tv 11 News at 10PM CBS March 2, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST
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before this plane nt down. tonight, what th wiwiesses saw before thehehedly crasas per r esday is in the books, including the colorado caucuses. what both parties want change, in a bibi e ewqd is fe too os g f l oli07:000 er devastang to beonest withthou a rinder that f fe ason nevertops. when the fire danger will b bup agagn. nono from your breakakg nene leader, , isiss kk 1 1 1ws a a 10. llo. imonard heo. nne d%d%y y chancee you saw onof tsefirerereday. ththhigh f fe dang is whwh we've been on n 11 breakng g weather alert. one started this morning in avondale east t pueblo. was likely arteteby a downed p per l le. structures we ever in daerer twfis ararburning on fortr carson. they didn't start today bubuthey were e`eled by
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th are both contained. anthis afterno small fe started close to cstitution n anoro blanco othe northeast t side of lorado springs checout this v vwewevideo from matt frothat fire. you cacasee just h c cse t t fles sere to homes. one shed was damaged. thankfly fircrews wererebl to get it under control kly before it w s able to o read. 11 news s porter danimlle e kreutter joins us lom tt ighbhbhood now.w.w. do we know what causededhat fire? unfortunatelthere were no wiwiesses and fi vestigatatattete me that they weren't able to fifi ththino o eyt t owthe's sti such h i iortant remi tta these reded fl d ds sfriouomy. ts fire fighters hatoork ickly top thise e e from reachininthese homes, o o feet away. pt. . eve oswala we also have redlag so our
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vall here soy'r' kin swirling but ty're pushing the first the east east so lot of t tse homomou s behind us rob gifford d turned me to see fire figers rob b fford raraer devastating to be hont th yououut isoundsime everytytng iundedecontntl though so that's the good thing e fifi burned about an acre e a grassy trailil and park area thatat surrounded by homes. 11:05:00 we got a lot of f y els re, e grs s burned vy quickly so it was a big coern r us nehbors hope p pple wi be moreareful whi firnger is high. 03:5:50000 it's always ary enherere wildfires y'ow afterhe waldo canyon fire, everybody's worriei ououthat so yea it'3 concerning the reepartment also wants reminpepele to aayalerfiepartmt as sn as you see a re. reportg live in colorado springs, i'm danielle kreutter kktv 11 news.
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we w we first t te you about them on our 11 newstsppppif you have yo p p or tlet with y y now, downlo free. neat t we have an update, on a top cy leader leavingngis job andnnow geing money to go. we told you u st night that springs fifi chief chris riley is retiring ter lele than three years on t t job. we t td you wesked around, frfr city leaders,s, chief himself, why he was leleing he leaving with h st 4 days n nic the only answer we got from every source is he is just retiri. end story. tonight, our news rtnene at the e zettttsay y e chief ll walalawayayith 80- oundn dollars as partf a sevence ag at's half of year's pay. tonighwe still don k ky ving so rupt hnefoat ouplthed day.on wow p wail 19292 t ts ispiurheneakenenight i as iswht okedsts nutes la
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h theheroun llned this mngn lake.e. therererre two pe onoard and they both died. we talked to one witss who says t t p pne was flng very low and came in between hohoesesight befe thth crh. 13:0:006 "we saw it coming aroundndur side window, and we followow i and he got a camerara today'ststng winds might hahe ntntbuted toheause, but investigators are stl trying to so it all out. new tonight lastighd demtiucus colorado se w rerd hot(e g ds pueb e e pants. there were a f pple who were frustrated and left becse the linesere too . wewealked toomom peop w w were excited abou the large turnout. 36:33:00 i was very surprised, i've been voting in colorado springs sincnc04 a i saw s se bitutuouts in 2008 a 2012 2 t - ver foa us i awese ououououthousand cololols caca atrohe00ou f f 0 thou
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of thoslarg a chgigi p pe'inio oa caus. mocrcrcrwant to o t riof#it and do pmaryote 20republics nt to t & they wangrgrthesnoududa rasollll at was at home. 18:20:00 what i am hearing more of is complaints about the caucus sysyem itself, more and mome pepele arere tling to say ty want to gege rid of the caucus and move toto regegar primararinolorado caucus supports s they are good because it encrages neigigor to neighbor conrsations . happening tomorrow blicresidentndl caides w w offothede dold igo it t super tuesy momentum. heheowas more thth oneuaer of the delegates needed to win threpublican nomination. his valsre now attacking him on the trail. i belie we and ge do t wl behe d thats atrkinvearto dbuo f t ld h hwi he carried ththmost elate
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his campaign. new at ten, a bill t quire dna samples fror people convicted of certata misdemeanors hasasassed uh state senate j jiciary put into a stata database in felolo cases f misdemnoinvovvin ctactthe oped bwoexpat daba to help police identify repeat offenders. new totoghgh one southern colorado citytyas seen aajor inilux in burglaries and drururuimeses recently. me say say law enforcement is not doing enengh about it. nia communy memeing was heldldn laimas b bthe districtctctorney and bent county sheriff to tk abt these growing issueses11 news re kyla gar was tonigh kyla, knothmeing end.ow do the zenshini
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reviome peleaiaieir qutions weren'reallyswed at theyot voiceheirce moreha0 people couou tonights 3 hr community meeting. mananneigigigs mplalaed about the longngespopoe times from puties, but t e sheriff ys they@only havav2 on prol to coveror an 1404040lele the da says the community need to work togetheri talked with one man whososouse s in broad daylight and he hopethe community leard what he from tonight's meevg. 50:03: "from m is meeting thocommunity memfers thatended, uppence,e good neor h a othat ght. kno glue neighbors, talk to th, learn who they are. i heard, be nosy a lot." " thatas really the biest ssagtothe blic tonig stu thng iacti. beafe bu n. ve ilaanimas, ky gal, kk 1ws. minutes ononostop news
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irorce academy cadet i accused of sex assault. it happened on univ hl der st ail policees21d rmolts at the ademdaafafthay dna link the caca. . thacademy yshey are cooperating with police in their investigation. there are no plans yetetor the funeral of a las animas sheriff's s ty. puty travis russel was kille in a cra yesterday. he leaves behind a w we and three kids. it happenein trinidad. his vehicle veered into oncoming traffic and hit other ca ruel w taken to the hospit where he die this is s deo o a state troop saluting his boitit bei t t e e ners offic the depamentntls uthey thk head a medical iss befoforarain a n n cucuofbbhi gifriend former acheys he's t gu reoninnity cece bin juary sea verseet had his girlfrieie lure the victit from his home in copaxi before orstreeeestabbed hihi after a fight, the victim s
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overstet'tttory says he s s adrauma from a car crash at contribut to his mentnt impait. a wowod-be bank robb chahaed his mind at the last minute. it happed d is aernoont the nk of colorara near plat and mury in the springs. the man lkeded in theank and manded money. but t 'shen said heheas just joking and left. police are now tg to tck hido colora spr receive pret xigh h/n/r. ipadedththst o ot t bmstlacee... pomn a ` r according to u.s. wswsnd rld report ftsts fiunplntnt rateana creaeaononovions.&525454515%heh thk all l woerfuc`cici i untre e bn inteas a t bestitie
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chf teorologist brian n n e and sam farnsworth with sports. . two o opopre dead and several are ininritical after a cacacaammeinto a pizza staurant. itappened in newton, maachusetts. witnesses say a car hit two other rs and t crasheto the restaurant's ont t ll. . tnesses say before t crash, it w speeding. a bibi that sparked ch d dat and nation attention ge voed by the governor of f h data ititasn atmpt restrt acss to ceceainirestoms and locker@rroom pupuic schoolsuing ansgdestudents to o e e e bathroom or loer room at corresponds to their sex at rt the goveveor says if theh tuation n es, heants schofficicls to address it. said the bill also invite legal issueses elelelexexan y,xtrely t tnkl thth he
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thisisssueuend vetoedeit." suppters of t e bibi argued the measase was not didiri , b rather protection for all sthakota sten. the bill main hohoe sponsor idt wewe thaha chdren and t tnson't need toto be exposed t t thehananany y thehepposise sex in schoooo ththsuprpne cocois taking up an abortioiocaseenred ound what kind of limits stes c place oabortion clinic justices hrd arguments stices h h arguments day about q texas law icicrequires abortion door have admittttg privileges locacaspitd fofoins to he dard s sgicaca centntnt thehstate doesn'n'agree with t plaintifjf whoho sae e w is intended totohuhu down clini in the state. "we rein optimistic that the urt oing to see the requirementstsor what t t are, aham designed to limit wos abororon acces" texas) his is all about women's health andnduality of care for whatever kind of decision they choooo
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the balance in the case is likely to come dowowto justice anththy nnedy...who cod be the swing vote tween a 5-3 desionr a 4-4- locked t.t a decision is expected in n ne. we're tracking an all f r actiononlert... ifouoshop p who foo, k ur fridg the ocery wrwris recalng yt raw milk blue cheeses over aossisie listeria contaminion. the recell involves cheese sd in p pkaging in thisisideo. maytagairy farmspended th uction and distribution while the cause of t problem is rted out. no illnesses hbeen reported in connection with t recall. thepdriver invold in a bad crash near powererand north h carefree, isisxpected to ive. at crash shut down intersfctionvernight. the impact of it l lrereinto the morningnruru hour e told the driver suffered ind of medicalontion, d was ririsijurerererere areaning up tetorno swept througtuesdanigh it
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cocotyfficialsls the twister used damage to arnd 30- homes i i the area. for many residents, , e storm was a complete surprise. "i didn't even realili it was inouounenehborhood. i j st h h an t me up on my e that said totnado warning. it happfns mighty k, you reay don't have time to think." " four peoe were t te to the hospital witminor r juries. a man is accused of killing two college students. coming up on 11 nene at ten,dada he was inouou. whatappened. we'l'lexplain inust a few mines. t fi 2ousa women a agnosed th orianr evy year. . a w udy als s fofoation abouto catch it early. ththe e eamery shakes are e ricand creamy. finally a shake for an aficionado like myself. u're ahake aficionado? not a shaficionado.thee s ake aficionado. handcrafted,low-churned
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this ultimate chicken club really has st all. -totalal, right? -nda reminds me of when i had it all. hieret job, sports car. had to walk k aym it all. i' you since middle schl.l. -wn did alalthisisapapap -fououh h e. wi all white m mt ickeke on a b boche bun, the ultimatehicken clulu has all.l lickck
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brbrflylheld captive byrarainanuaua? ns oututtheyay f discipline for mistas leading thehinciden an investitition finds t sas s de repepted rs,p leadinem into irian territorial wawars. auononhethings, they reportedlylyailed to conduct a standard opetional iefing before ttininsail. ththsailors were cturere and repopoedlylylilifoldedednd interrated during thr detainment. ththe'a nenereport abobo ovararn cancerer might be able to tch it early and tre it tter. that report says ovavava canceceisisot just one e disease but rather d dferent types ofancece thahausuauay y start in the uterus or fallopian tubes.. the ovy itselfs such a rtilareaeaorhe cellso ant wiwi lotof blood ssels and nutrieies that the don't actually begin on the ovary, b b they ovary. the reportrom m e "national acadies s
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medicine " says understanding ese cancers is critical for early detecec and treaenen the parents of two virginia college stududts spokokokt today,p,n the dadathe n who plel guilil to killllg ththr daugers wawasent to prison for fefe the e ecwas scackled a left the virgia courtroo plead guilty to murder kidndnng o otwo coloeg udents ththla`tersosoto seonof the vicicms alive. we, you don't get over yououou daughter beingngngdered but you cage past it a&d we want to do that. thislea agrereent will keep the counity safe which has alalys b bn mymyaramouou titition."dna discoverer dururr mumuer was nked to e other lleg student's murderer in ehahato ping g ilty, the suspecec avoioid ththdeath penalty, but he'll never get out of prison. otheheciti tes a major s sp to try to prevent teens from smomong. san francicco is bing the
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tobaccccoducts includicigagaes and e-cigarett from 18 to o . . the city the sond d rgeses nd n noztosesehat minimim agaghe new ordinance takes effe in n ne. the 5-a state basketetll playoffs rumed tht for st one colorado springs scol.... the doherty bobo oeam m the only o left in eithe bpys ogirls in the 5stat toment froroour region... highlights comg up... and... kobe played his finaname of his career in denver
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... that leaves the horty boys as thonly team left from ouregn a 5-a tournament.... tonight... they were on their home court agagast rockyhyanyon for spototn n e arins.s.==== 3rd d ardrr...rtrts brk the e e s... devin jodrops s floater... doherty up 14.4. === 4th quarr...alven brushier no l lk ss to kayden wasbgton for th layup... spartans up 48-37... it was closer down t`setch but the spartqns advance e th the 63-56 w... ththdenver broncos, and the entire football cococoy fofothatatter,ntinue to wait f peyton manning's s on on n tirerent.... totay on sports radio o o 3 the n inver, mannininagent tondon sai in an intervieie that he knkns yton h h n decide rdrdrdto him... ththonly thing manning has told condon oththissusuis that he wantntto t te his ti and does nott t go back on anything... e blacon... .
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gonzalez... . lan arenado... gegerdo rra. those were the first five inhe rockies batttt ordrd totopepeupactus leag plala ing to l lk on odododay. === afd.j. lemahieu reached on a single... carg at phed d j. over t third... bototfinished 1- fofo2... === then... nolan arenado stepepd ....ere's that sweet swing frfr last season... one-hops i itotoef.. rbi single.. === = cargo wolatee on a a parra fielrs chce... e roies s ulend l ling g the game-3-3. . t aro says nworries.s.stililtons of bpsebaba left... "i the first day. i dodo wan to get t t excited. . enhe guyshat may not have eerfo they way they wanted, its the first da i i doesn't mean anything. still a lot of spring training left. we're justryinto g g o workrkn d get better." with the season on the line for pret much e rere of thth
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seon varlamov was pullll for the secoco time in ve g ges last t ght and nono has been pulled for gogo... . e avs ararmoving forward with h in picka as the p p p goaler for the rt of the season... the avs haveve7 games left on thscdududud d decicionons obviouslslbein ma bas o o rere results. bebee th as compar is sisilar r en you looo at the stat that matters e most for a keeper... save pcentage...thththre both just uer 9 percenenfor the season... this next game will be pickard th as a starter... totoght was the final titi kobe` bryant will pl in denver in s career... ==== 2q... nugggts ononhe run... will bartrt up to kenneth faried f the alley oop and a a a two popot lead... === fourth qrter... . augustin was huge... dirves for t t hoop and the rm. 22 pwint fourtr quarter f r augu....26 on
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