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tv   11 News at 10PM  CBS  March 1, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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now,rom m ur breaking news leadad, this i ikkkk1 news at 10. hellllim diaderby hello imon ward. anks for beingith h on super tuesday. 12 states had either a caucus or primary today. tonight,t,illary clinton and donald tru are the overall winners across states. take a look atatow clintononid. the stateseshe won are in blueueue corado, vermont which is his home state, minnesotand oklahoma. trumumisis bigigner tonight. the states he to arererered. bubuhe dn'with them all. . ted cruzonis home state ofof texaxa that was expected. he's alsthe e e er in neigoring oklahoma. . mprco rubio won minnesesa fofo the republicans. one interesting, john kasich, finished a very close condo o donald trump in vermont. a stroro showing for t t ohio governor tpere. here's what clinton and trump told their supporters tonight at their parties in florida. idential candidatete i just want to leave you with
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publican parar a a everybodydy get together and unify and wn n we unify the's nobody that's gog to beat us. "utt to presididtial cdidate) i belie deeply, that if we resist thehe forces ting drive us apart we can't c ce tother to ma this country work for eryone the strugglili, the striving a the succul. & new tonit, new numbers. lets take a closer look at what happined tonight in n colorado. .& bern sanders beat hillary clinton.n. th 51 rcent repoing, sasaers beat clilion 5percent to 41. that a s sninint&. margig. news s poer daniell kreutter jive.e. shsan felo mocr c cseniat h hh scho in e e rings. diditheyeyo?< don and dianne, it was a big turnout tonit. many of the caucuses didn't
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their righghprecincts. there were a few people whwhwere ustrated ananleft because of the long lines anane cousn on groups t too o big and d d to be moved to allow more space... but overall most people i spoke to were e eited to see many decratatturning out this early on n in the process. 39:38:00 we had over r eoeoe whicis realal gooso i would a 1/6th of the registsred demoats t at i'mware o oin my prprincts 37:23:00 even i he a problem withthhe whole mentality that democrats stay home but i think peoplelele realizing thth with thth opposition and wpo they havas their froro ruer that we have tomore involved now momo than n er before. the future of our%cotry is ata risk. most of the caucuces i sat in were lning heaviltowards bernie sande.. which was reflecti of el pas cocoty democ whwhchossanders a l lge majority
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kktv 11 news for e rereblic thihia very different night. no actual candidate lls were taken, it was pure a seleltion of d d des. news rerter alyssa a in is p live at nonoh middle school in didiit gere tonight? dodo diaiae.. for the prpress, people seemed to think it went as we as possiblewith no straw poll f f presididtial candates, d d st the selectif delegatas... .he turnout was smaller than s se expected. at north middldlschool, the prprincts selecteded delegeg thth wt t prest votere county aembly. two delegatetewill then move on-into thetate assembly. thososdelegates willelect other delegates from across the state, to represent e statat the republan n nional convenenon one delegaga i talked to tonightht says she's wants to see change in colorado's ccus proces jane eorgan/precin ct 168
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primary bc this s esn't, other than those l+calpositions or t os that effects at a state level we ve n nimpa, have no vovoe thehnational caucus, primary." other voters i talald to agr- they would like to e cocorado as a primimy state,@, but y they're hay to be a part of any process. tonight's caucuces lted d out an hour to an hoho and a half. live in n lorado springs alyssss chih kktv 11 news. . new tonight bernie sanders won overalln ououate. he tookokl paso and ller couies, bututblcounty hililry ilint came out o itop.p. was a good d d out for both rtieie tata a look these pacac precincts for one of the mocratic caucuses. both partrts te us s ey think tonight went well ananthat there was a lot of engagement from the commmmity. noheres a look at t reblican prececct. & regardless of who th support, both parties a aee tonight, on the importance of
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clarice navarr- ate rep 31:27:1414 "times are changing.nd today is tht dayayhat repupuicans mama our statement, makour voice heard and it is important e engage todayays one of the e important days wh elections begin." rosesery sekera - dem 30:01:29 "you nd totoote. every votot unts. i've a a as votete i've always thoht it wasas privilege. onof t greatestreedomweave in this cntry." voters telus t tight gave them e portunitto heawhwh voters tnkin wewelslsha ahe rts on o website kktv dodom. firir stotohome pageanbe sure wake e e with our morning teastarng relts coming i i ovnight. toss to breaking wx wewere under a11 breaking weatatr alt this eveningng will see through the day y morrow. now right nono
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but they will rerely pick up b tomorr mlrning temperatures a2a chihihitonight down into o e 20s anan30s. temratutus will warm very quickly througugd day morrow. we he an update to an 11 breaking news alert weweirst told yououboutt . weweownow thcae of t r-r%r% firehat turned io a grs firi. so many o& you could seeeehe hugegelume of smoke e om i i 25 in monuntby anncaen t t video. fiters s s t r-vrive had it towed to this proper and when he staed it, re start undeththhood. 01:33:09 "well they said thaha the owner saidhat itas an older r
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chewed at t t the gas line. he said asoon as he started the mor the fire started under the hood." you u n see the aftermath h thisisideo. t e nearar grass cacaht fe e about a tenth of an acre burned. 11 minutes of non stop news conti^ues s th t ts. a local sheriff's depapament is grieving theeath of one ofof their deputies tonight. 46-year-old las animasasounty y y de travirussel s kied in a crash todadada ped thth@horning in trad. aold his cle somehoveed ionmingic, hiother vevecle ananrolled. . he was weaeaea his seatbele.e. new tonight a cal woman who dragged a tow truck driver to his dfath h about to ojnd out if her cocoictions will stand. that's according to r partners at the gazette. dedea farries appealed h h c-nvictiononhrmr yeara ago. shshthe man who dragged tow trucucdriver, allen roro, to death in 2011. farries is serving a 20 year sentence. a panel judges could make a decision any time now. we will let yoyoknown they
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h he new informatioioabout a local fire chiefho is retiring. loradoinin fchief christher ri leaving hisititn. he announcnc it this afternoon ththty s ss hilast dayais frfray. that's not a lot of notice. 11 news reporter kakae pelton joins us s ve. katie, it seems kind reall sudden? ? it jususfour days noticece e city says they were notified day. a source told me t tht that teh ief will not ev be working through e rest of the week. ieieriley just took the job three years o. befo that, he served as s eblo firerehiefefor seven arar heked in southehehcafofofo for 25 years. i reached d to try to talk k hiefiley today.. but ththfirereepartmenen lls me he's not doinany intervie, not swering g y estionon i i ked d out the quick turn around. but fire officia ld me he's just retiring. they said theye proud of his work and they wish himuck k the futuru. so tonig we're asking eberyone we c c, but what seems to o st of us to be a very quick exi is a a
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porting live katie pelton n tv 11 news. thank you katie. deputytyhief t t collas will serve as i ierimimire e chief. taking a look ahead we want to let youounow th a bridge w wl be closed for abouou a week and a h hf so repair work n bebeone. on rockrimn blvdvdetween drive in colorado springs. will l losefrom mch 17-28th. ev aererhe bdge reens ere will be ne esor ar eks to compte t t work. . e zika vir i inow cololo. the two people werer fected after traling to a zika-aected country. they havbo recovered zika is commonon spread by type of mouito that does not liven c#lorado. it's been spreadininat an alarmingate e latan icd e bbeaea it cououe e hind thehehrge in birth defects weweave e update e night, on this wawu suspect. police say alex sermano has been
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s algegem-o is distracting the clerk and grabbing the money. ta a look at thihisurveieiance video frfr w wt policeceays s s stecent crime. it frohoon soutast ocolo spngs from week o. wewwewe ableo obtain the video today. we'r'rtoldlde asked e clclto get him a a asof waand when s s lefef he jumped the couer. . po say he'hit seseral hotels a aoscolorado springs and a fast food joint. he reportedl caught after he sold a stolen tv a pawn shop and the serial number was tracke cot docucunts say he t td police 's stealing to pay for hehein. he was initally arrested last susuer. but right now w w out onond, and he has rertedly stoleagain.n. 1:52:27:08 "i'm m re thaha there's sobody o there who knows whererhe's a they`know where he's laying his head at night. if you k kw where he is, s sings policeant to hear fr y. volunteers f f t t pueblo police department are being honored for their hard wk. they each volunteered more than five thoand urs ofheirwn te lala year. . e 40 v vs were honor@
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today. police t tl us thehave some staffing issues so this program helps them fill t gaps. 16:55:07 $ouj volunteers are comptelyly invalu to us. they b a whwhal oknowledge, work k ethic as well asasast t od iritit around the entire partrtnt." thth is the e ird d ar of the ogram but the police department tells us they plan on expapaing it. teteerereresre dropping quicklkltonight. bundnd up if youavto g outside. tomorrow's
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we'll warm back up tohehehe and 60s on weweesday withthth picking g in the afternoon anan evening. fire danger will be a concern... a red fg warnrng gogogo into e&eect 1am through 7pm m wednesy. sohern colorado wili remain
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rest of the work week with mild mperatureses thweekekd alsosoooksksks and mimi. quickly tonight. bundle up if u haha t tgo outside.e.omorrow's lows silbe ininhe 2 2 and 303036e'llarm back up tohe 50s and 60s on wednesesy wiwids p pking up p in nhe afternoon and eveng. fire danger will be a concern... a red ag warning g gs into effectt 11am through 7pm wednesday. sououern colorado will remain dry through the rest of thehworkrkeek with mild temperaturur. the weekend also looks
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alalgations a msive sex abuse cover by twtwbishops in nhe catholic church. coming up p 11 news. w itas uncnced. plus thepping thing g e viviims reportrtly tolto convie e em was o t fit. a a aigsstale ends in guguguin c corado.
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where it hapapned. a mashot during a aigsgsst transaction. what we know whekktv 11 news at0 returnin just0 secos. ito centurylink prprtv, d gethe samemereatathannels e gives you, wiving to deal with hablele yes anand...ths whole me dvr @ plus tons of on demand options you can watch whahaver,whenever. s and? why do y guys keep saying that it's theirstule of irov.v. by saying "yes and," accept e reality created by our comomy partners, paul.. yes, right, , kn.
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feel like a hollywood insider th prism tv from c cturylink.. re watchininkktv 1news th dianne derbrb2don ward, chief meteorologist briablsoe and sam farnorththith sports. police are looking for a suspect whshot a m during craigslslt trsaction.
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bubuugs. itappened last night in lakewood, west of denverer the mawho o s there to buy ought along a frie. both were toldldo get out o thr atnpoint. and thenenne o othem s st. he e eececd to be okay. the rookie officer who was killll on her first day of the job wasasemembed day. officir ashl guindon was working her first t ift when she was s ot on a domestic violence call in virginia. residents came out a a lined the streets to honor the fallen officer. 1234-40 to me, it was just one of the saddest things i've ever ard. especially wh i heard ititas her first dayn the e b. the suspeccould lililie the dedepelty. a 39-year-old n was killed in a skiingngccident at beaver creek resort. ieon aintermed rununthe n n s frfr knoxvil tennessed d es behinfiildr there's no word on h h it happened. appalling accutionabout x abuse at the cathol church.
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today alleges two ro]on catholicishops w led a central pennsylvania diocese helped cover up the xual a@usef huredsdsf chililin by er 50 priests over a 40-ye period.d.d. two bibiops atmpted d cover up and would shshfle them aroundo otheheplaces. th pennsylvania attney general ys t 147-pagrert was based rtly on evidence from a secret diocecan archive uncovered rough a sechchchrant executed. 41:48:17 "monsignior burkhart would sasato his victims... hehe would ase d d question hat t yououhink god wouou say?' ' e ctim`didn't respond. monsignior burkhart would fill the silence by stang 'god proved.' e attorney general says crimin chargeg are@ being filed in the case becaus sososososerc have died, e ststute of limitations expired anan in@ some cases, ctims s o traumatized to teteify.
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comini up p 11 news, whattpppvpv at a congressssna l hearing today on the debebe errivava versus secuririri bubufsfs mobibi hohinifolo storyed in fire. neigs juju in to keep p everyone
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scott kelly's me in spspe is iortant steing g g g stone in the mission@no mars. kellylent 340 days ispac returnrn to earth h night. he'she first aricacaca live in space foruch h long period of t davevelaus, a professor inhe space engineering iences, says k kly's time in
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the huhun body. a firi destrtr mobile home. happened ininuror easof denver. e flames could be sese from prprpr far.ryou can see them rstinghrough the roof.f. thentire home was guttededn just minutes. no o o oas home at e time, buneighbors saw it and told wokep her neighbors. neigh ate grere, that o o wo me up and said thers fire so i jumped up and outpmy kitcheh lwi saw andurne oxygen offff firereghrs say yhe fire started the sto. e resident whooslchis trailer ownsnsnother one and is stayang t tonightht president ama a y sat down th key senate republic leaders. this inclus senate majoritit leader mch mccoell. they tald ababt the high-s-skekevacancy onhe suprememurbenc this is e first meeting
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republicans since the deatof susueme coururjustice anannini scalal. majoritytieader) ifhe cwen n e other foot does anyone think the demomoatic majority would confirmimi a republican president's nonenein the yeaof his term?prprenenoboba s vowetot sendnd nomatioio t senate wiwi t t tex w ek thfbfband ple cef f @ dar fit timemeince feferal ecututs asaud judgdgtoorce apple to unlock phone belongto one of e san ardino terroristst bothides testified befor cocoressssoday. fbi didictor james comaid the fbi'i'request is spesefic to sanabernardinonohooter syed d pok's iphone thth is about. there is ady esssntially y a a aing apple e ke the viciouguard doay.let vs tr d pick the lock. applplsltototowywy argrgan cking software it provides thehebi can and`will lead to a broad encrcrchment on privacy and securi.
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titltl will trickle dodo to the fansnshis year...... for the fiftstraraht yiar, broncocoseasas tket presesill go up... i'll tl you bybyow m mh, coming up... plpl... . e falcons playing ininheir final home game the season tonigh.. giong for a fifth straight home
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brk... kktv 11 sportsith sam faorth. the`dedelinenwas arohingngnd th both sides havevee greaprogress... no deal was made betwe the b bncnc and von miller f f a long-term extension... so todayay. before that 2:00 deadline... the broncos placed the franchise tag on super bowl mvp von miller which prevents him from ing able to negotiate with othth tea in free agency... yestery miller said that heh wants to be a bronon for the rest of his career...
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for a long time too.. . placing the taon miller, both sides have untililuly y 15ththowowo work out a lononterm deal and the broncos n n w turn their atntion to rkinint dedes withroro osweiler, malik jackson and rs... what's'she price of a super bowl title??? well... for the fans... it's ababt 24 dolrs p season... the broncos are isininseason ticket prices by aaverage of three percrct... or about three llars per ticket... it's the fifth straighghseason that t cket prices h he increased..... in the scheme ngs... season tickeholders pay lele per game tn sisile gamamtick rcrcsers... the bronons have a 32-6 me recordrdururg this span... the aiaiforce falcons seem to of finding their stride just in time for postseasoso play... they h he e n four straight gas atatnerena, which is fafarable r e ons s toni.. ththththnal home game of the asas... thisisne against utah state... n === d haha... falcons seven coming out of the
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cuts i ito five... === ououa minute later... zaza kokor r thhe rainbow three... falcons down 41-38... t th the aggies ststt to llwa.. chrmith for thtee and a 10 pntead... the falcons vegot t oserer thananhat e restthy... d uttate rnsenioj nighwithhe 78-65 utah state e n... 5a girls statetcasketbal playoffs had thr he colado teams s the sweet 16 tonight... fortunately... all three loco... . rampmpt t ll to lakewood... pine c cek c ce three pointsts t agait horizozo.. and the doherty spartans w w elimimimed in a 56-3loss... . with 18 gas s s to play on tpe regualr seasan... every one of them carries a lot of weight when yoyoyo fighting fo playayf spot... & but tonight's coest betweeee the avs and ththwild????that o means a bit more. ly two pots s sarate those o for the eighth and final spoin t t . tonight... thth were ice in minnesota... the a a f f f behind 3-1 after one but then
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=== = comer chris bee- graw bigras scoreseso t the lead tone, 3... = en.... nine minutes lter... it's cody mcleod ti his prett smile scoring his 8th of the season to tie the game a a threre = = in thehird... the wildut it away..charlie scoredtwe... the aed m.. a e avavlose 6-3... the rmac conferenctournament began tonight in hoops... . the thderwol s got bounced by three poynts, , -8:... === and uccs lost to metet state 82-7-7.. the womes wournant also begatoght... the lady mountain lions upsese s by three, 71-68...
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and eblo got past cololodo mesa 65-60... nger. thsdayayayl be a bit


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