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tv   11 News 630  CBS  March 7, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST

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they found, but thad no cell service or fowdwdso they pt going. thtz sle oside sundanight while volunteers fm an off road club called colorado 4y 4 rescue and recory searched and finally fofod the boys jeep p is morning. tt ald/lost inheheountains tried winching self outut it didn't work, so i wase, it startedetting windy andnd uff whad to go." maguire alalr/missing two da: ot really scared..." ma: "i think on the first t it was mororsced and then on the second night t was more mftable, i wanted to go home."." bebedes some blisters and bruises,sthe t bthths are doinok. this has a lotu u lking toght.t.t@ number 1 1is retiring after 18 years. peyeyn manng mama t t announcement officiatoday dpring an emotional ne confence. .& the e o time s ser bowl winner id it's s me. his parents, brother, wife and ds were there toda manning retires as one othe e
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if i'll l l the game. abablutelyabsolutely, i will. he becomes eligible r the football halof fame in five yea. today at dia, thth r rerved gate b1 ey say 18 is good number and they'll ld the ge for his next aenture. they alswrote good look in tirement. we've led d is man is il, , sed ofofbusingo toddler twins. flown n denenr childrdr's hpitatawi serious jujues. police say 2cob sandal is a iend of f e twin mr r d was watcng tht the me o the us 's fg fefe. ighbors s e glad to bebeack hohosevel re fce evacacteci stst becsef ththth canon citytyaiecshared thisisic wh us. a man foa totoedo thehe ararns river, inbout two feet of water. t tk it home and called lithe bomb sadook itit to detonate it. cocong u uon 11 news at n,n,e spe thhe
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found the torpedo. the deral government has reed to pay 175 million dollararto a familof an ininte o kikied himself. he did it inside supermax, in florence. .he family says the ison stem fail to trtrt his mental itlness. lawsuisays prin offieials allowed him to stayn solitary cfinement without the e prer treatatnt. the mate was serving a l l lsentntce forlr knapping e. temperautres a a above average for is time yeararhis afternoon with highs into the 5 and 60s. we are seeing clouds for some places but condititnsill stay mainly drdrt with teller r having theeseschce for a
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shower. winds are stl breezy alg and south h
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nancy reagan wilbe laid to rest next to her husband fmer president rona reagan th fridid duri a private funeral. americans e momong the passing the f fmer fit laed of congestiti heart failile at h ca@ifornia a home sday y thehege of 94. chris u`rtinez is in simi valley at the rald reagan presidential libry wh more details. floters anrds paibututto nancy an outside thronald reagan presidential library and museum. ( "the fir lady y the united d states nancy disgan." the former f f lady wiwi lie iv repose for blic visisitiontwo daysysefororher
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friday. nancy wiwi b%@ried h he at the ronald reagaga prpridential l l nexto h husbsbof 52 years. didiitities from across e country are expected tottenen melissa we are estimated a thousd people will be here for r e remony. that is what we are planning forit will be ououoors -rain or shinin" nancy reagananas known as presesent reagan's fiercest prorectotoand d ted popotical advisor.r. her bestnown projects rst lady was her campaign against drug abu "jt say no." following e present's alzheimer'diagagsis in 1994, she controversial ly advdvated for st-cell research. former sectaryryf state neral colilipowell served in ththreagan administratio he recalls presidenendepepeing on hisife e euch, that he d fi it difficult enever nancy woul take a trip. coli "wknew after 24-48 hovrs h h would be fretful, he'd become distracted. by the d day we'd have meetg to say somemee has to tell her shshs
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tockckwleded that. so she e ll misd" t t white house lowered its flags t/t/ halftaff mondadamornrng in nancy reagan's'semory. ris martinez, cbs ne, simi vallll, calijornia. ththfuneral islosed totohe public, lllle televid.he p plic c n pay b thtir respectso thfofoer first t t as shshlays in repose ap the reagan librbry this wednesday and sdayay e still waiting to fou what caused this house fir ititestrtred home anan damaged anher friday near troz and powers on t sosoas of c lorado springs. th smokplume coululbe seen for r s. firefighters us they're stililinveigatg what ststtedfthe re. it nlear yet ianyone w home at the time. sppepesaturday'sesultsas de the race for the gop presidential nomimation n oking morere like two-man field. ted cruznd dald trtrp are wiwiin hundred legates @fachcotheheleaving marco rubio and john kasicicfar behind. michigan takes center e in the presidentialalace a day
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hillary clinton ping tgain the e pehand against beie sanders. preseuential candate) "when the e ips weren and thvote was calledi vod for auto baililt,t,e voted against`it, cause itlso helped some butt bacto back decratic presidential l candidate) "the only problem with her assertion is th it is categorically untrue. on dececeer 11th,008, thererere was onepvotetethe onlylyote we had in the senate on w wther or nowe support the automobilel industst a i of course, voted d yes." bo pares ve tuesday in michigan and missiip.. with republicans also ctingngallots in hawi and idido. cruz won the moslegates this weekd and now trlsrumpy just 8 police a talki with a n afterexe was carrying a gun at local s sool.l. it happeped this afternoon at t explorermey intrict . olent on lockdowd leout out 20 mut l police tl usanas rent who became set er a par situation. fore you feed your kiddinner
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coming up, why these chickenen nuggets are being taken n f t e shelves. we'llet u know in just aew mites. bufirss e first kind of transplant in u-s history. this wananeived a uterus transplant what thihians foher r ing g ableleo have kids. you're watching kkkk 11 ne with d dnne derby,y,on ward,, chief meteorologist briqn edsoe and sam!farnsworth with sports. this is s kk1 1 1 a6:30. ( doctors ve p pform the first farnsworth with sporor. this is
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doctors h veerformed the f of its kind transpspnt in the us. they traplanted a uterususnt a wowowowho unable to have children. weijii jiang has the storyro eland ohoh enin was tger, doctors told her she would not be able to have children . lindsese from that mome on i have prayay that god d`uld allow me thth opportunity to experience pregnancy and hereree are today at the beginning of thatat joney." lindsey, who d dn't t ve her last name, was born n@thout uter now w e's the fifst patient in the u-s to receive a uterus transplant. dr andreas
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stud // deasededealthy wpman of reproduive age. the uterus is then cooled, transpteand then implant t t tipient." the ound-breaking g hou surgery was performelast month athe clevelananclinic. thhospit has screened more thanan5h women tfi 10houalifyor this research st dr rebecca women crave the expepeence of carryiyi theirirwn pregnancies // we ow tse women w wl get that experience through uterus transplantation lindsey will have to wait a year beforereinto get pregnana through in vio fertilization. dlctors sayayfter one or two panci, they will remove the uterus so liseis noton rejection drugs t rest of her life. . lindsey a moment tohank r nor's faly they have provided me with a gift i will never be able to repay lindsey and her r sband are alreadadparents to t adoed sons wj, cbs s ws, clevelan ohio o if l lds is able to have successful pregnancy, doctors
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c-section around 37 weeks. we're trackikg an 1111all for actiti alertrt plegate e rms is recalling its naturals chicken nuggets in 8 ounce paesesecausehere may be smsml pies of plasasc c the product. the ckages h he e eses before" dada of septemr 27, 2016. you can return yr package to the store whwhe you purchased ititor a ful refund. now to the latest on the fig against t e zika virus. the c-d-is joining forcewith alththfficials in puerto r ro. th wk, the-d-c director is heading there to get a firsruhandook at how the vornment is respding to thsitutuio more than 0 cases veeen n repon n e isnd where e idence of the linknk between the rus and bih ctctis growing. applplcustomers were targeted d hackers over the weekend. it's theheirststepted d ber tack againin mac compupers usg a a ftware@known as ransomwawe. hackers used malware to encryptptata & at the palalaltoetworks- then asked
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access bacto their mputers. apple ys it has taken ststs overhe weekend do prevent further infectioio. tototosome local kids indiststct 11 got to go on a rtual field trip. google visited chipeta elementary. tht students used 3-d deces to toururhe world and beyond. students got tojsit everywhere from histori philadelia mount everest, the moon a mama. . they went below thsurfe to visit the grt barrier rere. . 2nd thugh 5th graders got to papapaipatin
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will the fire danger end with the incoming moistste? i il have detaililin the full forecastst after this now, from e 11 breaking weathehecentnt, ief meteorologogt brian bledsoe. monday will beartytyloudy with highs in the 50s a 60s. w will be brere especially on the se plpins where ththe wille highire e dang. a red flag wningngs in ace omom1am - 6pm for pueblo
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and areqs the and se. teller county and areas west of f 252525l have t beses chance foror lht spotty shower in the afternoon, best chance for ra stays n of el paso co d ththdenver area could see some t ttorms.s.s.sdayay will bri seasonably cool temperures with highghin the 40and s.kies will be rtlylyloudy d we will see better chances for some
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afternoon and evening. wednesday will be similato tuesdadawith shor ans d coolol temratures. by thursday,`,onditions dry out allowing sunshine d mild weather to return for the enenon the work wk. u uil we get somemeppppciableoisture, each day that is windy will be a high re d dgegeday. please pa attention to the forecast and do not burn anything
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tk joililan yearsobecome m m mr dor. buly aewommasto mbstesiting check a!hasetms. chnology designed for u.
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kktv 11 sportsith m farnsworth. after 18 remarkablelseasons in the l... peyton nfing g now walkingngway from e e me... he anned h h retirment thisi mornrng in a press crence at doveveallele.. 's a career th wililbe remembered by so many y ns.... lot of records... and most rececely... a super bowl win with the denver broncos... football is all manning has known since he was a young boy... and hehsaid its the little things thahel miss the most as he traraitio awawafrom his aying career... the relalaonships in the locker ro... the post game phe lls wiwi h h dad and othehe.. and of f ur, thth fans... leaving l ofofhat behind... . whatoehe do ne??? ?
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is excing for r him... "i'm totally convinced that the end of my football career is just thepe nning of something haven't evenisreyee is not sin for me, it's hi into a ahole e w world of psibilities. unts will spececece at my efrt a a d ive ovevevee pastst 18 years were2about masty and wowoing to master r ery aspect he l@game. welllldon't lieve them. beuse every moment, every of sweat, e ery bleary-eyed night of prereration, evevy note i took and every frame of fi i watched was abououone thing, reverence for isame" p both manng and coach gary biakakaid in today's presconference that this past seseon had its challenges... coach kubiak pulled back t curtain and shared a stoto thahagave us insight into their relationship... hear that tonight ononononwst ten. gas pres are going up once ain.n.1 news morning anchoho
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takea look at ththcurrenen trd, a h ^ tho prices stack u u what weweer paying a year ago. we k kw it w wld h hn: we are paying g rerat the pupu. nation... therha gone up by nearly ve cents inhe pt twtwweeks. / / at ps thnationalverage atatbout 1-81 per gallon. accordrdg to gasudud- dot-t-t-t- that's stiti 64 cents less expensive than one year / in colorado springsgsa gallon ogas willllost you less than the averagag at 1- 75. in pueblo, also exeect to pay out 1-75 per gallon. the perts point out a couple of key ingsgsre h hpeni rht no alough oil production ll t its lowe level sinceceovembeb% 2014, crcre and`pepepeium m ocks remama theighest of record in u-s histsty. analysts say this oversupply will provide a ceilili for gasas pricic f r the nexcouple of months. inithatime, work will ke place e refineries and e move to summer-blensoline will l start to will push those prices higher. david nancarrow, 11 news.
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11 news at t t. we g g the arrest t rs for this guy. we told u earliein the newscaca about him. he's fang charges of child ababe. whate're learng about t e case. plussome of yoyomabe getting this email i inbox. ititooks legit, but it's's scam.
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h real people makaktheir own pizzas.. th chose the ingredients they wbnted. i li theheresh dgh. whatat bha? at a fillers? you gu jusmadeour pizz the way i ma my zza.hey! ingredits that yoyot pronouncee ununno a2tificici#flavors. and we're proud to announce our r r alaly guaranane: geanlarae pizza up too5-toinin for r st99. online o oy.y.y.
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sure. hey, want to hear a fun fact abo mustard? isist that the glucosinolates which give mustata its flavorl were evolved by the cbage f fily as a chemidefense against carpillala? yeah. well, that wasun..good for you, leonar hey, there. hey, you're early.. the movie dodon't starar for an hour. actually, we'reot going the movovs. we are `ere to knap you. wh are yououalking about? we, yoyoeloped and didn't get a chance to throw you a bachelor party so there''' a van downstairs and w%'re h heto take you to a surprise locatititifor the weeken well, i'j'd hahalycall this kidnapng. whwhe'the blindfold? whers the ductape? where'the part ere you call me d demand ransom and i i i to kp you ononhe phone, but you hang up seconds bere i can trace it and then i s s, "i'm getting o old fothis srud"? when do we leave? ririt now. yeah, pe.ey packed youla bak. wow, okay.
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ta yououto an ununowdestination for r entire weekenen oh, not just him; you're comini,oo.` op, how do you think you' going to get me e e o that? hand me! is is ridiculous! i yououo put tape on his mouth! and i told you he bit me! our wholeniversewas in hotdense state then nearly 1billion years ago expansion started... wait! theth began to cool t autotros betoro, nederthals doped t tls we built the wall we built theheyramids math, scien, history, unraveling t mystery thahaall started wi a b bang ba! hi i'm kristie. anani'-)jess. and we arehe bug c ccks. we're aanano-business.s. windnds 10 really helps usus get the word out about how awesome bugs are. ki learn tbe brave ancurious and alalkids speak the langngge of bu "hehertanind my katydid vio. oh! this i i i good.d. ififou're trying to t tch a aid abououa probososs. just sketch itn the s#reen.


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