tv CBS This Morning CBS March 1, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST
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the world, the a greates personanerlse is a sefilla clintonss,ee se >> ioturow b abouthae ir ser paq collects millions of dollars from wall ststet. e neyork judge ruled the sticdeme cno for applto hac int anphone for the fbi. > sportscasrin and broke e wn in tcooom. s-e had to answer questions t being videotaped nude insidedeer hotel roomom >> i wast screaming i was nad a,l over the interert and i di't k kw wha it wa apectedli. a umppalaln virgin. a photographer for "time" magaga slammed to the grnd >> all that -- >> steve ballm going o o the ni tramp saying if he dunks, allet a fef >llands ey alal
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>> -- and all tt matters -- >> ys,eave ner seen this kind felection. this says my boyfriend prefers ump. i'm single now.>> oncbs this morni i t cis rockk did a an incredib jobhohoing. notlan easy job. he was fanttic. >>n factctctisokbo alwhite osca s wasod the acemided won't anyn bla peoplplext >> annouer: is morng's "eye one presentedy yota.
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welcomeo ien.n. me othe e sta holdinrimaes orucusus.. polls show donal trump is fared toip up most of them. >n the democratic race, 8 5 legas e e forgrab ncy rd, joh dickson and major garrt are covoving ery coco we bin wit mor coving tra he'st pol s sn ldostaf,f, odododrn oo ingn we'rchitpresby presbyterirircshey tricklklin to see whether donald trump will not soong ago s super tuesdayay looks tlor-mame for ted cruzz t no . afonighelde maybe 11 statas, giving i i i terms of memtum elemts of hihi campaign tt could ove unstoppae.
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ttlelieight marco bio, 16%.%. lying ed >> cpaigigng in georgiae sounphan a the 2016cacaaign tned uglier.r >>ther nohe rean parties or cocoervative movement for kkk, david duke, or anyonon who will not@ condemn th. >> both marco r and ted cruz trieto trs reful divow u klux klan david duke into a disquafion for office. >> it isisevealingngf a willes tffic se ry e stiments. >> his@s closest rivals alsls pounced o!im tt he too a softer line during an unreasableessit a a n emgsgs ediriald. apparently he toldhem his real feelingngbobo t
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than wt he said in chutt w a the re sewk times" w't releit >>mes s refused mmmmt. trump thist ght.>>e h d a b brd mtitiff ththcord, all of audn they a a a ocait any gauchible it's s negotiable. things are negotiae, i'll be honest wityy i'll makthe wallm two feet ter so0>> theitsssss th finn easyar trump'situal ats. photogrhe trying toeaveve overlaivesesnatt@ protestete monday wasppy a secre ser@agagt. angry wor were exchanged andnd the e ent td chrorris t e gr. >> stepped 18 inchesut o
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>> now anxiety withinhe ican party they woekt said,, soleda if trump is t nminee, they wil notupup him. ll rig mor, thanks. voting is also under w in rgmpor lend e.nancy cord ig dedecric pol place. nancy, good mornin good morning. rginia's our early birir.. theeolls here opened at:00 nd even bernie sanders would no dispute that hillaryry clinton is going to wini a majority of thehe ser tuesd ates tod. e queson is how many and willt leaveim with a a chce, even a small one,e,o cch up in late stateses >> virginia is clinton countr>> con cry c sch gi texa[to she's lding b 20 pointss or re i polls of allll of the
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primaries. one ofofho sss aanan whe clinton w w w fifstywher hus goverr. ihiou tak a a woma >> i lbernie, buwhwh 's suggting i can't see away it's financilylypossible. >> sanrsooks strg in corado,,minnota, and oklama, plus his home state of rmont, but tse states contain less than a thi of the delegagagaup f f grabs today. >> look around this c totoght, ,hink we're going to n here. >> he and clinton are necec a ck inn sanders made plea to voters. >> please come out tote. plse b bng youou friends,our mily, your neighbors. >> a he i iisted t t rac is ststl just getng under wawa asi ar weavav lot re t t 15tetein t itedtata#eric e s proted freolle for everybody. >>linton does still mention
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the white hous hetas day with t t legate lead or berni sanders ande got the lead the polls. bigtesonight is% orgia, in virginia, and in texas. bernie sanders justasn't been able to make inroads there. so with 859 delegates atta in 1 st,erea c#eld become surmntab. >> in turnrng to the pp publans, truep ar>>cecenl thisou be ma night f bh rubiond crur5 watch@for wheth rubio and cruz have been able to change any mis about at and then the big state in play, texas. 1555elegat at stake,e, butut even
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it's$cruz home state. no hdd it. 'dding t`@ l@s, b rumpds there iboul aoc f . >hank you. cbs political director john dickerson he along whh peggy an. good morning. >> goodrning. >> so o here's the question. what's happening on t pupu s athey t oponontr>>er lan w have repububcann caaign e terrifieieieboutut w i ulbe lili. ey wldakeve mnini mbershoir o rad be aed do yo rewith wha donond ump says do, you s snd behind it. what chang it. er ady prey dn whwhhaasis abily to answ. nonowhateidn't say, but what he did.
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s aweas an a exolitalarect en aedbo while s ppemysheidn'tt wan fendanyb that'shathocks the lawmakaks.s. >> does got@so fars to lookanr caidat y y y this the can look ok and lk and they can't find one. the only two oions arere to bea him at convention and that would ly work iffhe didn't get thehrightt delegates a the other isis gets the t trd party candidat@ gigi conservatives adidate back thasn't the rereican nomone >> pegg even beforehe polls today ser esday,40% ofofhe veaseeastnn eayte llot >>es. rehe aacks by trump,by@z t t little too late >>he a aacks- >> excuse me, cruz a rubio. >> you know, theepublican
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decided ni and six mths a ahi thing g go goy dwoet have to t tet otot when theyally realizeded oh, my god, trump andrumpism are rear, held wiwii tyyecidedth had t t hty tough andpulist. myense is itt doesn't mak anany look tter i thtio andru shou be inin t tmpmpbo havionversion abobo popocy r rhethan insnsting each othe i'i'i't sure if theyoved eat uld wowo thety iutyny aoyaos butouldl tmp bringown e
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the convention, itooks l le trumums n an t parar macher finaglest away fro m. at t stime iff t tmpalz waltzeso the nomination, ere's a major slirchheir willtart aepublican p pty in exile. you can quite ine tha enin ein somomomng big. if trpasreat night tonight andillary clinton d ds as well,oe it increashe chans ate'llllikik blooooerg or mitt romney or someonelel enter. >> i think the second option is more likely thpeople i'm talng to a a trng to stop trtrp. tal a rng ptytypuican. >>ike mitt romney. >> orrpl ryan. he seemsoe theefault choice. >> is it posblealtrum haseao reagan demoits?s? >> welelheganemocra
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republican party,y, he does. >> depends, the i hus teap alre re picp votes in19 andhat' herereall stte so. >> w w arerkd apulist. >>ah. iegegourpard. e going to know thenswer that question from turnout. t tonight i i expected to be huge on the rublican side. is thatffecting t tm or democratsssning i i and arere theyuall geratatat we'reng abg the grandchildren of the reagan demos. >> thanknkou, ggy. norahnd i wl join o o eetical am tringng y r daultsonightand a sci prime t
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ap aect their sff t fbiveve the sanstnrerom th audude. the s sdeek of arguments siee theth o o stice slia. ey mee withhe white house disisss areacent for scaliaia > sportscasterrin a arewswsws uld anoermoti day inur e'uing t hos owne operate eric and a s slker after she was sretly fild i n h om in 2008. the online veoasas been seen arly 17 m times. anna werne s why andwsys trdea lefter depressed and anans. good/snini goo ing. s ctctoet t witness stan she e ft as the jury watched a a
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convicted stalklkg he he traraed andrews dow in three cities including nashville where he see incrementally recorded vivio thatt wouldnger lif for.>>hoht f t cond e enre sob mday shed t moment a she w aa nakideo oherself li andalled her parentsn apanic. >> i s s dad,'m n ned all over the ternet, i don know ere it i >> i hrd h say ned. d. wh aut my whatbout mylife? and she washystsrical. >he 37-yeyr-oldorcast@r suing thewn operar his nasilri clmiot faile to other ivacy. t c cle mndd we're ttinthisan wrequeud
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and wanted to call t t cops. . >> hedescrcred how h secrey filmlm andrews in 200888 c cososg hebecause was trending online. he sd hehe used ase phonenen the hotot rtauran andnd askeded to be ccted to her room. >y connect . the house foam,coierge. >arre said he requested the om next door and r rge peephoo he c drthel pho. yy nak bodasas o thehefrage of t e "new york post" and put bs over my body pa. mymyp girlfriend said she was running around new yorkowing coee o o a the papers bebeuse shfe sbad. w snsnhbsed to 1/2 yearin p psonoon never ght thih wld hae
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showoweot dlehip ibatylpart anthheonvivieder icked in.heasas rews wasn't his only victim. poste tenther women online. >> disgusng. thank you soo much. ahea howhe billionaire mogulned ntntrs into a we wilbe a aitleda hikhin the 40s to 50s. tomorrow will bearmer, back to the s to 70s and we w)wl see high fire dang. warm and dry w wther for the ne 7- days ctitues
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thinno-buseses s 10 reaely lps e word obout how awe bugsre. kiea to eat t in and all kipeak t nguage of bug. "hey rtana,ind katydid deo." ! is is so good. you'eacha d abs. justketc on n e screen. i i n't have a touch screen on my yac m jealous of that. you put a big bubu in a kids hands and change tirirorld view. [ laugh how do youat healter while you u joy life a.d looe weit? now you can do it all with e simp plan. thl new smartpois fr weight watchers. r most aanced plan ever. join for fe. rry, jn by march 3rd and get 1 month free soil is the founti.... for healthy y ants. st likgumsre the foundation for heahy teeth. necolge tol day repairtoothphpte.. it helpsemineralize el and ght pl germs for healthier teeth and gu. strethen t foundatioio for healththet necoatdiy rere.
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when you u u splenda noalorieweetener thsugar, usle we asked a group of young pe when they thought th should start saving for retirememt. then we ked me older peoplplpl whenenhey actually did art saving. this gap between whe we suld start savi d whene tualal is one of the reans y manyf usn'ep fororetemenen just start as earlas you can. it's goioio pay ofin the future. ifife all start sasang a little more today, we'll all be better prared tor ududtialal bring your challges. after ying bokside unchclusters, @cbeyar tweete at this point, i shou jt be a brookside chchchate ambassador. we, , am sorry, carl.. itmeg u rnrn ooksid ta aboutio are you rey? are you adad
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i mean, rerely r rdy. e you ready to open? ady to comte? rerey to welcome? e floors, mats, spotle. the iforms clean ana cri do your peop have the r)ghtsafer?are ey p pct? i'readyoink c can't t dififnctwn who'y a o'not? of course tho. everybody wants a pie ea. opioid pain medicatn is slowing m minside to a cwl.. that's opioid-ced constipapaon oic, a difre type of nstipation.. i'really struging to find relief... paint a erent t cture.e. talk to your doctor out oic and estiatnt tions. this winr, u ha the power to he. because your pchase of vavalini intensi care lotion, su tel alinprt.join u hmillns cs al tir skin. is thecocomymyigged? well, th richest americans
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thth theottom 100 million ople combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make walalstreet banan and the ultra-rich pay their fair share otaxes, prpridedling wagesr working peopop, su equal pay f women. thddle class c c cnue dpe leleleve e plinfield. w!r lpside, weill. i wat t dinroomknmeetresides and had a man ste ask me i i de hisinner. had lost his wife rececy, bu he madadadmarko me abot he wanted t theranore, t heaid soing me thhas uck wie tohis da afhaour dinnthi ntstarou while anthat reame soing m
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wheneny father was strtrken with alzheimer's, ard fifiand howwdevastating thisisse can be, t`only to the patient t ton enre famililili al leaeaed h h important resechchnd funding a ifife're gonon put an end this disease t at puts an end to the lives and memories of our lovedednes. you or sosoone yoyoknow is experirncing memory pblem coio or otr retemp, sea oror visit nfrnds.g learn more about aleir's.cares.
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>thth kwal street journalal looksss arowi scan dard i laysiang t minister. ey claim more than a bil wasosted into this man's account. most o&/it camerom a state fu. huds o o millionon morehan previoly reportrt. some of it went t najijib's party rerein per in11. the minister deniedd any onoing. >> theloanges t)s"s" - th g w w@oov the oupuss n t trks ierru abitomand control forces. no other n nions hav admitted to launchi cry beracks.( theenited stat government said hackers caused a blackout re than two months agon ukraine,ossibly theirst of itk)nd.
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ers are bei tolhe sape tecue cldee ud aithem >> the ime" reports on the govement ordererer its m mt sesesetype of wning on a box about birth ctrolimplants thousands of womenen sayssur caes pain, bleedi aerer products. bayer h h bn t td toununew ini. theh"wagton p s on thend ofcott lly's rdakt eenati spacestn.kelly h o cnd spspstn yrdayndill head hafte342sort. kly sna duringis mission offered dazzling views of the earth. he shahad them with m than one million vieiest is
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what andible featoo has wepd earlie dold trump phis mornini is pricted toin every sup esdastate. the billionaire l lnched his long shot campaign 8 1/2 months ago. sincncthen heas generered headlines and controversy by apparently saying whatever h wawas. manynyotot whthiasm n cwfd in wngton thp' unpredrun. jan,ooorng. goo morng crlie. if y told anyone year ago thonald d onup tuyo heblican fronruer,pl ulu@laughtyor trtrp, it's working. when dd trump descendednpren re -- >il build a great, a gre wa.
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e hous-- >>e annoued he's rning for president.t. which by the way mea sx m me weeks of comedy. >> only losers walk. presidents take "r rce e.e. >> rter: but wititnks poato the top of the reblolnd ndidat orontrer h en ablto topple him. >> they're bringin drugs, ey're bringing crime. he's taken a@m atexican immigrants. >> they're rapists, and some i assusu are good pe he'srize senat mcca. > he's a aar h%h w was ured. eple w a a a caur>> megkelly. >> you cal women fatpigs, gs, slobs,s,nd sgusting ananals. @
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>> tmpsit, irribl roh veryrygryooorat i@oong f >> i c sta i mid ofnund shoot sosebody a&a they'dd goon. >> heven had a dust-up with the p i mean the pope. and so farhe sailedbove i i all. >> norah. >> he may, but i'm'm not convinced there's somethihi heh could say that wouldo toofar. wwillsee. e nonon inabd t s t onem lgrovedhefba. it was
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non-life-tteningondition in the facf subutantial and unnecessary unceainty. >> t ts drug had a lotf controversy rrouing it. theyeyad recommendor rejectio it has limited efficacac t the sigficant side fects and ss a ak science ea elute t ererertu w t dru goes into the rea ands used in w wen when they he not @n sdidi. maket basiy the same thinififn avevege wom has 2.5 sely satinginper nt it wouldreert ied diznessnd sleeplessnes sleeplessness, increased riskf nausea and fatigue. >> do you think ers
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rejected and activists have saidthere are lot of drugs for guysys f fhe samecoition. do you think is aush -- >> f f o they erhing e isn't zaiaiill for men. i think it't'oing to be hard to tease out i thereasas political pressure or they eved the score thahawas very strong arou the t te of the approval had anything to do with th 's it wejd o 2020 and in015ren't y ta there wassssdditiol driving safete study and anothert says if they don't break down the drug very well there are. this t questns howuch it
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it's a p)pl for relapsing ms that has the per tout relaps inalf. at couo wi fewer relapaps. teteidermay use seriris side e eects, such as allergic reactions, pml, which is a rare brainin infection that usually leads to death or sevevdisability, and decrerses in your white blood cells. the most common side effects arvshing and stoch proble tell your dobout white bloooococo#cous, infections, y y r dil coio, f arpreg or plan become pregnant, are bastfeeng n to breastfeeee learn momo about the most prescribed pi for lapsing in the us at talk to your doctor about tecfider antake aer rookk atelap ms. ho you eat healthier while u enlife loei you can l th one mplen. the l-neois fr ht wats. our stdvance join forree.
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and get 1 1 nth free. life aspokesbox i# great. pepele le me for saving them ov h hf a grgrd when they itch to progressive. soso'm dbling in n ventures. it w w board-game night th the dalal la.a. great guy. teible player. papepeess 'tess, gir i got disunts oud it bci a, but got to give the people what they y y --re b
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>> yes. >> we learned fraudight notot be the word for is. the fbiecords schee was t unrerqigerated room ananthth company founlio n tly deadlylyhogen a sold thchch withwti it ic tlih wdidn f fds fm eena deptment agcuure ichnsed casthees the samee epad.june off 2012, d did trotter e thee pnt continues to inin exclent condition. apprecte thelant managent and t t quality wkk th do. gwing views connued until august o 2013 w wne left the department of ricultlte for n%n jojodirectorua contr
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review0 of case but he dekleinene >> castle cheese is no longer the market. they filed for bankruptcy i i 2014. thfdis working onolling out new safety regulations designedo get statend federal inspecrs on the same page. k k u sosouc only on cbs this morning, forbes ununilid a lt of the world's billionaires. can anyone bumbill gesrom the e pspotot? nba owner shows his mov the t. t dunk m de everyone we will be a bit cooler today, ghs in the 40s to 505(
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yove tbe p pparetotoit dgof yr seat a a "deep couchting." delyfomy bac this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) atha cke! a awiereritfelis lf this is kiki of fun. at comesm mymyloor e! this ideepouch sitting. erry bell ii deep couch sitting! with ail, you'll ask what backache? at sore wrist?whe?e? whad vil mamas s in a d dtatatame. nothg rks sterer strwngerer than advil 's the world's #1 c cice.
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advil.l. >>whoa, whwh,whoa. . >> ste ballmer'sot game he went airborne lasightt stle's center wit hpro a trpoli e-yolunked durur halftime.itarneery person in atndance a free pai of snkersititayaveen.ahe ability to win. good for balmer. he's beeee erererore athe table, andthere's nobod more usiaic th tole is jghehe enf s tsdayonald trand super tueayy could be totofar ahead to catch. we have a lk att today's vove
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morning." (two tt tos) now? (text tone)excuse me. (phoneone) n?htack. alwayrunng tthe e thom use ur bladdddll sh toto) yoyomahave oab.ouf .. wegointo`oheoc tata c c cd d k your dococraboumyrbrbq. that's myr-be-triqiqiqe first anonln treatme.... n s clcjs oasymptoto ofen.... ...frequency, and leakage. myrbetriq (mirabegron) mayincrease blood pressure. te your doctor right away ifyohave tuble emptying your bladder, orlha a wk ine stre
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mymyetriq mamaafct or be affeed bother medicationon befo takakg myrbetriri.. .tell your doctor if y y have ver or kididy y oblbms. common side effects include iniasedblood re...moldptom uriryt ct..nd hdadae. te foyo m cacas, cyourocr if ...mtriq bght for yo myriq.m t#learmo [alarmrbl ringinhear! told ya mebody should'v'vwaitit i ithe car. it saythere's a a a a a a three minute!z i'm t ta of the. at o! they gave auththitiethe slip, a pus. now the four most-wanted men in the worldldrereststlingur hearts. that us? i think that's us! public support is at a fever p pch. at starteds anteur heist now does have to wonder,how long cans c ase go on? look, we're trding!t s tha
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toyo. le pce (reb) i'i' struggled depress i thoughi needcirettpe i was lequit sking and then i started runnini now, i feel a lot tter.. (annnnncer)you can qt. for free help, call 1-800-quit-t-w. hi i'm kristie. and i'm je. and we a a the b chicks. wea nana-busines ndow reay lplp gewowo aut h awesb%gs are learno e curiouss anl t lauage of bu "hey cortana, find katydi" th i good. yououreryryg to teach kid ababt a proscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don't have aoh reen on my mac, i'm jealous of t tt. you put a big bug in a kids hands and change their world view.
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hello. sg t 20s0s0s to l l 3hi pep%hournd mostly clear ies. tuesday with start out tbtb m my sunny skies ananwindwill calm down. afternoon n 10 degre cooler than monday's into the foe wer elio a the ithe ghntrywel breezy f the afton. wel warm bac to e 50s and 60s onnesday w wh windpickckg up i the afternoon and evening. fire danger wl be a concern... a fire weher watch
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w pick a twoyo vori clas foju 5 bucks. mix n mch. share n savor. 2 r $5$5na your flavor oose a a 2 inic tastes,, apaig mamamade wh 100% beet-t-fish seared quarter pouer withthheese or crispy iece chicken mcnunuets for just $5 uucks. rry in for an amazing 2 for $5 deal on the mcdonaldld tastes you love. bada babaa ba
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lce back t "chi inews ahe includi esday ving 12 states. we will askike e pica if anything can sp dald trump. but t rstts todas oper. evernrn sdersrsould not dispute that a hillary clinton will win a majority of the stes. the question is howmany? >> degate lead over bernie sanders and d e has the lead in geora, virirnia andd i i texas. >> cruz a rubio trailonqnqn trump badly. ter tonit, they c losteteay ates. what'ening behind the scenesese[hin the epublican chs. uldn't trump bringown the gop? >> he could breakak it. >> i y told anyone a year ago that donald trump on super tuesday was going to be the republican front runnerer peqe
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>re to wiinwi >> covere beginsb 10:00. yocan in oourr ape zo tvnd ot spoededvi is hadfose. i gll of the? >> lowaar peesy is tomorrow.. bush. t happening on tuesdsd. c c re wiah dol o'doel sado'brien. >> b be saeroopos in hst veorni the s he is strongest in ve les than o thirdf todas degas. >> hillary clintonilll pick up
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abs. polls show her leang by pointsr in l o the primaries.( they areretartingdto focus`sore the r rubcans t tn sandererer >> yououet t t americans together a thehehe talk p pitits yo kw there g to fferceuthat'art ougrea demoac atee't l hn i the scapaptithe amam terpointihas goingn the republican side. >> clinton will ben miami totoght ashe super tueay results come in.florida'a'primary is wee from todododrepublican hanng out 595 delegates in 12states. donana trump isxpected to win mostst em. the gopp eststlishments gting more nerusru w w w th miti er sennd rublican party airman!noldhe@ll stetrnifhe is a otchoice, aing breathi
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therer > tell us how you reallyfeel. >> mt romn hit trump for miss a chahahasa t s twtwte rom called it a "disqualifying and diusting responsey dodold trump to the kkk." thatas eoed by nikkiey campaigning th rubio.o. thehe kkk came t south rolinarom out of state to prott on ourte housep grounds. audienenooing >> weeasnd lke a truee haten theheyes laear in charlest. i will not top until we fight find a man thaha chooses not t disavow a k. s t par o o o part th's nhoho w wanas esid will tllow tha >> tmp was askeded i h is adto anc allhi sut s sd
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aolum f the new york daily ws i covering the ra. welclce bank >> whennouook at whats happening ininhe replicann y,s splti apararin of our eyes ionnknk a republican. i think he isunni for t y of trump. wasn't aware that in presidential politics you could use the d ate my ear pieie defenswhen you sd something. hoababthis word didivow, it isike a slanguage iind itrere g aedhr the otr daiih e eim iaiai sothin on t levisio just blat on t ear ece. >phat about this idea the attacks started tooatat from tecruzuznd marco rubi >> thi of where we e th ispaign. at are hri ihat ruohohaveon after
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anddize of hands and which one sweats m me before this. whwht ofay i i t to dede teaderee world? alwlws wonder whaople outss tr areing at. nkieyaid r tr v ompmp iversityhe are all failures. this is race f president. th ide the suppopo behind trump peoe think he is a t t busisissman and he will bring that great b bess to t governing of washininon. >> this information nbs beenut e all alg. i look a at this outrage and see. now 'r att super tayndnd cannyg hapap nit wil cnge e narrativ eventuly i isot about truth or beautyy o or the real housewives, it is sile math. if they don' stop himtonigig in text coupl of wee can't stop m.
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dealin t the pope, to ng. the listoes o and on. >> i asked why p pe l le action. he has turne himself no an tioneronhis campgn i don't knowheht the waasoingesone with tete. alalalbobo wl t w ner be b a peosc an on mlims he could never pupu in to place andnd thehe scre gechbl as long as he eps the roarf the crowdhy would he s op doing whaha hes ipg. t t tault is wh th voterer and th us? >> i tnk a little bi we can talbouw how dumb the campaign hascomememb an y ychoho tod did i in go? theyot suckein to the reblican racheast thrhr
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if people go forhis -- i do believe we aays the k ldersnt ef nreoing fin what h hpensnsf i is ever . trump and m. inton stage together. >>ascinated by the speacac and not the assaulul harlie, it's a show. he hasastered the e ow . has gamed the system. hu furut i gat rey own n h he i starring w. so fae's gotte enough peopo g glongitit..hey,n@e s asked the questi three times about david duke, okak, d't think he misske i think misundedetood ththestion.coulsee himratiti whethe ne was going seita lar part of his base by what he said next. >> his firir response was i i n'know him. >> how can youot@ knohow david duke. >> rububcans say this is an
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i ovovsting mbe esomet 5656 soing comes out o the repupuicanan arerwaking of t crvativmoveve. >> think of howidid down th has becoco. at the sta of it, everybody wasaroid at trump w wld run as a third party candidate. now the republins are wondering if they have tun their own third party idat@ wa ate of t owpa >> grereo haveu, ke.. >>ocyp weil s y ninit. ank you.>> nar and and ontiree litical tete whave ge ofersd nigh:00, 9:00 c rewe w results throughout tay on cbsn.
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new 80 calorie oon. gh& fiferee to eoy. how do youtay top of yourealtlt ahh... h... ahh... cigna customers have plananhoices and tools toake controro so t ty're m m menged, with fewer hig(ghealth risks and lower medical cococo ke ctrflzour healtltatigig c cslh take c c. he ths oyd. prove tyou at the betterchchce for him is aleve. he'sgreee%to give it up. ok, but i have 30 acres cover byyrsusuown. we'll be with him all day as he goes bacacto taking t tenol. ahahi was ok, but t ter my k ke started hurt again soso. rereills. yep...anotr rl sp.cacacagemyale back fo pn... i way ale. t alalday minor arththtis pain relief with an easy o on cap. how doou eat healthier, while you enjolifefe lo w wt?t?0
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it features1810 billions an yearar >> they have a totalalalforth $6trlion befive, amazaz fouer jeff jeff bezos. and holdngn bere rrufte with61 io d ancio ortrtaa of spai67 billion m`m` microsoft unde bill ges iss tichest for the third yearar in aowith 5 billion.n. thessistant managing editor of weth at forbes, go morning. ates has been numb o r 17 of the l21 ye >ha avbe doing i yrs ly fivmen have made it to
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>> that many times in the world. >> no, that's it. five pe ha bn mbernein trlrl ipipt be@ates hasn e fo17hose 22ar >> iss cs was. >s arren buffett and jajanese tycoons back in the economy -- if it is not publicly hel company,ow d y know . >>bviouslyhe@ ublicly held coanies are e ch easier t value, but we spend hours and hos,aysnd days andalk to exrts. i do a cee o r files. the amount of time you have t lklk -- because people debatet l the ti.wery to onseative i inur numbers anryo rllyyy facto in asucebspopoibib. but,ou know, it'sp what somebody is willing tpa f fan assetnd yre try t iout. >> daltr dald trp at 4.5
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he's up few hundred million from last year. mov upp 80ts ihe rk to 324. >>eh ss his numr isigher thanant, b a lot. >> by qte a lot. well before he was a candidate he's been ngngs so dance truin to i i h nunus. a sto w didheal admtetetneointead exagrad hiumbersoo forbes >> we see facebook cofofofor ceo markzubenheop s u o or 11 n. he w the biggestner andnd had the bt yearn the planet. >> that's because facebook stock. >> the youngest in the top ten. we he huge classfouou ml
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>> howy r 30?ooood esti >>icicel bloom n t on the woeis wltlt c cpapa t donald tmp? >> he is worth a lotot mome. he is wtr 40billion. >> how doheseillionaires get thrimoy t of tech? >> i thits a ltle over %.>>ower than i thought. >> i thinkn part because it's still up and coming. yoyo see more young s%lf-me folks, they areelmost all in tech. lf of ewcomerer i believe from that grp, madeheir money. it i latil e howanan in the nkforears t co wome >> wss dn191919 s betncou- l'orere. >> she is@ 90. >> yes. and some pot she will pass
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so s hasn'beoingch. there iuss aerment status,igeu o or that ne >> blawsuit. >>nforovnately n l that many self-made wome@ only 33, very, veve smallllnumber. hopefully we will see ththe. >> who the top among >> a a c can t ttes the ass ceses forour smartphohos ananantabl totally selfade. exactly. year >> norah is lookingor ideaea iknow. >> i'm looking for eas. gayle is looking r husband's. ere is a lot o lise joy. rit, member of s.l. s.e.a.l. team 6 receives the natn's highest honono how bye paid a tribute to a
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announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulution of up to three feet. rowill be shut downwnndefitely. and schools are closed. cbmpbell's sps go great with a cold and d d ce red. madeor rl, rfe. soil is the foundation... for healthy plants. just lgums arehe foununtion for hlthy teeee new colgate tal l ilrepa toothpaste. ititelps reminalize enam d fighplaque ger for althr teh gums. reen foundatn
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te 6 eard hioror in a 2n afghahis heelped r rcue a amecan doctoreld by t t taliban. during a deadldlot-out brs grarard a rrisy rohi sngnopf e docto to s him. erspokeitur martin abonecaca l l inin traididfirstlass pet officer nicholas checqe. >> he was an american hero and a friend. 'll be forever remememdd for that. >> byers is onht six navav s.e.a.l. t t earn the medal of hor. as s poiedout, h pted the mnn bff heo. we a stag g t in the 20s to low 30s this morning winds between 5-10 miles per ho a a mostly cleasks.
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ies d s will calm down ternrnn hidhemperatures wie t egol thanday's i5050the lolor & evevionsnd 40s i ithe high country. wewel be& breezy for t t aon. we'll warmk up to the 50s and 60s on wednesday with winds picking up in the afternooand eveneng. fire danger will be a concern. a fire weweher watch goes into effectct late morning wedsday. utherncolol maryou the res@ wo week wiild mpesthe weekend also looks dry d mild. creaeang v vume so far. some slowing rougsome of the construction s nes.
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thenlsick agai-- at cou mn a cond fection haha sein. ##ifour ildren are notot actingike lves, thaseousl trt ur g a gto tctor this morng we'eaing more abouthe womaaccud of drivinunder the inflnce and killing two ople. statoors sayaya noz dr h sked t an was xting when c e center l..ashing an oom rc. e cident haprd oonln ankt ncale vestatorsay ed a iecoup. ght w lost toeyhong tst te h commy. d-a jeffr isrong a ct sasas x foe vevebaot ipu. w#u go toirin t poce oers. com othe heels a adlyar sotinover wed. the witres on ttree, thatnshort rpons times and ssss
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redpet of the acame aw. in. atatou alrea it. .. iooy.y. >> that's good >> 's's sat >> y yphi nighgh n . p p s o od be > whatttreyininng? >> the thi they' drinkinin ots anan not a lot of people geto c cll m ut t t n a a losese cominin up in tjs h hou ishera of male dominance endingng jacn tototo grereroom. we'lld out how men are
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shift t society. plus, the social mediaos atat could savav woman n swer as rang's appeal for a kney y nono theiei emomoon first meeeeeeee bs t ts morninth'she. >>righnow i isssoow you soso o this morn adadnes. "the h hlywowo reporr" i remembering g e lolo career bacac to george kennedy.y he was pau sidekick in "cool handk." he won a oscar for his supporting ruleend showed divey inert" and comedik aked n. he diei i i idaho at 91 years ol preliminy rering show nday's telelt onn average dr34.3.3 million views. that's down 6%. this is track to be t smsmlestudieiee sin tow 8 wh jontewawa hosted. 's uncar if the ctrsy
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disney theme park's launching demand pricing in california. the old price for adu w s 9.9.nowwt's $119 o o peek days l le deceer, an holidays. o regular d ds a a a 5 values. in florida, thehe oldrice wasas $105. $124 on peakk days 1rks0 on regular days and $105nnal . >>ew y ysts a kdowowowowl ...t(ey vound violas i virtuuy 23 of the salon they test. most were cited for underpaying.
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by times a a ttted . 'ss have been ujds gogo tests. last month a se-driving suv struck aublic b inountain view. google's car wasas tveling 2 x miles an hour. no one was hurt. "busine insnser"eports that nasaas workkay supersic psengeret le e concord. the aircraft would fly nearly as fast but not with the sonic boom. ititould be more like a soft thp. aresearcher found a liz
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astv ow >> awosla i me asonse' mehtsleb i i i e kitchen. ok, pa, ain't it sweet. >> boy, that is aaut. e g, ve >> you'rtngorth i figh >>f se t. h nht to et you e lot afe ki ma aeah yo ihrow tsut canancalllln idt. iothe mw calmlm pis u sure likthnewho' ovrengng >>hale i 'm'm t klu. >> j jk m isuthoof "the
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", breglfine mid,nd ctrd by n. 's . u n't conol women dyo char>>onanttr yby. >> h ht the tablong with jka. she'it esily about gender and w wkpce su.gonio f ckgoodmornin >> goodrng. >>ow yeo ttncsion >>t' nerationalatticay yo m are gder norms. theye unritindicated, eye b in tleaed won,n,eidu economicallyoutperformed by men, t js thre b bng tew tworkace irincoege indi, o clege des a mersu % women,hichs a ohe we 19s econom uer 3 sgle
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sing unmarried childless men unr 30 bylmost%. >>o howow ds-- is a gerl flip. rht how tchgeuronpt of main >> tse yen a tfatheror gndfa younmen wh arowing u nd m inrless ho, iwup hes where e woman isoute hudhe ty're bodh @ rk th're e,tjefyi adnana genderno thth'rnotrngrational nd norm bethey nto trkorce, ththr ult s,se tti nder nor are o being seem >> di, ato ll we s s t t gender s o@ c cinin m insosoy,heer y l ltwoak c pnsn thitaryr frstahome..
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gege marage he pents didfindot sicl ususus intnted a stayho d whoife made a loof money. he confessed t td kebu we a p o ory anige tpe beuse sne whoakak thmone oplere tinto fure o isewmoney. y--homad wh hese a entsith s tir esonskedto doans tret becaey're notei suord. th don't hth sup group, the 60 years of suppo that the wen's'sovenas d. westting whoew generati tt don'et t ouppo theyd t lp tm we'reovin n world ahey'ivginto wheirds o all the >>'t't t wen he lt s, ate
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>>om heeeerds of womes vent yoback 60 ynd y suroseiorme al e craon h a wos p, tre a nmen'ups.urchloorzas,mmoupsps they'y' not suppti mhehere orting women and men a supptingen w wen a supporng women. >> theumom i is. youoot tostpolitics menoiust fi ou io tnd atocococ onn boo our sonsnd the trends tt we're seeing andhe prn we'rsendhaur s eing n t t opuny ty.the t -- tre s they'rmore liky boy hh sc. they're ore likelo be
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cols because economic a cge degre n'ans muchothem ey onlyar10 mor i witolge degree. o, , we'e@ heararg more and more@ h women boming anmpornt ho styt ahi t? >>omof this i i m isp perirncmwelclmenfor r r anann iviyoge e have`ea at apdade exctat ffavivapse oplllwh y \k atac ha a cgetixn s%$2,0,0w, are e t ofneren oon want tssum theurdef prov.((
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arerpecllll s b inyas ao wve g g is stex siatiobut it often ends up feings en aredomimi oromenre dominant buat pple a angnghe anxixiy of earnininioneynd isisg famy morey than e er bere thehe fliliidid o o o the oppopounitittosndndime wi ch???? yoyook ane lik mark zucker berd w takes a teteititleavavav dododokn thaha ere'e' a a a lot ofofofenenen. i ioo a anowlwlge i i atnhere both penenen rkinin womomomom e ennherere e woman i outeteteng t t m m m in 50%0%fheomes women are still doing morework a g g rehild rry.y.thatat changinththngngng geraras, be alal neeee suprt t a@a@aat bebe atete rrrr espscllllll m mia andddverersingnghichch pororays men often acid yachts and buffoooo. we reaeay i i advertising often
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changege the baby's diaper or pk out eir o analgesic. need to chang the nair tish arou young men and we need to eate a better sense of a man's role in the relationship and lp unders. 85% of all rosexual relations that endndre eed by the woman. jack mymys, ji cantor, thyou very much. the ok's calald "theheuture of men." ititoes on sale toda a woman offers one of her kidneys t a strtrger after eingacebook post. >> w w d y up wan to do it? i literally bls down to ththct that it'sheight ing to do d thi is th ri thing to . >> aheade' sw you wililbe a bit cooler y, highs in the 40s to 50s. tomorrow will be warmer, back to the 60 70s and wilsee hi fire dangngngwa and dryryeaer
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14onths ago linda deminwas more than of@ 100,000 peop on t t kidney transplant li. unwilling to wait t e took maers iner own hands and at this very moment she'ss g gng aealthy kidney who unt last nit shmefr met. r ov a year linda deming has d her routin three days a weeeek she@ gets up fore dawn andrives00 jtssss tolys center. it's'a ur-hour pross and it leavav eausued. on mondaas shehe l@tt the cenr oneeast timehe 63-yead andmother was co with lief. hourlater shuh m hfr don r the f te in rson deming seaeahe mornrns a her kid stoed nconin >> it crashedaiad.wi d d'tnow y` of en the c cng so muchbubu
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that's wn i had to signp r dialys >> doctors told dem shuheeded a kididy transplanan toorvive. >> wesk o friends, our families, dd we g six peoe to sp forward to be tested. none of them testedd well.l. >> s s sas putut@ aransnsant list but was determined find a living donorll her own, puttttg g road si prinindos evening buttons asking p pential volunteers to get tested but it was a faceboopagegegeled kidndn for lin t ttaught her teion. >> i was sitttng down inin through thiss feed and the pageped up. to this day i don' know w why. i had noffiliaiaon w wh it. >> med by deming's sty, the 37-wear-old mother of f f2f volunteered quafy,,pi touch witdeming throughout ocess.s. >>very time alledderaslike, o', harks sted.. oh, , hay,y, thehehe crorochent throroh.
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i c c every the lled i jumped upp and ... still doan know what toay t t her. i cacasay thanknkou but that doesn't cover it. she's giving mey life. >> why did y y wanan tooo dothis. >> it literalal boilsown that the right thing t to f ththmomemehat t kneww w a h, i knew thi would happen. >> how about a a a toast. >> y. . >> fininin it' a chanc too expeenen lififn her own rms. >> what are you going doith all that fre time? > i d'tknow i'm just to live myy fe. >> i aoes well, both women should be out of the hospital by ththend of t week. and both say theng too continueueo o ise awaress foror living donors. right now they count f a thirirof all kididyransplants babaism e y,ers not stivin herer kidney. shga her aift lastight. a banana.
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oneffhehe firstngss shehe wantto doos eat a nana, , thing she h h ntttbeenble tonjnj inn day >> what wonderfulgift. t an amazing gift, roinrough her ip. >> vyelesseed. 'll beight ck. u'reatatg "cbshis centurink pris h all youo forororchnels, tons o o o sports, and more -- all ryryal-clear hd. watch a wherereou want with advanced features like our wireless setop box, whole homevr, and prism on theo. and choose from a variety gre packages toit your r me ll... ...andndettart with thprism esseial l bdle. you'll get tv plus up to0 megs of centurylink intert. all for only $65 a month. this deal sounds great, peciallyf you love sports. t prism m seial and up t megs of inet r onon65 mon score!e! , if y y love great movies..
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mix n match. share n savor. 2 for . name your flavor choose any 2 iconic tast, a big mac made with 100% beef, a flaky filet-o-fi, seared quarter pounder with cheese or crispy 10-piece chicken mcnuggets for just $5 bucks. hurry in for an amazing 2 for $5 deal on the mcdonald's tastes you love. bada ba ba ba . soledad,reat toave you with us. >> thank you very much.
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be se to te i t llo. are starting t in t t 20s l l 30s t ts morning g g s sbtween 5- mes urnd mtly cleas. eswi start out wh stly sny s s wis ll cm don high tpellllllt dre coolerhan monday'snto s for the lor elevevns a the 40s in the high c cntryrywe'll breezy for the aftftnoononwe'll warm bacup to the e 50s d s ednesday wit s upn thafternn eneng.ire dangng wl beba concern... a fire e wah goes io effect late morning esday. southern colorado remn dry through the rest of the work week with mild temperatures. the weekd alsoooks dry and mild.
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jeausth latiipshlle in t in a week. right now... a teenagers recovering, after getting bad burns to his g and hand. he got t tm,hen thba a vapor smsming device in his pocket explod. it happened case rock. marc is vering in the hospital, with sond anthird degree bur. marcus forzani/burn n ctim "the whole lefside of my thigh all e way down to about haway wny ca." marc hlready u osuy,nd will at least two more. the teen says he hopes his s ory wi be a warning r others. susuayays taking ste to make sure its foot lo subs will actuly be a fo ng. this comes aft a class action lawsuit in 2013, whea teenagag pososd a pictururof his sandwich tt was only 11 inches lon as part of the settlement the fastd chaiyswi imeeas ak su- itea ales lg. ing ahd... youdriv license will look different. it will l so have some new
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9:00 am
now, from your breaking news leader, this is kktv 11 news at 9. a sneak peek of your mning weher. in just a minutes we'll have a look at your forecast with meteorologist emily roehler. hello. and i'm sarah hwabe. it nine o'clk.odni! we had some autiful v)s this morning, here are some viewer picture from
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