highlights. 90 percent of people b bieve thatattate p prol effefeive in enfnfcing the d d everyone fairnderhe law. / ercent opeople bve our highways are safer or the same as th werwithin the
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member of c-s-p say they were treated with respepe. there willlle a memorial service for a fallen p pk county \epututon march 14thv thiriririve-year-old corporatata natearrigan will be honored at faith bible chapel in arvada. the service startsts1 a.m. he wasilled d ile trying t evict a man from his home neae bley. twr ti werhurt. deputy kolby martqn beenen mod ou tensivre. the other ininred deputycapt. mark hcock, is back at home. a local community is trying to ghten upupts body art regulations. today the pueblo county health departrtrt hela ing to scusthpotential changes with lol tattoo artists. right w bodyrt facacieiedo not vebebetitied t handle blood. e of the chanans uld require certication. e health department says so far local artists s haelmethe proposed changes. 14:04:4: "they see our rerelatis currently and say hey,ythiis much more laxed fr where i was rrently, where i ie bebe before and so ty ha thihineed to b% more regulated so thatathey n
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reompliant so they can be proud, they're reay oud of their work." they hope to put these changng into effect by may. we'v'vtoldou aboututhe irs tting hahaed. " cocong up on 11 news at ten, thah hacacis much bibgerhan itialy tught. and w, wre learnininwhat the hackwetoet a.ays. but figine bng in situation. it happened to one cololodo driver. at he dito get s uck. . we't just serve any y sh ndwichcu.. serveveilcaughtrthhatlantic c. this cod grows in watethat is cold, clean and pristine, full of flavorful nutries, and that com through in the fis this i ithway we shihiit to yo restaurants. it's not pre-breadedso not oy doustheehight quitd, stilland-ba it the oas w.. that's remarkable. d we thinke get thbest fish filet sandwich hecauau of that.
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the driverust t d minor injuries and was ticketed for careless driving. a guilty pleleleom an 18 yr old grand junconan he accused o okillg g s tetee e rlfriendn,u4u4 ushe thoug she wasas pregnant. / rw bagagaw entered thee ea today, a week before e!s trial ll start.t.t.rosecutors say in 2012, he beat s 15 5ear old girlfriend to death and tossed her body in a river near salt c cy when he was s just 14. /# an autopsy shows that the girl was n n p pgnt. bahaw ared lt . . we have new inininatioin our 11 call foactiti alert. a a ssive irs data breh is realized. hacks used the agencies "get transcript" progra it aows s ople to check t eir x histy line. 4-ound victim hackcks gagaered information omther accoun to swer peonaldentitqutionon get connected d forms. 're ofn our own rst
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that we don't use proper passwororwe don't use proper sececity,y, irys iis nying ckck taxpayeye by y mail, as well as offering free identity protection for a yeye. . . president obama arded the memel of honor to a navyvyeal o risked his life totoescue an americic h htage. in 2012, edwarbyers junini was part o oa raid at resesed an american hostage afgnistan. dr. dililijosephas aucted d the taliban. joseph says he realized a a scue s underway when he heard someone calling hihinana thatan wasrs. . itanthi i w wto say ithat evein d a t tm.&iit w wn'n'for th team m wowodn'te e anding herertoday. bys pinned a fighter to a wall until hiteamamtes tookctioio he sayayheheas j jdodog his job. dont expect a deon f fm
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kktv 11 spor with sam farnrnorth. "a t t dvebrons veve tapur bowl 50. isj't that the@perfeay to o end a hollywood script??? but... it's not a a a ywood script... and as of right now, we still don't'tnow how its going to e. nfl network's jesse palmer reports t theheas to today y at therereill be no desion regardi peyton manning's'suture this
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tr tulowitzki said he didn't want to be traded fromhe ieie?? and then... the rockies trtred him anywawa?? ah... apparerelylyhat's s ilnot sitting well with tutu. at ri training in florida the blue jays s s shorortotosaididhat t e roroies spring training facility isithe e uiuilent of a country club. he said herefers the jays trtrning h he tter, ich much older... well... those comments have noyod... all-star thi basemanolanan arenado told the d dver r st thahahe stslles tulo... buhe saiaiaiat thoso comments ararjust a refleleion n t to'o'o' anger and that he don't agree with thetatement... mager r lt w wss a ao o ok exption..... h, ihink that's furthestst ing from the t tth. we have ce re and w wre proud o oit. our guys are mentalltougand theyey
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clubish.' our guysyare the opposisi of that."." the colorara avalahe contrthr playoff destiny right now.w.w. they are still in thththghth and final spot in e weststn conference playoff standings... but only two points ahead of minnesota.nd the avs know the playoffs aren't rehing just... and so they mama a move just fore the trade deadline today.. the avs sent alex tangy to the arizona coyotes along withtlwo p pspects in exchchge fofoforward mikkel bod-ker boedker... he was the cotes first round pick in 2008 and is cuently ththteams third leading scorer... at the b binningngf e seas... the air forcho team was prudicted to finish seventh in t t confce. head coach frank serertore said is teawoululbe veryoung.g. but that alsls....hey would be fun... wewe... something icked... especially late in the season... his young squawent on a tearar. they lost onlywo o otheir fina14 regular as ges... ey surged to the top of the atlantmt hockey
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round inhe cfnree tournament... cocoserratoror saidide told hik pyers they have lot totoe prou of... "robert morrisiis the league chpion and they deserve be the league cmpion. but in my opinion, you're the te of the year. theyeye the team of the year, th're the story y the year in our league and t t story doesnsn have eo end d y y y s snn" in the nba tonht..the nuggets trying to fire out t grizzlies at t pece..==4qowre. titi ties iat 74... === ch randolplpwent off in final 4 min..... had 22. grizz bebt thth nugget103-96. -did you find everythi alalririritoday? did, thank you. whenenou gethe newwards card from m go,, u'll discover w fafaththrewardadd up. 's the e ey wato en points the things you bu yououan getore what yololo more frerefofo, , fdrdrksand more fuel discounts.
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