tv Face the Nation CBS January 4, 2016 1:35am-2:05am PST
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>> dickerson: we're joined by ruth marcus of the "washington post." national review r,ihan salam. molly ball of "the atlantic" and jonathan martin of the "new york times." molly, pick up with we left off with donald trump. there's this theory that less than a month away from voting. it will get more substantive, start to think about them in the oval office is that right? >> it sound like wishful thinking on the part of the republican establishment which has been chasing it's own tail for months about this trump phenomenon. it had to be the other guy then we've all got to get together. that didn't work. there's sort of collective action problem on the part of the other candidates now we seem to move to this wishful thinking phase where, voters are just
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wake up from this bad dream we've all been having. and you know, i'll believe it when i see it. but most, actually all productions about inevitable decline of trump have fallen short. i don't know if anyone pointed this out he said he's leading in iowa it's not true. all of the more recent polls do have ted cruz up in iowa. so there is a corollary to the wishful thinking that says when he alluded to before, won't seem like winner any more, sort of deflate the balloon, everybody will just peel away. that's a possibility, but what i heard in that interview that was new to me, he's going after ted cruz. >> dickerson: on immigration. >> they haved that this very ostentatious love fest the two of them so far. practically hugging. now you hear trump actually fighting an attack, interestingly we're ending the year where started his campaign with immigration. he has a point. >> it never would have come up
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>> that's been his challenge. cruz in iowa in december. he actually started down that road. but he couldn't keep it up because problem is that cruz is nice to him. so hard -- so hard for trump to target somebody who is nice to him. cruz figured that out long ago. so, his approach has been very short, you hug him really close. >> if you look at the republican party, if you look at the elite side fundamentally you have these libertarian instincts. what donald trump has demonstrated is that this libertarianism does not run very deep with actual republican voters. not very deep at all. what ted cruz has done, you see this actually in the funt raising what he's done he's managed to get some of that libertarian business class wall street republican support. while also getting the populous national support, bit of that, that also means you get small donors as well as big donors.
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trump, however, to me what he's done whether or not, i have no idea, honestly, whether or not he wins he's demonstrated that that libertarianism, cutting taxes all of this stuff doesn't actually matter to real life republican voters. 40% of republican voters say that they want upper income taxpayers to pay higher taxes. whoever do you see in republican primary come out of this. i'm going to leave the top rate alone focus on middle class tax cuts. marco rubio has flirted with this idea without really pursuing it aggressively because he, too, has that straddle. these keep both sides of the party happy but what trump is demonstrated that there's this whole other lane for republicans to pursue. this populous, national lane that is very potent. >> with trump, it is. but he's demonstrating that there's a market for that, if someone can sell that, cruz is
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libertarian. >> that's the portion of cruz's support that i don't think trump gets because cruz -- trump actually sort of going after cruz on religion thing which is very weird and a little bit race baby because he's cuban can't be shore an evangelical that is the portion, especially iowa electorate is accessible to trump. you don't him trying to speak. >> dickerson: ruth, let me ask you about this frack cuss between hillary clinton/bill clinton and donald trump. they got back and forth saying he was sectionist. if you want to have conversation about how do you think that works out, you were quoted favorably by some people as having said this was fair game. >> i do think it's fair game. to talk about bill clinton for two reasons. one is hillary clinton attacked donald trump appropriately and correctly for sectionist remarks which -- sexist remarks of which
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bill clinton's record with women then becomes fair game. she also has designated him as her surrogate in chief will be out on the campaign trail this week. she does both of those things, attacks trumps for sex u.k.ism picks bill clinton as surrogate, i'm not talking about extra hair marital affairs, his conduct, but it's inappropriate with women including in the oval office. that becomes fair for trump. whether it affects any voters that's a different question. i think it's smart for trump to raise in primary campaign, there are no republican voters who are going to be offended by this. in a general election campaign much dicier topic. >> dickerson: does this work in the general election or just a brush-back pitch. in other words, signal to hillary clinton that if she doesn't want this to be talked about she should stop attacking. >> i'd be very surprised if the nominee was trump in that
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>> dickerson: in 191998 they went behalf tore bill clinton had a bad year. >> a blow back. >> he does have point when he talks about how she's pandering to women. we do her leaning into sort of feminism as identity politics. she didn't in 2008 in way that was seen as damaging and dangerous in 2008 she had to be margaret thatcher, had to be tough, had to be genderless. this time around very different campaign. she's talking very openly about being the first woman president as an asset of her campaign, something she wants to accomplish. >> i do think that, number one, he has a point in pointing that out. some people may be offended by it, some may not. number two, ruth is right if hillary is going to say that the things that bill clinton did that are ordered -- regarded positively are -- but that's ridiculous, it is fair game. >> dickerson: broaden this out
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field. we've got donald trump. we've talked a lot about him. what do the other candidates do to make some inroads, to make a claim to win the nomination? >> it's going to be very regionally specific at this point i imagine. as you guys all know, in new hampshire you have a particular quirky race in which chris christie is doing very well. completely invisible in the rest of the country but doing well there. it's all this jockeying for third place, this idea that jeb bush needs to get into third in iowa, to be viable going forward. i would say that over the kind of medium term, what matters is, who is accessible to everyone. as guys get knocked out, is someone finally said something sufficiently outrageous that's why marco rubio has been pretty under whelming, that's why he's still lurking and people still think of him as one of the big three, trump, cruz, rubio, because he is more or less find
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can him accessible. but then also people otherwise cruz fans, he's basically conservative, made this one huge mistake on immigration from their perspective. but that i think is going to matter more, also this could be a race in which actually one can preserve one's liability after not having done well in the first two or three primaries it seems like -- >> dickerson: the terrorist video and donald trump's role. it seems to me that if we go back to this notion, molly called it wishful thinking that voters start to look at the candidates as president. this is a case somebody would say, where donald trump's mouth had real consequences. do you think there's any strength in that argument that anybody can use this against trump this video, the fact he was used in a terrorist video that that has any resistance or just another when trump supporters won't mind. >> i am tempted to ebb gauge in wishful thinking. the consequences of trump's outrageous statements of which we could go on for three more
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hours, don't seem to be affecting his support among voters. so it's hard for me to see that this one does. at the same time, i have been waiting to see, hoping to see the electability moment happen among voters. you hear that in past psych frills voters particularly in new hampshire. where they -- republican voters ought to be saying, it's our turn we need the white house back. i ought to be looking and saying, he is not going to get us. >> raise that against trump. but you will hear in the coming weeks, on january 3, looking at a primary where donald trump -- becomes nominee plausible. >> dickerson: in general election or -- >> the primaries. just don't know what is going to happen. just don't know what is going to happen. i think we have to basically acknowledge that. that this is a very uncertain territory we're entering but
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what is striking is that nobody is even confronting the front runner. if you believe it's trump, molly mentioned this, where is the money against him? he has not been touched at all. >> howard dean in 2004 was widely seen as a disaster, as george w. bush, the democratic establishment rallied. you don't see anything like this, which makes this a different kind of race. and i think that's in part because as molly pointed out lot of folks within establishment are skeptical that his folks will show up. also because they don't want to get -- they know that he hits back hard. end result is to have this guy less than -- in iowa completely untouched. >> i think, jonathan talked about something important which is the dog that hasn't barked this campaign. supposed to be all about money, supposed to be all about super pacs, jeb bush has spent like $50 million --
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but really remarkable how little impact money has had. >> a little negative on the nontrump. in other words, if everybody else attacking each other. speaking of money have to talk about the democrats. bernie sanders put out this interesting quote, molly when he released this, he had very good strong number and at the end he says, he's talking about -- quote, incredibly the vast majority of all the money we've raised comes from small donor contribution, you won't see that from our opponent. i don't go around asking handful of million areas and billionaires for big checks and call it a day. that's right at hillary clinton about money is that effective? >> i think it's very effective. if you're on the trail with bernie sanders and he starts to rail against citizens united, it is very much at the heart of his candidacy, complaint about money and politics. interestingly, trump echos him a little bit there because i do think this is bipartisan phenomenon the anger at money
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so, yes, it's very -- $33 million versus $55 for hillary clinton this is her holding fundraisers multiple times a day, he has held i believe one. that is really remarkable. it tells you that, i don't think bernie sanders is likely to win this democratic primary but he would have made huge impact had a huge voice by proving that there street liberal ground women out there. proving that there's a segment of the democratic party that wants to hear things that he is saying, he's already forced hillary to the left on issues. but more than that i think he's telling us something about this national mood and what voters are concerned about. >> imagine if bernie were more charismatic. you think about that amount of money that americans spend on pants, it's not that impressive. i think as a surprised he didn't raise more money, only idea all small donors, how amazing is that that is why he's so weak. go back to ted cruz, from big
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donors and small donors. jeb bush only from big guys r guys. you want to have that balance, even hillary clinton is under whelming she at least is able to connect, maybe willing to write her $20 check as well as the rich guys in dc and l.a. i think that is why bernie ultimately -- any candidate in that lane was going to raise a fair bit of money. >> it had an impact -- dickerson: we'll have to cut you off there.
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we'll be right back. >> dickerson: tom donilon and cbs news national security contributor michael morell. the newts with you, the -- the news with you, attacks saudi arabia executed a cleric who had been critical of the sunni treatment of shiites. what's the significance of this? >> couple of things. one reaction was predicted and predictable. two, at the same time the united states seeking to lower tensions in the region in pursuit of effort against isis and political process in syria that raises tension. three, i think it reflects couple of things. it's one of the key conflicts in
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the reflects i think how saudi arabia sees the threat both internally to saudi arabia and kingdom also externally. it needs to be said that iran is a principle force for destabilization in the region. iran looks around what saudi arabia looks around see what iran is doing in beirut and damascus and baghdad feels i think threat. also reflects as competition for influence in the region between saudi arabia and iran. it's increase intentions at time when united states trying to decrease tensions you are pursuit of major policy objectives. >> i wound add that the iranians in this case act the responsibly. the police showed up very quickly, made a number of arrests. i hope the iraqi government acts as responsibly. the saudis just last week opened up embassy in baghdad f first time in 25 years i hope this doesn't reverse that. >> dickerson: stay in iraq. ramadi has been retain or
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why is that so important, retain from isis which took it in may. why is that important? >> it's important for two reasons, john. the first is, what was taken from isis and second is who took it. what was taken, this was strategically significant city. largest city in anbar province, the capital where the sunnis in iraq live. on the strategic road to syria, on the strategic highway to jordan. 70 miles from baghdad, an embarrassment to the iraqi government when they lost it seven months ago. what was taken is of significance. who took it, all of the games to date in iraq have been by the kurds or by shia militia in this case it was iraqi security forces. >> dickerson: tom, we look back on this say this was a turning point for the region? >> i think it's important progress, no doubt about that. a part of continuing progress against isis where they lost about 30% of their territory that they had at the height of
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i think it's also to be put in perspective. we have a long way to go. this operation took eight months, 630 or so u.s. airstrikes. a tremendous amount of support for the iraqi security forces in pulling this off. it's a smaller city, it's important city as michael said the capital in anbar. but the next space mosul perhaps as iraqi prime minister. mosul five times as big as ramadi. third, there are challenges. we'll have to provide security, iraq provide security, people need to know they are going to be secure, need to see reconstruction, the united states and other countries of a pledged money for reconstruction. and progress towards inclusion of sunnis in anbar politically in iraq. >> dickerson: mike, there was story this week about president being frustrated that his isis strategies of countering was not
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getting the kind of public relations explanation that he wanted he was getting bad lab for things. what do you make of that argument, that this is a communication failure more than actual failure on combating isis and secondarily, how is the fight against isis picked up since the last two months? >> so, i think what you are likely to see, john, over the next year is -- without a diplomatic settlement in syria what you're likely to see is growing gap between success in iraq, militarily. it looks like iraq key security forces are getting their act together as tom said. so, growing gap between success in iraq and lack of success in syria. i believe that's where diplomatic focus needs to be and military focus needs to be. >> dickerson: you know, there's no doubt that bur rock:-- iraqi security forces are being improving in terms of the capability we saw that in ramadi. i think progress can be made
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against isis militarily, indeed i think it's critical in 2016 that the united states and coalition of some 60 countries facing off against isis break the narrative of success. that's the key recruiting tool that this group has around the world. and that's important because this group, i do think we'll make serious progress against them in 2016 they have metastasized, they are in discriminate franchises, they present real challenges around the world in places like libya which will be challenges for us going into 2016. >> dickerson: about that metastasizing. people have had some difficulty putting isis in context, marco rubio calls it clash of civilizations between radical islam and the west. or just a fight against a big group, isis which needs to be taken care of but it doesn't have that cultural rap. >> it's unique challenge. i think unprecedented challenge, they have controlled territories, insurgency in iraq,
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threatens iraqi states. it is well financed from a variety of means. it is -- has top down control structure. also been recipient some of 30,000 foreign fighters. largest compilation of fighters we've ever seen in circumstance like. this unique challenge. but two other things make it unique. technology. really isis and number of the other groups we see in the worldcom to nexus with technology which is allowed them to recruit more broadly than just in the theater and syria and iraq that's what we've seen. we've seen that through establishment of these franchises around the world, also seen it in their ability to radical lies individuals and groups around the world to take action. that is a you've unique and new challenge. >> dickerson: the last couple of minutes we have here. we have year ahead of us. what should we be keeping our eye on in terms of big
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challenges in this next year, say outside of isis which we've talked about? >> one big challenge is going to be the re-emergence of averages as an issue. taliban have made major gains over the last year. i would expect similar gains going forward. they control more territory now than they have, a number of years, i think the debate on how many troops we keep in afghanistan is going to reopen. general campbell already last week said we need upwards of 10,000 troops which is double the number the president is looking at. >> dickerson: tom, your thoughts? >> i think we have continuing challenge ex sect isis that's principle security challenge. i think mike sell right about afghanistan. i think also you'll see in the final year of president obama's term a big emphasis on foreign policy and national security. if you look at calendar between now and the end of the term there's a major event or foreign policy trip every month during the course. that's when presidents go in
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this direction they have much more freedom to act in foreign policy than they do in domestically. you'll see that and there will be challenges to deal with. there will be consolidation and implementation of things that the president put in place and some opportunity, for example, he'll be in asia twice. he'll have asia-related evidence. >> dickerson: quickly last 30 seconds, reports u.s. spying on israeli officials, put that into context or explain that to us. >> so, can't comment about specific intelligence activities of course in this case i don't know what exactly what's happening. i'd say a couple of things. one is, we're looking at two different issues here. one issue is a decision to spy perhaps on an ally. that's decision that's made at the highest levels of our government, that's where it should be made. i would say that we should always keep open the option of
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being able to spy on anybody when it's our national security interest. second issue is how information with regard to netanyahu's discussions about his relationship with the u.s. congress are handled by the intelligence community. there are very specific rules about that. and the congress is looking into whether those rules were
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we'll be back in a moment. today. be sure to tune in next week of the house, paul ryan. until then for "face the nation." i'm john dickerson. nothing. romance. 18 inch alloys. you remembered. family fun. everybody squeeze in. don't block anyone. and non-stop action. noooooooo! it's the event you don't want to miss. it's the season of audi sales event. red 97! set! red 97! did you say 97? yes. you know, that reminds me of geico's
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