tv CBS This Morning CBS March 8, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST
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gogo mornin it i i tuesday, march 8th,22. welcome e "cbs this mornqng." a californ commuter train derails into r rhing water. rescuers race to get passengers out of the wreckage. > dold t tmp launcncs new attackck aftftch adviss t itasashe worst weekend of his le >> the f m arican artiti pducingn c bacacor more tnye > w skbin todadas "eye opener" wiour world in 90 skds. >tt slidoruite while. i i sn't sure wheerereererer goininin turn over or not. >> a tra derails in californrn. >> no one was kleutut you can see how serious it was. >>8& votr any other
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trumum >> a vote for j jn kash or ted cruz is a voteoronold trump. rai youright nd, everybody. do you swear that you're going to vote for d dald trump tomorrow? raise that hand. i lolo yo i love you. >> hillary conand bernie sanders ahead of thahavote >> thqt votes for the autut bailout. he vot against it. >>hats absutely false. orntial rain i@in california foding the south. >> it'lighthat you seeeen a hurrican >>55 mli for erin andrewe a lawsusu agaheot fo putting staern room next to her. she is a te american ro. >> here a wayo s trafc. a woman t nnd danced onon to off an 18-wheheer in houston. >> y c c'snn fire. >> a tt-
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he leto o t t injuredplay t plplpld.d.d. > helad w whasisi and weut in le. somhing about 1 years. >> a a a that matters. i think it's well documented,, the extrqrrdiny y ve she had for her husband. >> it was an authentic l le story. >> oh, cete, tota u u e it came, andnd i ias re. >> -- onncbs s is morning." >> not only youou a hall of fame er i in bacac 's you in golf how cae s areat and veve a tetetbl swin i'i' got a -- >> announcnc: tmorning's s "eye opener" prented by toyota. let's go places. welce t t "cbs this rninin"
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chc d scarypcene afterer hehe california trn flewew f theacac ththcide senen a train car to a rusngcreek. last night southeast of san francisco. >> a t te at fell duduhe storm is blad for knocking the ont f the train i io the wawa ateast 1 1 were hurtr including some w wherious injuries. jojo blalasdone e ere. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. what you see behind me here is one of the srt cars of t ace mmuter traininthe train thatt came off the tck hehe. now, this commuter line the altatant eress is clolod d dwn. passengers describe a wild ride. thalt the altamont c/rridor express.
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>> 214 people were b as twist thrououesanyon dududu aa r rnstorm w wch c cseddebr falalalnto ee tracks. the was o o t t track >> one of t cars sd into the d, waterushing around i i the car came to rest o on its de. it derailed main upright. 2> people e rere crying fofo help. i i i looking for the condu to. he wenenut the froindow whent hit, f f faigh out.t. had a bad head injuryryry >> reporter: t t train left at 38 p.u. a little moren half an hourr into t t rididit derled. alamededfirefifiters lnchehe an gentnt rescue operations. >> we made our w on top of the train and made suree that we were basisillyyle on all six sid of t trtrn.
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across t f water, they a fantc jojting everyrydy out ofof hehe. >> passengers w bussed from the scene to safaf t t fairgrous. i'v'vbeenakakg thi train for 1%1!year nhing like.. this genally this thing i really, reallyy bfefe >eporter: thisreatrtr pt oferstrance contintal rail ne. it's been built andilil ma, , ny t tes sinin the 1800n they pay unionon pacifif to run it.. union paucucsspp here studyg e r rls now. johnhnxhanknknkyou. > a possible tornado severely maged at lst seven homes in papaer unty, tetes. floodi forced d dvers to
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nearly 30 mlion ameriri th give h oint lea over ted cruru followed byarco bio and john kasich. >> michigan has the most that c c coulde decis for the gop race. major, good morning. >> reportete goomomomog. the e e pampaign expectsig victies.p. waii is@a bit of mtery b b atevev has, florida w w be the epicefeer of thi campmpgn forheext week as trump's repuican rivalal play a bit demolition derbyehind e frontrunner. seehe size of tt hand? lookt that. i was g/g/g g grab them to sw
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he madehat sucke up. >> reporter: in missisiipipast night, donald trump keptp up t t atck. >>nd he puts it down andhen he s s ss ing.g.i caca im lyiyi tedcruzuz orter: eer to rebound avter whaha a aisererer admit was e wowot weekekf h h h campaygn. >ond trump is the worst human being e er createded d say,whoa, whoa. i mean, i'm watchinghese has. >> r rorr: in addiononon ted uz's's campaign, trumpust confrontds bent on kneecapping hiss ndidy.>> i donon give [lele]. we'lbebe tle ] of >> r rorte seral gro launched attacksn ums lgararand admse'ss a flimsy#consve. realust pfgs forchumps. r r rter:mp turururo marco rubio eero win his homee.e.
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years frfrding the people of flora. reporr: rubio'mpmp insists he win at home a hohoy denied rumoreould droput to avoid a l in state. > w wll win floridada this is going to be a very lonong process. >> reporter: rubio must comomt fortto rail thehe t te. cruzalculates a lose in florida will fisis h h off. that's why b bhh campaigns now sound alale. >> a vote for kasich or ted cruz in florida i i a vote for donald trump. >> a votee f f marco rubioio or jo k kichh i i v fonalal trp.p. >> of he sustainenecritisms o o tru appears to be sticngng trump pos a three-e-nutete vivio yesterday now defending his nowefefct tmp univer. saying o o those suiui himm now wast one t t aatisfied
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>> and mayor m chaelel bloomberg saysysee willot runn f f presidenen this yr. csided dependent campaign after criticingng the candidates for fg on isises.`.` said, que, there is a good chance thaty candidacy wld lead to t electn of donal trp or satat teded uzuz thats not rk i canakeen odconsenen i loveur country t mh to play role i i electin a ndidate o would weaken o uny y d darken our >> h)llalinton anderere sanders chchingelegates in chigan andississsspi. chs a biggerrize 131 delegates atpta there. a most recent poll shows clinton leleleg by 13 popots. bo candidatenced ssancne$s ss answered a question lasdsnighgh >> i certainly consir him to
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would you consider him as a p choioi? >> let's not get aad off rsels. myosh. n't wantohink a a a rthehe ahead than tomrownd e michiganpryrary. can't do that. >> wl,hehere o t t same page about that. bernie sandersrsaid he's not talkingbout beingngice presidenen the e`ite house says fifst lady michelle obama will attend nancy reaganas neral.esidenam refleedeting themer lady i his early ds in the white house. >v i h h hhe opportuty tf meeeeee mrmr rgaga on. obviouy she was already vancfd inga but could n n been more gcious and more arng t t melf and m chel when we firsrsame into ficece >> reporter: ben tracy ist the rere presidential library in simi vallele nancy listen be buried nextt to h husbd. good morning.
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e's following theradidion o a fororr first l ly. the fununal o f fdadaill be private but the public will have wednesday and thursday to c here to the librarys mrsrs rean lays i repose t sayay od-b-b-b flags were lowering to half-staff at theehiteteouse d here at the r r rn prpridential lrary whe they are honoring nancy reagann cluding two days for thef publbl to sau goodmbye. > is gng to ten of thouounds. >> how prepare@eadydy you? asreres wee can get.t. >epeptetetehehe begeg prepeping their funeral plans while in office. so like the funeral foreagaga in20, thth has been decades t making.honvolvedas mrs.. reagan in e planning forer funeral?
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t t plbearers that will walk witit h h casket t people whoillleding a pafferprra >epepte thehe g g lisis cludes 1,000 peoeoe mos osy mrsrs reagan herself. invitions were out monday. it includes polititians, former dignitarieome of their hollywood friends. > thinkuriewnhat iss if tsk to b be invite in likelihohdd we will honor that. >> supposen n e dedocrara side h hlaryryli i in different category given that she's a former first lady. >> actly. if she w we to come, thatt ass formrmrmst l t shing me by tradititn. nowhe republicans h he a debate thursday night in miami so it willl be interesting to see if any ofm show up here iday morning in calafornia. one potential problem on friday, ere is rain in the forecast, but t e folks heret the libry tell u u they'y' l lg had
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>> thankou so much. a dramatic end to the erin andrews stalker trial. the juryry awarded her d55 million. the stalker pacific northwested pictures ofer nude online. they hold wo hotel companies partially responsese t breach of herprivacy. dayayfesesmonyny theuryonsisiininin sev women d fiven tooourso come to a verdrdt. epepter: erin andws f ught back tears. tpe sportscast'sonvicted stalker mimhaelel b brett w wl hava to pay 51% off the award. the o oer and managerererff this nashville hoteteilil b
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nearly $27 millio >> i thougug for a few seconds and wa likeke ohoh myygogod. >> r rorojr: a awsws had ask foas mucucs $75 milli ngng hot made it easy for him t t book a aoooo next@ to her. mad a a peep hole andorded vide the connected me e concierhowede thehe room number. >> reperter: andndws didt speaasasasheeft the cououro t on twier shehanked othersrs ththroutrtrtradad itpossible. >>he i aruemeririn heroo and i thihi we all know it a love her forit. >> r rortete lawye f the
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fofotheeecisionn maintaining thenatched the j j j le drdrs thankeded eachh one o o them indidually. uple oth hugugd her a ononevensked for her autograph. >> i'll bet she's gladhis i all er. thank u verych. > twoaj s ss nike a g hoyerre cutting their ties th m m m sharapovov thisis fololws t tahletets admissssn yeerdash f fled a drug test. is herithhhow it thrfatenen her career and the game. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. thank you so much. this is shocking tenfjs worlb. mari sharapovava has reigned as the highest paid fale athlete in theorld for me e an a decade. the 28ear-old's ununpected nounment on mony cou be fal blo to heraree but so t t s srt i itaking a huge e
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>> i take great resnsibility d professnalili in myob every single da i made a hemistatatat >eporarabab shapo admitted toestiti positive for the drug maldonium att t ts year's open. e formerumbernfaid she haha ting t t substance for decadeo treat numerous health issues. thth world antidopi ancy baed it t janry 1st >> i received@ a leltern december 22nd ak a a button where you can press to sesetheerobited items 2016 a i d d nottoo at that list >> reportete it's veryiffifilt to undstdow no onenerer te would have made ntnto look at that list.
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ates. bebeuse e evidence of i s us by ales for enhancing performanc ararara a tennisowerenningg fraralatles. matcd byratitindseme dedes om cpaes inclung nike,, tiffany, and porsche. this raises queiooth for sharapova andhe spt. >> tooave her out of the cture, out of the scece f en six monthsr y%yr would be quite devastating men's tennis. reportetete thehe international tennis federation s s s sharapovava wille provisionally y nned from professional tennis. her atatrney believeve a sanctions impod coulde amatally reduced. it cld be because it's her first time testing positive or iv s shoho noault or negligence. shd say i the list of
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chososnot to look. >> dyou think ople believe her? >> i wanadly t telieie her. i think ononthing w w k kw i ithrereure is h hher than ever for therofeional etes to pform at a a a higig level, to be bibier,faster, a ronger. e druwalways ahea of the law. but you have to take responsibili for whayoyoyout in your b by and she did not in is case. w wl sa.. tpany u. >> thank you. > ananthlele consired o o of ep greatest football players of senation i officially retitid.d. denver broncos quartback peyt manning made thehe nouncement mony. is stepping ade after 18 seasons,#2 super bowow chchpionships, a 5 mvp awar. thereomething about 18 arar is aood numbmb d today i i i reti from pro footorll. there are o her pyeyeho are more talented,ut there wo ono oouldprepe.. anddecause o ohat have
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fans in and e shod mie bec the off w w w wff o me > mni lveshe game hog numerousdsds througho hiscaer. >> heepaihe's goioi to take some time off and decide wha s next chapterers g gng to be. think itld be wheverer he nt >> i think in the e oth. i t tnk in toothto hollywood blockcksters are hugegenn chin w w lm maker there want to invade u u. mov slslhances for spotty showers toy, m mnyl weststf the intetsta andrelight. highs are in t 40s and 50s, ererhrhr the rere fr wewend mnly dr th wee wit
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>> a aouncer: this portion of "cbs this rnininponsns by tota. t't'go p pces. used do dada theresa but they'r'rstill friendnd ll, kamikikindndarren coulg`t t apr financing.g low hly payments for jillian. amazi lease deals for am a a t ts of invenenry for his nd t tresasa nice. duringoys 1 for sverne s e t 0% apr 2016 offer ds april 4th. fofoeaeadealslon o oer toyotas v sit f tota. les go plas. (rebeccavevetrtred with depefssion. i oughi needed garettet to cope. i s able to quit smoking. ananthen i itataedning. now,w,w,eel lotobett. (aouou)you can quit. for free help, call-8-8-qt-now. moderate t crohn's's'ssease ghdhdh t i've managed. excepthat managing msymptoms was all was s ing. and wh i fly told my doctoto heheaiaihumira for adults lili me who haveededther medications but still l perience the sympto of moderatetto s sere crohn's seas
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the majority of patien on hira saw w gnificant symptotorelief. d d nynychied remission. humira c lower youjuabity toightecticng g berculosis. ri sim f infections andance, cluding g mphoma, pped; as have blood, l ler, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactioio, and new orninieart failure. before treatment, gegetestfor . tell yououdoctor if yoeen tore where ceain fungal inftionsare common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b,re proneneo fections, or have u-like sptomom or sores. don't start humi if you ve an infection. ask your gastroenterologisis about humira.
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[m[mic , no, no, no, peop a both h ft a t stroro... yey! which is why our produc are too. angel soft. waitit. wait... perfect. at delonte, grn bes are packck atatheeak k freshness " w.w.w.t water an a dadaf sea a lt. thg el. so ty're a a-natatal d deliciou allergies distracting you? when youousymptoms start. doctors cod taking ....on-droy claritin every day of gr alrgrgseason. clitin provides s werfrf, non-drsy 2 relief... fofofewer inrrupons from e amazing thingsgsouo evevy day.
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atafelile, we know how busy your life can be. oh no is mom didn't have ve toworry aboutua cracked windield. so she scheduled a a d wiwi safelite'e'exclusive "o way text" she knknknxactly when there. shehen't mimi a s sglgl shot. (cheering crowd) ieplaced d r windshieie... giving her more time for what matters most... how'd ya do? we w! nice! that's anototr sasalitettadvantage. thank you so much! (teasingng safeliteepair,salite r rla my opioid pain medation is slowi my insides to a crara. that'soiinduced constipation, c, a different type e constipapaon. i'm really struggling to finrelief. painina d fferenpictctet tata t/tur doctor about oic d d cription treatmentnt opti en you're told you haveance start with apepealist. stt wiwiwi team oexpertrt o o o t onon cancer. every stage. every day.
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len more at avaable now. hello. we are starting out ininhe 20s toto0s with h oudsds ong g 25. windndare between@ 5-10 for most with a few breepo. tutuday will bring seasonably cool t tperatures with highs in the 40an 50s. skies will be partly cloudy and we will see bettererhances f some light spototlt showowowin the aernd ening. wedne will be similar to tuesday with evenen re limed ower chances and temps just slhtlyly
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sunshine andndililweher r retern f f the endf e rk week. miltemps s highs in the 60s and0sntinue through the weeke. . other meaningful moisture chanans un the next 7- days crcrsing v ve so far. some owing through somememe the constction s zonenetrafafc moving smooty to denver andndueboone acde is still being cleanan up gardenenf the gods road and chesut street this mornini. exct to see morerake lights in that arar. nb chestnununu still blked d ong with ele lane andndaral rightlanef garden of t t godsdr dave or katie.
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okininfofowhoever allegey shot at t lofamily. happened neararcacamy and plte in corado sprinininasght. pocece tenke a s guns got aggseveit falyinclina small chchd. ononofhe m reptey te shsh o o o ourututhe crkt t ay wh memeh d onalalelongi e specis a black m in his 30s, aboutix ft tall with corn-n-ws. he was wearing all black othe the oer suspect t a white man in his s s 30s, abo five-foototix inchehe tall, also wearing all black. if you know anything, ll police... 444-70 goodbye.. get to village innnn the incrcrcrlele. oose 4 fm over 3 favoriris. you crcrte it. wma it. it's breakfast h you wtit, when y y want it. thinn-credible vib, at an incrediblerice,
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> m mdsds no one's e er hyands. lookre t smal referrere to m if myands are all, sometng else mustt besm iirantnt youou there's problem. >> he'll make surehe's the party of tignt..( i'm sure why would a guy with a small penis put t ne innbnt letts op onf skyscrer?0 atste can put h name t sties highvertically. hey, hey,po.o. at iss different thatat differenen uara u. guauantee you. at isffffent. i belieie you, sthen. doou h henyty to add t that conversation? would you like s? >> no. >> do you havenything to add
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steen ) )ght. comipn this halfhour, readjuingg h h l oearth, aso nonocolyays floa in space for a yrr has dede returningngfficult. > plus we'll show youpow beijingmmakaks areetting big on hollllood's star power. th's a aad. itit time snow you thi moing'g' headlinesrom around e globe. e attttks s surday killed more an 150l shababb m mim and destroyeded tir m.officialalsahey werelain a lae-scsce attack. thtgrsaidheylanted a bo in a lapt thatxploded yestery at a small airport. they alsook resesnsibilily for the explosion on somali airliner last nth. "newsweeee reports on w w benjamin netanyahu tururur down a meetinthis month withh esesent t ama.
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the white house said the decision was a surprise but israel s sstadarnenee might. the s spectct kylyl odom s snt time at the church i the days leading up t the shooting in northern idahg. the ptoto didsurvive. pe l a prayer at t ted cruz rally earlrfr ininhe day before the ooting. the family d ds notelie this crime was polititalal motivated.d. > "the e ll seetejournal" is reportinon surging oil prices. inveveves hopep majaj procers llllca back tput t t t ease the glut. uned states oill prizes hit a 13-y-yr lololast month. since then t tyave risen 45%. crude oil tock in the united states are at more than an -yeaeahi.
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it was easierdjust to life an t tget used to gravity againiban eart lived on t international spe s stion for 34 days. sasa continues testing him to learn how it impasts the human bo. he eosted a twitter feed wrg,rarchthtts you down. he s ske with >> reporter: thi is where scott key d for that year i i spacitits mock of the international spacstation. it'slsre w wpoke whh hih*outhe m m monndndow helili one week k@r r s turn to earth. littte funny. that's t effects off this, right? >> yeah. legs are not gogogo >>eporter:e' still getting ed t walki o earth. the senes i o of the
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still, from the flu tt shiftspo o o opace a a geded b bk through leoe. your b by has gone thrgh somemetuff. >> yeah. i'how you myegsss later when theameras are turned off. >> just so ththviewers know, 's swollen.n. >> y y >> what w the tougheses part of it???>> for me it's beingway fr ur loved on, you friends, your family. a ar i iot short,t,t,t, but it w w very warding, it was evjoyable, it wasas something feel pririleleleto havinggg got to do.l >> n na is testing the eff of long d dationn s scerave for a future mission to m ms and kelly cameith a huge bonus, an identitil twin,stro not marar y, coh. cou be sdied
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>> i do clearly recognize there'a dirps between 159ay and this experiee a a 340. so i'm pretty sure they're going to see differences for me in space and him on earar withoutut questionon >> man, they are delicious.s. >> b while he wt busy with more than 400experimentst kly had fun. r at o o point floated around a gorillala costume f aersonalission to inspirehe next generation pace pieers. >> i thinks our b, our responsility to do that a#a thepublic face ofasa. anythingeean do to g tm more excited about studied science, ma,engiering, is somegge should be doing. >e e stedor than 700 imames o o sociaia mediaa too.
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>> i'm more o@f the toughilot fighter kind of guy but not after a year spepeing time in spacac ipm m re compassio now. >> it changng you. >> i i think doeshen y y end all this timee removed and dedeed from follow what's goioi on on earth d mostly wha t news reports is not good stuff. >> youook down below>> yeah. we shohod be goinin tter. we shoul be doi better. leles ta carof i a ao a better job. and a aerer 3400 ds in s s, ke t tds ononthhethorouounjoying n is being abo sitn fininr witht orkk or his gla floating away nora >>manuel, a areat terview. the lite things, >> t little thisnd how much w'll lrn fro wt he has done in space. it's terrific. ( >>ike wt he said abouthe planet. nd mor mpsion we've go good thioi
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> docrs with the first erusecipient. e 2626ear-d ly ided as lyncity has recovereded ll she receed trganrom a m in hers wd dddd itto bepen andones and share myz sto. i wawa tolol a 166 i would nevev have children.. from that ment on i prayed god would allow me e e opportuniti toxperience pregnancy and here we are today at the beginng of that journry. w. thth transnsant is designed foror women%either bor who a yut ruz o2o2 s sfered permanent uterine e mage. she'llllaveeo waittt lea yearar b%fore she can have in vitro utilization. it will be roved after s has ds tooununcessy riskk twaking n-r-rection dgs >> good for y y, l city. >wre hng this momoinif
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young fan from a baseball game. wehowedow sha cunningham dfflected a from a bat. turns outut heas protectin hihiownnson.h hehuays paternal flexes st t tk er. >> justt kind of w w into dad de a did ve i couou to try to block it, deflect it, throw my armn the way, whatever ioulddo. i saw it f2fmhe get-t-t- thererwas noime to tnk about . it wasust a reti.tpe pipiure i w wth a thousan wordrd >> i'll sasa hihison ldon n s lookingt a picturur he took o oishone en t bat suddenly cmeee his way. wn n ey b came a a ,t was yi. >> ndon, we le your voice. was able to kp the bat. hisi dad got a souvenir of his@ own,eep bruise onis palm.
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dad d awesome. >> he has ick flexes. >ig muscles as well. >> i noticed that two. o rhousese team u t create theheestlocksters. >> a arica andhi bre two of theiggest movie markets. m seth doane i ibeijing. wu'll lolo at howowollywoodnd china areking together fofoso reason if@ youu hav head out th do you can watch us live on t cbs all@ cess d dital dice. turns on. you don'tanto misis charlie an andndip p . ll t be dan eses >> diploces.alexander bell graha.... no that'sinda a dough o school i4 w aays a maentor.
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oh, look... ...anotheri-wrinine cream in no hurr make anathi hapapn. neutrogena rapid wriri repair works... one week th the. fastesretino foula avlalae. it cnillproven to workrk on fine lines and. .evevedeepriles."o w that d ditelwork" rapidiwrkle pair. anfork spo rad tone repaiai neutgena . what's possiblele il is the foundation.... fohealthy a,ts. st like gumsmsre t undadaon for healthyhyeeth.. new cocototal dapair toothpaste. and fight plaque germs for althier r eth an. strengthen theououation for healthy eth. nenecolgate totaily repa [mus] no, n , no ople are both soft and strongng.
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anl l l . pain from ur day can haunt you at night, don't t itit advivipm kives you the healingslp u need, helping you fall aslee and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest advil pm. . r a healing nighghsleep. narrator: evevy dadaall over theor. american citizs go missing. ititthisiseam's job to find them... .and bri them home.
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nee is that the othhreeee litelly kill each other. sorettytron os actuly. thasothatt you said. >> it's not w w youaid n n whaha y sasas eathe, brthe, breathe. >>'t'tean to souou sexist, but ii think are eust too emotional toe eresiden well delivered. >> well delivered. that is so good. turning the tablbl. rning thth bles. a a ttle eti e. those mem shoutpt too. >> they@ g upupt. >>new intertion allnce uld ange what's sng at @ your u.s. i-plex. u.s.s.s. chinana are aeady leaders but t w hollywood a a beijing are teang upo creatat even bigger blkbusters. seththne is in beijing with a a w global partnership. good mornini. >> gd mrninin cha isis predicted too america and d comehee world's biggest movie marketetut bias early as the yea
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the boxx office, cneseseovie makers want to producecece a blocuster american aududes cacattttresist spspler alere. onon o o theain reasons matt damon character inn t " "rtn" successfully r rurdome to eaeah is tnks to the chinese goveve. now matt damon i i appapentltl ng to retur the favor t t help ahinese fm to land successfullyn ththv.s. he signe onn the staf a $135 million chine blockbuster llllll"the great wall," giving a bigoost to itselel u. box fice tential. the s sdio behind thereat w wll the u.s. based legendary entertainment. the film was shot i i inin >> evevebody inphe weaeaereast waso kindnd welcoming t t wester actors. >> whi china wantstso m me sure its f fms are see i i the
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erythi ty can to tap the lieuucrative market. they madad sure to the team lala year to promote@ "the rchandn$mar maia" >> it was on purpo. they wanted toto mak sure this film woulu play llllllchiha. >> r p pter: the c c cse@ vementnly a aows 34 fonn filow. but some hav teemed up in pructions toass th 3 3 film rtricicons. "kung fu began 3" iss a co-productn between dreenwor d ese investorsndt's a bigghit i both couriri. hat kindf syny^gy is taking plala on large e al it w/wks ry well on bot
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great """ areing a b b b budget%a a big ann s are ju the t tketnd big breae c cnese film ininst nenes toettnericnorara >> thank you sooch. es to shshyou. >> he marketet >> huge markets. >> that's right. whas womanriving with a tree sprououng from the hood of h hcar? ead wh a police officer slslht chances forpott ows to mail west of the interstate pretty light. ghghare in the 40s and 50s, warmereroughhe rest fo thr we aainly y y & this weekeke w highs inhe 60s a a 70s
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"c this s ing" sponsored by kohl's's mom:m, how about.? dadaeyaley,,,,k a leg,g,? girlth's rude. thth meaea youegog too fantastitih oh! well, ananyou. you nervwvs, hon a a tt. ena suerte, mi hij m nnck this thihi!vo: now that's t gooststf. the a ahlhl. if y misace your diover card,d, you can e frze i pventew purches on youacunt in secon. and d ce you find it yoyocanaswitit it right w aga. you're back! freeze it,tt only from diover. get it at
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starts with minonoarthtis pain ana choi. tata tylylolol take aleve, the #1 recommended relier by orthopedic doctcts. justwo alele can kp papa away alda back to the news. we builtur factories here because of a huge naturara resource.not t e land. thter. p sououeses th er wkeey build wor-classssroducts. and d at blds mmuns. and a better future. for l of us. because ki something in erica`meananso much, to so o ny. weathertrth.h.proudly made in america. at's a l of dish& roblem. i'se a aot of detergent. di issues? get cascade platinum. e pac c c ns tgh odtetethan 6 paf ththbargainnbrcoed.
7:50 am
(t(t text tones) now? (ttone) excuse me. (phoneone) again? be right back. waysys to the bathroro because ur bladder is call the shotot (texextone) you u y have o o. enough of th. wewee going to the d d dr. tata chae and asyoururocto abt m rbetetet that's myr-be-triq, the rst and only tatmeme.... ...iits s s for r symytoms of urgency... ...frequcy, and leakage.e. myrbetriq (mirabegron)n)ay increa blood presssse. tell your doctor rigig away ifyou u ve tle emptying your bladder, or have aeak ineereamam etriq y cae seriris allergic rctctns. . you expeence... ...sweing ofhe fac lips, roat or t nguer difficulty breag, s staking myrbeiq and tellr r ctct rigig awa myrbetriq may affect or be fefeed by othemecacaons. bere takinmyrbetriq...
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sideffts inclu increased blool"essure... ...common n ld s sptoms, urinaryrytrt infeceion... ..nd headache. i$'s time for you make the lls,s, so call doctor tose ...myrbetriq may be right for r myrbriq.coto arn re. a trtf stuck the theh g gll of the r. the e iver told policec s s can't memb where s s hitit t t tree. >> whwh?
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driv she'e in court nextmonth. this is the o oer thin guys. she was going so fa, the air . gs wer deployed. e csmeed alcoh, she faed the sritests. cing up next, charlie i cu. twentytyore yes this job? kekemy kidsay go for it, m. be thawoman who does what she e ves. knows what she wants. "yeah, mom's gonna go for it!" excece ... i don't have a clue whwhe to start.. hey we hear r u. that's whyararcreated lilireimag. it's designed to help you find your true passion - with pererna from exexs, aches and op likiku wh gog foit. if y don't think "t r ror m
7:53 am
i've been feel all daya i'i'busheded yea me tot. excuse me...mingnghrouou! ride the gel wave of cfort with schol massagingegeinsosos. theye e ovovto givyoyocomfort. which helps yofeelel re energized ...a day lon want what xf hasas if y're nning a a sine, legalzm s your bac t lasasas years we've lped one millioj business owns get ard.d. visit lelzoom today for the legal lpoueed to stata and yoyo b biness. lelzoom. lal help is h i'm phph mickelson, prlferer psoriatic arthritititcaused joioi pain. just like my mododate vere rheheatoid arthtis. and i worr abt joindamage my doctor said t paininrom ra can be a sign of`fxig joint damage
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p p `rienbrel to help reeve pain and d lp stop rther dage. el may l lerererr ility y figig infections.ris,omim fatal evts including infeio, tuberculis, lymphomaother cancers, nervousstem and blood disorders and allergic reactio have occurred. tellour doctor i i you' been someplace w(erngal infeceions are common, or i iyou' prone to` inctionsn haves orores, have had hepatitit b,bhave been treatefor art failure, or if you ve persistt fever,bruing, bleeding, / palaless.s. don't start enbrel if you have an iection like the flu. jopain and damage... can go side by s se. ask w enbrelanp relieve joint pain a.a.helplptop joint dama.
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at hillslsre farm, spice is thth spspof life. that's w our craftsmen seasono evereruse perftl youx out t aveffoly. lllllrl2l2. bebeuse i 's rth dog riwit. at hillshire farm, there's a ason ourlow roasted turkey tae so fresh sends after carv w wnot only seal evevevslsle, we double it. the results are sothing tosavor.
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similauesdayith even momemeimited shsher chances and temps just slslht warmememey thursdayay conditio dry outllowing sunshinend mild weather to retutu forhe e e of the rk week. mild temps with highs in the 60s0snd 70s continueuehrough the weekend. n/ other memeingfgf moisture chances un the ne- days increang volume far. someowini throh soso ofhe c cststctios zones. trfic c vivg smoothly to denverernd puebo ve or kakae we havavan 11 trtrfic alert to tellou about this moing. i-70n glenwood cn ll
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reres t arer recl a massive rockslide e osed a 20 mi strtrh of t interstatatat for about a week. today's closure star at nine a goes unl fofon the a ternn. p70 will c csed bebeben n glenwood springs and dotsero. if you araraead thatay today, y m want to factor in some extra t te for alternrne routut.
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its tuesday, march 8th, 2016. plts isuesday, mah 3rd, 202020 more real ws aheadncludinghg the e rst performance in cby a major aman musicn. ndds o othousandsf peoe out to see the themendnd wer erer >>thisommuter heen os ohi accideenge dcribe aildd ride. >>ond trump's c cigig expepes bibivictories. ted cruzuz looks ain in . hawaiis a mystery. >>,mrs. ama isollowi the traditioof a sitng firstst ray a aending the funer of rmer firstst lady. >t>took theury seven hours s
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>>this is shocking the 10: tenn nrld. et could bebeal bw her career sh he /- -- he wilil take memeffnd see where his next career >> he maybe in the boboh. >> i think sotoo. >> it a a momup t inteteteioio space sta. >inese movimakers want to produce a a blolobuster arican audiences@ c ctititi resist.. > arnolschwarzezegg ed jn kasich. >> or mbebe a chicken quesadilla. i don'know what he is saying. >> or hd a horse ki i i ck.. it's's hard to telelwith arnolol [ mimicking arnold schwarzenegger ] >> i'm chaie rose with gayle king and norah o'ognnell. a dowowd trtrtr is being blaned for a tin derailment in californiaia 0 peoe were on boardhehe
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creek on theine from san j/je to stockton. >> the car c ceo res partially submereed in the war. 14 p pple w we jured.rescuersusd to the scene andnd freed peoplerom thehe wreckage. paengers drieked t t cic d fghteteng scenecece. ses carried peoplnot seriously injuredo a county fafaground. doldruru19 ps ahedruan 21 ahead ofof rubio. 100 0 pppp d degates a atstakakakat a rally trump asked suppororrs show u uat the polls. >> y y have a biggie, righgh what is your biggie. . >> wheheare you voting com onon momoow.. raisep youright haha, eryby. do youwearhat you a a g
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toowraehathand. i lee you. i loveu. n't go ck. i' onl jin if you w wt to goack, you.i dot think you wiwi bse no one will do job'm'm dog. >> michin an misssip hd thr primarieie th lest`ll arage shows clton s 40oint leadn mymyisppi. 36 degatesre u u up up or gr >> in m chan hereread shrin to 21 pointsts 13 delegates at stake there. both answered quest att a town hall in dedeoit. hilly clinton was asked about the privatet il server s s used wlehe w wecretaryryf state. t the time you and your staff deleted 32,000 e-mails, habihalf of theotal volume, were you aware the server w gointo be sought as evidence by fedal orities. >> no, but l l mela this.. there's much misiniorortion going on herere
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facts. i have sd- it wasn't the be chohoe to use aersol mail. it was a mistake. we i'm not a ane inat. ma people inhe governmentt past and curnte, o o occasion or a a p pctice ne e same. g ii sent waked clasasededr tha i receivedwas markeclassified. >> hililry clintonriticized sands yesterererfor not voting to bail outhrysler a a genal mors in 2020. sanders s ide did until the auto babaout was combine witit a wa strtrt t bailouou >> inhi case, there was one te t t support the automotive industry. i believee- o ocoursei knew at the time that if that indusy wenthtownnlis o onlynhigaga a a ohiout all over t country wldlde imct. c crcr r r ot i the se vot i hadhe
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the autotobile indury. what i did not vote for was the bailououof wall street. at's essentialha hillary clinn vote ed for in that. >> hillary clintnt said i wanted the 1%1%o bl o o wall l sreet. th public can pay respepes totoancy rgan atthe library. he useththininuence th ce with bei first lady andave adce to preredent r rgan on many b dec andoo ntrororsiatands inay thatatave never b b s sn fore. >> over those teaea in washinon and the exaggggat s and djwnsf life a the white house, i f what w really iortant, iound how i toto serve. relucucnt t tkbout
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with a facac shu had a masteomy followinthe diagngn br cancer. atatthe time i i was radal step but the first ladyy used h decision t encocrage women to veegular mammogms. 1985,, theagag'srieid rock hudso diedf aids. it put a psonal facen t epidemic f mrs. rean en sew even ev so it tookk three more years to mention the disease in publ >> aids affects allf us. >> i youanersonalizen sue,e,e,t's theay to him. e e s llwarere off that.
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beben the lononlhlide in to alzheimer's.mrmr pay mrs. r rgagaokokwiwiwiresisint sh a a republicinsem cele research.h. >>8>odiseas caneured or lea >>ancy rgaga wenen o t taise miions forhaimerer resese. it was the last act of a lived quietly but with fierce rminitio for cbs this morning, i'mill plte, shinon. >>ou know, i think it is important for the historical recoco to know how m mh influence first l l)lss he behi t t sces inin terms off talking abt difficult issues andicy decisions. ihihk mananeopl m ve thought of n n n reagan for& years d nowow looking at all she accomplished i i i makes you havav grtiratatn f a a she d. >> i i makes ou know that bein president is a lonely thing and itits portanto he somee that yoy see is at n nht andnd in thththrning.
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on cbs this morning. mymypioid papapmedation s my inde to a c cwl. thatat opid-inducedconstipation, afent type consnspation i'al strugglg to fd d li paa erent cture. t doctor about oi and prescription tatmeme tions.buana, we use charmi ultra so so we don't have to wato get clele..charmin ultra so gets you u ean thouthththeful wadding. hasasomfo cushiononyou can see that a.. ...and mabsbrbent,nd you cause up to 4 times le.
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travels toto cuba. da later,r, the rolling stones will be there. but d dlond mor laser started the party early andndndtttt a par itwas,pverybody, pecially young cubansn [ chehrs and alause ] >> reporterjnn vana's m in concourse outside of this ened.s. ememssyyhr ejays putpon a a sh. >> hana,, cuba! >> reporter: thahahade history. >> reporr: it seemed l l every young person inn havana was ere. this wasn't the music o of their parents, iwas theirs
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thon'tw w w ararr it's's jt theusic. >> rortete y y have saiai this ishe m st importata s sw you haha done. thehessuris o uss to do someththg g it' a a azizi opportunitit >> r%rorter: you haddo this? i think i is imptant to createomomhing new. that's why i started t t musisi rted vf halls a a plpled o o m mic. we had to f a way t t do it becacae no onene else was hel us. it i i i i importata tooeep those didiogueuean nartiti happening.g. thth's what we a a doing here in havana. >epep diplo beceme a a sosght after pducer b b eating beats for artists.i. a and justin bier aae and major zer created thehe hit "leaeaon" . >> the most streameme sg ever
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ever. >> i tnk that particular s s speaksumumecause it is worldwid vi in americe'e'e' hugect by anans. fromomurkey to chio inina. >> south korea.@ jamam, trinidad, xico, azil. whwheve go it is a hugehit. it incorporates everything from reggaepop music to the song ititlf is a bit of everything. 's a s scial time e t t@w. onhe radio f f instanceceou have to have aevutionary sod d kind o&ot people's ntion. people are culral aware. theyave what heard a lot of music. fans are ready for n n nnd chaoaoc and citing >> before i ameown to you, i was at the computerdi a % new song. >> reporte we found o o why
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>> a week ago we came to india,a, pakistan. repter: he pls 3030shshs arcross e globob yingngo push electctctc dancece muc forward. for you, what d you hope to doo with it? i think it is importanto play places like this whererere it isndndnew. these are e peopl that will chan it ina,pakman, will bring to a new level. >> play sts orpontateous in. >> itpends. sometimewhen weeave lits weave to ep it formatted but a lotot of mes we go offffn a tangenenanan if t t t crowdants this,lyy g that way that's the`eob of the ejay. >p to feel wheree thehehe crowd is? >> e ect. i ds it differ when you g from country to country? >> 100%. reporter: tre w w rhythm onon haha in whatannana with little
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it was after all a govern approd concert. pce o odiplomomomthths melody evyone says they want to see cubaefor chahaes. but i ihiskfnd wny intion, thchange e deay. there'aense t tt somomow ths an imptantimeee f th young cububso el connected d t wod. >> first time they are getting connected. i wawa surprpred how mukh they knewew& how cultural aware the kre given the@loade culturee reaching cuba. i thinkt's going t cnge a lot. u can't sto-- when
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can't op the flow. >> you knowhat iszizi abouts, someone whoho leader ship of the cuban gornmentntntd weave haha more changegethe e s4 twors than all ofrevivivi time. is reallyy changing. the government is stilil in cscsl and economic changeill coco f befor pitical chan, but it isp cing and people arelooding in ere. uououst everywhere hotel g gups wer comin n. @ er waiaing becau they kn there's an explosion that will take place there. you see the buildings and chitecturerend its a a a remarkable placac everyby can'n' wait to seeee the possibilities. >ou h toeel it with t t t people thahaseaaf manity, thouou. it goetototowven if you don'know the words or p, something about mus is universal. > extly.
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i like to you and diplo togegeer. ted, put o o insnagrara going to c caih mey. never thought of charlie as the homey but like it. he had a great me. grt tervie too. fun to see what is appening i i cuba the next couplefmonths. wt togo& >> i we whe happ >>houl. >> the force is strong-- >> we shoul t te thth sho to cuba, s. youould lik to ne. >>hat and potatpspsps wil get u`noin the forcrc i s s sg between a boy named luke and his dog nad jedi. a li-savg story right here. look att ,che. look at the dog gichl l u are wangbs this morn i. d d you're watching "cbs this morninin", evevy day of your allerey season... ...for ctinuous s lief with poworful, 24 hour... ..ononrowswsarin, veritin clear.
8:21 am
wavt gat w wtening without the mesu? think outside the box. colgate opopc white toothbsh pl w w wning penfor shades w wter brh,h,tete go! no g,riririg. lgatoptiwhtotoru plus whitening pen. don't let a cracked windshield ruin yr safelite. with safelite exusiv"on my way text" you' kexactly wh we'llbebehere. giging you more tite for what mattermo (t(tm sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. sh your skin could boce back like.. edeto? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to k kp p ...@,,, ...supple hydrat ...d.t.t ..fter day.ydra hlurovic acid, whup to 1000imes its s ig... ..watete is rreing watar gege.. plumps skin ces withth intetee hyhy and lololoit in. for sule, hydrated ski at bouncesack. hyhyboost... from neutrogoga.
8:23 am
-d-d you fd erytng right today? did, thk you. when you get t new &rewards card from kum & go, you'll discovevehow st the rewardrdadup t easy wawato earpoin onhe tngs you buyy so you canetoree w wt you lo more frfe fomorereeksksd moreuel ljscountnt th yse your kum & & &rards card, t more you t. stop in to get your card or downloathe appp anstt rewardrdg urself wiore totey.
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to 30s0sith h ouds along g g . ndsdararbetween 5-10 f f most witi a few breezy spots. tueswi bring g g onlyly cool temraturerewiththign thth4040dnd 505050ki wilbe partly y oudy and we will se bett chances for some light spotty shs ininnoonnd eving. wedneneay wl be similar to tuesday with evenen re limited showerhances and temps just slightly erby thuruday, condion dry out allowiwi hine andild weather to turnor t ef eetewh in thehe0s0s 70s
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d ha tclcle te5 ars. the ban fai, city counc still nt discususneregulations about where the clubs are in city.... as well as addrers c c crns at some clulu could be skirirng the rules.. dodoknigigciou as wd r st w fod th ubar longer a br yo o o, but theyre actually doing s,ch ty arcaburs the rst vo is toy at cit hall, d the fil te w wl be in o weeks. thting ieno the bl okahea a mee learn aupng construction work. it's all happening on the e northwest side of rado springng ithe ckrimmmm igigorho creware prarinto rce the bridger#ckrimmon, bebeeeeeallegheny drive and grey eagle drive. e bridge es clclg in a little more than a week. it'll take about a month to fix everything. the meetinis on thsday... starting at 5-30 aeaglevie mi schl. today. is ti
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m > > aook at...rst t t t uyuyuyal s s on s facecearim off the fielel then the guy inhe bkdrdreded it. aftetetht(playay hit the oundndn he said, nothanks,, fellll. he hobbleses off. his t%amamtes s rry him to the side and heeayss what h hpepepe there. >> that is an epic failure. >> stretcher training 101. hold the p pientntnt onhe stretche >> reporter: coming uhisi half hour, permodel lilyz aldridgee in ourur toya green roomm lookg gorgeous with a preview the sports illring special. >ted lk h h more tn a million years butut hee kwe had
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afte becoming a teege drug dealer. he takes jeff or on his missio of change following years behind bars.that aheaea timeshow you thihi rning's hehelissrom around ththglob,15% of tal fic deaths. tpat hhe hh share in 25 years. > can i say thihi is the g i'veveoticed about living new york is that pple lk at their phone and snd in th middlelef the ststet. >> andstop. astop. >>nd i really alarms. reaeaylalas me. >> yououo see it more and morer and more just walking across thestreet, t loing where t ty are. literally wh you walkn the stets today jourkko make sure you're not going to bump into sososodydyecause they@ donon kno wherehey're going.
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our kalamazooffia tt reports the teenager wounded in la nth'shooting spree will beleased frfrfhe hospital y. 14-y-yr-old abiga coughghill transfer to a rehab fility. ctors believed she w w dead bubushe squeed hererermom'shdd and shshededhe wasas alive. that's an ama momomt. the band says t last tenayayay of tour r ll be made laler thes yeaea likelelue calistst e group is suppo to orm t ts spring and susuer. "businessssnsider" rorts they're j ing og. chaionene chrisn when h h ran it for 11 yeye.
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hatelontact >p theeport a shipre off th nororarolina ast.% wasound 30 miles from wiliin. archaeolists belve i i us with a a confederate@ bloloade runner. a diving te will examinehe veel tomorroro inn a effororto identify it. t "wawainon post" pos that bromances cld lp mope with stress. they provided stres t rs and put th back in e cage togeer. they were less aggresssve and were@ b bter rward. 's likeafreshmen. portant. women do ittveryy sily, but men seems harderer it shows you howowmportant it t . absolutely. and it's changigg. >> yeah, yououe got aot of male friends. and the "san francisco chronicle" repor another
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stephon kur ststhohoho sthonen curry a d thehe warriors. at tops the marks by chicago the bulls are the last visiting team to o atathe warrior during th regular season in janua of last year. curry hitsililil shot too becoco the first playern nba histstyit 3000the-pointers in 2>t's ing. e i i host popular ted talk b b his success comesfterer a deadly mistake. he shares hisransfofoation in a newoocallet "r"rhtg m wrongs." >> three dades ago he took otheheman's life and inhe process forever changed his own. n n n spent 19 years in
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cop finememe.>> aka sangho isladd hs t the man he w. yearsgo when he was just 14 years old sanghor ran thehe troit streets.p e honoroll household stude escap thhousehold and began selling drugs. he was hit by three bubuin 1999 1990. traumatize a hardened he starard carrying a gun. ar laterere fireded that g intoto car. % youired how man shots? >> four. four fatal s sts. >> if you wewe statainggn this cornerer years agond you see that kid pull that gun out, what do you say to him?m?
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's not worth it. thth 30-sond decision i going to dtroy your lif and thehe willll a a momenthere you'lll upndou'll r that decision. >> every day. >>very day f the rest of ur fe. >> at just 19, sanghoh was.already a fathehe with anonoer child on theay and now coicted killer facingg5 y yrs >> i wt fromne broken environment, one veryy vlent volatilenvirn into another. >> sanghor s 1 years behin bar, 17 in sololre nfinement, times he describes in graphph detail writi his wront. >> in der to keep myself alive. >> amidid the sququler ofriso he fnd saltion inriri senn nenss.
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incarceration could not unther werewo persoso letts, one from the family of the mane muered t ian you tno other than theainful things you hav brought upony fafafa, i love you and i forgive you. >> t tre were times the family had forgiven you but you hadn't forgiven yourself. >> it was one of the hardest thgs t do is toorgive yoyoself for somethingngs trarac p takinsomebody's life because it't'ucuc aermanent ing. >> the second litr came from a son he n%verot to raise. mmommold m myyou're in jail. don't kill, dad, plee. at is a sin. jesus watches what youou do. pray for him. >> thaas the most devastatingng letter i ever r reived i imy lifefeut it w w also one ofhe most important letrs b bause
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thth facade o toughness, prison toughness anddot saighto my hphpt in a rlay. i had to figure out a wayo lee a legegy to him that humans are redeable and made a commitment to do that. >> senghor starteded writing a journal and eventually a fiction. in 2010 he got released. whei got that letter r om my son, i ban to write a journal. >> reporte today he spoke of a prisonusinins that leadso reretevism, nono rexebibitatiti. . >> that willoawaw wh thth ckckm m a throw a ayyy t t key mentalilili becausese it d dsn't rk >> thereas toe lifif skillss and spirial growtand memeal stimulatiothat speaks directlyy thehe pern. i'i' a firm belelver thatur human potentialo grow and t our lives arod is infitene >> reporr: h mentoto k ks
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>> i'm'mng torive t ann arbor. >>eporter:ut his ultimate focus is s&afherhood. he hasas 4-year-old w, a life he'setermid b% a a posis pa of. >> just one d d dt a time, you@ know. waking up, living eveve day wititit purpose. i feel likei've done something meaningful for that day, whatever it is, it's a successful day >>nghor is working wh the groupryininin cut thehe prisoso population i half by 2020 25. ititit c ctroversial i iue b bb one that is@ i ireasiny getting bipartisan support. >> that's a great pipie. what was it aboutut him that gave him the power? >> isis el kwans t theay he can talk aut it but in prison,itwas a discoveve of literaturerend aifferentoror and voicecece thatmpowered him he could change his own life. >> i fst heard about himim
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she sasasasa meetiti hims lifefe chananng for her. when hee said abouthe abili to cha is ininnite, the differercecee can makend is mang. >>ausesee's very hontt about everything. you can ask him about everybody and he'll tell you. he said h%'s not completelel fifid and never wilil be but he sa heududs each dayay nowow by w muchche diddnnnn thaha day. iv he did soththg pose, it's's gre day. >> and the eloquence. >> 's quite a dwit. what a goo intervieie when we come back, she went om being a tomoy t - - athis girl n -- too onene the e p supermels. lily aldridge, shs in o toyota green . we lk aur vick to ya slsv cha for spotty showers toy, mainyl w ststf the interstatetand prerey light. highs are in the 40s0snd 50s0s waer through the rest fo thweek@knd maiy dry
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he's best known for beingangel. tomorrow night she gives you a ew inn thewiwiuit ia lildridge,elk the tata thteinin i go oo thereen roo and whaha is s liste to? not kingsf bututhou a a a u listening to? >he eagles. ve theeagl. >> i expxpte you to be blasting t. let's talk abouthe swimsuit section. it's differe how? >> t victoria's secret runway showthisiss s finitely behind e scenesf ourwit tatag. you get t ee us bei sly havingub following us roughoutay. and you were int. rteeeren 's. it was absutely incredib. 's snice becse we g
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t of n aels have comom intnt foldld so it was really bding mo.. wco thehe and congratulate them. >> isn't i icaryryetng there? the flightn is terrig. it'siny propepeer plane es tal andnd k thth tnhe ee off and glide ontthee r rway. some o the girls d dn't k kw it. thth fmed eir retionn the plane which is hilario and terrifying. >> what are youoping that this special shows? >> we just wan peopl t see us as humans herere rsononities, see that we're,ounow-%%>> that you're regulur gigi >> we're regularirls. am i whoho am >> tho looooike regul girls. >> we'reaking selfies. w w wre talking backstage with your glamm suad. one of your guys say people dot understand allk
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we do a lot of wk but we're so essed. i thank god ery day for my job. it's an amaziziob and i'mogrgrul. m so hon to tttf tiove thth special. it's reay fun. >>ll morning l we we yi wer a tomboy. y wen from@ t#t boy- pd sces. ught ioing t ben the u.s. scereaea but somehow i becameme model. >>oueree discoverere a 14 where. >> i i i i imy schchl carninil and the woman ttiscored mewas a mom wit hers and shad a as vovy andnd nurturing, you@u knowow itidn't t anynying-as lucky they m m such a lovy woma mos playboy. >> playmate, yes.
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y wanheto g ts line of work dixie pear >> she's 3 1/2. she's intoingeaintg andnd ey andtu likshe can do whater she wantnt >>s a member of taylor'sirl sqd, i'm dyingngo knoww w`at he ought? did youlnd say, what the hellr that's kye beieianyeye or wt happened? >> i think anything -- i think at peoe everywhere should lift each ototr up and empower each o oer i evere asp of fe, so i thinkthat, you know, e wod shut weent d hngh ouotot tivi. >> that' a good answer. >> thahas a very gd er but wha did youou all y? >>e e -- i'm just kidding. >> bayswaned we she b a gd girlfrien >> she's sucn amazing won, veryracious, very
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li shepit uslloo brtfs@ mus eafafa hero thankeveryone, gave us all awards. shs veve gracious. >> shehe a gre. noanave be to hcoerts.we'v'vbeeno three. arlie loves her t. >>ow c you not. >> exaly right. >> and h can we not love you erer >> thank y y. >> a you goio be wchin thswit ial? >>'mchinite're watching i itogeer. >> and pizza d. s. tnaou,uyi.i. you watat it wit there's something totoe said r explorinthe ouou. foekekouthe w;
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& hello. we areretartg out in the 2 2 30sitoudsdsd blononin25. . nds arbetwtwn 5-10 for most wiwi a few breezy spots. . day will ing seasasabab cool temperatures with h ghs in t t4040and 50s. skiki will be ptly cl ananwel see better chanceses for some light spotty showers in the afternoon and evening. wedsday will be similar t# tuesday with en more limiteteshower chances and tejust slighghy \ rmer. by thursy, condititis dry out allowing sunshine a mild weather to return for t end of the rk week. mild temps s highs in the 60s and 70s
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other ingful moistste chance the next 7- dadada ppening now..... man is suspecec abu twiwi lers hwas s bying. the two-year-olds wewe flowno sunshine and mild weather retutu f f t t end of the rk wewe. mild tememitghs in the 60s s d 70s contin ttough the weekendno otheb% aningful moioiure chances un the ne 7- days happeneng g g is suspected of abung twin toddlers he e s babatting. the exo-year-olds were flo to
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thweekene. 21-ar-old j jriri sandoval is facing child abuschges. / according to the arrest papers, thehgrandmototr of t t ildren took k e of tt childreno the e-r in puebl stecause shehoug thehechd wawasick dos fod d lile b bises a oken leg, , d bleeding on thkidney and brara. / / en officece went to investigate at aphomehey found the other toddler, a twin, with brurues. that childldad a bruised lung aneedidi on the brain. /# s svol isisiso accused ofsualalng t mother of ththe chil lseptber. he wasn't arrereed for that crime until this weekend. looking ahead... a warning for people prereririo tr t ts montnt t-s-a is warng everyone e expect longer lines at the airport. as the agencyepes fororor mimiions of springak travelers. the n nber of paen iupupupan seven percent compared to th time last yeat. the t-s-a is advisi flyerso get the airport tra early. happpping g da.. the futureref recreatitialalal marijuana clubs sb on n e table for cici leadede in lorado sprgs. over a series of up-coming
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could vote to o cannnnus clcls, meang existing clubs s woulhaveo clcle after years. if t t ban fails, city cououil still wants to discuss new regulations about where e e clcls a2e in theit as a a cononrnthat so cbs inthe rules. don knight, city council "" we did ouudy, we found outhathe clubs are no longer a bring your n,nb they are actuauay dosa whh ey a a call rerebursesents.s the first vote is todaat cit ll, and the final vote will be in two o eks.
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