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tv   11 News at 530PM  CBS  March 8, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm MST

5:30 pm
you've eeethe crews s w w w wand the signs starng o up, but now major r ange a busy interchange could seously affect your commute. we're talking about`tht cimaon d i-i- hange e ar downtown n lorado springs. that's where 11 neneeportrr dustuzuzk jojos us liviv duin, what can dririrsxpect toee? ovov the next co of f eks s they can expectoto see e workrkhat's been foced off the eewa here fororhe lasyear, to movonon i-25 and cimaon. arting sunununnight t iver can n pect to o o lananancsures oveveveveven i-25ststting w wh && southbouou sidid the e osures will be from 9 p- to 5 a-m. the speed limit through the area witltlrop om 65 5 to5 whilthe lanes are e - - -0 striped to prer future work... those lanes will also get nrowe this is phase one ef the 113-miioiodollararar project.
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will be cimarror g stund into dowowown coings t n%nt co of wewes will drop dotn t tlanel d that cou lacfomomohs. drdrers i l lko e ncnene becccaleriveve "thth is goinate seseous, s trafafafisisisi i i evev nonototoentiononcacaing trtrtrc gto the de etrtststsrereururhildldn playerererrrchchdren hd` oss the streeteto go to sc. i think dangs there arararing be quititit rriffic." officials c-dot say thehe rnrnive to droppinin maon d dto one lanan was just s stttng it down altltethe therea for up to o days. ey s sf ututugh h the ea, it's a a a a good idea to plan an alternate route, or plan some extra time r thththrseeable future.
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cuzizi, kktv 1news. anksustin. ofofcis say the project@isishe largest of i is kindndn n uthern corarara right now it's on time and on dget, s%t totoe mpmpte in 2018 8 we w wt to get to yoururirst cast with cheif f meteorologist ian bledsoe. mperat areren the 40s and 50s this afternoon with a aighthtreeze. the
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eing mixed shohers right now and the coninental divide. .8midity is higher tha days in the firereger r decreasing for now. eratures w w chiy rough the evening. right t w, c cy council is hearing public comment aboul avovon a popoible b on
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after ththpublicicment, c ty council wiill havevehe firir te. ththfifil vote is expected to be a couple of weeks s omomow. if the ban passes, existing clubs would have to close ter 5 years. if it ils,s,he council will still dididis new w regulations about where the e clubububulbe l/lated in the cityty we wilhaha more on that vote comi up on 11 1 ws at 30. we h h han 1call f action n alert.t. people trying to scam ototrs i nothing new, but lorado springsgstilities is wningngng oooooo gettiti more clever. the compahy tells s they've goen seveval rererts of people spoofing their numbmbmbmaki it appepe to be a gititeteal /t typ of calls include askiki customers to o mediaty y forvec or ha i ibe disconnectedhe ulitieses company thell nerquir cuete e e paents with a editar /# youto fyfy call, tomay you cacallllhem atat48- 7800 denv is s rking to clear outut hoholess cath havbeen popng up around shelrs.
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hazard. denver has been trying for months to get the e ople liling in ththcampspto me into shelte. people won't be rcrc out, but tif belgingng wiwi be put in sto lorara sprinin has been awarded for being "age iendndnd / the a-a-r-p recognizes the springs as an n e friendly city bebeuse of f f walkle streets, , affordableleousingngnd /# services f/feople as they age. the e a-p handed the awardrdrdrd mamar suther today. denverernd fororcollllllare e e otr colorado cities thahawere chosen. it's back open now, but the rere-70 where a rockslsle e ppened a cououe e e e weweago was closed f j bore of the day for repairs. is ie 17 miles stretch near rlenwd rings. day a helicocoeras used to rockfall nettjngt the site of thehehehe. crcrs also didore e ad repairs. the slide caused a lot of damage,ut thankfullno inriri. a scary nighfor four snowowobilers ter they gotot straed i icolorado's bkc
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comi up on 11 ws at 5:30, w w eye e d and how they were able toururve the winte snowoormrm but fifit. wed u about this house fi from over theweekend. we know there was a marijuana grow i iide ththhome. w fireghghrs sused e fire now lets get over to j jes brownwn for a a eck k your evening g commmmm- i-2om cimarrorost. to fofoanaro slslsng in that qrea in bluffs pkwya rollov crash 5 south s.cadede blvd. pect morate backups. and sb murray blvd two lanes clos betweeny rdrdrd womack. mitethh tomo thaha av h hto denver. 50 minutes t tpueblo.
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to traffic watch oour web channel at jam brow11 n ns s affic watch. you're watchinihkktv 1 1nenu withthiannnndedededeon war chief meteororogisbrian bpedsouo s s sararwoh thth
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5:39 pm
we now know what caused a house e re in n lorara sgs ove the weekend. it staed saturday morning on ssen d dve onhe seast side of the cici urns out, there was a marijuanangrow iide the home. . the overloaded electrical l stem sparkethe fire. the were about 25 marijuana anan iide thho. about 65 thousd dollars worth
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baom sasaon. wrereueueomomno stor g gnd cy.y. our ster staon in deer w w the when the men came out of the trailheahey gogolost in thth and t snono seacch crews fear the wststthe grorp wawasnowmobiling i ian area known r dely atatahes. after pingg thr cell phonos theyeyerfoun got t toomheavy valleys. had to go u u ver rhxtgege at was a good ride! got a little too tck in the trees, got a little totodark and we jt had to stop sosowhere. the e oup was preparar with a survivalalitlt thewere able to build a fire and all emncy shelter. r ththiriryear in a row we are helping st. jude children's hospital give ay a ho. co-chor don w wd is in memphis, tness. he's showing ahohoportant the resesece is e spspal. i i nnnnshow you something a a the reseaechter here at st de. this is a bustf dannnnomom. e e tertainer who undest
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hospital it cost aut 300 thound a y yr to operate nowow ititmore t tn 2 million dolllls a a to r r jude chililens s itit foror all e kidi tatme a rear that goes on here on a daily basis it ves lives around the country and arou the world. thats w w its so iimptant if possib to help by buyg a a ckck to n a house tickets go on sale twtweks from tomomrow rch 23 u mit yowillp dine welll send ititack toou reporting at st jude n ward kktv 11 news s thanks don.
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5:44 pm
temperatates are cler today
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tempures are cooleday t whenill wewewe wm up? anisisherererereri dananr onoh the y? d dlsomg up. now, from the 11 breaking weather cent, ch meteorologogt brbrn edsoe. tuesday will bring seasonably cool mperatures with highs ininhe 4040and 50s.kiesill
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ttererhanc fororomeplight sp shohors in n the e ternoon and evening.g.est chances wille west o oi-25 is afternoon. .&esday will bebeimilar to tuesdayith isolated shower or o. expect slightly warmer temperataresby thursday,y, cocoitions dry out allllllll nshihi and mild wther to return fororhe end ofofhe wororwe the weekend looks mainly d and
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turdrdight into sund morning, but our aftererers arer looking dry. highs w wl ay in the 606 and 70s. u uilget some appreciable moisture, each day ats windy wi b ba highghire nger day. plea payattentn to the forecast a&a do not burnrn anything on the windy or even breezy dayay take a look k theheewest family member welcocod to the denver%zoo. . bybyorilla w w born in february, but she ready
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even breeee days take a l lk at the newest familyly member wd toto the deer zoo. a ba gorilla was born in february,`but t e is reaea to mamaer public debut. little whimsie a is the fifth weweern lowland gorilla a be bornt the denver zoo. yesterday peyton manning ti.. today... a handful of other the team... somemey choice. others b bthe e bponcos cicion... tellououboututome of roer mes comomg up next... . rockies hahabee problem toy sprin trainingshowowou howowaffe t game, coming up nextn ... the negotiatininperiod for free e
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5:50 pm
we had real people make eirrown pizzas.. they chosesehe i i idien theynted. i li the freshough. whwh bha? at a filrs? you u ysust mama your pizz the w w i make my pizza. no ingredients that t t can't pronoue and no artificial flavors. and we're proud tonnounce get any rge e zza up to 5-toppings
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ththnegotiating pepeod for free agenn the nfl l gan yesterday... bubuwe didn't heny major rumbmbngs rroundinons players... maybybout ofofreect for peyton mning's retirement??? cause toto.. suddenen... theregs a whole lotta movement regininng with defensive lineman malik jajason... he has been a top priorityor the broncos since the season ended... the broncos made an innial fer tois agents s thehefl combini two weeks ago...utodidid. jackn le it be known that he g to sign w wh the jacksonville jaguars tomo with h al that is t theroncosriri rae.e.e. portrtpupue deal at million for six years. ararnd 40-milln of that in arteteteonon... so jacacon i igone.. and it souououlikekeny
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trevathan is closing in on a fourureadede or loloer with h epchicico bears... tervavhaha whohoou bebreuintnt with head coach jojo fox, led the e oncos in tackles in two of the last vhe seasass... soso are leaeangnghe broncos b b oice... . others arere senenaway... to cree more cap spaceo cos can make some momos s free agency... today. he e e ththe play frfr theroncos active rostst... maybe the biggest surprise of the cuts is tight end d en danieiu who has spent his entire caer with gary kubiak. he had twoeans left on his cococt... he has played 10 seasons injththth l... == the broncos also are partingng ys with pro-bowlwluauauauaua vasquez.z.z. vasquejoined the broncos bebere the 2013 on and had one yeareft t his sontract.t. == the third ayer cut long snsnper aaron erer. heheasundrdfd frfrfrgentnt signed by denver in 2012... he had three yrsrseft on h h contntct... overal..he moves fr up nearly.5 mon i ryap spa....
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became available wh peytonananng's'setirement... asasprinapapoaches, what comes to mind? fome. the e rst thing i asascie e season wititis the stararof b beball on... that... anbe, of course.e.e. ... maybnot.t. butn today's spspng traing day between the cks ananthe royals. there was a bit of a a bee problem.m. bees swarmed ar the e op whi caud d a few roro of fansnso heador ths...n theyet up shop right neo the rols dugououo. amaminglgln. tre was a retired bee kekeer in thstands watchinghe gamwho ca dn and saved e y. not a greaeay f/r ththroroie ough... onlytwo runsn four hits.s.hey lolo to the rols 3- -(.. the mountainest t men'n' sketballrnament t ntinued today wi 2d nkededoloriror state e ci san diego state... === elin gustavsson was dominant today... she had a game gh 21 ints and sevev rebous... ananc-s-u advanc t tthe
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11 news at 6:30. this veo of a rescue caught came is goininvivil. it's car w fire wi twowowos in thatat when n officererakak a quicactionon d the cif lolodo sprprgs his s neke anner? at she'll l doing and hiw muchhe'lbe m mnig. that's tonight on 11 news at 6:30. and d member kktv 11 2ews your breaking newseader.
5:58 pm
ouounuxt newsct is at 6:30 om sony pictes s sdios, it's america's game! wheel... of...
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pat sajak and vanna white! hey there! howa doin'? thank yo jim th was jijijhornton. he's announcer.. thank you. appreciate that. have a swell show. i'll see you later, okay applause ] hi! sosoou're here,ehu all right, get ready. , it's "toss up" tim the old corral. "whayoyidoing?" is the'sth $ $0000 rerego. [ bell chimes ] lee. chng out.x s, sir. cheers and aus] ain.n. camemell t t way om tuscaloa, aba, here. that's a long way. it is. i'm glayou -- have you been out here before? have, not to l.a , i hope you'rhaving a good time. an emergency room nursee baba in alabama? yes, sir, i'm a registered nurse. i maly w wk in the ergency r rm th a lot of goodofriends.
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and, uh, we're both really eitit aboututhat. pr milies ay cited. d we'v'vw a new addition the familyyy ming in pret sn. all right. good r r l thth.nice to have youere, lee. thank you. good luck to y.. than, pat. michellehoare you? ing ll michelle bil, , ght? s. is from m m fgo, noh dakota. , marrie marrrrd fo7 1/2 afs t' w my husband. mmmmmm. ye. threreildren. txree e ildrdrdr- stepdahter laure who's 1 jason, w's 8 8 and d yest,axwell just turne6 yesterday. and u're in the -- with a wealth m m mement t mp yes. cenassociatat so i wo for a ctionaadviser. ay, well, gladadou're here, anani hope y win lolo moneyey. thank k u, pat ...speaking g finananan you,oo, anna. hihi badadununs from raraho s sta m mgarita, californrn. yes, siri am. it just unds le a nice place. it's a mouful. just saying it sounds nice. uh, talk aboutour family. i am married to my incredie husband, daniel, fofofour yrs now. have threchililen together -- our daughter trinity, , o's 9,


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