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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  October 29, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CDT

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3 (pkg) (carson nats / cnbc debate stage/mandatory courtesy cnbc)all eyes were in ben carson during last night's debate as the new gop front-runner... but there weren'n'many fireworks. ben carson was pressed to explain the math of f s flat tax plan who said the rate would actually be closer to 15 percent instead of 10. (sot debate carson 10/28/2015 20:27:32) "you actually have to get rid of deductions and loopholes."(spin roocarson broll) afterwards, the carson was coy about maintaining his campaign's momentum. (sot ben carson/r-presidential candidate)1"well you know i always say when i was a surgeon. why guess when soon you'll know." (donald spin room broll) donald trump came to cameras insisting his campaign is not losing steam now in second place in the latest cbs news/ new york times poll. (sot donald trump quick) i am going to win the hispanic vote.(trumpmproll) trump, who was quiet foror long stretch of the debate, continued to take issue with some of the questions.(sot donald trump sot) i thought it was very unfair i think it has become unfair.(craig boswell standup/boulder, co) \\jeb bush, who attacked fellow floridian marco rubio, he is not tone of the campaign and his sluggish poll numbers. (sot jeb bush/r-presidential candidate) "no i'm not frustrated and wasn't frustrated over the weekend. (cbsn analysis vo) analysts say bush needed to stand out: (sot richard davis jr/political consultant, pegasus pipe 4 cr570c cbsn) "by not winning, jeb's a loser. he didn't meet expectations. he had higher expepeations than others." (cnbc debate marco/bush setup) here's rubio's on stage response to bush questioning the senators missed votes in the senate. (sot marco rubio) the only reason you're doing it now is because we're running for the same position, and someone's convinced you
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that attacking me is going to help you. (analysis cbsn) sot who is the focus now?(sot steve chaggaris/cbs news senior political editor) definitely marco rubio(cnbc debate pipe 2) primary voters cast the first ballots in less than 100 days. craig boswell cbs news boulder, colorado.3 3 sioux city students are getting a warning about the dangers of drugs this part ofofed ribbon ek... the sioux city elk's club brought ray (low - zon - o) lozano to town to talk about how teenage alcohol and marijuana use can affect the brain. (low - zon - o) lozano is the elk's club national spokesman on drug and alcohol abuse. besides his s talk yesesrday aftereron at thth elk's club... (low -
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zon - o) lozano also talked at three sioux city schools about why students shouldn't drink or smoke pot. 3 "its just a deeper awareness of how marijuana is gonna youth. and the thing that always happens when i do these presentations i always get youth to gogoh i understand now that since why kids to what they do. so i have an opportunity to present about 300 forty-five presentations a year all across the united states. "united states. 3 "this is lozano's first trip to oux city... he says he wants to come back again next year. 3 3 some men in siouxland got in touch with their feminine side yesterday... trying to take a stand against domestic violence. yesterday in the library at western iowa tech community college... some ment got *one* of their fingernails painted pink. the one nail represents the 1 in 5 children who are abused. it's called the "polished man event"... it's part of domestic violence awareness month. 3 3 month.awareness month. 3 " it means a lot it means we have people supporting us and i have seen lots of quotes and lots of things about the
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polish man campaign. one of ththbiggest things that strikes me is that if we can't stand up for children then we don't stand for much. " if you already have your nails painted... you can show support by painting one nail a different color. 33 3 iowa's governor says sioux city's got "skills." and that means the city is joining a very exclusive group of communities in the state.the governor says sioux city is a "skilled iowa community." that means that at least five percent of the workforce here has a "national career readiness certificate"... and that makes those people more also means at least 20 percent of people in this area who are getting unemployment benefits have that certification.and... at least 10 percent of employers around here have committed to supporting the "skilled iowa initiative." 3 in siouxland... sioux city... onawa... and monona county are "skilled
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3 earlier in the day... governor branstad... lieutenant governor kim reynolds... and d lks from oux city were all l western iowa tech community college. part of the "future ready iowa" initiative... meant to improve iowa's workforce and generate more economic development opportunities. 3 "what we want to do o encourage students and parents to visit advanced manufacturing, to visit the businesses and learn the great career opportunities. and also the opportunity we have in collaboration we have between the high school and community colleges and dual enroll and get credit in many of these technical 3 fields."the goal is to have 70 percent of students ready to fill high - skilled jobs in the state of iowa. 3 it's been almost two years since tejas tubular said it was going to build a new manufacturing facicity in norfolk... and it's been 8 months since plans to build it were put on hold our own
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novak was in norfolk yesterday morning... where a different company is making similar plans. 3 this project has been in the making for four years now. ceo and director of o-t-c pipe... charley havens... negotiated with the city of norfolk and nucor to find the best place for its new home. "the land was good, the people were good, the incentives were good, and the doors are open for anything we wanted to do. and, that's the reason we picked them." the new facility will be located on the southwest corner o ovictory ad and eisenhower ave and cost about 125 million dollars. the building will be 1.2 million square feet. as the general contractor.. says that is about 2 blocks wide by 6 and a half blocks long."it's a large building and there is a lot of opportunity with the building and there is a lot of hard work and i am really excited about the opportunity to facilitate that." -mike once the project is done, nucor will be the main supplier of steel for the pipe mill. "we've already completed an 80 million dollar expansion of our melt shop. and we just completed last week in preparation for this. so we are ready to go right now." when the company is fully operational, it will produce 350 thousand tons of steel a year. the city and the state are very excited for the company to come to norfolk. "you talk about 200 hundred jobs coming to norfolk or northeastern nebraska that's a big number and especially when they are going to pay an average of 70 thousand dollars a year that's going open up a lot of opportunities here for a lot of people in the job market" the state senator also believes this will encourage other companies to neneaska... and bring more jobs. construction on the new plant will begin next month and they hope to be operating by july
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siouxland news. 3 3 you can see donald trump's face just about everywhere these days... even on a pumpkin.jeannette paris made this... she calls it a "trumpkin." she started
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with a 374 - pound pumpkin. it took her about ten-hours to finish her masterpiece.the trumpkin isn't her first halloween creation... she's also done jon stewart... oprah... kanye... and kim jung - un carvings. 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up this morning on siouxland news at sunrise... russia's involvement in syria has given the advantage to government forces. but with russia's economy stumbling under western sanctions... there are questions about just how long moscow can pay for its air campaign. 3
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3 3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but tricicor-treating saturday evening looks just fine withth temps in the lowerero mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next chance of rain looks to come through on thursday of next week.
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3 next week.thursday of 3 next week. 3 3 3 3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... halloween is this saturday. what's your favorite
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candy?3 3 uber is letting riders cuddle with cats today. jamie (you - cuss) yuccas is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch. 3 the us economy may be on a bit of a rollercoaster.a new government report is expected today.many economists think it will show slow growth from july to september but hope the summer slsldown will follolod by a boom i ithe fourth stocks finished higher on wednesday because of the energy and materials sectors.the dow finished up 198 points, the nasdaq was up 65.uber is offering on demand kittens for national cat day!it's not a joke.if you want to cuddle with a furry feline for 15 minutes, just open your uber app and request "kittens" as's available in austin, , chicago, dc, new york, phoenix, san francisco and seattle.most of the cats are eligible for adoption.not all halloween candy is created equal.that's why a new survey by consumer site, looked at america's favorites.a big winner -- reese's peanut butter cups. it was only one of three candies that got votes in all 50 states.kit katat and butterfinger were the other two.candy corn is a contversal choice.only number one in oregon, wyoming, texas and south carolina. that's your money watch report, for more just log on to cbs, in ny
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3 3 m, in ny i'm jy.moneywatch.co3 m, in ny i'm jy. 3 3 the top u - s general says iran and russia's involvement in syria has given the advantage to b bhar al - assad's forces. but with russia's economy really feeling western sanctions right now... there are questions about just how long moscow can pay for its air campaign. c - n - n's nic robertson spoke with some experts for the answers. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows--in syria.. more russian bombs are falling..this past weekend, 285 targets hit, officials say.. so how long can r ussia
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zatsepin, gaidar institute for economic policy) "russia can afford for itself such a campaign for no cost."a vast litary... with relatively big budgets.. this year officially over $50 billion.. more than 4% of gdp.. twice what most nato nations spends on defense..and little public interest in the financing.. and lack of transparancy.. says military economist vasily zatsepin... leaves putin with a relatively free hand in syria..(vasily zatsepin, gaidar institute for economic policy) "about 100 years ago, it was more transpspent than the current one."even without the type of transpspancy cocoon in the west.. defefse analalts in london reckon they are able to calculate some of the costs.(ben moores, ihs janes defense) "it's costing between 2.3 to 4 million dollars a day with the current sorti rate..."fuel costs are low.. because from bases in syria.. bombing runs are short.. and they assess russia uses few expensive laser guided weapons.ihs janes defense) "we reckon they are dropping about $700,000 dollars of munitions per day, which is quite low because most of it is low-tech weaponry.."low flying attack helicopters add a lilile more.. estimated $60 toto70 thouound a day.. if grouou troops were sent, it could triple costs.. but even so.. in the short term all affordable.the hidden russia in this cost analysis is moscow's need to modernize its aging forces..despite russia's mostly secret defense budget, moores thinks cash for the syria conflict is being culled from defense procurement budgets.. meaning big ticket upgrades might be sacrificed. (ben moores, ihs janes defense) "at the current rate of expenditure that is 16-30 fighter jets a year, now that's quite a lot of new fifiter jets every year r at theyeyre missing out on."("(c robertson, cnn correspondent) "beyond d dgets there is of course one other key factor in pushing the military option in syria.. and that's popularity.. and on that account president putin still seems firmly in the black.. latest polling shows significant increased support here for the fight in syria. nic robertson cnn moscow."
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3 after the break on siouxland news at sunrise... we're heading to thehesundance the we're heading sunrise... news at siouxland break on after the 3
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syria. nic 3 robertson cnn moscow." 3 3 after the break on siouxland news at sunrise... we're heading to the sundance ranch. to show you why petting zoos aren't st for kids. that's next.t. in "proud to
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3 3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday y night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening lolos just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of thweek with highs hovering in t upper 60's to near 70.our vext chance of rain looks to come
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3 next week.3 3 3 petting zoos aren't just for little kids. for "proud to be a hometown farmer" this week...we're heading to the sundance ranch in sioux city. where gary turbes is raising animals for therapy. 3 you don't usually hear this in town.gary turbes runs a smorgasbord... right off the ground.he just has to press a open the door to his *sundance ranch.*"you like to get rubbed, don't you? yep."gary's the director at mid-step servicesn sioux ty... working with people who have intellectual disabilities.he says when the people he works with come out first...they're amazed. "they'll just start going around to each gate and looking at all the different animals, because it's overwhelming for them to see the number of animals we do have." it's easy to see why... it's a *literal* zoo."we got at one from a farmer up north, in sioux center." there's an alpaca.a cat...even a miniature."they wonder, is it a cow or isn't it?"gary's lived here since 1988...he started raising the animals in '89.he's even had horses for long."there's fiddler, there's beauty, there's duke."gary says the him some of rewarding experiences when it comes to his guests."some have never
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been around a horse or even touched a horse, and now are riding independently. so that's pretty cool."raising animals...a therapeutic experience...right in sioux
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3 if you think of a farmer that might be great here on "proud to be a hometown farmer" tell u uabout them! yoyocan nominate them...just go to our web site... slash sunrise... or you can e - mail me... my e - mail address is j - heller at siouxland news dot com. 3 3 3 still to come this morning... the u - s military is working to figure out how an unmanned army surveillance blimp broke loose from its mooring yesterday. we'll take a look the damama it left after its three and d half hour flight. you're watching siouxland news at
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3 3 3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylyl. 3 this cold 3 cat taylor.3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next chance of rain looks to come
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week.ththsday of 3 next week. today the pentagon will start its investigation into a billion llar military blimp that broke free and floated away yesterday. as c - b - s news correspondent (hen - nuh) hena daniels shows us... a recovery team is on the way to recover what's left of it. 3 (pkg) -nats- federal and state officials are in northeast pennsylvania...guarding the remnantstof a massive army surveillance blimp that broke free and crash-landed wednesday afternoon. matt lepke (lep-key) was at a gas station in the area as the drama unfolded: (sot matt lepke/ witness) it was like the white blimp of death. it was right over top of me. it looked like you could reach out and touch the blimp. the unmanned aircraft detached from its mooring at the army's proving ground in aberdeen, maryland. f-16's, along with curious residents, chased the runaway blimp down to its final resting place over a hundred miles away: (sot nothing like this happens around here. it's a real rural area. so it's pretty awesome.
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(standup hena daniels/ cbs news/ muncy, pa) thousands of people were left in the dark here in muncy as the blimp knocked down power lines along the way. officials say they're not out ofofhe woods yet: (sot capt. david young/ pa state police) it's a aangerous vehicle. it's still l wered. authorities have set up a perimeter to keep people awayand secure the blimp's state of the art radar system. still in the test phase --- the aircraft was designed to detect a missile attack. its tether was supposed to withstand hurricane force winds. officials will now try to figure out how it failed...on what was an ordinary, rainy day. hena daniels cbs news muncy, pennsylvania.3 3 officials with the pentagon have grounded a second test
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blimp until they can figure out what happened to this one. 3 somemeioux city high school students got a chance tlearn about careers in healthcare yesterday.mercy medical center held a heth career exploration fair for students from east... north... and west highs. students got to meet mercy employees working in fields like nursing... physical therapy... and the hospital's lab... to talk about the education you need to do 3 those jobs. 3 "some jobs are very familier, other jobs maybe you've never heard of. so this is a great opportunity for them to explore those and maybe find something they've never thought of before." mercy says about 240 high school students were part of the fair over the past two days. 3 it's time for halloween again... and we've got some tips to keep those costumed... candy - loving creatures safe when they're trick - or - treating. the woodbury county eriff's office says parents can keep their kids safe by selecting costumes very carefully. avoid long
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capes or wigs and beards that could cover a kid's eyes... mouth... or noses. and find bright colored costumes... or add reflective tape and glow sticks to make them more visible. and all kids under the age of 12 should be with an adult. 3 "inspect the candy if they can have an adult do that, make sure everything is sealed. try to stay away from popcorn balls or something that can be homemade and put into a plastic baggy."the woodbury county sheriff's office will be increasing their number of patrols throughout siouxland this weekend...\ hoping to stop criminal behavior on this spooky holiday. 3 we here at siouxland news are honored to announce our association with the jefferson awards foundation. the foundation is dedicated to celebrating public service. each month here on siouxland
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of a local fferson award winner. that person will have a chance to be recognized at the national jefferso awards banquet in washington d - c. our own siouxland news reporter (yet - ska) jetske (wah - ron) wauran introduces us an onawa woman who's finitely deservininof a jeffffson award. 3 that's right guys, 20 organizations inging a total of 1,300 hours of volunteering in 2014 alone! that's why geri johnson makes out first jefferson awards recipient.california native geri johnson moved to iowa in 1962, but onawa has been her home for the last 40 years. "this community has blessed me so i give back and i give back. and i give, and i give. they said something to me and i say yes."formerly a farm bureau financial services agent, geri retired in 2010 and d w she's a full time volunteer.r. know everybody in town. everybody knows me and just about everybody knows that i volunteer and that i do stuff and i don't say no."but volunteering is not just a priority, it's her passion. "i enjoy working with the elderly."twice a week, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., geri volunteers at the senior's health insurance information program, where she counsels to senior citizens on prescription drug plans, and helps them select the best one each year."last week we saved somebody $4,000, but it's usually on average $400 to $500 a year they can save." it's just one of the nearly two dozen organizations which she is involved with: onawa public library president, monona county extension council member, burgess health center foundation board member, big brother big sister member, check and connect mentor through west monona elementary school and food 4-u treasurer. that's not all, geri recruited 15 community members to listen to 1st through 5th graders read. she does that once a week."and i enjoy mostly working with the kids."because geri gives so much to the community, brent mccall, an agent farm bureau financial services wanted to find a way to honor her. so, he nominated her for the jefferson awarar."since she's
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retired about five years ago. she even got more active. she used her activities that she was in when she was working full-time and basically doubled it up when she retired, and basically volunteers full time and enjoys giving back."i have enjoyed many blessings in my life and a lot of it is due to the people in this community." ns to geri! if you know a volunteer making a difference in your community let us know.. or go to the jefferson awards page on our website siouxland news dot com to submit a nomination. 3 3 a kansas city royals fan is taking world series fever to a whole new level.richard fatherly got a tattoo of pitcher johnny (kway - toe) cueto sunday... two days after the royals advanced to the world series. fatherly says he was a (kway - toe) cueto fan long before he joined the long before he toe) cueto fan he was a (kway - fatherly says series. the world advanced to the royals two days after cueto sunday... (kway - toe) pitcher johnny tattoo of fatherly got a richard level.a whole new series fever to taking world royals fan is a kansas city 3 3 submit a nomination. 3 3 nomination. 3 3 nominanaon. 3 3 submit a nomination. 3 3 submit a nomination. 3 3 submit a
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3 3 submit a news dot com siouxland on&our website siouxland news dot com to submit a nomination.3 3 3 a kansas city royals fan is taking world series fever to a whole new level.3 richard fatherly got a tattoo
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of pitcher johnny (kway - toe) cueto sunday... two days after the royals advanced to the world series. fatherly says he was a (kway - toe) cueto fan long before he joined the royals.(kway - toe) cueto was the starting pitcher in last night's game two ofofhe world series... he pitched a complete game and the royals won to 1. 3 3 3 3 who are the one hundred plus men who care? we'll introduce you to one of them... next... in "talk
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3 3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper
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through on thursday of 3 next week. 3 3 the 100 plus men who care is a group trying to make a big difference here in siouxland. that's why chris liberto is here for talk of the town this morning. good morning! 3 jake and a guest or group of
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community 3 events. 3 thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment... or want to find out any more information... you can find everything on our web site... that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... 3 3 how do you make a rube goldberg machine even more inefficient? if you're like this next guy... you make each step take as long as possible.. it's (time) this morning. thanks for
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3 3 good morning, (city)... it's (temp) outside at (time)... as
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(sponsor) camera.. 3 you've never seenen rube goldberg machine this slow. cue the tortoise. c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos asks how slow can it go. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- we've seen a rube goldberg machine featuring dogs...we've seen pee wee herman's make breakfast.we've seen ok go turn one into a music video... but we haven't seen one starring a tortoise....until now. cartoonist rube goldberg would be charmed by what's billed as the slowest rube goldberg's my rube slow is inventor bob partington's contraption? as slow as molasses. boating down a stream of molasses took about 10 minutes. next leg...ingrid the tortoise. actually ingrid wasn't all that slow after her handlers....and after her flag launched the ball, ingrid had dessert. next, the popsicle obstacle. it took about two hours for them to melt. which brought the a line waiting at the dmv. the turnstyle was connected to t t minute hand. and what better choice o omusic for the department of motor vehicles...kanye slow homey but the slowest part was watching the grass grow. this segment took 6 the grass actually pushes the ball it does. it was shocking. bob had to water the seeded soil chamber by tiny chamber to make the every 12 hours i pull the plug, chamber is flooded and grass grows.there were tons of edits, and numerous takes. no wonder some cried "fake. but still awesome and beautiful and worthy of applause."to those who say fake, i say rube goldberg was a cartoonist. aiming for whimsy, not mechanical perfection. after 6 weeks, 3 days s 7 hours and 2 minutes...this re slowberg machine slowly and slow homey missed. no hole in one, but maybe a hole in wonder. jeanne moos cnn 3
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wonder.3 jeanne moos cnn 33 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next
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throu on thursday of 3 next week. 3 3 3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise watercooler...a grocery store in pennsylvania is refusingngo sell eggs to minors. along with cigarettes... alcohol... and different types of over the counter medications... eggs have been added to the list where cashiers are required to ask customers to show i - d. the store posted a sign out front sayiyi safety concerns were the reason for the
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minors from 3 october 24 to november 1.some folks who live there think the store's decision to ban sellllng eggs to minors is s a bit much. but others think egg throwing could be a serious problem if the target has an egg allergy. the store's sign has gone viral on social news site like reddit.3 3 3 coming up this morning in your 6 o'clock hour... a scary movie made one rhode island house famous... but the
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nightmare of their own we'll take a look at their house of horrors. plus your morning news, weather and sports are all coming up. it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx)
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sisiuxland news at 3
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to go ...3 3 3 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 3 the top 10 republican presidential candidates came out swinging last night... at each other... *and* at the media... during lastst night's third g - o - p debate... focusing on the economy. floridsenator marco rubio stood out among the pack... at one point he was trying to silence jeb bush... who criticized him for missing votes in the senate. critics are saying the two leading contenders right now... donald trump and ben carson... kind of faded into the backgroundlast night.the pentagon is trying to figure out howa high -
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tech military blimp managed to break free in maryland... and float more than one hundred miles away. the unmanned aircraftftit power lines and cut electricity to thousands before landing in a wooded area of pennsylvania. the national guard and local law enforcement are working to secure the remains of the blimp to protect it from theft.and the kansas city royals havevextended their lead after game two of the world series! the team defeated the new york mets last night... 7 - to - 1. the series heads to new york friday for game three. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning".hello, i'm gayle king..coming up, a second career for retired they're finding a new home with the united states park police.that's coming up, on cbs this morning
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3 good morning 3 good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise.thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 3 cat taylor.3 3 this cold won't last too mumu longer as skies clear out.t. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next chance of rain looks to come through on thursday of next
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3 3 3 sioux city students are getting a warning about the dangers of drugs this part of red ribbon week... the sioux city elk's club brought ray (low - zon - o) lozano to town to talk about how teeeege cohol and marijuananase can affect the brain. (low - zon - o) lozano is the elk's club national spokesman on drug and alcohol abuse. besides his talk yesterday afternoon at the elk's club... (low - zon - o) lozano also talked at three sioux city schools about why stududts shouldn't drink or smoke pot. 3 "its just a deeper awareness of how marijuana is gonna youth. and the thing that always happens when i do these presentations i always get youth to go oh i understand now that since why kids to what they do. so i have an opportunity to present about
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300 forty-five presentations a year all across the united states. 3 "this is lozano's first trip to sioux city... he says he wants to come back again next year. 3 3 some men in siouxland got in touch with their feminine side yesterday... trying to take a stand against domestic violence. yesterday in the library at western iowa tech community college... some ment got *one* of their fingernails painted pink. the one nail represents the 1 in 5 children who are abused. it's called the "polished man event"... it's part of domestic violence awareness month. 3 " it means a lot it means we have people supporting us and i have seen lots of quotes and lots of things about the polish man campaign. one of the biggest things that strikes me is that if we can't stand up for children then we don't stand for much. " if you already have your
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show support by painting one nail a different color. 3 3 iowa's governor says sioux city's got "skills." and that means the city is joining a very exclusive group of communities in the state.the governororsays sioux city is a "skilled iowa community." that meags that at least five perce of the workforce here has a "national career readiness certificate"... and that makes those people more also means at least 20 percent of people in this area who are e getting unemployment benefits have that certification.and... at least 10 percent of employers around here have committed to supporting the "skilled iowa initiative." 3 in siouxland... sioux city... onawa... and monona county are "skilled iowa communities." 3 3 earlier in the day... gogornor branantad... lieutenant governor kim reynolds... and folkfrom sioux city were all at western iowa tech community college. part of the "future ready iowa" initiative... meant to improve iowa's workforce and generate more economic
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development opportunities.. 33 "what we want to do is encourage students and parents to visit advanced manufacturing, to visit the businesses and learn the great career opportunities. and also the opportunity we have in collaboration we have between the high school and community colleges and dual enroll and get credit in many of these technical fields."3 the goal is to have 70 percent of students ready to fill high - skilled jobs in the state of iowa. 3 the owners of a rhode island farmhouse that inspired the 2013 horrorormovie "the conjuring" say the film turned their lives into a *real - life* nightmare. now they're suing warner brothers studios. for two years... the homeowners say they've been flooded with movie fans trespassing on their property. reporter michelle miller
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3 ctm script:(nats: "the conjuring") (212158)"there's something horrible happening in my house, could you come take a look?"when "the njuring" opened in theaters in was a box office hit that raked in 137 *million* dollars in the u-s(nats: scary moment).and terrified audiences worldwide. (nats: "the conjuring") "something awful happened here."the film - based on what it claims is a true story - follows two ghost hunters in the 1970s investigating the haunted rhode island home of the perron (pear-en) family. (nats: norma walking on property) (175037)"they can come in from any directionon but it's'sot the supernatural that norma sutcliffe is afraid of.(sot: norma sutcliffe//home owner)"the biggest fear is every day we live with the fact that we don't know what may happen."since the film's release, the 68-year-old has been spooked by what court papers describe as a "conjuring-instigated siege of their property" - desperate to see the real life house that inspired the film. (nats from youtube video//haunted farm) (sot: norma sutcliffe/home owner) (170525//170601// 171352//171710//171010)"the internet was bombarded by people who were actually going around the property, filming//we had harassing phone calls in the middle of the night.//they've had discussions of people destroying the house.whilele
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warner brothers studios obtained the rights to the story from the perron (pear- en) family, sutcliff says she didn't know about the film until a friend mentioned it was in production.(nats: goonies)mouth: first you gotta do the truffle curosity is not a new phenomenon. (nats: goonies - chunk doing the truffle shuffle)the owners of the oregon house used in the classic 80's film "the goonies" covered their home in tarp after growing tired of unwanted visitors. (ap stills) (nats: breaking bad pizza throwing scene)and this scene from the tv series "breaking bad" has attracted dozens of copycats and onlookers (sot: norma sutcliff/homeowner) (1709292"it's a violation ofof our privivy but they think they have ththright to do it." sutcliffe is now seeking unspecified monetary damages as well as a state of the art security system from warner brothers, the film's director, and a litany of co-defendants. (sot: noa sutcliffe) (172113) "if anything comes out of this is to get the industry to understand how they affect real people" 3 a couple's wily wiener dog stole the show after photobombing their engagement shoot.take a look at these pictures. take a look at shoot.engagement their photobombing after stole the
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3 people"3 3 a cocole's wily wiener dog stole the show after photobombing their engagement shoot.take a look at these pictures. that's louie... you can see him working the camera and blocking the lovely couple... their names are chris and megan. it kind of looks likekelouis enjoys those leaves... like... *really* enjoys those leaves.megan had louis before she met chris. she says she's starting to suspect the dog is a bit jealous. 3 3 3 3 the first round of the iowa
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high school playoffs are finally here. we've got a double helping of sports coming your way. nineteen plaff games featured teams from siouxland. see who moved on to the next round... and whose seasons came to an abrupt end. that's all next
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3 3 longer as skiki clear out. today we will s s mostly sunny skies with highshstopping out in the lower 50s0swe could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but evening looks just fine wiwh temps in the lower to mid 503. beginning of t week with highs hovering in the upper
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through on thursday of 3 next week.3 3 in iowa e high school football playoffs are upon us. we start in 3a where sergeant bluff luton hosted spencer. it's the second time these two have played in 5 days. warriors won 20-0 there.1) its the 2nd quarter and sergeant bluff- luton is up 20 to 7. spencer has the ball on the 30 yard line, quarterback sean slattery pitches it to tyler loehr. he makes cuts, shoves off a few tackles and gets at the 10 yard line. 2) the tigers ended up fumbling so the warriors take over. quarterback jacob shultz drops back and throws it into the breadbasket of chris kroll for an easy first down. 3) later in the drive, its 4th and goal shultz throws the screen but pararr schenk picks it off! he goes all the way down the sideline e r a 40 yard return! before hihiout of bounds. 4) spencer ends up going 4 and out so sb-l's turn again. shultz pump fakes and throws it down the sideline to kroll. but shultz over throws it and cooper fox was there for the interception. spencer kneels it to run the clock out before half.sbl moves on they win 33-21.heelan taking on the nighthawks of boyden- hull/rock valley at memorial field1) after heelan was stuffed on 4th down on their opening drive bhrv makes them pay. brett moser to kyla van ginkel in the flat! it's a 6-yard touchdown! 6-0 nighthawks.2) ensuing heelan drive 3rd and 10. michai biankini pumps ... fakes out the cameraman! does not fake out dalton moser! interception! these moser's have it out for the crcraders! 3) *very* next play! brett moser again this time to shane solberg who makes some nice moves! touchdown! it's 12-0 after another failed p-a-t.4) mid second quarter now nighthawks driving moser to myles van maanan! its the third td pass of the first half for moser! the only thing that wasn't working for bhrv were the point afters. 18-0 then. heelan would add a field goal before half.nighthawks win 24-16.the other hull team, western christian in action as well... the wolfpack up against the west lyon team that beat them earlier this year1. first quarter... ben
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granstra takes the hand off... he runs it all the way down to the endzone, but steps out at the 3. wolfpack get the first and goal. 2. just two plays later... it's a qb keeper by tyson kooima... did they get it? they did! wolfpack get on the board and the two point cocoersion. eight to zerer 3. 3 minutes left in the firsrs.. kooioi lobs one up... but t colton hage comes up with it... wildcat ball! minute remains in the second... justin grevengoed can't quite make the catch... and check \- this out! colin snyder gets the snag! another interception for the wildcats. western christian would hold firm though they win 21-0!hinton and both their head coaches in action tonight against the emmetsburg e-hawks 1) in the first quarter the hinton blackhawks have the ball quarterback jay small roll for a reciever and kyler belleopen 3 touchdown. 2) after the e- hawks wfour and outthe blackhawks are faciand ooking to pass him. that brings up thi n3) hinton is but it goe orihenrich's h orecover but brent weslemakes sure hdoenst go anfirst and go es. 4) after failed mmetsburg g kes the dive uarterback clayton fre ououside fothe scafter after 3 hion 59-20.nobody been ablslow down th offense so this mvao is 5-4 season and had a tall taskin haw1. ft the now.. m-v-a-o ylan fellercan't 3get it andactually cahave to pun2. erfirst quar wesioquarteporter decio keep it himself and is able to leap into the endzone for the
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- 3 3 the thrill of victory drives the new dark comedy,.. "our brand is crisis." it's (time)... your sunrise entertainment is after the
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3 3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies wiwi highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a lilile rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next chance of rain looks to come
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week.3 3 3 the thrill of victory is what's behind victory is the e thrill of f the thrill of f victory is what's b bind the new dark comedy... "our brand is crisis." sandra bullock and billy bob thornton play spin doctors for rival political candidates. the film also shows us the ugly side of campaigning. suzanne marques sat down with the stars. 3 pkg:3 (nats) ((narar-1))sandra bullock plays a retired political strategist who gets back in the game, in "our brand is crisis." (nats from actual clip) "there is only one wrong - only one - and that is losing!" ((narr-2))as jane bodine - she takes on a
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bolivian politician's campaign even though she doesn't know anything about her candidate and doesn't speak spanish. (nat) it's an opportunity to get even with rival strategist pat candyplayed by billy bob thornton. (nats trailer)"how many times have you gone against candy? 3 or 4 times. how many times has he beat you? 3 or 4 times." ((sot - sandra bullock/actress)) 16:04:58 he was the reason for her demise and he's the reason she's off the wagon again and gone in deep. ((narr-3)) thornton's character is smooth, charming, and ruthless. ((sot cutaway cam on suzanne)) 15:55:3939there's a sex appeal, of coursrs there's something alluring about your character." ((sot billy bob thornton/actor))15:51:06 "for an actor it's fun to play, to be that conniving. but - the bad part is there are people in real life like that." (nats trailer ) "if you fight with monsters for too long, you become a monster." ((narr-4)) the screenwriter had george clooney in mind to play bullock's character - until she expressed part. ((sot sandra bullock/actress)) 15:48:30 not because of the backdrop - which is politics - but because of what it's really about.which is what human beings are willing to do to get the win." ((narr-5)) george clooney is one of the producers of the film, which is based on a 2005 documentary about strategist james
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news, hollywood.3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... halloween is this saturday. what's your favorite halloween 3 candy? 3 3 still to come this morning... britain's prince harry spent yesterday on a whirlwind trip
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3 3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob
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cat taylor.3 3 this cold 3 britain's prince harry spent yesterday on a trip to the united states... to draw attention to wounded warriors and promote an international sporting event for injured members of the military and veterans. prprce harry also met withthpresident obama. c - b - s news correspondent mark albert is in the white house. 3 pkg trt: 1:25(pkg) (nat/screaming)(track 1) accompanied by first lady michelle obama, prince harry on wednesday met wounded us troops at fort belvoir outside of washington... and watched a game of wheelchair basketball. (nat/bball game)nat of game/dk(track 2)supporting injured veterans has become one of the prince's most visible passions.(sot/prince harry)the games epitomized the very best of the human spirit. (track 3)the prince, who served two tours with british
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armed forces in afghanistan, became inspired to help organize the invictus games after watctcng the 2013 us warrior games in colorado.the first invictus games, last drew athletes from 13 countries; another competition is scscduled next year. (sot/prince rry)"i hope that invictus 2016 will remind people everywhere just how incredible our service personnel are and how much of a positive contribution to society they make." (standup/mark)"prince harry also sat in on an invictus board meeting at the british ambassador's residence here in washington before heading, to the white house."(sot/obama) "we are very glad to support the invictus games."(track 4) in the oval office, president obama praised prince harry games that showcase the strength and wounded warriors from around the world. (sot/obama)"we're grateful not just for his specific work but strengthening these deep, deep bonds."(track 5)the next invictus games are expected to draw five-hundred athletes
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house.3 3 prince harry went bacacto great britain last night. the next series of invictus games will be next may... in orlando florida. 3 some sioux city high school students got a chance to learn about careers in healthcare yesterday.mercy medical center held a health career exploration fair for students from east, north and west highs. students got to meet mercy employees working in fields like nursing, physical therapy and the hospital's lab... and t tk about the e educatatn needed to do those jobs. 3 "some jobs are very familier, other jobs maybe you've never heard of. so this is a great opportunity for them to explore those and maybe find something they've never thought of before." mercy says about 240 high school students took part in the fair over the past
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3 it's that time of year again... dominated by stumes, candy,y,nd trick or treating. the woodbury county sheriff's office has several safety tips, for this halloween weekend. parents can take simple steps by selecting costumes carefully. avoid long capes or wigs and beards that cover a child's eyes, mouths and noses. they do recommend bright colored costumes or adding reflective tape and glgl sticks to make them more visible. all children under the age of 12 years should be with an adult. 3 "inspect the candy if they can have an adult do that, make sure everything is sealed. try to stay away from popcorn balls or something that can be homemade and put into a plastic baggy."the woodbury county sheriff's office will be increasing their number of patrols throughout siouxland his weekend.....hoping to deter criminal behavior on this spooky holiday.
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3 this year marks the 150th anniversary of stetson hats. they've topped presidents across the decades... and given royals like prince william and kate a down - home look. but the classic cowboy accessory also faced a bumpy trail. reporter jan crawford shows us how stetson is getting back in the saddle. 3 ctm script:(nats: music kid rock cowboy instrumental, john wayne, then cut to vo giant with james dean reclininin car)(john wayne) "looks like we have ourselves a ladies man" on the big screen, john wayne and james dean embodied the spirit of the american west (nats: reba mcentire) "i want the wranglers, stetson and all of that stuffi want the real mccoy. i want a cowboy... (music pads out, vo of rodeos, ranchers and country singers in stetsons, back time vo urban getting out of car sans hat in video)" but the stetson - long synonomous with cowboy culture and country music - is no longer a sartorial staple. (02:28 nats: urban - little bit of everything, 02:22 vo rhett) "i just want to sing a chill song, get my groove on..." even today's superstars...keith urban, thomas rhett, luke bryan...perform hatless. (02:50 nats: bryan) "strip it t down, strip it down." that cultural shift hit this erican icon hard. (012736 sot: kajimoto) "the western lifestyle and hat is something that we could never ever, ever do without." (new) before she was named stetson ceo in 2012, izumi kajimoto, was a key player at all-american labels ralph lauren, mark jacobs and calvin klein. (022800 nats: jan and izumi in front of the hats) "this is the wall of iconic hats. (izumi) "or versions thereof."(new) now she's looking to re-make a fashionable hit of america's classic hat.(015435 jan) "so cool again." (kajimoto) "uh-
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huh. and i don't think that's a lot of work. // (012815) i think we're at a place where dress is neither a novelty or a fashion flash in the pan, so there's our opportunity." (nats: vaccines/ "handsome" over stetson video) stetson is finding that opportunity in places like the festival circuit, where british bands and sons - are refining american cool. (022815 nats: is the benchmark." (jan) "oh cuuuuuute (laughs)born in jajan and raised in amera - kajimoto says she's sees stetson with a unique point of view.(01:21:17 kajimoto) "you know, sometimes you see a fuller picture of yourself-- rather than from the inside." (jan crawford 01:21:36) "and when you saw stetson, what did an american, but also with that outsider's perspective?" "yeah. very, very american, and something that's so purely american. // the cowboy, the manifest destiny of sort of an endless, you know, horizon, and everything's possible and anything's possible."(nats: jan with sean) "you are going to take the brim, temple to temple with your thumb, and we'll get a nice even break there." haberdasher sean o'toole is starting to see an uptick in sales at j.j. hat center. (nats: nyc exterior of j.jhat center) founded in 1york city's oldeststore.(nats: hat stand where a burst of still provida custom 03284sean "sincece011, every (033"where are tof the ha (sean o'toole)"i think thehas cack still has good tcocole of yeyenimages of square menhats 03its heyday, you'd as a hats." stetsoheyday datesback to turn of the last century, company hasome employees; pfactory turning two milliohats a year. (nats:making igarland) today, thatnumbercloser garland, texas(nats: in new york office) company is now the not-so-of manhattan's garment district, where kajimoto a staff here, they are marketin 1yecompany fo futalso inc inmarkets in europe and asia, wstetson is s a culand collectable symbol of america. the chinese canywhere--(izumi kajimoto 02:07:27) "yeah, exactly-they" (jan crawford 02:07:27) "what-- what is it ab(izumi kamo 02:07:28) "--they make them themselyou know, inin millions of ways. jan crawford 02:07:34) "but you're exporting not just a hat to china"(izumi kaj02:07:36) "we've 3 02:07:36) "what areyou" (izumi kaj02:07:37) "-- we've got a littl dreamnd(jan cra 3you're exporting a dream"(izumi kajimoto
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02:07:7:) "--yeah, and we alwahave." ( (ts: (02:08:20) "andit's with--ouknow, , eris didierent. // it's a onenef kind i intity and one of a kind lethat we're rerehere." (music &- 3
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sting)3 3 3 most people under the age of 50 don't ink they're at any real riskskor a stroke... but more and more young people are having them. up next in your healthwatch... we'll share the story of one young woman who suffered a stroke... after *ignoring* a doctor's warning about her blood pressure.3 3 3
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3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next
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chance of rain 3 looks to come
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3 3 doctors recommend flu vaccines for adults over 65... but researchers in cincinnati found d at senior citizens who take drugs s reduce cholesterol have a reduced
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vaccinations. studies suggest *that* could make the vaccine less effective... leaving patients vulnerable to respiratory illness. 3 3 older women who have memory problems might be at higher risk for diagnosed thinking impairment decades later. a study in the journal neurology looked at women with an average age of 70... who were aware of a memory decline... even though it did *not* show up on standard tests. those women were 70 - percent more likely to eventually be diagnosed with an impairment... like alzheimers disease. 3 3 and a new study looks at a growing trend in drug abuse. research in the new england journal of medicine finds that 42 - percent of addicts in treatment last year reported abusing both prescription painkillers *and* heroin. that's an increase of about 18 - percent since 2008. 3 today is world stroke day. stroke is the fifth leading g cause of death in the unitete states... killing almost 130,000 americans each year. and even though stroke risk
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increases with age... it can happen at *any* age. c - b - s news correspondent marlie hall introduces us to one young stroke survivor. 3 as a writer, rana (rah-na) meyer depends on words to make a living, but a year ago (sot rana meyer/stroke survivor)i couldn't speak normally, i couldn't get my words out, i couldn't read, i couldn't write (track 2)the 38 year old had a stroke aaer ignoring a doctor's warnininmonths earlier. thinking she was too young to be concerned.(sot rana meyer)"he said you have to go to the er your blood pressure is very high and i'm like, "phfff" i'm not going to the er. that's crazy." (track 3)two months later rana was in the hospital - more than a day after her symptons had started -- the tear in her artery caused her to lose her language skills. (sot dr. jose torres / nyu langone comprehensive stroke care center)studies show you lose 2 million brain cells ever minute an artery in the brain is blocked. (track 4) her doctor say rana's youth helped her make an n most full recovery. she still had to undergo intense speech and occupational therapy, and d e still l n't 100-percent (quick sot) "if i'm typing, talking to someone or i'm texting someone i'll sometimes say the wrong word or type the wrong word." (track 5) (show her looking at her "words of encouragement" sign)but she keeps words of encouragement nearby and promises to always
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follow her doctors' advice from now on. marlie hall, cbs news, new york3 3 besides high blood pressure.... highghchchesterol and smoking are other major risk factors for stroke. signs of stroke include weakness or numbness of the face... arm or leg... and trouble with speaking and understanding. doctors say if you see signs of stroke... get medical attention immediately. 3 3 those annoying game requests you get on facebook will soon be a thing of the past. we'll show you why... next... in your c - net
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3 good morning, (cititit3 tech update. 3 good morning, (city)... it's (temp) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our
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look at (time)... asaswe take a a look frfr our (sponsor) camera. 3 google is adding a new feature to google music that a lot of folks think is long overdue. here's your c - net tech update. 3 those annoying candy crush invites will soon be a thing of the past. i'm bridget carey, this is your cnet update.if you can't stand getting candy crush game invites on facebook, you may not have to put up with it for much longer. facebook founder mark zuckerberg pledged to put an end to those annoying game invites that pop up in your notifications when friends pester you to join a game. and one of the most frequent offenders is of f urse, candy crush.(video from facebook :33-00:58)the game was specifically mentioned durinin a question and answer session zuckerberg held in india. in an online thread, the top voted question for zuckerberg was if there was a way to stop candy crush invites. zuckerberg told the audience that the network is coming up with a way to shut off invites. "we hadn't proritized shutting that down, so if that's the top thing people care about, we'll prioritize it and do it. so we're doing it."now that's tasty. if you wonder why youet so many invites, it's because the incentive is tied into how the game works. when you run out of lives, the game will not let you continue playing until you wait about 15 minutes. or you can play right away by inviting your friends on facebook.and there's another feature facebook is killing off. in your message inbox, the other folder is being removed. instead, when someone you don't know trys to message you, it will go to your main inbox as a message request. you can open it to see a description of who is messaging you, and they won't know you've read the message until you reply. facebook says they won't let spam messages
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get through, and lets hope that's the case. also i hope facebook adds some settings to stop people you don't know from flodding your main inbox,
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3 3 this cold won't last too much longer as skies clear out. today we will see mostly sunny skies with highs topping out in the lower 50s.we could see a little rain late friday night into early saturday, but trick-or-treating saturday evening looks just fine with temps in the lower to mid 50s. we will be clear for the beginning of the week with highs hovering in the upper 60's to near 70.our next chance of rain looks to come through on thursday of next
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3 3 we'll take a look at your traffic, news and weather to go coming up after the break...
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at sunrise.3 3 it's'sow (time) as we take a look outside (xxxxxon the (xxx) cam. 3 3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 3
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3 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 3 the top 10 republican presidential candidates came out swinging... at each other and at the media...during last night's third godebate - focusing on the economy. florida senator marco rubio, stood out among the one point, silencing rival jeb bush, who criticized him for missing votes in the senate. the two leading contenders, donald trump and ben carson, largely faded into the background.the pentagon is trying to figure out how a high-tech military blimp managed to break free in maryland...and float more thanan one hundred miles away. the unmanned aircraft hit power lines d cut electricicy to thousands...before landing in
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the national guard and local law enforcement are working to secure the remains of the blimp to protect it from theft.and, the kansas city royals have extended their lead after game two of the world series!the team defeated the new york mets last night...7-to 1.the series heads to new york friday for game three. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the
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latest captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is thursday, october 29th, 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." republican presidential candidates back each other and the moderators at last night's debate. we will talk with candidate marco rubio. >> fighter jets chase a run away military blimp. we are at the trail of crash of destruction. >> why the cancer society's new mammograms are wrong. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. the questioio illlltrate why the american people don't trust the media. >> i i never going too attack but his poll numbers tanked whwh he is on the end and it got nasty. >> gop contenders clash in colorado. >> i think it was one gotcha
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question and one low blow after another. >> somebody convinced me attacking me is going to help you. >> i got to answer the questions on the minds of people. i got fantasy football. >> we have al qaeda and isis attacking us and we are talking about fantasy football? >> i don't think i've ever seen thes words before. a blimp is on the loose. >> well, my father just texted. if it turns south, shoot it down. >> run-away military blimp in pennsylvania took out power lines and cauaung about 18,000 outages. millions in the east facac another day of drenching rain. the system that brought heavy downpours will deliver more wet weather. >> a sheriff's deputy caught on camera slamming a student to the floor has been fired. speaker of the house. >> we are going to move forward. we are going to unify. >> two people have been arrested in connection with the shooting of a tennessee police officer floyd ray cook is still on the run. in sacramento, slammed to the ground, principal don ross got back up and helped school resource officers arrest three students.
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>> all that.
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