tv Sunday Morning CBS August 21, 2016 6:30am-8:01am PDT
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captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> osgood: good morning, i'm charles osgood this is "sunday morning." 79 days now until election day. already some voters are saying that they would consider moving out of the country if they don't like the outcome. not too far, though, canada maybe? weighing on their minds, thoughs whether the grass is any greener north of the border.
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"sunday morning" cover story. ? >> it's been a long hard campaign, and what could be more american than threatening to leave the country if your candidate comes up short. >> this whole thing about coming to canada, i just find the kind of presumptuous, like, yeah, we're americans. >> moving no canada, what you need to know before you go. ahead this "sunday morning." >> osgood: from americans in canada to "an american in paris." leslie caron starred in that classic movie more than 60 years ago. this morning she's sharing her memories with jane pauley. >> when gene kelly whisked her away from post-war france to
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>> suddenly you're in hollywood. >> the stakes overflowed on the plate. there's enough food for a week. >> is it true that once for dessert you ordered another stake? >> yes, that is true. >> a full repast and dessert with leslie caron later on "sunday morning." >> osgood: never give up are words to live by for any olympic marathon runner. the americanly cowan has been watching in action. >> he runs like the wind. maybe even better, he glides. this morning, he's in leo racing for gold. >> i was put here on this earth to touch people's lives. i hear it. many people come say thanks for the innings pir rakes. i saw a lady who was paralyzed, did i a marathon because of you.
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of the way. >> osgood: conor knighton is on the trail again this morning to a national park whose misleading name could lead you up the wrong tree. >> 1.6 million visitors a year flock to joshua tree national park. a place where the namesake attraction is a bit of a misnomer. >> it's a member of the yucca family, matter of fact the latin is yuck i can't brevifolia. >> tree that's not quite a tree. >> martha teichner visits paper makers on a roll. michelle miller makes some noise with late show band leader jon batiste. john hartman has campers with uncommon bond. more, first, the headlines for this sunday morning the 21st of august, 2016 a bomb went off during a wedding in turkey
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rise. it is now up to 50 with dozens of wounded. holly williams reports. >> the turkish government says suicide bomb that ripped through a wedding party. just 40 miles from the syrian border in turkey's president said isis is the likely culprit. so far the extremist haven't claimed responsibility. but this explosion comes just weeks after three terrorists detonated themselves in istanbul's airport leaving nearly 50 dead. it's been only a month since an attempted military coup on the streets, fighter jets flying low overhead and explosion tear through the turkish parliament. the turkish authorities blame the coup on fethullah gueln a
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many turks believe the u.s. supported the failed coup, souring relations between the two nato allies. turkey used to be regarded as an island of stability here in the middle east, but now contending with both the syrian civil war spilling across the border and political upheaval at home. for "sunday morning" i'm holly williams in istanbul. >> osgood: louisiana is slowly devastated southern sections of the state. it's estimated some 60,000 homes have been damaged. more than a hundred thousand people have registered for federal assistance. a wildfire that destroyed more than 100 homes east of los angeles has been mostly contained. attention now turns to getting people back to survey the damage and determine what can be saved.
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donald trump told that he regrets the comments he made about mexicans and look for path for citizenship for millions ever undocumented workers. the trump campaign says the candidate said, quote, nothing he hasn't said before. now, the weather. thunderstorms could dark enskies from the southwest all the way into the northeast today. it's still hot and dry in fire-weary, california. but a great summer day is ahead for folks in the central plains. for the week ahead a welcome cool down across much of the country he is special especially in the east. ahead -- >> go out there and do what i do best. >> osgood: going the extra mile.
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david was proud to be an american soldier. but i don't think he had a mean bone in his body. there is not a day that i don't think about david. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. "she was standing there, she had nothing to say..." if donald trump cannot respect a gold star family, then why would anyone in america think he would respect them.
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heading toward a landslide victory. >> 121-year-old bairbre kennedy was looking forward to another four years in washington, d.c. working in the transportation department for the first president she would ever vote for, jimmy carter. >> all the other states have shown in blue that reagan has won. carter's state show in red. >> went to vote, things weren't looking so good. i went to my neighborhood bar and things weren't looki good either. >> i give you my sacred oath that i will do my utmost to justify your faith. >> there were a lot of people all lined up crying in their beers over what the future might bring. and this young lady was the reporter and she was just asking people their feelings. >> kennedy told her, i'm so depressed i think i'll move to canada. >> going to canada seemed like a
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>> it's a choice thousands of americans claim to be considering again this election year. if they don't like the next president. >> it's not realistic. it's silly. >> pete mcmartin is a columnist for the von could you sun. >> this whole thing about coming to canada, i just find it kind of presumptuous like, yeah, we're americans, who wouldn't want to, right? >> mcmartin finds it mildly insulting that canada is considered the refuge of last resort. >> it's like, americans are holding canada up to their forehead and they're sayingf donald trump is -- becomes president or hillary becomes president i'm going to shoot myself in the head with canada. like, canada is a fate worse than canada, you know. how would you feel? >> another one.
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the idea in a new ad campaign. >> seems like a lot of you are talking about moving up here to canada. very flattering, we certainly have the room. >> reminding americans, some things are different up north. >> trying to sell your house, maybe it makes sense to check us out. make it a long weekend, take a look around. try your hand at the metric system. >> better learn to skate, too. and if six months of winter isn't ba canadians, like vancouver native maureen charron spend much of the summer on ice. >> this is exercise. this is fun, ethicsers sighs and it's social. >> be warned, on skates, canadians can be aggressive. otherwise, they're so polite it can be annoying. >> we're too apathetic. >> you're apathetic? >> totally.
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good revolution happening for -- and sometimes it's a necessary, right? >> tonight for the first time in 27 years the united states is again started a draft lotly. >> april 24th -- >> during the vietnam war canada accepted a flood of immigrants. as some 240,000 americans fled the u.s. to avoid the draft. but over the last decade only have moved to canada. >> you're canadian now? >> i am. as of january. >> sarah roth is one of them. >> you know, i was used to new yorkers just saying it like it is. i think you have to be a little bit more polite here. >> you haven't given up baseball? >> you don't have to give up baseball. >> proteas shirt may say canadian but she is saw new jersey native who is definitely born in the usa. when she moved to vancouver for
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canada. ? >> probably if you had asked me who the prime minister was at the time i may not have been able to answer. >> baseball remains roth's favorite pastime, but along the way to becoming canadian she has made plenty of adjustments. >> we really miss trader joe's. >> that's right, shoppers, there nor trader joe's in canada. no target stores, either. >> horton's. >> the chain that made donuts a national dish in canada. rivals only by the popularity of poutine, that hearty meal of french fries and cheese curds soaked in grieve. >> the funniest thing that we have the british royalty in our money. that was the biggest adjourns just meant. you have to take an oath to the
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>> to our majesty -- indeed, americans who choose to become canadian will find themselves living under the same monarchy the revolution defeated in 1776. >> congratulations you are all canadian citizens. >> among the new canadians sworn in at this ceremony was jay on birchard, born and raised in texas. >> it's so emotional. >> birchard moved here seven years ago when same-s was legal in canada but not yet widely accepted in the u.s. he and his partner got married. do you know the first letter in the canadian alphabet, eh? >> eh, i'm from texas, i say eh, y'all. >> if he was not already a canadian citizen, he might well be among those americans vowing to move here depending on who wins the election. >> the u.s. is an amazing country. hopefully it will make the right decision in november.
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decision will there be lot of people following you? >> maybe they want to build a wall. >> while some americans may be considering a move north, about twice as many canadians move to the u.s. each year. this is as far north as you can go still be on canadian soil. i'm one of them. i became a u.s. citizen in 2003. >> you're living in the united states have you lost your canadian sensibility? you seem very polite byh thank you. being a polite canadian himself, pete mcmartin has nice things to stay about why americans will not in fact head north. no matter who wins the election. >> it's just not like americans to flee their problems. it seems you want to tackle things head on rather than running away from donald trump or hillary. >> your decision in 1980 was a good one?
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beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. for your pet, we go beyond. (wolves howling) when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth and fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum-tum-tum-tum-tums
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>> osgood: now a fridge our "sunday morning" almanac. august 21, 1961, 55 years ago today, a musical date worth writing home about. for that was the day motown label release neighborhood please mr. postman." recorded by the marvel let's, who mailed from detroit, the song quickly became motown's first number one hit. wasn't long before the marvelettes they were performing on television while the cover version was recorded by no less a group than the beatles.
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version made a high profile come back in the martin scorsese film. and the song returned yet again in 1975 when the carpenters released a cover version of their own. ? as for the marvelettes they went on to other hits, but none as big as "please and by 1969 the group had disbanded. though gone the marvelettes and their song are hardly forgotten. because when it comes to conveying the uncertainties of young love "please mr. postman" still delivers. >> pilots, ready, set, throw! >> osgood: ahead --
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flight. and by taking chantix, i was able to quit in 3 months and that was amazing. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking.
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excuse me...i think there's a misprint. oh. model year end clarence event. looks right to me. shouldn't it be clear- clearly... it is time to get a great deal and a reward card on this turbocharged jetta. gotta make room for the 2017 models. it is a clarence event. why is that so hard for people to understand? it seems clar to me. clear to me. ready for a test drive? whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a $1,000 volkswagen reward card and 0% apr on a new 2016 jetta. >> osgood: many of us are reading the newspaper online. but many kinds of paper are on a roll. martha teichner this morning offers us a crash course on paper. you might want to take notes.
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toss, these kids created the magic of flight. >> pilots, ready, set, throw! >> competing in the great paper airplane fly off at the pima air and space museum in tucson, arizona, recently, they probably were not marveling at making the magic happen. but paper is like that, known for what it does, not so for what it is. >> paper is at the center of just so many of the elements of the development of civilization. >> mark kurlansky has written a history of paper. >> it's about communication and writing and thinking and art and science and architecture and mathematics and political
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>> a story that begins in china, where supposedly nearly 2,000 years ago a urnuch in the royal court named cai lun invented paper. >> the chinese the only ones to invent it. everybody else just took the idea. >> for paper making to spread from china that to the middle east and finally into europe took amyl men yum. the name paper comes from papyrus, but ironicalth wrote on were not really paper. >> it's very similar to 2,000 years ago, except we have electricity and we're using actually partially processed cotton today. but it's really the same thing where you're making a pulp. >> to make paper, some sort of plant fiber, wood, cotton, linen, hemp, among others, is beaten into a pulp and then soaked in water until it becomes
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amy jacobs is education director of dieu donne a paper making studio in new york city. >> we're going to mix up the pulp and water that was added. >> the secret ingredient, cellulose. a substance in all plants that acts like glue. and causes the fiber parcels to bond together. in both directions. >> until mechanization came along, this is how all paper was made. >> that's good. voila. >> a sheet of paper. >> which became a problem in the middle ages, when demand for books increased exponentially. >> this is one of the original gutenberg bibles. from 1455? >> yeah. >> the bible was the first major
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using moveable type and it started a paper revolution. >> it showed that print coon work and work well and be easily reproduced and to do that it really needed fob on paper. >> fewer than 50 survive. the morgan library in new york city owns three. >> what sort of paper would this have been? >> mostly linen. linen and other rags. >> rags, paper was made of then. so, no rags, no paper, which is why benjamin frank palestinian founding father and famous printer, was in the rag business and owned paper mills. pennsylvania, franklin's home state, was the heart of early american paper making. it was here in the town of chester, pennsylvania, on the
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that great innovation, toilet paper on a roll. by then most paper was being made out of trees, not rags. have you ever seen a two-ton roll of toilet paper? next, turning these into human size rolls. they do a regular bath tissue ballet. packed up and ready to go. two million a day from this factory alone. >> 700 million rolls roughly a year. >> jeff hutter is operations manager at chester mill, now owned by kimberly-clark. >> we can basically wrap the entire earth a thousand times with all the paper that we make with scott 1000. >> in a year. >> in a year. >> americans used more than 77
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although we did recycle more than two-thirds of that. back in tucson, though, the paper airplanes fly off. the statistics were of another sort. ken blackburn became an aeronautical engineer because he loved paper airplanes as a kid. >> very good. >> yeah, sure. among the day's winning throws, michael thompson's was the longest. 104 feet. not bad for a piece of paper. >> osgood: still to come, in it for the long run. >> how many miles a week are you doing up here? >> probably 100 to 110.
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>> osgood: never give up. one man who knows the truth that have. is a veteran american athlete who is running in the marathon today at one of the concluding events of the olympics. lee cowan has the story. >> to watch olympic marathoner meb keflezighi train is to watch perfection. every stride is like an artist's brush ro no tries he's a hero to runners, for most he needs no introduction. >> he's an inspiration to everybody. >> we think of him as the ambassador for the sport. >> he's a quiet celebrity, shy in a way, who this morning is taking his talent and his grace to the world stage in rio. >> for me it's just another race. go out there do what i do best.
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flicks. but rio is different. meb, who emigrated from eritrea at age 12 is now 41. making him the oldest american olympic marathoner in history. do you feel older? certainly don't look like you're 41. you don't run like you're 41? >> i definitely feel the age. once the gun goes off i try not to be concern who'd is that there to compete and get the best out of myself and try to beat people as much as i can. >> we found him high in the mountains of mammoth lakes, california. he comes up to the thin air before ever big race to push his body hard atal take tut. how many miles a week are you doing up here? >> noble doing 10--110 then another eight hours of elliptical ride. >> he wrote the book on
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when you're he'lling, recovering, training, cross training, all those things are taking a local on your body your mind never shuts down. i mean, unless you're asleep. >> meb calls san diego home. he lives there with his wife and three young girls. he walks them to school almost every day. about a mile each way. >> morning, how are you guys? >> his centered auto is lined with various honors, magazine covers, pictures of him at the white house. >> we were at his table. >> of course a fistful of medals. >> this is athens olympics silver medal. >> he figures he's run over 100,000 miles. that's four laps around the globe. and counting. >> i'm on my fifth lap. >> it's all a long way from his desperate beginnings in the african nation of eritrea. he grew up one of ten children in war-torn village without electricity or running water and
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for food, because your mind tells you to look for something. you know, survival instincts, i guess. you just dig deep on the ground until you feel the moisture, just eat it and swallow it basically, that's food. whatever you needed to do to survive. that's my dad. >> with the help of the red cross, meb's father managed to get the family to safety. fleeing first to italy then san diego. as refugees. >> october >> you remember the date. >> i remember the date when we first come tomorrow united states like a birthday for us. >> meb's entire family crammed into this small apartment surviving largely on food stamps. his father cleaned floors and drove taxis and helped them all learn english. >> he used to wake up us at 4:30 a.m. in the morning, and we would flip the dictionary word by word. that's how we learned english.
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on to get college degrees. despite feeling like outsiders at first. >> we had different clothes. we had afro, everybody was making fun of us, tough position to be in as a kid. is. >> he never heard of running as a sport, never even heard of the olympics until his 7th grade pe teacher, dick lord, changed all that. >> give me a hug. i got to have a hug officer my favorite student. it's good to see you. >> back in class to run a mile around this playground as fast as they could. meb was lightning fast. he run it in 5:20, blowing everyone else away. lord was stunned. >> meb had something special about him. he had it in his heart. he wasn't very big, but i'll tell you, he had the drive. >> he went on to get a scholarship at ucla winning four ncaa titles. as soon as he graduated he got
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over the next decade he racked up an impressive career. including a win in new york city in 2009. for the first time since 1982, an american has won the new york city marathon. but, that's when meb's patriotism came into question. >> somebody said that i was not american enough. because i wasn't born here. because of the color of my skin? because i was own in car ever r africa? how can some others don't have to defend where they were born. it's hard. you get that feeling a little bit, kind of punch me below the belt. >> that pain lingered until he ran what he still considers the race of his life. the boston marathon in 2014. the year after that deadly terrorist attack. >> miss name is meb keflezighi. >> of all years the city really
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and meb delivered. >> unbelievable! the american dream is right here. meb keflezighi wins the boston marathon! >> he made the front page of almost every newspaper in the country as the first american to win that legendary race in 31 years. suddenly instead of questioning his patriotism, meb's patriotism was all that mattered. >> winning the boston marathon in my life. most bostonians don't say congratulations, they just say, thank you. >> this morning as he represents the u.s. in rexo he knows this will be his last olympic marathon. but no matter what happens on the course today, meb keflezighi has already left his imprinted as an athlete, an immigrant and most of all, an inspiration. >> never give up on your dreams.
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>> osgood: it happened this past week. the loss of two remarkably talented men of remarkably different talent. tv host john mclaughlin died tuesday morning, two days after miss can his first show in 34 years. mclaughlin was a former roman catholic priest turned conservative pundit. a defender of president richard nixon he launched tv's feisty "the mclaughlin group. in 1982. >> your time has come. you want to withdraw your nomination? >> osgood: dana carvey did a memorable mclaughlin send off on "saturday night live." >> what number am i thinking
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>> is it between -- >> 40! >> osgood: but love him or not, there was no mistaking the real john mclaughlin verbal style, passion and commitment. john mclaughlin was 89. >> yes. >> no. >> the sans, yes. >> bye-bye. >> osgood: fyvush finkel died sunday of heart trouble. >> dougs of justice. >> osgood: the character actor who started as boy singer in new york's yiddish theaters, he went on to broadway and tv. winning an emmy for his role as an idiosyncratic attorney in the 1990s sear fleece picket fences." >> how dare you make a mockery.
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because i trust their quality. made fish oil. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. but we'd rather talk about what's not in it. like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging?
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going -- >> it's hard not to look when musician and composer jon batiste and his stay human band hit the streets for what he callsa love riot. >> a love riot is a street parade. that can happen any where. >> they're his way of bringing a classic new orleans street parade to the people of new york city. >> they may not have had the ability to hall or something like that. but we bring the music to them. >> i see what you're doing for everyone else. what does that do for you? >> i like bringing people together. i like making people who wouldn't normally relate to one another find something in common through live music experience and the genuine human exchange of that performance.
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>> and now he's sharing his music with millions as the band leader for the late show with stephen colbert. >> i love that sound. it's jon batiste and stay human. >> did you have some image of what you wanted in a band leader? did he fit it? or has he completely blown it out of the water? >> in some ways he's something new and a throw back at the same time there. hasn't been like a big jazz sound on one of these shows in a long tim you. could say that music was the 29-year-old batiste's first language. severing been born into a legendary new orleans clan ever musicians. >> new orleans has these musical families that generations go by and there's talented musician in every generation. my family some one of those. >> he started playing in his
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at only eight years old. ? >> your family, you credit all the way with your success. >> my dad is -- he was my first musical mentor. he -- you know, he's a bassist and vocal list. i would see him performing and we always give me lessons about the music, about the business. >> batiste took that levis and went in search of bigger stages. >> in the year 2004 i graduated high school early and moved at 17 to go to juliard here. >> how did you feel when you got here? >> i felt like it was cool to be in a place that allowed me to explore all of my creative sensibilities. by the time i got to my senior
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playing on the scene, i felt kind of like i wanted something else, more options. >> and he didn't waste time exploring those options. playing countless shows, releasing five albums and gathering a cult following. >> i don't know what people see in the band or what we do. i think maybe the common thread is joy and authenticity. >> all that joyful noise led to colbert report. >> thank you for being here. >> which as colbert tells it how he landed snoot late show." >> he sad down across from me talked about improvisation. and he made comment how i like to have my questions all written out but he liked to improvise. i threw in a question, how are you? how are you doing? let's start a conversation. i had one of my best
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guest. >> people kept asking me who my band lead serge go to be. well, i like this guy. hi. i'm jon batiste. ? >> batiste and the stay human band have settled in to their late night home garnering rave reviews for performances like this one. ? what does the man in charge think? >> he's incredible. the number of people who com over here sit down go, i can't believe -- the band is playing, the number of people say, i can't believe how great that band is. ? >> but while jon batiste enjoying his time in the spotlight, he's not at all worried about losing himself in the glare. so, on this big stage, this big venue, this huge show -- >> yeah. >> you worry you might lose that voice?
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realm of all that is going on? the fame, the fortune? >> no. >> no? >> no. >> because? >> because i'm me. ? >> osgood: ahead, children with an uncommon bond. for seniors like barbara, difference every month. but for the wall street types who've given congressman joe heck's campaigns over $500,000, social security could mean billions of dollars in fees. that's what privatizing social security means and why joe heck and wall street support it. under heck's privatization plan, retirement security gets risked on the stock market. and the wall street types supporting joe heck make billions. whose side are you on? senate majority pac is responsible
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>> osgood: an uncommon bond unites the simms campers our steve hartman has been to see. >> outside milwaukee, wisconsin, there's a kids' camp that has all the makings of a typical summer camp. except the kids who come here share one exceptional bond. >> throughout the whole camp you always have supporters.
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because we were all so similar. >> since 9/11, 5,000 kids have lost a parent because of war. and a few years ago camp hometown heroes started as a way to bring those kids from, across the country, together. this is james house. his dad, john, a navy medic, died in a helicopter crash in iraq. that was in 2005 when james was just a month old. can you explain you miss somebody so much that you never met, really? >> i miss him because he's my dad. i might not have met him in person, but he's always with me. >> over the years, james wanted to mourn, but says he couldn't, really. partly because his friends at home while well intent intentiod weren't saying the right things. >> at schools school when father's day passes that's a big deal. and everyone is making little
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little sad. and they say, i know how you feel. >> but it's not the same. >> it's not the same. and here i get to cry and they can say "i know how you feel" and i know they know how i feel. that's a great feeling. >> for many of the kids, this is their first chance to just let it out. to help in that effort they do a balloon release for campers write messages to their loved ones. dy he was a camper here for four years but this year he's back as a counselor. >> my first balloon release was the hardest because i had to physical ly let go of everything that i was holding on to over the years. >> one, two -- >> a lot of kids say the balloon release is the best part of camp. and at first, we could not understand why. >> there's nothing you can say
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forever. >> but then, something magical happened. the kids started reaching out to one another. not a word was said, because not a word was needed. proving that sometimes all it takes to let go is the right person to hold on to. ? >> osgood: still to come. >> w routine from "american in paris"? >> i think the big ballet. >> osgood: that's different from that. later -- >> like fingerprints. >> osgood: on the trail to
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>> it's "sunday morning" on cbs. here again is charles osgood. >> osgood: leslie caron and gene kelly were a perfect match in the 1951 film "an american in paris." caron paid a visit to broadway awhile back to see the musical based on the movie. reason enough to revisit jane pauley's sunday profile. >> 66 years ago, leslie was 19 and on the cusp of stardom. her screen debut "an american in paris" with gene kelly, was best picture in 1951. what's your favorite dance routine from "american in paris"? >> i think in the big ballet i
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>> what about the chair? >> god help me. i wouldn't believe that. sensor ship. everything was too bawdy, too sexy. the lady from the sensor ship bureau came and saw it, this won't do. i said, what can i do? too xy down. >> still pretty sexy. >> she'd been discovered the at 16 at the ballet des champs elysees in paris by gene kelly. >> the night he came to the theater and saw me dance i wasn't supposed to be on the stage. the dancer who was picked was sick. so, i did the part. >> what was it about that young
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>> i think, good luck happens to a lot of people all the time. repeatedly. i think the important thing is to recognize good luck and to make good use ever it. you know, i wasn't beautiful. >> excuse me? >> no. let's say i pretended then. >> you're the only thing i love. >> but she acted that part with as an orphaned ingenue beguiling a lonely older man earning the first two of oscar nominations in "lili." and another orphaned engenue beguiling a much older fred astair in "daddy long legs." >> it's french, because now you think twice about having an
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young girl. >> people weren't sensitive to that at all? >> no, no, no. >> i understand. we don't marry, is that it? >> instead of getting married at once, sometimes happens we get married at last. >> in gigi "thank heaven for little girls. -- >> they grow up every day in the most beautiful way. >> a teenage school girl being prepared for a courtesan. >> instead of becoming a kept woman, gigi finds true love. >> give me the infinite joy of bestowing upon me gigi's hand in marriage. >> gigi would go on to win nine academy awards. and leslie caron was a bona fide hollywood star. but she no longer lived in hollywood. following the second of three husbands, peter hall, director of the royal shakespeare company
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>> hello, leslie, peter. charles. >> she appeared on cbs' person to person with charles cooling wood in 1959. >> does this mean that you finally put roots down here in london? >> my roots are wherever my husband and children are. >> your film character is associated with all these older men. in your life, you didn't choose older men. >> no. i chose talented men, hall, my husband. he was just beginner when i met him. he had the capacity of being a great man of the theater. i could see that. >> what do you think attracted him to you? because he buried the things we most loved about you. the stage, the dance, the film. >> i forgive him, because it
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the home and sent off the children to school. and that's what he expected of a wife. >> ah, the children. >> don't you wish could you have a chance to -- do it again now? >> yes. i would say, now, look here. >> it was a different time. >> a different time. it took a very long time for women to say, look here, i'm me. i exist my life has to be fulfilled, too. >> in those days, would an actress imagine being the age of gene kelly or fred astair and still having -- no way, roles? >> foretee and the door was closed. >> but today, doors seem to be opening. >> i think the english who
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with the maggie smiths the judy denches, those wonderful actresses. suddenly the public said, i prefer looking at those ladies who have experience and wit and wisdom. >> why can't you be one of those? >> i am going to be. >> in fact, in 2007, she earned an emmy for her guest appearance on "law and order: svu." >> you know it's true! >> you swore anything! >> you made me pull down my pants and you raped me! >> that was an astonishing piece of acting. >> thank you. >> there's poignant line in your memoir of some several years ago "the best years of my life are over." >> no, no, no, no. >> you disagree with yourself now? you would like to argue with the
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if i wrote that i -- it's not true. >> hand me that book. i've circled it snoot best part of my life is over. now is the time to reflect." >> okay. and i reflect that it's not over. and life coming full circle, she came to new york to see a play. the hit broadway musical "an american in paris" starring leannee leslie caron created. >> not many people get the kind of incredible gift that you and i were given. >> it's true. it does feel like a gift. >> plucked, there you are on the silver platter. this magnificent part in a grand production. >> what did you think when
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makes her first entrance what did you think? >> she just bursts forward like a little jewel. like beauty, charm, modest tee, you wouldn't expect that in somebody who plays the lead. and you quite understand why he falls in love with her. she really does it beautifully. >> were you ever, you know, coming in and out of me, her, me, her? >> i could see the shadow of me way back, yes. the memory of what i was. >> maybe the audience could, too. >> i'm having a wonderful time. i really relish it.
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>> osgood: something else has been in the news, from contributor paul mecurio. >> i'm george clooney. don't blame me for plying. i'm a product of my environment. lying is all the rage. everyone is doing it. lying is nothing new we've been doing it since the beginning of time. remember this oldie but goody. go ahead, eat the fruit, it's good for you. what could go wrong? these days it's the quality. in my day when you lied it was good solid american lie that stood up to intense execute tee. today's lies are flimsy as if made in be third world country. yup, this past week u.s. olympic swimmer ryan lochte took the gold, silver and bronze for the dumbest lie in the history of mankind on an international stage, nonetheless.
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the cover of breaking a bathroom door. >> ryan, what are you, six? it's like you weren't even trying to lie. you call yourself an american? in this country we just don't make lies like we used to. >> leaving saddam hussein with weapons of mass destruction -- >> remember how colin told us there were weapons of mass destruction in iraq. george ordered us to read his lips. pete is swore he >> i'm going to say this again. did i not -- >> bill did not have sexual relation, is that woman. >> i had no knowledge whatever of the watergate break in before it occurred. >> who could forget the mother of all lies, watergate. it took two years and millions ever dollars to figure out this used car salesman was lying. nowadays, it took less time to figure out lochte was lying than it took him to swim the 200 back stroke. this is the real concern. there is such a complete lack of
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that even if you get caught there are no meaningful ca camfications that people are literally lying to our faces. >> i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. >> look, i don't condone lying. if you're going to do it for god's sake put in only way we can make america great again. now if you will excuse me, my wife, mrs. clooney some waiting for me on our yacht in the south of france. what? she is. of course, that depends on what your definition of "is" is. >> osgood: we head out on the your definition of "is" is. >> osgood: we head out on the trail, next.
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>> osgood: lovers the great outdoors, sick they will coming thursday on your calendars. it was august 25, 1916, that president woodrow wilson signed into law the act of creating the national park service. conor knighton is son the trail to a park named for isn't really a tree. >> they're stiff and ungraceful form makes them to the traveler the most repulsive tree in the vegetable kingdom. that's how american explorer john c. fremont described his first encounter with the joshua tree back in 1844. but today, that bizarre
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travelers find beautiful. >> i don't know, maybe we tonight gravitate toward some of the things that are linear, like the ab tract nature of the trees. >> michael roy is one of the 1.6 million visitors a year who flock to joshua tree national park, place where the namesake attraction is a bit of misnomer. >> well, the one thing it's not really a tree. it's a member of the yucca family, matter of fact the name it was called the joshua tree back in the 1800s when some of the mormon settlers came through here where they thought it loo can looked like the biblical character joshua. ranger george land is a public information officer for the park. so, technically, he speaks for the trees. >> mr., i am the lorax. i speak for the trees.
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"the lorax." >> the bright colored tufts. >> while his trnessuffula trees were purely fictional, this slice has become destination for anyone who has ever dreamt of jumping into any of his illustration. >> a big playground outside. dr. seuss is exactly what i think of when i look around here. >> but say joshua tree around the world and the first thing to come to mind probably isn't a thanks to an irish rock band's obsession with the american southwest, it's also one of the best selling albums of all time. ? u2 probably did more to market the park than anybody in the world. it was a very successful album. a lot of people, particularly around the world that have never
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was. >> unfortunate ly u2 fans are often disappointed to learn that they still haven't found what they're looking for. the actual joshua tree, from the album, was located close to death valley, 200 miles north. and died 15 years ago. but it's a disappointment that's short lived. because with so many different trees to choose from, over 1.5 million in the park, you're bound to find the one that speaks to you. >> they're all very unique looking. it feels like they almost have their own personality. do you see that when you drive by looking at them signal. >> they're like fingerprints. and that's why you generally don't see any two mature trees that look the same. >> osgood: a coming
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>> osgood: a new movie offers a different take on the hollywood western. david edelstein has our review. >> shell or high water" is the best movie i've seen all year. all last year, too. it's still haunting me, especially the last scene a. face-off, but not the kind you usually see in westerns. it's not an old west western, it's set in the present and the different place. there are still cowboys and indians, except the native americans watch whites who took their land get their land taken by someone else, the banks. >> like a disease passed from generation to generation. >> chris pine plays the rancher who was up right all his life but for reasons we don't get until the last half hour enlists his unstable ex-con brother,
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scheme to get money fast. they target branches of the texas mid lands bank in small towns separated by large deserts. >> trying to raise a certain amount that's my guess. >> the other protagonist is the aging texas ranger played by jeff bridges. he doesn't think the robbers are the usual meth-heads or sociopaths. but he knows that seen or someone will die. if only because he sees lots of ordinary texans carrying guns looking eager to use them. >> you got a gun on you old man. >> damn right i got a gun on me. >> in most westerns, violence seems the only possible resolution. but in "hell or high water" the trish terrific british director and screen writer taylor sheridan have fashioned a great humanist western.
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pray there won't be, because it's bound to be absurd and needlessly final. it's finality, that's the true villain. meaning, actions that can't be undone, bullets that can't going back in the barrel. the movie has a starkness, a terrible clarity that eats into your mind. it's a new classic western. woman: it's been a journey to get where i am. and i didn't get here alone. there were people who listened along the way. people who gave me options. kept me on track. and through it all, my retirement
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ared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. every someday needs a plan. let's talk about your old 401(k) today. monday the fans much bei bei the youngest giant panda at the smithsonian national zoo celebrates his first brit day. tuesday is unesco's international day for remembrance of the slave trade
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beginning of savory bell i don't know in haiti in 1791. wednesday kicks off the 21st annual air guitar world championships in finland. thursday as we told you marks the 100th anniversary of the national park service, kicking off a week of free admission system-wide. friday national dog day, a celebration of all breeds, purebred and mixed. while saturday sees the 80th anniversary of the premiere of fred astair and ginger rogers. tee fewer -- featuring the oscar-winning song snoot way you look tonight." now to john dickerson in washington for look what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning, john. >> dickerson: good morning, charles. we're going to talk about nuchal ex to the trump campaign he's got third leader of the campaign. echt we'll talk to reince priebus about that on the colombian done side talk to her
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hey, you're clarence! yes, sir. you know, at the model year end clarence event, you can get a great deal on this 2016 passat. steve. yeah? clarence is on a roll. yeah. i wish they'd name an event after me. same here. but the model year end becky event? that's no good... stevent! that's just vandalism. whatever you want to call it, don't miss the volkswagen model year end event. hurry in for a one-thousand
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w 2016 passat. don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. flonase gives you more complete allergy relief. most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. flonase controls 6. and six is greater than one. flonase changes everything. ? >> osgood: we leave you this "sunday morning" in harriman state park, north of new york city. where the bees are busy buzzing,
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a month after 9/11, i got a call from david and he told me he was going into the national guard. he was sent to iraq to be a gunner on a humvee. a car pulled up in the driveway and three soldiers got out, and the sound of their boots as they came up those stairs will, will stay with me the rest of my life. you have moments when you really don't want to live anymore, it's a fate that i would not wish on anybody, not anybody. , i felt such a sense of outrage. ...wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably... i would like to tell donald trump what it feels like, the sense of emptiness, that only losing a child can bring. those people should be honored and treated with kindness for the rest of their life,
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says may have led to these recent homicides. >> plus our 8 news now back to school countdown officially kicks off. how you can help out. >> and the blue cut fire is losing a lot of it's heat. how much of the fire is under control. and when can will it be fully contained. 8 news now the valley's news leader starts right now./// "now, live...this is 8 news now weekend edition." for joining us. i'm nia wong. metro is investigating two separate deaths that happened just an hour apart yesterday afternoon.. police made the first grim discovery on covey lane. that's where they discovered a dead body...which had been there for an unknown amount of time. neighbors in the area tell us they heard a loud noise they thought were fireworks... police say the victim, described as a hispanic male in his 30s, died from an apparent gunshot
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