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tv   11 News at 10PM  CBS  March 3, 2016 10:00pm-10:35pm MST

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prpron. james homes was moved d another prisis because of it. but no one is saying where he is. tonight, y the prostor in his case says that's wng. headed out for a hike soon? your car is an easy target for theives. you may think twicabout leing anything in itheyou hear just w many cars have been broken into so r this year. deputies say this is t suspect in a chililsex assault case 20 years backck they're worrieere are more vtims out there tonight. 21:15 "i coun't speculate to how many there are, there's so ny. whate reportedly told investigators that has them so conceed. now, from your breaking newsws ader, this is kktv 11 news at 10. hello. imianne derby heo. im don w wd a chd secrime case could be solved 2 2 years later. this man, joel market is behd bars tonight facing charges in a horrible crime, right in a child's own home. investigators linked h h to a handful l oer crimes.
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could be many more victims our community tonight. w tonight, we're learning more from his arrest papers. 11 news reporter katie pelton joins us now. katie, why do they think ere are other victims? detectives tell me that serial rapists dodot stop ununl they are caught. in this case, 20 years. joel mket is in a texajail tonight. nabbed this weekor a child sex crime two decades old. reportedly broke into a child's omnd sexuall assaulted the chd. a crime so horfi the victim eded s sgery. detectives say in 1996, there was a string of burglaries with physical andnd seseal assaults in the b streetrea in southeaern colorado springs. dective kurt smith, cso: 8::26 "he would usually enter through window but also force his way in through a door.wh he was confronted, he wod physically assault them and run away." arrestapers say market was in the army, stationed at fort carson at the time. the worst part. 8:22:25 "mr. market has
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so prolific, he could not remember detas of them.""he's done so much stuff that he cannot identify specifiincidents." how'd theyet him.. fingerprints. 8:13:55 "the new jersey state police wadoing some grantunded rearch into so cold cases. oucase was one of them." his prints were on file from a 1998 burglary in texas, he reportedly broke into a home and punched a woman. they match fingerpnts found athe victim's me heren 96. 8:21:15 "there was such a wide range of time there could be a vast number of viims." market can't be charged for any cases against adults because of the statute of limitations. however, detectives still want to hear from you ifouhink y may have been victim. it helps investigators establish patterns and it gives victims closure. back to you. thank you katie. you can call t el paso county sheriff's office at 0- 7199. new at ten donald trump's top three republican opponents all say they want him out, but tonight they
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support him. it did not te lo to come a shting match duringonight's debate. not on did trump field attacks from other candidates, but fm people outside too. "dump trump dump trump!" donald trump has written checks to hillary clinton, not once, twice, three timebut ten mes. the last person that hillary clinton nts to face is me, i guarantee it. the candidates revisit an insult that marco rubio threw at trump a few days ago. we'll let the clip speak f itself. if tre's anyone who deserved to be attacked like that it's donald tru." "he refeed tmy hds that tf ey're all, somethinglse might be small....i guarantee you,here's no problem there! ere are cauces and primaries in seval states this weekend. have new information about the hohos affected by landslides sn the west side lolcdo springs. in all, the propty val of the 17 homes affected has dropped by nearly
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accordjng to our partners the properties he been condemned. 10 other prties have a5 percent drop in value. have a new update tonight ababt t is fe burning in pueblo county. it started yesterday morning in avdonale. the strong winds yterday fueled the flames. it has nowurned 0 acres, but tructures arthreened. is 85 pcent contained. we are told a downed power pole likely started it. now that the weather is warming up, thieves are looking for cars that may be left alolo a aparkd lhlhdsdsdseak into. . the colorado springsolice departmeme has been seseng so mamaases alreaea this yr that they nt people to be ext cefulul new tonight, news reporter danielle kreutter joins us now live what did police tell you? don and dine, for starters they say you should not leave a spare key inde the car. you should take with you while you're out hiking. they also say crooks have told them that they'll watcpeople
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ththtrunk, a a thenarget those cars so if you do need to put anyt in the trunk for safe kping, do it before you get to the parking lot. nats while the warm weather means more fun outsideor us. it also brings a l of opportunies crooks to find new victims. so far this year, colorado spris police havevevepopoed to arou60 thefts from ca all over the city. 25:54:4: buckley people are going out and enjoying our parks our trailil anoudifft hikingreas, tp leaveheir cs at those ars and we're seseng those rs broken inin the numver of these crimes spike during the warmemonths. 56:44:00 don't forget anything, always y my s sff ;10:00 if idoesn'fit in my pocks then i idoesn't come ang 59:22:00 dot make it an easy rget andmae avoid evenenakinthose kinds of things you're jujung on a hikikpolice say if
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car.. that may only be the beginning.g.26:53:3: your purse gets taken, they could use the information in the for credit cardrdud, they couldldo identitytyheft with your infofofwiwn and you could ve a ahole lot of r crimes that you coululbe victim to, unowingly while you'u' sll hiking up the trail.l. another good suggestion is to always keep ur phone wityo not only so it doesn't get sten, t so yoha it just i icase of an emergency. reportrtg live in colorado p spris,'m danielle kreuet kktv 11 ne. evraz is laying off people. the pueblo compa says it's the rerelt of a combation of financialssues. the stl milllln pupulo is suending pipe prouctctn. ey say tre's been n ge increase of steel imrts from forei producers. also, the u.s oil and gas drilling has been sluggish. we talkewith a former employee who worked there for 43 yearar anis sad to hearhe news. patrick cordova - worked at evz for 43 years 04:07:03
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they don't know how long it's ing to be.e always had an ideahow lo it'd be f f when we were laid off and youounow steel importare hurting them." this announcement comes just one month after evraz announced d ey were shutting down pipe production in portland, oregon. 11 mines of non stopews continues with this. thankfully crews were quickly abe to put out a grass this morning. it startedear the banks of sand creek in the area of plattend wooten in colorado springs. even though it was less than an acre, fififighghgh still takeseriously, espeally on ndy days. 02:16 "when we get these wind evevts that are coming through, it's dry here in the winter just ke it is in the summer, so the threat for fire is gnificananthisisime of year as ll." the fire was started near a homeless camp. tonight, a wanted man is in jail. police had been looking for him. just a few dayago, we show you this sveillae video of police say he was stealing money from a hotel. . his alleged m-o was to distract e employoys and
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al sermeno is accused of committing the crimes at several hotels across the spngs arar. heheas caught yestery at a hotel on the southeast side. new information totoght. we areow getting our first lot the inma who attacke the aura theater shoer. abc is reportinnewly released documents say mark danielpushed his way through an open door and hit mes holmes in the head. in the canon city pron, lmes s not alloweto come in ntact with other inmates. the documents say he was targeted because he was convicted of killing2 people and injuring dozens of others in an aurora thter nearly 4 years ago. after that incident in prison, holmes was sent to another prison. the state's prison system refus to say where jes quote--"fety" issues. the prosecutor who tried holmes told abc news that holmes should serve his sentce in colorado and as taxpayers, he ys we deserve to know where is. a prison cell is a home to some, buthat doesn't mean you can use deadly force t
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that's a law that's making its way through the state capitol. apparently, two coloradodonmates re exonerated when they killed fellow inmates who entered eir cells and the my day law protected them. this new law would not g inmates immunity. on airlines is asking fo permission to fly to cuba, including a direct flight from denver to havana. the government wspend the ne few months deciding. other airlines he also mad the request. if the u-sives the go ahead, the aiines would still have to aplly for a permit to operate in cuba. after beg closed for two weeks r renovations, the springs rescue mission near downtown corado springs is re-open. part of its now a mini grocery ore. in theast you could only pick up a pre-packaged box food. it serves about 15people in our community who need it most everyday. there are a lot of homeless that come through here, but 2/3 of the people that come through the stororare low-income families." the fo pantry is open tuesday and thsdays arting at 1. 1st h sups
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this collectible stamped envelope from the post offifi. it's celebrating the broncos super bowl win. they aren't avaible at the post offices here in southern colorado, but u n order it by mail. it costs 10 dolls. we've postedhat information on kk dot c. ju click on n ndt. no wait weher what a beautiful sunse picture this morng from cascade. we didn' ch in th way cloud cover ts morning so our sunrise
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have nice blanke[ of high ouds, we tend to get some beautiful sunris here in soututrn colorado...hig hs this afternoon will range from the 50s to the 60s across southern colorado with a few passing clouds every now and again. highshsill be warmer tomorrow climbing int the 60s and 70s with sunshine but a disturbance will cool us
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weend, befe rming back to the 60s and 70s by sunday. ourext chance for moisture arrives monday, which may even include some snow in the viewing area across the higher terrain. details with this system will beme more clear as we get closer. deputi d dned after e
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lled one otheir own in colorado. coming up on 11 news, we'll explain why they are in trouble. but first. a d anniversary. 25 yrs ago plane crashed into a park in a local communiny. what one woman who witnesse all told us about what she saw
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rdthe scene. we don't just serve any fish sandwich at cuer's. we serve wild-caught, hatlantic cod. this c grows in water that is ldclean and istine, full of flavorful nutrients, and that comes through in the fish. th is the way we ship it to your restaants. it's not pre-breaded. so n only do we use the highest quality cod, buwe still hand-batter ip the old-fashioned way. at's rarkable. and think we get the best fish filet sandch becausef that. this is the bestish sandndch america.
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witness taus bk 25 yrs ago tohenerash
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in j nds. u'attvnews thiae dey, dar chieie meteorist brian blede an sam fafasworth with sportsts & yearsrsgogoay - -nited flight 5 5 waseaeang to the coloradoings airpo. the plane crashed in a widefield park goi 250 mileseser hr, ing 25 peoplplonboard. 11 reporter ssica leht e to one nvighbhb w w w wllemembebe this w tnen thth morning of march 3rd, 1991. john laur/ntsb 1991--old sot this airplan impact ivery small crater so its necessary to proceed by hand working piece piecece have a big pzlzlol ouru hands" 8 years s ter, the n n nfired " out what thesay [hat mayayavav
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jessica icht "as a normal pk-go youayay nokn whahaenenenene.tse 2525harere planananin mororof ticms onon mindngititththgazeze. saenens itke as yrday."sandra alleneighbo r 13130:19 "i"ias in bed and i heard a big boom." sandra and her husband were the first to run down to the wreckage. "it t st this big black hole with something sticking out of it and smoke billoling up in the air." sandra dcribes that dada 25 ars agagas one fied with sadnesesfor the e ves lost. ou don't really think that much about it unless you go over the the gazeze a it't't'ndndf a quieting feeling ththasessisi lcht report the f-a-a order boeing to resi d d 73rudder systems in 20 ter this plane a&&&other plane had the same problem. the park c cy y y riff discscnetwo employees after the deadly shootout t at killed e puty and injuredwo
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itappeneas they we trying to evict a man from his home. undersriff monte gorand sergeaea wellenvbobo punisheded ththundersheriff is on leave because of the way he notified nate cacaigan's fatheof his s death. dnnj r r rned a ter be modn the u-s r fl is in colorado tight. jeffersovo county deputities got the flag today and presented it tthe mothth of t tt fallen deputy nate e rrigan. tomorrow, the honoflag will be displayed for 13 hours, one hour for each year rriganerved. memoriililbe held for prrigan o orch 14th anfaithtbie chchch i i arvada. itits4s4 11 a-m.m. lts e cond l lding cauau of deatfrom cancmcminhe u.s and t its 90 to 95 percent preventable. thats why march colon cancer awareness mont its ththird mo common caer but only5% o adults get the pper @ screenings. a doctor at st mary corwin hospal tellss by
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theopulioget en 540:16 "theime toe screenedor colon is not enou haveve symptoms. unrtunately when oplelesymptoms many mes e cocon cancrey spreadad didi and exexexeeeeey alsoelelreduce your riskskf getting colocacaer. a mail man comes to the reue of a toddler he fod wandering whyhhe feared he wouldn't make in n memebufit, old d n o o s red by a craigliststs and shot. policecece they know who dididt.
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netotoght,ree e leleusus in a craili sototgt en caught.
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wanted from the shooting on monday night and they chased it nortenvern police bieve t m m mnd women are connected to shooting wherere man met u utheh rerepeop@from aigsst pipgpgogbuy drugs whene s shot. tonini a toddler is babae safe after she wander into o e mile of the street. anit was a mailman who came to r rerere bert rlelesaw the lilile rlththan with nono but a tshirt h hpenert dr. cararer bloedededtoddle trafafththoscacaand`d wentstre t get her y.y"carare gogogogy and i thoughtd d ov t t t as quick as i could use she coulululrt outuln th middle of e road" r grandpa s tchingnger at e tititihe went t diffffent room*a did)nw she e e . he's now facacg child use charges. there'e'rhing rerere spealbl out hit the stage at the pikes peak center. three broadway stars a iwn right now, tperforwi t cocorado s plhlhmoc. i
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thah'shristiti pedi, jason graae and christianeneoll. they're all award winning broadway veterans. the show is comy tonighgh`hhey'llll be sisging s se e the funiest sofromheorldldf theatre.e. pristindi ast ilradishowow rius xs brbrbrbr cnnnnnnnn e'lll0 ing inins her h h own.( earthat, bette davisiscacgl l l l l !nningethel me,hh katherinhepburn, joan rivers - you tramp, c we talk? angela bury, dscher." comedy tonight with the colorado spring ilhaonocfriday nigigigndsa nigigig ckat t t box officicor tickets weststst a ao o lili at kk d d d.
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right here i i sosorn c coradad pepebewl 5 5mvp p n n lls gointo be metime netwo levivion this summer... will be a particint o. a popular s s s sringe offseason....... i'll tyou at tt is, coming up...-- .... tela n's ge e`e`e`e`e`e`, kobe told us what on mning i i iinking a autut while he csidersetiremt... at's nexexports... these creame skes arar ricanancreamy. i knkn. . nanay a a a er r r ado o o o y y z wait...u'rererehaha afifiononon nono shake aficionado. thththshakakaf... 5whoa.-(chkles) yeah. ll, peaps u could o tgoad. mm. ththe'e'e'cone. xx, it'sold. okayayice e e cd?stheress, guyu. "i"i"ireams co,"sasa pete. pnt it. new sl-churned d creamery shakes are here@ ininrnninilala
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kktv 11 spititsam m farnsworor. von miller... man of many talents... 60 career sacks rough fifi sesso i ithth nfl... forced fumbleleduriririri sp..d oheah... n n rererere... thr r wlwl v-p.p. le e oncococoumumo l
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sely make h h hhemimst t@t@ defsivi`ilayeye the league... mi has a aeaockeup anan. erers extet% a this summer'ioioio "ththhe s"s"n a-a-c.....ncnc fafs@mili@ithththous dadad moveseisp p the otball f)fld after no he geo do it in front millions on t- .. pitttturgh steelers wide receer a aonio brbrbral eececd to be ononon owowwhile llererances...broncos wo k's jajalm, whwh isisised i i inver with broncos,s,epory that was tololtltl brbrcos s ve m me a sususuntntl offer to brock osweiler... weererill entmr eegencnc next weeeeifififif bponcocat lolo up a th-b priorororth.... a couple ef gugu theroos mayayay showownterese!e!in d ding gtgt agagaga..ruinback ariananososandp ofofnsive gud d nebeads. ere&leasas b beir sptive amtotoy... of course foster has worked with kubiak in houstofomany y bes s s s memeer of the broncos d dineirun
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wl 48..... la night k ke bryante e s nal peance on thsketba courtrxn denver... . onlnned s bebebee e e e ore t& shouer...( afthe gamem%m% w w a out yton manning and the decisione has d of him... s sd he`eust followed his heand mannnng shouou do the e me. have to maka#that from thin. the se dadaas announced at semyone aaovld b bthe e imary y alalder r teama in theococy world cuisisall.l.l.walleded fr h h tospot w ththhehehe s.
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decided totoo wi calvin pickara as number onkeeperer rpthe r%r%inder ofofhe onon. andnit sdarted digig wtheh avs were hosting the panthers... ==== 1st peod... tied at one... mimieloedker sces f f fhe avsvs thn th2nd.d. -atduchche gave`t 3 1 1 leadadad27th of the e ason= pickara a up two gos s he sosototoed 3 3 3 33 shs including anan recec in the third period... e avs n an imporornt o o o toghgh 3-2... throckcks s e wer@ thetututuayaytheir caceus le game against theback..011 firsrororo afafafaf t t6or or 442 [ [un h h%h%h%hhe could start for r e rox withthyeye..)= bit t te c clogogo shshs s at s set s s that red him to a a0 measono&
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ring... . d d d ieget t eir first t caus l lgue *switch to o o ururinisistvanangegege chaelscae gigis you, without havingdealt c c yeand? and...there'whole home dvr. pls s omama optio so0you cananatathatever,r, wheneverer it theirst r re ofofop by sayanananesnd," acceptpthe reality eaead by ouredy partrtrs, , ulul yes,. do you? e a hollllooooinsider


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