tv CBS News Campaign 2016 CBS March 1, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST
9:00 pm
shahed m into the adorable e ejay @ that'allllnow and love. that's whyhi founded yoututstripe wo wititit-risk k dsds (elp t tm find a papao success, which for some includes military service. wewee gonna be fund-raisinin all week. phone lines are e en. (phone rings) coco on, new orleans, showe so l th is kaa. you ready to go all for r uth stripes? i would follow you anywhere, pettttoffifiananrson. thth is my good friend captain jim grant,t,a a al american hero. i want to tellllou i'm m prd with all t t good workrku're doing. aw, captaiaiai'm blushing. grant: and i'm m m ng to gi ur funiser a mp-start this rninin what do u say?whatathe hell? rry,y, didn't catch that. (gunshots) cacaain, you there? m? jim! boom, boom, boom, boom banan bang, bang, b bg
9:01 pm
how, how, how, w hey, hey you g gta come e . . od morning. morning, christopher i hope you didn'n'eat yet. i got insped this s rning. eggs florereine. wewe, i hope you got enough for three. what do you/u/an??? ah. hey, dad! me on. laurel? whwh a surpre! aughghg) , my gqd, this is eat!t!t!oh. hey! hi. . ahahjuststt c c choho. microwave mac ancheedoes get p p py old. yeah, i knowhat you mean. sit down. come on. (phoho r rgi) i' g g that.t/ eggsloreree. i tweaked the sasaeea littlt bit, an uh, well, you know, spiced i iup. i hope you likikit. i'm su it't' be great.
9:02 pm
me o what's on yo minin atasopd, kin goa adavavcacaai (sighs) (laughs) well, whatatre you waiting for? . we. i'll clean up. thanks. i'lle baba inin n)ftlbit. tu off the gas. (laus) i i ll.. (sighs) lasalle: so... laurel's'sn townwn le othe ek, mimile of the semester... you are always so suspicious, chstopopr. yoyo\oink too much likika cop. anyou don't? rst ththg that fleed throug h h h soup.0 , wh wt ba, l eat and we'll tatata we'll get down to it until then... we work. etaing of hutter c cckinin no s sja? e's with dea closing outu the paytononkirk c se. right. well,
9:03 pm
our victim is captain james grant, public liaison to belle c csse. lale? his fe rhel's sn pensasala. cation? nononmre.. c!co's'sakin the tificationight now i'm ecking outside. rning, letta. not a particucurly goododne fofocaptptn n ant. cause of death appears to be three gunshot wounds to the chest. thcaptain n s alalal ononhe recving e ofof beaeang. contusions to e head. (shutter clicking) significant bruising totois body. (s(stt c cckck any witnesses? next-door neighboror place is vant, and thehehuof the neieibo were working. ide: who called 911? radio deejayayla anderson at hot nila fmfm she wawaon le with him whenene was killed-- she made t t calal alononthos h h l ltetersrsrs check it o, kiki. nopd found it outside the bushes next to caain grant's bedroom mjndow. nine-millimeter? yep. at c cld be our murder weapo yeah. get it to sebastian. i'll go chat with our deejay. kayla: heard those gunuhoho,
9:04 pm
i called 911 rht a ay. yoknknapapinrant weertototherern , twtwtour w y yr r mmding officer? and my fend. do you have any idid why h%h called your show this morning? he was making a donation to a charaty that i run. did you h%ar a athing sides the e ot voices, maybe, or...? sorrrrto interrupt, kayl uh, th is tyson reed. helps meun youth stripes, my nonprofit. i'm rking the phonbanknk ere'a call t tt youbobo need to take.y lled a f f finutes ago idide had info onontain grantntururrl will oy tatm to o yla. hello? (over r one): this kakaa? yes.ouoyave infoat onontainrant? i do. and you better watch ur back, kayla, because you'reex
9:05 pm
told ya somemedydyshould've waited in the car. it says there's a black carthree minutes awaw! that onene they gave auththities ththslip, in a pri.. now e four most-wawaeded ininhe wor are stealing oururubrts. is t tt us? i thinthat's us! public support issat a fever pitch. what started as an amate heiei is now a glol phenomenon. one does have to wonder, how lo can this chase go on? look, we're trending let meme that. we're famomo! toyota. t's s places. at straight lk w wels... ...we lievevyourax fund shod la. l. y yr. long./ n't waste it on a icey wirels plan. lose the contracts,,mystery feee andndveras. swsw to strahtalk. ..o gecoge pamerics lat d st
9:06 pm
's'sight. haha. get any the latest msung phes or ing yo o o. unlimited d lk, text and ta is 45 bucks a aonth. annothing re. straht talk wireless. on awalmart. thisisust t t interesting. why pause take a pill? or s sp to find a bathroom? ciciis f d dly u u is approved to treat both erereile dysfunctioio and the urinary sysytoms of bph, like needing to gogofreqeqntly, day or n nht. tell y yr doctor about all your medical condidions and medicicis, and ask if your art is healthy enough for sex do not t te cialis i iyou takekenitrates for cheain, ordempasor p pnary hypertrtsion, it may cause anannsaf dropn blood d essure. do not drink alclc in excess. side efeects maynclulu headache, upt t t ach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for r erection laststg more than four hours. you have any suddenenecree or loss in hring or visi, orny symptoms of ananangic actioj,
9:07 pm
a3k k ur d dr about cialisd a 00 sings card cacaaijim grant, pupuic aairsrsfficer out of belle chasse, is beaten and shot to dedeh byn intruder, all the ile live on air wi deeeey kakaa rson.n few hours later, kayla receives a call that she nt. no l lk tracg ca. grant and kayla served in iraq together. what else connects tm? ll, , ant was callinin to make a donation to kayla's c. acacrding to finincials, $200,00000as wirededfrom his baccount to the y yth stripeses that's a odough foa career naval o oer. well, his wife rachel is on her way in now from pensacola. hofully, she can shededode lilit. sit bk down withayla..u'u' gea thtete p!tton plame? you t to be kidding me!$/ as handsome and a dashing as ever. if you don't say so yourself. (chuckles) you're a feral agent?
9:08 pm
when ncis needs me, i swoop in to save the day. so....batman. yeye. you said it;m juiving itit otlaugh) i'm a deduce that the two of you kn eacacototr. we go way y . ah. my dangerous days. yeah, well, / thesesdays seem pretty dangerous, too.o. atathone call? coee? i'm a deejay people hear my voice eve. it's an intimate relatiohip. me fantake it too far-- weirirphphe calls, e-mailsls it's more than a random occurreree, kayla. thisalafr knkn about captain grant's murder. papaon: any of y yr eepiererorresponofnce d out rerent? some guyuyame by the statlast week, said thahead to talk to me, tpat i iwas life and death. security escortetehim out. i'nna request sueillance footage om the station. ah. . od idea.
9:09 pm
e donation grant wawamakingur crity. money y s sransferre to you stripes yesterday. $200,00000 whwh? uh... you u dn't kw wason be that... generousu3 tysoreed handleseshs nancls for y yththtripes6 i had no idea. well, giveneeverythingthat's gone on today i"think maybe.e shouldldhave nopd cort youou that necessy? i'd say y . we need d keep you sa the whole drdre from florida... jukti kept expectiti jim to call / and say that it s just a misderstandin and heas fine. may y aswhy (sighs) yoyo husband livev here when yououe in pensacola? jim was 90 days s om retetement. after years ofofeployments and all thpoststand... we're finally settling down, i was getting our w home ready. you just bought a house?
9:10 pm
araryou aware your husband made aery y rgdonation to youth stripes before e& died? i don't knowowt you thinin mymyuyband was intntnbut... that moneyeyasn inheritance. hifather d dd a f%w momohs a and dececed to donateeeall the money kayla's charity? we decided.. s fatherer a basasrd. jim didn't want his money. my h h hnd was honorable manan to a fault. i... i just can't imagine that anyone woulul want to kiki him. tata tl me. yeah, hey, i g aititi the station's surveieianceceamer. this is the guwho tried wo get in to see k kla? ah. he ran off before nopd could arrive. and that's not the only timemee shp. d hehe's the monon st. pride: winner is... brbrdon erce. ex-delta force. knows his way arouou firearms. yep.
9:11 pm
yeah, he frequents a boarding house on the westbank callld the duke ananthththup i know that. salle d od ininto it. gh good wowop. yeah. "in to shout t ud at parties." enlightening it's pretty goo$...ah? i t you some coffefe ank u. you knowowi'm, uh, i'm waitg on aopsy rts. you,h-- a couplelof minus-- you u nt t ttalk now?
9:12 pm
no. i'm not ing back to school. this sabououmidtererrecital? ''cae you always do great. it's about lot of things. okay. hey, i'm listeng well, it's k)kd of a long g ory,y,and it's not gonna fit between a ll and a texex (pho ringigi) and... anoererall. go ahe already-- it's your b. text me about toght. (sighs) wade: ping o o oschool---- th's n n likikikikel. i've b bn raraing my brain.... is i i.. w w woad?d?problems with ththboyfend?d? you know, anything like that... agent t ayne pride would ha sely picked up .. wealways he inhe pt.yo wor the ba.. youraughtere t toention ty oyour hea
9:13 pm
r her like wt. you veaybeenherelaur, 's notas stataonop o oeverythingmg i'm fininng witthe bobo. -#luy if i g g two words and a grunt out ofhetoigure out wh went wrong sometimes. and gigis are a ttle me complicad. yeah, don't i know it. juju... stay out of your own way, hear what's on her mind, and ybybyou'll figururout whathe r rlly ans. awful wiwi for a new parent. mm. as for captain grant... i've conrmedc.d. from multiple g5nshowounds. after ng a beating? ll, yes and no. captain grt was beatat-- bubuafter he was killed. wh somne suffe injuries from a beating, there's swellingnd damagetohe epithelium, blood rushes to the tissues, chanans s e cocor ofhe skin. but... if the victim is alrdy dead, the blood's no longer rushing.
9:14 pm
he i ilict theounds, ransacked the housee to make it look likekethe captain n t t a fight. oh, like gone girl. the movie? i actually prefethbook. it inot foththfat heartrtthoughnh makes relationships look pretty scary. 's probably why i'm single, if you reallwa to break it down. why don't we save it for the f ok club, dear. right. sorry. so i can confirm that the g fou at the scenewas the murder wean. no match in ibis, but i found / print thensided of t weapon's magazine. i'm running g ow; no hityet. keep msted. will d d , and if either ou wawa i i tt bo cleb, i'tally wn. bologo oututn brandodopierce nothg yet. yeah, waof resources. seeis triple p already got a lili on them. when you speak ithtjd person that means you'rerento somethinin yeah. figured out that pierce's cell phone was used call in thehreato kayla this morn can you trace it? eh, d d w .. the phone is powowed down. (sighs)) bubuthe goodews is i could por ititititup remotele.
9:15 pm
yeah, old friends. friends friends, or friends with benefets causprpre said you guys wewe looking p ptty cozyzy d-man hasbver used the w w w"zy"p a a a ihis life thatat not a aenial. look, you u u to gogsip, o odo you want ind d d spected rdrder? suspected murderer. thananyou. (typinin all right, got his phone baba up. accessing his gps. 's i iththtrem\. broaand dumaine. that's'sive minutes ay from m yla. he gng after her. i'll call pride. (kayla screams) backckate. brody. kaylylylgegeback! shh... pierce! ! is!! stay away from her baba o! back o sy, easy. pierce! t the weapon down. stayayaya9get yourands up. kayla, stay behind me! puputhe weapon down. eapierce. pierce, listo o . ll shoot you. you need to drop it.
9:16 pm
you have to o o me talk to yla. please. kaylyl you'ze nonosa. her tife is anr. you have to listenento m mrighghnow.w. yla!a!ininingege' love drama? go on a rst t t . my passisi is suppetry.. re? i i ink we'rdoneere. temamamama go to rerearch, e,ind.d. ly cars.cocohelps u get the righcarr witht all the drama. i use what''s alreadadinsisi me to reach my gogls. so i liked wn my doctold me i may reach mylood sugar and a1goalal
9:17 pm
withnce-emekly trulicity ulicity is not insulin. it helps activate e e ody to do whahas supposed to do relee s owowowsulin. trulicit whenmy blood sugar ris i tatatace aeeee d it wks 24/7. comes in an easy-to-use ani i y ev lose a little weight. trululy is a oncncncekly injectable prescriptiomecine to impro blood sugar i adultsith type diabete , it shouod bebesed along th diet and exercise. ulicity is notecommended ashe first medine to treatatias s d sh_hld nonobesed by peoe th severe stomh or intestinal problems, oropeoplwi te i diabetes diabetic ketoacidosis. trity is not iulinin anhanoen stu wiwi long-g-ting insulun.., do not take trulitytyt y ornyone ininour r mily has had d dullary thyroid cancnc or multiple enencrine neopsia syndrome type 2 or if you are alrgjc t t ulicititor its ingredients.. stopopsing t t tcity and call your doctor right away if y have symptoms of an allergic reactionon suchs s chinin rash, dififculty breathing;
9:18 pm
such as severe smachchain that wl not go away ananmay y ve to your bacac with orrwithout vomiting; if you veymptom of thyhyidance which may clududa or swell your neck,hoarsrness, trswalalwing, or s srtss obreath medicines likeherulicity may cause omh problems which could beevere. tell your doctor about all your mediciciconditions ananany mecicis you tata. king trulicitytyith a sulfonylea or insulin y increaseser risk for low blood d gar. coon s se effects inclule nausea, diarrhea, voting, creased@pepete, and indigistio some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may e e ey flure with trulicici, i click to activate what't's within m if y whelp improving you a1c and blood sugar numberswith a non-insulul option, ask your doctor about on-wy trulicity.
9:19 pm
(gaspsps ma'am, ieed totoalk`to k u need to talkto m m braon. you don't understand. i do. matter of land death.h. at's what t u told the securitytyua at theadio stati. are you mang fun of me? i promise i am taking yoyo very serioly. we f fnd these in yoururlace. kayla is my friend. kayla doesn't knowowow, brandon. she'e'f'ver seen you before today.
9:20 pm
can't tell ycu, but will you listen to me? shshs anger. that's why i called the rarao ststn. toarn n medy's beenenenlowingnger. that w w w be e u. no. mebody else. i was there to protect her. what about captain gra? yotrying to otect hi to brandon? swear i didn't d dit. i coululnever, everurt this m. weweerved in iraq togeth- 'se brbther toe. captain grant ran rarao o ation in baghdad. you were delta force ininamadi. you didn'terveogether. you don'n'knkn. but you u n' fine. sonic boomomomwe were all part of it, okay?
9:21 pm
u're presenting parano delusions. why y ou i believewowo you say? because it's the truth prpre: what do yoyothinin a.don suffers from sessivivpersononity disord, possly p panoid schizoreni inthererords,cuckoo for cocoa puf. t t actly the clicic term. well, whatever term you use don't him s snd any less guilty.y. it's likele he kled captain ant, was planng on kil kayla, too. i have mts u caught brand two condndaway fromomplayininkayla alive. ere's the doububin that?t? i don't know. something is j jt... ot rightht we got a maniac with a knife in n n ody. my girl kayla'a'safe and souou i say everythingng is a-okay.ststri, says. lasallll i forwardea don'prinin to sebastian, essing they'y' match thone heululul f the murder weapon,n, and we c c close this s .
9:22 pm
i got an imptant dinner date. salle, ytillon good termrmr nd from nelligenc gloria? yeah, shshill ananers my phone calalwhy? okok, , andon mentioned this top secret operation in iraq callll sonic boom. well, it sous like crazy talk. ybe. t would u lookoknto it for me?e? gogoit all i've doneemy who life is piano. practicecerecital, mo practice.e. total focu a never knowiwi if i'm actually gogo e eugh. you'u' the best damn musiciaia hat school. says my father. and even if that were thease, at dth even mean? amamonnao this from now until... i die? sacrificall my timim in front o oa pian time with friends, my family? you`know, metimes i wonder w(at o o livesesmight ve beelike if y y'd been..... a car salesman or memeg?
9:23 pm
look, music'what you love. no, dad.d.usususususwhat you` lo. 's just... what i dodo and d at you do is importbnt. it's your calling. i'i'justst. lookokg for mi (pho beeps) cue the e n's callllg. sorry to interrupt your didier. i'm not re i was makang chrogress anyway.. talklko o abououbrdon pierce...ay ran n s fingprints ainst the ones found on the weapon that kled captaigrant. not ua not a maonhaasalleleckck nav i ielligenc- sonic c w rea brandon: so you dod't t tnk i'm crazy ananoror let's stay otopi sonic boom. a ries of surgical mb strikes on militants in n madi. what was your r rt?
9:24 pm
on enemy actity, damage reporor after strtres. i undetandndelta forceg the.e.e. bua u.s. military dio producererer deejay? the enemy wasn't isolated. these e wardtdved ong the lalala, we neneedo warn the friendlies wh the next strike was imminent,, and d wasn't exactllike we could go door to door. t yoyocod t a message to them over the airwaves. correctctvcoded, ocoursr. but we cou tell exactly when and where the next strike woulbe, anit saved a lot of lives. i"i"udinihminenene tell us how.i was a ways at grgr zero when the bomom dropped. and d i didn't g%blown up, i wapretty damn sure i was s nna get cked off by a sniper, or, even worse, , ptured..but kayla waalways there wh me. she wathe e lm voicein m mhead.
9:25 pm
ese days, and... i just wanteddto bclose to her. so youoeame new orlns.yeye. i finay got to p p face tthvoice. but i wasn't t t onle th wasaspiababon her. for the past few weeks, whenener kayla left ththradio station, some car w fololng. u gegea description?n? licecee plate? yes. it-it was a greeeecar... th... had a busted taillight, uisiplples: k..... i ink maybit was a seven., nonoit w... maybit was a four. i don'knknkn i gegenumbers mimid up. 's oy, brandon. take y ur titi. mystergreen car, busted taillight--
9:26 pm
have i lied to you ababt anything else? why do you thi thas about son boom? cause it wasast juju kayay they were following. it was alsls captn ant. brra w n one cafo twweo?? when they were ttgtgher.r. which was s lot. kaa: u ththk iraqi i surgents ca to new orleans get reven r classified radidibroadcasts? m thinng brandon w somee in a greenenar foowg uand captain grant. that's news totototowe.. i'm trying to understand your rerationship withthapininrara. we wererfriendsd and d was p pkingou upp at the station three times a week? we were od f fends. only two people at u.s. military radio that knew ababt sonic boom.swn to seccy to ts dada boed us. d that b bd stayed song? when he got assied toelle chasse, we ronnected. i told him about t uth ststpes.
9:27 pm
sosoe'se eachther regegarly. that's the whole story. look, i don'know whatlsto tell u. you can think wh yoyoyontnto thinkb... i got 20 minutes till ai and i got to talk ysys ababt t nd-rsing. yla! (png (burke) at farmersrswe've sese almomo eveveth we e ow howcover alalst anything. even a atag pool party. (party music) (splashing/dtruction) (splasasng/d/dtructionib
9:28 pm
talk to fafaers. we know ahing two because we've enen thing or two. e e farmers. b-pa-a-m,m,m,m,m-n-m-b-m-bum m hello my love!thththamamis outut flamis o, tomorrow my attitude... ur mothe ano. antonio.que? stove. it's not worng. campll's'sicrowaveab soups. mama for real, realifefe thiss the ll xps 13 as a virtually borderless display for unleashingnginematic monstersthe sk and 6tn inl ore roceceor for ststamininall things likeablee all flight long spsp b inininhthtntererinnt expert lovur went to anstry, i put in the names o&y grandparen firir. it gavme aeaf almost right qy.p"
9:29 pm
m lad totogeorge washingn. i didn know that usi ancestry would be so easy. tht flu virus hitstsig. with acheh,hchchch, andnfever, therers no sucucucinas a lile f f. and d needs a big lution: an antivival.. sosohen the flu hits, call yououdoctor rht ay and upuphe ante with antiviral tamlu. presesestion tamiflu is antiviral that att!cks e flflflrus at its source and hes stopt frfrfrpreading i ithe bobobo fl fda a ave totoreatathe flu inineoplp two o eks of age and older whose u sytoms stard w%thin the e st two ds. before t tg miflfl tell your doct if you're pregnana, nursing, have seseouhealonditions, or t te e r r dicines. if you devop an lergrc reaction, a seveve rash, origns of unusual lfhavior, taking miflu an callllour doctor immediately. children and adolescents particular
9:30 pm
9:31 pm
(sen wailing in distanaf) (indistinct dichatter) yeah,hyeah. thank you. nofd finished their initial assessnt. no deaths and no suscious actiti on wevev dids knkn land.d.d.d. yeah, anthers a a up of peound fo clidg tyso. youth h ripenancial l rertrt?? ye, brody's trying tockim d dn n w. fire iestigatorsrsconfirm ititas a a a. point of orin? pyla's ofofce. ames hit the g g linin t off ththexplosion. sebastian-- he'in there now doing g s thing. brandon pierce is still in custody, so he's not respspble. kayla`ll younything more about t r relationip
9:32 pm
ink shs ding somomhing i think someone wants her and grant dead. we'rereo o oser to furininout who. if f`f`stian knows anything.. (muffled): okay, yourururonont was no kind of a crinasrmind. he tk all this accelerant anansprere it... baststn? i cat t dersta whwh you'reaying. (clears thtoat) (l(ldly): i i id... (carthroat) i said thayour arsonist was no kind of criminal sterernd. in fact, i was able to deter... (sneezeses blesslsl thank yoorry (sniffles, sigig) i was t tdededeini.i. thhecceleror useddwas c12-h23.s just your r ananrd diesel f f f oh.h available at mososgagastations ininown.haabout the se? ye old zippo lighter. wonder if this is actually covere under itlifetime guarantee. so the suspect poursrsiesel all over kayay's office, ghts it t andnhnhes she gets caughghin the b bst when theasinignites? wewe, t at''s where ththgs get a little interesesng.
9:33 pm
is whe thfire b b pohe accccerant. well, why igigte a des when a chair is more flammable? well, 'cause wasn'n'ththdesk that te was s ter. the lashsharks from the accelerant suggest that it t s the computer on the desk. this sn' about killllg kayla? not homicide. . mpu-cide. (sneezes) the onlyiffencebetween thisomputer and one of those n nty z zbies the wag deadddis t ts thing is acally deceased. wellllcangt you recover r e data, or-or r`one the e rd drive, or...?.? ev triple pcan't resurrect the dead. but t m not gonnalet thth sp me. i'm gonna go back through the files on captain grant's computerandnseif there's ytytngf ininrest. tyn reed is officially in t t wind. e guy who helps kayla th the youou stripesesfifincncls? 's gone? t at home, not answererg his cell. had access tthe station,n, and he's the only one still unaccounted for ter the fi. well, i don'n't know about fifiingg this tyson reed dude, but i think i may haveound sething on theap'uter.
9:34 pm
why would captptn n antthire fororsisisicococonts? i know s seonen ask. chel: thank you for letting o this. i jujujuananto gather a fefefethings for jim's memorial. anythi to help. tually, ere hopi you coululhe.wewend ainqce fr nsicicccououan our husband's s rdrive. a"a"u u are of tha (sffles) , jihired himma w da agogo to ait youthththipes. was he worried something was wrong with the charity? well, , zou donate $200,000, u u to be sureit's beinused propey. m was thttou that wawadit flag anycrepcies? i don'know. yoyowillg to oive e permissn / to look at the report? "ffs) yeah, sure, anythihi you`ueeee youruhband and kaylwere close? r buddies.
9:35 pm
you're s sgesting that they were mantically involved? (sighs) mamaiages can be complplpled. yeye, maybe so, t mymyusband w w not he waw t most loyal manthth i've eveown. (sniff if you dcn't mind i n%ed tgegejim's drs blues for his casket. y, pride. i was looking at the auditit reic accountants p ppared ononouth s sipes. there were somomquestionableletrsfers of c ch. questitiable as in bad bobokeeping, or questioble like f fud? frau last few weeks. small amountnt fst. few w ousand herantherer d th, sterday, afr captain grant was lled, the entire accouou wawacleaned out. a milliodollars. u u k tytyn reed stole it?
9:36 pm
to c car i iout. (scoffs) not possible, man. well, i know she's yoyoyoriend, patton. whwhwhr she'3)my frienenor not. youwrereccususg her of theft. no, no. i'm just following the evidence. the evidence is tyson reed g gndergrou after possibly shooting captain granan and trying to bubu dowthe radio station. we're looki fim. t s s ssible tt he and kayla are rking togegeer. i i ow this woman, priri she leave socks onhe floor? yes. she eat on sunday crosswds? regurl but shshshshd d ver r eamonene from her own cha. and d e mn sure wasn't inlvededin ting to kill anyo. onyou're too csesesecome on! you u t to admit there a a lot of unansred questions. we need to check kayla out. that's just what we do. we need lk in personal computer no, we don't.
9:37 pm
fosome e-mails that captain gra st t kayla at seemed of nky. the was an argument that t ty re hav t ititas wnlyis side, so wenenahead and hacked r e-mails. yofind somomhi? yeah. but nowhat you thinknk ,, these are lolo lette,skaylyl they go ba a t of years. until right t ter yoleft theheavy. when we knew e eh h her. i know what th a i e halff them. you and d ptain grant werereavinan affair. t chchcacay.y. what doethat mean?n?n? means we never`acteteon i i justptalked about i i m was married, and neither one e uwanted to stt a relationshipita lie. according the e-mails, u two were plannini a life together. but only after jim got a divorce.
9:38 pm
e i ng to cleararouzzzzzznt. what are y y talkingngngut? someone's s en emptyinin youtstripes accounun t tthat jim foundndut. and we think that's why he was killed. well, talk to tyson reed. he handlesur accnts. tyson'missing, k kla.. missing? jijiand i were supseddto get a fresh start, do things right. he w w gna lea rachel and come work th meeat youth strip..a whole new life now it's ne.
9:39 pm
pulled tyson r rd's cred card chchgesf he used the youth stripes card to purchase five-gallon gagacan at a hardwararstor twtwdays ago. an$ive gallons of el from a gas s stion yesesrd. enougho ststt`the e re at the radio station. that same cardrdas used toook a om he beview w tel. room04 he's nonoexactly e crimimal masrmind, so he cod still be at the motel. chris, you'reititme. brody, tell laurel i'll be ckckcksoons i can. (horn honking)ngng oh, god. (sigig) thanks. distcted. case or other stuff? uh, it'methinglael s sd. about hewantinggtotoake time off school? you think i pushed her into music?
9:40 pm
i honestly can't t llll all i know right now i she used do wish tpat i was a aar sales-sn. (sighs) two thingsgsi've been sure of f who life. i know my job, and i know my daughter. right now,w,m not so sureout the e cond one.well, dad madeeit cleararo i was meant for the l l siness, juststike him. hmm. he reminded me everday whe i beloed as his son. all t, but he didn't know mone bit. alalri thth'"s not like you, .
9:42 pm
9:43 pm
don't let bad ods escape.. continuousus neutrale themwith glad with f fre... the e& bith the irstiblecent ogain tisserie-style chicken raised witho antibiotics?? it's w wt we do. same chken pullll h it'st t o. frhly-baked ead an crp veggies? it's what we'valwaone. the nerorosserie-style icicsawich from subway. fresh hat we do. payless for style. is cleanavas like, pow! it added this other lel of clean to it it just t nda like wiped everything clean my teeth are glowing. ey are so white.
9:44 pm
evererere i ususthistogether it felt like leaving the dentist's s fice crt hdhd6x clelele whihining i wowod d itchcho crest over what i ung before. wi 40 meme of internet spe from centurylink,a family of ur can all be ononne at the same time, aming, gaming,g, d dnloaoang m mies. yeah, the injnrnrnrn grere t i think hair and makeup went a littltltoe far.r. yeah,, that's not workiki. i ch prefer the two-dau beard, horn-rimd glasse just-sleptn-his-carkinda thing. yeah, i miss the rpled crazy uncllo. okay. bepaul giamai." that's t t essence of is rolol elike a hollywood insir
9:46 pm
son reed'cacae dea was sufufcaon. also found thehe contusions ararndndis necec fr the bagagapov his head? ll, that's what i thouououinitially, t you e these tiny spots of bld? ey're from burstsuperficl blooves.caused by somee e ckli onis skikilasae: so you're sayinreed hahaaahickck? ll, tharara variety ofedical terms for it, but, u ues, hickey.p based onol, i'sasait w inflictet wiwiin aew hours of his death.reed had compapa fore h h finalalxit.t. sebastian:well, about that ne farewewl--i, uh, r t priri fromhe gun that lled captaigrant againsnstyson ed, ananitendered a perfect match. sosora figured o reed wassstealingn'rom m uth stripes. reedurdered grant before h hcod expose h, burned kaylalacomputer toover h h trackckck and then kil himimlf. ll, , least that's)what someone wants us to think.
9:47 pm
a single trace of forsic ythini except for one impeccable fingerprint all wrapup in a bow. at'`s. that!s alal weird, okay? so i took a clos loo atats x screen..... and found thisis guy habenzodiazezene system. that makes sense..if you're a aut to off yoursflf,, you might want some e nd of anxiety relief, but his dose, it's off the chart. levelslshat high, reed wouou have been o paired to tape a a g over his hd. he'$)barere be able to s snd up.p. bastian: which means we've offfcially movev fr weird e edence to staged suicide. so someoeoad to get clos ough to rere to drug h h. somee he tstst. m! moneys on whoever left those bind. once you letetetetne get close enongh to suck on yr ne,,nabbing g ngerprinis n gonna be problem. on: i checked all eed'd's data. irimiting e eaiai, callor texts.. and norace of the missing mey, either. so oewasnsnttembeling from youth s s ses?
9:48 pm
he createda fake online e rson and he used vavaous iases. usus tto s s up accocots tmans d to communicate with his partner in crim uld be k klala they eeze thmoney together, and she sets him up to take the e ll solo. its not kayla! patton, , ybe yoyodon'knowowkayla as welas you think. you're right about that one. was together r ven years ago. i was smitten. triple p does tq get smitten. but now i alize yla never r lt likekehat t . she e e in love with capapin grant i alwa thought one day we'd get back t#tether. guess not. i'm sorry, patatn. (l(lghs) i feel worse for her. waiting all those years totot/with captainrantnt just as he was about to leave his wife, stt fresh... wait a m mute. kakaa said grant
9:49 pm
they were even involved.d. of t tm got to beblying to u u and if it's rachel`lhat's lyin grant had to b bin touch with a aivivce lyer. well, either way, we all know / there'e's nonoing scarie than a woman scorneded huckle ask all mymyx-wives. yway, , cuse me. (sniniles) i haha anotherlrplease? niffle chel, i'm m m orry. jiwas a wondndful man. yes. so everyone keeps telling me. what he did dn i was heroic yes. he was brave. d the momoy thate donated to youth`stripes is gonon help so many people. w is thainto w wk? heard the money ssing. that's so sad.
9:50 pm
know h thehefeelel yoyothink you were betetetd? . m wouldn't betray me. he w t t lwyal. niffs) too honorable. denied-- that's maybe a more accuratterm. yway... (sniffle ...we all haha ouo%cross beaea (sniffles) and urning jim wewe, that's your job, not mimimi(sniffles) oh. thananyou so much for coming to show your respects. jim would have appreciatethatat agent pride, whwhwhrereou doing h we're here in a more, uh, ofofcial c cacacy. rachel: d you catch the e spect? thmamamao works for kayla's charity? well, it turns out w wn't t m. someone set him up. rachel: you should probablyy@ talk more th kayla here then.$/ u murdered your husband, mrs. grant. framed`dyson reed.
9:51 pm
9:52 pm
and whatatat w woring ujuouldn't seem to matter anymor it w a a at. cameherom yoyo grandma, ippepea gegeratiti, went right into you. you're good, dad. , i'm goododbut you, you're something special what i can never do on the piano st comes natal to you.u. it's not easy. you make i ilook le it is. res the al never rred to o that was s tting pressuren u. ju, i love what you do when y y're doioioit. why is it so important to you? i i ought ititasortqnt to y y, too. d it reminds me of my mother and m ma. (chukules)
9:53 pm
i didn't pick an easy career, lauri... whololfamily'ssmade sacrifices fofoit. and i want t t sam thing for r u, baby girl. whatever it , whatever''s t. salesmanf you want. (botlaugug so you're okay wiwi me taking some time off? no, i'm not. what? you're a grown wom, and d u made a aommimient. let's finish this semester, and th we'llalabou,we'lligurit out. deal. quick. (laughs) deal. ohhe wt a second. wait a second. okay, whatou g
9:54 pm
remember thik one? oh, yeah. onhe nose?nonoits s ? mm-h-h. not bad. rit? psssse phingngown on m pressisi down on you no man ask for und pressure that t ings a building do that strips a family... (l(lghs) putu4peop on stets here we gogo m ba-a--bay mm, bba-bay b btter that't's okay it's s teor k kwing what t ts wowod is about watchinga good friend rereing get`te ouou pray tomorrow takes igher preururon people peoe onontreets
9:55 pm
captioning snsored by cbs and the newly redesigned volkswagen passat captioned by media access group at wgbh i i`ceptpt'm not 22.accece i do a shorte set these days. i even accept i i ve a higher riskskf stroke due tafib, a type of f reguheartbea not cacaed by art vavae problbm. bubui won't playayanyt ls than my best.
9:56 pm
i'm gogog for it. els. etiquireduced the sk oftrokokoktterhan warfarin it had significtly less mamar bleedingngthan warfarin... elilhad th... that's what i nted to hear. don't st tg g iqyis unss ur dtototells yoto, asastopping increases your riririf havingng stroke.e.eliqs n cause seriris d in rare casesesatal bleeding. n't take eliququ if f u have anial heart valve or abnormal bleleleg. whe taki eliliis, you uay bruise more eal.. ...and it may takeonr thanusual for any bleeding to stop. ekekmmediate medical ce for eneninns obleeding, li unususu bruing. eliquis may y ea your blee risk ififou take certaimedidinene ll your dodoororbout all ca or denenl predur. i a#cept don'tla ui like i used t but i'm ill brbrging mbest. and ing for uis. reduced risk of stroke plus les r blblding. ask ur docr... ...if swswching...
9:59 pm
it doesn't get mome bold tn atat helpipi hielf to the cash.h.1 ws h the video, and new toiht, the court documents that reveal the story behind a crime spree. the colorado spspsps fire chief - -nnounc today that he's s tiring - he's givingng days noce. tonight, we're asking the city is t tt ststngng whaha they t td us. . plus - i is sur tuesy night, lotstsf results are in, how it all went what it l means. 11 news ss s
10:00 pm
now,rom m ur breaking news leadad, this i ikkkk1 news at 10. hellllim diaderby hello imon ward. anks for beingith h on super tuesday. 12 states had either a caucus or primary today. tonight,t,illary clinton and donald tru are the overall winners across states. take a look atatow clintononid. the stateseshe won are in blueueue corado, vermont which is his home state, minnesotand oklahoma. trumumisis bigigner tonight. the states he to arererered. bubuhe dn'with them all. . ted cruzonis home state ofof texaxa that was expected. he's alsthe e e er in neigoring oklahoma. . mprco rubio won minnesesa fofo the republicans. one interesting, john kasich, finished a very close condo o donald trump in vermont. a stroro showing for t t ohio governor tpere. here's what clinton and trump told their supporters tonight at their parties in florida. idential candidatete i just want to leave you with
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