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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  October 28, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT

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will in a *third* debate focusing on fiscal policy. as c - b - s news correspondent don chchpion shows us... theheour candidates who o e polling lower... rick santorum... bobby jindal... george pataki... and lindsey graham... will all be part of a *different* debate... *before* the two - hour prime time event. 3 (nat/sot) i don't like being second. second is terrible to me. (applause) on the eve of the third republican debate... donald trump held his second rally of the week in the early voting state of iowa... this time, pleading for support: (sot donald trump) "will you please do me a favor and work with me peopop and go out on februuy 1st and vote and give us a victory?" for the firstst titi, a new cbs news polol shows the billionaire businessman trailing neurosurgeon ben carson, not only in iowa but part because of his personality. tea party republicans and evangelicals prefer carson's tone and demeanor:(sot ben carson) i'm just going to keep doing what i've been doing, and that is telling the truth and talking about things that i think are relevant to the people-nats- i've about had it with these people in need of a strong debate performance -- ohio governor john kasich attacked his republican rivals at a pre- debate rally last night in his state...specifically calling out carson:(sot gov. john kasich/r-oh) we got one candidate that says we ought to abolish medicaididnd memecare. have you everereard
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of anything as azy as that? experts say tonight's debate, focusing on fiscal policy, favors candidates who have held office and understand how setting a budget works. don champion cbs news. 3 the g - o - p candidates will face off again november 10th for their *fourth* debate. with a field of just three... the next *democratic* debate happens in des moines... november 14th. 3 donaldldtrump brought hundreds out to his campaign stop at west high school last night... but not everyone there... was there to support him. dozens of
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(luss) loess hills elementary school... to outside west high last night.. they say trump is a bully... and has no business speaking at a public school. the protest was led by some current and former west high students who disagree with trump's position on immigration. 3 even with the protest... though... donald trump took the stage at west a little after 6 o'clock last night... anplenty of people were cheering him on. our own siouxland news reporter jaclynriscoll was in the gym for trump's speech. 3 for the first time in months, donald trump is no longer leading in the republican polls. a recent cbs poll shows dr. ben carson leading trump nationally, but that's not slowing down trump or his supporters in iowa. nats speaking on many hot button issues, trump was rewarded with applause and cheer when he left the stage speaking directly t ta wounded warrior and about the care of our veterans. "i'm going to put pressure on the va like you wouldn't believe. (cheers) as president i can guarantee it. as trump i can say, i'll probably be able to pull it off anyway."as he has in many rallies, trump also spoke about what he plans to do for immigration. "we're talking about immigration. and we're talking about the wall, because we're going to have a wall and we're going to stop illegal immigration. (cheers)"
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iran, "the worst deal ever." "these are the people that represent us. these people are incompentent, or stupid. you know somebody said, 'you shouldn't sasastupid' but it's true. they're stupid."while he may be traillg to carson both nationally and in iowa, trump is still drawing large crowds and large supporrs as this election continues."nobody can do it like i can. nonody. (cheers)." 3 3 after talking for about an hour... donald trump had a question and answer session. ending his rally by saying he might be trailing in ioio right t w... but he'll be
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ending a lot of time here til the ucuses in feuary. 3 and like i said... trump isn'in the lead anymore in iowa. but for the first time in months... a *national* poll shows he isn't leading the *overall* republican presidential race... either. a new c - b - s news... new york times poll says 26 - percent of g - o - p primary voters surveyed back ben carson for the nomination... compared to 22 - percent for trump. thth poll has a six - percent margin of f error... though. three other polls show carson leading trump in iowa. 3 and a new monmouth university poll shows the race is much clearer on the democratic side of things... at least in iowa anyway. the poll shows 65 - percent of likely democratic caucus - goers back clinton. senator bernie sanders is second at 24 - percent. the monmouth poll is the first survey conducted after vice president joe bibin announced he won't run for the white house next year... *and* since clinton's appearance last week before the congressional panel
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3 the third candidate in the democratic race... former maryland governor martin o'malley... will also be in northwest iowa this weekend. o'malley will speak at morningside college's u - p - s auditorium friday at 9 a - m... after that he'll have a meeting with the sioux city journal's editorial board at 10... and a meet and greet in denison n 2 - 30 friday afternoon. 3 and iowa congressman steve king will host quite a few republican presidential candidates this weekend for his annual pheasant hunt. ted cruz... mike huckabee... bobby jindal... and rick santorum will join king and quite a few other guests at the hole in the wall lodge near akron saturday morning. the annaul hunt on the first weekend of pheasant season is a tradition for the iowa congressman... who typically brinin quite a few high - prprile conserertive figures with him each year. 3 it's the tiniest wheelchair you'll probably ever see... it's for a guinea pig! estella the guinea pig lives at a california animal sanctuary. she broke her back when a
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small child squeezed her a little too hard... and she can't use the lower half of her body. estella and a guinea pig friend were later found abandoned near an animal shelter. that shelter found the two a forever home at the harvest home animal sanctuary. the sanctuary held a fundraiser on facebook to build a custom wheelchair for estella. 3 3 3 coming up thth morning... a brand new casino just opened in the small country of (muh - cow) macau. we'll shwo you why the timing couldn't be worse in asia's las vegas.
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3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morrng, and weweay see ght drizzle especialal east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected upcoming weekend and early next next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's. 3
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3 here's what 3 we're talking about on facebook this morning... we have a story about some
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jump ououof a plane?3 3 americans are a bit worried about the job market and a new law lets canines dine al - fresco. marlie hall is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch. 3 americans are a little more anxious about the job market this month.a business research group's consumer confidence index fell to 97-point-6 in october.that's down from 102-point-6 in september.the decline follows two disappointing job reports.wall street ended the day in negative rritory.the dow dropped 41 popots.e nasdaq lost 4 4oracle is building a high school next to its silicon valley headquarters to teach students about technology and problem-solving. it will be called design tech and will accommodate up to 550 students by august 20-17.the school will be free and open to any student living in cuomo signed into law a bill allowing dogs in new york to join their owners at restaurants with alfresco dining.pooches can venture
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into outdoor dining areas but on if they're leashed. california, florida and ryland alrerey have similar lawswsthat's your money wawah. for more log on to cbs money watch dot com. in new york im marlie hall. 3 3 a new 3 point 2 billion dollar casino opened tuesday in (muh - cow) macau... in the middle of a brutal downturn for the gambling industry. c - n - n's matt rivers shows us why (muh - cow)'s macau's gaming industry is suffering... and why the country is the worst performing economy in the world. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows---- the rattle of the roulette wheelsnot quite e loud as i once washere in asia's verer own sin ty.high rollers who once spent big on the v-i-p tables just aren't filling
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seats the way they used to. (matt rivers, cnn) "gaming revenuesthink money from slots machines or baccarat tables.are down 36% in 2015 and in a place like macau, as go the casinos, so goes the local economy. it shrank more than 26% last quarter alonegood enough to make it the worst performing economy in the world."a big reason for thatthe ongoing anti- corruption campaign in mainland china.president xi jinping has make a big push to curb lavish that's helped make gaming revenues in macau todayfive times larger than las vegas. but the government wants the resorts to offer more. (lawrence ho, ceo, melco crown tertainment) "we'veveinvested 2bn us. 95% of the space is r non gaming."lawrence ho is the man behindndthe newest kid on the block, studio city offers rides, shows, even a ferris wheel. ho says that's the way to tap into a growing chine middle classbut admits there's no long-term future in macau without gambling.(lawrence ho, ceo, melco crown entertainment) "the truth is gaming is really the financial engine. without the gaming component, we wouldn't be able to build these fantastic properties."but backing its pledge to diversify, the government has put strict limits on the number of tables each new casino can have. casino magnate steve wynn slammed the policy on an earnings call earlier this month."preposterous" he fumed. "in my 45 years of experience, i've never seen anything like this".his anger came as wynn's macau division reported a revenue decline of nearly 40%. (matt rivers, cnn)n)even as the economy struggles s mightilyly here, alongside the industry it relies on, the average worker just t hasn't really felt thatcrunch. the jobless rate here stands below 2% and mass casino layoffs just haven't happened. so for now at least, casino owners appear to be betting big on the future.
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3 after the break on siouxland news at sunrise... it seems like president obama is going against claims made by the director of the f - b - i. we'll show you what's being blamed for rising crime
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3 3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the weekekwe should see a slow, steady rise to teteeratures into early y xt weekek50's are expected for thursdayaynd friday with the 60's expececd for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's. 3 president obama talked to the international association chiefs of police at their annual conference in chicago tuesday. his speech came one day after the white house talked about policing...
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f - b - i director james comey. c - b - s news correspondent jeff pegues takes a look. 3 ((sot))15:20:17 i reject any narrative that seeks to divide police and communities that they serve at a gathering of police chiefs in chicago -- president obama -- cautioned against jumping to conclusions about why crime has spiked in n some major cities. :26:19 we do have to stick with the facts (2) we, what we can't do is cherry-pick data or use anecdotal evidence to drive policy (8) or to feed political agendas (11). that statement appeared to be a response to fbi director james comey - who spoke at the same event yesterday.((sot))135800 some part of what is going on is likely a chill wind that has blown through law enforcement.comey suggested cell phone videos of deadly police encounters like the arrest of freddie gray in baltimore could be making law enforcement pull back.((sot)) 135710 in today's you tube world, are officers reluctant to get out of their cars and do the work that reduces violent crime?((nat break)) (graphic in)the number of arrests in some cities is down. in orlando, they have declined nearly 10 percent. in minneapolis -- more than 1 1 percent and in baltimore therere has beenen 34-percent decrease in arrests. all three cities have seen n increase in homicides. in babaimore - murders are up more than 50- percent over last year. (graphic out)still james pasco -- of the national fraternal order of police -- says rank and file officers are offended by the fbi director's comments. ((sot))131510 officers have enough stress on them as it is without their actions being second guessed or misintrepreted by high government officials.(ta the
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had its disagreements with the obama administration. but today mmy of t t president's comments were applauded. scott, he thanked the police today -- saying the country was safer for their efforts.) 3 still to come... we should know the results of an investigation today...
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after a school resource officer was caught on camera dragging a sudent out of her desk. and... we'll show you the justice department has opened its own civil rights investigation. you're
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uunrise.3 good morning eryone,thanks for starting y yr morning with
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meteorologist cat taylor.3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy
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3 we could learn today if a south carolina sheriff's deputy will lose his job over a controversial confrontation with a student. deo recorded by classmates shows the deputy violently flipping the girl out of her chair and tossing her across a classroom. reporter don champion has the latest on what happened. 3 chyrons:leon lott/richland county, sc sheriff(pkg)(sot cell phone video tony robinson tue0106 :22) "hands behind your back" (-:24) while the fbi and the justice departmemet begin their civil rights investigation into this violent takedown oa south carolina high school student .... the richland county sheriff says he could decide today whether his deputy will remain on the force after the confrontation.(sot tue0248 :32) nat flip tuesday, a third video surfaced showing deputy ben fields forcibly removing a female student from her chair monday and then tossing her across a classroom. fields had been called to the room after the girl refused to put away her cell phone. the newest video was recorded by a
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classmate who hid his identity when he spoke to cbs affiliate wltx.(sot tue0505 3:35) "he was trying to do his job she refused, and he tried to neutralize it, but instead it blew up" (-:42) the sheriff says the new video shows the unidentified student hitting fields but....(sot wed0002 leon lott/richland county, sc sheriff :36) "what she does, is not what i'm looking at. what i'm looking at is what out sro did. what was his actions" (-:44) (tue0248 gfx 1:26) court records show fields has been accused of abusive behavior three times a jury ruled in his favor in a 2005 case. a 2006 case was dismissed, and a case accusing him of racially profiling a student is set for trial in january. the sheriff says he doesn't think race played a role in monday's incident. don
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3 fields has been suspended *without* pay and hasn't talked about what happenen. the locacaschool district has also launched s own inveveigation. 3 caseys... the gas station... has warning for folks who use their stores. credit card skimming devices have been found at six caseys stores in nebraska... and *one* in iowa. the convenience store chain says the devices were foundduring an examination of its fuel pumps earlier this month. none of those stores are in the tri - state region here. the company has launched an examination of its almost 19 - hundred ores in 14 states. casey's says it doesn't t know if any credit card information has been compromised... but it encourages customers to monitor their accounts. 3 sioux city police have released some surveillance video of a person they need your help identifying. he's wanted in connection with an ongoing investigation into the spread of counterfeit money in sioux city. anyone with information on the person in
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crime stoppers at 258 - tips.s. 3 a group of truckers is taking a snd when it comes to human trafficking. yesterday they came together with law enforcement officials at the sergeant bluff community center to learn more about whatthey can do to fight human trafficking. they talked about ways to close the loopholes that let human trafficking happen... and what to look for as they travel the nation's highways. 3 "getting everybody together in the room to talk about this, it's an issue that is starting to get on everybody's radar. it's an issues that law enforcement can't battle alone. the trucking industry, the trucucstops, and thehe different resources thth we have out there itit all adadtional eye and eaea and together we can build a coalition to continue combat human 3 trafficking" because traffickers keep moving victims from one place to another... and across state lines... the relationship between law enforcement and trucking is one of the most critical components when it comes to fighting this crime. 3 a court ruling in a lawsuit against a yankton n south dakota clinic and the
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city's two hospitalalcould mean *a lot* for some patients in south dakota and nebraska. three dozen people are suing a spinal surgeon who practiced at the yankton medical clinic... along with with the doctors who credentialed him... letting doctor allen sossan practice medicine at avera sacred heart and lewis and clark specialty hospital. now... the judge has ruled hospitals in the state *can* be sued if they acted in bad faith... or were unreasonable in granting those privileges. the ruling opens the door to lawsuits against the individual members of the committees s who grant those ivileges. the e lawsuit says the doctor got credentialed even though he had lost his credentials at a hospital in norfolk. 3 iowa's goveor was back in northwest iowa last night... with good news for veterans. the governor was in sheldon to name o'brien county as the state's latest "home base iowa" community. the designation means an area is willing to hire military veterans... or provide them higher education opportunities. governor branstad will be in rock rapids tonight...
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other northwest iowa "home base iowa" community. 3 c - f industries is spending almost 2 billion dollars to expand its fertilizer plant at port neal. and now... woodbury county taxpayers could get some of the the benefits from that expansion. but not until the year 2020. the plant is getting a two point one billion dollar expansion... which happens to be the largest expansion in iowa history. the new plant will mean about 54 million dollars in new property taxes flowing into the county during thehe next 20 yearar 3 "i think i iis going to put mo money into family budgets which is great all the way around " the relief will be distributed in a stair step system... increasing every five years taxes are collected by the county, property owners will geta statement on their bill each year explaining how their taxes were lowered. the board also approved the cost of materials for installing l - e - d lights in all *sixty* county - owned buildings.
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- ousand dollars. but thth board thinks the long term saving will be worth it. 3 "...and looking toward facilitiesin the future in a way that maximies property tax dollars and also makes us good stewards of those tax dollars and the environment."3 now that materials are approved... the supervisors are waiting on bids for the cost of installation. those bids should be coming in the next few weeks. 3 you know those i - d chips you can have implanted in your pet? well... they can come in n etty handy. one of them helped reunite a girl with the cat she lost 14 years ago. as reporter emmy victor shs us... they have a lot of catching up to do. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- fourteen years later... an unexpected reunion.(jill petticord/ralph's owner) "not even a possibility that i was ever going to see my cat again."jill received ralph as a christmas present from the a-r-l in 19-98.(rita korn/jill petticord's mother) "she carried him around, she did absolutely everything with ralph."ralph disappeared in 20-01 and it was difficult to replace him.(jill petticord/ralph's owner) "i
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ralph."fast forward to 20-15. jill now has a son and ralph was a distant memory.(nat sound) "he says "meow, meow" until the a-r-l notified rita of their findings last week. she showed up as the owner through a micro chip ralph received when he was adopted. (rita korn/jill petticord's mother) "i'm going 'i don't have a cat,' and they said, 'yeah, you do.'"so she sent her daughter to the compound in disbelief.(jill petticord/ralph's owner) "he looked at me. and kind of turned his head sideways. and his eyes perked up. and i said - oh my gosh, that's my kitty." ralph is now home and jill is working to get him healthy again.he has lost weight and fur because he was stray for so many years.(jill petticord/ralph's owner) "i am just glad that he gets to finish out his life with me and not sosowhere out on thehe reets. and i can make sure that he e s a good ending to his life." 3 if jumping out of a perfectly good airplane isn't scscy enough for some folks...
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racingng 40 - competitors... wearing the suits that make them look like flying squirrels... jumped out of a helicopter... 8 - thousand feet above ground. four - at - a - time they race to be the first through gates floating in the air. then they parachute gently to the ground. 3 3 we're going to get you ready for a holiday tradition. we're talking "tour of homes"... next... in "talk of the town."
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"siouxland nene at sunrise starts 3 3 3 now" 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3
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3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will ke our temperatures in check. lk for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the
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3 3 the tour of the tour of homes is a holiday tradition here in sioux city... it's a great way to get into the holiday season *and* help out big brothers big sisters of siouxland that's why mike skaggs is here for talk of the town this morning. good morning! 3 jake and a guest or group of
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discuss upcoming community 3 events.3 3
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guests discuss 3 upcoming 3 community 3 upcoming community 3 upcoming community 3 3 3 events.
5:33 am events.3 commmmity upcoming community upcominin3 community 3 events. 3 thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment...or want to find out any more can find everything on our web site...that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... 3 these cats e making like taylor swift. we'll show you how a photographer got them to shakakit off. it's (time) this morning. thanks for watching siouxland news at sunrise.
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3 3 good morning, (city)... it's (temp) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (sponsor) camera. 3 more than just the fur flies when a photographer captures cats shaking it off. c - n - n's (genieiejeanne (mows) moos has the story behind a new book featuring shaking cats that could leave you shaking your head. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows--
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(nats)glorious photos of 3 dogs shaking.then came the sequel, "shake puppies."and now the sequel to the sequel, "shake cats."(nats)from furball to hairless...61 shaking cats, most from shelters, shot by a photographer who let animals get under her skin.(carli davidson/pet photographer/via skype)"a sabre tooth tiger. i have my 3-headed dog here." carli davidson was inspired by her beloved slobbering mastiff norbert, since departed.(carli davidson/pet photographer/via skype)"i would be on step ladder cleaning drool off the wall."she took norbert's photo shaking.(carli davidson/pet photographer/via skype)"face everywhere, tongue over there, drool over here."and when humans drooled over her photos, she'd found her niche. (jeanne york)"so how do you get a cat to shake? well they did not squirt them."we captured the shake when we would clean their ears. adding a drop or two of special ear cleaner.(carli davidson/pet photographer/via skype)"or just itch their ears. when you rub your cat's ears they do the ... thing."for many furry mammals, shaking is an incredible drying mechanism. (nats)rats shake about 18 times a second versus four times a second for dogs.(carli davidson/pet photographer/via skype)"the secret is my camera shoots 10 frames a second.//so
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i'm just laying down on the shutter the second i start think about shaking."carli couldn't resisisshowing off her own cat....(cacai davidsds/pet photographer) "under that t ver is my cat yushi//look at t tt yushi."but this is one tale we couldn't end... (nats)without tongues. the only celebrity cat in the book is lil bub, famoufor a tongue that perpetually sticks out due to a genetic defect. (nats)the owner had predicted it(nats)this is a book that will have eyes rolling and tongues wagging. jeanne moos cnn new york 3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of
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the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's.3 3 3
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sunrise watercooler... terrapins at the sea life london aquarium are getting into the halloween spirit... bobbing for pumpkins in their tank. the group of 20 terrapins have been gifted qutie a few carved mini pumpkins... for a twist on the regular tradition of bobbing for apples. keepers say they're really lively animals... so the pumpkins will give them something new to do... something neneto playaywith. the terrapin's game is part of the aquarium's "hallow - marine" week... which runs until november 1st.3 3 coming up this morning... a new report says most defective tires are still on the road. we'll show you why the recalls are 3 being your morning news, weatatr and spspts are all coming u uit's
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nono(time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. keep it right here on
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3 3 here's a look at your news to
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3 the top 10 republican presidential candidates hold their third debate tonight in colorado... focusing on fiscal policy. donald trump will take center stage again... even though he's been unseated as frontrunner in iowa polls by ben carson. the debate comes on the same day the house is expected to approve a two - year budget deal... stopping another government shutdown. officials in richland county south carolina are expected to make a decision today on whetetr a school rereurce ofofcer will get to stataon the force. senior depupu ben fields was suspended without pay... a day after cameras caught him forcibly removing a girl student from a classroom. the justice department has opened a civil rights investigation. and... the kansas city royals defeated the new york mets 5 - to - 4 in game one of the world series. fans at kauffman stadium were on the edge of their seats as the game went *14* innings. the teams face off again tomorrow in kansas city. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day
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at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and d re is what the folksks in studio 57 are wowoing on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this momoing". i'm norah o'donnell. coming upupa 40-year-old auto safety standard may be putting you and your children at risk. the cbs news investigation. that's coming up, on cbs this morning. 3 3 good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise.thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 a colfront will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times.
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those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's.3 3 3 federal vestigators said tuesday a majority of defective tires stay on the road even after they're recalled. the investigation was brought on by four crashes in 20 - 14 caused by tire failure that killed 12 people. c - b - s news correspondent kris van cleave has this story. 3 these 4 crashes in 2014 involving tire failure killed 12 people and injured 42 others--prompting the national transportation safety board's special investigation... among them--this church van-its left
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rear tire e ead separated cacaing the vehicle e roll over--4 people were ejected, 2 died, an adult and 7 children were injured. that tire was recalled 19 months earlier...but the n-t-s-b found as many 80 percent of recalled tires do not get fixed--leaving danger *literally* rolling down american roads.((sot 14:31:47)) a lot of that is something consumers don't have control over because they don't know that they're driving with a tire that's subject to a recall. ntsb chairman christopher hart led the panel that issued 11 safety recommendations, starting with requiring tires be registered when purchased so consumers can be notified easier. the board also recommended improving how tires are labeled and how recall information is shared. ((sot 14:35:30))kvc: if these recommendations are accepted will they save lives?hart: this will definitely save lives, 539 lives lost in 2013 is totally unacceptable. another recommendation: better guidelines and testing for aging tires. just days before the deadly church van crash, 4 people in this kia suv died when an a ang rear tire failed--the suv slammed into a schoho bus in centreville lousianna. 31 peopop on bobod were hurt. (kris: tire makers support the ntsb call for changing the registration/re call system, retailers believe there is a more user friendly fix. scott, the ntsb recommends checking tires
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proper tire pressure.)3 3 donald trump brought hundreds out to his campaign stop at west high school last night... but not everyone there... was there to support him. dozens of protesters made the trek from (luss) loess hills elementary school... to outside west high last night.. they say trump is a bully... and has no business speaking at a public school. the protest was led by some current and former west high students who disagree with trump's position on immigration. 3 even with e protest... hough... donald trumum
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little after 6 o'clock last night... and plenty of people were cheering him on. our own siouxland news reporter jaclyn driscoll was in the gym for trump's speech. 3 for the first time in months, donald trump is no longer leading in the republican polls. a recent cbs poll shows dr. ben carson leading trump nationally, but that's not slowing down trump or his supporters in iowa. nats speaking on many hot button issues, trump was applause and cheer when he left the stage speaking directly to a wounded warrior and about the care of our veverans. 3 "i'm going to put pressure on the va like you wouldn't believe. (cheers) as president i can guarantee it. as trump i can say, i'll probably be able to pull it as he has in many rallies, trump also spoke about what he plans to do for immigration. "we're talking about immigration. and we're talking about the wall, because we're going to have a wall and we're going to stop illegal immigration. (cheers)" and calling the deal with iran, "the worst deal ever." "these are the people that
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represent us. these people are incompentent, or stupid. you know somebody said, 'you shouldn't say stupid' but it's true. they're stupid."while he may be trailing to carson both nationally and in iowa, trump is still drawing large crowds and large supporters as this election continues."nobody can do it like i can. nobody. (cheers)." 3 3 after talking for about an hour... donald trump had a question and answer session. ending his rally by saying he might be trailing in iowa right now... but he'll be spending a lot of time here until the caucuses in february. 3 and like i said... trump isn't in the lead anymore in iowa. but for the first t te in months... a *national* pollllhows he isn't t ading the *overall* * republican presidentiti race... either. a new c - b - s news... new york times poll
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primary voters surveyed back ben carson for the nomination... compared to 22 - percent for trump. the poll has a six - percent margin of error... though. three other polls show carson leading trump in iowa. 3 and a new monmouth university poll shows the race is much clearer on the democratic side of things... at least in iowa anyway. the poll shows 65 - percent of likely democratic caucus - goers back clinton. senator bernie sanders is second d 24 - percent. the e monmouth poll is the first survey conducted after vice president joe biden announced he won't run for the white house next year... *and* since clinton's appearance last week before the congressional panel investigating benghazi. 3 the third candidate in the democratic race... former maryland governor martin o'malley... will also be in northwest iowa this weekend. o'malley will speak at morningside college's u - p - s auditorium friday at 9 a - m... after that he'll have
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journal's editorial board at 10... and a meet and greet in denison at 2 - 30 friday afternoon. 3 and ioio congressman steve king will host quite a few publican presidentiti candidates this weekend for his annual pheasant hunt. ted cruz... mike huckabee... bobby jindal... and rick santorum will join king and quite a few other guests at the hole in the wall lodge near akron saturday morning. the annaul hunt on the first weekend of pheasant season is a tradition for the iowa congressman... who typically brings quite a few high - profile conservative figures with him each year. 3 in what will probably be his last major legislative act as house speaker... john boehner has helped reach a 2 - year budget deal with the white house. the agreement would raise the debt limit. it's likely it could pass the house with a majority of suppppt coming from the democrats. house republicans are divided over the deal... and the way it was reached. 3 "paul ryan, i think this
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the way to do the people's business and under new management, we are not going to do the people's business this brooks, i will not be voting for it because in my view it's financially irresponsible. it increases spending.tom cole, compared to the alternative, which would be default, sequester, you know, terrible cuts to the american military this is a reasonable dealfair enough to be critical of it, but i think if you're going to do that, you have to lay out what you would do that could pass and be signed by the president."3 the house is expected to take it up for a vote today. after that it moves to the senate... where lawmakers are alal exexessing mixed reaction to it. 3 with new polls showing hillary clinton running away with the democratic presidential nomination... some are wondering what *republicans* will do to try and attract women voters. as c - b - s news correspondent jeff barnd shows us... some are now looking at the role *carly fiorina* will play in the race. 3 /vo/ by no means is g-o-p presidential candidate carly fiorina hinting she wants the vice presidential spot on the g-o-p presidential ticket she
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wants the *top* job./sot/ fiorina "i'm very proud of being a woman, but i'm going to ask for your vote and support because i'm the most qualified candidate to win name has been making the rounds as a possible vice she doesn't secure the republican presidential any one's list she'll be in the top 3 obviously that's here on in.. but clearly she's had a very strong start." /bridge/ former maryland goveveor bob ehrlich saysys*if* ms. fiorina accepted the vice presidential jojoon the 2016 ticket she can *more* than hold her own against e clintotocampaign./sot/ehrlich -- "traditionally 2nd on the ticket has been the quote enquote "attack dog" part of her appeal for the republican base has been her ability to attack hillary clinton on the stump in new hampshire, iowa and other primary states."/sot/ palin "you know what the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is? lipstick."/vo/ but that attack strategy didn't work for alaska governor sarah palin when she took on barack obama's campaign in 2008./sot/ samples "while men might appreciate that kind of rough and tumble in politics women want a more subtle reasoned or otherwise more specific kind of approach to it." /vo/ if fiorina finds herself considering the republican v.p. job, political experts believe she wouldlde an
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- "yes i would say she'd be a good choice but t t particularily becaususshe's a female candidate really."/sot/ ehrlich "more likely than not.. she's gonna be on that v.p. list. but she's still obviously running for president."/vo/ i'm jeff barnd reporting. 3 political experts say 3 fiorora would *likely* go through ththnominiation process more easily sincece she's already in the m mddle of a tough *presidential* race. unlike sarah palin... who was hand - picked by john mccain's campaign 7 years ago. 3 starbucks is getting into the halloween spirit again
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new vampire - inspired "frappula frappuccino" will be available today through saturday at stores here in the united states. the drink has white chocolate sauce and blended milk and ice... sandwiched between mocha sauce and whipped cream. it also has raspberry syrup on the rim. starbucks said the drink will also be available in canada through sunday. and it's already for sale in australia and new zealand, 3 3 in the blackhawks match... hinton was hitting the volleyballs so hard they ended up stuck in the ceiling. we've got a complete wrapup of
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next... in sports. 3
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again on this 3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the weekend and early next week wiwi our nene chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the e wer 50's.
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a look 3 at your morning sports.we are one step closer to seeing right to represent their region in the class one 'a' and 2a playoffs. tonight we narrowed things down to a final four- we start in hull where top ranked western christian hosted rock valley. 1. rock valley gets on the board first.. stacie van den rockets up one to nothing in the first set.2. all western christian after that.. kaira moss with the spike.. rock valley unable to block it... set tied at one.3. later in the set.. ashtyn veerbeek with the kill.. five to three westerners.4. verrbeek again with the kill.. western again
5:58 am three the kill.. five veerbeek with the kill.. five to three westerners.4. verrbeek again with the kill.. western christian up six to four.5. payton harmsen looks like she is going to set the ball.. but scores the point herself westerners up eighteen to seven at that point and they would win the first set and sweep rock vally three to nothing.ridge view and number two unity christian getting together.1. unity won the first two sets.. pick up action in the third set.. unity's anna kiel with the drop shot. knights up nine to two.2. unity's corrina timmermans and deidre noteboom with the block. knights up twelve to three.3. later in the set.. noteboom with the big kill.. unity up fourteen to four.4. then unity's josie
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knitghts up twenty-one to four. unity would win the third set twenty-five to nine and would sweep ridge view three to nothing.hinton trying to close out woodbury central in their matchup. already up 2 sets to nothing.1)here's the 3rd set. laura brighton to hallie
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it's 3 good morning siouxland, here's a look at your morning sports. we are one step closer to seeing which teams will play for the right to represent their region in the class one 'a' and 2a playoffs. tonight
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we narrowed things down to a final four. we start in hull where top ranked western christian hosted rock valley. 1. rock valley gets on the board first.. stacie van den berg with the block and kill.. rockets up one to nothing in the first set.2. all western christian after that.. kaira moss with the that.. kaira christian after 2. all western christian after that.. kaira moss with the valley unable to block it... set tied at one.3. later in the set.. ashtyn veerbeek with the kill.. five to three westerners.4. verrbeek again with the kill.. western christian up six to four.5. payton harmsen looks going to set the ball.. but scores the point herself westerners up eighteen to seven at that point and they would win the first set and sweep rock vally three to nothing.number two unity christian getting together.1. unity won the first two sets.. pick up action in the third set.. unity's anna kiel with the drop shot. knights up nine to two.2. unity's timmermans and deidre noteboom with the block. knights up twelve to three.3. later in the set.. noteboom with the big kill.. unity up fourteen to four.4. then unity's blankespoor with the kill. knitghts up twenty-one to four.unity would win the third set twenty-five to nine and would sweep ridge view three to nothing.hinton trying to close out woodbury central in their matchup. already up 2 sets to nothing. 1)here's the 3rd set. laura brighton to hallie reuter to hannah triewieler! it's blackhawks.2) wildcats try to set something up but t hinton all over it. there's no defense for height! it's 8-7 hinton.3) later in the set its 11-7 hinton more of the same. this block heads back into the opposite end of the gym. 12-7. 4) wildcats not giving up check out the slam by madisyn sampson. cuts it to 12-8.5) and then kind of a funny moment at the end treiwilers slam is so hard it bounces off a woodbury central defender and into the rafters! we just kind of had to wait for it to come down. not could do.
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hinton just grabbed another volleyballand we continued. hinton moves on they win it 3- 0.number 12 lawton bronson hosting mvao in the second round.1.lawton score -jadin wagner2.lawton ace -ali verzani 3.valler scores4. lawton ace - ali verzani5. lawton score autumn fluent6.lawton ace - brooke hunwardenthe eagles go on to win this one 3-0.8th ranked gehlen catholic playing on the road at westwood. 1) jill kessenich with the dig here, catalina uribe sets up kayla mayer who slams it home! it's 4-1 gehlen.2) then more from the jays off the westwood serve krayton schnepf with the overhand! 6-2 gehlen.3) back comes westwood off the jays serve heather east throws it down! it's 6-3 gehlen.4) then its kessenich setting up katie peters who sends it right at the mustard! gehlen really relishing this the playoffs. 5) everyone's ok though 6) then kessenich is serving. that's an ace! gehlen wins the first set westwood the next 2. gehlen forces the fifth game and wins it by the slimmest of margins. 15-13. so they move on 3-2 the final. kingsley community christian1. kingsley-pierson's allison bailewith the blo christian hanserve of the panhepeshau. 3.siouxland christian's rachel nelson with the nice shot. 4.kingsley-pierson's allison bailey with the spike.5. kingsley-pierson's addison hirschman but it goes out.. point for siouxland christian. 6. this time hirschman gets it in for the panthers.7. the panthers rachel mercer with the spike.kingsley pierson wins 3-1.gayville volin and canistota in south dakota playoff footballit was rainy! now it's time to kick it to canistota. don't kick it to jared nielsen! nielsen cuts back, avoids a tackle. he has great vision, finds a seam and turns on the jets 90 yards for the early 8-0 lead. hawks fans are wet, but happy.this one was pretty one sided. 52-0 the other action ikm manning moves on in their bracket as they defeat manson nw webster 3-0.emmetsburg's season is over they fall 3-0 to north little rock over trinity 3-2. and of course kingsley pierson over siouxland community 3-1. central lyon tops hms 3-0. newell fonda beats storm lake st. mary 's by the same score. and bishop gerrigan over north iowa 3-1.that's it for your morning sports. join us
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3 the stars of two different movies hit the red carpet in two different cities. it's (time)... your sunrise entertainment is after the break. 3
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3 3 after the entertainment your sunrise it's (time)...cities.two different red carpet in movies hit the two different the stars of the stars of two different movies hit the red carpet in two different cities. it's (time)... your sunrise entertainment is after the break. 3 3 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's. 3 3 jane lynch is the choice for the people's choice... and two new dramas cast a light on some dark chapters.
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on entertainment.entertainment.3 3 ((pkg script)) ------------------------(narr:) bryan cranston and diane lane were among the stars on the red carpet for the los angeles premiere of the new bio-pic, "trumbo."(nat- movie)((vo)) cranston stars as screenwriter dalton trumbo - who wrote some of the brightest scripts during hollywood's darkest days. blacklisted as a communist, trumbo wrote oscar-winning screenplays for "roman holiday" and "the brave one," under other names. he also penned "spartacus."(bryan cranston sot/actor)(( when i saw more and more tape on him and read more about him and talked to his daughters and i realized omg, this man is more theatrical than anybody who is ever accused of chewing scenery)) ((cont. vo))"trumbo" also stars helen mirren and john goodman... it opens nationwide next friday. ------------------------- ---------------------(narr:) michael keaton and mark ruffalo hit the red carpet in new york for the premiere of spotlight.they star as boston globe journalists who uncovered sex abuse in the catholic church.(sot mark ruffalo/actor)"we do acting for entertainment sometimes, and sometimes we do it to teach the world. and this is one of those rare moments where we actually get to teach people something that's important."((cont. vo))rachel liev schreiber also star... "spotlight" hits theaters november 6th. ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------(narr:) and jane lynch was named as host "the people's choice awards" in 2016... the star of the upcoming cbs comedy, "angel from hell" is a four-time nominee... and took home the favorite tv comedy actress award in 2011.that's your eye on entertainment. chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... we have a story about some wingsuit races.
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would you ever jump out of a plane? 3 still to come... nuclear waste illegally dumped in a missouri landfill during the 1970s may be under threat. we'll show you why an underground fire has been burning for five years. it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. your weather and morning news are all ahead. keep it right here on
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3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with
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us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 a cold front will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday
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evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's. 3 nuclear waste illegally dumped in a missouri landfill during the '70s might be under threat from an underground fire that's been burning at the landfill for five years. as c - b - s news correspodnent vinita nair shows us... folks who live around there are fired up... too. 3 (sot) "you can't 100 percent guarantee that we're ok." (or other best angry sound) (sot) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx choose a second bite hundreds of people jammed into a bridgeton union hall last night demanding to know if nuclear waste sitting in their local landfill could lead to a disaster. (sot) "i'm scared, this is scary."(sot) "we don't go outside- we don't open our windows." (track 2) (aerials/gfx )the nuclear waste was illegally dumped in landfill in the 1970's. it was
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the byproduct of processing uranium for americas nuclear weapons underground fire has been slowly burning at the landfill for five years - many residents worry the fire could ignite the nuclear material.the environmental protection agency, and the landfill owners, republic services, insist that's not true. russ knocke is the company spokesman. a: (need to find) this is hysteria...q: are you guys 100% sure that the underground fire will never touch the waste?a: we are confident that the.landfill is in a managed state. missouri's attorney general is not so confident. he's suing republic waste saying his experts tell him it's possible the underground burn could reach the nuclear material in 3 to 6 *months.* ed smith from the non profit missoruri coalition for the environment, says if the underground fire meets the nuclear material, he fears an environmental disaster. ed -- it will mobilize the radiation. it will attach to the smoke and spread past the metro areajust this month , the county notified residents of an evacuation plan in case nuclear material is released. dawn chapman is a mom of three who lives less than 2 miles from the landfills. (dawn 18;18;40) how dare they come out and tell us everything's safe when they don't know what it is or where it is and how much they have. tag 3
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3 caseys... the gas station... has warning for folks who use their stores. credit card skimming devices have been found at six caseys stores in nebraska... and *one* in iowa. the convenience store chain says the devices were foundduring an examination of its fuel pumps earlier this month. none of those stores are in
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the tri - state region here. the company has launched an examination of its almost 19 - hundred stores in 14 states. casey's says it doesn't know if any credit card information has been compromised... but it encourages customers to monitor their accounts. 3 sioux city police have released some surveillance video of a person they need your help identifying. he's wanted in connection with an ongoing investigation into the spread of counterfeit money in sioux city. anyone with information on the person in this video is asked to call crime stoppers at 258 - tips. 3 a group of truckers is taking a stand when it comes to human trafficking. yesterday they came together with law enforcement officials at the sergeant bluff community center to learn more about what they can do to fight human trafficking. they talked about ways to close the loopholes that let human trafficking happen... and what to look for as they travel the nation's highways.
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the room to talk about this, it's an issue that is starting to get on everybody's radar. it's an issues that law enforcement can't battle alone. the trucking industry, the truck stops, and the different resources that we have out there it's all additional eye and ears and together we can build a coalition to continue combat human trafficking" because traffickers keep moving victims from one place to another... and across state lines... the relationship between law enforcement and trucking is one of the most critical components when it comes to fighting this crime. 3 a court ruling in a lawsuit against a yankton south dakota clinic and the city's two hospitals could mean *a lot* for some patients in south dakota and nebraska. three dozen people are suing a spinal surgeon who practiced at the yankton medical clinic... along with with the doctors who credentialed him... letting doctor allen sossan practice medicine at avera sacred heart and lewis and clark specialty hospital. now... the judge has ruled hospitals in the state *can* be sued if they acted in bad faith... or were unreasonable in granting those
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privileges. the ruling opens the door to lawsuits against the individual members of the committees who grant those privileges. the lawsuit says the doctor got credentialed even though he had lost his credentials at a hospital in norfolk. 3 iowa's governor was back in northwest iowa last night... with good news for veterans. the governor was in sheldon to name o'brien county as the state's latest "home base iowa" community. the designation means an area is willing to hire military veterans... or provide them higher education opportunities. governor branstad will be in rock rapids tonight... to designate lyon county as another northwest iowa "home base iowa" community. 3 c - f industries is spending almost 2 billion dollars to expand its fertilizer plant at port neal. and now... woodbury county taxpayers could get some of the the benefits from that expansion. but not until the year 2020. the plant is getting a two point one billion dollar expansion... which happens to be the largest expansion in iowa
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mean about 54 million dollars in new property taxes flowing into the county during the next 20 years. 3 "i think it is going to put more money into family budgets which is great all the way around " the relief will be distributed in a stair step system... increasing every five years taxes are collected by the county, property owners will geta statement on their bill each year explaining how their taxes were lowered. the board also approved the cost of materials for installing l - e - d lights in all *sixty* county - owned buildings. the switch will cost about 550 - thousand dollars. but the board thinks the long term saving will be worth it. 3 "...and looking toward facilitiesin the future in a way that maximies property tax dollars and also makes us good stewards of those tax dollars and the environment." now that materials are approved... the supervisors are waiting on bids for the cost of installation. those bids should be coming in the next
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3 up next in your healthwatch... we'll look at a new life - saving medical device that can help more people than a traditional defibrillator. 3
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3 3 a cold front will continue pushing area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the
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upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers for trick-or- treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the lower 50's. 3 3 doctors are gaining ground against five of the leading causes of death in the u - s. the american cancer society analyzed mortality rates since 1969. researchers found a decline in the number of deaths from stroke... heart disease... injuries... cancer... and diabetes. 3 doctors have found a way to pinpoint a pregnant woman's due date. most expectant mothers are given a window of about a month... but researchers at thomas jefferson university say one routine ultrasound around 37 to 39 weeks *can* measure the woman's cervix and narrow the delivery date to within a week from the time of the test. 3 and two treatments are bringing people relief from
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study in lancet psychiatry says patients have experienced long term benefits from cognitive behavioral therapy... *and* from graded exercise therapy. that's a course of physical activity that increases gradually over time. 3 there's a new type of defibriallator that can prevent sudden cardiac arrests. and unlike the traditional kind... it *doesn't* get wired directly into the heart. as reporter liz bonis shows us in this morning's healthwatch... this new defibriallator is designed for younger patients... and people in fragile health. 3 by the time bill ammann was referred to doctor james muth (mooth),, he had some pretty complex health problems.** sot **< [bill ammann / patient] 3:27:07 i am a diabetic,, recently ..last month i started dialysis.>** vo **doctor mooth however had an even bigger concern for bill -- that his heart might stop..due to an rhythm after careful discussion,, bill became one of doctor mooths' first patients,, to have this newer type of defibrillator put into his body --** sot **< [dr. james muth / electrophysiol ogist] 3: 15: 35 it;s a sub cue defibrillator that we place into these patients that keeps everything out of their vascular system and it's just placed under their skin.>** vo **.((go to pix/ animation of device))as this animation shows courtesy of boston scientific shows,, this subcutaneous defibrillator is placed under the skin on the side of the chest wall between the 5th and 6th ribs. an elctrode is then run under the
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skin,, instead of in a vein,, placing it on the front of the chest wallif it detects a heart rhythm problem,, it will trigger the defibrillator to generate and eletrical pulse,, to restart the heart..((back to bill ))in bills case one night shortly after it was inserted -- he sat down to dinner with his wife jean -- and ** sot **< 3:27: 48 when she brought me mine,, she went back to get hers,,and i passed out.>** vo **the new defibrillator did it's job! when he woke up --a computer printout which gives doctors a read on it showed --** sot ** < 3:28: 33 they had it right down the the second, how long it was off, when my heart quit that was 18 seconds.>** sot **< 3:16: 31 if the patient goes into an abnormal rythm,, like mr ah-man did,, which is an episode of sudden cardiac death,,this defribrillator will detect this,,and then deliver a high energy shock,,and shock the heart into normal rhythm.>** sot ** < liz bonis/@lbonis 1] tease is at 3:23: 18/ stnad up is 3:36 15 he points out that while this certainly was the right device for this patient, it does have limitations,, and it's not for everyone. it does however move us one step closer to what medicine is now all about,, customized care,,and individualized needs for each person.>** sot **< pacemakers that do not have any wires.they are little capsules that screw into the heart muscle.. and the anticipation is that in the next few years, those could be have that ability to deliver that fast pacing without shocking the patient and be hooked up with this device.> ** sig out**liz bonis
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3 this new device is *not* a pacemaker. it can *not* be used for those who need it to permanently regulate the hearts rhythm.
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more facebook notifications. we'll show you why... next... in your c - net
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3 good morning, (downtown sioux city)... it's (47 degrees) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (j - c roofing and insulating) camera. 3 walmart wants to join amazon in the drone delivery game. here's your c - net tech update. 3 your facebook notifications are getting really personal -- and really busy. i'm bridget carey, this is your cnet update.right now facebook notifications tell you when someone liked your post, or when a friend is having a birthday. but facebook is cramming more alerts into the notification bar for things it thinks you may be interested in, (video from facebook 00:27- 00:58)including sports scores for the teams you follow, and reminders about tv shows you like. you'll also see weather alerts, followed by trending news in your area, nearby restruant and movies. if you have location on and you rsvped to an event, you may also see a card reminding you when to leave to get there on time. does this remind you of anything? because this is exactly like google now. on facebook each of these information chunks are a card -- same terminology that google uses. facebook says it's slowly rolling this out to the iphone and android apps for people in the us. this of course isn't the first time facebook is copying features you find in a smartphone. facebook is also working on a personal assistant, called m, that would let you use messenger to ask questions and it can complete some tasks on your behalf, like book a restaurant to get a gift delivered to someone. facebook
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announced it was working on this back in august. but as for apple's personal assistant siri, well she's being a bit rude to iphone owners that don't subscribe to apple music. she won't answer questions about music or what's hot right now in the charts unless you pay $10 a month for apple's streaming music service. she won't even at least give you web search results. she can be so sensitive, but here's a phone that's not easily hurt verizon's new motorola droid turbo 2, which was just revealed tuesday. motorola says it has a shatterproof display, a battery that lasts two days, and can get a 13-hour charge in just 15 minutes. verizon has been pushing out exclusive droid phones since 2009 -- and only version can call them droids, because verizon paid lucasfilm for the rights to use the star wars droid name for its smartphones. the turbo 2 starts at payments of $25 dollars a month. there's also a new maxx 2 phone that has a two-day battery as well, but it's cheaper at $16 a month. and switching from droids to drones, walmart is asking permission from the federal aviation admisinstration to test drones for making deliveries to customers in parking lots and to customer homes.(video from amazon 02:26- 02:43)this follows in amazon's footsteps, which has been talking about drone delivery dreams since late 2013. amazon has done some small tests, and so has walmart - but walmart is looking to do outdoor tests now with dji brand drones, but it needs faa permission. walmart is also looking to use drones as a surveillance tool for buildings and parking lots. that's it for this tech news update, and there's more at from our studios
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3 a cold front 3 will continue pushing through the area this morning, and we may see light drizzle especially east, but the big story today will be the strong northwesterly winds gusting up to 40mph at times. those winds and clouds will keep our temperatures in check. look for highs to top out in the upper 40's. for the rest of the week, we should see a slow, steady rise to temperatures into early next week. 50's are expected for thursday and friday with the 60's expected for the upcoming weekend and early next week with our next chance of showers friday night. for trick-or-treating saturday evening look for partly cloudy
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3 3 we'll take a look at your news and 3 weather to go coming up after the're watching
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3 (yankton) on the (lewis & clark specialty hospital) cam. 3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 the top 10 republican presidential contenders hold their third debate tonight in colorado...focusing on fiscal policy. donald trump will take centerstage yet again...even though he's been unseated as frontrunner in iowa polls by ben carson. the debate comes on the same day the house is expected to approve a two-year budget deal...averting a government shutdown. officials in richland county, south carolina are expected to make a decision today...on whether a school resource officer will get to stay on the force. senior deputy ben fields was
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suspended without pay...a day after after cameras captured him forcibly removing a female student from a classroom. the justice department has opened a civil rights investigation. and, the kansas city royals defeated the new york mets 5-to-4 in game one of the world series. fans at kauffman stadium were on the edge of their seats as the game went 14 innings. the teams face off again tomorrow in kansas city. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and
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captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, october 28th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." new video reveals what happened after a sheriff's deputy put a south carolina high school student in a head lock. will the officer keep his job? >> donald trump begs voters to put him back on top. he will face ben carson tonight in a gop debate. cbs investigates how the seat in your cars could break. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. >> i'm just going to keep doing what i've done bog. >> iowa, will you get your numbers up, please? >> republicans take the stage in colorado. >> the third presidential
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dynamic has changed. ben carson is at the top of the gop field. laser. >> the captain of an americanairlines jet reported the green laser approaching san diego airport. >> the fbi and the d.o.j. are investigating a video showing an officer slamming a student at her desk in a south carolina classroom. >> we have lost our picture. hi! >> game one of the world series. >> game tv broadcast went dark in the fourth inning because of technical difficulties. >> the royals win game one! hosmer drives home the winner in the 14th! heavy snow and avalanche closing down roads and triggering several accidents from the colorado mountains. >> the eastern pennsylvania highway, a bus carrying a lehigh university crew team rear-ended. the driver of the car was killed. >> about face in the isis war from secretary of defense ashton carter. >> we won't hold back whether
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direct air or on action on the
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