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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  October 12, 2016 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning to our viewers in the west, it is wednesday, october 12th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump declared war on republican leaders who are backing away from him numbers and more leaked e-mails reveal embarrassing moments inside hillary clinton's campaign. >> rivers surge to record levels in north carolina after hurricane matthew. thousands have been rescued from the catastrophic flooding. one swollen river threatens to split an entire county in two. and a new survey reveals the top three mistakes that teenagers make behind the wheel. aaa says parents may be to blame. >> we begin with a look at today's eye opener. your world in 90 seconds.
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>> and now i can really do what i want. >> we don't get the support from guys like paul ryan. i don't want his support. i don't care about his support. >> donald trump unloads on the gop. >> is the party in crisis? >> i think i think the country is in a lot of trouble. >> republicans fighting republicans? >> don't find myself thinking a whole lot about party right now. >> you can't repeatedly denounce what is said by someone and then say but i'm still going to vote for him to be the mos person on the planet. >> everything i've got -- >> floodwaters from the rain of hurricane matthew still rising in north carolina. >> what else -- >> one week after hurricane matthew through haiti, aid is slowly reaching those in need. >> something like this is just heartbreaking. >> hurricane nicole reformed in the caribbean. >> three to five foot storm surge, dangerous winds as well. >> engulfing flames --
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this deadly crash was intentional. >> massive explosion destroys two town homes has injured two people in romeoville, illinois. >> all that -- >> giving fans another reason -- >> over a wall to comfort and pray with a fan. he was having a seizure. >> the chicago cubs are moving on to the championship series. >> and all that matters. >> america does the red sweatered debate questioner who has taken yt proportions. >> you know hillary's campaign is analyzing everything. she's going to show up in a red sweater and a fake mustache. >> on "cbs this morning." >> donald trump tweeted up a storm. it is so nice the shackles have been taken off me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. >> now you're going to fight for america? hey buddy, you're not rosa parks. you know how i know? people liked what rosa parks said on the bus. >> this morning's eye opener is
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welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump says he's now campaigning as a candidate who is unchained of the republican leaders abandoning him at an historic rate. a new survey shows a quarter of gop governors, senators, and represents will not endorse trump. >> and now the republican nominee is launching new attacks targg in a barrage of tweets, trump called republican defectors disloyal. claimed quote it is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. major garrett is in panama city, florida, where trump also blasted hillary clinton at a campaign rally. major, good morning. >> good morning. donald trump was greeted by more than 1,000 enthusiastic supporters in panama city and
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nothing about how speaker paul rye and and other republicans who have begun to distance themselves from trump's campaign. but the nominee did talk about something new. the possibility of losing the election. >> they don't give the support that we really need. >> okay, but i'm -- >> better off maybe without their support if you want to know the truth. >> reporter: donald trump dismissed the damage done by a divided party saying he doesn't need establishment's help. >> i wouldn't want to be in a fox hole with a lot of these people. that i can tell you. >> mccain is a brave man. >> by the way, including ryan. >> i got that. >> reporter: since the release of the now infamous "access hollywood" video. >> i can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ] >> reporter: a new survey found of the 331 republican lawmakers, governors, senators and those in congress, more than a quarter are not endorsing trump. trump says that the 2005 tape is what pushed wavering republicans over the edge, that's just sad. >> if that's what it's going to take to lose an election that would be pretty sad. then i have to go back to my
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thousands in florida -- >> the polls are pretty even in florida. don't let me down! >> reporter: trump also spoke anxiously about a new topic. the prospect of losing. >> if i don't win, it will be the single greatest waste of time, energy, and money. >> reporter: to drive up enthusiasm trump mined a trove of new e-mails to attack clinton. >> even chelsea clinton the wikileaks e-mails show serious concerns about conflict of interest at the clinton foundation. >> reporter: trump cited chelsea clinton's attempts to flag the campaign on possible conflicts of interest involving close aides. >> reporter: it's just the latest evidence of the hatred the clinton campaign has for americans. you see so much from the wikileaks. >> trump trails clinton here in florida but organizers say his crowds are bigger and the field
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and these trump supporters were glad the republican nominee didn't talk about paul ryan or his feud with several republicans, or even dredge up bill clinton's sordid sexual past. much happier that he focused on the wikileaks revelations, because those e-mails, they say, raise legitimate questions about hillary clinton's ethics. >> major, thank you. russia president vladimir putin said a short time ago that it does not matter who hacks hillary clinton's campaign e-mails. but putin says what the e-mails reveal is important. cl podesta claims that russian hackers targeted his account trying to influence the election. and he suggested that those hackers tipped off the donald trump advisers. wikileaks put out more of podista's e-mails this morning and nancy cordes was there as the campaign chairman spoke to reporters yesterday. she's with us now from white plains, new york. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. on this plane last night john podesta went point by point
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have had with russian state actors, and with wikileaks. he argued it's all circumstantial evidence that point to some kind of understanding between trump, and the russian government. podesta said the theft of ten year's worth of e-mails from his gmail account is being investigated as part of the fbi's largest probe into hacks at the dnc. u.s. intelligence community said on friday it is confident those hacks were directed by the russian government. >> russian election, and their apparent attempt to influence -- on behalf of trump is i think should be of utmost concern to all americans. >> reporter: podesta noted that longtime trump confidant roger stone appeared to have advanced notice of the hack. tweeting in august, trust me, it will soon be the podesta's time in the barrel. and telling florida republicans
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assange. the e-mails are a revealing and sometimes embarrassing window into the workings of a major campaign. in one, donna brazile who was working for cnn, appeared to slip the campaign a question clinton was to be asked at a cnn town hall during her primary against bernie sanders. in another, starbucks ceo and major clinton donor howard schultz called the campaign pale and lacking transparency that trust them to openly elect clinton. >> she doesn't know that the russians are doing the hacking. >> reporter: trump has brushed off accusations that his words and proposals seem to favor putin. >> i know nothing about the inner workings of russia. >> reporter: in north carolina tuesday president obama said trump sounded like a russian dictator when he threatened to jail clinton if he won. >> i frankly never thought i'd say the day when we had a major party candidate who would be promote
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>> so he said he doesn't know why trump would be sympathetic to russia but he suggested it might be his business ties or his fascination with vladimir putin. in an interview on cnn this morning, russia's foreign minister called the notion that his country might be interfering in u.s. elections, quote, ridiculous and said there is no proof that russia is behind the hackings. >> thanks, nancy. "usa today" reports this morning on what it calls an extraordinary development in the presidential race. every republican governor and every lawmaker in congress. as of last night about one in four is refusing to endorse donald trump. the paper said the results have, quote, no precedent in a modern american political history. the washington bureau chief is here. she have three subjects. e-mails and the russians but donald trump and where this campaign is going. what is trump's strategy? based on his quarrel with
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>> i think he has turned to a scorched earth strategy where he is going to turn out his core supporters. he is going to try to punish republicans that are not supporting him, and he's trying to make it as difficult as possible for a president clinton to govern after the election. >> do you see this as a turning point in the campaign? >> i do think so. i think you see it not only in how donald trump is behaving but also how hillary clinton is behaving. she is now campaigning with the idea of trying to bring as many senators, democratic candidates fo with her and she's preparing to campaign in states that she doesn't need. states like arizona, and georgia, utah might even be in play. >> putting money in those states? >> with the idea of helping down the ballot, just as donald trump is making it harder for republicans down the ballot, hillary clinton is now doing everything she can to make it easier to to to gain control of the house of the senate and perhaps even the house. on election day.
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anti-establishment running against an unpopular congress. however, specifically taking on some of these lawmakers including the speaker of the house, the men he would have to work with hand in hand to get stuff done, does it complicate things for mike pence? >> i think it does. what is mike pence's brand, it's a very honorable guy, an evangelical britain who has generally not done negative campaigning in his own campaigns. who was very close with paul ryan. >> that's right. >> and had someone at a town hall say. donald trump loses we should have a revolution. he said don't talk like that. this puts pence in a difficult place and we know that he has ambitions down the road you know he might want to be running for president himself down the road. >> have you seen any evidence that the russians tipped off the trump campaign about the e-mails that were going to come out about hillary clinton's campaign? >> you know we don't have any hard evidence. we have some circumstantial evidence including a tweet that roger stone who is a longtime associate of donald trump said in august saying it would be
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barrel with the release of e-mails and that is certainly what happened now in october. >> what does that mean to you, susan? >> i think one of the most serious things that has happened in this campaign that has gotten not as much attention has it deserves is efforts of russian state actors to affect our election, our politics. that is an extremely curious thing and raises the question in some voters' minds about the legitimacy of the election. >> the administration is saying it may consider some kind of retaliation. >> there is some thought they were holding off in the hopes of making a deal with russia on syria. that's fallen through so i think increasing signs that the severe steps against russia for what they think it's doing. >> thanks, susan. >> this year's final presidential debate is one week from today. you can see our coverage next wednesday at 6:00 p.m. pacific time right here on cbs. >> we're following an unfolding investigation into a small plane crash in connection a law enforcement source tells cbs news this morning that it may have been intentional. the fbi is investigating claims
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survived the crash he says a student on board may have meant to bring the plane down. that student was killed. he came from jordan to the u.s. in 2012 to attend flight school. the plane went down near the pratt & whitney factory. that's actually in east hartford which makes airplane engines. pratt & whitney is a major defense contractor, as well. major rivers in north carolina will be at flood stage for the rest of this week following deadly hurricane matthew. the biggest concern today is the it will overwhelm every bridge in the county by sundown. more than 2,000 people have been taken to safer locations. many in very dramatic rescues. matthew is blamed for at least 34 deaths in the southeast. mark strassmann is in fayetteville, north carolina, with the new threat there. good morning. >> good morning. i want to show you something. this was a manmade lake behind me. it is now, as you can see, a giant mud hole. and here's what happened. heavy rains from the hurricane collapsed the road that held all
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lake, and sent all that water flooding the next town. flood issues are all over this region. yesterday, you see how far we were able to go in just a block or two. yesterday we could have went three blocks this way. >> in his truck, chief jimmy hunt and his crew of volunteer firefighters have ferried dozens of people to higher ground in lumberton, north carolina. the mass searches here are over. most people who were stranded in lumberton have been rescued. rescue crews are calling to a tip or call to check on a specific address. >> it's pretty horrific what we've seen out here. >> what's the worst thing? >> the worst that i've seen is the paralyzed patient, and the double amputee really got me hard because you know he was pretty much helpless. >> frustration is also starting to set in. on tuesday, north carolina
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to obey evacuation orders and stop driving around barricades on flooded roads. >> we're not messing around. and we do not want to put people at risk. to save you once you make that decision. >> i lost my home, my car. >> reporter: joanie was stuck in her home in lumberton since saturday and said rescue choppers flew right overhead. >> i had tried -- i had sheets and towels screaming. >> i thought she was dead honestly. >> her son gene drove 16 hours from michigan to find her. she was standing on the porch with water up to her knees when he arrived. >> we got halfway there, heard a voice and i mean, gave us -- she was like let's get to her. nobody else is coming. >> 135,000 people here in north carolina still have no power. you can see it was power poles as well as power lines that got
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you can also see why restoring all that power is going to take some time here. charlie? >> mark, thanks. in haiti, cholera is claiming more lives after matthew devastated the country. the hurricane reportedly killed 1,000 people. united nations said nearly 1.5 million people are in urgent need of help. the world health organization is rushing 1 million doses of cholera vaccine to the area. more than 85 cases of the deadly disease have been vladimir duthiers traveled there and is back in port-au-prince with the growing concern. vlad, good morning. >> good morning. the united states military has flown in tons of aid into haiti as part of its international response you can see some of that aid here the enormous bags of rice, and for some of those folks in these hard-hit coastal communities, these supplies can't come fast enough.
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matthew are now facing real catastrophe. >> reporter: eight days after hurricane matthew crushed homes and businesses here, its people are facing a new threat. this town has been completely destroyed. there are no homes that are left anywhere. they are now starting to see cholera, which is ravaging the population. this whole area is where people live. former local officials walked us through this seaside town. the folks here had no time, no chance, to save anything. any of their belongings at all. the town has one hospital and only two doctors to treat at least 85 people who contracted cholera. jean daniel is with doctors without borders. right now people are drinking the water in the river. drinking any water they can find, he says. that's how they're getting sick.
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people are leaving this village, and heading to the haitian capital port-au-prince. the doctor there tells us she's worried about treating the growing number of cases. >> we are fighting with the cholera. but you know that sometimes we don't have the resources to do that. when we have too much people with cholera, it's very difficult. >> walking through the town we could smell the strong smell of bleach and that's important becaus's disinfect and prevent the spread of cholera. but it wasn't strong enough to mask the stench of death. now there's another looming crisis, and that is 80% of crops in some regions in haiti have been wiped out. which means the aid that is being flown in by the u.s. military is going to be even more crucial, gayle. >> oh, the news just keeps getting worse from haiti. thank you so much. the pope this morning called for an immediate cease-fire in syria
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rescue crews try to dig a victim out of the rubble. amateur video showed rescue workers in aleppo pulling a little boy out of a pile of rubble yesterday. meanwhile syria's government claims that rebels in southern syria hit a school with a rocket killing five children there. >> the united states is retaliation in yemen against the attack against two navy ships. two missiles misth mason" and a nearby ship sunday night in the red sea of yemen's coast. they were fired from territory held by houthi rebels supported by iran. david martin at the pentagon reports that officials say all the facts point towards a rebel group's involvement. the houthis deny any role. thousands of american troops in iraq are helping to prepare for the battle to recapture the isis controlled city of mosul.
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should samsung's overheating smartphones have been recalled sooner? >> the multibalance cost of lost sales. the news is back in the morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! ? ?you don't own me? ?don't try to change me in any way? ?don't tell me what to do? ?just let me be myself? ?that's all i ask of you? the new 2017 corolla with toyota safety sense standard. ?you don't own me? toyota. let's go places. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth. feeling 100% means you feel bold enough to... ...assist a magician...
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disturbing new research reveals top mistakes teen drivers make oinvestigating a d near downtown. yesterday morning a man in his late 30's was found dead in the street off 15th and ogden. when metro arrived they found the man with a gunshot wound to his head and to his neck. police say he was walking alone on 17th street. metro is trying to figure out if this was an attempted robbery.... a confrontation or if one or multiple suspects were invov this shooting. witnesses also say they saw a brown sedan leaving the area. call crimestoppers if you have any information./// ((brian loftus)) metro police are asking for the public's help in catching two bank robbers who struck, a week apart. this man robbed the u-s bank at hualapai and desert inn yesterday morning. he was armed with a gun and had a nylon satchel over his shoulder. he claimed to have an explosive device and demanded cash. the suspect dropped the satchel in the bank... causing an evacuation.
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five-foot-five and five-foot-nine./// quick check on your commute expect slow downs in the spaghetti bowl along southbound i-15 at us 95. traffic on the beltway looks pretty normal at this hour. westbound lanes are moving away from the screen. expect right lane closures in both directions.
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especially early on for the morning commute. ............ a look outside shows lots of sun early with just a few high clouds increasing around noon -- should still stay mostly sunny however. ........... dry and seasonably warm conditions will continue through the end of the week. a series of systems will affect areas to our north this weekend and next week. this will bring periods of clouds and breezy conditions at times across the area along with a slight chances of precipitation in the southern sierra. ............ a weak trough the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. but hiding the evidence won't help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or all those fake charities he helped set up...
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he can try, but he can't make his record disappear. danny tarkanian: just a con man who can't bury the truth.
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? billy bush, who is the other half of locker room talk on that "access hollywood" tape is reported to be exiting nbc and the "today" show and suspended from the show yesterday. now the reports he is going to be gone permanently. goes to show you something ever good happens on a bus. has never happened. until every bush is destroyed. he started with jeb. next, billy. look out, barbara. you might be next. >> it was went to he was going to stay and then leaving and now he is leaving by the end of the week. welcome back to "cbs this morning.? samsung's possible fallout over
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overheating. can the consumers regain trust and what should you do if you still have one of those phones? what soo yhould you do? duh! get rid of it! >> duh! >> right. a rising number of teenagers are killed on our roads. a new study revealing their worst driving habits and how parents may not be able to help. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. calcium supplements that women take to pose a danger. researchers found taking calcium for ten years raises the risk of a heart attack by 22%. those taking the supplements were more prone to plaque buildup in arteries and doctors recommend relying on food to get enough calcium. comcast will pay $2.3 million in a settlement with the fcc. they regulators say hundreds of customers were billed for things
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customers can turn down new equipment and services now. the man killed remind man. the officer has been cha westjet of iceland. fortune says sam shortstop dung could find it difficult to honolulu. they had just returned home from the store with a new phone.
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knows what causes devices to overheat or catch fire. the company says earnings will take a hit. they did. samsung is loring its profit forecast by a third. a video posted on on the tech site xda shows samsung's return kit for a note 7 and includes gloves and a heat resistant box. samsung would not confirm the video but say it's sending special boxes required by la from "the new yorker" magazine. a 7 billion dollar market cap is lost and this extends beyond that, right? >> this is terrible for samsung. they put all of this money into the phone and the note brand. they have to deal with the specifics of their recall and consumers sending the products back. there will be brand damage down the road. it will take a long time to recover for samsung. >> how could it happen? >> we don't know. we think they packed too much
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dangerous. you could have an explosion if the wires cross and a fail/safe mechanism on top of it to prevent it from catching fire and a whole bunch of things cascaded and went wrong inside of that device. the strange things samsung has hundreds of people trying to figure it out and couldn't figure it out. >> and it happened with the replacement phones as well? >> they thought let's put new batteries in and they did that and it kept happening so something more complex going on. someone who had a phone. he was holding it saying i'm not giving mine up because it hasn't had a problem which just seems so ridiculous to that take attitude when you look at the video that is happening. it's crazy. >> if you have one of those phones, to the guy on the video, take it back! right? there are lots of other good phones on the market and lots of other good samsung phones on the market. if you have a note 7, return it! >> what is the process since they haven't been able to figure it out?
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earlier about this recall? >> they should have figured it out earlier. it's rare and unfortunate to have a recall that doesn't work. if you recall a product it should work and that is massive failure on the part of samsung. they should have had more people investigate it at the beginning and should not have gone to market so quickly. there are a lot of competitive pressures in the phone industry and they moved too fast and shouldn't have done that. >> the interesting thing to me batteries are the key to electric cars and so much in terms of smartphones. is there one company, the manufacturer of these batteries do ty thousands of places? >> lots of different places and samsung thought it was one specific subsidiary that made the batteries and taking batteries from different subsidiaries and putting them in the same phone so it's not an isolated problem. >> how do you repair your brand? >> you have to offer very generous refunds and be very open and very clear and they have to not have this happen
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we had a story in the news last week about samsung washers exploding and the company issued a safety warning. >> i think samsung has so many problems they have a good safety record but the samsung refrigerator. if you have a note 5 or an edge, you're phone. it's the note 7. i think it's specific to that phone which, remember, had more stuff crammed into it than any phone ever. >> one of their most ambitious projects. >> they had excellent reviews. people loved that phone, until it blew up on them. >> ame for new fighting in iraq. iraq's army is preparing an assault on mosul, the country's second largest city. it has been under isis control two years. holly williams got rare access to the base where american advisers are helping the iraqis get ready. she is now in erbil, iraq. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. american troops thought they had left iraq for good back in 2011. but fast forward five years, there are now around 6,000 u.s.
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decisive battle against isis. 40 miles outside of mosul, this air base was isis territory just over three months ago. now recaptured, its operated by the 101st airborne division from ft. campbell, kentucky. near camp swift is the headquarters for the mosul battle, where officers from the u.s. coalition and iraq are working together. colonel brett sylvia did two tours of iraq after the u.s. invasion in 2003 but insisted this time around american troops are not here for combat. >> that is not the fight that we have today. today, we advise them. and we assist them. >> reporter: so you won't be fighting on the front lines? >> no. >> reporter: and, yet, we have seen americans lose their lives here the last few months. >> well, this is a combat environment. it's not to say it's not
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vilesky served in mosul during the u.s. occupation in 2009 and now in charge of american ground forces helping to liberate the city. >> we see the enemies are demoralized and lers leaving mosul so we will enable the iraqis to go as fast as they need to go. >> reporter: you say isis leaders are fleeing the city, is that right? >> we have indications they are leaving. >> reporter: even though, the colonel admitted that america's frustrating. >> certainly things are much easier when you're forward and you got the rifle in your hand and you are maneuvering, you have great control over everything that you're doing. >> reporter: so it's harder to help the iraqis than it is just to do it yourself? >> isn't that always the case? >> reporter: those u.s. officers told us there are still around 3,000 to 5,000 isis fighters inside mosul and they are laying explosives to protect themselves. gayle? >> holly williams reporting from erbil, thank you.
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driving errors. >> the top three mistakes teens make behind the wheel. i'm kris van cleave in rockville, maryland, with new research that says the teens' bad driving behavior could be, in part, due to their parents. that is ahead on "cbs this morning." >> you want to hear that if you have a teenager in the house. take us with you on the go. we invite you to subscribe to podcast. you get the news of the day and extended interviews and podcast originals. find them on itunes and apple's podcast app. we will be right back. we asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. this gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons
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it's going to pay off in the future. if we all start saving a little more today, we'll all be better prepared tomorrow.
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no one's surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. that's just what happens when cats call the shots. new friskies tender and crunchy combo. tasty textures cats gotta have. friskies. for cats. by cats. music: suspenseful ? if your heartburn medication's not doing its job... the food you eat during the day... music: loud mariachi band can also haunt you at night.
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ne pill each day... shuts down your stomach's active... acid pumps to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? ?
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the number of teenagers involved in deadly car crashes is rising for the first time in nearly a decade. new data from federal regulators this morning reveal 10% increase
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deaths. more than 1.5 times more likely than adults to be involved in a deadly crash. kris van cleave is at a driving school in rockville, maryland, with that new survey showing teenagers' top mistakes. this is an important story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. driving schools like this one aimed to make drivers safer on the roads but they are finding often new drivers are showing up with bad habits. now, adults say 8 in 10 admit to driving while on their phones. that isor when it comes to speeding going 15 over the limit or more, about half of adults and teens admit to doing it. when you take inexperience and add speed that. >> reporter: a teen's girlfriend was speeding and lost control and hid a treat. donovan wasn't wearing a seat belt. he was ejected and killed instantly. >> crash has a date but the pain doesn't have a time frame.
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felt like in that moment to be standing on a crash site looking down at a yellow tarp knowing that my son was underneath it. but also knowing that the young driver would have never done anything to hurt us on purpose. >> reporter: almost a decade later, speeding remains the top mistake teens make behind the wheel. of the nearly 14,000 fatal crashes involving teen drivers over the last five years, more than 4,200 involve speed. disturbing things that it's not getting any better. >> reporter: tamara johnson from aaa says its survey found parents were often more guilty of bad driving than their teens, 65% of driving instructors complained parents were worse at teaching their children to drive than a decade ago. >> when parents set stricter rules for their teens before they get behind the wheels, the teens typically have less crashes. >> reporter: after speed, the most common mistake teens make is distracted driving. >> i thought it was snapchatting
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but ed he was texting. >> reporter: for that violation, christian got a ticket. do you text and drive a lot? >> normally, no. because my mom got on to me when i first started driving. after that, kind of quit doing it. then i was running late. >> reporter: the third big mistake is not properly scanning the road for hazards. this teen fails to notice another car running the red light. >> stop! hit your brakes! >> reporter: more new research out this morning funded by ford waiting until 18 or older to get their driver's licenses and then they are no longer subjected to graduating licensing laws which may be resulting in more fatal crashes. graduating licensing laws place limits on young drivers and have been credited with cutting crash risks by up to 30%. >> thank you. that is interesting. because you want to practice safe driving so you get your full license and drive whenever you want. >> it's a big problem. also the teenagers don't ride in the car alone.
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radio. i go back and forth whether it's good for parents to teach their kids. i hired a retired police officer because i think we parents have tendency -- i say me. i don't think i was helping the situation. >> you nowhere the best teacher? >> not with driving. sometimes i think it's better to have an objective person who is experienced, who is not going to -- >> yeah. you were probably modeling good behavior and not out there being a speed demon out there, right? >> no, i didn't. >> exactly. >> i drove better. >> i'm struck by the fact that cause. >> texting and driving, no good. >> what goes up and doesn't alway twant to come down? the attempt to demolish a bridge. first, it's time to check
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? the 93-year-old broadway bridge in arkansas did not go down without a fight! it barely budged when crews tried to explode it yesterday with explosives. contractors finally used a tug boat to pull the bridge down about five hours after the failed implosion. look at that tug boat. >> did you bring all of the explosives? you forgot something. >> ahead, donald trump's suggestion of a rigged election. , or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at anyone with type 2 diabetes
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today holding a rally at the smith center .. doors open at 5:30 ... the event gets underway at 7:30. you do need tickets to attend. clinton is expected to discuss her economic plan ./// ((brian loftus)) and 8 news now is teaming up with univision to host the senate debate friday. joe heck and catherine cortez masto will take the t canyon springs high school. the debate begins at 7 pm on 8 news now. if you have a question for the candidates, send them to us on our facebook page./// ((brian loftus)) 8 news now is your local election headquarters. you can find all things politics both on air and online at las vegas now dot com./// ((brian loftus)) part of the s-l-s will transform into a separate hotel this week. "w las vegas" will debut its marquee sign friday morning. it's taking over the "lux tower" .. the w will have nearly 300 rooms
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suite." it will also feature a brand new rooftop pool just for "w" guests... as well as 15- thousand square- feet of meeting space. the w will opens december first./// want to check on your commute expect delays at the rainbow/russell intersection due to construction. there are lane restrictions in effect for a countm us 95 and cheyenne looks slow on the southbound side of traffic.
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? good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, october 12th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including early voting now under way in more states. a look at whether donald trump's process could damage our democracy, but, first, here is today's eye opener at 8:00. >> despite that tweet storm, the nominee did talk about something new, the possibility of losing the election. >> what is trump's strategy? >> he has turned to a score to earth strategy, where he tries to punish republicans who are not supporting him and make it as difficult as possible for a president clinton to govern.
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all that power is going to take some time. >> the united states military has flown in tons of aid into haiti and for some of those folks, these supplies can't come fast enough. >> hello, everybody. hey! >> president obama taking part in an espn town hall on issues of race, sports and achievement. >> we all get knocked down in life. the question is how do you respond? >> hillary clinton campaigned in florida today with al gore. >> for those of you who are remember the election of 2000 and what happened here in florida and across the country. >> you're making al gore go back to florida? that's so cruel. that's like making joe frazier go back to manila. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. 27 days before the election,
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battle on two fronts against hillary clinton and his fellow republicans. trump lashed out yesterday at house speaker paul ryan, and other republicans. they are distancing themselves from him after 2005 video showed trump making sexually aggressive comments about women. >> donald trump tweeted yesterday, quote, it is so nice that the shackles have been taken off of me and i can now fight for america the way i want to. last night, trump said the shackles were the weak and ineffective people within the party and that if the 2005 video pushed wavering republicans over the edge, that's just sad. >> donald trump didn't mention paul ryan last night at arally in florida, but accused the clintons of cashing in during the haiti earthquake in 2010. he cited e-mails obtained by the republican national committee through the freedom of information act request. they show the state department funneled requests from friends of bill clinton referred to as fobs or wjcbips using his
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new york, looking at what the e-mails do not show. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. these requests that trump is referring to came from clinton acquaint acquaintances, clinton foundation donors who wanted to help with the relief work in haiti after that devastating earthquake back in 2010. in one exchange, for example, between the clinton foundation director and the state department, the state department official wrote i need you to flag when people are friends of wjc, william jefferson clinton. that same official wrote to one of the heads of u.s. aid, row londo is a close friend of the secretary and former president. he's wanting to get folks into haiti to work on electrical issues. the state department official wrote in another e-mail, is this an fob? if not, the person should go to the teams here are overwhelmed. now, these e-mails do not show whether the offers of help were
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they also don't show that the offers were made with any financial motives as trump had suggested and it is important to point out that back in 2010, it was well documented that the clinton foundation was funneling offers to help haiti to the state department, which was overwhelmed. bill clinton was the united nations special representative for haiti and coordinated the relief efforts there and former president george w. bush was also heavily involved in relief work in haiti. but it is unclear whether his friends consideration because those e-mails weren't requested by the republican national committee. >> nancy, thanks. in iowa yesterday, republican running mate mike pence had to shut down a supporter who really wants them to win. >> if hillary clinton gets in, i myself, i'm ready for a revolution, because we can't have her in. >> yeah, you know, don't -- >> i'm just saying -- >> the woman said she is very worried about voter fraud.
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to be involved in the election process. if you are concerned about voter integrity and you haven't signed up to be a poll watcher, to volunteer at a polling place, to be a part of the integrity of that process, then you need to do it. >> donald trump repeatedly suggested that the election process is rigged. >> what a rigged deal. i tell you, we're in such a rigged -- it is terrible. you got to watch your polling booths because i hear too many certain areas. so go and vote and go check out areas. because a lot of bad things happen. we have to make sure that this election is not stolen from us. >> trump has gone further encouraging his supporters to observe voters at the polls. 39 states have voter challenger laws. they give private citizens the right to challenge the eligibility of voters in person on election day. contributing editor alex wagner
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called scare the vote, looks into trump's claims and the lasting effects it could have. welcome. >> thanks. always good to see you guys. >> you say voter fraud is nearly zero percent in the united states, yet donald trump keeps raising it over and over and the effects could be devastating to this country. >> i think we talk a lot about what the long-term effects of 2016 will be in the american public, right? and certainly there say pervasive sense that a lot of our systems arero institutions need overhaul. but the notion that the basic act of democracy, casting a vote, is no longer fair, and that our elections in some ways are no longer free, which is a suggestion we have been hearing from donald trump on the campaign trail of late, the long-term and even medium term effect on our democracy could be profound. this is not a position that america, which is largely seen as a model democracy around the world -- >> profound how, do you think? >> i think i talk to election
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world, talk to folks at the u.n. and they say this kind of rhetoric we're hearing from donald trump about election is rigged, in advance of the election, that is rhetoric you hear from emerging and weak democracies. this is -- these tactics and this is the front page of the new york times, ironman rhetoric, this is what we hear from leaders like robert mugabe of zimbabwe. this is not the norm in terms of american politics nor is the suggestion and the solicitation online that the trump campaign citizens out to the polls to watch and see what other fellow americans are -- >> on the other side too, all the stories that the russians are trying to influence elections. >> that, i think, absolutely is adding to this climate of insecurity and fear. however, the evidence is what it is. one in 15 million cases of voter fraud is statistically zero it doesn't exist as a percentage of the american votes cast. does that mean our system is
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increase voter registration and turn out and all the rest? >> or does it mean something has changed? >> i think that the question of cyberwarfare and cybermonitorin issue than necessarily what donald trump is calling for. private citizens can't decipher monitoring in person. >> it is heating up as numbers are dropping too. >> sure. that, i think is not a coincidence, right? if things aren't going your way, challenge the results. >> two interesting things too, one, it is easier to vote in and we'll have as much as 40% of the vote will be early. and, in fact, many people believe that florida, north carolina, maybe nevada, ohio, could be decided even before the election. on the flip side, republicans for the last six years have made it harder to vote in person. we now have 34 states that require voters to show some form of identification at the polls. there are so many restrictions already in place to make sure the vote is fair. >> right. and i think it is worth noting
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conservative legislatures that have moved for these voter i.d. laws, republicans, this is being reported in politico today, republican elected officials and former officials are saying this rhetoric about the system being rigged is dangerous. there are people on both sides of the aisle that recognize the tenor in american politics that is being driven in this particular moment. not a good one in the long-term. >> and yet -- >> what will be the long-term effect, do you think? >> if you have a section of one of our two major political parties that no longer believes it matters, or americans turn out to vote, the implications for that are profound. if you have people not participating in the democratic process, how do you have a representative democracy? >> i think how it is going to play out. i can challenge anybody who is voting, what are my qualifications? >> we don't want voters intimidated at the polls. that's what the challenger laws alou. that's not a good -- that's not a good process, not good activity on election day. >> thanks, alex. >> hope for no hanging chads.
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balancing his work and family life at an espn town hall last night. the president said it is an issue that he and michelle wrestle with. >> my favorite sound bite from michelle about this is, i remember right after malia was born, very early on, a friend of mine called to see if i wanted to play basketball and i said, no, man, i can't, i got to baby sit malia. and so i hung up the she turned to me and said, you know what, if it is your own child, it is not baby-sitting. so i would say to the soon to be dads here, just understanding the level of responsibility and commitment that is required and the things that you have to cut out because a lot of moms are
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>> mr. obama said he knows that when he looks back on his life, it is not the political accomplishments that will stand out, what he will remember is, quote, holding hands with my daughters, taking them down it a park. >> don't you like him pointing that out, though. it is not your own child when you're baby-sitting. you have to send that note to a lot of dads from time to time. >> but it is true that in the end -- >> that will stand out. >> you remember the personal and you remember your family. >> it is good to hear a man talking about sort of what are these universal values that should >> a single tweet began an online movement in response to the tape featuring donald trump's comments. ahead, how the #notokay prompted a huge number of women to share
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is mozart the key to better wine? is mozart the key to better wine in seth doane went to tuscany on a tough assignment to investigate. >> they have been making wine in
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centuries. but this vineyard has a new ingredient, music. we'll show you ahead on "cbs this morning." people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it.
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okes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. e fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm catherine cortez masto
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ng drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck. wrong for nevada. ? the video of donald trump's vulgar remarks has started a national conversation about
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taken part in a social media movement. many are publicly sharing their own experiences for the first time. anna werner shows us the tweet that encouraged and outpouring of personal responses. >> reporter: good morning. as the backlash started from voters and politicians on both sides, writer kelly oxford thought she saw a chance to keep the conversation going by telling her story. hours after the trump tape hit the air waves, writer kelly oxford made a with it of her women, tweet me your first assaults. they aren't just stats. i'll go first. old man on city bus grabs my blank and smiles at me. i'm 12. she told us she had planned to delete the tweet if no one responded in ten minutes. >> and then, you know, the first hundred came in and i was like, okay. and then another hundred and then another hundred and. snowballed very, very quickly. >> reporter: one woman wrote, i
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was in the next aisle. man touches me a few times, tries to take me. while another shared grabbed from behind on the street. thought it was my fault because i was wearing a dress. never told anyone. i was 14. since oxford's initial tweet, tens of thousands have shared their experiences, creating the #not okay. >> i think a lot of women are saying, thank you, that they are happy that they were given safe space to say something. >> r made it easier for people to share their stories but the issue, itself, is not new. >> do you swear to the tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god. >> reporter: >> i do. >> reporter: 35 years ago, anita hill, a law proffer, testified before a committee that supreme court nominee clarence thomas harassed her. >> on several occasions, thomas told me sexually of his own
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>> reporter: this is high tech lynching. >> reporter: hill had to defend her account. how does she think the response to the trump controversy compares? >> it's a difference. i don't believe that would have happened in 1991. >> reporter: you don't think there would have been this kind of outcry? >> absolutely not. i think in 1991, people were really not accustomed to hearing about sexual harassment and they certainly weren't accustomed to hearing that it was a problem. >> reporter: the next step, she effects on trump and his presidential candidacy. >> what i think should have been the focus of the conversation is the harm that sexual harassment causes to the victims, and how we are going to ever prevent it, if we don't value the lives of women. >> reporter: women who responded to kelly oxford by the tens of thousands. >> i was happy that women were
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upset at the same time that there were so many women that basically -- basically every woman has a story like this. >> this is a powerful moment for us, to understand that and to think about, okay, what do we do next to make sure this doesn't happen to another generation? >> reporter: of course, there was no twitter in 1991 but hill, who is now a professor, says over the year, she has gotten thousands of letters and we were talking about the fact that if you read these on twitter, can only read them for so long. you can read only so many letters before you have to stop. >> she has a powerful question at the end of your piece. what do we know and prevent it from happening? so many focus on the guy and the effect it has to the women. >> it's an opportunity to keep the conversation going. >> tim tebow has made his much-anticipated debut in the fall league playing baseball. now what happened in the stands. we will be right back. see me.
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you love mcgriddles... but you don't love that you can't get them all day. but now you can get mcgriddles all day, and more. so, you can find something else to not love. like when sportscasters get carried away with the instant replay pen. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. ba da ba ba ba jacky rosen: i'm jacky rosen and i approved this message. man: the tea party republicans in congress want to cut social security. to join them. man: he is proud to call himself a "tea party radical." man: he wants to privatize social security... woman: ...just like them. woman: risking social security benefits on wall street. man: danny tarkanian would raise the retirement age... woman: just like the tea party republicans in congress. man: they would take away what we've paid for out of every paycheck. man:that's "tea party radical" for ya'. you love mcgriddles... but you don't love that you can't get them all day.
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else to not love. like when sportscasters get carried away with the instant replay pen. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. ba da ba ba ba ? it is usually tim tebow's play on the field that gets people talking. in arizona yesterday, he came to the aid of a fan in the stand. a man had just suffered a seizure. tim tebow comfort him and pray forred game. as far as the game, tebow went 0
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your local news is next. ((b) las vegas is one step closer to getting an n-f-l stadium. the stadium and convention center bill passed the state senate ... and will move on to the state assembly tomorrow. the proposed arena is expected to cost nearly 2- billion dollars. state lawmakers are reviewing a bill .. that would pay for 750- million of it in public funding ... from an increase in a room tax. minority leader aaron ford, and assistant minority leader kelvin atkinson.. say they voted in favor of it: ((st. sen. kelvin atkinson/(d) las vegas: "there will be more money going to education, there will be a lot of other things from this that'll fund things in education.")) ((brian loftus)) >> the 1 point 4 billion dollar convention center is also part of the bill ... which includes a separate increase in the room tax. the stadium and convention center bill goes to the assembly for consideration tomorrow morning ... after a vote on the more cops tax authorization.///
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clouds increasing around noon -- should still stay mostly sunny however. ........... dry and seasonably warm conditions will continue through the end of the week. a series of systems will affect areas to our north this weekend and next week. this will bring periods of clouds and breezy conditions at times across the area along with a slight chances of precipitation in the southern sierra. ............
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two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." as attorney general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. i'm catherine cortez masto
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? check the out of this world view captured by japanese probe as it moved below the moon's south pole back in 2007. the newly released time lapse video shows the rare earth set as seen from the moon. this spacecraft orbited from 2007 until 2009 and was the first to record high-definition video of the moon. wow. >> it doesn't look real. >> i know. >> it's so beautiful. >> that's what you call a wowser. >> that is the reason we want to go to space, gayle, right there. >> i'll write you and share you a care package because mommy is staying right here at the table! welcome back to "cbs this morning.? this half hour, a conversation with your children about healthy
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effect. a psychologist laisa moore will tell you how talking to your children could actually trigger a eating disorder. a serenade that is sweetening vines. seth doane is in tuscany vineyard. ahead the science behind his plan's positive reaction to sound. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. fortune reports that ibm workers and their soon be able to use the watson super computer to fight cancer. it will help match people with the most effective drugs and clinical trials. i spoke with a so-called godfather of watson's knowledge on cancer for "60 minutes." >> bloomberg news reports on warning to some patients with implantable defibrillators. st. jude medical says the batteries in 1% of the devices
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unexpectedly. 350,000 people worldwide have the implanted devices. >> "the washington post" analyzes what might happen in food retailing if amazon opens brick and mortar stores for food. the company is rumored to be testing drive-thru sites that let customers pick up groceries they ordered online. amazon is also thought to present convenience stores offering perishables. jeff bezos is on a >> "the san francisco chronicle" says colin kaepernick will be the 49ers starting quarterback on sunday in buffalo. he started the national anthem protest against racial bias that has been adopted by other athletes. he has not started a game since last november. san francisco has lost four of its first five matchups. "the new york times" reports that trip adviser will stop selling tickets to many animal
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animals held in captivity. >> "usa today" says airlines want to stop passengers from bringing comfortable ams nimals flight. in the 1990s animals were able to travel on airplanes. i saw a woman yesterday in a poodle and cashmere poodle and saying it was a service dog. >> they do provide comfort. >> yes, they do. okay. okay. ! >> "wall street journal" explains how one driver can prevent a traffic jam. researchers suggested it makes for drivers to ease the problem. they say letting others cut in leaving space in front of your car and maintaining a steady speed all help to relieve bottlenecks. parents advice to their kid about healthy eating and weight could backfire with harmful effects.
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that parents comments on their children's eating habits will be received as judgments about body weight or character. lisa is a cbs news contributor and here with the best way to start the conversation. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is such an important topic because you want to be able to address your kid' eating habits but, at the same time, you don't want to insult them or say something wrong about their body image. what is the best way to approach it? >> you know, i think this can be more neutral than can and a few ways to keep it neutral. one, focus on the biological. we can only eat so much in a day so what we eat has to provide that nutrition. if you eat a lot of cookies that will give you energy but doesn't give you vitamins and minerals and all of the things you need to go on. another way to approach it from the context of self-care. how we eat is how we look after ourselves and we need to look at foods that sustain us and not
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bodies.% the last way, an interesting one, is talk about the broader impact of our food choices, that we can eat an apple, which is relatively kind to the environment, or we can eat a highly processed apple-flavored stack from a factory and a lot of packages and that is harder on the environment. this last one is interesting because when you eat in a way that you feel is good for the environment, you get this immediate gratification and it's gratification that usually has us choosing the less healthy choice and makes it easier to make a healthier choice. when you're sitting there and you see a child that is out of control, i have a friend of mine has a very overweight son. i saw her the other day ask him if he wanted another piece of cake. i had to stop myself because it's not my child but i had to stop myself from saying is that really the best thing to do? you're saying don't make any judgments and just say talk about health? >> i think what we can say are you still hungry? right? and have you had nothing but cake today or do you also need something sma or need to eat
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nutrition? >> go back to self-esteem. >> we have a lot of problems around self-esteem. it matters how we talk about food and matters how we talk about appearance and weight. and the general wisdom around talking with children is to avoid conversations about dieting, to avoid comments on weight, and to put our emphasis on eating healthy and being active. parents' behaviors. usually children eat what parents eat. >> yep. consistently -- >> houston, we have a problem. >> yes. but quality and quantity. kid eat like their parents. >> do what i say, not what i do. >> i didn't do that well, i admit. >> you say actually bringing in the idea of the social justice or what it means for us to do with the environment. it can be motivating.
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>> for tergenagers in particula they do messaging and sticking up for the little guy. when you highlight teenagers they are heavily processed food and heavily market and harm to the environment teenagers can change their behavior with that kind of information. >> can we talk to you about the presidential election? norah she heard from a 9-year-old boy i know about the "p" and the news giving sgldisclaimers s might not be suitable with young children but you're talking about the election of the president of the united states. >> we can go after the impact of language and what words mean. two different things. we can say, look. language can be used for harm and we are having these conversations at home any way, right? kids are calling each other names any way so we can extend that conversation.
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>> there are names they may be learning, words they haven't heard before. if a kid says what does this mean, i think the first question back is what do you think it means? usually they have an idea and you want to find out what they think before you start with your idea. then i think you can say those are words that are meant to cause harm and a word that describes a part of a person's body and meant to cause harm. >> well said. >> you're welcome. >> thank you, lisa damour. good to see you. a wine maker claims he has found the notes that make a better wine. ea discovered at an italian vineyardaverage day with more se -- especially early on for the morning commute. ............ a look outside shows lots of sun early with just a few high clouds increasing around noon -- should still stay mostly sunny however. ........... dry and seasonably warm conditions will continue through the end of the week. a series of systems will affect areas to our north this weekend and next week. this will bring periods of clouds and breezy conditions at times across the area along with a slight chances of
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............ a weak trough will makes its the desert is where bad guys go when they want to make evidence disappear. but hiding the evidence won't help danny tarkanian. sure, he can bury all those property taxes he skipped out on for years... ...or all those fake charities he helped set up... ...or the scams against seniors he formed... or the $17 million judgment he never paid.
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house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck?
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heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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the driver of this white minivan didn't get a car that looked brand new. after leaving the car wash he just left the car wash in montana. but he may end up with one that is new after this wreck. the driver didn't quite make that turn and tumbled down a ten-foot embankment on the road and the car had a second wash. why? because it knocked over the fire hydra hydrant. it's not funny but seemed to be a wide turn that he had enough to make the turn. >> that is unfortunate. i wish my minivan would have that same fate. i'd love to replace it!
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one! hee hee! you don't have to drive it off the road! >> i know, but eventually, yeah. it's so disgusting! no one would want it, the problem. can't sell it or trade it in. it's so trashed on the inside! >> let it go. >> let it go. we will take up a collection. >> you have a job! your husband works! >> do some crowd funding! help norah get a new car, please! >> thank you. >> you're welcome. an italian wine maker expects in new harvest of wine. scientists believe music is helping to create something truly classic.
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on. there is something pretty interesting taking place there. row after row of grapevines cover the hills of montilchino in tuscany where famous wine is made but one of these vineyard is a bit different. ? ? ? >> reporter: just listen. ? >> reporter: the grapes here are serenaded all day, every day, by classical music. >> imagine a world without music. >> reporter: there is a speaker over there. jean carl doesn't have to. not while he is here. >> i support that music and improve the life of humanity. but also the plants. >> reporter: and try to answer
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pumping mozart into a section of his vineyard. he found the vines closer to the music grew bigger and toward the source of the sound. >> we divide the property in 25 different areas and we monitor the quality of the grapes and the time of the harvest. >> reporter: here is the son and another wine maker who sound like another scientist. how different are the grapes coming from the section of the vineyard with music, compared to the section without? >> thela the grapes close to the speaker have the highest sugar content so we believe in this idea. >> reporter: it wasn't long after that that it pique the interest of scientists. when you hear about this guy growing grapes and playing music, what did you think? >> that he was another crazy guy. >> reporter: stefan is a plant
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it's very difficult to say that plants like classical musk, mozart or whatever you want. what you are able actually to do is perceive sounds and specific references. >> reporter: mancuso, who gave a ted talk on the roots of plants' intelligence have been studying the mozart vineyard since 2003. >> plants, in general, much more sensitive than animals. >> reporter: he theorized the vines may grow toward the speakers because frequency referab resembles about running water. bose heard about the study and donated speakers and financed the research. >> the more impressive result is that sound is able to reduce
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>> reporter: they figure the music confuses harmful bugs, making them unable to breed. as a result, the vineyard uses no pesticides and very little fertilizer. the music also scares away birds and other createses wes -- creas who feed on grapes. >> the music not only protect the life of the grape, but they prove toohe >> reporter: chinotsy is proud of the research. not to mention their wines. tian tian. >> tian tian. >> reporter: as for the idea that these vines are reacting simply to sound vibrations, not specifically mozart, well, this is italy. >> i prefer the music. sorry.
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vy metal but, gayle, there are neighbors to consider. >> thank you, seth. how did you know we were talking about you? when you said let me start this piece. >> i just kind of figured. i figured. >> so many stories over there like that, aren't there? >> reporter: i hope moran >> we will to on come over. i was very skeptical when i first heard this story. now i get it. i get it with in terms of propelling the bug away and i think making workers and everybody happy. >> and confusing the bugs but the professor wasn't buying it. >> and more sensitive? >> yeah. >> interesting. >> i like it. >> i think i'm going to have to
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thank you, gej. deaa grandmother shows she fearless. you're watching "cbs this morning." we will be right back. he's divisive and dangerous. "uh, i don't know what i said. uh... i don't remember." but congressman hardy supports trump 100% and said he'll do whatever trump wants him to do. bilities are a drain on society and that seniors who rely on programs like social security are a draw on government. donald trump and congressman hardy -- divisive and dangerous.
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two billionaires, spending millions to buy a senate seat for joe heck. smearing catherine cortez masto with ads called "bogus," "highly misleading," and "false." y general, it's cortez masto who held banks accountable and helped nevada homeowners. and governor sandoval praised cortez masto's dedication to fighting sex trafficking. don't let joe heck's billionaires fool you. catherine cortez masto has always stood up for us. i'm catherine cortez masto
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an indiana grandmother celebrated her 95th birthday at 13,000 feet. bettie butler jumped out of a plane and sky diver over the weekend. family members were on the ground to watch. butler landed safely and she is no stranger to adventure. she reportedly rode a hot air alone for her 80th birthday and tried out jet skiing over the summer. >> i love her.
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bush did. that does it for us.
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the final presidential debate will be held right here in las vegas just 1 week from today. it took unlv more than a year to prepare for the historic event .. and school leaders say they're ready. nevada has never hosted a general election debate of any kind. there are one-thousand student volunteers.. five-thousand journalists attending, as well as hundreds of community leaders.... we spoke with folks at the university ... who say the final debate could determine the outcome of the election: (( tony allen, media relations director at unlv: "what happens here and what happens during that debate a week from wednesday could decide the election and how exciting is that that its going to happen here at unlv and in las vegas.")) ((brian loftus)) >> it cost some 30 million dollars to put on the debate.. but unlv says it will be well worth the investment. we're also told the university will reportedly receive 85 million dollars market value's worth of
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((brian loftus)) today, hillary clinton is making a stop here in las vegas... to campaign at the smith center for the performing arts. she's expected to discuss the upcoming election... as well as her vision on creating a stronger economy. the even starts at 7-30 pm... doors open at 5:30. /// ((brian loftus)) and 8 news now is teaming up with univision to host the senate debate friday. joe heck and catherine cortez masto will take the stage at canyon springs high school. the debate begins at 7 pm on 8 news now. if you have a question for the candidates, send them to us on our facebook page./// >> 8 news now is your local election headquarters.. you can find all things politics both on air and online at las vegas now dot com. ///
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the end of the week. a series of systems will affect areas to our north this weekend and next week. this will bring periods of clouds and breezy conditions at times across the area along with a slight chances of precipitation in the southern sierra. ............ a weak trough will makes its way into southern california today then east of the area tonight. water vapor and ir satellite imagery shows some high level moisture getting tapped from a disturbance several hundred miles off the coast of baja but due to the progressive nature of the trough, will not have time to add any moisture to what is expt .............. today look for sunny skies and highs in the mid to upper 80s. tonight lows drops down to the mid 60s. ............... your 7-day forecast shows 86 the high through about thursday. we'll be up to 88 by friday. look for breezy winds to increase a tad friday as well as sunday. mid 80s expected this upcoming weekend before dropping down to the low 80s monday and tuesday.
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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. rrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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>> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, award-winning actor jon hamm. and from "speechless," minnie driver. and performing her new hit, "sit still, look pretty," daya. and we will reveal the semifinalist in the "live with kelly and you" cohost search. also cooper joins kelly. all next on "live!" and now, here are kelly ripa and anderson cooper! ? ?


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