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tv   11 News at Noon  CBS  March 7, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm MST

12:00 pm
now, from yoyo breaking news ader, this is tv 11 ws at noon. emotionalarewell om denvfr broroo quarterback peytonanni who announced his retirent jt about 20 minutes ago. goodafternoon and thanks for watcng 11ne at noon. i'm bettttsexton. right now. wewee told wo missing brbrhehe have beeeeeeund. they are safe. mattheheadler-gergel, who is 17 and his 11 year old brother, macgue had not been heard frfr since satutuay. . . matthes jeepas f fndndy a prate search party outside woodldldl park. it's bieved thtwo ft t tir meo go off ading. memeoe to checin with meteorologt rdan shman n n yourururst fofecasas
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herethe e wer reain n l leadinto an enhanck of fire dadger this afternono. . tes are already mild this afternoooowith s the 50s across southern colododothwind ibreezy rerey as well this noontnt hour. yoll notice somelouds and snow along the higher rrain, don't expect much i i any that t/each us here
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pattern chchge is aheath will bring somomrelief to the elevated fire d d dails coming up in your full forecast.. a southern colorado neighborhood gettininback to normalaloday itas shut down f hou after what lood like a s%all torpedodowas found in the a aa. the canon city daily ror shed t ts picture withth us. thth hapapned near north raynds arod 8:30ast night. a man reportedhahe found the small torpededin the arkanans river, submergededn feetf water.r. he feportedly threit i ihis trucucand took it . he dn't report it to police until later that night. polili evacuated 19 homes in thehe
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it taken for detation. el paso county sheff depupues invnvtigating a possibleobbbry. itortedly hahahae peon fighting for his or her life. the cre happened around thisisorning onchchircle and couch place,e, ininhe secuty-widefieie area. deputies searcrcngngng three suspects w o wentntnto a home and robbed sososoe. suspects got away in a stolen, 2000 grahyundai sonata weweill update youhen we get new detatas, including a bettetescriptptn of the robbers. a big payment from the.s. bubuau of prprons.s. itihas agreeto pay a 115- thousand dollar settlement to the family of convicted kikier, robert knotot. ommitted suicide asupe florence. this is accordinto ourews papaners at ththgazette. e e ison system repoedld failedor decades to treat t s mentntnjllness. the family o
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afafr heilled mself in sepmber of 2013. yoyo proroblwell awawa of thisthe pothole problem m pues. anher car damaged d a aot in colado o springs. fararhihiyear, city have fixed%74- huhurerepotholes, acing to ouners theheazaz. thth'sul 550 m me e e e mdid ringhe sasa time erame yr. the city says it becausesehe pavement is deteriorating. e pothololneedinina fix is offff lexington. marsha gar tls us she a flat tire there overthe weend. she's a home health care nurse and was strabded foror@ hour wngor a tck. marsar: : 22:2"it's ryususatin i know w going h totoe a gnifict amntf nom. becau tnkwill need t realigned and e suspension is messed up,p, tire wililve t tbe's's lot.
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main roads and a aers.. but it won'fix em. paving with c money isxpd to start next momoh. you can report pots to our neneroom. he tr website kktvot com and clic ctn cacaed " po. estigatiti underway right .. intotoheca fou in a lo r suly. fofoowowtete show either low, or non-n- detectab levevs of a harmful chemical. we're talking about a chchical widely used in& non-stick ware, and firefightiti foam. /the chemicals were fod inwo water lls in untain and w wefield. /those wellslslse been out of servrve for weeks because they h h unsafe levels of the compnds the state health department did follll u u u tes of p p and water tanks usus t t stribu the wer. /#/#hey say y ey either foununnon-detectable levels o olevels that were below the suggested limits. as peyn manning g ngs up his
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jerseyhe leaves the game as e co hdedein career touchdown sses0 ssg yardrd....nd victori. . e nfdahost jamam bro looks at his legendary er. go b bncos! withthis s sond super bowl title.e. peyto manning put the finiing touches on a storiri reer. at the time, therereas specpebowl 50 wa the year old's s nal chaptete wh'she m mn reasononou wlddecide to co back? theheove of the game? oh, charlie, like i id, i ven't even g gten thatatar yet. i'm jt trtrng t tenjoy th momenen aturday, he told tht end jab tae he was retiring. teammates for 7 seass, thty rere e fries. wewee exchged text messages about it. . just told him how happy i was for him. // i don't think he would have madthe decision if he wasn't at peace with it. manning had what is perhaps the single best gular seasonr pled by a arterback...
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manning!g!hen he pasasd for 5,5,rds d $$ touchdns i i2020 that's a great idea! with his boy-nexdoor personana he wasaslso a ryryuccessful pitctman. . do i r rlly ok like this? nninplayed 14 seasons wiwi the indianol colts, leing the team to o ctctin supepebowl xli he wareased afr neck surgery forced him to sit out the enre1 of. season. jamemebrowowreporting. as a broroo,o,annini won four r straight d dision ties and made two ser rowl apapapces.
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appearances.s. 11 news sports dirtor r m rnsworth will hmoreren mannins p tiriment right afterer the breqk. u@mant to check youo eer. ming up 1 ne at nono. there'a a a e chchkenugget recall. 'll l ve details, right r thbreaeaalalalhehe. she was waknasassident reagan's fiercest otececr and trusted polititil advisor. a look back at t t life of nancy
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we just heard fromomemotional yton manning a aut h h last 18, , gendy years in football. nning talked abobois efululssssssthe denverer oncos and missing g e little
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thin. but he says this ijust the t of sething news 11 news s tstsector sam farnswswth joins us sjve from dodo valley now. sam.. john elwlw 21:08 "to me,ethe thing to me that is the most amazing, is the way heent about it . work ethic, on thfield . and what it meant tc c him. "graraful is t word th com my mind when kif the denver broncos. . want to thank . all the support peopop in this great organization. to mdenver teammates, thank y . .nd of
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courur t t bronco fansp everywhehe." thanks sam. no a a11 cl r action alert. egate farms is receclingngts naturals ccken@nuggets in 8 ouncncpackages. 're here may b smama pies of plastic in thehproduc the packages hava "best bere" date of september 27, 2016. you u n returnhem to t store wheryou bougug them for a full refefd. right no
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flying at haha staff in honoof nancncreagan. americans s e mourning the passing g t t tormememerst t lady, who didi at her cafornia home sunday at the agef 94. deily of n ncy reaean's funeral plans s are expectedo beelelse toy. ris rtez is si vaey atathe ronaldl reagananresidential libry where she w ll be buried. flowows and cards pay tribute nancy reagan outside the ronaldeagan presential library andn um. "the first tady y y he united st ncy davis reagan.n. the formererererady was know prererent reagag's f f fesfqprotector and truste polilical advisoro n n nme caught thehe relaonip betefr thth when nancy told h husband ho answe repopoer's qstion. nancy reagan: we're e ing everytytng wu canan agan: we're g evevything we can. hehebest knonoject f lady was her mpaign a ainst drug g use "just t y nono following the president's alzhr's diagnosis inin 1994, she c#ntroversial ly advocad for st-cele@ research. nancy will bburied here at t
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library y y next to her r sbananof 52 years. she was anannditable presence. e coletetethe man.n. former sectata ostata a nenel colin powe rved in rean administraon. . recallshe idt depending on his wife much, that he would find it difficicicwhenever ncy would take a trip. knew after 24-4hours he uld bemememetful, 'd becomeme distracted. by theh5rd day we'd haha a meeting to say one hato tete her s s's'sot to come h h 8:07:30 e whitithouse lowered its flags to half-staff mondnd morning g n ncy rgan's memory. chris martinez, cbs , simi vallcaliforniaia in a atatetent, esident obama d first lady michelle said thancyeagan redefined the ro of first lady. we are under an 11ewbreakiki
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this afternoon..hankfully some relief is on theay, nd t en and w wre n nt. frustrated w wh yoyo overactive bladder mecineototorkiki? c!n'ndle the side effects? botox reats symptoms ofofeaking, going tow often, and the rong sudden neededo go.
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ask your urorogist if botox canbhelplpalm y/ur bladd and reduce your daily leakage epodes. tht fefes s botox may sd hours to weeks after injectiti,, using seouousymptoto. t t doctor rig awa !p difficultlt allowing eaki, breathg, eye problems, loss of f adder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a le-ththateninin condition. don't take botox f you can't empty yoyw bladder oyown or have e urinary tract inction, or uti. ets m iludeallergeactionsnsjection si pait!gutitiinivurination and diicty emying yoyr blbdder. tell your doctor your medical history.y. mumule or nerve condndions, meditions includudg botulilim toxins, antiatelets and blood innene, mamaincrease rk of serious dedeffectc...
12:17 pm
it's snowingngn pikes peak ts noononme hour, but don't expect much h any of that moisture to make it toto us i ithe lower valleys. in factctwe have a milday
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mi with h ouds. highs wiwi rnage erom the 50s in n pikes pe gion to e e s and 70s across southern lorara and toutheaster pp plph. a red flag w wni is in effect forueo counun p p ps s south easthrough 6 pm. ese areain rticul will e ththgust wi
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cooler temps and the chance to see showers mid to late e y.y.y. thlong term papaererwill bring seasonle mpmpbeforere push of milde
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12:22 pm
gas prices inihingngphananhow tinderers oking to make friends. 11 newewkhlke kekeer explains inin today's business news. gas prices are inching bac up... triple a says they've jumped about 25 percent in the past month as oil prpres rebound and fiferieseso ththr seasonalaienan. anose pricillike imb anothehe30ces a gaga b. tind--- wantuser py y matchmaker. the ti apps testing a new feurer.. users aren't ininrest i ia a match--but think they might be e od for a a ndnd. they canend the profofe e er... the friendan then swswe ft....or r rht -- if tere. ou're looking r mething too with t t familyly. "zootopi tk th box x fice by st itststsning weekend. minghroughg this is ofofcer@ ho, we
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got a 10. i got dips, , fifir ps am pursuit. . woo! the animatedecomedy took t top spot,tbringing in morerehan 7million dollars theheeend. 's followed by thehection- packed thrhrler "london has fallen" that's expected to rake ininore e an 21-million n llars. the marvel comics-s-sed supepaero "deadpool"l" dropped d number three, with h about 16-million dollars. tina fey's comedama "whiskey ngo foxtrot" i i iurth, makang moror than s sen-million dollars in s debut weekend. bet, back you. manufactcrererand inveves are e always lookinto improveven@the e ems s in our home frfr gadgetststs kitchen applnces. t e last housewew are on dispy at the . a major tradadshow in chicago. anna werner is there. want a blender with an app that eliminates the need to measure ingrients....? oror macacnehat pupus drking
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water fr the air. how abouwaake that at-w presrink in your own kitchen....? if is sothing u want for your home - or dn't knonoyou needed -- chanceceare, i iwillppear here first. at thentnational homememe ar shoh. it t largest of itkindn e e rld -- 22- hundndd vendors s om 47 untries owd the floooo bitinghe t tnds today. and tomorr. the sales pitches hehe are endless. "this is a light up lollipop." "thimug will keep your cfee tt for lon" " t fo ininpendent inifntorort's a chan to hawk their c cations. isononrin-gall-ee brbrght her id - tidy ap - as a way to keep clothth nt. " u know whe routine at night - u ck y yr clothes up f`r ththnext and youds sre ling thrghghhe dwers and throw their clean clothes on the floor and i kind of just loststt and cama dostairs and mhusband is an engineer andnd said you're an gineer, fix this."." he didi mily's invention i i already gett interest from mar retailers... is the oh-screa pancake kinghine fm miguel valenzulea t t"draw"ancakes in almost any shape imaginable.... and this machine can make virtually anytytng y waw p
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including r logo. anna werner,r, nene, chchago. get to village inn for the inn-credible vib. oose 4 from over0 favoritete you create it. we ke it. it's breakststowou want itwhwh y wt it. the n-ible vib, at an incredib price,
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chse 4rom er favorites. you eatetet. we mat. the breakfasasyou wa, when you u nt it. thinn-crible vib, at anininedible price,, now at villale i i i take a look at this stunning shot of f e northern lights in gld. this is at victoriri pier in saltburn-by-the-sea in the northwesternart of england. we have another coco facebebk photo to show f fhis morning. this is from 11 news viewer bruce. hared this shotos with us on ououfacebook page. he says its s red tail hawk at quaiailake. thanks for sharing bruce. thanks f watching, remember r kktv i iyour breaking news and weat
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12:29 pm
manyeople e ean eir dentures t tthpae orin wat. and evenhougugtheiei dentur look clean, in reali thtz're not. if a denture were toeput under microscope, we cee all the bacriaa that still exixis on the dentutu, and d at bacteria mumuiplies very rapidly.. at's why d dtists recommendd cleaning witpolilint everyday. polide's uque micro cleaeaformula s in just minutes,
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rds s irirngng >> ridge: tellhtm we're not interereed. >> rick:ven n ough we ar >> ridge: it's business. thlower ththprice. >> rick:k:hose people have hadad that corner stororfor 40 yearsrs >> ridge: th sure didi and now thth're selling itit >> rick: they haveveto sell it. e neighbororod's chahaing. >> rge: whwhh is why i want . >> rick: so this iyour tactit? blulu? >idge: rickthat whole apea's gonna be gentrified in another r@ve years, and that corner is gonna be perfectctor a boutique. why dodot you get that?? >> rick:k:h, i get it. it's exaly what you did to m%- >> ridge: what? >> rk: you were disingenuous. you lile. yoyo-- you preededhahayou dn't'tant something that you al did wanan >> ridge: :`ich was at? >> r rk:k:etting me t of that


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