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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  March 8, 2016 4:00am-4:30am MST

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ief weeks until the e at it's tsdmarch 8t 2016. ith"cbsngew ories it nonenenekihen a pack califo commutrn go ofthe rails, senngngng passengers inta creek. > rs in ur ss ke part in the e e identialot ont-runners donald trump a hillary clton ho tpull even far a ay from the field. a tearful farewell from peytonanning. after 18 seans, two super bowls ana tre offl recos, one of the greatest plays pro footbl h)story saysbye. > ancaca ome. a poli officer stops a woman dring th a tresprog om tf froro oher car.
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57 newsroom at cbs news hehehearten . good wh yo an-mie g. we, crar the sce isororngnof a a rnrncorainere. werererere tthe hoalfouritris injuries. thaltamo corriexpress. it was traling from san jose to stockton le last nit.the alameda county sheriff's ofofce says the trjumped the raift g a trtr that felln the trks. the first car with about sis people on board fell on its de and into a creekek rescuerews ho bale fast-moving war tocu passengers from e partially y submerged car.r. >>elon to ththrails, and ghththen, the train tipp over. anth i s people fallg over from the ototr sidi of the e . n beuse e e train flippedf and then the nt thing we knew, the wawar 5- we e arted seeing watecong i io e bottom of thtrn.
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it was rngvilyt e e de > momo severe wer is ssibleleodthe southe plalnsns a strong srm system threats xas, arkanans a&a&lololo with widpread rainfallnd poweweul w wd.ere's the poteial fo tornoes today in northexas.a possible twister tououed down night west of ft rt atateast 12 homes wereamed. residedes said dhehetorm h fa. i just ran into thehealalay, hnny's in n e k k kfn. ipsa, come, johnhn ers ing going g . about that time the roofoes off. >>owinin d dn and othebuildingdamagege but ththe are no reports of serious es> > , votersrsn four states stalloodayayn idential pries o cacauses. mocrats hoho c ctes in michigan andndsisspi. publicans sees in
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wa. for marco rubio,s rnor ich s ys he's om turf now and expects to do well.>> this want to say are solution oriented. you knkn, i want to tell peoeoe how we cananix this mess. >> reporter: marco rubioios usinmated gegeoue-vote lls feurin20 g/g nomineeeeeeee tt ry. on t democrac side, hiary clintolesenator rnie sas oran delegates.
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>> the sooner i could become your nominee, the more i could begin to turn our attention to the republicans! >> reportete sanders told a crowd in ann arbor clinton was wrong during sunday's debate whwhwhcced him og nsto indndy ilout in 2 2 2>> >f course, i voto den aumole indususy. whwh i d n vote for s ddle-css baiut for the crooks on wall street. >> reporter: michigan elecon ofcials are expecting record turnout today. also this morning, we now know former nework city mayor michael bloomberg will not be maki ahirdarty forhe white us in an editorial yestery, bloomberg said he worried his independent bid uld mean a trump or cruz z n. he went ono o y y y as, , e,e, bis icacatagogo
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>> donmpmphen w rk, ksn.>>comi u "s in" wel ta tdona p p ous mpaign toy's ntesand whatomesnext. >>neral seseicorormer filady n rgan wi b friy. firslala mice obama % attend. mrs. reagan wiwi bburied at rona reapresidenenal librini vaey, califo, to her husb prenamsahebe meed hrach thtraordrdlohe d prenag i khomunt ststo prprent t agan but to the cocotry as a whole. he was lucky to have her. and i'm sure he'd be the first to acknowledgegehat. so she wilbe missed. >>ancy reagan diededuny congestive heart failulu. as 94 year thmaxtremistro alhabaab confirms this morning the u.s. has bombed anrea it
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rerts aretexaggerated.the nton say tha150 lilihtw%illed satday wdres mand rcraft lnchemies and bombs on tining camp. the peagon says the militants re pparing forarge-scale attack. al shabaablaims responsibilityt for a bo thaed a airport checkpnt north of somalia's capital, mogadishu. the bomb wasidden a laptop cocouter. two other oses werfound and defused. the pele were hurt. a cho mamais charged with f-dege murder ie shtitieaf 9-arld bolice say 22-year-old dght boone-dotyas alrdy helon lad gun ges w en he was coected d thehehootinof shle bowass lur f fm a playground in novbernd s in t head bause of his fafaer'sang g es. > ;portstsster e en andrewis jng h fy ananlas for 54milllln t win. drewieay ae
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read i ithe lawsuiuiovor n videde juroro blamethownean operator of a nashvie hotel plus her staerho me ththseseet recordi. the hotel l y appeal. >> we believe, and we continue toievevethats was not foreseeable. thhahaha. rrt did s ununreseeable to industrtr had never occurred prior to thatnd again, as i said has not occurred s sce then. >> andrews gave tearar stimony st wk sasang releofhe veo l t embaassm hiliation she.e. a ocking uncentm arova.a.a. ruvusiles chp nod ay that she has fa a drustth ra o she@tesesd posiv for meldonium, which she says she's ed for the last decade fohealth asons. but in january, the world
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>> i don't want to end my career this way, d i really hope that i will be given anotr chance play thisame. o thwomen's nnis ppciatioiohas not t nounund a pelty which h ulu@inclcle a a multr r r frfr thee. coming uon t tmorning news," hulultekee std. wrestler hulul h h testies in@n s tape lawsuit against a pular website. later, a brazen daday yn a big ri a wowon stops traffic when she rips don t o oa semitruck. is is the "cbs morniews." "cbmorninnews." you have allergrgroonmuddng gough your mornrng othing new. ....ounoses the ly thing on your mind.... .and to gerelief, anytng iv ir ge.e. introducing ghoct allergsp frfr the makers of z rful relief from your most frustrating sal allergy sympto ,all day and all night. hasn'tour no b ththh enongh aea
4:09 am
ououplyourdiscer car you use free tove newurcheseses yououacact seconds. and once youininin, yon swsw ghonin you' back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at don't let a cracked wishield ruin youo%plan trust safeli with safelite's clusn myt" you' kw exa[tlwhe'llbe there. givingou more time forhat matters momo (team sing) safelite repair, safelite replple. see me.. see me. don't stare at me. e e`. seme. see o ow at psoriasis is just sosething that i h he. not contagus see me to know that. ...i won't stop unl i ndhat rk discover c ctyx, dienff ci for modat evasis en the the f peop nd cle or almostlear sn. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% in clearance at 3 months..
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do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. fotag,ouhoulstor tsian ireas risk ofecs@ and d d red d ilto ght thth may occ. .telyoururoctor if iou h ve an infection or symptoms... ..uch asevsweats, illsssle a aes or ug or if you haveveeceived a vaine or plan . if you have inflammatory bowel disease, telloudoctor if symptoms devevep or worsen. serious alleleic reaions may cu see . se. seme. on mway. fi ear skin... a.d a a earer path forwa. foa didierent kind medicin asyour dereblogist t ntyx. >>rangsight htn a lili offff'sasrd nchicago. video shows a woman drivinindo a ro in january with te e e stin gll har the driver@rold police she didn't remember hitting it. she's been chaed with drunken
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ithouse d neallegas fr aoptaaiproder. . . ththare some of e adli heorniniewss "thehihin pores the f a il f juer nr thwhite hoe. ofcele-- h was ckleyesfdaten afteretryi to eachch fence. the secret svice saythate 't r tro of the duplex. "the new york time rerting backla among latinos agait donald trump.some immmmrantstsay they're shintoecome citizens so they can vote against him. umprtialpa cluded h h cnts abmexecacacatizehip apylatns are expecd jump0% this year >>"the bosn gle" reports a survor of the bto marathon bombings who ed i cras ear-r-d cx mth thiiconic pto e'carrd by bos fifiayrom carne. she was just ft from the finish line when the bombs went f st rapn le the northeasternniniity student t s killed in a car crasov the weekend while on
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her roommatelso ed. "the tpa tribu" reports ulk hohon'stimony in his 00 milli sexeo lawsuitrmrost suiwee gagaer for bu pt of vid s hon havi sexh s st ffe ai w humbyhehe rerdinnd hnfntedis friend aut >> when the videwas released, my whole worhanged. it my world upside down, and i wadeerate tow e did is becausesey whole life had changed. >> hogan sd he did not auorize thtata to be made orfor wkwk to publish it "rollingtone" report a new contrororsy about music oduc d d le. p k csosasaer record l lel forced her to wor with him on her 2004lbum. that record included the hit "since you've been gon" whic was cowritn by dr. luke. prerer fightthinr ke$ha sa he sexually abud her.
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ike les plans for a short domeary out thunersity ofofissouri football team.the ct visited t t campus about the team. players refused to compepe last tnirs prident resigned over his b hali of rasm on caus. > "t hston c conicle" ports on massive traraic jam a ked n n n ing on top of a big rig. woclimbed onto the truck ter crh volvthre other vehicles. >>he sat down on top o othe odd e stup, d ststd acting le shwas shoong at them like she haa machine gun. >> the wom sto,dsat and nced for two hours. deeses figers aropeo lalao she s s edal ce for evaluat > , rbagtrdrer ge the scarehilife comip onhe "morning newc," dashcam catctcs the moment the ucgoesesr e o highway and d nds in aar
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gang from scooby-doo. cococoooking for the
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the ery machine. here's a look attoday's here's's look at today's forecast in some citiearnd e tr dramat video shows the
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elevated highway miami a ashed into a playgrorobew. thnereleased videorom inab s ds e. the driver survid even though heot wearing a seat belt.. heas bcited. e playground was empmp at the time of the crash. police are investigating how this all happene > thetc aphahato payp a icxingnge. d the suprememt makes decision on a superhero's ride. stock exchange with that a more. good m, llll eporr: gd mornrn ie ocks owatrtrt ed owinininher ju in e oil pric.. the w inededboutpoints.p e s&p finishedoir. the nasdsa l8 points. the supreme court declined to heaeaappls appeal in an book pri-fixing . >> that lets a lower court rulingrom june of lala year stan applplwas found of nsring with fiveor hersatbo ic. appls to p $450 min as
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most of that money will go to the union for pilots at american alicalls the mpans product embarrassing. thmpt s l lter esto c dg erer it says s s members are tired of ologizing to passengers. american us airways merged twyears ago. american says it's working to impre employations. you'll notice a special ogle ddle today in honor of internatnal won's day. when yououou play on the webse' page,ou'll see google's rallying cry foromen around the world. it'sleononday i ll. calls for women to inspire t t aphievevtheir s. wt thcocoany cas th vendhakarstoow. > and a knocoftmobe builder loseses court batt. the supreme cot chose not to hear the aeal of the lifornia mechanic who built r%r%icicrsold em. d.c. comics sued ovecococoght infringement.
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ans at ruling g lltand. ne-marie.& >> jilwagnert the new york ock exchge, anks a lot, jill. another fictional ride is in the news. d ook ke myststy mache fr sobobdoo d lice on a gh-s-sed chase teeeendpolicererereg,g,alif y y they'rell looki fother a a -yr-woma andodohi stloraililscooby snacked, r? still to come on the "morning news spring training vior. a dad'sads- plaprevevtshis son from a sererus injury inin e stands of a baseba game.sieals holds stronger than the leadinste all y... wiwiout the e .
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when engines failed on the pne i waslyin i knew what to do to se ma passes. buw en my fath sank into depssio i didi't knohow to help p m. when he ultitelyhohimselel he left r faly dasted. don't lethapto y. if you or a loveveone is suicidal, call the national suicide prevenon lifeline. ( nonoatter how hoholess or helpless youofeel,
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eahour is about empoweriri people king a diffefence to changclimatatchange pasndxcitt t earth hour is`about insping climate action ceceg obalment and impact join us at th march at 8:30pm
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the ununy. >>mayd! mayday! wee sinking! coast ard! ast guard ! >> w t t toa gua d dop ust t e to save tw shermenfoforids gulf coasthe n d crewem abdod shn th -foot at sed temondorning. ey serlarere gettininto aairlift st theieiboatatank. the coast guard crew broug the pair on board. whew. well, a quick-in dsad hison from potential saster over the weekend at rirainbasellam you've to seis pirate outfielder danny tiz st h gon b.. and it went ying into th stands right toward a boy y y was looking down at his phone. d's quick reflexnd strong forearm shshlded t f boyoyrom e f@t. one was ht. okg at youone dudi ring training? come on.
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football as the e l's all-time leer ipag s, touchdown passes and ws. >> i've finished my football race. and afr 1818ea, it time. god dless s >>he denver broncos' quararrbk anunced hi retirement monday. hifigamemeenr's last monththn super bowl 5 5 manning jokekeabout a convsation he had with his daught before the game. "daddy is this t last game when i k ead in a azement becau i was thinking mort and adam schefter ha gotten m 5-yearld ugugerererltltatws urur. >>ananeruseddra xu h hasssent claim omis coege days thtt rerently resurfac comingngp after your local wswsn "cbs this morning," victoria's secret t del lily dridge. i'm an-marar green. this is the "cbs mning news.illy aldridge. i'm m ne-marie green.
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symptomsorsen becae ur het isn't pumpinwell. (water fillingngm) abt 50cent eople di(doghiin wiwiin 5earsfguttg didino but e'meggyoyon do. talko your doctor about heart ilure treatment options. because the more you kw, the mo l lyou e...(d whimp to keep i4 pumping. jaikeseso th u 's why she loves new light & greek non-fat yoguousse. so fluy and ry it's her w 80bson.
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this is hou say it's'soi tbey toomeone who just lost everything. that, y%s, we' fin$ you somewhere to stay and ye yr enen hkfasas ever8 minutes the red cross responds to a dister and makes this promise.
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a llover acciden in essese leaea to tough task. making s s mililon bs behave. the truck was caraying 450 h hes whwh it tipped yesterday near nashvie. e swmade i idifficult r emergency crews to reach the driver, and d ople with h e allergies werearned totay away.. >egs this moror wh annvasn of sea lions. doze havtaken over t t doc in the t tn of raiaier. they might look cute, buthey can be pretty destructive. eir weightan damame e e dock a ta loses mooring fees whehethese big guys block atatat the wot papa is for locals. e ims' l#vd noise all day long. young woman who was told she uld never give birth is lookokg g rwrwd to hbvbvbvbv child. e received a uterus
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weija orero clevevand on the b b broroh eratat >> >epr: whehindsasasasasa teentoldld t ave e e chililen..@5 f f fomeme%i i ve prayededhahagogowould allow me the opportunity to experience e pregnancnde reoday at t beginngf th urney. >p8peporter:indsayhon't give h last na was born without a uterus w she's thfirsrspatitit in the u.s. to receive a uterusus trananlant. >> itovehealy uterus fromecalthy woma ofeproductive age utcoolol, anorteanimplhe cient. >>epter:he grodbrere -hy s peorlaont e clel% inic thitascreed mo an w tndalify for thsear sdy om reay cre that peencecanghe ownegnayb d we katseom wi get thaence threr traplan >> rortete l ldsl ha
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get nantgh iv)o feizion. orsay tee two egnancies, theheheheove utus so lindsay is nototn ctdrs th of heli. ndsay took moment to thank hes faly. it pre th a thai n bletoay orr:nd h sbanrey pas reopte ija anlela >> p ptty y markable. >>were getng a glimpse isorningf f e royaya mily'sacion famy fo. prin wliam hif,ravee ench psith ye-old in georgrgd d arare e wie in mhow cu. comingngafafr yoyoocal ne o"cbs this mornin we'll speak wi republican idential f-rununr dold trumabout today's elections ur states. plus, astronaut scott key onow he's adstinto le onrth a year in spe. didlo ss dodoit
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ababt hihistoric performance on the i athecbs moing news for this tuesday.. i'm anan-mar gre.. ha e great day. after trying brooide chocolate, people talk abouit onlin vefifitae. wowowoliquefy itd bae it. cue yo bside!yourar p have sucuced nefarious? are we still talking about chocolal
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aboicuk., this i ihow you uay it's going to be okay toeo whoju loseryt that, yes, we'llind you somewher stay and y%s, your children will have breaast. ery 8 tet%d cross responds a disasasr anmakes pmi.
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momoin helll. hell s s@nd things over to memeorologist for a look at today's forecast. we srtg ou t0s to 30s with clouds aloni-25. wis are between 5-10 for most wiwi a few breezy sps. tuesday will br asonably coco temperatures wiwihs in the 40s and s. skiesill be partly clouou and we will see better cnc some gh


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