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tv   CBS Weekend News  CBS  November 12, 2016 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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captioning sponsored by cbs >> ninan: four americans killed in afghanistan. two u.s. service members and two contractors are among the latest casualties in america's longest war. also tonight, election aftermath-- who's up for a job in the trump >> ninan: shot fired at an anti-trump protest. >> let's keep our feelings to ourselves. >> ninan: a pilot warns passengers after an election-related scuffle. mistrial in the case of a white ohio officer who killed an unarmed black man during a traffic stop. wildfires scorch the appalachian mountains. a wanna-be weatherman is among the arson suspects. >> i will keep you updated right here on weather outlook.
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giants. the mission to save america's majestic sequoias. >> see you at the top. this is the "cbs weekend news." >> ninan: good evening. i'm reena ninan with the western edition of the broadcast. four more americans were killed today in afghanistan in a major breach of security. a suicide bomber blew themselves up inside the bagram airfield. that's the largest u.s. military base in afghanistan. the taliban claimed over the past 15 years, the united states has spent about $115 billion in aid for afghanistan. thousand of american troops have given their lives. about 8500 remain. president-elect trump will soon become the third u.s. commander in chief to oversee u.s. military operations for a war with no end in sight. jonathan vigliotti has more from london. >> reporter: reena, afghan officials believe the suicide
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behind local afghan staff members reporting for work this morning. once inside the base, he successfully detonated his explosives. four americans were killed. among them, two u.s. service members and two contractors. 16 other american troops were wounded. the base has been attacked from the outside before, including a motorcycle bombing that killed six american soldiers last year, but today's bombing inside the base is extraordinary. bagram airbase is america's main military post fg american troops still in the country. it's heavily guarded, as you can imagine, with several layers of security, including multiple checkpoints and fences. today's attack is the latest in a month-long escalation of violence in the region as the taliban step up their attacks on western targets. nine americans have been killed in afghanistan since the start of october. reena, so far, the 15-year war in afghanistan has claimed the
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>> ninan: lives that should never be forgotten. thanks, jonathan. president-elect trump is keeping a low profile this weekend as he works with his transition team planning his administration. meanwhile, hillary clinton made an appearance friday night. errol barnett has the latest. >> we love you! ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: friday night, defeated presidential candidate hillary clinton held a thank you party for her campaign staff in new york. >> i love you, forever grateful to you. >> reporter: while president-elect donald trump prepared for the handover the power. >> i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. >> reporter: thursday, trump met for 90 minutes with the outgoing president who suggested trump consider keeping some of obamacare's key provisions. in an interview with "60 minutes" airing sunday, trump said he would. >> reporter: are you going to
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>> yes, because it happens to be one of the strongest assets. >> reporter: you're going to keep that. >> also with the children living with their parent for an extended period we're going to-- >> reporter: you're going to keep that. >> very much try to keep that. >> reporter: the president-elect will also keep his most trusted advisers, replacing governor chris christie, vice president-elect mike pence will chair trump's transition team. leading a list of vice chairs, all of whom are in consideration for leadership posts, retired lieutenant army general michael yn national security adviser. former house speaker newt gingrich is a possible pick for secretary of state, and christie or mayor rudy giuliani may head up the department of homeland security. three of trump's children are on the transition committee. it's unclear if they will have roles in their father's administration. during the campaign, reena, trump said they would stay in new york and run his businesses. >> ninan: a lot of people eager to hear wh what happens. errol barnett in washington.
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lesley stahl's interview with president-elect trump and his family airs tomorrow night on "60 minutes." four days after the election, anti-trump protesters are still taking to the streets in cities across the country. carter evans says there was bloodshed in oregon friday night. night. ( explosions ) >> reporter: police used flash bang grenades to push back crowds in portland. >> someone has a gun. >> reporter: tempers flared when protesters swarmed a bridge and stopped traffic, according to witness brandon branch. >> someone got out of car, pulled out a you don't move, i'm going to kill you." >> oh, my god. there's a fight. this is terrible. someone got shot. >> reporter: one person was shot and two were booked on charges of attempted murder. >> police are showing up. >> reporter: last night, anti-trump protesters marched across the nation. >> not my president! >> reporter: in chicago, they rallied in front of a trump hotel. in miami, they shut down a freeway, and in atlanta, they burned american flags. >> i understand everybody has their opinions. >> reporter: on a united airlines flight from san
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made this announcement after an alleged racially charged election scuffle between passengers: >> nobody is going to change their minds by arguing, and let's keep our opinions to ourselves on this particular matter at this particular time. >> row racism, no bigotry. >> reporter: the protests continued today in new york ci city. >> no k.k.k., no fascist u.s.a. and in downtown los angeles where thousands flooded the streets. >> they think we can make waves. i don't know if we can racist, fascist out of power, but we can at least make our voices heard. we can keep up the pressure. and i think pressure's important. >> reporter: these demonstrators tell me they're determined to continue these protests throughout the weekend across the country and, reena, there is even a million woman march scheduled for the day after president trump is inaugurated in january. >> ninan: carter evans in los angeles, thank you. well, there is tension in the streets of cincinnati after a judge declared a mistrial today
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officer who killed an unarmed plaque man during a traffic stop. tony dokoupil has this story. >> say his name. sam dubose. >> reporter: hours after a jury failed to say guilty or innocent in the murder trial of a white police officer, protesters poured into streets. it all started with a traffic stop near the university of cincinnati last summer and escalated into what everyone could see was a fatal shooting. >> take your seat belt off. >> i didn't do >> stop! stop! >> reporter: but was it murder? on saturday, a dozen jurors, 10 white and two black, emerged after more than 25 hours of dlibbation to say they just couldn't agree. judge megan shanahan: >> by reason of your inability to reach a verdict, i declare this case a mistrial. >> reporter: officer ray tensinged fired the bullet that killed sam dubose, an african american. tensing walked free today but the prosecutor has until november 28 to decide on a retrial. >> i think people need to
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into this case by the state of ohio, and hope that everyone just take a deep breath. >> reporter: officer tensing testified that in this moment he thought he'd die if the car lunched forward so he fired, striking dubose in the head. tensing has been fired from the university of cincinnati police department, but even if he's guilty of bad police work, as the prosecution claimed, that does not mean he's guilty of murder. tony dokoupil, cbs news, new york. are burning across the southeast. the suspected cause in a number of those fires is arson. tens of thousands of acres have already been destroyed and about a dozen of the largest fires are still out of control. marlie hall has the latest. >> reporter: in north carolina's appalachian mountains, wind and dry conditions are spreading wildfires that officials believe were deliberately set. the governor has declared a state of emergency in several counties, and many families have
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>> dark smokiness, like, when trees get caught on fire or when someone lights up a forest. >> reporter: officials are investigating more than 20 suspicious wildfires burning in a national forest. county ranger can rusty dillinger of the north carolina fire service says residential areas are also threatened. >> fire got within 20 yards of one home. another half dozen homes is got within one-tenth of a mile. kentucky, more wildfires are believed to be the result of foul play. a teenager in harlan county was arrested this week for arson. >> you can see behind me, we are dealing with some forest fire conditions. >> reporter: police also arrested 21-year-old johnny mullins. officials say he's a wanna-be weatherman who admitted starting a wildfire to get attention on facebook. >> if you have a water hose, spray your home. spray near your home so that your home will not catch on fire. >> reporter: in georgia,
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after several small fires were sparked and eventually merged. a rash of suspicious wildfires in alabama prompted the governor to offer a reward for information leading to an arrest. the investigations into most of these fires are still wide open, and, reena, officials have not determined if any of these fires are connected. >> ninan: another thank you so much, marlie. well, coming up, will the trump residency play a role in the
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>> ninan: despite daily protests and sometimes violent clashes, construction on the controversial dakota access pipeline is nearly finished. the company's c.e.o. tells cbs news he hopes the federal
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here's mark albert. >> we will get this easement and we will complete our project. >> reporter: energy transfer partner c.e.o. kelcy warren is confident a donald trump presidency means his company's controversial dakota access pipeline will be completed. once he takes over january 20, what are the prospects? >> oh, it's 100%. >> reporter: 100% that? >> that the easement gets granted and the pipeline get built. >> reporter: the president-elect has minor holdings in warren's company and warren donated $10 3,000 to trump's campaign. have you spoken to donald trump about the pipeline. >> i've never met the man. >> reporter: you never met him? >> no. >> reporter: but he's invested in you and you are invested in him? >> well, i wish him well. >> reporter: thousand of demonstrators in north dakota have been camped out at several pipeline construction sites which at times have turned violent and led to over 400 arrests. native americans and environmentalists say the pipelinecould threaten the water
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it doesn't hospital united states if it leaks, right? it doesn't hospital people who live downstream. >> i'm not going to win that argument with you because pipelines do leak. it's rare. i think the chances of this pipeline leaking is extremely remote. >> reporter: the company says it is taking every precaution to make the steel pipeline stave and the employees have been facing death threats. >> our people have been under attack. the pipeline will be more than 1100 miles long. that's just seven miles shorter than the controversial keystone xl pipeline, which president obama rejected in 2015. trump has yet to speak about the dakota access pipeline but said this about keystone last month: >> we're going to allow the keystone pipeline and so many other things to move forward. ( applause ) >> reporter: you think all the protesters are going to go away once you're done? >> absolutely. what is there to protest? >> reporter: they are
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project. that's naive. they're not stopping our project. >> reporter: trump's team did not respond to our request for comment. warren told us the company wants to reimburse the state of north dakota and morton county for the millions they have spent on the protests and security but that authorities have not yet send his office. mark albert, cbs news, dallas. >> ninan: up next, a chilling case in south carolina. a woman f captor confessing to seven murders. tonight, "48 hours" talks to his
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>> ninan: tonight, "48 hours" investigates the twisted life of
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south carolina. 45-year-old todd kohlehepp was arrested earlier this month after a woman was found chained inside a storage container. david begnaud spoke with kohlehepp's mother for tonight's special report. >> todd is not a monster. he's not even close to it. he wasn't doing it for enjoyment. he was doing it because he was mad and he was hurt. >> reporter: this is regina tague, the mother of self-confessed killer todd kohlehepp. given what y admitted, your son is the definition of what's known as a serial killer. >> i hate that. i know that's what they say. he was a very misunderstood. >> reporter: but sheriff's deputies say there's no misunderstanding. todd kohlehepp is responsible for at least seven murders. his dark past came to light when 30-year-old kala brown was found chained to a container.
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carver, were missing for two months. she was found on kohlehepp's property. she was yelling. >> she was banging very hard on the container. she was bound. there was a chain from the top of the cage to something else that went around her neck. she was distraught, panicked. >> reporter: her boyfriend, charlie carver, was not as fortunate. >> she said she witnessed him being shot. >> reporter: after he was taken into custody, kohlehepp asked to speak with his mother. she says he told her everything and apologized. >> reporter: did he cry? >> uh-huh. his eyes looked horrible. they were red. >> reporter: why did he kill her boyfriend? >> because he got nasty and got smart mouth. >> reporter: why did he chain that girl up? >> because he didn't know what to do at that point. she saw, evidently, him kill her boyfriend. and he didn't know what to do with her. he couldn't turn her loose. she'd go get the police. >> reporter: last saturday,
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south carolina, and he showed the sheriff's investigator where's he had buried charlie carver and two other young people he confessed to killing. they were johnny and megan coxy. the coxies had apparently been hired by kohlehepp to go to-do some work on his property. >> he was very polite and remorseful, actually. i said a prayer with him. >> reporter: chuck carver and his wife, julie are, having a hard time letting go of their son, charlie. they have placedwe property where charlie's body was buried. >> it seems like it's not real. everything that's happened. >> i just keep waiting for him to walk out of the woods. >> yes. >> with a smile. >> ninan: it's a chilling episode of "48 hours," "buried truth", airing tonight at 10:00 right here on cbs. still ahead, a unique supermarket stocked with items s that other stores have actually
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>> ninan: food waste is an environmental crisis. the department of agriculture says more than 130 billion pound of food are tossed out every year in the u.s. a teri okita reports, a unique supermarket in britain stocks its shelves with food disinfor the dumpster. >> reporter: this is the third time iwo glover has shopped at what's being called "the anti-supermarket." anti, because many of these items have expire "sell by "or "best by" dates. >> we're all disgusted by the way the world is going and exploiting it as much as we are and not appreciating what the earth gives us. >> reporter: each week, as much as 20,000 pound of groceries arrive at this
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places that donate these items to the store. do you think a concept like this could work in the united states? >> yeah, i think this concept could work anywhere. wherever food is wasted. >> reporter: keith annal helps run the market and notes britain is the biggest food waste offender in the european union. >> what we want to do is get the food out of those bins and just offer it to people. >> reporter: they test for safety by smelling, sampling, and visually inspecting the food. if it's bad, they throw it away. >> >> reporter: since all the items are donated, customers pay whatever they want. >> absolutely brilliant to think that all of this stuff is being saved from going into landfill. >> reporter: the real junk food project hopes this is the start of a global movement getting consumers to think twice before tossing. teri okita, cbs news, west yorkshire, england. >> ninan: a global movement indeed. when we return, scientists on a mission to asset world's tallest
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>> ninan: we close tonight in the sierra nevada, home to some of the tallest trees on earth. but the mighty sequoias are disappearing. chris martinez shows us how scientists and volunteers are creating a new generation. >> reporter: this giant sequoia has survived more than 3,000 years. the planet, but it's now in jeopardy. scientists say man has cut down more than 90% of the world's ancient tree. pollution and climate change threaten what's left. >> i'm going up. >> reporter: arborist michelle miller is on a global mission to save them. >> there's got to be something special about this tree, how it's live so long and gotten so big. i'll see you at the top. >> reporter: we climbed with jacob's team to the top of a
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>> this is amazing. terrifying and amazing. >> reporter: up here is where the work begins. >> we're 180, maybe 200 feet on top of a giant sequoia. this is the newest growth. this is exactly what we want. >> reporter: scientists will use that genetic material to essentially clone the tree. >> each one of these little things is a tree. >> reporter: the trees are grown in this lab in michigan, nurtunurtured from sprowts, untl they're large enough to plant all over the world. >> we've literally produced about a quarter million trees at the ground. >> reporter: why is it so important to do this? >> it's not for us. it's for the future. so it's a gift to the grand kids, to the kids. >> reporter: a gift they hope will continue to grow for thousands of years. chris martinez, cbs news, sierra nevada mountains. >> ninan: and that's the cbs weekend news for this saturday. the news continues now on our 24-hour streaming channel cbsn at i'm reena ninan in new york. thank you for joining us.
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hit the streets this weekedn to protest the presidential election. the message of unity president-elect donald trump giving in reation to these protests. soaring high to salute our veterans. the weekend celebration that's recruting the help of some tops military birds to honor those who fought for our freedom. ((katie boer)) weekend weather "now, live...this is 8 news now weekend edition." acorss the country protesters continue to chant "not my president" thanks for joing us this evening i'm sharie johnson. for the fourth day thousands of protesters pounded the pavement in big cities to express their outrage with the election of donald trump. protesters gathered in frot of trump tower in new york where
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planning his transition to office. (( (erik krause, new york resident) its time to get rid of the electorial college. it failed us again. lets respect the will of the people. (analese espino new york resident ) i can't have a president who supports racism. )) ((sharie johnson)) in portland, witnesses say a demonstrator was shot in the leg during a confrontration with a driver last night. and here in the valley there is a protest planned tonight on the las vegas strip and we will bring you the developments on that in our 11 oclock newscast./// meanwhile trump gave his first post election interview with 60 minutes. the president-elect touched on many topics including the phone call he received from hillary clinton on election night. and how social media has become a key role in communication with the american people. ((it's a great form of communication. now do i say i'll give it up entirely and throw out, that's a tremendous form-- i pick up-- i'm picking up now, i think i picked up yesterday 100,000 people. i'm not saying i love it, but it does get


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