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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  October 15, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT

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learning experience for local students... as they play some very unusual instruments. (("you're watching siouxland news at sunrise.")) fire forces hundreds to evacuate an ida grove manufacturing plant. it's a rare... hands - on learning experience for local students... as they play some very unusual instruments. and... he's calling it a career... after 72 years on the job. good morning, and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise! it's 5 o'clock. i'm jacob heller. cat>> i'm meteorologist cat taylor.
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this xxx morning. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. jake/cat>> . jake>> israeli soldiers are now deployed across the city of jerusalem... trying to fight violence that has people on edge across that country. eight israelis have been killed in stabbings... shootings... and when a car was stoned. thirty palestinians have also died... 14 of them identified by israel as attackers. c - b - s news correspondent
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jerusalem with the latest. on wednesday -- israeli authorities shot and killed a palestinian, who allegedly tried to stab security forces outside another palestinian -- who reportedly stabbed a 70-year-old israel women at a crowded bus station in the holy city -- was also killed. (standup jonathan vigliotti cbs news jerusalem) as the situation intensifies...the israel government has eased gun laws (here) to allow citizens to defend themselves. so far, officials claim several armed citizens have helped prevent attacks. the white house is urging both sides to take steps to de-escalate tensions: (sot josh earnest) "ultimately ending this conflict will require both sides making some difficult decisions." -nats- despite calls for calm -- israelis and palestinians remain deeply divided. on wednesday, prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu accused the palestinians of sabotaging the peace process.... while palestinian president mahmoud abbas blamed the violence on israel who recently attempted to block palestinian access to jerusalem's revered al-aqsa mosque. secretary of state john kerry will travel to the region soon to meet with leaders from both sides. jonathan vigliotti cbs news, jerusalem. jake>> arab ambassadors at the united i pn mt is morning to talk about the fighting. jake>> former secretary of state madeline albright made a stop in sioux city yesterday... she was at the peirce mansion campaigning for democratic presidential candidate hilary clinton. about 50 people were there yesterday morning... as albright talked about the woman she considers a close friend. albright talked about her work as secretary of state during bill clinton's time in office... along with hillary's achievements. "i think hilary clinton has more experience in terms of dealing with issues whether from the prospective of first lady, senator, secretary of state, and then also as a totally commentated american to making a
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and internationally." after albright's talk... she meet with people... after albright's talk... she meet with people... signing books... and taking pictures with folks who were there. jake>> but hillary's campaign wasn't the only one in sioux city yesterday morning. republican presidential candidate senator rand paul... of kentucky... talked at morningside college yesterday. paul talked about how he's against government collection of phone records... and jail time for marijuana possession. he also talked about foreign policy... specifically the situation with russia in syria. "in no way should we say absolutely we are going to shoot down russian airlines or russian fighters that go into a certain space. i think it's a really bad idea, and interestingly you've got that bad idea coming from hillary clinton and about a half a dozen republicans as well. i think it shows the uniqueness of my candidacy, that i'm the one saying i'm not sending our sons and daughters back into iraq." yesterday's stop was part of
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paul's 'iowa 10 - thousand' college tour... where he's hoping to recruit 10 - thousand iowa college students to commit to support him on caucus night in february. jake>> iowa congressman steve king is taking advantage of his week away from washington to meet with the people of his district. we caught up with the congressman after a meeting yesterday afternoon in remsen. about the presidential campaign... king says that he's not ready to endorseme anyone yet... even though he's made quite a few appearances in northwest iowa with texas senator ted cruz. "i'm gonna do my best to delay any endorsement until such time as i have a deep conviction and the timing is right. both of those things haven't come together yet." king also said he's supporting florida congressman daniel webster in the race to replace john boehner as speaker of the calling him the most *principled* candidate in the jake>> work is almost done on the first ship in the u - s navy to be named after sioux city. the u - s - s sioux city is
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designed to detect mines. it's under construction at a shipyard in marinette (mare - uh - net) wisconsin. the ship is about 387 feet long... it'll have a crew of 53 officers and enlisted personnel. it's going to cost more than 700 million dollars to build... and its home port will be in mayport florida. aprylle bixler 1st class petty officer, u.s. navy "they've done an incredible job. i've worked in a shipyard before and i would say these guys really have it together here. they're safe. they do really awesome work." commander, kenneth lieberman executive officer, u.s. navy "i'm very excited. as the 'ex-o' (executive officer), i'm currently learning all the systems that i will be fleeting up to take command, sometime in spring of '17." the u - s - s sioux city will launch for sea trials sometime early next year... ahead of her formal commissioning into the navy in 20 - 17. our own siouxland news reporter (yet - ska) jetske (wah - ron) wauran was in (mare - uh - net) marinette wisconsin... she'll have a special report on the u - s - s sioux city tonight. jake>> students from sioux city west high school got a *unique*
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musical experience yesterday morning. (gam - a - lawn) gamelan is a type of music that comes from java and bali in indonesia... it's mostly made by percussion instruments. the national music museum in vermillion has a collection of (gam - a - lawn) gamelan instruments... "music is probably one of the most pleasant ways of experiencing culture and this is a wonderful opportunity for students to actually get some hands on experience." jake>> students from sioux city west high school got a *unique* musical experience yesterday morning. (gam - a - lawn) gamelan is a type of music that comes from java and bali in indonesia... "music pbay e t most pleasant ways of experiencing culture and this is a wonderful opportunity for students to actually get some hands on experience." the instruments from the museum were made especially for its collection by a master instrument maker in java back in
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1999... and have been on display at the museum since 2000. jake>> there's another produce recall this morning... we're worried about salmonella here. dole is recalling some cases of bagged spinach because of possible salmonella exposure. the possibly tainted greens were distributed in 13 states. no illnesses have been reported so far... but lab testing found evidence of salmonella in a random sample of the product. the recalled bags of spinach salad have a use - by date of october 15th. jake>> an iowa company has won a federal contract from the u - s - d - a to produce millions of doses of a vaccine for bird flu. harris vaccines of ames started work on their h - 5 - n - 1 vaccine back in may... as the deadly virus started infecting flocks in iowa. the company will get six million dollars over the next two years to provide 48 million doses of their vaccine to the national veterinary stockpile. the h - 5 - n - 1 bird flu killed more than 30 million
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chickens and turkeys in iowa alone this spring... causing a spike in commodity prices. jake>> circus elephants paraded through the streets of boston wednesday... and even found time for brunch. the asian elephants are part of the ringling brothers and barnum & bailey circus... it's in boston for the weekend. the elephants played the harmonica... caught a football... and chowed down on hanover street.& cat>> you won't see many circus elephants in a few years. ringling brothers announced earlier this year that it would be phasing out elephant performances by 2018. jake>> . cat>> . hunting permits in zimbabwe are
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local communities. coming up... we'll show you why some people
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dime of that money. . another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. . jake/cat>> here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... we have a story about some caffeinated peanut butter.
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pick me up? jake>> one restaurant chain is getting rid of tipping jill wagner is in new york with your c - b - s moneywatch. the cars will be able to change lanes by themselves using cameras and sensors. analysts say it's an industry first. // here on wall street - walmart's unexpected announcement that sales are expected to fall next year caused thcompany's stocks to plunge... and dragged down the rest of the market. the dow fell 157 points, closing below 17 thousand. the nasdaq dropped 13.// well known new york restaurant owner danny meyer is getting rid of tipping at his 13 city restaurants. meyer says your new bill should look about same as it did "if you had left gratuity in the old days" -- meaning menu prices will most likely increase to keep on par with a 21 percent
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boost base pay for all restaurant staff, from the chefs to the dishwashers.// and when it comes to fast food-- teens are hitting up starbucks. the coffee chain is the number one fast foopick for teenagers, according to a survey from piper jaffray -- that's followed by chipotle, chick fil a and mc donalds. and that's your cbs moneywatch report for more follow me on twitter at jill wagner cbs at the nyse i'm jill wagner. . jake>> hunting permits... like the $55,000 one a minnesota dentist bought to eventually kill (seh - sil) cecil the lion... are supposed to give money to communities in zimbabwe. but as c - b - s news correspondent debora patta shows us...
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hungry waiting for the cash. fundira told us it rarely does, blaming corrupt government officials. (e -) it is a problem, it is a real menace. // people are in dire straights and people will almost do anything in terms of selling their souls for a bit of silver one district council we visited received $158,000 in hunting fees this year -- about 60 times the average salary in zimbabwe. but villagers like edward ngwenya said they hadn't seen any of it. upsot: what do you live on how many dollars? nothing he's said he'll sell his goats for food. for now he lives off the meagre crops he grows. unlike the villagers, the council's head phindile ncube, has running water, and he showed
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us his thriving sunflowers. dp we were at hwange today and with the sun and everything the crops aren't doing so well. pn - yah! dp - they are really battling. pn - you need to water them. dp - really, but they don't have water pn - unfortunately (laughs) (12 second exchange) in addition to schools and clinics, ncube told us the hunting fees also go to buy food. 10:17 dp - so why does everybody say they don't have food. so are you saying they are lying to us? pn - yah! of course they are dp - yes they are lying to us? pn - no one goes hungry in this
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. jake>> after the break on siouxland news at sunrise... we're heading to poppy's pumpkin patch near norfolk, nebraska. if you're looking for a thrill... you might want to head there this weekend. we'll show you why...
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farmer." . another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. 'tis the season for pumpkin patches. but at poppy's pumpkin patch... near norfo... nebraska. they've got a lot more than just pumpkins. that's where we're heading this week... for "proud to be a hometown farmer." she and her family grows... and gives away... a lot of pumpkins each year. each school kid gets one for free... connie hintz poppy's pumpkin patch>> "i just know that we give away between four and five thousand free ones." jacob heller siouxland news>> but the family fits in a lot more than these orange gourds during the month and a half the place is open from mid -
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september to halloween. connie hintz poppy's pumpkin patch>> "we have some really busy days." jacob heller siouxland news>> they add something new every year... last year... something vicious. the kids love the dragon slide. connie hintz poppy's pumpkin patch>> "i haven't tried this out. i did try out the big long zip line when we built that." jacob heller siouxland news>> the main zip line is 700 feet long. just one of many attractions... all about fun... family... making memories. "we've got about two-and-a-half weeks ago, so i don't know where we're going to have him sign." jacob heller siouxland news>> so many memories... this half-a-volkswagen. this year's guest book... is running short on room. connie hintz poppy's pumpkin patch>> "when the kids come back next year, hopefully they can find their name again. it's supposed to be permanent
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marker." jake>> poppy's is open until halloween. you can find out more about the attractions there on our web site... siouxland news dot com. while you're there... if you think of a farmer that might be great on "proud to be a hometown farmer" tell us about them! you can nominate them on our web site... or you can e - mail me... at j - heller at siouxland news dot com. a computer problem made for airports across the country last night. still to come... we'll show you what caused the glitch.
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at sunrise. good morning everyone, thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm jacob heller...
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taylor. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. ke ts rng e - customs and border protection computer system is up and running. this... after a router problem shut it down for more than an hour last night. the glitch led to long delays for international passengers. problems were reported in major cities. c - b - s news correspondent don
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kennedy airport. , there was people that couldn't walk, it was crazy. it was crazy. people in a wheelchair that were like cryin', waiting there for hours" (-:22) the problem was in the computer system that checks airline passengers against terrorism watch lists. a department of homeland security official says it happened when a router went offline. (sot don champion/cbs news/new york ) "during the break-down, the customs and border protection agency says it "processed international travelers using alternative procedures that included manual passenger checks." (sot thu0049 mos :53) "said there was some nationwide computer glitch we all had to wait- they finally let everyone fill out a form and get through" (-1:04) the outage lasted for about 90 minutes and once the problem was resolved - customs lines started to open up. officials say there's no indication the service disruption was malicious in nature. don champion, cbs news, new york.. jake>> in ida grove... midwest industries had to evacuate one of its plants
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because of a fire yesterday. midwest industries makes boat trailers... hoists... and marine docks at its facilities in ida grove. just after 10 - 30 yesterday morning... a fire in a paint shop there meant about 200 people had to evacuate. "it burned a hole up through the roof and it was pretty much contained right to that oven area, the whole factory is kind of full of smoke at the time." the ida grove fire departments got help from five other departments. one firefighter collapsed... we don't know why... but after getting treated that firefighter isoing fine. workers should be back on the job this morning at eight. jake>> police in spirit lake are looking for a possible shoplifter. they say the woman seen in these surveillance pictures walked out of the spirit lake walmart just after 7 o'clock yesterday morning... with a cart full of items she didn't pay for. you can see the woman leaving the store with the merchandise... she puts it into a maroon or red chevy h - h - r. police say the woman has been identified.
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jake>> the harrisburg student charged with shooting his principal last month has hired a private investigator to help out with his defense. attorneys for 16 - year - old mason buhl say the investigator will help find and interview witnesses in the case. a lincoln county grand jury has indicted buhl on one count of first - degree attempted murder... and one count of commission of a felony whi armed with a firearm. each charge carries a possible 25 - year prison sentence. buhl is being held without bond at the juvenile detention center in sioux falls. jake>> the sioux city man facing a willful injury charge for stabbing his cousin earlier this month has pleaded *not* guilty. 32 - year - old lonny reuney submitted that written plea in woodbury county district court. court documents say reuney was arrested after police were called to a home in the 15 - hundred block of mcdonald street... that's where they found a man who'd been stabbed. that man was taken to the hospital and treated for a lacerated liver. police say reuney admitted to the stabbing.
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a trial date in this case is set for february 20 - 16. jake>> can you imagine working at the same job for 72 years? one siouxland man just decided to call it "quits" after all those years. our own siouxland news reporter kayla novak has his story. working with meat has been al woudstra's life for 72 years. but on this day... a retirement cake took the center stage... and old customers offered their well wishes. (nats?) at 15 al and his late brother lee started working in the
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1925.1 . jake>> what started as a light - hearted talk with friends...
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ended up being the launching pad for a winning idea. the two friends got together and came up with a caffeine infused peanut butter called steem peanut butter. one tablespoon of steem caffeinated peanut butter is equivalent to about a cup of coffee. cat>> steem peanut butter is made with all natural ingredients... like peanuts... salt... organic (uh - gah - vay) agave nectar... and *natural* caffeine. so it's just like regular peanut butter...
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cat>> . jake>> we've got a lot of talented drummers here in siouxland.
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in "talk of the town." "your weather on the 1's brought to you by bomgaars." another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. drumfest 20 - 15... the drummers are going to be there... you'd tter be there... too! . matt van meter and erin burger join us for talk of the town. . matt van meter and erin burger
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good morning. jake and a guest or group of guests discuss upcoming community events. jake>> thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment... or want to find out any more information... you can find everything on our web site... that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... a flight from taiwan landed in alaska with an extra passenger on board. we'll show you the special delivery. it's (time) this morning. thanks for watching siouxland
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cat>> . jake>> good morning, (onawa)... it's (44 degrees) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (blackbird bend casino) camera. jake>> normally when passengers on a commercial jet start clapping... it's because the pilot pulled off a tricky landing. but what landed on a flight the other day was a newborn. and... as c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos shows us... passengers recorded the birth. "i just thought it was an amazing experience to see someone giving birth right in front of me, i mean." edmund chen didn't just see it, he shot it. the china airlines flight took
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angeles. (jeanne moos/new york) "six hours into the flight, over the middle of the pacific ocean, the woman informed the crew that her water had broken." the pilot diverted the flight to anchorage, alaska. and they moved the mother, in labor two months early, to her own row, right in front of edmund. (edmund chen/filmed birth) "oh there was a lot of screaming//butt to//poor mother." is there a doctor on the plane? there was, though this ucla internist had never before delivered a baby by herself. dr. angelica zen was on her way home from her honeymoon. she spoke mandarin with the taiwanese mother. and told abc... (dr. angelica zen/delivered baby) "it was very difficult. we had to work under very constraining circumstances." (edmund chen/filmed birth) "it was bad. they tried to cover the whole row with blankets but..." 30 minutes out of anchorage, the baby arrived before the plane did. dr. zen said the flight attendants acted as stand in nurses. and one holding the baby cried... (nats) the plane landed. mom and baby were taken to the
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angeles, where edmund's dad had been waiting for 4 or 5 hours. (edmund chen/filmed birth) "i was like, "dad, someone gave birth on the plane." talk about being...air born. (nats) jeanne moos cnn (nats) new york. "and now, your weather on the ones" another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though windwill be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. jake/cat>> . another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy windasaniahi prs ldino e ea ig sulben e pe 0s rarewi ctie thdowa tndorriy urytig ith 5 tne 6anlo dido nr eeng errw srto ou ainn,ou slle ee wh r an ora srtgacoingnt ueay kca> noeripnmpate exc stdawi ar sng , t wi mtlsuy iean eyndasaniahi su ldino e ea sulbenepe 0 emrarewi ctie hdowa tndorriy sury thig it 5 tne 6anlo diindo nr eeng emrarewi srto rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday ad ntui io sd.t>. e>ti f aritohe nre teoor the great pumpkin is back in wilmington california. a three million gallon storage tank at the conoco - phillips refinery has been transformed into the world's largest jack - o - lantern!
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since the 19 - 50's.... engineers say if this were a real pumpkin... it would be enough to make almost 27 - million pumpkin pies. a milwaukee gun store was found liable in a suit by two police officers who were shot with guns bought at the store. coming up this morning in your 6 o'clock hour... we'll show you why the decision is making other gun stores nervous. cat>> plus your morning news, weather and sports are all coming up. it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.
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news at sunrise.
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weather to go ... jake>> here's a look at your news to go ... jake>> israeli officials are stepping up security... after more than a dozen stabbings in the last two weeks. hundreds of soldiers are on patrol now through the country... and road blocks have been set up around some arab neighborhoods. the random attacks have have a lot of people talking about a third palestinian uprising. jake>> back in the states... hillary clinton and bernie sanders are getting more momentum... jake>> back in the states... hillary clinton and bernie sanders are getting more momentum... after the first democratic presidential debate. wednesday... clinton kept trying to work the hispanic vote... and picked up an endorsement
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from a trade union. in the meantime... sanders campaign says they've raised more than two million dollars since the debate ended. jake>> and... united states customs computers at airports across the country are back online... jake>> and... united states customs computers at airports across the country are back online... after a major glitch yesterday that led to major airport delay. officials say it all happened when the system that checks passengers against terrorism watch lists briefly experienced disruptions. authorities do not believe this incident was malicious. jake>> and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. jake>> and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that yu'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning". i'm gayle king. coming up, a victim of domestic violence evicted from her home because she called 9-1-1 too often. the local laws forcing survivors
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morning.. good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise. thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm jacob heller. cat>> and i'm meteorologist cat
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weather? temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. jake/cat>> . jake>> tuesday... a jury ordered a milwaukee gun store to pay almost six million dollars to two police officers hurt by guns bought from the store. c - b - s news correspondent dean reynolds shows how other gun sellers are reacting to this. (heaton): i am surprised by how easy it is to get a gun, and if you're organized and a decent liar, pretty much anyone can. so it is incumbent upon gun dealers to do everything they can to vet people when they come in. nats - guns (gun shops and gun ranges) in 2005... congress passed a law barring most lawsuits against gun manufacturers and sellers for the way buyers use their products... but there were
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exceptions involving negligence. (secuirty footage/gunman in screen in court screen) in the milwaukee case... the 18 -year old gunman convinced an older friend to buy the gun for him, which is illegal. the jury found that the gunstore employees either knew or should have known that. (edward flynn): they didn't care. i mean a core part of their market was criminals buying guns. (4 at 58:35) edward flynn is milwaukees chief of police. (flynn): common sense american citizens said well, wait a minute. reckless behavior of gun stores supplying criminals with firearms has to be something that's punished. (56:29) nats - this is a really neat pistol but at arnzen arms in minneapolis...gun salesman steve jantscher said the jury verdict was chilling. (jantscher) we cant be held responsible for the action of others with a legally acquired firearm or any other product. so to that extent yes if there's an unreasonable hysteria people start doing a knee jerk reaction//i'm sure that has a possibility of putting out the
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(tag): the attorney for the local gun store said the ruling will be appealed... and scott... attorneys have until november 16th to file it.. jake>> former secretary of state madeline albright made a stop in sioux city yesterday... she was at the peirce mansion campaigning for democratic presidential candidate hilary clinton. about 50 people were there yesterday morning... as albright talked about the woman she considers a close friend. albright talked about her work as secretary of state during bill clinton's time in along with hillary's achievements. "i think hilary clinton has more experience in terms of dealing with issues whether from the prospective of first lady, senator, secretary of state, and then also as a totally commentated american to making a better life for american people after albright's talk...
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she meet with people... after albright's talk... she meet with people... signing books... and taking pictures with folks who were there. jake>> but hillary's campaign wasn't the only one in sioux city yesterday morning. republican presidential candidate senator rand paul... of kentucky... talked at morningside college yesterday. paul talked about how he's against government collection of phone records... and jail time for marijuana possession. he also talked about foreign policy... specifically the situation with russia in syria. "in no way should we say absolutely we are going to shoot down russian airlines or russian fighters that go into a certain space. i think it's a really bad idea, and interestingly you've got that bad idea coming from hillary clinton and about a half a dozen republicans as well. i think it shows the uniqueness of my candidacy, that i'm the one saying i'm not sending our sons and daughters back into iraq." yesterday's stop was part of paul's 'iowa 10 - thousand' college tour... where he's hoping to recruit 10
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- thousand iowa college students to commit to support him on caucus night in february. jake>> iowa congressman steve king is taking advantage of his week away from washington to meet with the people of his district. we caught up with the congressman after a meeting yesterday afternoon in remsen. about the presidential campaign... king says that he's not ready to endorseme anyone yet... even though he's made quite a few appearances in northwest iowa with texas senator ted cruz. "i'm gonna do my best to delay any endorsement until such time as i have a deep convictn and the timing is right. both of those things haven't come together yet." king also said he's supporting florida congressman daniel webster in the race to replace john boehner as speaker of the house... calling him the most *principled* candidate in the running. jake>> work is almost done on the first ship in the u - s navy to be named after sioux city. the u - s - s sioux city is designed to detect mines.
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it's under construction at a shipyard in marinette (mare - uh - net) wisconsin. the ship is about 387 feet long... it'll have a crew of 53 officers and enlisted psonnel. it's going to cost more than 700 million dollars to build... and its home port will be in mayport florida. aprylle bixler 1st class petty officer, u.s. navy "they've done an incredible job. i've worked in a shipyard before and i would say these guys really have it together here. they're safe. they do really awesome work." commander, kenneth lieberman executive officer, u.s. navy "i'm very excited. as the 'ex-o' (executive officer), i'm currently learning all the up to take command, sometime in spring of '17." the u - s - s sioux city will launch for sea trials sometime ahead of her formal commissioning into the navy in 20 - 17. our own siouxland news reporter (yet - ska) jetske (wah - ron) wauran was in (mare - uh - net) marinette wisconsin... she'll have a special report on the u - s - s sioux city tonight. jake>> students from sioux city
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morning. jake>> (gam - a - lawn) gamelan is a type of music that comes from java and bali in indonesia... it's mostly made by percussion instruments. the national music museum in vermillion has a collection of (gam - a - lawn) gamelan instruments... they'll be used this weekend at the sioux city symphony orchestra's "night at the museum" concert. yesterday... students at west high got a chance to learn more about this type of music... and play the instruments. "music is probably one of the most pleasant ways of experiencing culture and this is a wonderful opportunity for students to actually get some hands on experience." the instruments from the museum were made especially for its collection by a master instrument maker in java back in 1999... and have been on display at the museum since 2000.
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recall this morning... we're worried about salmonella here. dole is recalling some cases of bagged spinach because of possible salmonella exposure. the possibly tainted greens were distributed in 13 states. no illnesses have been reported so far... but lab testing found evidence of salmonella in a random sample of the product. the recalled bags of spinach salad have a use - by date of october 15th. jake>> an iowa company has won a federal contract from the u - s - d - a to produce millions of doses of a vaccine for bird flu. harris vaccines of ames started work on their h - 5 - n - 1 vaccine back in may... as the deadly virus started infecting flocks in iowa. the company will get six million dollars over the next two years to provide 48 million doses of their vaccine to the national veterinary stockpile. the h - 5 - n - 1 bird flu killed more than 30 million chickens and turkeys in iowa alone this spring... causing a spike in commodity
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prices. jake>> as the long time front runner for the democrats... this week's debate was hillary clinton's to lose. now that it's come and gone... our national correspondent kristine frazao takes a look at where we go from here. christy setzer: "hillary clinton looked head and tails, head and shoulders, above the rest of the field. she just seemed to be playing in a totally different league." with closest rival bernie sanders getting mixed reviews... "congress does not regulate wall street. wall street regulates congss. // the views on gun control in rural states are different than in urban states." and former maryland governor martin o'malley failing to get a carly fiorina moment to catapult him to recognition, that leaves the big question facing the clinton campaign: will vice president joe biden run? his supporters are spending money on a new ad campaign nats ad but christy setzer says
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closes the door a bit more. sot christy: "i think this makes his decision a lot more complicated because she was so credible." kristine frazao - stand-up "but there is at least one more test for hillary clinton to pass - her testimony to congress next week over her role in the events that led up to the 2012 attacks in benghazi libya, which will no doubt include questioms about her use of a private email server." hillary clinton / (d) presidential candidate) "what i did was allowed by the state department, but it wasn't the best choice." and it's a choice republican rivals will likely make sure the voters don't forget. i'm kristine frazao siouxland news. jake>> as far as what the voters think... and if the debate will *actually* change public opinion... we'll have to wait and see. it'll take a few days for the newest round of scientific post - debate polls to be published. jake>> you know what's not cool? upstaging a bride and groom at their wedding. but if you're the president...
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they'll probably let it slide. but if you're the president... they'll probably let it slide. while he was golfing in california... president obama decided to "play through" a lodge where brian and stephanie were about to tie the knot. cat>> it wasn't quite time for their entrance yet... but they decided to go for it when they saw him shaking hands with guests. president obama took a few pics with the happy couple in what turned out to be the ultimate wedding crash. jake>> . cat>> . on the volleyball court dordt and briar cliff were both in action against g - pac rivals. see who looked good... just weeks away from the
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. cat>> we're checking up with moose again on this thursday
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jake>> what's up moose? another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our
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good morning siouxland here's a look at your morning sports. another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we lsemolyun sesnd ee wdssnaai reurbudsn t aa. ghshlde t uer s. mpatesilcoin o heowartrd r i ansard wh ghinhe 50toea60ndow nowne fezg. mpaeilstt reunagn da tu in wl bezwi o cncofaisttiandonnug to esy odorngiola hea k yr rng o. th d iteeruri peedo artoy t co fntwiininbw lleeosy nnss d ezws adn ghsreuis tthar. hshod ithupr . petsllonnuon e wrr fda ndatdaw hsn e er0so a0d w ppg wnefz. petus llt rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. mount marty is 7-14 on the season. 1. very first point of the
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with the spike. 1-0 defenders. 2. later in the first set.. dordt's ema altena with the shot.. lancers unable to handle it. dordt up 7-2. 3. still in the first set.. brooke granstra with the kill. dordt up 11-7 in the first set and they would win the first set 25-17 4. in the second set.. tied at 5.. elizabeth kiel with the finisher. defenders up 6-5. 5. later in the second.. jenna horstman with the spike. defenders up 11-8. 6. then haley moss with the spike.. defenders up 16-9 and they would win the second set 25-13. they would sweep mt. marty 3-nothing. 12-7 briar cliff on a two game win streak hosting 11-11 dakota wesleyan. 1)own 22-18 in the first set. katelin langel digs it out. ruthie schmitt with the perfect set and melissa ditter with the changeup. 22-19. but dakota wesleyan would take the set 25-20. 2)et's start the second set. langel says let's start a block party! completely foils the bump set spike attack from the tigers. it's 1-0. 3)ater in the set langels spike is blocked but check out the recove. toni beck she's
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6-2 briar cliff! 4)t's 6-3 now and man would i love to know what it feels like to smash like langel right here. who's stopping that!? 7-3 at that point. they win 25-21 and 3-1 in the game! 7-2 the royals over the astros in game five of the american league division series. the fightin' sandwells are on the american league championship series! they'll play a canadian team, the toronto blue jays. big time trade deadline pitching acquisition johnny cueto comes through for the victory. game one will be friday at 7:30 on our sister station fox 44. just make sure you turn it to game night on kmeg at 10 of course. that's it for your morning sportscast. and join me right here again tonight for sports at
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back to you jake. a gentleman's guide to love and murder marked a deadly milestone. it's (time)...
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after the break. . another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. jake>> the unusual way one broadway show marked a milestone ... and a music video released by andrew lloyd webber. teri okita has your eye on entertainment. mia wasikowska, jessica chastain and tom hiddleston walked the red carpet in new york city for the premiere of "crimson peak." ((natsnd from "crimson peak" / universal pictures)) (vo:) chastain plays the domineering family matriarch out to protect her family's dark secrets. (sot: jessica chastain, actress) "i love this film because it reminds me of these movies from my youth, like "interview with a vampire" and gary oldman's "dracula" which are super sexy and they're gothic." (vo:) "crimson peak" opens in theaters friday. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- (narr:) a horse drawn carriage led a funeral procession down 48th street--through the heart of broadway.
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the cast of the tony winning best musical "a gentleman's guide to love and murder" marked a milestone. it's the 6,000th time jefferson mays who plays phoebe d'ysquith has dropped dead on stage. (sot: jefferson mays, actor) "sometimes the deaths are more vigorous than others, sometimes they're quite realistic, because, i'm so exhausted by the end of the week, so it's gotten easier to die." (vo:) mays dies eight times during each performance. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----- ((natsnd from "you're in the band" / "school of rock")) (narr:) and, andrew lloyd webber released a brand new music video for "you're in the band." the broadway musical, "school of that's your eye on entertainment. teri okita, cbs news, los angeles. jake>> here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... we have a story about some caffeinated peanut butter.
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pick me up? still to come... she used to be known for her rock and roll... until she wrote a memoir that captivated the critics. still to come... we'll have a conversation with patti smith. cat>> it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. your weather and morning news are all ahead.
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news at sunrise. good morning everyone, thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm jacob heller...
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taylor. temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into tuesday. ja>>ocst ptimi came onto the scene as a punk in the '70s... putting poetry to music.
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at 68 years old... she's still performing. but many of her fans know her *more* for her books than her albums. as reporter anthony mason shows us... her *last* book... "just kids"... became a surprise best seller... winning the national book award. patti (walking along beach): "when we do our concerts now, you know, it used to be the kids would bring your album, then they brought your cd. and now i'm looking and the front row kids, they all like have books."
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(00:51:59) (start of "jubilee") if "just kids" was an elegy to her bohemian new york youth with photographer robert mapplethorpe..."m train" is in part a love letter to her late husband, fred nic smith, guitarist with the band mc5. smith writes in the book (audio book from "m train") "looking back long after his death, our way of living seems a miracle,one that could only be achieved by the silent synchronization of the jewels and gems of a common mind." (page 87) smith left behind her music career in 1979 and moved to st. clair shores, michigan with her husband....where they'd buy an un seaworthy chris craft that they kept moored on their front lawn: patti: "but it was beautiful. and we loved it."//"and we used to listen to baseball games in the night." (14:31:15) anthony: "you wouldjust go onto the boat and listen to the ball game?" patti: "yeah."//"so it was like goin' out. like we'd say, 'oh, let's go you know, on the boat." (14:32:00) // it was great. i mean i don't like goin' on the water anyway. i don't know how to swim and i get seasick. so i was just as glad it didn't -
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yard." anthony: "i think the other part that surprised me was that you became a tigers fan." patti: "oh well, you know what, if you're married to a guy from detroit, you have to become a tiger's fan." they'd been married 14 years, when fred smith died of heart failure in the fall of 1994. (nat pop of lyrics from farewell reel at 2:19 "so darling farewell, all will be well, and all will be fine" - back track musical section before that to the second track of the graphic) patti: "it's always this time period that - i mean i can already feel it. i was talking to my daughter today, and we already feel it come - it's like in our blood. anthony: "and what is it you feel?" patti: "we feel the trepidation of fall, that period before thanksgiving, after thanksgiving.'//"i mean it's really in less than a two month span, we lost fred and my brother." "it's not like a thing you wanna make dramatic." (14:46:11) anthony: "it's just there." patti: "it's a truth." after fred's death, patti began taking polaroids in her travels of personal talismans...many are
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in the book... virginia woolf's walking stick...tolstoy's bear... herman hesse's typewriter.. anthony: "what is that process about for you?" (14:27:35) patti: "i'm sort of restless, nomadic."//"and i've found it hard to keep still. but i'm also moving into a new phase where i'm looking to have someplace i can keep still." (14:28:15) (start of "trespasses") this may be that place, a bungalow a block from the water in rockaway beach, queens. patti: "it was built in like 1914, she stumbled on it visiting a friend one day a few years ago: smith (walking): "i never expected - i just came her to get a cup of coffee and i would up getting the house..." (00:46:25) anthony: "it's an expensive cup of coffee." (instrumental start from "gung ho") just weeks after she bought it, hurricane sandi ripped most of rockaway to pieces... patti: "you know my little hoe, it was just like mighty mouse." (14:43:50) anthony: "it made it through." patti: "yeah it did. and well." patti: "this is the table and chair that is on the cover of the book." (00:43:24)
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favorite cafe, she wrote most of 'm train' at it: patti: "and when it closed down i mean i was heartbroken. and the owner, i asked him what he was gonna do with the table and chairs. i was just so like senti - i felt like it was mine." (00:43:55) "when this house was done, it was my first piece of furniture." (00:44:40) anthony: "what were you thinking this house would be to you?" (14:22:28) patti: "it would be like virginia woolf says, 'a room of one's own." //"and it would be a place where i would write, a place that was mine."//"i don't wanna seem like i was unhappy. i've loved my life. i love sharing places with my children and husband and friends. but 'woerl he o spe. a> i gve. we iusiehato evacuate one of its plants because of a fire yesterday. midwest industries makes boat trailers... hoists... and marine docks at its facilities in ida grove. just after 10 - 30 yesterday morning... a fire in a paint shop there meant about 200 people had to evacuate. "it burned a hole up through the roof and it was pretty much contained right to that oven area, the whole factory is kind of full of smoke at the time." the ida grove fire departments got help from five other departments. one firefighter collapsed... we don't know why...
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but after getting treated that firefighter is doing fine. workers should be back on the job this morning at eight. jake>> police in spirit lake are looking for a possible shoplifter. they say the woman seen in these surveillance pictures walked out of the spirit lake walmart just after 7 o'clock yesterday morning... with a cart full of items she didn't pay for. you can see the woman leaving the store with the merchandise... she puts it into a maroon or red chevy h - h - r. police say the woman has been identified. jake>> the harrisburg student charged with shooting his principal last month has hired a private investigator to help out with his defense. attorneys for 16 - year - old mason buhl say the investigator will help find and interview witnesses in the case. a lincoln county grand jury has indicted buhl on one count of first - degree attempted murder... and one count of commission of a felony while armed with a firearm. each charge carries a possible 25 - year prison sentence. buhl is being held without bond
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in sioux falls. jake>> the sioux city man facing a willful injury charge for stabbing his cousin earlier this month has pleaded *not* guilty. 32 - year - old lonny reuney submitted that written plea in woodbury county district court. court documents say reuney was arrested after police were called to a home in the 15 - hundred block of mcdonald street... that's where they found a man who'd been stabbed. that man was taken to the hospital and treated for a lacerated liver. police say reuney admitted to the stabbing. a trial date in this case is set for february 20 - 16. jake>> new research finds taking vitamin d or calcium after colorectal polyps are removed does not prevent future polyps. the research conducted by 11 medical centers studied more than two thousand patients who had polyps removed and then took the supplements. three to five years later... screenings showed additional polyps had developed in 43
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percent of the patients. jake>> chinese researchers say having a high stress job might be linked to a higher risk of stroke. high stress jobs were defined as having high demands with little control over the work... like waitresses and nursing aids. those with high stress jobs had a 22 percent higher risk of stroke compared to those with low stress jobs. jake>> and a new blood test could have a huge impact on how doctors treat cancer. british scientists developed the test that would pair cancer patients with the most suitable therapy... then monitor the disease to see if the treatment was working. jake>> a new government study found dietary supplements led to 23,000 emergency room visits and more than 2,000 hospital stays. c - b - s news correspondent doctor jon lapook has more on the products that *don't* need f - d - a approval.5 his pants size went down
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dramatically. he probably decided to take more on his own without letting me know. (narration two) but then his eyes turned yellow. medical tests showed his liver was failing. doctors blamed the green tea extract. having to hear the doctor tell me every day that christopher had a 50% chance of dying and not making it, it was hurtful, hoping every day he'd get better soon. herrera recovered. (narration three) half of american adults use at least one supplement, so 23,000 er visits a year reflects a relatively low complication rate. but since these products don't need fda approval, the cdc says it's important to monitor their safety. (title: emergency room visits and supplements) weight loss and energy products accounted for about fifty percent of visits in patients 5 to 34 the most typical patients were young adults (20-34) the most common symptoms were cardiac- chest pain, palpitations and elevated heart rate. (narration four) dr. andrew geller is with the cdc, and was the report's lead author. some dietary supplements may have benefits but there are risks which are not the same
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supplements. and we encourage patients to tell their physicians that they are taking dietary supements and which ones.. tag the university of wisconsin could be getting a huge check from apple. we'll tell you why... next...
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. another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper 60s. temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing.
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temperatures will start to rebound again on sunday, though winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting
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tuesday. jake>> facebook has a way to avoid those awkward memories. another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we l e st snyki a brzyin cad h sse il itohere his ou binhepp 60 teerur wl ntuen dnwd enfofa dtuayithis t urs nr a ls i n arrein teeru l arto bod aouny,hoh dsilberey thu xhae rn arngd a ctiinin ud ja>>acoohaay avd osawarmer. th d iteeuis peedo artyth co fntwiiibwe lleeosynssd ezwis canghreuis tthar.shod ithupr . petus llonon e wnrdre f d ndatdawi hne er0so a0dws ppg wneafz. petus llta bndga osuaythg nw bbzyitou exccf intain
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update. meanwhile, facebook has it's own battle it's waging against youtube. facebook is creating a hub just to watch video clips uploaded to facebook. they can be videos you saved to watch
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later, or videos from people or pages you follow. it's just rolling out to a small number of users first, and facebook is also testing out a feature that lets videos float in a window in the corner, following you as you keep scrolling down. facebook has talked about its video ambitions for some time now -- the network is even talking about sharing ad revenue with video creators, just like youtube does. you may not be able to escape videos, but you can escape reminders of your ex on facebook. the network likes to remind you of past posts you made "on this day" in previous years -- but now there's a filter in settings so you can be sure not to be reminded of any photos or posts tagged with certain people, or posts made on any certain days. go to / onthisday, and click on preferences to the right to change settings. because it can be painful to get a surprise reminder about certain things. and over at the other big social network, twitter just appointed a new executive chairman. but he doesn't tweet much. omid kordestani, the former chief
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business officer of google, now hold the twitter chairman role that jack dorsey held -- but since dorsey came back as ceo, someone else needed to fill the seat. kordestani launched a twitter account in 2010, but before getting the job, he only tweeted eight times. the news comes a day after twitter laid off more than 300 employees. "that's it for this tech news update, and there's more at from our studios in new york, i'm bridget carey. ****""". jake>> we're talking simple steps to starting and growing your business...
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in "talk of the town." temperatures will continue on the downward trend for friday and saturday with highs in the upper 50s to near 60 and lows dipping down near freezing. "weather on the 1's."
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another dip in temperature is expected to start today with a cold front swinging in, but we will see mostly sunny skies and breezy winds as canadian high pressure builds in to the area. highs should be in the upper s. mpatesilstt reuagn da tug winds will be breezy with our next chance of rain starting monday and continuing into eay f u' bn inngbo starting and growing your own business... there's a program in south sioux city that can help you out! that's why tom eakin and alma villicana join us for talk of the town this morning. that's why
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this morning.. jake and a guest or group of guests discuss upcoming community events. jake>> thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment... or want to find out any more information... you can find everything on our web site... that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... jake>> we'll take a look at your
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coming up after the break... jake>> it's now (time) as we take a look outside (le mars) on the (icon ag & turf) cam. cat>> here's a look at your weather to go ...q for siouxland news, this is sergeant terry ivener. jake>> here's a look at your
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news to go ... jake>> israeli officials are stepping up security... after more than a dozen stabbings in the last two weeks. hundreds of soldiers are on patrol now through the country... and road blocks have been set up around some arab neighborhoods. the random attacks have have a lot of people talking about a third palestinian uprising. jake>> back in the states... hillary clinton and bernie sanders are getting more momentum... jake>> back in the states... hillary clinton and bernie sanders are getting more momentum... after the first democratic presidential debate. wednesday... clinton kept trying to work the hispanic vote... and picked up an endorsement from a trade union. in the meantime... sanders campaign says they've raised more than two million dollars since the debate ended. jake>> and... united states customs computers at airports across the country are back online... jake>> and... united states customs computers at airports across the country are back online... after a major glitch yesterday that led to major airport delay. officials say it all happened when the system that checks passengers against terrorism watch lists briefly experienced disruptions. authorities do not believe this
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incident was malicious. jake>> and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports.
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