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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  March 5, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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>> axelrod: mpai 2 votersake theichoices in five states wiozozs ofof delegagas up for grabs,`willllhe races tighten? e clasof 2017 puts the new a.t. tthe te essay optional. and those a aane vocabulary wordrd erased.& down-- >> axelrod: yaleniversity'y' basketball team inurmoilijn the middle of their besteason alal a centy,irir capta now offhe t t tnd of school with nofficial explananionn an ce-i perbom a clifornia'seathth vaey t tming withh life. > i i i amazing to me that anhing lives here. ptioiong sponsored by cbs
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it is@ teusiestaarday o o caaign016,6,&a so far it's been aood day for ted cruz 's already w the republili ucuses i kansas. republicans araral votinggg toy r a prridential nominee lououiana,e, an mae, wh a total@ o o 1 degagaheable. democrcrcrare deciding inhree stes-- louisiana, kansas, and nebrasas, wh 109 delegation@ forp grs. liannanadmdm has the latest from o our washington breau. julianan >> r rorter: jim, tonight, is all about braraing@ights. dpnaldldrump andonll hill e looking to b bld on t t t les and momenen from super tuday.y. rivals areoping for wins to prpre that they have stang por. andruz victoryn kansas means he canan keep makee the case that hehs gogo theest shot at beating trump. >> i i h a l lht w wght like a marco rubio,o,ho is terrible... >> rorter: republican front-runneronald trump
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andater i ilo. >> the repubcaca arereating their own. ey've gogoto veryaref. >> rorter:edied b wy t tht, stepping up gsmarco rubio o d th esblishment re@publicans frantically tr to stop him. >> theeay weeat doell hl november is we tell the truth with a smile. >>eporter: theheinner in kans was teddruz who s smped therearlier. now withive wins, more tn any othe republican rival has over trurum, cruz has b bn arguivg hehe the oy one who can n at the billionaire businessman. we have been able to win over and over and over a ain from the grass roots. is prorocess desn't$ need to be me. it doesn't need be nasty. > reporter: at a conservave rall >> this is the american conservative union, and so it's usually reserved forconservatives. ( eers and applausus) . r rortete but with h s fat resting g winning his home staten march 15, the flllida
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>> the eyes ofheation areupon thisreat state. i know ho to tackle these prprprms. rorr: while gerr hnasicwasn micn, ahead of tuesday'primy there on the democraticdededeillala clclton an bernie s sderserer soso lookinpapa tonighdhdh contests. when i heard aboutt flt, i wawa j just sick. >> reporter: w th a debate sunday in flll michiganan clclton wawain detroro, meetino% with a smallro of african american pastors. >> she tad in vae terms. >> reporter:r:n ohio, sders hit t inton on her plan for sosoal security,ut he sed o. >> i mn, what wwe are seeing in thee reepu presidedeial prococs is lke is sixthrade foododight that you seeee a cafeteria. repter: t tnight, willl alsoe thehe firir chae to see if tepubcan establishmenen stoppetrumum effffts h h had y impact. im, there's no res f the ary this weekend. ere are re contests on sundaa democrats andububcansnsold primies in puerto rico, w ile democrats caucus inaine.
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dedeitall the nastyty fir chand between donald truru and his rivals this week, at some pointll o o thisilll b down to thth numbers. dd as major garrettshows us . trump is drawinrecordrdrd numbmbs. >> t t tiggest story innlll of polics ishat'sappeningo the republican party, and i'm getting zero cret for i ( applause ) epororr: witmore victiesn primaries andcacauses than his riviv and a sizazaj j lelete lead over te cruz, donald trump says he alone@ is driving theepublica p pty to n heights ofurnout and enthusia. >> it'aoven flk 's aent. >> r rorter: w wput thaha question to reblic py airman reincncncnc prrriebus. donald truru sayay he's g gd r theeety he's r%rakinggt ad enlarging it. do you agree? >> i think in some cases all of@ our cananantessre goo fofhe party. and you know wh? look at the record@d turnout. >> reporter:hat do you tributu@that to? >> i i-- i attribute it t t in part, donald trump, but i also tribute it to caaaiaisithat are very serious.
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the e publican party. >>eporter: :he numbers back m up. throug saa 13ononon in 2012,oterer hestbout million more battles f/f trump than0 republic nomomeeee mimimimi romomey. trump and hisomomstay alsobe drivininurut another w w-- against him. cruz and mamao rubio tra trump consididablybut their vote tols cre favora with romneyey. cruz has won slight fewer votes thanomney, while rubio' vote total is more than 1000000 ro, meanil tis weeee call tmp a mnace t t te party and a threa tocracy. >>e's plang the member eemeririn publbl foruckers. ets a frere re to the white house, andll w w w g g i a l hat. >> reporter: carl bus rticipated i todadasanas ucuses >> they' sayg the republi pay isot uifie y-s, i i is. ok how many v ves i in primarieses have been so f f that blblans we never hadefore. i'm stanngn this line for the fifit time because of donald trumumumum >> reporter: historically, the
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contues. w, j j, whi tum spport tessso skewfwowardsds voterswithout collegeg degrees, he also cks s s sli backcng amongng the collee edecate m m, wo consvatives andndepepdentnt >> axexeod: so, mor,, all these new republican votershat you're reporting on, how a a ey l lely to play as a factor nber. >eporteer a some mbers toonser..whe voters made up 72% torate in 2012, and president obama lost thitete b ba larger margin thann a a a winnincandidateen ameriri history. trump, cruz, a rubio are attractingngore voters,osos of them w w w npw, agendaa voters a aays inineas the cnces of victoror t ump's campaign, shohod bebeme the ninee, couldld a,ao crease minoritit tnoututor mocrats, therere ering rereblican gains. andhen, jijijthererers the questiti of g.o.p.nit behind a trump-led ticket, and that is cleafey uwerere a alrod: major garartt reportininfor us tonight from washininon. major, tnk you veruch
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>> mason: stayithbs coininng cpaign 2016 covege. hihiy clininn,ald t tmp and d d@d@ruz a john dicksos guestsomorrow mornin o"face e nation." no votinon the wt coast day,y,hich i i good thing since it ia g g g day tto stay indoors. let's brin in ktvt meteololist jeff jamon. jeffa wet weeke inn t recast o o o west >> a it'so o w alifnini j inggoeeaves o rain day after day, all the w through the enf th uoming ek, a vererctive el nino pattern that's reallllbeen affecting northernrnalififniaa is season more so than southehe calalornrn. thth oneo differenen this seek w couee seveno 10 inches of rain, especially@ north of s francisco. that could lead, oourse,o some mulides, certainln some flooding,dstroro w wds on and f al week, and terereille travel delays in northerer cacafornia this week ass well. and d e@ higher elevatatns, two to three feett of snow up inhehe mounins.s% >> axelrod: i gus ififou have t t choose,ou wouou pick the east coast for the weather
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>> is gng to be a ve warmst thihi wk. in fact, spring fever is goingng to set in wit the j str way y to theth. we're e intotoe temperatures 155 drees abovevevemal foror this time e ear.&& wednesday. per 70s to near 80 in washington, d.c. and by the end of th upcoming weekek charlotte in theper s to ne 80. >> axelrod: no complaints jeff jamisosthank you. the weather is c catinggome troue in aorage,e, alaska l where theyeyad to@horten the fifing l l of the@ anual iditarod sled dog race. as carter evans repots forhe second yin a row i is too rm andot nearly snowytyty ouou. thihiis s rookie rac for r. >> rorter: the cerenialal star iditar isverng u'd expect from a sled dog race. except t t snow on the ground didn't come fro the sky above anchore.e.
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r.r. m sullin is witit t alasksk railroad.>> wve h s se snowfall, but th w's b fnnarm a a a at keepmeltltt away. >> repter: so faf t tss season,choreas only received about half of its average swfall. asf fri jus 29 inchesad en 61 iheheis normrl. and they's beeee storinghat ititlowed frorom local streetss the iditaroddccorng to race codinatokarl heeidelbach..( >> they've beenarvesting everyry flakakof snow si n nember andn hing it fors toee ts hap- >> reportere but it stl wa't engh. e 350 cubic yazdsf backu snowil only cover tee m mes the anagag tra instead of the usual 11 miis. >e didn't'tant to s srtenhehe race. but our only other optptneft was to@o@ takee it away from the city of anchore and that's not what we wanted. we wante theheacleere for r fans here. . >> reporter: ip happenenelast year al,l, w wn therer wasas eveneness snow, a a it may be a enovov the lt 6 years, winr teteeratures in alaska h he
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twice as fas as the rest ofhe couny. and eesnow may b b goodhing in o oer plaes,,ere ahe, where the idita ishehe bigges toust e o there's no buss likekenow businene.carter evans, cbsews, l l angeles. >> axelrlr:cross the country today,igh school students put eiei numbebe2 pencilso woror onrara new versisi of the s.a. as demarar morganeports, the ea wasaso make@ it more faiai r minorititind students who cacacaafafrd test p pparation courses. >> reporter:ouri hassan of new jsey is a the first of hihi schchl stutunts ting the newes.a.a. >> i was a littltl m me easier to understananthan the old s.a. and the math, the was fifitelyly lot more dataa, a lot more tles. >> repter:r:he new test i med d d rlectctg more o what students are learning inside the clasoom with theopop o creati a lelellaying field for stud c cordd tutu
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qutions thheuent ts.. eliminatesocala words stududtsararse... thers nonoal for gesesng answers. and thesand t e portionnss optional. why the@ changeow? . >> t t college board hasost grouou to a.c.t.verhe lastt few yees. thee s.a.t. is the second-most polar admissn st forcoege e udents behind th a.c.t.t. so a lot of chang h he beenn made paps catch up to the a.c.t. >> >ororr: hasan tolold uss s prefers thee older v versi. bob s sffer w wh fai tt, a0 oanizn cral of stanrdizests,ays studentsake new s.a.t are taking a gmble. >> we heard that all qverr from highghchool counselolo, from test prepompany. nobody wantstsoo buy a p product the first d d isut on ma because they don't't k
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students would receive their scores within f weeks. jim,itthe newest itt couldd take 6-8 week because sre >> axelrod:: mthank you. ee latesttlaoint i in eueupe'signt criris, a refugee mp i i g geece near the borler with macedonia, with thousands of people escaping wars in the mile east have hit aaoadblock. jonathan vliotot reports from our r on bureau. >> reporter: thecome too greececeh their sights set on europo, but t taytens of thousands of migrants, my flelingar-tornyria, are penned in l le animals. they live innqualor, shtered by msy tents thaha line the muddy rd wceni e n nghboringngououry w w w w t t gatetey to eurur until lt monthhen m medonian officia asticallllcut the num of migrts that could pass throu eirerermimn, ny of them chire are stuck in ahoke point. thth can't get out a a ade can'n#gettn.
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>>eportete desperation ha fueled protests. >> eveveonees si. there is he no muchood for anan. >> rter:heth conditions he beenenen breedini oundoror illnessssss sa jejn mcghillie octots witht rdrds. >p our medical doctors are treating comnolds, throat infections, fer, gastrointestinal problems, sickness and diarrhea. >>eporter: at least 2, migrants arrive the coaoat here eveve s sgle day. sh-sapped greece isis stg fr $700 milon in humanirian aid to help it c ce wii the jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, loon. >> axelrod: up next, why did the captain o yale's's baskekeall team suddenly leave the shool thcampus controver wn the s eveving goals. so i lik when my doctototolde i may reacmy blood gur and a1a1alal
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wi oekekrulici. trtriculin. helps a aatmy body what '''osedo reree its own insulin.n.n.trututititreon whenmylougar6 i ta ionce aeeeeeed it works 24/4/it comes in an easy-totose pen d i i y even lose a ttle weight. trulicity is a once-weeklyinjectabababrereription medicine totompro blood sar i i adul wittype 2 diates.s. it should be used alalieieand exercise. trululity is not recmendnd as the firir mededide to tre diabetes and should not used byeople with severeretomh orororintestinalalrobls, or people with type diabetes oriabetic ketotoidodis. trulicity is not iulin and has not been studied withthong-actinghknsulin. do not take trulity y y anyone inour family hahahad d dullary thyroicancer or multie endocrin neopopsia ndromemeype 2 or if you are allergic t t icity or its ingredits. usingrulility and call your door right away
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such as itchino. rh, dififculty breathin you have gnsancreatitis suchs sese cmach pn will nonogo away and d y moo yo bac with othouming; iu symptoms of tro canr, which may includududmporwsllinin y yr neck,arnesstrououe allolololo or srtrt o obreathneke ttymausoblems, ich h ululbe severer / tel\our doctor a aut all your medaltis and any memecis y/u tata. taking trucityith aasuurea or ininlinn may ineaseser risk forolow w ood sugar. coon side effects s clude nausea, diarrheavomiting, deeaseseappetiti and d didiioio some s se effectnnleado dededrion, whcaki zaiai tlicity, i tiva ws the.if y y want helpmpving,youou a1c and d ood d gagaers with a n n-iulinptio ask yotor outonon-weey trulicy. and click toctate your within.n. ere'a monjoyable wayayot your fibererertrphlips' gogogoummies plus energy support. itit a aew fiber supplement t t helps suort t gularity anincludes b vitams hp convert foodo ergy. mmmmm, these a a g`od!
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the tasty si of fiber, fromhilllls's wh yououave a digitatanotebo to cture investingngdeasas that itantlyives you stsrk prices, rnings, and d d dends... anquity summary ycore conlidates stock ratingof t t analys s so a a ng score... and $75 online u.s. equity tras, lower than td erititde, scab, and e-trade, u u alize t.e smsmtestnvestinghgdea isn't just wt you invest`tn, but who you investstith.h. >> a alrod:f yaya iversity's basketball team
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earn the firgt bertrtrn the c.a. tourmentnt sin j.k. was the president. the am is p p png without thraptainiihho withdrerewwrom hool last monthd controversy. here's kenneth c cg. r rr: yale bululog nior guard jackontaguewiththrom the sho on bruatwweekat,hecco athletpartnt sent oul press leassayiyi h h would not be reinin citi f fderal privacy lawsnd school policy, a yypokeerson would not sayhy monta left dspspe ca rumors of sexual assault a#asation. in "new hen register" artititik, thelayer's fathth, m montagugu saiai h h son wasss expellll. called d riddululs andd s s sd he has strict orders from h h lawyers not toalk. montague's teammates are also standing behind their caaain, wearing t-irts wh mooague's nickname at recect ge. thatate sparked outut on us and pooers deending the etball team opuppororor
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no cases invovo montagueuend no victimas co forward. ted to reachh montagag and samil b get respse. the ayer has not spon publicly sincecieeeft hehe universisi. >> montague witit steal! >> r rorter: in an interview last may wi yale all as, montague said he embmbced being a team lder. >> we had a goodeason ts pastear,ndu know, nonog g o out @d. >> reporter: while yale ministration is being ght-t-t-ed, yale'som's center is n#t.t.t. in a lengthy facebookost, thty wrote, "sexual violencee is probm in everymp counandalals action speak much loude than its words." a yalelelaee also senen o o an e-mail to studentsoday. jim,m,e sa hees committed to priding a sa camamam >> axelrod: kekeeth crcrg, ank you. upextxtwe we authoratatat
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ined memororor o`ies. atbo my mily? my l ll ddy? and whatatf this happened again?n? i was ven rfrfin in the hostal but wondmded if thth was the right treatmenenfor me.( then my doctor tolme aboueliquis. eliquis trtrts dvt and pe blood clots and duces the r)sk of happeneng again. not onon does s iqs treat t t and pe bod cts, but uis so had gnificantl maeeding thanhe sndar treaeaent. knowing eliqmis had d th... turned around my thinknk don't stop eliis uesesurdoctor tells youo. iqcause serious aninarcasefatal didot take eliquis if you have an artififial heart t e or abamamableedi.. ifou a spipipiinceion whe on eliis call your doct r rht away you have tingling, nununess, musclclwewene. ile tang eliisyouomama brbrore sily.. and mayake nger thanusuafor bleeding tst. ek immededteedicalalare for sudden sig of bleeng, likesusu bruising. iquis incrse your bleedingk ififiv tak ain medis.s. tell your dodoor about all planned medil or dental prococures
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plad less major r r didi. both made switching to eliquis right me. ask your doctor it's ght f r you. heyedad.d.hey sweetie,e,ow was urirst wk? lololo ititl get better. . i'm atathe edward j jes o oice, like sus sugsted. thanks for doing this, dad. so i thought it might be time to talalaboua financial stratagy (lauaug) you u an payim back? knowing youture isis about more than just you. so l l's start talki abo your long-g- goals. muiplied b)b13,000 financiaiaadvisoso.. it's a big dl. 'sow edward jones sense of iting. ere's only one egg jusustaes bter.fresher. mo flavoulup delicious. withthore eaeaeatritio and % less s surated fat. only eggland's best. bett%tte bettererti ttergg(
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befo those lite pieces wou get t b b ben mdentures and myumumnd it was uncomfororble. just a fewabs is clinilly proven to al out mororod iclese super poliliip i ipart of my lili now. my ooid pain mication is slowing my y side to a crawl.. atat opioid-in$nced constipatiti, oic, different typofof tipation. i'i'really sugg to finreef.inina dierenure. lk tyo dtotoabout c and presesiponreatmeme opons. >> alrododh poyasied.. writing caree tha spanneded mo than fourur decade con@oy tuen theheainave t t tledd childhoooointo stringf bestsellers. patt c croy oftn wrote about
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hiss abusive marinene pilot fath inspired th 1976 novel "the greatt santini.i >>ome on,, m/mma'sp boo let't' s s you c axelrod:.> axelrod: robert duvala rnededed oscar nomination for best actor playing t title le. made conoy an a-lifter, but the movies thth were turned totoike "the lords o discipline," d dwing from conroy's years at theitadel,and t te "the prince e tidid." >> it took a woman i hrdnene h%hp m facmy past`d. >> axelod:: w wh n)nk nolte widededean deepenoy's repututi last month, coooy told faceok fans tatwas ttling pancrcaticananr and fa fig. t in a statement fridayyt,hi wif the n nvelist cassandra ngony saith waters de, and h hasow psed
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it wass there,n befort, hehe died at theege of 70. another h ske worlrlrl cou auc. hhterr,,,heater,ed wher you et her >> reporter: joey feek, who is onon hlf of t t married duoey androry kn% f f ther haony and public strengng after jo was diagnosed w age four cical c ccerr after giving birth to her only child. jo feeee was0 years old. l ahehe, o offhe ms arid placeceon earthnvavad flaxaxeeeeee rtr get moving. keep movin i kn! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronon constytation kekes co b i knkn.
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vo: linzeswowos d)fftly from laxativ. linzess s tsltsswithth"ith consti orhroniciconstation. c c hp evi ur belou morerequent anapcomplete bowel movents that are easier to pass. do notivlinznzs to children under six and it shonot be given to ildren to seventntn. it may harm em. dot takezessf youha a bel blockage. get imdiathelp i iyou develounununun seve stomach in, especicily w wh blbldy orlacktool e most c cn si eect diarrheaa sometimes severe. if it's severe stop takinlinzes and call your door right away. otheside effects inclgas,ach-area pai and elling. talk tyour d dtor abououging yourvsymptoms prprctively with lininss. i'veveeen n mymyeel all l y. m bushed!yea me t t.. exese m m..cocong through! ridedehe gel wave of comfort withthr. schls massagingel insos. they're proven gyoyoyomft. which helps you feel re energized ...all dayong. i want what has. i've been blblsince e rth. i i through periodshehe it's rd to eep at night,
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or visit my24infofcom. fefe secece in yo dentus... feelelree e be yoyoyolf all day. st switch from dentururste e!nture he s sls. holds rohath leading stall day..... without the o/ze. feelelecure. bebeoursel wi strger, clean sea-bond. pemomonts arbeautifu unless you have alrgie then yr eyes may seeeet differentl only flonase is apoved to relieve th your itchy, watery eyes and congti. no o oer nasalalalerer spray can say that. complete allerelf or incomllete. let your e es cide. flonase chgeevererhing. thay you s suldn't spoil your kids. but your grandkids?
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the st returns aren't measured in d dlars td ameritrade >xelrod: lose tonightt in placa where@e usuallyyext to nothing grows s is now in full oom. b blks o everytyig springingif iath valley. >> rorter: it is one ofhe ttt, driest, mosost fpfpivivivples oarth,u wate hsade deat v vcome ive. >t's a huge nber of plala here, ,rav ghost, phelia, ro daisy, pin cuushion, brown-eyed eveni primrose down in there. >> reportete abby wines has been a r rnger at death vley tionon park for 11 years it'seeeethat l l since e ld flowers loomededike thisis it' amazizi to me hatt anhi liviv here d en to ha t th dplpl of beauty all
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ally ge l lsn two ches of rfall eacac y%yr, but t or, threendalf inch feleust feours,wipi o rads,eaealy damaging buildingstcots castlele one of the park's bebe-knono landmarks. nare destroyed. nature ga back. flowers began springing up injanuary, few attime, until they blante entire fieldld turninin this brown d dert intto aa sea of y ylow a&a purple a white. >> t reason iikehe gravel ghost so much is this sta is so sle and it' r r cocoror sososo bleles in ty look likepirits, orikik sts of light oating ithth air. >eporter:ore than a dozen variesf wildddwers are n n papating t park, but the biggest t o s the desert gol po you' ce out hererend lood atat this. d you think 'm'm slululu getet tooork here.
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>> reporter: eveininheeat. >> i don know i i lucky when it's 129 degre a thehe e of july, but i'll take that for the rest of year. >> reporter: t rard is wort i i > yes. rerorter: 949was a rerd seldomeen duri t t state relentlessrougug, buthanksks el nino, foror a f f brief weeks until the brutaleat returns, thi harar desert a paradise in full bloom. john b bckstone, cbsews, , ath lley, califnia. >> axelrod: and that's the e ss evening newsorornighgh later r cbs48 hoururur our mpmp 2016 c cage ntntnts gh now on our tal netwtwk cbsn and i'i'jim axaxrod in new york. for all of u h hee at ss nee, anks for joining us. angood nht.. cacaioning sponsored b)bcbs captioiody
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w,rom yourreaknene leader, this is s tv 11 news at 5:30. a standoff ends peacefully, what weno out the suspect, whoolice e e say is facing ilil abususchges.s. gogo eveveng andhanks for joining us. i'm katie pelton. we'll ge tt story in a few momentnt netonight. two firerebubuing parcoty arnow under contl. we're told one wasasurning on highway 9, ar guffe that's'sbout 6miles west of lorado springs. . the other was bubug near lake georparkrkrknty fire teler us they sent out reverse 911calls to alert p pple in the area of word yet on h@large those firereerenow they started. 'lllet yoyoknow w w wwe learn rere time now fororour fit t recast with meteorololost jeica leb- jeica. weweave high fe ercross
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colorado. though n nwahes and warnings are out for us right now we have ve fuels, breeee w wds, d w mimityeao o fire nger. temps were mililthisis ternoon into thehe0s and 60s with partly cloudy skies.ds a a breezy arou


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