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tv   Senate Debate  CBS  October 14, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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i'm catherine cortez masto and i approve this message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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2016 senate debate presented by eight news now in partnership with univision. >> christianne: tonight we are live at canyon creek in north las vegas for the first and only senatorial debate in nevada. good evening and welcome. in just a moment your two
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republican congressman joe. >> and democrat and former attorney general of nevada catherine cortez masto. thank you both, i am news anchor denise valdes with steve cervelli has and univision's washington d.c. anchor to keep you spread this debate is being broadcast not only on channel 8 but across the state. at reno cbs ktp and, live on c-span, online at las vegas, as well it will be on univision cns and cnr, if you would like to see additional information about questions we are asking tonight you could look for the hashtag you see on your screen which is in the debate. now for the rules.
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three-part store debate tonight first we will be asking both candidates a question. then the candidates will ask each other a question. and finally we have individual questions for each of them. we're going to start with questions for both candidates each of them will have one minute to answer. and then each candidate will be given 30 seconds for a response. if there's any questions by the moderators a candidate will have 30 seconds to answer. a crime the timekeeper will let you know when you have 15 seconds left on either side of the stage tonight and then a bill will spring when your time is up. now in an earlier coin flip it was determined catherine cortez masto will be asked the first question and since there are no opening statements tonight we will get right to the first one. by the time outgoing senator harry reid was elected to the
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two terms as a lieutenant governor, chairman of the gaming commission and two terms of the u.s. house of representatives. ms. catherine cortez masto you are a two term attorney general but yet never served in any legislative branch of the state or federal government.can you explain, if elected, how a new junior senator you would be able to maneuver through the senate halls, secure federal funding, and also to influence the nevada voters have come to expect. >> cortez to like to say thank you to catherine cortez masto, univision, for toasting and having a chance to talk to. that is a great question. as attorney general i was in a unique position i got to introduce legislation so i introduced over 40 bills during the eight years i was in office. and those bills were supported and passed out of her legislator with the supports of democrats and republicans. and sign by a republican governor because i think that
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problem-solving we need to focus on what is happening in our communities how we address them and how we work together. if legislation is necessary how we work together to move forward and address those concerns that i see every day here in nevada. >> denise: thank you congressman you are a two term you served one term in the the better state senate since you have been in congress you not passed a budget or comprehensive immigration the same question. can you a new junior senator you would be able to maneuver through the senate halls, secure that imported federal funding. and also to influence they are come to expect.>> rep heck: i want to sponsor everyone who is sponsoring the debate and all those participating. first my time as a state senator give me the background of understanding to know how to work the legislative contest. i was able to pass legislation during my german cup carson city.
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legislation all of my bills the best out of the house, senate and signed into law by a democratic president. all of which success the issues important to us in nevada. because i had the term to serve in washington d.c. i've been able to build relationships not just with members of the house that members of the senate. if i go over to the senate i already have relationships with many on both sides of the order to be able to pass legislation already i have introduced and i will be able and be able to continue to work for the best interest of nevadans. >> denise: my next question is from steve. >> it has been one big movement after another involving the presidential candidates in the race. over the last couple of days we have been able to pull in the presidential race that shows democrat hillary clinton narrowly leading donald trump or like it or not both candidates are linked to the presidential candidate of their party.
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he has had many offensive things in the last few months it up giving you boss why only now have you withdrawn your support from him:?speaker6? the decision i made last week was a very personal decision. i have certain the army reserve for over 26 years and i try to live my life but i just a military code of honor but a personal code of honor. it is what i owe my family, what i call the people i represent in congress. as an emergency room doctor i have taken women who have been victims of domestic violence or sexual assault but i have empathy for anyone who has had to experience such a tragedy. my wife was a victim of domestic abuse in a prior relationship. my decision was an extremely personal decision. >> steve: you stated secretary clinton has your support because, quote, she is the champion fighting for us in the white house. however, the director of the fbi testified before congress that hillary clinton to the
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handled emails as secretary of state.why should your fellow nevadans trust hillary clinton and what does it say of your assessment that you are endorsing someone at the director of the fbi has called a liar. >> cortez masto: thank you for the question. hillary clinton has recognized and taken responsibility, said she wouldn't do it again. there is no doubt in my mind she has the temperament, the experience and ability to lead this country as commander in chief.let me talk about something that congressman joe heck had. it is astonishing to me that 48-9 months he was donald trump's biggest supporter. when donald trump was attacking pows, taking on attacking goldstar families, congressman heck had no problem with donald trump being on the button. when donald trump was making fun of the disabled, attacking mexicans calling them rapists and criminals and calling women names and denigrating women. which we know why he was because he sexually assaulted women, congressman heck had
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be the president. let's call this what this is a christmas x is worried about his political career. donald trump's ship is sinking and congressman has to secure office in a desperate attack to save his candidacy. >> steve: i have a hunch. [applause] that will go against your time sir. a brief response. >> rep heck: as i said make that a political decision. i find it incredulous she would continue to support somebody and trustworthy for the vast majority have found her not to be trustworthy. this is a woman who put our national security at risk by taking classified information on her personal server. when i asked if she would use a private server she said you wouldn't want to speculate on this. this is a woman who like to the families of the people lost in benghazi about why they lost
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and material needed was not provided by the state department. >> cortez masto: there were 50 national security advisors, republican security advisor to think donald trump is a security risk. and they are not supporting him. but you are still supporting him. again you can't walk away or run away from him right now you don't get credit for that. you were with him for eight months and it is a desperate attempt for you to save your political career. >> steve: 15 seconds. >> desperate attempt. and likewise make up when it continues to support someone who is and trustworthy by the majorities of americans lying to the families of benghazi and kept classified material on her personal server. >> steve: thank you. [applause] >> denise: we certainly have a lot of enthusiasm for the issue so let's talk about an issue that is important in that
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immigration. yet you both say you are for immigration reform. both of your plans are for securing the border and a path to citizenship. we see a lot of general statements such as bring people out of the shadows and keep families together but not a lot of specifics. cortez masto tell us one part of your plan that is different from your opponent.>> cortez for the question it should be a priority in congress. my grandfather came from mexico, because of his courage he's cross the rio grande, but his young family to las vegas for the opportunity to succeed, work hard, make sure your kids have a great opportunity. >> how do you repeat that? >> cortez masto: that is so
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luisi family is here they are fighting to make sure that children have the best opportunity. making sure we put them on a path to citizenship and it is springing them out of the shadows it is ensuring the have that opportunity to have a job and not worry about being deported for they just want that opportunity. here is the think you know passing comprehensive immigration reform will contribute to our economy and still address the border security in this country. for me it is a priority. as your next united states senator i will focus on. >> follow-up question for you. how would you specifically tackle border security since you brought it up? >> cortez masto: that is a great question as attorney general i worked with state and local law enforcement always concerned about the security of people in the state. we already know with respect to border security we have 21st century technology whether it
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technology we can use now can help us address the border issues. when we put funding already into the border for bodies and resources and we want to continue to do so. at the end of the day let's not get caught up in the specifics of border security where my opponent wants to go. let me just say it is about passing comprehensive reform and not arresting dreamers when they show up here to your office asking you to move forward. >> same question to you congressman [applause] give me one specific aspect that is different from your opponent. >> rep. heck: my maternal grandparents moved here they boarded the brooklyn navy yard's and had a cure that moved into a business. without them taking the risk i have the opportunities i have here today. i can't say whatever the my opponent because she never said
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but i would say one of the things we must do is address our legal immigration system. if we don't fix our legal system will continue have the problems we have today. the fact is when somebody comes through the channels it becomes a permanent legal, or get citizenship they shouldn't have to wait 10-12 years to bring their space and family over. let's talk about fixing the legal, our guest worker program that meets the unmet demand in the united states disenfranchise in unemployed americans. unskilled and high-tech we have critical needs. let's work, as i did, and grabbing legislation with partners at the audience to get a path to citizenship. for border security. >> cortez masto: congressman heck you know where we are different. listen. congressman heck you know where
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support the bipartisan version that passed out of the senate and you but there is a clear distinction between the two of us. when you are talking about passing immigration reform and helping people you don't go to sign on, when you have an opportunity to move this issue forward in the house and have a vote on it all you had to do beside a petition and she refused to let a n a vote.((>> rep. heck: as far as the congress comprehensive bill never went up for a house but i did call out the leadership are not going for reform. in the las vegas review the article were different we need to work toward comprehensive immigration reform i do not support a 2000 page bill. i support addressing each piece of immigration reform individually. >> 'sdeportation as well? b6 know i vtalked about deportation i said outside of the dreamers those that have a
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deported. however those that have been working in our community should be given a pass to some kind of legal status. >> your record is your record. you can't run tonight. >> denise: i want to remind the audience a shaker enthusiasm for this is our one and only chance to talk in a few interrupt it goes against our time. so please be respectful of that. our next question. >> steve: our next question comes from clinton jeffries she wrote via ce wants know, quote, with the support a government shutdown. back in 2013 there was a government shutdown here's a look at some of the consequences of that. federal workers who live here and work at the nevada national security site and government office buildings and military installations were furloughed. some of her top tourist destinations were close. there was a threat of stopping beneficiary problems like food stamps that governor sandoval called catastrophic.
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different with this question. i want you to raise your hand if as a senator you would commit to never shutting down the federal government whether through an action or inaction. >> cortez masto: congressman heck is already done and he voted to shut down governments i don't know why he is raising a hand. >> rep. heck: there was never a vote to shut down the government. >> steve: we will come to you in a moment.congressman heck you voted back in 2013, there was a dispute over the affo government almost was shut down. it was shut down for 16 days. so is she right have you already done it? >> rep. heck: there was never a vote and i voted for a piece of legislation to open the government backup i voted for legislation to safeguard the pay and benefits for a military members so they would not have to worry about getting their paychecks. there was never able to shut down the government.
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a 32nd follow-up. you said at the time what was going on at the time and calling it a slowdown a nonessential government services. but some of the things on the list some pretty essential to me. >> rep. heck: when there is a pathway by which there is a government slowdown that is certainly nonessential services are curtailed. but there was never able to show that the government and voted for a piece of legislation to open the government backup and to safeguard the pay of those. >> cortez masto: he is talking about a vote. he is trying to dance around the subject. he supported the government shutdown and then he continued to support it putting 16 times for the sequestration. he can't run from his record. >> rep. heck: aqua station had nothing to do with the government shutdown. >> cortez masto: it is a typical washington politician trying to dance around the question. that is what is the problem with washington now we the
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ensure they are doing a better job of helping working families in this country, in the state. this in i can go around and talk to them but we have had the worst foreclosure crisis we have ever seen and i fought not only on a national mortgage settlement but 7-8 bank financial institution because when people are suffering in your state you work for them and it sure you are doing everything. because of that it will. >> $9 billion in released to homeowners here.there's a love, we help save her home. >> steve: we will talk about that housing issue a little bit later.[applause] >> denise: all right moving on now let's talk to into the question. >> on the ballot this november is issue one which would have all not sales or transfers to be checked by a third party. they found that nevadans support the measure by 61 percent and 38 percent. do you support? and you would you support on a national level?
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and i want to save my husband and i are gun owners my husband is a retired secret service agent but i was raised in nevada, father and my uncles and cousins are all hunters. but you know what we have in common? we are responsible gun owners and we know we need to reduce gun owners. and by passing we can expand this background checks we get close the nonessential simple to we can make sure we are doing everything we can to reduce gun violence. but it level to address this issue. one of the common sense things we could have done was make sure we passed a law to ensure that people on no flight list could not buy a gun in our country. congressman heck wouldn't even vote for that to reduce gun violence in our country. >> thank you. >> rep. heck: >> same question for you do you support question what and you will support background checks.
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because he does not face the mac address the problem we face. the question is not legal gun owners it is the records arch in the background check system that is why i supported legislation that provided additional resources to the state to get the records necessary into the system to background check. in addition we need to prosecute those who go to a gun store and try to purchase a gun when they know they are not able to do so. we prosecute few of them. we need to stiffen the third person, the strongman buyer who is purchasing a gun and giving it to a person who knows they are not split up again. we need to address the mental health issue. if you look at the tragic mass shootings over the last decade they are all from legally purchased guns from individuals
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check. what we are doing by trying to pass this is to put a band-aid on the issue without addressing the root cause but let's talk about the mental health issues in this state and this country and provide the resources to take care of those individuals.[applause] spewed congressman, thank you. even though the polls showed 51 percent support this measure. >> rep. heck: when he look at the measure it is ambiguous. it would criminalize people from leadin else and they weren't at an established gun range but there is no definition of established gun range. in many parts of nevada people go to unpopulated lines to go and target shoot that is not an established range. it is very ambiguous and would criminalize otherwise eagle activity. >> cortez masto: it has been a typical washington politician to come up with a root cause. we are already addressing and enforcing the law and arresting individual.
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working together for to reduce gun violence and expanding the background check, holding private gun shows. listen i don't think anybody should be able to buy a gun over the internet. >> congressman heck does. that is a difference, we need people who are working on common sense solutions to get things done in this country. and yes we have a mental health issue which he address? absolutely. but that requires people in washington to continue to fund services we need for mental health in this issue. ryan budget and they cut funding for mental health, for addiction services, you name it. he has part of the mess he voted with his tea party and right wing nine times out of 10 when he is in washington. [applause] >> you can respond. >> rep. heck: i have taken a proactive approach in trying to address the real problems associated with nonviolence. working with democrats to increase resources for the background check system, increase penalties and
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congress direct, to provide comprehensive recovery act of services to those who have substance abuse problems. those of the issues we need to address most urgently if we want to decrease the propensity for gun violence in this country [bell ringing] by those who purchased guns legally. >> cortez masto: he said he voted and supported all the issues so now is the time to pass the background check issue which your individuals cannot buy guns on the internet. this one is astounding to me, you must pass a law [bell ringing] to make sure that terrorists on the no-fly list can buy weapons in this country. >> rep. heck: the no-fly list is a political ploy put up by the other side to try to force. there are only 1000 u.s. people on that list. in fact even the american civil
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process. we know many people on that list or on there for no good reason. the federal bureau of investigation doesn't want that to happen. 1015 doesn't stop them from getting to make initiating investigations. >> denise: congressman heck is that like you have your republican talking points down. >> denise: we are moving on to another topic because we have a lot of information i appreciate your enthusiasm but you are taking time away from your candidates we will have plenty of time at the end of the program. here is something you all care about and that is taxes. we're talking about economy, in fact this is a question that comes from mike evans via facebook he lives in las vegas. he wrote i would ask both with all the tax increases when is enough enough. we will take a little bit deeper into this question. it is a long question, the
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monitor in front of you. follow along first we want a quick answer we are asking for a dollar figure. we will give you a full minute to respond to the answer. the first question is going to miss cortez masto this question will come to you. at one income level do you consider a family to be middle class.>> cortez masto: here the median income for people in the state of nevada is $52,000 a year. >> denise: based on that to you support raising taxes? and at what income with that start at? >> cortez masto: let's talk about that ca talent we have in our country. we have working family that we know that paycheck doesn't go as far. instead of giving them tax breaks which i have talked about and give $1000 tax break to the working families so they can keep more of their hard-earned money. and you don't have to pay for it but we are not giving tax breaks to big corporations that are shipping jobs overseas. we take away the unnecessary
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that millionaires and billionaires aren't lower tax rates than their administrative assistance. but we need people in washington who are looking out for working families not big corporations. congressman heck has been working for the big corporations. all of his votes in congress a bit to support the corporations, and necessary subsidies for big oil, and he is not looking out for working families. >> denise: can we get a number from you proposing raising taxes on $250,000 or more is that a figure you are comfortable with? >> cortez masto: i think that is something we need to look at as a country. how we are sure we are getting families out of poverty. if you're making minimum wage are making 15,000. >> denise: is there a number you have in mind? >> cortez masto: know, i am willing to look at that we need to look at it. if it pulls people out of poverty and does a better job for the working families here in nevada and across this
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a look at that. >> denise: perhaps congressman heck is a figure in his mind. again we have a question for you here on the monitor so you can follow along. a two-part question. at what income level would you consider a family to be middle class?>> rep. heck: that is geographically dependent. here in nevada it is not 56,000 but in other high cost areas around the country middle class is much higher. in fact a democrat from new york became quite perturbed when it was mentioned that 110,000 would be middle-class for his constituents in new york city once you are right it is 52,000 here in nevada so let's talk about what it would be for top wage earners and at what income does that start out for you? would you consider taxing those people? p6 we need to reform our tax form make it flatter, simpler so everyone could fill out their income tax on one sheet of paper. get rid of loopholes, subsidies, nobody should get away with not paying anything whether an individual or big
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everybody should be paying something into the treasury to support that man or woman wearing a uniform, keeping our liberties and freedom. >> denise: it doesn't sound like you have a top wage earner as you look at the tax. mr. trump is across the board tax relief for everybody. >> rep. heck: i think we need a pair, flatter, gets rid of reductions especially for the middle-class. >> denise: to either of you have a hard figure, last 30 seconds on this question. >> cortez masto: it but it is typical he doesn't answer the explore hillary clinton's proposal but here is my concern. i know he is concerned about people in new york but i am worried about people here in nevada. i want to make sure that if we are going to talk we are working with working families out of poverty. i figure for you, no. but i am willing to export to make sure we are fighting for families here in nevada. >> denise: final 30 seconds. >> rep. heck: i find it hypocritical i didn't answer the question and she didn't
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we will do everything possible to make the tax code letter, getting rid of unnecessary textiles and lowering tax rates for everybody to create better paying jobs. >> denise: a lot of work to do on that topic it sounds like. let's move on to our next question. >> plastic good look at your to just chill appointments.many have questioned chief justice roberts on obamacare. it got a lot of people that a conservative in favor. should it be a litmus test for judicial confirmation, and for a supreme court justice? congressman? >> rep. heck: i did not have a litmus test on anyone single issue. i want to look at the history during their time on the bench. i would prefer to support somebody who went into but the constitution as written, uphold the constitution and freedom and liberties and not attempt
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fulfill some political agenda. >> are you saying you don't have a specific criteria: >> rep. heck: i have no specific individual issue litmus test i will judge them on their history on the bench. >> cortez masto would you like to respond? >> cortez masto: there are characteristics in individuals that i like and in by your like justice center meyer, justice hagan but for me i am looking at somebody who has an understanding of the role of law. that can apply the law fairly and equitably. and also we need a more inch. we need to ensure that we are putting justices on their that have a real-world application because we know it impacts people every day in their lives. but let me say it is astonishing that congressman heck doesn't have a litmus test when he is on record saying the type of justice he is looking for is somebody that is like justice scalia. >> you have a response to that? >> rep. heck: there is no response. we all have justices that we
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that is not it litmus test that is an individual personality. >> but it is because if you are looking at somebody like justice scalia who we know is very conservative and would overturn roe v wade that is a concern for many people across this country. >> rep. heck: justice scalia >> cortez masto: justice scalia that is a concern >> rep. heck: he interpreting the constitution as written and not rewriting it from the bench. >> thank you both. steve, you have the next question. >> steve: thank you for the audience to of applauding my next question. which is about the affordable care act. according where the 73,000 people in nevada are enrolled in obamacare. however premiums here and across the country are skyrocketing. in some states it is going up by four to 50 percent. this issue has both republicans
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changes including former president clinton. >> you have this crazy system for 25 million more people have healthcare and that the people have 60 hours a week lined up with their premiums doubled and their mortgage cut in half. it is the craziest thing in the world. >> steve: just this week one of the more liberal governors said quote, the reality is the affordable air act is no longer affordable. newly mostve three surveys no lifetime limits on coverage, allowing kids to say on insurance until they reach age 26, and no denial of coverage because somebody has a pre-existing condition. so miss cortez masto specifically for would you start to fix the skyrocketing
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great question because we know here in nevada governor sandoval rated the healthcare exchange, expanded medicaid so we have more people who have insurance in the state and listen i know getting around and talking to people about this issue there is a frustration. i fully so and we can't do more. but it starts with the reform minded approach working together to keep what works like you just talked about, steve. and then fixing what doesn't like refilling and the high premiums that we have seen. but that is where we need to get started. my opponent wants to repeal it we don't need to go through another divisive fight over health care in this country what we know there are things that work. if he repeals it there are 300,000 nevadans who will no longer have health insurance. we will go back to the day when being a woman is considered a pre-existing condition. he would open up the donut hole
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this is an issue we need bipartisan problem solvers. >> steve: congressman heck you have voted to repeal the affordable care act. assuming the affordable care act remains in place what ideas do you have, specific ideas to fix the high cost of premiums? >> rep. heck: is a member of congress my position has been to repeal, repair, and replacement offer a replacement vehicle to address the most egregious portions of the healthcare law that have resulted in actually less premiums. remember some people may have received is yours but that is it mean you have healthcare and that is a critical issue but people have bought policies on exchanges not knowing it had a $5000 deductible until they want to use it for the first time. i agree we want to keep consumer protections in the healthcare law. nobody should be dropped the
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sick or they are too old or too much of a risk.what we need to do is move away from the mandates and the penalties and increase an incentive five instead of say by a policy as approved by the government or people text you we should give people a tax credit to buy the policy that works for them and their family with the coverage they need. we should allow them to use health savings accounts of the the affordable care act took away.and we should put the $700 billion back into medicare the affordable care out. [applause] >> ms. cortez masto: listen to what he is saying. what he is saying is we will repeal the affordable care act, we are going to make sure we have it centered approach for insurance companies and doctors but we're not talking about preventative care anymore. the premiums are going to skyrocket under his plan and that is the difference here. again he is a typical washington politician who doesn't define the issues but he doesn't come up with real
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listen i don't think. [bell ringing] your living in this country you should die because you can't afford healthcare. and i don't think let me finish because this is such an important issue. i don't think that you should go bankrupt because you can't afford your medical bill it is an issue we need to address. >> steve: let's get congressman act a chance to respond. congressman, you still want to rebuild the affordable care act? >> rep. heck: i want to get rid of the pieces that access. that bill was passed in 2010 it was pushed through by harry reid and nancy policy. my no difference in how she would support this into law. but the fact is while there were republican options and ideas they were not even given the opportunity to be offered. there are ways we could lower cost and more importantly increase access to health care. because at the end of the day it doesn't make it difference. [bell ringing] if you have an
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[applause] >> steve: real quick 15 seconds. >> ms. cortez masto: it is still part of the same. he is continuing to talk about how others forced this down, many nevadans who have insurance now. he doesn't talk specifics about what he wants to repeal. so why do we need to repeal it if we want to approve it keep it for it is and approve what doesn't that is a discussion we should have. >> rep. heck: you didn't hear me i said i would repeal the mandates and repeal the penalties. i would rather incentivize people with a tax credit to buy the policy that works for them and their family and have the coverage they need and want. >> ms. cortez masto: and you would repeal the mandates and get higher profits does the insurance companies. the doubt about it.
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will like this part of the debate. one more reminder please hold your applause you want to hear from our candidates tonight because in this part of the debate we will allow the candidates to ask each other a question directly. here is how it will work. you will have 20 seconds to ask the question, a minute to respond, and 30 seconds for the others to rebuttal. july qb as the first question. >> rep. heck: what if anything should the united states do to combat china's in th of recent indecision. >> ms. cortez masto: a great question and i think a lot of us need to ensure we have a president that will hold you accountable. we know our relationship with china is complicated there are areas where we work together like in north korea, and other areas where we know with trade alone they put the united states at a disadvantage with the current manipulations. and what they have been doing in the south china sea. because of it we need to make
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understands those complexities and can hold china accountable. that is not donald trump or donald trump is a national security risk. we have seen it in the security advisers who aren't supporting him. my goodness homeland security michael chernoff is voting for hillary clinton and he is a republican appointed under bush. that is why it was disappointing to me that you continue to support donald trump when you know he is a national security risk and he has no business commander-in-chief.[bell ringing] >> you have 30 seconds. >> rep. heck: this will become a critically important issue not just to our own economy but global trade. and communities right here in southern nevada. we need to make sure there is freedom of navigation of five alien dollars, roughly 30 percent of global trade passes through the south china seas. if we don't have the ability to utilize that passage we will lose good paying jobs here in
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philippi, they are worried. of large population is worried about the impact on their families in the future. >> denise: 15 seconds to rebut. >> rep. heck: let me just say again he sounds good but at the end of the day he is supporting donald trump and timmy that is a security risk that is not somebody who will be able to take on china, that is not somebody listen. donald trump said we should go to war with china because we need unpredictability. this is somebody congressman x listening to the news for the last week. [applause] >> denise: cortez masto ask congressman hackett question. >> ms. cortez masto: congressman x you supported the government shutdown and while the government was shut down federal employees were required to work without pay. during that time over 200 congressman donated their salaries to charity because they wanted to support those federal employees. how did you feel cashing your
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controllers and law enforcement did not have enough money and were struggling to pay their bills? >> rep. heck: first, there was no boat to shut down the government. after the government reopened congressman passed legislation to provide everyone who had lost pay while they were furloughed their full pay and benefits. we took care of that issue after the fact. >> address that because here is a true leader, congressman had. and this is what you should have done. when i was attorney general for eight years the legislature started cutting the salaries of my employees and state employees about six percent and mandatory furloughs. i returned to:44,000 of my salary so that i can stand in the shoes of my employees and take the same six percent cut that they took.
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respond. >> rep. heck: giving money to the charities would not have paid the bills that is why we gave them the pay they lost so they could pay the bills. [applause] >> denise: all right we want to give each of you to smile tonight and possibly for me move on to the individual question for each of you but this one is more personal to let the voters looked the know who you are behind the persona. cortez masto, we wanted to know at what point did you know that your husband paul seen here on the scene was a person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? >> ms. cortez masto: that is easy on our first date. on our first date he was working as a secret service agent we met thanks to president bill clinton who was here at the time. he asked me out on a date and
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out to dinner. we actually went out and we have been together for 19 years ever since. [applause] >> denise: congressman joe heck i understand you and lisa have been married 21 years of my math is what moment did you realize she was a lovely woman she wanted just for the rest of your life with? >> rep. heck: i better at a hospital christmas party. we met, i am a doctor, she is a nurse and we started talking about where we were from. we were both from pennsylvania at the time. we went to the same college at the same time, hung out at the same places and we never met. we met out here in las vegas eight years later. it was fate and into the day i better that it was right.[applause] and the day i met her that it was right. >> denise: thank you for sharing that at this point we
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you will have one minute to answer the question. a panelist may ask a 32nd follow-up question at their discretion. there will not be a response from the other candidate. >> denise: congressman joe heck, members of your campaign and your son have been in the news lately for comments they have made, a buzzfeed highlighted many disturbing contacts:comments on your son's reddick account and two of your former aides questioned mexican heritage. a staff city councilman ricky barlow with black state senator kevin atkinson in a tweet attacking your opponent. while we understand he did not commit these actions yourself many voters tell us they feel that reflects on your character. so what do you say to minority voters were thinking about voting for you but are still concerned about these comments? >> rep. heck: the former staff members are former staff members for the state party
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what they may have done as private citizens. the actions of my son we have apologized and so has he. anyone who said teenagers know that is hard as you try to raise your children to be the best they can be it is not an easy task. i think you for my concern about my family but we need to move on from this issue and my son has learned from it and hopefully will become a better person because of it. >> denise: it is hard to believe somebody so lo may have, set up and at them had you respond to that? >> rep. heck: sorry. >> denise: voters have somebody who is so close you have just urging mark to how do you talk to those voters. >> rep. heck: it is not something he heard in our household. living in a fishbowl of public life that is why he apologized he is seeking help for that issue and he will become a better person because of it. the key issue is you love your children, you stand beside that, you love them but it is
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as you try but you stand behind them and you don't give up. >> denise: thank you. [applause] next question comes from steve. >> steve: ms. cortez masto, the housing crisis, nobody disputes banks and mortgage companies were part of the problem. you refer to the crime scene because of the number of fraudulent documents filed there. so my question is why did nobody go to jail? over these crimes? >> ms. cortez masto: a great question frustration not only that i had but me and my colleague attorney general's across the country when we were talking to federal government. there should have been action at the federal level. here in nevada we did everything we could both criminal law and challenges and into civil. not only the national mortgage settlements but there were over nine litigations that i pursued
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institutions and were able to bring 1.9 billion in relate to homeowners in the state because we know people were struggling or drowning in the foreclosure took some of that money and created the home program that still exists in the attorney general office to help homeowners for free. they kiss it down with a counselor and get legal aid for free to save their home.that is what we did in nevada and she took every action will civil and criminal to hold p state laws. the federal laws of the federal government, with me and my colleagues we had conversation with yoshi and we were disappointed like everybody else. >> steve: he said he did everything you could civilly and criminally. but nobody went to jail over this are you concerned that people in those positions may feel that they can pay a fine and by their way out of personal accountability in doing things like that? >> ms. cortez masto: a great question and yes i can.
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absolutely. we have seen what they do when they reach a government agreement that they have to pay a fine and that is the cost of doing business. in the state of nevada we brought criminal action and not only did we pursue individuals here, we would not win the case but we pursued action to let people know we would hold them accountable. if they violate the laws of the state and would come after them. >> steve: but there were no convictions nobody went to >> ms. cortez masto: net with the criminal actions we had. there were some that did but not big banks. we pursue them to fully we did not have the key to pursue them at a federal level. that is federal law enforcement, the department of justice i did everything i could with state laws here. >> steve: thank you for your answer. >> denise: because our audience has been polite we have time for one more question. as part of government policy the united states is currently
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eastern countries. in fact this year we are on pace to have a record 85,000 refugees enter this country. the pew research center estimates half of them are muslim. now patricia jeffries had this to say to us on her facebook page. stop the refugees coming into our state and coming into our city. so congressman joe heck focusing on the refugees are you comfortable with the current process being used by the fbi to bet these refugees. you change the process?>> rep. heck: i want to address the housing issue because will my opponent hold her self to be the champion of those suffering in the housing crisis she told john frost that she was not engaged in the multibank negotiation that the case was made when the settlement was done. in addition the 2-$3000 each person may have received was not enough to pay for the movers as they lost their home. i appreciate that. >> rep. heck: is the refugee
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national intelligence that they did not have the ability to fit individual coming from a region of conflict. we should not let anybody in here unless we know they are not going to do us harm. there are other ways we can handle this. through the united nations we should set up safe havens within the region to provide humanitarian support, keep them closer to their country of origin so what the conflict is over they could return home. we should have an active role. we are a beacon on a hill we set the people for years, for decades that were fleeing persecution. [bell ringing] but in this case we need to make sure the first and foremost of the federal government is to keep this nation safe. >> denise: thank you. ms. cortez masto are you currently comfortable with the current process being used by the fbi to bet these refugees? and about other changes you have in mind?
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address the cake is baked because this is a spare tactic by my opponent. we have been fact checked independently. listen i was not part of the initial settlement for the agreement and the executive committee and i was frustrated we would not, the matter was not at the table when the settlement came out. that is when i talk about the cake was baked but that i was going to continue to fight to improve that settlement and i did. that is why the attorney general from washington, the republican mckenna who won out and supported me and basically was on record saying i approve that settlement for the state of nevada and across the country.>> denise: i asked you a question about >> ms. cortez masto: puts address the refugees. i'd like everyone else think we need a strong venting prop demo process in this country with our law enforcement, the fbi, homeland security. at the same time we know many of these refugees particularly coming from syria are women and
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their lives from isis. so we can be address the human rights issue and be humanitarian. they are not mutually exclusive we can have a strong vetting process. as attorney general i woke up every day to the security of the people in our state at the local, state and had previously homeland security. [bell ringing] let me finish because this is a concern i time earlier to finish talking about the housing crisis. mr. heck you have 30 seconds to respond. >> rep. heck: the primary role of the government is to keep this country safe. we heard from the directors of the primary organizations in this nation that the vetting process was not, they should be held in the region of conflict in humanitarian safe havens under the auspices of the united nations with the united states playing an integral role to make sure what the conflict
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their country of origin. >> denise: 15 seconds. >> ms. cortez masto: if you wanted to keep this country safe he wouldn't have introduced the tolt act. it has national security controls it weakens what police use, for homeland security and even congressman x on republican colleagues objected to those security concerns in his bill. 15 you know what he did? he them he was arrogant enough to six the act was a bill to increase internatio which is the lifeblood of las vegas in this country. we did that by increasing the security safeguards for those coming to the united states by mandating a biometric passport. by increasing the use of the esta program so we increased the security safeguards for those coming here and increase a economic benefit from our international tourism.
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time in.for the last part of the debate they want each of 30 seconds to make their closing statement and congressman joe heck you go for. >> rep. heck: thank you very much for everybody who made this debate possible tonight. our state and our country face critical challenges. a sluggish economic recovery, threats to our national security from home and abroad. a upstairs loft with choices and higher prices and did education sources that is denying too many students but as a business owner, soldier, doctor and father i want to use my real-world experience to address these most important issues for the fact of all nevadans. i am asking for your vote for the us senate. thank you and good night. [applause] >> denise: we are not done yet we would like to hear from ms. cortez masto. >> ms. cortez masto: i was born and raised in this state and honor to be attorney general
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during that time i had the opportunity to sit down and hear the stories of some of the most vulnerable members of our community from women and children who were sexually families and seniors who were defrauded by banks, to victims of domestic violence but i made it my mission to ensure i was fighting for every single one of them because we can't tolerate leaving anyone behind. that means continuing to fight in washington i will tell you what i will not change it will continue to fight on behalf of ki washington.that is what i am asking for your vote for united states senate[applause] >> denise: we would like to thank you. thank you for your patience don't forget to vote early it starts on october 22. the general election is november 8. >> denise: threat the debate we put a lot of information on the things we focus on on social
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#nvdebate. coming up we will have a one hour special, with undecided voters and viewers. thank you so much for joining as an audience now you can't applause. i'm catherine cortez masto is message. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. narrator: and joe heck says "i have high hopes we'll see donald trump become president." i don't know what i said, aah... narrator: heck says he "completely supports" trump. i would bomb the [bleep] out of them. narrator: and heck? reporter: you trust him having his finger on the nuclear button? heck: i do. reporter: why do you say that? heck: why wouldn't i? narrator: donald trump and joe heck.
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when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump.


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