tv Politics Now CBS December 20, 2015 5:30pm-6:00pm PST
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candidates hopes. >> from 8 news now, this is "politics now" with steve sebelius and patrick walker. >> the legislation approves thes deal saturday. that's for joining us. i'm steve sebelius.c >> i'm patrick walker. infrastructure. >> sith down with mayor john lee to talk about it. take a listen.all >> it's a victory for you, a big pe victory for you and your citycit but you personally as well. >> the city a beneficialry of the region. those are the people that will actually participate in the success of the valley. opportunities, jobs, schools, so many things this will give to the region.
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share it. we appreciate that and helping with the production. >> make a difference in terms of pulling north las vegas back from the brink.tio because of decisions made before you were mayor ready to go into bankruptcy. that's a different picture.l: >> it does. and wasn't just because of poor management, just a perfect storm for north las vegas and so with that age to dust off the pieces and say okay what are the assetsfr and how can we move forward? the unions came forward. we were able to work the gas j situation. it's been a lot of, many that have got us there. >> those who would like tost pretend north las vegas had a nothing to do with it.n' >> that's driving me crazy.nk i know you don't want to pointing pictures. a happy day for
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i'm fine with that. anybody that did anything to t benefit the process is my friend. they havet: success.hos >> was there a point where you felt it might still go south?ad >> yes, of course, because any time you get a bill to thet w legislature it no longer belongsna to you but belongs to the state of nevada and different people in leadership, different parts of the state, different opportunities that we've been able to go because of it. that worked for us, too. and the perfect bill. yet again i will say after serving in the legislature i can't think of a better place i would like north las vegas's situation discussed.
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everybody gets a feeling on everything, all the matter can come forward and i would rather be here than a court of law. >> we heard during the process over the last couple of months disparaging remarks about north las vegas. we can't trust them with this project. they might go under at any time. therefore apex needs to go to the county or different controls and aspects of it, you need to deal with it. >> those are people with no backs. they want to pound their chest anan be predictors of gloom. no reality of what's going on. they may be intelligent in the community. i don't go out. >> you had a weak hand. you played it well. because of the perception of where north las vegas was people thought they could take advantage of.
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i'll be in great shape october, november, we'll see this whole town is different. they've come up things are moving in great speed. we're moving faster and if you want to consider all the other cities, stockton, we are destroying the numbers they are putting out now. we don't run our city like the local government does. he board of directors was our directors i should say, our c.f.o., our city manager, everyone who works in the city has taken this and we'll run this like a business and protect it and protect the jobs of the employees that work there offering the benefits to residents. we are one team now, the numbers we've seen tossed around. the projections these folks share are staggering.
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years, direct benefits. half a trillion something like that. >> those numbers once again i won't sit here one day and say i told you. i will say the fantastic opportunity to come into our region is bigger. so once again will shift the discussion out of wall street vegas is. this isn't just for us, the whole state of nevada we'll be seen, a busy friendlyhow environment. >> you'll see shovels ino thef ground this week before the start of the new year.e se and i were up there, we talkeder to the players involved in this. is he overselling this? how much of a game changer is this? >> if the project goes as planned a huge game changer and the mayor trying to put a happy face on it.
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they didn't want the water authority up there and theyg t didn't want city coffers on the hook. if infrastructure weren't paid off they didn't get everything they wanted. he's very happy about the legislation that passed but if they had their way it would have been different. >> we thought this was going toeop pass thursday night. it didn't pat until last night. always hang-ups and tick cups and tains longer than you think it will. the mechanics takes forever. >> the deal that got done. >> north las vegas's role in.) recruiting) tesla to nevada. >> early on until they realized that there's enough breadcrumbs people could figure out to findh out how the process started.
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> ((steve sebelius)) > a debate over the language surrounding ris p e now." >> a nd debate over the language over the water rights. >> in the end it all worked outnta but mining and gaming had to be la exempt so they couldn't take advantage of the tax incentivest as: well. the i-team sat down with north las vegas mayor john lee and asked about the water fight. >> language concerned because of rural lawmakers because of what it might mean. have you seen that language before? it appeared there. >> it was in the bill and i'm e not then analytical statistician. the super water basin, i understand a little bit about water but those are deeper th
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state water engineer and iy understand water is for fightingl in nevada and i didn't expect ito to morph to this level but i. understand the consequences about doing something right inf legislation. i think it'seb been wise weble discussed it. >> a matter of a power play of some sort,d something over you guys? >> once get not over you guys but over the asset. everybody wants north las vegas to win. nobody wants it to go under. when you have an asset that is so valuable. billions of dollars it sparks interest and intensity. that. hire me to do these things and put themselves in position that they have a better team. they don't, we are bright or north las vegas now. >> you started this process. faraday.
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almost like there are those at the state that want to pretend you had nothing to do with it. >> early on until they realize there was enough breadcrumbs people could figure out how the process started and, yes, with we did. put it in a box. put a bow, put the wrapper around it but couldn't put a bow on the box with. had to come to the governor and say we have a great opportunity here for nevada and to go on the record, governor sandoval has been excellent. the most progressive business leader we've seen in state government. i'm impressed impressed with him. >> has there come a point where you had to say get the hell out of my office at any time where somebody wasn't trying to impose a demand and take advantage of the position you found unacceptable?
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thought they had all the cards. yes, there are times when maybe i haven't acted as professional as i'd like to but then again do i follow the norm is what people expect or use my business instincts to make things better? i work for the residents of north las vegas. those are my bosses and i think they are being cheated, persuaded or lied to so yes, time i had to stand up. >> you know, it will be interest if this continues to hear more and more about what happened and one more last-minute sprays popping up, steve, a resolution about the education savings account. we heard rumblings. >> that's talk of a bill to remove the 100 day rule before students can enroll in the program.rso the government rejected that outnev
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>> senate majority leader requested a resolution saying the legislature never intended that for military families or under age 7. w maybe even if this ends up in court. >> very interesting. that statement of intent but just that, it wasn't a bill. and controversial whether they could do it. they don't need the governor's signature. >> is it corporate welfare orfo the way of the future?f >> it doesn't get cash like people think. we can't afford it. our face-off panel on whether
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i had a chance to sit down with thet architect one of them from the faraday future deal and one of the main critics. this week's face-off. >> thank you for joining us. i want to start with you. why is this a bad deal when you look at the bills going through in. >> it comes down to this. governments shouldn't pick winners and losers in the economy. we shouldn't be subsidizing a foreign billionaire to build a car plant. small businesses create 15,000 jobs every year. they don't get tax breaks. they'll have to pay more for 4500 jobs every 20 years. >> when we come back to you the second touch deal we've seen. why is this a good idea? >> often suppliers of bigger companies and the other thing is this is capitalism. if you don't do this another
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if the boards don't get these deals they get turned over. this is how capitalism is working. if you use these deals you are reliant on tourism. >> we are talking about faraday. how much can the state afford to do? >> you can afford to do many more faradays because it is cheap. residents come here to live here and participate in the economy that way than is owed in any way in the relief to affair day. doesn't get a big bag of cash. what it gets is relief of taxes. meantime employs all the folks who pay taxes and participate in the economy and larger gdp output and manufacturing which we don't have. >> to that, what would you say? >> the key point here.
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me? >> how many more of these deals can you do. >> when you look at small businesses the largest tax increase in history. we can't afford it. the legislature was telling small business owners you have to pay more. now saying we have to give hundreds and millions away. they'll come back in two years and say we need more tax money from small businesses but at the same time corporate handouts to the businesses. ar >> where we'll have to leave it. thank you for taking the time to join coming next an argument over immigration. >> supporting people in this countryi illegally? >> the accusation marko rubo anda
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republicans gather gathered for another presidential debate. >> several connecticuts --ou candidates going on the attack. donaldis trump complained once again about media coverage. >> if you think this is tough --h t >> dealing with terrorism. this isw. a tough business.el >> you're a tough guy, jeb. >> perhaps surprisingly bush wasmp the only candidate to confront trump during the debate. he did it to help his flagging campaign and one of the most energetic performances for ao long time but may be too lateelf for him to emerge from the back of the camp.s n >> he tried to paint trump. >> bush has more experience ince government than donald trump but
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where experience counts against you. >> senator ted cruz rising in polls and marko rubo over theth future of workers and nationali security. fi >> you support legalizing people." who are in this country illegally. >> i led theavi fight. >> i told vote0s in texas ien, would oppose the government having the opportunity to detain citizens with no due process. >> you're an american process and you join up with isis we'reuz not going to read you your rights. >> rubio used as a club by other candidates. how did they come off on this battle? >> that bill isa controversialna when they introduced it. it did get bipatterson support. cruise's explanation he was trying to kill that bill with theuz amendment.
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rubie off his back with this one. >> and now cruz has the most momentum or he did. did his performance do anythingso to help or hurt momentum? >> he didn't do anything to hurtpe himself in this debate. he's rising in the polls very careful about what he says andat refusede to attack donald trump ba the front you runner. >> 24 hours after the debate ben carson back on the campaign trail. at cesar's policy where theyce. talked about the budget and touting his plan to eliminate departments of education and promise which hek w says saved the country ca $100 billion.. across the street from the venetian dr. scar r carson spoke to a group of women saying everybody is welcome as long as they are willing to assimilate. dr. carson did not talk abouthe' his debate performance, however.
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help his campaign very much. very calm and low key. you saw him a couple weeks ago. he said he was suffering suffering from a cold during the las vegas debate and may have hurt him. hopefully he got some soup democrats faced off. the controversy in what some ofrte the staffers from hillary clinton's campaign in a shared democratic database. >> i want to apologize to my supporters. this is not the type of campaignc that wea run. >> it was a democracy debate,d one republican featured prominently in the proceedings. recruiter. >> somebody like a trump comes along and says i know the answers.
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are criminals and rapists. >> referring here to donald trump. the doppelganger here his name was mentioned more than eachbut other's name during the debate.ta the last debate of the year as candidates take a break. don't look for it to last too long. the caucus takes place february 1 and february 20. because we are under that 100 day mark you are expecting to see things ramping up. trying to make head weigh in the last debate of the year do you think it was an aggressive enough debate with the points made? a different with only three candidates out there. >> absolutely. it was on saturday night and viewership is not high. for those who did view it, you were treated to a bunch of things for example coming back from a commercial and only two of the candidates there and starting the debate asking
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just walks out, goes to the podium, sorry, here i am. i'm back. >> that was an amazing moment. the arguments between the candidates over the issue of should we pursue regime change in syria. take assad now and go after isis or should we concentrate on isis first. that's what benno sanders said. hillary clinton said no, we've got to do both. >> over a month now until we look at that first caucus. martin o'malley does he stay until then? >> he'll stay in the race until then. i don't see them sustain much longer. he's not getting the numbers that the other two candidates are getting. >> keeping an eye on that. thank you for watching "politics now." if you have d questions, comments or suggestions send us anon e-mail.w. >> stay up to date with us online every sunday on your
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everybody. >> the democrats debate who would best defend the nation as our new poll brings good news for cruz and clinton in iowa, trump and sanders in new hampshire. a bomb scare diverts an air france flight. officials call it a hoax but does it expose a real threat to airline security? >> the concerning part for me is the household timer, what does that look like, how big of a timer is it? >> an olympic skier saved from serious injury but an air bag on his chest. and changing breakfast tastes,
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