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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  March 6, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm MST

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thpreding s paid ercial pgram brght t y uprprve. >> gloribes a poung for nancy rean. frr fst ladas d t age of 94 tonight bill pnte loo back at ttt reagan white house. >> nancy, thank you for youou love. and thank you f just bei you. (applae). glor: aso tonlt deaeayy flooding hit the west coasasotr system t tatenthe loinheorpng brk ts. atatngonabou the shortage o airport screenersrsrs >> and cross word contrororsy. a prominint puzzlemaker ising cud of being a copycat. captioning spooredthisthbs e eni n >> gr:ood eng, i'm jefffflor.r. y reagag ibeing remeered tonit asas first lady who redefined the role. president obama and first lady obama fered t atessmt.
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wod leaders paying tribute to mrs. rean totoy. yan dfrfjfhea ilure thorni herere ange e was 94 oldl eawiaa trresbede h hba of2 y%yar at t t onalaleag esenti library i i s ey fofofa beginith bi plante who covered the reagan whiteuse. >> the first lady of t te united states, nancyas reagan. >> reporter: it was a roro thatit her like a glove. wi and partneto the l lader the free world. and it waa lolg way fro where& she stted. anneneranci rbbbns was born in new york city. they cleerancy. and enenhe wa aed by her epepther, aominent neurosururon, she took his name d became nancy davis. >^o you always have e keep your pmises. >> hollywood called and sh became a supporting acess in a number of films including the ne voice you hear with james whitmomo.
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ofofhe scencrsuid,na was rnaan she wod later saying about his wife was the role i wanan mostt hel cts ta washe onov they meo.. t as his traeykiaway froywood,d,nfrhm.ny sshe wawamououa enhey wo whi home, th@h coununy was amaze b b t gaze. the adoring ok of a woman who said her main job in life waw otecting him. but sootimesheouldn't. >> there was the assassinaon attempt in 19 >> h areoueeling and h boututwith cancer. nay reag h hrics. was attd frderer $200hite house china during aececeion.n. the president de f fnded her. >> there has bn no new cna for the whhouseince the true man administraon.
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example of how close the reagans were than when the presidentasas asked a quti and the first lady fed h a a a aswer.>> dngrying we ca>>nknk. andndfllooo al oyowh lisni rorter: nanananean used her i&fluencncas first ladydyd set up camamig t try to keeps frfrfrakin drugs. >>ouder. >> just t y n.. >> that' wer >>oror fyears ter r'st the white use formresintntnt no tt he was bng alzhzhmer disease. mrmr reagaspspe t i i inn theaace o "60inutes"002. >> that is the woror p pt aboboutut thisis diseas there noobody to exchang memo with. >> reporter: so rnaldld agan faded in public view, his best supportinin atress momed to center sta.
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asto my fella. >> reporter:he sign his books for him. krisisnned ships named fo h hm, and received medal awarded to him. there were trirites today fm across the political spectrum. her stngth o c cactessledgyaid psi anansecrlint. e leemarkableegacac of good. r influence on the whiti hououou was lete andaststg, wrote president and mrs. george w. bush. from prest jimmy carter, th was onef aur non's great lovetories a ael of share devotn our try. nding cndolences on behalf herself and presidente-wsharbarahaid,e take comfort athey ll be united once more. an in a twe from her$% stepson m mhae reagan, she i ce again wititthe man she loved. gogo b bss..
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kept the flame, and inhe end,burnishihi and maintaining ro reagan's legacy is nancy, thyou fofoourlolo, d ank youoror just being you. (applause) she real was pt we@ arbehind e throne. nancy reagan spe her life proteching her husband. she did all the worrying so he didn't have to. andd it was her instinct a aut people which in moss decid wod f fronanana rag o wose efulness h expired. jeff. >> glor: bill, it's onnhing wahing it, anothth coong it. you ao had several memorable encounte wit nanc reaan diyou not? >>, velut th b s at aceptp when i tred m m m te asy mo fice. e mee a witheriri seand she saie he a ring ii >> glor: bl plant err in our shington bureau, thank you muc tonight.
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candidates paud today to p p tribute to nancy ragan here's j jannea ganan >>arcoubio c cledd n ny rean a te e emple@ of integry y d grace. in aer tweet, ted cruz said she wi be remered forer epsion tsonnd rf fererusband. an amang woman we donald ump, news of nanc reagan' death came oa d d whe most of the caidates vying to inherer ronald reagan's conservative legacy were tkiki a break befofe the next round of critical contests. >> i telel you she i to sasa th her ronnie. >> r rorter: john k kch was campin his homat o longsidididrnono hwarzenegger, , okininbeyond the ur statese lost yesterday. >> marco rubad a very, verybagh>>eporr: dalumn kyky a a l luisiana turday
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thelorida seto tto d out wld loveta o t opo-on-n. at be muchun. >> reporter: cruz seemed to agage. >>you're nt able to w w primaries, if are not amazing enough delegates to get theee, i think ery candidate ha to reect. reporter: while rubio ininsts that he wllinis homemetate of floor darks` som unlikely r%rublicans ara coming aroundndo cuz.. likee senatort lindsey graham who d tho tweego >> iu teduzn e oo t senate a a the trial!was s s he senate, nody could convict yu. (laughter) >> reporter: today he ididhe gop needs t unite before e rc15th. >> toe it's clear that ted has made the bes case thus far that he can be t t alternrnive to trumum reporter: rub jo is rejecting calls to droput befo mchch 1 anf,t oks ke he sed heconwin todayth aated prea han t pueo rii primim anat mnsns he'll l kelel tke th terriry's3legas. r: jiaaoldman
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naldas74egateswawa tepublican na.. d ine wth 29....maubio buill more f ft rco.. on thehe demrati s side, hillaryry inton ss morn00 deletes,oran ieandede for arties the big degaga phises i chan wher new cbsws bttground tracker poll shows trump comfortably ahead of the-ahead the pack. clclton about tenoinhead of sanders. the democrats are debating tonight in flltt and rds there. i thrled weadadad toupl delegate c. r rortrr: here in michigan llary c linton celebtete a nasle viy in louisian bernie sanders won big in kanans and nebraska. t those states are smaller and clion ended u with 55 ifyou delegates, saers, 47. sandnds still i isists he's the one gaingte. tltlbeliame
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votete turut and make sur that we retain the white house. >> reporte to prove that he wiwi h de t t cch u u to clinton in m mhigan. she spent the weekend vsititi afcan-amican churches inn troili >> madamresint. otet. >>t sounood. >> reporter: sandersook anotproa. >> my ew is dimp than secretary clinns rte hrilnfor ptptuprt f treee a a s hard hit by foreign compepe. >> in every one e these m mor tradegreements, have not onlyoted against them, bt i ve he@lplp leadadadhe o opopotion >> reporter: both candidates have mad flint's water crisis a personal cause. >> cananaters not op, ds. epepr:r:ngs ilmos everype we to supporthemm until altheities famies hav eaeaand safe water >eporter: on "face th tiontoday john d dkeon asked clinton why repubca tut is upo far and
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>> i've goen more vovtes t tn ybody y nning on either sidve gottenoreotshhld tmp allthough i'mur sn't wt toear t tt. r rorte m mthts 0 delraa i ionenef the largest states the candidates have competed in so ff. but that's not the o oyy reason it's i iortant. both campaigns see this state asas a bell weather for other r bee o oiondiad ino. anats mesos tevenorgh-skekeha ususl, jeff,,speciall for sanders. >> glor:ancy c crdes i. tnk y califoia been in dire need ofofain lately andhi weekend they're g%wting some. o muchn parts. leading to flood a a at least twoaths, here'e' danielle nottinghamiwh much rain fell outsideacramen, nearly three inches in 24 hours, a womaed when her carot trapd ononhis ghway. another ddied i mo
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in southern california e ergency ewewulled several peoeoe t of the los angeles rive rough ters infregoneftt three surfer strded forcing thth coast gud r rscue wi gust there reachch more than 50 mil per hou >> snowing i t t.. >> cniert pos 28nchf nesnow friday. forcasters say totals cld reach fiveveeet in the highest elations b b mondayernoon. much needed s sow after a dry bruary left thsierra nevada ow pacelow a&ae. atatialsayayevore el storms le thi oreldifemgeitssur-y ough yemottingham d nlle noinghamcbe. >> morhihiss e so' iric fisher f w eic. >>eff, we're watchina send storm system, the on yesterdrb bringing t wettest day in san francio since 2014. through th evening storms
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anwind gustslong coastal calirnrn the differencesst punc rtrt sod into sutrn ia, or the m untefore it t arts to drive inland on mondayay night. look at significict rararas the state tries to catch up om a dry fruary but still ahrhrt of debris f fowalso a chanceor trees coming dwn, stro wind gusts a a aoss s e west and southwe as we headad throughgthe next 24 hours. at t t sameime, a setupn the east with high pressure right off teseastoas a dfl of thgu mexicths area toah al we cld see double digit rainfall especially i i easternrn texas. >> eric fsher, thank you very much. >> up next a man is underrrst afr a bizreirplane incident in looon. and at airports w wre longe
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the cbs evening news continues.>> in london a mahas s chard with illegegly imimddddg a plplet heow
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inde the cockpit of a brish ai@e jathanigliot iondodo the ltest, jothan. >>eporr:ood e ening, officials saaan b bke througa securityence onn ndon heathrow's per imter and thenan to a british airwrws hangar where an empty boeing 747 was parked with its doo unloed. the e n identitied as 38 year ol port geus national lockck hjmself inside the higurtdtd ckpit with fulul a as t contro. ncy y u sss wereck sne badaficu mereaching t cockpit's bomb proof doors. ey eventually broke in and restst the manan hisotive thi pois ununear. lice s they ne 's connectoerrorism. >> glolontata heat s they are worki wiolicandb surit i iundetw.>> jathaha tnk very if iteems lik art securi linesretinglo, it's'secec ae.and thesar n ther othi they n about it. here's jamie yuccas.
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country long linesnd frustrated passgers are stacking up at airprpt securitit chkpoints. >> this ad. this is bad as i have erceen iti >irijnes haveveee w wrnrn paengers abobwongeraitsne travs minnealin lanthavevehomom ce twes ofhe o o have sen0.5% increase in travel sin 2011. >> reporter: today minnesota senator amy klocharaid the record number of passengers travaving thisea reflect a national tre. >> so this isroblem that is t unueo the twin cities. it is a pro thais goi o across the country.epte nnay th mbf tsa screp i do 15% since 20116789tsa head peter neffenger told congress last week thut the agcy is takakg eps to do m m with less. >e are reinng h winvesttechnology a panering wh rallines and airpossoelopnd all inil nur drdricalmproved pssr
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coup@ef keky a aports. >v repororr: atlanta aport's's general nar says toblems heo soad, 's'sdeng racints wi priv sri woerent lr headd the ta, haa theirrt is dreading the outcome of the summer of 216. now it wn't be the first security workers. san francisco, kansas city and orlando ha de itef setrerererlinehey have been go t aport urin aancef thrligh d stl missing it because of delays at th securuty. >> gr: jamie, thank yo
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bndg in his b dgdg >>lor:`peyton manning will make it official torrow. he is retiring aftft 18 seasons in the nfl. over those two decades manni becamene o oe game's me gtsn theieie a stann o i nninlle anuncement in dver and barryry petersen is ther >> >eporter: even in thelow of winning super bowl 50, manning totd cbs ts moring timent waas on his mind. >> will certaiaiy talk about
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ab. >>or there will lot ofdsutg.g.but ortsthembmbs matter more.e.nning t tr bowlwl the leadad inassingards atohdow paes, , fheeldd a bus pma showing her t talent, singg. >> ec coback sarts rigig here. reporter: b thi season came with aegations i an all gentlelen gleeraa deumary stilll under review by e nfl that a in i indnana sentd the illegal perrmance enhag human grohor to ss me, mng spokesman sd sb didecee medication but mann angrily denied gettingng anyedication from her. >> i've done i the long way, the hard way. totonsinuate anythg otherwi is a complete and total jooke. it's defefatioioand it really ticks me offff reporter: and n charges of sexual harament from his days at t quarrback at thehe iversity o tnessee. manning settd a previous
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ine yareh egi r th f hl off fame bubuh@s yre@ saf erred a roro welelme i dve a owdstimated at a million heard mannings always share the glo. >> this season we had a lot of new plays. is s%s andnduy t just workedard and together.r.r. >> reporter: pha his reer ibest s aqu fomng coach ias lik playing exeulter whohonew what yoyoid before, what you wereoing now, and what you a plning to doo later. jeff. >> glor: barryryetersen inn denver, thththu much. >here haseenother smash rab at a guto is on petalu carniaia thieies crasd r thugh h fnt oe store before o w1818ns itapapned daft sar roer@h@husn. sevevavasuts that hst een ared.>p sll ahead, choice w for
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ch., glolo wee close tonight with aacandal that isis al over the pers prinmar of c cosor zzleles@be a ofaijich. c cimasust cuele h carer r wn rht dty acsssshehe unhi a a zzleolgorithmpelsls blr ththcross w edit timoththarker.@..
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pule s s a leaditetebyrker brr seminrelyr "thn%w time"rkitleis o dare to cocoe. wed.ananane sameme see ode twtica cuess tis puzzle from 1997. edited willportr t can azmaker mumuimecome upup wd a good, fres theme as to fill the grid and w wtw the c cues, to borrow or take someone else's creavity and coming up with an original the reaeay is not right.t. >> website 5 5 examined the database a a aound parker also republisd puzzlen "u.s.a. today" wh oy min changes unif bli park tol8 toe it's just me koins dense. we d't look at a abody elslsls puzzles reqllye about anodelse's puzuzes. parkerls edited the syndicatatnivirsal cross wd with clientsnclcling cbs news. parkerers.s.oday" a
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answered our calls >> i just think iteflects poorly on e b .s.ooy"y" thhod have a co it worthyhyf theieiap >ndework tss tha crossord plaj rised, youill i t flank. contessarewer cbsews new york. >> glor: that is the cbs news toninit,r mites" and rst in toorrow, th rng. m ginin yk. odit ptning spons by cbs captioned by mememeaccess gup at wgbh
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now, fm urreakg n%ws ader, thiss kk 1newsws5: developi t tig yton mnis sayingooooye to the broncos, and thehehe. when we'llnomore about h)h retitime. hello i'm danielle kreutter, we're glad yoe withs.s. we first want to start with this 11 breaking weather alert with meteorololost jessica lebel. will see some cloud cover again today with mild afternoon@^empepetutuinto e 60s 70 t tay would be grea enj stime outdoorste morning and afternoon n ll still be a
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witie . e will@ r f fwarng nd and south of highw 500on sunda from 11a- 5pm. latein thening small, otty r rowmq move acro epall,


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