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tv   Up to the Minute  CBS  March 8, 2016 1:35am-4:00am MST

1:35 am
and protott yoyo skin, all he same time. bye e fountion comes in your oic ofouskin perfecting shades. light, medium, tan, or rich.thbye bye undaon beautitil l u collection al incncde r supetr terobycocortoerk eycile ititaner anyth atos. r a perftl rbrued lk, rvebybyre tinted skin blurri nishpoer fud wiwi is azindropof lht t t tolog oi[away imrfections. anyo rvelity lipsh isrdinnielng s veyou yos,butter. it's ytick lios lip sd gingip d, o. and ger helllashes mascara clinical shown tcrease the l#oc our l lh lume by o400%.
1:36 am
yocould ealy s ndredsdos thexpxpsivedu e byfoundationautitil u coectiaces.. but callgo ryitcorino to getour bybye foun autiful l u colltion for e ununlievable low inododtoryryrice only $39.95. that's an amazing valu callnthxt mesday you'll reco fr ththvitataty face withthverying you need to contour aance your buty g lots of different#lks all l one handy compa.. and the most luxious heavenly luxe complexion peection bsh for awssirbrh applatatn evevy time that's a $48alneif youon't loo fivers youerer
1:37 am
ernolato mag, hw. the e y rirofoy .itust feke n naranngace.aky kkabtelas. er d itveuton i it ususs get asesininskinory kl f f so t.jamakes s en eraorry an tha e e e tesomeg foe orryan tlookand feel h hy st bybydaon foti e foda (fale rrtheding a pa pseion fofobybyunon
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fr it sms am kerma ouou bgure.myon and i used to watathered carpet shows on tv no'm wkihem. life is unprededbl beg flake freesn't. because i have used head andshouers for 20 years. ed reglyi4emov up t100% of flak keepyou protecd livelake frefor life the a t dif kindky gms no nftiipes...are apapovedo o the samebebe t wipee oved toilre s ofer an cloro
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vi preoe b ckff his touof the miinte emes. biden me. troops at the outsidehe cal bhi. d u.s. alls wosqeze e het t of the ismiste. r basesja majo unplace airi otiraqnd s>.>.eanwlemecaecia u andurroops la t gwowo f an saonul y wimss the. >> repr:raqi and acan leaders ha bn talking capturing momol over a y now. still not clear whenhe long awaibattle will happen. we visited kurdidi troop tside the cicieadying for the ofnsiv
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ldld theyeyeoeot theh tnkisunn mongnear theipost and ititder ey'r rvouou the day before our visit there a a ordinanad d d atttt rdrdh sososorsrsoughgh extremistststsk k d d d u uthey kikiededeaeay y y y is f f ferererthat's's'ss s er thehe. ly abobo a m m maway the w w w crseseseto n nman'sland d ininint t e afafrmrmrm this is s s ththth lefefof a mvee d donatedy suicide mber. >> blowno smithereen isis w w wdoubtless use e e same thless tacaccs t tdefend mosul. isis is thght t have several thsand fighters in mul, bu now they're opping civilns from leaving the city.and claims effectively they have re than 1 million human shields. when isis capted mul n ny s a#o ma people
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sts. but neral nnajim al-jobori leading offenseives told us he is counting on t hele of civians. i about 7or 8 8 from thehpeople in sul they yil suort us. >> 8ill support you. 20are still tis. >> yeah, with isis. >> reporter: t tenenen told us the fit for mosul cod last several monthshshs iraq says the recece btle to claim left 80% of the city dedeyed. pomp and ceremony rereto washingtonitita state visiby canada's new prime minister justin trude, he was swept into power las year a heheng in araf litics. trudeaeaa differert kind of leers lara logan f fnd out. snoboard instructorora
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r many years, worked as a teacr, make no alogi f f a , riededededf li experiences. >orte it has alsosopened you up to cricism. you have hrd e e we have heit. pepele say y are too young. you are inexrienend. yoy/y/dn't havwhat itakes to do thihijob. >, the way i respondo tip is by ignoring it. you ca let yrself be dened d the hopes that you will fululll the dararst wishes s your r ponent. [ plause ] justin t tdeau's sweeping victory was not expectct. >> this what positive polics cano. >> r porte aew weeks e s liberal rty was lastn the s. yet when the votet werted,
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cadhad ev d >> thankou mercrc merci. >> tak t t party from the wot t featn last election to an hric win, s stc p per fromhe conservatives after nearar a decade e e ule. int t mentvictoryt hisisis youth, his looks, and his family name, captivated the wld. >>s at daunting? >> it is wt itit i, i iook k w wt i have aa challeng i could list#a wholeleunch@nf different chlengese i choose not to be daunted by any of thehe >>ndaunted still untested. th theheajority gornnt that givesesim s snificant power. he says he will use to retn the countrto i i liberal ots. he has already fulfilled o o o the boldest promisesesf his campaign.
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refugees. some of them in person. >> welcomeo your new h h >> at a time wn the u.s. has takekein a aittlover 2,000 refugees from syria. angovernments ararmore concernethan ever abou security risks >> we were able to actually and ck and choose and screen and bring er@rhe pple we chose. at gives ua ch great vel ctrolnd a aentiti over whos actually going to comemen. >ut a aououaying there is no r)rk. o o o ackndge ththe is still a risk? >> every time tourist, immigrgrgrororefugee swswsp ininin another untry y ere e a secutytyisk. ani am me th comfortle that doing what we havdone, acceptptg in 25,000 syrian fugees, dodo r rht bboth the fety of nadis, and -- and by thealues that defe us as a nati. >> would youe just as comfortable if there was a terrorist attack carried outpdy
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fuge ltimately. being gpenennd respectctl towardeach other is much me powerful as way to diffuse haed andng t t t-- than, you know l lering on, you know, big wls a oppressive lici. >> reporter: his commitment to opennesss[s reminiscent to his father pierre, regard as one of the founders of modern canadada cana must be e ogressive. and d nada must be austifier. >> reporr: he shrined into law, a charter of rights and freedoms s silar to the u.s.'s of ritst t l denes what it means totoe canadian today anhe made the country officially bilingual. giving freh the same status englisis known as much r his towering inllect as h h glamoururnd charm. dominated canadian polititi for arly two decad. >> o oe again that's justin. and from the ment t s son was
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fa'stlig. everluding somof h ht chnicleda tion obsesseded ith eldestston jusn in w. his dadook hihiound the wowoto meeees, prime ministers, royalty. his lilile broroerertimes at his side. >> what do you thing of dy diana? >> i thought she w really beautiful. m adrie chles picked h >>eporter: it was a unique ililood.d. t defefededim inas pirudede's s d heuggl teafree . yti fthople whosathis g didt earnt. you knowhe's trading on hihi father's glorious past? i'm proud to be his son. i don't mind thahapeople member that. think that is a goododhing. but one of the tngs that comom with that is -- having liviv all f my life with people who would critize meititut knowing me. because, they didn't know mymy father. or people who loved me, without knowing me, because theyeyoved
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>> both arfalsls >> both are false. reporter:n 2012, fo years into hololical cararr he`e ose annusual wayayo prove he was more than the spoiled son of canadian rty... >> justin truteau!u! he turd an annunl chity xi i ia lil poitit challenging patrick braso, a senar from the opposition, who d a black belt in karate. canadians tookne look at t t two o them and d id true e w had lost h min >> g tting more punches th i thought he would. >> the first round went as expect. >> oh,y go.& this is going to be a one-round fight, brianan but he and his aine pst prer btl
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tire his opponent. d outlashim. i thk i was like ts. looking through the finrs. yeah, it was -- was not easy. >> reporter: trudeau's wifif phie was in e crowd. >> reporter: you're thking why is he doing g isgain? i dede likseng this.s buhe h told o ny s. i got this. it nototoing to be easa. i go out. i cacadot. >> reporter: did you know the sttegyoing i i i iid kth aitthnc re, wi such re and forc ad bn nchebe nwihath. e we moments whererereu know he was seeing sta. but he, he stayed uprit. >eporter: trudedeelel. and whenras tirerepod him into s%smiion. e rereree had to stein fore the end of third
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plthink xis ababt ho y yan h y ponene. it'sbo iabouhard a h u taeep g. yan lars ll ponlour wee. cbewcom. ththnight wswsl be ck." mama(sternly): where do you thinyou're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's tacactuesday. man: yououe not cong. took mucinex to help get rid ofy mucusyongestion. i'good all d. [announc:] mucinex keepworkqkg. no4, not 6 6 but 12 hours let's end this someone'hacked all our nolo chno.... say, havu se all theheing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? lo. electronic id cards, emergency roadside service,,
1:51 am
wow... yeeico milp woliharm. expect great savings and a whole lot more. (sous of b bds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel crme r massage d . ertouch,eny intensd. lili touch is l l ak. y uch.h.what serigries r r ikes foodut. fore thosexlxles wt in bwey dentures my gug andt smforta just aewisnicall pr tal me fo pa sur r s omy fe now. tmo frey. movee ula haleiosusuor for r urntntnt
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moree ultrgedeovanno reght. thfianan-in- ind sleepplement uted deer broos pepewlrtbatoto mag g riri from e gameme% inholdldheecorfor most tohdown passes. most passing yard. and most victories.
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there is no questi that peyton manning's dropoff performance wafactor ihis cision. broncos were frank unwilling touantee h $1919illion salary to lacecep his shoes for one mo yea with unpdeede leon p awar in 1 seass, ubg s s ststto p py thme. ell,ght a figi finish my y otball race.e. af1 years,t's s mememe god blbls all of you. and god bless football >, brs! reporter: with his second supebowlin puthe fini touchesn red d d . manng at i iperhs th
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>> there ithcord for peyton manni. >> he passed for 5,477 yards a ouchwns in 2013. >> great i ia. >> with the boy next doo rsona. he w w also a veve s s sssful pitchman. look liktht\ mningla14so th iianapopocolts. leading e t% to victien sur bobo 41. he was released after ck surgery foed him to o t out the 2011 season. asas bnco, mning won, ur straight divion tltl and de sowl pepeans. but his final season was marred by aoot jurynd
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seal assault while he was th t e west cococ continues to be s sked th record rainfall,
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syst.ininas f fn california' death vavaey hn bstont t ok at at the w wer left behind.>> reportrr: it isisne of tht hottest,ries mos unforging places o oearth. but war has made death vley me alive.>> huge number of plants here. rock daisy, pin cushio brown eyeyvenirimre t tre. amy be a ranger r atvaeyatiopark for 1111ea. it's beeththththg ld owerblooood li t >>zing t tt anything lives here and thth to have thidisplay of au a at o`cerelyly pleasureo experience. >> reportete death vley gets less than 2 inches o orainfall a . t in october, 3 and a half inches fell in just fifi hours.
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rk besknown rks. tu dtroyed, ennature gaga back. flowerbegan springing ofn january. a few at a time until ey blknteeld. turng own sert inta sea a elelw anle ananwhite. the like the grav ghosts. its slender and rock colored. it blend in. they look li srits. like ototof lht. flfltingngthe air. ore an aozen varties w wd flowers arpaininng t rk. but heiggesthsw is the dert g gd poppy. you ve come out here a looked at this. at do you thinin >> im so lky to get to work anlive her it's so beauful, magal pl >> even in heat? >> dent know if i amucky, 129 9 degrees end ofofuly.y.
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restf the year rorter: rar wortht. >>orter: a reward seseom seurg the ats relentle drought.. but t kso el ninr r w brief ekektithe e breaking news, micicel
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fofo president. while elsewhe i i the campaign, there is cursinin >> t ty'y' ripping the [ bleep ] t of t t ty >> a a ring. i swearar i@ a g gng to vote for donald trump next week. i ea >> andcoldingtoo. >> y know, exce me,'ming. al nini laptoombb blowup at a somali rpor how terrorists are c cnging their tactick.% a jurywards andrews $55 milon iher stalker lauit. an hisisric uru tranlantiwl nine hoho. and, remembe n an>>nnou: th is the bs niws>> billionaire a fofme new rk c)e mayor mhael bloomberg aounc hilil not
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ching utow h says, a a threwawa re w keead te election of mpr ted cruz.which bloomberg said was a r heheouou not take.( majorrett i coverghe p . repter:ototooerg knowowdged he d notwin. ininolum o t compa website e wrote, i l le our country o much to play a role in eleing a cdidatetuleaken o onity and darkenur future. trumpp a a cruz,n ane-on-one battle f the p nominationon >> i wouldld loveo taken ted one-on-one.. that would be souch n. >> reportetc donald trump is trying to make it two mer republiomio bynig satco biwhen hisete votes next week. >> rubio hasn a no show i i thth u.s. nate. reporter: in a ad, tmp poraysys rubios desperate a fit for office. >> people are srting too learn donald trump the c craerernd dona trump the perern a not thsame ing.
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florida a`ows trumtpp with eieit poinin lead over rub and uz and kasich behind. >> if you wanan totbt him. yo havoeaimt t ballllllox.ou campaign thenlignn th donststtee d s ernder >>ter:ruzr worngo p seralenate endoementss ween ic twist for a cdate w has n an-elishntnt campaign. ontron whabeenn hiswn wor pt of t s lentis whole life >> gup lg up agtmp ueilili sle of n cococi s attttk tru foror usi lgarities. ty'reng to s bleep i don've aepep ^>escr on mcccc ass lor. mpouoturd w pece. >> repr:r:n n liberal pocy tions. >>hich presidentl candida supports higr taxes, national health care and the walreet bailout?
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day, trump warnene housands of susuten nonoh rorona 's oy just begu yee theom tyspt. e t ms in ou that areoshoho ads.s. >> reporter:r:he latest poll i i michigan whichchot tomorrow shows trump with a 14 pointd oncruz. scsct, trump wts bigig win there to bolster his claim that aopulous message canelp the gowint belt states in a generala electctc. >major, thanks... 150 republican delegates at st i fourtates tomorrow.tests c s s a degeged on temoc hillary clion leads be sandnd by 639 legates. nancy cordes i i covering thatt race. >> were's flyin back t to detroi we he to be weleprovisioned.d. >> reporter: tl how badly the twtw want to win michigan by the sizezef theiraggerations.
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t. diadstoda c c c c a aussas of o oosing the 20200id age for michanan carr kers >> vot fne canda whstuphe a ry or srspo the ounds. but balked whenttacac to a lalaerilhat sen billiss tol stre.eque t t t cncretinn of r t scrarara >> >s doingscscracterering of h own. blamingdetroit's ws on whatt allslaryclinins' f ftradad polici. >> n nta supuprteded by t crcrary y st us 800,000 js nationde. >>ororr: note arly all economic studi say nafta's ne effect on jobs was neneiblele sanders unexcted p pe today frhe natiolifif association. whichh tweetet its aciatn ter r argue it iot fair
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nhsut you arellyking out pele singgs manactung in erica. >> both candites have spent da in th ate. here's why. ers needs an upset her to prove t`at he still has thehe a ot nationally whil clili i is just as eagag to show he has nopac. and latest btleground tracker, shis leadingerey 11 points. tay aomb eloded at an aiaiortheckckinin wtheb wasn u. worried. re es jef pegu.>>he bb i a lp compu d stter w w wwstt t smortorf t mata, momodish re explosive w wndndnd an diffused including onen a prr. in feapp b gl thrgh airrt security i somalia, blew a hole
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keoff. n uckeke out t plane andnd killed the terroristoup, ba is suspected. devices ve hallmarks of a a qaqaa the arabian peninsula in 2010, tried and failed t use bombs embmbded in printer cartridges to blowowp cargo plan. #puntertrorism analyst, muhammad fsier rahim. >>errirganizationsorkkk gether fororutual pursesf th h he one limimed capabil o end ty wk the otr end s the cuild eirrorer rorter: untge officieis point to october's doing of a rusan airlirn egegt as proof of a renewed effo byp terrogroups including is to tarart rplanes. since th s smer of 14, ssengers flying to the united stat facednhanced screeng of theirlectronic dedeces. in theu., a government stutu
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uty itou seruck tsat unoingng iesti led ackup att tststs under new leadership the agency isorking tonhance x ray units and trtrningng >jeff, anks. >> thecbs s night news" ll
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tonhtheentagon i claiaingng bigicicry agast al shabaab terrorists inne of ee bigge unterterrorism rikekeineas. war planes reportedly killed 150 peop or the weekend at w wt the military says was terrorist aining camp. vi marn is at thepentagon. repepter: scotot penta ficiy ty d been ng cpoced about 120thth mogadish for eks. abou 23 f00ssororal-shabaringn ak againsakeing force, 50 acansnssadvi. e strikeasas launche turday. med drones caught the fighters lined up out thenor wh appearedo b their gradadtion cemony.
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if t eims crectt d ke thisne o ofhe % siledlst strikes agast terrorists ever. one dense ofal said "they weweititngng ducks." >> d did martin, thanks. > iraq there is frce fighting outstsmosul, a city of 2 million. th largest cit controlled by isis. iraq'q army and kurdish forces trained by the u.s. had been planning to retake suut theyav`eeayedime ain.hoyyli wt tohent@li [ guire ] >> repter: 20 milrom mosu the kurdish soler are jumpy. thisisas the r rponsns when the spotted two suspected isis guen appppaching theirir post. the day bore isis managed t break hhhehehe fnt lili.
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mohs e k k kolsushem back andolsy kd nearlyly10fighghrs.. osos into no-o-s nd ecat rai o a a humvee, don b the s scici bombrivivi it. >>le up. o orir sideis dououlessseheam ruthless ttics to fendmosul. isis thought to have severalal thousandighters mosul.. w stoppinin cilns f fmm aving th ty% that misase an a mliojuman shie whenenens s across northern iraq nrly two yea ago,, iraqi soldieie ran away. now, americaroopsre back, traiaing the nionalrmy to retake t ci. an arican advis told us this time t u.s coaliti shaped a differt army.
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tactic how t breach fifidcdc how tofeferose plosise dedeces.esls the didn't have priously >> will they stay t urse_ neraranajijial-jobori will adhe mosul offensive when it finally ns. >> i think abobo 75are, or 80% frfr the people in mosul,hey will support us. >> 80% will support yo ar suppog is >>itis. >> j jter thatat aalal from t mistryff defee ordeddheeneral to stophe rvw. perhs e tim o e mosuensi nsite. butu scott, a u.s. intellince fici tolol congress last month, i is unlike, mosu ll beecaptured before nex year. >>olly williams reporting from rthern iraq tonight. holly, thank u.
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sportscaster erin andrews$5 miion. a slk htlyd henad a hotetete arririt anchise. and annn werner iss at the courthwusen nashvivie. anna. >> repepepr: scott, t jy deliberated for jt a singl y and then came back with that award.d. finling bo her stalker and the owners and opepetors ofhe tel l re in nashvhvle at fat.nowhat verdict comes eight years after her@ta did barrett shot naked video o andrews thugh a pphole in her hotel rm door. hehehennn pososd those vidids onne where t ty weey millnsf. lawendeearful sty audud h a of this has a aected he she e id shehe suffered humimiation, embarrassment, shshe.e. now the attorneys for the two compans that run the h hel could not tell me tonht how their case wentwrong. they said they haven'teen able to talko the jururs yet.
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responsie fofo nrly hal of $55illion award. her stalke barre is sible e e t o ne watched tonigh scott, a juroeft ecouroo drewshanksne peonaln wt.aplef tm rched o hu one en asking f her augraph. a werner. ank you, anna. >2 today, presidentnt obaba dereflags flown at half-staff in honor of n n n reag until after her funeral on fridid. the reagan library in caca, where she w wl be lala to re,alongsided thehe rm esident. thth fr first lady who died erday, wil lie in r rosee ththrary onedneneay a sday so tubc c pay its rereects. lesy stahl of 60 minutes back in the reagan yes was coverirk tte house. you knew the president andhe fit well. reagan? 8well i guessirst off how
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becaususeh cam i and sheas interested in clothesnd shopping. by t enenefhe est'sgn poly vise somesticoly viseaggu. shshved. yoyowatch it happen and i a a happy to see t t t flag at half stafffn t t white hoe, like @that, becauur firsrs ladies, are never really preciated d r how much they contriteoheuccess othe prcy, thth'redin, bualsoknow h keep e trtogethat >>rs. rgan wasnnf onndnd inn poly ma solu. evod k tha s pus hi io denenit rbache the siet t n but she wasoryinin thi r rllytop t ts mu as s as on the siaia tssusu, ththoror cservive titihe wasking fomp on brgs and guconabortion and gun control.
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>> s s was t power behehd t f thrhne? >> no quqution a aut . she was procting hi hispresidency. >> annututntic love story? total. colete. saw it on camera was real lestl, thaouo mu.>> aea >> ourlplovereditususd he bonlater whow nancy rean worked for change. and al ght, an historic
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right back. # my son and i ised watch the red rp shows on tv nono'm wking thee isisunpredictable one g nene t prtable tbekere cai uad andshers for eaed rarlyit rov t0%fl keing you prprectedererekevery nth,ery ar yoy ? lili is unpredble, mbmbce i anduldersrslivelafr f lifif man ternly): where do you think yoyore g gng? mrmrmucus: to work, with you. it's tacactuesday.y.y. ma you're nonomingng i i mucinexo help get rid ofy mucusy congestytn. i'm good allllay. [announcer:]:]cinex keworking. not 4,4not 6 6 t 12 hours. les d is eck thth out, o.o. what's that, broheim? i itchch to geico d got more more savgs ocar insurae? yer,nde. like rtersnsurance. re wto sav ninio-ta chihiat's not all bro-inke.
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oh, that's a lot more. oh yeah, i'm all about more, , ddy brosevelt. geicicicxpececgreat savings d whe lot more. ere'mo.... anthere's ng wiove fr ult. it has triple-action support for your jois, cailage annes. d unke the b
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move yoywe today we m m a pioneer, the first womannmerica to receive a trsplanteded uterus. thth s sgery offers new h hee for women wiwiinfertility. momo froro our c news contriritor dr. tara naru. [ applause ] it was an emoti ment fof the 26-year-old patient
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>> iant @o be openennd hest d to 16 andas t rr heen.te tdure gned foromenho are either born without autut had it remuring stto or one tha esn'on flong infe othrger flfltftransplala t at cvela inic omeqllave that exenfarry thewn eg n prnancie fee taby grownd ck. knonohathose womeml geg t experncehrgh ererertransplantation. >> reporter: before thesurgery, lisey hadggsrvd.fertiliznden. aecdonasd.theterusansplantri a niousurgy. she is the first of ten women who willlundeo the experimental produre to see if healthy baesanre >> thereas one moment end off the case where everythin w stable.
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start toink up. eali we were making higstory in thehigs history in the united states. ry excitin the plan is for r ndsey to have one or twoabiess via c stion and theterus wille removed so she does not have to te anti-rec d dgs tht rt o r lifefi >>zi. thanyou,octor.r. peyton's pn nfl history is
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next. > well i fought a good fight. ii fisheh myootball race. d aft 1 ars,8 years it's time. god bless all of youou god blesfootll. applsese >> peyton manninin annnning his retireme. among our blessings we count james brown. host of thehe nfl today andbs news special rrespondent. jbjbwhy now? scott, peytoanning is
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s s 20 wshe most of terbk or lylyuartbackckin t spperbrbrb wh tiffere teams. buitas a season marred by injujujund his ownwn admissi decline ininis skills which@p is why it w time to go. >> tre was some cononover as well? >> nouestion about thatat scott. dedeer, alazrarica acsesehim ofop h ftly ith rultl of t any votes , o ohthtto mber, rdrdscott. b ohe nfltoday. s,nk you smuchnot l therhehite use is yn the ovaloffice. that srynext.
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members --marie, ypriabe priates? n'veme to eat ght exee.a bubu momom , u're bu mom?ah.this g new busyoms nener geprediaias. wait, , at? ll mjust...yeah isiss l e ople isk or predieteses d way ererebusy ?
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we e tononht with a a look at how nancyreagan used the powethat cam with beininfirst lady. billll plante cov the reagan white house is wits tonit. bill in many ways nancy reagan w oppote her husband.d.she toh. was goin e t rr whest. e sery ive behine sces. and s e influced the p onydeon and so wt p pc o cocoveias ain rerereqcanosit. >>ver t e eht i washinon a terer upupap downs oethehe whe house,oundhaas rely rtrtnd howserve. >> ructant tk of pso matters, mrs rean public
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mastectoto following diaiaiais of breast ncer. at the time t procedure was seenens a radical ep.. e f fstady use herd decisikn toencourage wil tine have regularmammograms.. in 1985, t @agan'sriri roududn ods puterlepidemor m. re ik toreears r he to connc t ident tohe disease in public. >> aids affects all o of . their son ron described the prpress topbs. >> he could personalize an issue eitherececsef the tragedy like rock hudson or inome otr way th's t w w you gotot to him. shwas well aware of that of courur. >>eporterj by 1994, the an kneandded beg thelide int almers mrs.gannelievetemellcherededrose disease she promoted breaking wi predent bush and
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>> i j jt donon see how we can turn our backs onis. er so manan dea that cabe aeaststlped. >>orr: nea wen onovaiu for zheimersrs resech wasb o a life live quiet butith erce teinatn. bill tete@ b news,p new. >andn th'[evnininewe for rhisiiies o s nts.s.p. fofoothersheckach u u u&
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nend t ts mo fr trocaen nyoitit'mco#pel welceeo the ernit news. i'm mhelle miller. anotr g day onhe sta hdingcont michigan, mississippi, idaho andhawaii. mihegest prize of l.. r cbs neweattlegund tracker d hillary clinton ading beie sanders i kiigany fots. 5551 44%. as fepubcanstrver cruz by 1 poin rco rubndohnich balior third. ump has the ld in the overall delege count and won 12f000 consts s s r. cruz has won m-rc rio whunda er rics jottrerert >> i yr . is cruime w.eporr: m mcoweptpuo'srimaic aaaup sadad ro ie islandd po rico
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>> rter: the win ce m me urs s ter dold trump advised rubio to quit..>> i think it is time h dro out. i woulullove to takee on ted one-on-o. trump a ted cruz split rd's contest.p wo inn kentucky,y, louisiana. cruz swamp trump in kansas and maine. >>ehouldd dl i c c toda let' fac ituzapdajity o the s stave t t wenonorarump b 81. >>ereeeing people come togethererecausehey're recognizing that their candidates were not in a position to beat donald. eporter: on "facee the on." cruz saitrumwas ling momontum a predicted he wou overtake the f fnt-runner avoiding a fht at t convention. >> washington deall maks tryo step in a broked convention and eal theomination i think we wilil have a manifest uprising. >> under fires never befo. trump defended himselfs a unifier d songe opponent
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agaioutto clafy hisposion on hebupsike the ku klux kl. iikeny g o te... ha grosre n for me. but i haidhis before. >> tru argd for c cnging the lato allow for u#uf extme measures t introgate terrorist suspec. weee tot beat the savages. >> by being sages. >> youave to play theameehe wawathey're playizg theme. >>illary con bernie ers aded barbs, fli michighe mipal teeen poined le nardes rerts.t t aing leaea iflin>>eoplot payizg water bi foisote rte cin the metoto crowd makgigpriseso an audiee w & still can'n' dn thark water. >> i have a bill f trillion dollars, creatg jobs and rebuilding fnt m c cgan and communities alover >>hank you, senator. awe commit within five years to
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esomy and trade. ecreryry clinton suped virtuallererone of the disastrous trade agreemts writitn byporateamerica. >> c cnt argued it wanders wh abandonichiga wke a c me>> tave the ao ryotete ainsthe mont ded savin t ao indury >> i you are talking abouthe wall stree bailout whehe some your friendsdsestred thi economy. excuse .i'malking. >> onenef a f f f testy exange >> can nish, please >> but the attac dt get personal. at lst not thettacks onach otr. >> we are if e ected president going to ve a lot of money into mental he when you watch knees republican bateou kw why you nee intn mlalth. >>he fer agemes are
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reag. foerst ladyie sy of araire at erome in caliia she s.eail b bd hband o g gd teaga identialib inn va foia. gvesi o hillngifococn. th publicciven chce t payheir reec. an nan reagaweinserae foralf century. thei parership helped reshape americanpolitics. arlie se has mo. >> tnk y for your lolo. thananyofor your just being yo >> moranalan reagan's94eant si bed hba presenenondag their ladyf the unid states, nancy davis rean. [ plse ] ] >> reporter: elegt, rong, ananyal.l. she e s his protector and most trusted coant. ann francis robbi born eensns new york in 1921.
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and took her stepfather's name to become nancy davis. >> i wasfraid you wouldn't come. >> reporter: iher 20s0she moved f to hollywoodoocus on her acting career. there e e met r rdldld@d@ reagan,,hehe thenresident of the screen actors gugud. back. igi every awf nute arly i the ia ty sed el of t navy ef leaving the sta for the policalstage. >> aft serng two terms as california's first family. [ plause ]the reagans wonol the white hoe. the love of ronald rn ery vee hisolitical careerpo. a spepereonde f vaty frst m thepl198181 >>edybodineedit e re hd peoe
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>>r. presi - >heyyndured assasnaonmpon the p psisind ltipip c ctrersies@s@s w w thth fst ly w . sh ce u feor ring$20000hihi houpp ina duri a recession. the prprent came to h h fense. >> treas been no new china for th white house since the trumananan administration. >> mrs. reaga famououy launched a campapan agagast drug use. >ust s s no. >> reporter: flowing the presidids 94 aheimers diagnosis she conoversially adtetefor stem cell rerearch. in 2002he spout their% ndndith0 minutes f rresesent mi wawaace. >> you were alws polical rt weren't heepdedd u uyu? wl that could be, i wasn't a politician,mike. >> we, nancy. >> no. no, wasn't. reporr: no moment cght that partnerip betterhan whwh nan told h h hus huh ansr a reporter'squestion. >> we're doioi everything we
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>> we're doing everything can. >> at t tpresident't' funeral, sh emotionly kissingeded his casket andited h h grave at the rond reaganresidential library every ar after. she too will b b laidot in simi valy alonwvideerer husbsbd more thanive decas. onnday, herepsonel wrote --ancys whe e e h wd bitit ie>> tnkourom totm my at t 96epubn nvenon, estst lad flecd on t`funexpe lif thed ge.r i was tereg,tas en wfaatg, ant w s htenin bre wer
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ys hav ioms to t a ounds ofirdshistng mu odinink-y touch gel cr for age ananintima every touch, gently y tensified. a little touch is alit tes k-y to discover new magnum double raspbey. made with thperfect balanc of raserry ice cream, luscious raspberry sauce, d beian ocolate. discover magnunu chocolole easure. s t these dayqquidels and go. t e edare mux st-m-m 's'she se dien.. os stthanghtstsuc cinex . thranded colu id gel ats max-streth and fits mucus. let's end th. in a wor that's trying to tu you into someone new... hair rolor wants tohelp you keep being you. nice'n easy. natural-lookinincolor...
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it just looklike you. nice easy:y:olor thisiss mineral build up clects avavg g osssr rm-ridden ains. clorox toilebowl eanewith bleac is no matcfor at.. but lyl por toil bowl eane eliminat minal build- eessl
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vice presideoe b ben sicked offff tour of midd east the unid ates.. denet with u.s.roopsstthaibatside theapit abub bby.romised the.s.nd allies would d ueeze the heart out of the islamic statat thair bas is a mor launching place for strikes oth iraq andnd syria. >> meanwhile american special rces units and kurdish troops yingnghe ground work for an assault on mosul. holly williamss there.>v reporter: i iqi andmeririn leers s ve been t tking recapturing mosul over aeaea now. still n/t cleaeawhen the long awawted battleillappen. we visit couish troops outse the city readying for the offense. mes fsul, kurursh ld oped re. spoedtty thinknk are
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and itso wonder they're nervouere. the day beaver ourrfo our visit there s oordinatededsis@ attack kukukuku sdiers fough extremists back and oldd us they killed nearly 10is fers. that isis over there. ly about a mile awayy the w crossed into no o n'sland t inspect the afrmh. is i all thth's leftf mvon b suicimb blown totits.s.s. isillbt usese tamevuthlessacticso defend susu isissssugoavever ththndht imol, b now thth sppinil frfr l l ci. ananclalms efftively they have more than million h han shie wh isis captured mosul nearly two years ago many people
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but general nnajimal-jobor leading offenseives told us he is countgg n the hehp civilians.. >> i ink a 75 or % from the people i su theh wili support us >>80% wll spo yo 2020aretilluprting is. >> ith is. repte the g galdds e fighgh f mosuld las lhshs iraq sayshe rtate to reclaim left80% of the city stroyed.d. pompmpnd ceremony returns to washininon with a state visit by cada's n p pmeinister justin trudeau, h he was swept into hour and a new area of politics. trudeau a different kind off aderers logan found t. >> snow board instructor, a unr,r,teteter river guiui
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hehe make nes ry variedet o lif exen>>epepte iasls opened u u to critism. you have h hrd . weave heard .. peodod say youreoo younun you are inpeenced. you didn't hav what i takes to do this job. >> the wayespond to tip is by ignoring it. you cannot let yourself bee defi byhe hs tt youou will ffi dhes of yourne[ plauau ]jutrugsweepviy wanot pected..>> ts whahaosiv politiano. >epter: a f wkslili s liberalalaras las i thpollwhenot were countete headone what n other lde cana hadadadverdone >> tnk i. i. tak t p f the
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om t tonseivivfter arade o rule. t tt m ment o victory, h youth, oks, and his family nameapapvated the rld. >> is that dating? >> it i i w wt it is. i, iook at what i h he as a challenge. i could list a whoho bunch of different challenges. choe n to be daunted by any of them. undaunted sti tested. with the majoritititovererent thth gives h h fi power. he s h wil uoetn th t iijal root he aea fulfifiednef the boldese promises of his mpaign welcing 25,0,0 syrian refugees. me of themnperson. >>elcome to your new ho. >t time wn the ke a little ove 2,000 refugees from sia. an gernments are m me concernenethanver aboutut secerity risks.
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and pick and choose and seen and bring over the peoe we che. thtt gives us a m mh grereer level of control andentnon over who is actua goio come in >>ut arereou sayin there is no riri. or do you ackwledge there i ill arisk? >> eve timpepeou tristt or ref shoho u i hehetr seseri risk.. i im more thanomfortab at doing wha we he done, acceptinin in 25,000 syrian fuge, doesigjw by both the safety of canadians, and -- and t t values t define us as nation. wld youeujusts comfble treas a a terroristttac ceded o b me one c throughgh a a a@ refue? >ultititily ininopenndpeful
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poweul as aay to diffuse hatred and a than -- an, know lezg on,ou ow, g s a o orereive f sees>>epteis cmitmtmt t i rinisis th,rard a thehe founders ofoderer canada. >> canadausus be prprressive. ananada must be justifier. >orte he enshned in law, a crter of right and freedoms similar to the u.s.'s bill of rights that still fines what i i means to be canadaan today.y. and he mamehe country officially bililiual. giving frencheame status asss englis known as much for his towowing intellect as h glamour and charar he d dinated caniaolics folywoad. nc agast. omomomentisas
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ery stepncdingomef hisis fit chrononled b b a natatn sessed. >> wldest son jtin in tow. >> his dadad toooo him around the world. to meet popes, priri mininters, yalty. hihi ltle b bthere sometimes at his side. >> what doou thing of ly diananan >> i thohoht she was reall beauauful. i'm glad princeharles has picked her. >> reporter: it w a unique childhd. but it defined him in canada as pierre udeau's son. and he sglgl torere f ofhat gacy. ou sti fac t peoe sathuy didn't ..u ow he's h faththththou pastst >>'m pro t bsoi dot mind te reme th. i thi t tt aoo thg.g. but one of the thi tha comes wiha is-avin led of myeeoplpl whoould icmehonowi.bee, dn' know my father or pplehomeithout
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myfath. b ase bhot are lse. r:r: ,ouearsinis polital crehe chosanusl t pro h wamore tha of canarolt jususn ud he t tne a aualharity xixi mat intpolilicaopunity. challeing patri braso, a senar from the oppoon, w w haa bck belte cacaditook onekt the tw of@hendd true e w had d stis min getng more punes than i thoughhe woulul>> theirst roundhd went as expected. >> oh, my gosh. this@ss goingoe a one-e-d figh brian. >> but h h h and histrainer, ali nest preparefor this batt. he would take a bting inhe ring. tireis oppopont.
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i tnk i was like thth. >> lng through thefingers. ah, it was --tot ea. >> reporte uduas wife phie w in t crd. >>orr:r:ou'r'r thiin wisisoihisai dt linghe hdeo man time i got . it's not going to be easy. i go out.t. i can dit. >>orter: didou knowhe straragy g g in? >> i iid know that. but he admitted the punches were, th sh strengtgt and force. h been punch befe not withthhat reng. there were momts where, y#y know h h seeinin ars. butthe,, hetayed upri >> reporter: trudeau hd fi. and when bras tire pounded him to submsion.. the referee had totep in before the end of thehthird round. >> did notn go off to t end. >> not even close. >> peoeoe think boxing is about
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itno boxing isowd hit yo cakakak aeep you c seelarara full report o our pet mos are beautiful, ununss you have alrg th your fyes may see itdiffertly. only flonaseapproved to reeve both your itchy,watary eyes ancongngtion. no otherasal allergy spr can sathatat compte allergy relief fr incomplete t your eyes decide. flonase changes erything. oose tmovereely. ve free ultra s trip-aion pporfo joint cartbo y ll. ulyour movon. notry t. firsonly 2n-1 int and p pplement >> ioptanteses r resisint5085. wrdown tnumber now. ghnopeop a receingthisise rmatn % foguguantetanc i iar thatckoue e lonial penogifou afid in learn abt af
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2:52 am
r your freinformatn ki jill and kate use the me dishwasher. me detgent bur only jill ends up with wet, spotot glasses. kate adds s shet-dry withivivpower acti that dry dishes dprprent ots and film, so all that's left is the shine. for betterults use finish j-dry as expected denenrroncos super bowl quarterckeyn manning retiring from themememanninhold the record forost uchdnpasses. moststsing yard.
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james s own reports.s.s. the isoiohat yt ing'g' dffff@erercewa ftorn s desi. cosere fnklyli to grantee h milllon ryoacpis f moye. edd f lnrdn 1se n ubt manngashe b er@tola me >>we, i f a goo ght. iinhedytbalracece d after 1yeara2 it ti. d s all of you. and god bless foot. > brs! repteithis co per toni e fis tououes on ted reer.nn had wtt ihahe single b rar s ssoever ayed by a quarterback. >> t tre is the@ecord for peyton maing.
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touchdowns in 2013. >> great idea. >> with the boy next door pea. w very successful pitchman. lookike this >> manning plpyed 1 seasons wiwi theheianapos colt leading the am toicen per bowl 41. he was releadfter nec eror h t sit o e br manwon, four raisn ts made t supup bow peans.s. s fnas marard by a ft injur a contversy. last montht allegations of sexual assault whi he was the quteack of the universit o tennesese,esurfaced.well, manninins biggest ril, toad wrote in a f fe book quote. yoy changed thehe game forever and
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awthe "cbs overn
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beoahdnf alpartthelnino weaea raiaallen in cafornia's dedede valley. jo ackstone got aolk a whhe wer lefhi. >>orr: onehe hottest, driestos unforgivinlasnrt ater hadeaeaeaal me iv >> huge number of plants he. rock isy, pin cushiorown eyed evening primse in there. y wines has been aanger a death valley nional par for r 11 yeyes. it's been long sin wild flowers oomed like thisis >>8 a azing to me haha anyth s here.@ and thehe to he thispl f beauty all at once is reallyy a pleasure to expeence. >> repor dea valleyets less thaha2nchesfainfall a year. ptn october, 3nd aalf incheslln jt five hour wiwing out road, eavily maome bingsgs a ot'stlenef
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nare stye urve ba. flowersrbegan springing of in nuary. a fewt tentil they blanted eld. turuing the own deser into a seaf yell and purple. anwhe. the reason i like the gravel osts. is slender and rockcolored. it blendin. they look like spirits. or l l spo o o light. floating in tair. >>ore than a dozen varieties ildlowersre painting the rk.. bubuof t tsthow s the desert gold poppy. you haveveome out he and look at this. what doou think? >> i am so l lky to gege to work and live re.& 's s seautiful, mal place. n innhe>>t t i cky, grees enof julyt will teor t
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rteelm se durg thest relentlele drought. but t anks to el nino for a few brf wewe until thehe ht returns this harsh dest is a paradise ifull bloom. john blackstone, cbs news, dth valley, california. >>nd 's the overnight news for thth tuesday. r s se e news continueue forerchchackith us ttle bit laterer for the morning news a cbs this morning. from the brocast center in n york city.
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erys hwillototun for president. while whin cign, there cursing. >> they're rippingnghe [ ble ] out t t cit >> andwearivg.g. >> i swear i am going to vototfor dold trump next week. i ear. >>nd scoing too. >>ounow, e cuse me, i' talking. >> also, tonight, a la bomom blows up at a somali airport. rrortsre cnging their tact a jurywarder andrews $u5 million in h h stalker lawst. an histsric uterus transpsp giv h >and, remembering nanan reagan. >> aouncths e ovghws
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york city mamamichael mbanced t be en dependt candnde for prident.t. he hadpepe the lt ny wee recha ne says, a three-warace would likely ld to the election of dold truru or t%cr. ich bloombmbg w a risk held not tak( r gaett coving e ra. r: sco, mb acowdge conot tin. in aumn on t comny weweite herote, i love our countrtoo mucho ay a role in electing a candide that would weakan our uni and darken our future. trump p d cruzin a o-on-e battle for the gop nomination. >v iouldovto ton one-onne th wou be so much fufufu >>eporter: dond trp ngo o it twman re foe publaninn nioff natorc
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>>ubio h h ba no shoin e u.s. senate. >> reporr: in an ad, t t portra, ruruo as drate and unfit for eoe ararar tar do tcter and na t perart ththsame thing.>>eporter:atespon florida shows trump wi an eight point l%adr rubio and cruz and kasich behind. >> if you wawa to beat`tim. you have to beat him at the ballot box. our campaign the only caaign that demonstted we can do so a over. reporter: cruz isisorkiki to line up sevel senate endorsements this week a aironic twist f r a candidate o has run anti-eablilime campaign. >> donald trump is somne has en ihis own wordrt of f f stab lawyerment his whole life. >> outsi groups arlining up against trump veing a slew ofew cmercials.$% s tack trumps for using g vulgarits. > >y' going to sue his [ bleep ]. >> descripononjo mnia loser. ru w navrved a w exrice repepn lal pocyions
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supptsighe niohe cand d e wa strilout? it'sd trump. today, trump wared thousds of ppor in north h h lina, it'snly just begun >> you see the money thespent. see the millions in netive ads about me that armolyny s. >> reporter: the latt popo in miananhich vesomrow w shows trump with a 14 poinad on cruz. scott, trump wants big win there to bolster ris claim that a populous m msagegean helthe gowin ru belt states in a a general elecon. major, , anks.150 republican delegeges at stake our states tomorro latest cbs newcount shows trumhahaleled ovoved kruru on t democococc side. hillary clintoleadrn sanders by39elates. nacordes ivering ce. ws flying back to de avavto be well pvivioned repr:elelbadly the e wa twin chigig si of thr geraons.
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bailt. at last night's debate and in & dio ads today, clinton accused sanders of oosing the e 09id package michigan's c ke >>e fofothone e who std up for theheuto industry. >>or srs sup thththilout funds. but lked when attaed to a rger bill l at sent billions toalre r r r to mischaracterizezey >>e is doing mischararterizing of his own. blaming detroiois woeo on what calls hlary clinton'sree seetary co us 800,0 jobs nationwide. >>eporter:ot t te ys fact checorg. arly a economistudies say fta's neneefef o was neibsasas t unpee tonaflassocin. which tweeted its appreciation ter r argueit is not fafa
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dehs >> butou arereealllllking about opleaying les d gun n nufacturg in a arica. >> both candidat have spent days in this state. here's why. sands nes an upset he to ove the ilthe ot nationally. whe clinton is just as eer to show he has no pac. and la battleground trker, she is leading here by 11 pots. cdaa bombmbxplolod at an airpt checkpoi in somali but is whwh theomb was in thatatas the u.s. worried. re is jeff pegues. >>he bb in atop computer d shtered windows at t small aiaiort rth ofhe
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inter. februy, aap uggl tough airport security in somalili blew a hole this tler s slylyftertaoff. ononman was cked out of the planand killed thterrorist group, ashaab . devices have hallmar of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. 20, tried and faiaid to use bombs embedded in printer cartridges to blow up cargo anes. coteerersmly, murasiim. terrorostrganatio wk together for mual purposes if they havone limited cabilili onendrkogher on othed d then bud their fofoeset reporter: u.s. intelligce offis pot oober's downing a russian airliner egypt prooff a renewed rty terror g gups
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airplane since e summer of 2020, passen fininhe unid stes f eancececeenin of t eronic vices. in t t u a gernmnmt study lastear foununmock explosis routinily made it througug security cck p pnts. that ugoing investigation led to a shake-up at tsa.unneadiphe ancy wororng tenncray units s d ni. >> jeff, tnks.
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well, thomas, you'u' got prediabetes. t, with more exexcisean a change in die,, cane eversed. i'veried ercising. it just mak me hungry. for con. , i love bntoo.. and who really likes to exeis meeith nobody oth lah]h] , od?
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>>night e nton/) clai a vtoto`ain hariin one othe biggggtdcorterriri ris in y yrs, u.s. w es reptedly killeded50 people over e weekend at wha the military says was a a terrorisistraining camp. david mart is atheheentago dad. >> reporter: scott, pentagon ovcials s y th h been tchi the camlocated about 120 milenorth of mogadishu forwes. about 200 fighters for al-s-sbaababreparing an attack ainsnsa peacekeeping force, and 50 americaca aadvisers. the strike was launched d rd med drones caught e fightets
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graduationeremony. accordinto pentagon esmas,s, apapapapasas50 oemerer killed. ifesti irrt th uld d this s e of si diesttres ainst tetetsver. one defense official said "they were sitting ducks." >> david mtin,n,hanks. in iraq there isisierce fightingutuxde mosul, a city of 2 million. thrgesescity conolled by's ay ankurdforces trnehe uhaen planning to retake mosul but theyave be delay time and agn. holly williams wenento the front lis. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: 20 miles mosul, the kurdish soldiererare jumpy.
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gunmrohihe pt. e day befosisimanaged to break through its bgest aack ren nt. thkurdsosoiers p pthem ck andndd usuukikied arly 1igers. crossing into o -man's land, we inspected all that remained of a huhuee, detototed by the suicide bomber driving i >> blew up. just oneneriveveinsi? isisisill doubtless use the same rulele to su isis thought to have several thousa fhters in mul now stoppihg civilians from leaving the city. thatateanst h mor than a million human shields. when isis swept across norther
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soldrs ran away. w,w,rin pr arereack, trainihel t t retake theit.. an vir ld us tihe ualion ed differenmy. the skis,mallllni taics, how to breach el. how w defeat, improse, exive s. thesare e ills they didn have previouy. >> will they stathe course? general najim al-jobori will lead the mosulffensive when it finally bebens. >> i think about5 are, or 80% from the people in mostheyey will support us. 0%l t yo are ortisi wisis>> justeat, fell from the iraqi minisy of defense e dererethe general to the interew. perhaps bebeuse the timingf the mosul l&fensive is so sensnsive.e. but, scott, a u.s. intelligenc ofcial told congre las momoh, it is uely, mosul will be recaptured before next
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>> holly w)wliams reporting frfr northerntoght.t. holly, thank youou >>lateteoday, , ry awarded tscaerriridrdrdr$5millio a stalkehaseetecorded nain hot. rrttnc. and an werr ist the cooun e.% an. >> repte stt, ju derad foju a sgle e and dh camback wititthat d. findndbo s ahe rs o otof e hohol here ishville fault. nonothat verct comes eight years afafr hehestalkedavid baett ot naked videof anews thugh a epho in her l room door. he then postededhose videos online where they were seen byby millions of people. last week, andrews gave teful testimony talkg abw all
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she s!id s sre humiiombrassntntd e.e. attorneys for tw compies that rununhe hotel could not ll me ninit how theieicase went trg. they said they haven't been le to talk to the jurors yet. t thoso anans wille respsible for arly half of the $55 million award. r ststker baett is legly responsiblfor r e st o othe money. chights rseft the cotroo andrews thks each one personally o othe way ou uple of th reachuto huher. one en asking g her togrh. >> aa weer.tpank k nn > toda presidentbama orflflat -sta in honoofofancy reagag. unl after henerataon fray the reagan liin lililiwhe e wi be e laido reststalongse the formrm president. thththrmer first ladwho died yesterday, will lie in rosat the library on wednesday and ursday. so theublic can pay its sp. > sley stahl of 60 minutes
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u knew the presidedt andnthe firsladyl. what do you remeer aboutancy agan? >ell, i guess fif off how mu she grew as firir lady. becacae she caca in and she was interested in clotheheand shopping. by the end one of the idens fopoli advivirs, domestic policy advisirs, age e ru. she e veloped. you watch it happen. and am happy tsee fl at half staff on thehite use,e,ike th, becaususour firsladiesare nener really apprted muhe contribu t tththsu theesen, thinlvbusou u ,thekeep the countny totother. e that. >> mrs. reagan was an influence on her husband in policy maers? >> well, absolutely.
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him to aet wh rbacache soviet@union. but she`was so trying to get t & m m m eally st talkings much as he was othe soci issues, the re conservative positionhe was taking. for example onboion and gun nt he dn'alwan. >he wowehd th throroro >> no qutioi about it. she was otecting him, his image, psidency. >> an auenlo sto?>>otal.cote. w it ome it was rea >> lesley stl, ,hank kou so much. >> a pure. >> our bill plante covered the white housesand ill be ang lawian f chae. also tonig, toror r erraplant. the "cbs overnight news" will be
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thahaice cream? no, it's, uh, breyers gelata indgences. you really w wn't ke it. it's got carar d chy y uf caramel and crunchy ststf. breyers gelato indndgenceses. (soundof birds whistling) ) music introducinnew k-k- touch gel cr me. for masse and intiticy. evevevtouc gently inteified. a little touch il takes. y toh. hegeo?.. yeah, i wajust talki abouergey roadsier an'sille 27an ourareate.. what are the yond aow tck pleas, e lotion
3:19 am
itn tree i wi iasinat but literalaltu a tree. horn nking) a chainsaw? no, no, all l eally need is a tow truck. day or night, ics emncadde servicis therere y thers moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it hriple-actitj support for your joints, caags.and un the b osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in e pill. ve freultrtr get yoyo m me on. janet? cough if you ceame. don't t en think aboutt. i ok mucx dfo legmy coh. ye...b.b what abououke? it works on his cough too. cough! it worksksn s coh too. muci relieves wet and dr coughs for 12 hos.
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# today we met a pneer the first womain america to reive tranlantedterus. the surgery ofrs newope for women with infertili. more from our cbs newsntribur r . tara nula.
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it an emotnal mont f@r the 26-y-yr-old patient y in..>>t be e en and honest toy or i wasand was ld i uld r ha cldoror the pcedure signed f women who are either borwithout a uterus, d it remov dur hyerectomy ohaha one that doesn't fution f llowing infectioioor other surgery. rebecca flt part of f e transplant team at cleveland clinic. weneneay crave thatat experiencn of carrng their o pregnancies, feeling the by grow andndndk. wenow that t tse women wl get the exrien tough ututus transantata. >> reporter: before the surgery,
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fefeilndroron. a deceaeed d dor was found. the uterus was transanted riri a nine-ho surgeryryshe is t firwomen will uergo the experimental prore to see if healthy y y es cfsult. >> the wasneneomenenenof the cahere evethstst ood anw the uterus starto pupup welized wewee kings histor tnist. ve eitin thplanans for lindsey to have one or tabvia seseio d utl emoved he doet ha tke tiejongst of r fe >>zi. yo doc peyton'slace in nfl history y
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ne >>fo ad t. i fifished my footballace. after 18 yearst's titi.$% esesall ou god ess otba. [ apause peyton nn announug hitint g r blblsings we cououjamebrowhohohof the nfl today cbs news salredent. jbjbjby w? >> scott, peytyt manning is choosing to go out on top. his 200 ns the most nyny
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the only quarterback to win tw perbowls with twt%different teams. t a seasan by injuju and his own admison a decline in his slls which is why it w w time to go.>> the wome contveasw- >> no quesesononbout that, scott. in decembe al-jazeera a eric accusehiof d ding he flatly and rutel dede and with respect tohehe s sual sault issue dururg his college se s sd he n n n going relitigate something thahat haenededhen he was yearsf age. thcoultakey hisoy today. >all of fame? >> any body that votes no ought& to turn innhehership card, scot >> james brown of the nfl today. james, thank you so much.
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o o of e inalmbs > nd/toght wita look at howaneaused the poweweweate thngir dy. ll pntvered the reagan whe house isus tonht. llmaayre was thpo oher sbd. was toug he was easy going. she was the worrier. he was the eternal optimist. she was very involved bend the enes. and she influenced t president on many majodesions. analso went public on me coroversial sues against republican par positions. over the eit years in washington and the eerated upupand downs s l le at the ite house, i found what was really important. found d w ve. releltant to o lk of personal
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mastectomy follongiagnis of bret cacaerer the t tetthocedure e s ses racal ep. the fila use eerdrdecicion to encourage will tine have regular mammogra. in 15, the reagan's'friend ck hudson died of aids. it put a personal face on the epidemic for mrs. reagan. even so it took three mo years for her to convie the president to mention the disease in publi >> aids fects alalal us. their son ron descscbed the process to pbs. >> he could personale an issue either because of e tragedy like rock hudson or in some her way that's t t wayayay g g gto)h she e e we a a of at of ur>>epter:, ro rehe kw ga the nglideo . mrean beedtem llar off pmise the
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withresintush d conservati rublins jdot see w c rn bks othis tharso my dise can n curr at l hped. >>ter:cy rgant ramillns zhmersesearc ashe last of life livey but with frce e inn. bi plae, c news, newor an thas the overni f of u, ns ntnts. for hers, ecith uslile bit lat forheni
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yo city, sttley. >>wehevehtne i'm michleleillele another big day on the presidential c cpaigigtrail.four stas holding contests, michigan, mississippi, idaho and hawaii. michigan t biggest prize of all. r cbnewstlegegund tracker r und hillary clinton leading beieders in miigan b foints. 55% to 44%4% as foreplicans, p over cruz by oints. o rubio ananjohn kasich battling for third trump hahalele in the overalaldelegate cnt and w w 12 of 2 csr cruz w six. rco ruruth win sundadain puputoico has tw mamar rretetreport >> i need your h h s che now. >> rr:ubio swe puto rs imvictory
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>>n thland oer ro i n 70% % theote. i wothe prary ananthe 23 delegates. >> reporter: the wininame e re hoafdonana trump ais rubibito quit. >> i think it timhe drops t. woulveo tan te one--one. >> t tmp and ted cruz spli saturday's contest. trp won in kentucky, uisiana. cr swawaed truru in nsas and ine. >> he should do well in mainin is ry cseo ca let's face it.crrereremajoroty o othe delegates atattakevevethe weekd. now trails trump by . together because they're candidates were not in a natiti." momentnt andndnddied he overtake fro
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d stl nonotion ihink veanest upng.>>ererer nev btrp hlfa ifier d stnger oonont for hillarclinton. agai st tolariri position ohateteups like the ku klulkl. >> i don't like any group p te hate groups e not t r . t i have said this before. >rump argued fofochanging the law to allow f f u of extreme meuresinrroge rrort suspects. >> w to atathe savageses >> by being savages. >> you have to play the game the way they're playing the game.. hilry c cntononnd bernie sanders traded barbsin nli michig where the municical water system has beepoisoned with lead. nancy cordes reports. >>t is raing l lli>>ple are nopayi water bill for poison water. >> reporr: c crting the hometown crowd makinbig promisesan audience who still can'trinkhe r. >> he a bill for trilln dollars, creating jobs a rebuding flint michigan and communitits alover. >>hank you, senator.
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>> whehethe debate turned to t economy y d trtrtrr >>relionuprted vivilly y e ofhe disarousra agrnts. writbybyorpopopo arica >> clintonrgueit w srs who o annechigan workers at a critical ti. >> i voted to ve the auto industry. he voted against theoney tt d upavine auto duduryry >> if you are talking g out the wall s seeeeilt whsome of youfriends destrod this economy. excuse me. i'm talkin >> one of a few testy exchanges. >> can i iinish, pleas >> but the attacks didn't get on at least not t f attacion eaea otr. >> we e elected p psident
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into menl heth.. when you watch knees republican debates, you knowhyou need to iest in mental h%alth. >> the funeral arrangements are inworkeded forancycy reagananan former firady edda heart faile at her home inin fornia. sh mrs. r rgan n ll b sisi hbandn thground of tonalag presen lraryn ey cni e gresite on ail fafana the pacacac ocean. the ic will be given a chance to pay their spects. n and nancy reagane see fohaen.. their partnership help rhape amerolils. charlie rose h me. >> thank you for your love. anu jusbe you. >> more than half of nancy reagan's's4 years we snt beside her beloved husband esident ronald reaean. >> the f fstady ofofhe united
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reporterj elegant, strong, and yal. she was hiprotectotoand most trusted confidt. ann n ancicirobbins born in qu, new rk i1921. e was given the nickna nanaz and took her steathe become nancy davis. >> i wasfraid you wouldn't come. >> repepr: in her 20s she moved off t# hollyodo focu ererctini&er. the e met nalrn, the en presidentf ththscreen actorsrguild >>ho yer't c cinck iminedve a a ain>>arlyn r r y ar r r rrrrrrtr ielca oe eb." >>efefthe stage for r potil stagag a svivi twoms as lifofo'sirststst [ plse ] ] agags woe e t tovag o o every y y l madedeis pitical careersibl >>pealreonde for vaty fr the coupup in 1981. e e oked evebodydyedited. she made sure he h h goooopeople she was reallylyersonnel directct othe white e us
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>> they endured an assassinationatmpt heheredent and multiple controversiesn which h the first ladydyasashe target. she o ce came under fire f ordering $200,000 whithouse ina during a recession. the e est ther defense. >here has been newewhina for the white use e nce the trumanandmintration. >> mrs. agan famamsly launchedcaaignga dg abuse. >> just say no. >> reporter:ollowing the ids ahyimer agags shcontroversiallll advocated for stem cel research. in 2002 she e oke e out thei bond with 60 minut correspoent ke wla. >> you weralwaysolitical partnersrsouhe depded >>elthoue,ast a a licianmikeke >> welel nancy no. no, , 't epter: nmomo cghgh th p ptnshipettethanan en nancycyold her huand huh to answer a a port's queion.n. we're d lng everything we
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>> we' doing everyththwe n. >> a atae prprident's funeral,l, shmotionally kisd this casket and visited his gve at e ronald reagan presidential library every year aer. she too will blaid to rest in alalgsidher husband ofore five decades. on sunday, her stepson michael ote -- nancy iere shhas always wanted to be with her rwie. thankrom ththbottom of myrt. >> at the 1996 republican cotion, thrslady reflected thenexpected li ledog it t s interesting, it was challenging, is fainating,
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da hdimm impares on toheheccomishmenen tno nd ke u#thhwheme deternt. onlyl ends u wi wet, spsptyeste ash-d th fpoweac thryished t spots film, soll that's leftft is the shihi. for better results, use finishet-d. my s s and i used to watch`hhe red caet s o otv no i i ialng is unpredictae being akfree isn't.beusi ve useadnd shoulders for 20 yrs. ed regully, it removes up to 100% of flak keipg d ve flake free for life there are lot of diffe s yucucerer. but n/t all dinfecng wip... are approved to kill the same number ofhem. lysowipe are approved to kili,more typeof gmsm th clolox. cd flseas
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> ce pde joeen kicked off his tour of the middle eas thenitetearab ires den met wi u.s. troops at thr utside t cit@ abbh psee u.s. and allies uld squeeze ththt t islac e. the e r ses a joro launching g a e for air strikes in both iraq and siq. >> meanwle american special forces u qts and kurdish troopsp layiyi the grounwork fororn assaulon mosulv lly willllms is ere. >eporr:raqi a an leleers have been talklkg reuringnmol ov a y now. still l t clear whwh the lon awaitebattle will happ. outside e e e ty readying for the offensive. 20 milesesromosul, ksh
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they spotted wt they think are two isisunmen moving towar theipost. d it is nononoder they're nervrvs here. the day before our visit there s a ornateisack, kurdh h iersrsght exisacldthey killedrl00jsishts. at isi lybo me awhe crosd inin no o and spt the teath. th iall that's lt a humv detateda e er >> b to smititenen isildoesu#the me thssacticscso fendmol. isis is thought to have several ouigers m, but now they're stopping civilians om leavingnghe city. and claims effectively they have more than 1 1 ion human ields. when i is cacaured mosul neay two ars ago maeo cheered their convoy in the
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but general nnajim al-jobori leading offenseives told us ising on telp civilian >> i think a aut 7 7 80% from the people in mosul they will ororus >>0% will support you. 20% are still susuororng isis. >> yeaea wititisis. >> rorte t t genen tolus e fight for mosul coulla vel mont. ir saye recentattl reclaileft 8 of cici destroyed. and cony returns to shonitstatviby 'a newewrimeter struhe wwe to powtr a ushering in a n eraf politics trudeau a a fferent.kind leer as lara logan found out.
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for many years, workeds a teache i mnolo f a veryryriedet o olife experiences. ror it has also opene you up to criticism. yoyohave heard it. have hed it.t ople you tou you are inexperienced. you didn't hwhat it tas do this job. >>he way i respond to tip is ignoring it. u ca lelf dene t hopophayou will f lfi the darkest wiss ofofofr opnent. applause ] st truduau's's'sepg victy s not expeed thahaposi li co.>>eporr: w w w earlier s libebewas s stn n e polls. enhee ted,d,
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in canadhad ever done. >>hank. merci. merci. tak the party fm th t t feat in lastction to anisc win,natctcng power from t conseseatives after @ nenely a dece that momentvictory,is youth, his loooo, and his family me, captivatededed world. is that dauing? t is whahait is. i,ooat what aa challenge. i i d list a aholeunchf fferchalales.chchse t dedy y ofhe >>auntnttillesteththheorgome w higni r. sayheill toetur the counto its libibalal roots. he hasasaseadyulfilled o the boldpromises ohi
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weom2500ian rees. some of in on come teo homom >> a a ati w wn s. has tan inite ovov 2,0 refugeesrom syria. and governments are more @ concerned than ever about security risks. >> wre able to actually go and pick and choose and scscen and bring over the people we ose. -th gs much gaterer level of controlnd a qention ov who is actually goingo come in. >> but are yououaying there is no r)rk. do owdgeris still a ri?? every time a urisis ant irugee s swswsp in another r ununy ere is a seseti risk. and i me thth comomrtable that doing w wt we he neneaccein00syriri eses rht bboth fef dian a ad by the vueuethatefinususs a nataon. wldou be st a
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fugee? >>at being open andespefu towas ea other imuch more poporful as a a y y diffuse hahaed and anger than -- than, you know l lering on, you u ow big walls and oppressive pocici. >> rorter:isismitment openness is rereen h father pierre, regarded as one of theheounders of modern n canada >> cada must be progressive. ancana mususbe a justier. >>eporter: he enshrineneinto law, a charter of rights and eedoms simil to ththu.s.'s bill of rights that still wht ans to be cacadian today. d he made the country ofofcially bililal. giving french the same stas as englis own as much for his towering intellect t hisislamo and arheinatedann politi nearwo d. >> o o oagagagatat jtin. and fr t t ment his sowas bo, on chrisn 1971
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hi's s stlht. every step ilung some of his fit chronicled by a nation obssed. >> with his eldest son justin intow. >>is dad took him arou dhe world. to meet porime ministers, rolty. his little brothers sometimes at his side. >> what do you thing of lady diana? >> i thought she was really beautil. cked her. >> reporter: iwas s unique chchdhdhd. but itined h h in canadadas pierre trudeau's son. and suggled to k of that t gaga. youou facacthopleleho sathikikuyidn'earnrnt. u u,owe'sngn n s s glo? ='m"uox h s son. n't ndndd lele memberhat. i think that is a od thing. t t t ofofhe t tngs s s comeses tisisishaving liv a f mye with peoul crizmemwhtnowing me.e& because, they di't know my father. or people who loved mewiwiout
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my fathe botote fals >> both are false. ten 2012urrs h policalarhe e alay to he s tthoiled so cadianoyal>>usn tru! td nnchit bo m io a til l rtitleg tricas a natotofrom thehepposition, who had d blblblbelt in karate canadians took oneathe o hed sa t te bow had lost hisindn ettie puhes th thought heould. >> the first round went as expected. >> oh, mgoshsh this iing toe a one-rod fight,ri but he d ner, a strered is b b b ou takbeinhe
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ti oenand ouas k i s thi >>kinghrou the finge ah, it -as`sy. reporter: trudeau's'sife phie was in thcr >> reporter: you're thinking why isise e&g a? i dent like seeing this. but t had told me so many mes. i got this. it's not going to be easy. i go out. i can do i >> reporter: did you know thth strategygyoi in?0 >> i did know at. but he a aitted ththpunches were, with such strength a force. he`eadadeen punched fo not with that ststngth. ere were m mentshere, you u know he wawaseeiei stata. bu, , stayed upright. >> r rorter: trudeau held firm. and when bras tired pounded him to submaioiothrefee d top in n hend othe thd
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>> nototvee.e.eoink xings t w w w ou c hit yr oppopont. 'sot. bobong is ououhow hard hit you can take and kgoing. >> you can seeeeara's full report on our weweite. cbsnews.cocococothe e man (sternly): where do you xnk u're going? mr. cus: to work, wi youou it's taco tutuday. man: you're not coming. i tookucinex to help get rid of my mucusy constion. i'good all day. [annouer:] mumunex keepworking. no not, 12ou. let's d this meone's hacked all o o technogy.@ technogy... sayou seen allllhe amazing technonogy in geico's mobobe ap mobile app? look. econicd s, emerncy roadde service
3:51 am
wow.w. p, g'silaps a crmrm ic ex gat savingsgs d d whole lot more. (sounds of b b whistling muc intrucing new y touch gel cr me. for maagand tima. every touc geneny inteied. a t is l akak k-y / atuper poligriridi r me is it s s e fofo out. rese ltle e ec wouou get inetwewe my dentes anmy gum and it s unmfortable. st a aew d ds is clinically oven to al out more food partlcs. super ligripips part of my fe now. oose tvereely. mo freultra hatriple-actiosuppp yoyoyooi cartage d bones
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ve`e`etra.ure onon no mo free ght. fiann- inananeep suppment. as expected dedeer broncos subowl qua pton mannininreting from the game.
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d most vri. jas brn rert there is nququtiti that yton mag'g'f performance s a ctct@tn his dedesion. broncos s re fnknk unwillili to guarantee his $19 millilo salary to lace up hisishoes for r r one re y yr. with unprecededeed five leon mvp ar in 1 seasons, no doubt mamning was the bestr plathgame >> well, i fght a good fight. i finish my folle. and r 1 years, it's time. god bless all of you. avgod bless football. go, broncos! rteitcondndsubo title p p pmannin put the finishesesouches on n tered career nng had at is perhapap
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ayededy a ququterback.>> the is e cord for peonanning. he ededor 5,477ds and 5uoudownin 21& grere idea. >> wh the b y next door persona. heheas ao a very successful pitchman. ok l le this >> manning played 14easons wiwi iianapolis cocos. leg e teamamo victorien n super bowl 41.1. he was relejsed afr ne surgrgy rc himo sit t t the 2011 season. as a bronco, manningon, fofo straraht division tleseand made twoupererowapaqarances.
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system.. in h f flen in california'a' death vall. jo blalastongoa look at at the left behind..>> reporter: it is one of thth ttes dries most unforgiving places on eah. but water has madedeeath valley come alive. >> huge number of plants here. rock daisy, pin cushn, brown eyed evening primrmre in there. amy wis habeen aanger at deatvalley natiol park for11ea eeat long sisiwiwiwi ood t ts. maanythi vere t thave thisplabety at ce ire a sure to perice >>or dedth vlets le tn 2 inis of rainfall a year. but inctob, 3 and a ha es fl usve hours. wipi out road, heavily
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scotty's case one of the park's best own landmarks. nare destroyedthen, nature ve bk.erbegariin in january. a few time unl they blanketed field. ing e own dederto o seof yw and . anwhite.thasike e gr & ghos. ts slender and ck c c. itndn. thty lk sts.of light.fltinge e d var ofild owera e painti t pa buof the bgest show t t desert gold popp you vaomout here a looked at thih. what do you think? >> i am l lky t tget toork d live here. 's s sbefufu magal ace. >> even in the hea >> dent t ow if i am lucky, 129
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>> reporte rewar worth it. >eporterf a reward seldom seen ding the state's relentle droht
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ief weeks until the e at it's tsdmarch 8t 2016. ith"cbsngew ories it nonenenekihen a pack califo commutrn go ofthe rails, senngngng passengers inta creek. > rs in ur ss ke part in the e e identialot ont-runners donald trump a hillary clton ho tpull even far a ay from the field. a tearful farewell from peytonanning. after 18 seans, two super bowls ana tre offl recos, one of the greatest plays pro footbl h)story saysbye. > ancaca ome. a poli officer stops a woman dring th a tresprog om tf froro oher car.


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