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tv   11 News at 530PM  CBS  March 4, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm MST

5:30 pm
accefromomombreaeaea n nererhis isisktkt11 news atatat 530000 ghnow w h/memeilled withthh majuana pots is ing raided w much pot hasn removed so hullll donh%ll i-i-e e e y y y we sing g g g s 1111 breakingngews alert2 two fires are burning on fort carson. this)ia a vevuicturererere frfr o o oereramererererer a loloofofoueeise@isis acr 90 0 0 0 d.d. thththshshshse it'sbobo f fe acacs.s..... ewe e cene w w to o p put i i . 'r ldld structures arehreatened. coloprings police have raidid a home near persoroad ananstetson hills. thatatwh11 newrepoer jessleic joins s police ant saying mu b b
5:31 pm
tpeyve pulled out dozens of pot plplplp ean seuehehehehes s ld o.e sididif e e@e@ home from all thpor the grow eratatn caused. i was justt the colorado ringngmarijuana tata forcetetg g urs n. statew ws cegivivivtototoe e e e e o o x plaltstsfor r fivee.e.addion to the giveve&tt uate6 ants. . but a p titit'doctorac gally y ve caregivers an exemptionlo c c c legly h!ve6uto 99 plants. the task force has proposed liting any residenal grow, gioror rep,p,12la enforcrcg g nes if peoele do follow thehe guiuilines. i talkededededneig... . "came around the corner and said huhu guys ininints sts, ththn'be good, oanththth ghnene dooto u ut
5:32 pm
in t t t people wewe groririri o oererherere perhap" the task force will meet again ononch 1h befofoivinin r recommendntions s c c c c counun rado sinir mamahal s m/reririions on n owing g g foemen live in colorado sprinweweananan tuririririr casth h eiei tututut t iabled ts g g a aetetr lookokde oararn n n t(e e kingngp)p)p) peakabababtleyey
5:33 pm
in 60s this notime &* hourrougug10100 eseseseses alalada r)w w mparad t t t whe we were sterery! l lkini t t t x end and d thcastmamamadry, bt t fire weather does as well. wl we s s any rie from the f fe wewewer?r?r?ll
5:34 pm
the smoke from this use firewas s en allacacssololo o rings toto]- it statata a aa a memen brbrbr eabstrmyin c corado o rings. oseeles quickpbpb a a homedodododo tonight,re stilllln p scenenenenau the flames s ep trying to flare up. investigators are working to re out a aauauau juststststatt ewer vifrom m m m jesususuthe stst ququsosososoighbhb 24 i i iver seseseseseajaj go sfa in n n lili. . mattetete minutes - e e ed d dd spinintotono onenene
5:35 pm
fence wnwnnd tsegs o o, bududu couldn't gethesesutut ithuse. thehetreeee#md @pililar& tching, and wowoyini. "le)hohoe e geg on more fifi" guenevevevevnts thth vidid e whwhwhneigod cld seeee smoke as thefifi g gw is video is from 11 news ieieie my g about a k away, claudia & or w w hot embe - f f fer the houses in thearar- on a a y too dry.she ebt t wnhehehehehehehe piskededpdthe`ho, ju sesesesethe re department got there icicndhd what the but tre@e was no savg th house where it ala srted. thisis the deparent's own videde sopo- - - y royal l tpalalie 13:40:56 thihityfife, , enene e e e e r)ved,d,ausu the amounof fire th was inlv q icklyoeto a ivivfirewe don't'tow p sototeibor 1:0505 d d d knkw whwh explodin but there was something exploding ininhererandndyaya :4:416 tfueu vitagaiaiwe at 100% satufs,s, c c c ce e ings fsisisi thusor rhe p r r rr tied a h hter, thosesere gsweweweweweut o o o
5:36 pm
dour invtvgationon nally e fifi is ouhe ighbhood is calm. and the's nomuchefof one housusex - eept the quwhatatausud it to mage s squicicyc righthfifirsrson't knththwa anyo i i i i i iheememe fitartrtou be e e e whilrfrfrfeaearsrsrsw usepbecaca a a tame. isisise burnininin pueueueue county is w 100 percent contained. tartrt wedededayoyngg daleas fueued d d ng win and gto 3000000acrere the resesese a pow popohat blblblblr. strtrrerere e er thththehed. thepepamamamamymd e r rfrfrfd d ea. itk sel nees t tgege re u u u contr. police a looking for two men who o fd a assssstedthma 'r'rtolt theheran n n ehinin hiit and stoto om h. appene aftertr near 21st and ehdodo w wt sisif f cococodododoings. afafafafe aultltltltltlt le,aagagaghianan awawawthert t of a susut
5:37 pm
the bjbjeit t h h digtrict@t@ rn lolodo i iououto ged s st t bebeb%on m m schoo escocongngp onne5:303030 whenenenents c eece the e w w w gegegeee now lets get over to james brownr r check ateng coco nbnb-2-2-2om c c cron st. to fontarslowing in ththtbtb a c cshokside . atahsaave. 25 mimimis ththugugugwn. . . . haha to deuv41utpppppp. fofolilitrafafafcondio huhuha d d, go totoff watatn n r w w anneat kco i'i'i'brown 11s trtrfic c watch. u're w wchchg kktvtv1 ne ththiae derby,dowawa4 4 4 f f teorogog brian bledsoe,
5:38 pm
j-j-own withraffffffff i i
5:39 pm
5:40 pm
thrgeseshohohoistrt uthern colorado iplanning tinstall seaeel on s/memechchchbusesfsfctct1 ysoreral yeye paren hav asdede b bts it wasn't until the national safetyououou endorseem l l l l tat aerious cococosationontarted"sool buss h he compartmentazation and that's one the reaeanschool ss arereththon the safesesvehciles on e ad, , t t tbelieie thahatsts g t tmakeket t safer. d-11 has thehe to ininalal seat belts sn n ree sses sr next t t t mononon movovg g foroard, braew bses will so be equipped with at lts.
5:41 pm
collabormounsuey thawa e@t t t hereren n utrn cololol thosepsusus a inou mean possible llll itiativiv in november. . laststonth a few othe chambe of c cmerce lo a a ancedhehed be giving citizs tuni to tellgo w iesestseieieix y. huns pardicicicpeleotot blic recomic developnt asashe m((imimrtrtrtareas to wk on. . . chamaer r r omomom he hohothese resultltltlt opens the diogue for elected officials. 14:50:2121itn'n'totoet meththththat jusendorsrs o e e prprpr i totoee how w wcam really impve our mmunity ininwn gave t tm soso r r datataty y y y begin k withth ththththe e f alalalininiatives s ghnoni thththambebeof comomomoasasasa they will most likely be working on one over next few ntnt. tototostududud at t t ew dddfdfch got t chancecececen ababt
5:42 pm
fofothe stem club.stststco i iscienenene..t-t-t-logy, , engineering and math. " "loinininin reacaion from students . .heir excitement. it s memel reae g/gt whe'rerererer%it makek el l l%l'riningreat." thererwere let the e ds chece outut 3-d-d-d-d-d printer. a second let kids@ eatetete o m m m mvercrcft ing badaooooooererere tualet kids tr a hovercraft using cardboard and a leaf
5:43 pm
5:44 pm
5:45 pm
w, f fm m m 11111111ing weweher r ,`chieff meteorololilbrbrbr blbdbdbdbda mimi end to the work week and
5:46 pm
ck in the 5050and 606 6 fore rereunununand`70s s r suayayexpect breejy nditionsn n n gfgfgfoon ch day, butugugus shld noto be overwhelming. r next disisisancerrive e mndayhtntntntnt tutuda this wif f ct to erer
5:47 pm
showers are expected monday nigig. wiwi aold d enough a oftftftme w w w snowflakesldldldld w w w t(ghgh trara y y e light
5:48 pm
5:49 pm
rocoiepipihersre o o ta roh starararpringn traiaing... 'v'vovlylylayegames buso far... they've veu u t t of 2020unun..t ... arow frestrated jordrdylylylyl isiscomimi u 6.. a nt rent is ste t tctogonon ght in p psusu of a m-m- titlelbebe... that's nexex
5:50 pm
5:51 pm
rnk d! it somomomll h!h!hey buhatgrgs up is is whwht cacacaca!lililio o@vevevenene , , n. a painful, bliststqng rash. if youad chickenpox, e shingles virus alrlrdy insu. 1 inin peoplwiwi shshglglgln their lififime ter almost 3 w w,,,juststy want give it a shot.t.
5:52 pm
lasdies mananar wawaid he s optpmisticut hisis potentiapitchihirotation heang i io seasasasashe even pin-n-inted d jordrdrdydyds s s y o coul w wk horsrsfor r r r staff... hopefullypring training is not the exame e what wll see in the relar r ononyeyeerdalylele pihetwnini striking t two.o. b gave e wo enenene runsnse h)ts... he was y... "um.m. yeah. i igood to o l baba out there. um.... it's good to bbaut thehe. i sese resultsa fe hits. bububu was g od to back out t ere, yeaea" &
5:53 pm
better today... they were ebliterated by the a's... ======cicilithse inni. catcher r r on blaia ri o o onte coer in ... drives in a run... a's jujt t ttttg started. ===enen. the ep s sts s srt cong t t a's... gh off the center field wall foru indodole. === then... franklinarreto gs yard... sixjrun in. ies get dumped 9-4... sky sosooutfieieerhahahad is eoyiyg his first ever invite to b b bea mpmpmph the brewers.s.p. reed plad in3 3 mes fofo doubub-a b bi before moving up to theprings for the final 38 games of the season... & ed compes inin l lded posision frwewe t he s she's lkyo&ar om s smanyose .. "learnininfromoueveray i ininisislescininfor r eveve though there are quite a bit of them. i ytillllb a aoung outftflder, can learn a lot whatheyo,o, hohohoey gababt thththt&t& business."
5:54 pm
the first wf three agaststst neneda up atathe a ade... . fafaons had a three e n first... christian sto o tched d ghgh mpleteinning.. and air g gs s the win 5-2... monumuntnt own joearren n $&$&$&g%tting cko thoctogogo tonight t btoto151...warren is the formerer ntntht andnd feherweight t amamamd nowowtrtrng tgeg%a shsh athth title agn... tonight figigs agai deed drion cawewe...(=== so..gilbert smith om springsgsakesis llor deb as the co-main 6 event... highlhtstfrom both of ththe evysonight at tete.. basketll alrerdy ununrkayay todawith a few afternoongames... ithe(a s urururur. la j jta defeated d d le park 64-46 to advance to the second round tomoow. === and the lamar girls were winners agai ur-2 tll
5:55 pm
trtr... switchcho centntylinpristv, and gegemere chahael ble gives yoyo without hahang t tde wiwiabaf. yes a&d? ..there's whole home d,, plpl tons nfdemamamaptptpt so yoy cananatch wter, whenever. yes and? why do you guys keep saying that? it's the first r ret of impmpmp @ saying g eseses,","," we a aept alalylyleadby our cedy partners, paul. yes, right, i know. do i i? feelike hohoywood dfsidede
5:56 pm
5:57 pm
d remember kktv 1111ews is your breaking news leader.
5:58 pm
we had real people make their own pizzas. they chose the ingredients they wanted. i like the fresh dough at's bha? what are fillers? you guys jusmade your pia the way i make my pizza. hey! no ingredients that you can't pronounce and no artificial flavors. and we're prou to announce get any large pizza up to 5-toppings for just $9.99 line only. at
5:59 pm
wheel... of... fortune! dies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show -- pat sajak and vanna white! just applaus thank you, j. thanks, everybody. higangthank you. appreciate that. yore too kind! stop it goodbye. hi, everybody. good to see you. get ready. your time has come. woman: o boy. [ laughs ] "oh, boy" is right. woman: oh, boy. "phrase" is the category. a0 puzzle. off we go. [ ll chimes ] john. say hello to everybody. that it. yes, sir.
6:00 pm
good job. thank you. nicely done. perfectly enunciated. [ laughs ] john malh, right? yes. from stroud township, pennsylvia. what part the state is that? it'sight on the east-- easterrd wnejers dedeware rer is our sepatg. yeah, sure. uh, married man? married with my lovely wife, ann, going on 46 years. we have five children, one is deceased. and we havtwo grandchildren. hi, miranda. hi, mason. love you. woman: aw. uh, army vet. army veteranf the vietnam era. yeah? i was an artillery instructor at forsill, ,hlahoma in 1965 and 66. okay, retired now? what'd you do when you reking? i worked in the plastics packaging industry for 26 years, and th i was a pennsylvania state social worker for 10 years. ll, i'm glad you're here. and good luck the rest of the way. thank you. hi, ellen. hi, pat. ellen portilla... th's correct. is from thousand oaks, california. we want to hear all about you. talk about your family. let's start with them. okay. i'm married to my wondrs husban eric. mm-hmm. and he'st home with my two boys --


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