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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 1, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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a detour. itit tuesday, march@1st, 2016. this iss the "cbs morning news".". >> >uper tuesday. a cros roads innhe path to thepwhitexhousus mimiions of americs s ll votot dad determine thfuture ofofhe presidential racece >> he thought that i wasasas doing it for publjcitytynd atntion, and that ripped mee apart. >> tearful testiny romrin drews.the sporlscasasas trjes t/ win a a $75 milonawawit o orr nude vivio secretly shott while she was in a hotel room. fender b bder. for the first time, one of google's self-f-ivg cars causes an n cident. why the tech giant says 's only partly to blame. and storm surviviv.v fedededriver liviv to tell how she made it through a tornado
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"s"srtsbeat" "sportsbeat" . good morning from the studioo 57 stuo headarters. good to be with you. m anne-marie green. it is super tudayl argrgbly ehmost important day of the presidential primary season. re delegat are up fograbs today than any othth single day ofofhe contest. fpr hillary clinton, this is an opportunity to dtance hself fromomernie sasaers whilonaldd trump has a cnceo grab a insurmountable lead in t r re fofothththgop nominatiti. annrcational poll s swsws trump more than0ercentage ints aad of marcrubio. that same poll finds clion toppininsanders 35% to8%. weijiajiang isn washingt with the lateses weijian, gd rning. >> gdl morning, a a a arie. good morng everybody. by the front-runners, he will not clin.
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certainly carry them through, and for a fctured p, that ans a greater divididbetwtwtw republicans o willllld w wl not back trump. on theheve of f per r esday trump predicted a win n gegia. we're going to win, win, win. thet poll s sw the presesential frond r rner leadinininothh the nional and in ser key sta marco rubihas tried to halt it hammering him fodaysost recently for failing t tdivow rmererkkeader david duke who announced his support for trump. t's no room in the ervativi mement for the kkk or david duke or anyone e o wiwi nototon them. senato cr is sbnking on a n ininis home utate to keep his campaign alive. >> w wt we will se i bebeeve, is donald ump d me coming ouboth witit significa
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>> in thehe dememratic rac tical anasts eect hillary clinton to pkp far moreelegegegshan b bnie sas totoy which could make it possiblf f rillary clion toe thnominatiti. ^hat we need to do tother is makamerica whole agagn. >> sanders made s nal pitch in massachusetts where more than 100 delegates are on the le. >> i think w%'reoing to win re imassachusetts.p he vermont senator s ss he intends to take his campaign all e wawatohe democratic and therare alady some mblings that some repeplicans are preparing for a thd-party nde and that because it's not just the nominaon at stakak but they say y trump win could affect races in the future and some rublicansnare even embracing anrumpmpocia dia campaign usi the
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anne-marie? >> weijian jia in wasngton. weijiaia thank you. >>thsecret sererce investigating a physical alalation betweeone ofts agents and a journalist t a trump rally y@ vninini as black lives matprotesters were being taken from rally, ime" magazine photographehe chririophehe morris left the designatededress area to take e pictctes. the agenenennfronted morris and morr admitcucuing at hih. the agent grabbed morris by the necknd put himn a chok hold and then slammed him to the ground. latemorrrr touched the agent who monsatededhat led awa b seseri, but sa hehwillot press charges.. coming up late "cbs this morning we'll discuss the implications with h cbs political analyst jo dickerern and political team will bring you tion results at 10:00, , 00
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we, applplwon a legal ttle against government efforts toorcet to break into loft tpne. thisnvolves a drugase in newyorkrkqty.y. the judge ruled dpdpe is not to haveveo. is is n r rated to o e ceee regagaing g e san bernardino shooter.r. and the dispute between applpland thfbi travels capitol h lloday. fbi directorames cey a a e's chief lawyer are heduled to testi bore the e hoe judiciary y mmittee. applis arguing in court that if it complies witthe fb request it wouldldet a dangerous precedent.t. a 14-year-d odent is u u u urrt charged with murder after allegedly opening fire in his s sool cbfeteria. the trouble started at madon high schchl about0 miles north ofofincinnati yesterdaing. two studentnt werewounded, a two others were iurededhile
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what's g gng on, all of suddddbang, , ng, bang, bang.d i ththght,t,kay, that's a gun. ran back into the library. >> one of the e ds whohoot sho i grabbededed leg and then fall down, d t tn the k khat' ooti l le ruou >> the student gunman ran out of the schoho, d dppeded h h handgun, and s caureded policeceay they have a motive but en't saywhatt is. >>in calififnia a won anan her two young children@ safe after beinggidnapped by her ex-husband. her hband lead a chase yesterday one point he stspped but refusese tosurrender. ththchase continueueinin the ninit. he stopped again, t out of the cacaand made run for it. his children and their mother arin good she and the suspect remains ononhe run. . well, watetshed moment at the supreme cour justice clarence thomas aske question. this is the first timemehomas has s d a questiononn ten yes. has said he relies s written briefs. thcase iols e federal
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guns. president oba is sche yumeto mt w sen eriscussss thehe vacancy leitithe deathf ice antoscal. senate republican leaders say they wililnot consider a abama nominee e`d want the next president to fill thvacancy. > neral services will be hele tod for the virginia officewhwas sh and kild on her first day on the job. a long police professi accompanied ashle guindon's bobo too the cham. was kildaturday night i i response to a domc shooting coming up, court documents vealed the bomber's s ate of mind before e e attack. >v> ananlater airbnbters backckrd. this is the "cbs morni news. with smooth nter. luscious.... flowin..
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to the best ti of f ur day. unap... unwind... expeririri the mt. onln the ldor trufe. from the lindt master chocolatrs. before i had the shooting, burninin pins-a-a-neeeees diabetic nerve pain, these feerved my country, caied d e weight of f f ly, and lked a dghterrdown the aisis. t couldn't bear my
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so id to mdoctor and he prescribed rica. nervdamage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica i i ia appred totore this s in. from mododate4to even severe diabebebe nerve pain.. lyricacaca causeerious alrgeactions or scidal thouts or acons. tell yr doctor right away if you havavaves new w worsenini depress or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swellg, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blister muscle pain with fever, tired feeling g blurrrrvision. mmon s se effectaree zziness,s,leepiness, weight gain and swelli of hands, legs, andt. don't drink cohol while tang l lica. don't drive or use machinery until yoyoknow hica affects s u. ose who have had a drug or alcohol proble mamae like to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and my biggest rn to walk calls me grandpa.
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europe's migignt cs grs byhe d. peopleleeeng rugug from syria, iraq, and afghanistan, trtrd breaking down a fence at gree's border r r medonia. they were met by macedonian ot police. about 7,300 migrantsre packed into a nrby camp witmore @ arriring every d d. and the e pbct of ewing tobacco bans omajor ag seball, alsoew details on e ston marhohobombing attacks. those are me o #headlinej on the morning newsstand. they saye called hisroth sin kron nice exploons. also tsaaedidn't warn any of his friends be the attacac becae he didn't care ef pt hu. > the daigress reports jesse matthew jrjr is expd t plead guilty torrow in two killings.
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twcollege studes in rginim, , nnah gmnd moan hairearingngringtonharrington. without the pl he cod have faced the death penalty. he's alrea serving g life term r sexual assault. the tennesseans reporting emional testimony by erin andrewvolvg a nude video of h%h. the sportscaster broke down when telling the jury how some in the media speculated the video was a publicity stunt. she recalls tellg her father th theideoas online. >> my dad thought i was a car cide. he'sikee a you aming. i waske, dad, i'm'm all over the te a i don't know what itis andrews is suing a nashville hotel r $7 million claiming it enaedtalker w recorded the video through a peephole. the "washgton post" reports the resignanaon of a
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stggling freshmen to bunnies who should b drowned. simon nmawassing in his first year.. his s marks werelishedix eks ago in the school's student newspaper. and the "san fraisco chnicle" reports a warning to big leuers about chewing bacco. it'sutlawed in b bton,n,.a and san francisco. minder from major ague baseball says it expects players to comply. stillahd, a fir for google's lf-drivingcar.r. the etanautonomousar appears toe atault for an accident involving a it appears to be at faulfor an accidentn fefe s sure e ur d dturere.. rerere b b ururlfll day. juststwitctcfrom nturururureee s s sonondent hesisi seaeaea lds s rongng thahathe ing paststall dadada withtht t e e e ...
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thth h h hm m m contagiousususe e e e e e thatatatatatatatat unfifififit wowowowowowo didiover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine r te t tsesere plplue psori en the jojojojopepele fifi c almomomomoarararn.oupepeleleleleleskskskskararar a a3 3 3 3 3 whwhe the e e e ty sasa90% clea not use if you are alleleico o sentyx.. bebereing,g,g,g,g,ulul tested d r tubebeulosos. an increasedisk infections wereity to fightur. youdoct if yououave infmp.... tsills aescoor i r vacce to. y y hn'seasb your amporo ris slrgicuaoc see me. s .. see me on nz way
4:14 am
asyourvrtologistabgbt ntyx >olk `todiz caca@an k memeieieqeouthc)tr 8a8g8ouououiub nters made a riscoverihehe tpeyp che into man n uburbsf paris. t(eenters discovered a man's dy decomposing in the garden. it appears the body wa ininionally covered with branchch. the renters ararnot suecteddin the wowon's h. the seven-room manon ino longest listedorental onana bnb. for theirst time, a car by google wasnvolved i i an accident. a car hit aus near og's headquarterin untain view, california, on valentine's day, according to the deepept the cawas s
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gogng two miles hour.themploy who w in the ca saide didn'take control because he thought the bus would yid. on jcbs neywatch lumber liqiiiiiirsjd fast food chain a price r. good morning, anne-marie. lumber liquidatoto tallieded fourth quarter loss that was three timim expected amid new round of safety concerns. last weekcasople expotoer types of laminate flolos were three tes more likely to get cancer than e agency previously pricd. last year th s sedling chesde laminine floo. >>ck wl streetnded r as nine of ten marketers fell yestery. the dow cropped 123 points, the s&s lostststpoin, the nasdaqaqaq fell 32. the cyber breac athe inrnaleven svice
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they initially said about 100,000 accounts had b bn hacked. nothey s t ty got accesssso more than 7070000. poteteially s olenenata includes social securury numbers,ththth da andth infnfmama th couou besud imrsatr%al taxyer. >>nasa s ss worng o uieter sersonic passeer jet. nasasa awarded $ $ million contctcto lockheed martin for ththprelimimary y sign. instead the loud super sonic bo, the new jet would make a soft thump as t flies ththh the sosod bayier. the contract endnd in 2003 when the concordadadits last fl.
4:17 am
ha notic there'sss a a big-timesas,enhi etrokior .50.nald, yod i i i for $5 's or losingmenehi etoanne-mar >> jwa a tew yk thksotjill > p,ghin a rno.rveillan cama caas fewo w w wnoerto r as anadoou dlouisiana. worit t ras tordo touchcsowin,wate eye d ngesti no otherasal all s say thatmp aer relf incomptel%your eyes de one chgesevythi hi'm kristie. d i'jess anan a theug cck we're nanouss. ow10lllp e rdut abobo hesbu ds lrn t bre ancuriri alkidsak nggegeg. "y anan fin d video. ohthooif youre tin t d abouprobosci stch on scre
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you a a g bu in as hands and chge theldiew. dona, could pi ims dew/wkerititnowher ugh ennges fai pla fg, i wto smyaserbuwh my faerkto depio 'tnow top wh he mat himseleft r faly devte don'thisapto you.i` your veonisuicidal, ca the national suicide evention lifeline. noattehohopelessssssplesyofeel,
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> rere a a a aatatodod forecaststststmememeieieieouououcocotry.y. tea coco-settitititiy the intertionalalalce stion,cottelly is ming home today. fr orbit he talked about the enof his42ay mission. >> guys inhe b shirts herere are ing home tomro which, of course, is alwa bititrsweet when you leave this incrededle place.
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mpare kelly's condition to at of his twin brother mark to udy the ets olong spa joneys millionsook cover when severe storms hit the southeast, but one louisiana woman couldn't find shelter as a powerful tornado approached.heamazing ivas cau onurillae mera karen chal la of our baton rouge stle wvab has the story. >> reporter: david segona was able to tell his story. he ownsardwar store in bankerville. it used toook like this. now it's'shis, just a mangled me of metal. he made all of his employees get in the bathrooms. >> as i was closing the or to the thom, e side wl got sucked out. i saw the de wall get sued t. >> reporter: this weeeend see go
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security c merast s s thehe caught anything oolz.. ticehiladyomo the dos,ulonhem a d they're lock you e debrisinninio o o and sesends s`ter whatooks lili expsisi.raraohns#iat explosishshhad ju m m mhereliver segona's aththack door. she me out and looup >> hever sn thsky swirl so pretty. ththfirst thing you think, let me te itidi wantpto show people. >> rorter:his is the video gona corded. you can clearee thena. she was so tunnel vision s venotid . exactltwo minutes later itas over. >> just brbr mht it wasn't even holding on. it was t t tace myself. reporter: the coke maine fell over. there are no words t tput to this video. how did she survive. god. there's no way..aftetei seen the video i didt ow what it looked like.. i just figured i in a tornado.
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reporting. wow. well, not known for sittttg silently on the sidelines steve balmer took his love h team to the net. he gave s best dunk during halftime of a nets game. maybe it was theoohey edededecausesehey be brooklyn, 105-95. u.s. soccer has a bnd-new look this rnrn wi the helpf nike, t naon tm has a completely designed its crest. it's more streamlined and it's closer in look to the american flag than the previous crest. fans will also notice the women's jerseys will have three stars above the crest signifying the team's three worlt cup wins. ming up6after your news on "cbs this morning will disiustoday' s tay elections. i'nne-marie grgrnv
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is is hoyoyoyoyo g go be o o totototone whw st l/lt everything.thyee' fyoumee e sta and d s r childrbjbjkfast. y minutee red cross responds
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help us keep it. wellllthe medal of h hor was given n stererertw oy y sixtnavy.e.a.a the ststy ofofhe award. the hero rkehis s fe rescue anririnostage i afghahistan. weiarererts. >> reportet: e ed b brs jr. goes to a great lengths toy hidden as a m%m%m%m of the s.e.a.l.ea6, butn mday e 36ear-das at t ce of pdent tent >e's s eonsumme q ieie professisial. >> repter:ardrd the specl ops s s f the spspspl memelele2012 heasart aaidd that saved htage@a afis joseph saiaihe realizesc waunr r y h hard soononcalling his s me. >> asosopohehed d ne e ered back and they heararwhere my vce@wasininin from, one s.e.a.a. just came and
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>> repepter:r:r:mawawabyerer>> w w w w bare hands ed p pnedd e ghter to the walalnddd mmbntntntis ammmtes took action. >> repororr:r:t's thee hihhest tasin.n. bybyss iss the f fst linin active duty member of tavy to ceive heward ifour des. >> i t tsesend d dng my b ininavaha s.e.a.l.,bndoinghh what iove. >> reporr: his t t t te was killed during the e e ioio>>watea nd trro. >> repopopr: b brsrsaid d ust doing hihijo` > annor trsmthisisnene wonenelililios e vete6 fofoia lmare ighmem oo/w/w/w wttttshya during wor war pararof w w w s h htory month hhich h ficially begegs
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anb whe inmate o nkmed p pllnel ha lulu it was a typical tough guy role for geor kennedy and ened him an oscar. he died sunday. he than 180m anantv crerets. ge kennedy was1 yeararol wellfafalyf a a med d characr feelhe was snublyod.d hatwo o nths ahh hehet t ririsuight during e y.awdsdshow. g go da alslsls aong tv caer andndould still b nonod dudung the eys. > ratis fofofoe o#cars show fofo the lowest s)ncnc2008.. out mlitune in million wethan l l , congp ter your cal newew " "s thisis moing," a evevw w super dadantntt,t,e'll h hr r omr gaett anannancrd he iononf a chchse maker sellingng eseses prororos, andndndnd ononcbs is mningng womanan undergoingng kidney splant
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an unusual way..ll's the "cbs morninnews" for r is tueueay i'm anarieiereen. haha a a aat day. captions b b-- wwwwvitac.c.m -- ptionsnsy vitata -- aftetetrying brookside e ocololol pele talk about ititnline.%, lovevevefirst taste. i would liquefy it and babae it. curse you, bsidede yoyj nefefuslala have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate?
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nowlfrfr your brbrking news leadererth is 11 1 1 aa this morning.
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hello. let's s nd things over to meteorologist foa lolo at dadgdgfofost. we are starting out in the 20s totoow 30s thi morning wiwis between 5-10 mileses r hour and mosy clear skieie tuesdsd witstart outh mostly sunny skies s d d ndndwill caldown. afrnn high tempmratutus willl be about 10 degrs cooler tn mondndnd into the e 50s s r ththlower elevatatns and t 40s in the high country. 'll be breezy for t t a aernoon. we'll


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