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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  November 20, 2015 5:00am-7:00am CST

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highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the coming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 3 3 we start ts morning with the internatiol search for another key suspect from last week's terror attas in paris. as c - b - s news correspondent tina kraus shows us... fears of other isis inspired terror attacks are spreading around the world. 3 -nats-police across europe are now focused on hunting down suspected terrorist salah abdeslam... who escaped after the attacks in paris one week ago. on thursday french authorities confirmed the apparent ring leader ... abdelhamid abaaoud... is dead. this woman captured scenes from the raid that killed the abaaoud on her cell phone. she says she saw him cializing on the streres of the paris suburb of saint denis just a day after the attacks. (sot mos) my sister said to me isnt that the guy we saw the other day we said hello to the guys// i could not believe he was just here. (bridge tina kraus cbs news paris, france) french intelligence officials thought abaaoud was in syria... until they received a tip off days after the attack that he was back in france. as the hunt for the terrorist continues isis has released new videos threatening several attacks in france, italy, the u.s. the fbi says it't'not awararof any credible threat of a paris style attack: (sot loretta lynch) we're acting aggressively to diffuse threats as they emerge, and we are vigorously investigating and prosecuting those who seek to harm the american people. in malaysia, president obama arrived overnight amid heightened security.
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authorities in the country issued an alert thursday... warning at least ten suicide bombers, affiliated with abu sayyaf, are in kuala lumpur where the president is meetingng with asian leaderertoday. leaders of the terror group have pledged allegiance to isis. tina kraus cbs news paris. 3 police think (abba - ood) abaaoud is connected to four other failed attacks four other connected to abaaoud is (abba - ood) police think 3 news paris.3 3 police think (abba - ood) abaaoud is connected to four other failed attacks in france this year... even the one on a train in august when a man with a gun was taken out by three american passengers. 3 winter weather means the iowa department of transportation is getting ready to help keep the roads clear and safe to drive. 3 over the last few days crews have been getting their winter weather equipment ready to go. it'll be a warmer snow... so crews aren't pre - treating the roads. the wintery mix we'll get could wash away the brine. all the trucks are
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filled with salt and are ready to go as soon as the roads start getting slick. 3 "the biggest thing is that they realize the snow plows are going at a lower rate of speed and to give us a little more room and more time to get around us... visibility is bad for the public and bad for us"stay tuned to siouxland newshis morning... we'll have the latest on this blast of winter weather. 3 and with that blast of winter weather this morning... we'd like to take the time to remind you that a lot of kids in siouxland don't *have* a winter coat to keep them warm... but you cacachange donating to thth year's coats for kids drive. siouxland news is partnering with davenport cleaners and the salvation army to take in gently - used cos... clean them... then distribute them to kids in need. if you want to donate... check the "coats for kids" page on our website... siouxland news dot com. we'll have a list of donation sites there. 3 an accident in n rningside yesterday afternoon sent one person to the hospital.just after 3 - 30 yesterday afternoon emergency crews were called to an accidentn the 2 - thousand
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block of south nicollet street in morningside. one car had rolled over... with one person inside. the person was freed then taken to the hospital. two other people in a separate car got minor injurieses. then drove themselves to ththhospital after police got there. 3 a sioux city man accused of robbing a taxi driver earlier this year is heading to prison.38 - year - old daniel zentz pleaded guilty to first - degree theft... assault while participating in a felony... and o - w - i in woodbury county district court.he got a 20 - year - prison sentence... and has to serve atateast 5 - years before he can get parole. he s accused of robbing a cab driver at gunpoint on gordon drive september 13th. 3 3 a sioux city man charged with *stabbing* a friend in the chest earlier this year is *not* getting any jail tme for the crime.35 - year - old paul verbeski got a 5 - year - suspended prison sentence and probation ter pleading guilty y assault causing serious pronouncing that
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poulson says verbeski needs mental health care... not prison. 3 downtown sioux city has a new gas station now.kum and go opened its new facility at the corner of gordon drive and virginia streets yesterday morning. the new store has a wide variety ofoffuels... like e - 15... - 85... and both regular and biodiesel blends. 3 "i know with the road construction gordon drive and with the new interstate coming through this was one of the locations we thought would be a great spot for a new store. "as part of the grand opening... the store offered its first 99 custsters a coupon for a a99 - cent whole pizza. and today... drivers who fill up between 10 and 2 will get the chance to buy e - 15 gas for just a dollar fifteen cents a gallon. the new store is one of just 120 stores across the country that offer e - 15. 3 and more business development is taking place in sioux city's bridgeport industrial area. 3 the city celebrated the grand
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opening of a new spec building in the park yesterday afternoon. the building is 50 - thousand square feet... available for any type of development a buyer wants. it's also strategically located... right across the street from the new seaboard - triumph pork plant. 3 "the future of sioux city. the ability to attract business out to sioux city and out in this area. but t have a lack of space, we have had over the last two years business looking fob space that couldn't find it. "mayor bob scott says the city is always hearing from businesses looking for available buildings like this one. 3 sioux city's camp high hopes has named its 20 - 16 s sles ambassadads.the program picks one adult and one kid camper out of the 12 - hundred who spend time at the camp each year. they're asked to represent the camp at events across siouxland. this uear... 9 - year - old jenna dejong of alton and 41 - year - old kyle kellen of le mars got that honor. 3 "we honor them and then we ask them to provide a small
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community by representing caca high hopes and what we stand for."you can look out for kyle and jenna this sunday... they make their ambassadorial debut at the holiday lighted parade in downtown sioux city. langseth says thee goal is to display the camp's values... and have some fufu while doing it. 3 the small taco stand that gave birth to a fast food giant is on the move.the original taco bell building is leaving its home in downey, california... moving to the company's headquarters in irvine. the trip is about 34 - miles. company officials are re - locating the e storic structururbecause it demolished where it was. once it gets into irvine it'll get a face lift... too. taco bell fans ll even get the chance to say how the building should be used once it's done. fast food entrepreneur glen bell opened 62.
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3 3 3 3 3 coming up this s morning..... the u - s coast guard has seized more cocaine this year than the last three years combined. we'll show you what 800 - million dollars of
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3 3 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are
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expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snowowook for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 the teens.and lows in the teens. 3
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3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... it might be a good idea to think warm thoughts today. where's your favorite vacation spot? 3 you can expense uber... and the largest diamond is found in more than a century... jamie (you - cuss) yuccas is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch. 3 ladies, yoyomight have to wait until 2133 to make as much as your male collegues.the world
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economic forum just released it's global gender gap report and it shows it will take 118 years for the gap between men and women to the united states women earn about two thirds of what men make for similar work.//health-care stocks weighed down the main indexes thursday - the dow finished down fououpoints - and nasdaq lost one and a half.//you can now expense uber.the company is launching a new feature that lets users switch to a business profile to track work-related rides. you can still keep personal rides separate on the same app, by letting you plug in separate credit card information and have receipts sent directly to your work email address.//if diamonds are a girls best friend -- this just might be your very best's the largest t diamond found in more than a a century.the 1,111-carat stone was recovered by a canadian mining frim in botswana.that's your cbs moneywatch report, for more head to cbs, in ny i'm jamie yuccas.// 3
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3 drug traffickers are using make - shift submarines to transport millions of dollars worth of cocaine to the states. c - b - s news correspondent carter evans spent time with the u - s coast guard... working to stop the flow of drugs off the coast of san diego. 3 when surveillance aircraft spotted this make-shihi submarine off central americic a boarding team from the coast guard cutter bertholf found more $200-million dollars of cocaine. scott perry go was part of the team (01;40;40;22 perrygo) getting the semi submersible was pretty exciting. ///seeing the sheer amount of drugs on it./// almost 18,000 pounds. carter: 18,000 pounds? almost.(track 2) this year the coast guard. working with the military and us customs, has seized more cocainethan the last three years combined. (nats apapoaching ships) (track 3 3 onbobod the bertholf .(nats) we found 50 thousand pounds of cocaine - worth almost 800-million dollars. (evans standup)to give you an idea of how much cocaine we are talking about here, each one of these bricks is a kilo - worth about 25-thousand dollars. which means this (picks up a pack of ten) is a quarter million dollars. this entire pallet here -- about 12-million dollars worth of cocaine. (nats drug subs) (track 4) the coast guard estimateteit is only catching a third of what's out there.
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commandant papa zunkuft says the reason there is more cocaine in the pacific is economics.(paul zunkunft/uscg commandant) wh you look at the business case of what it takes to produce one kilo of cocaine, - about $2000 in colombia. that same kilos sells for $25,000 here in the us ( 01;33;52;24 carter to the group) this is a lot of drugs. (track 5) for coastguardsmen, brent leytezll who has 2 kids -- these hundred day missions hit home. brent: this makes a difference and i can tell after all this stuff right here - my kids are reallll safer now. (track 6) more than 700 smugglererhave beeee arrestst so far this year as for the cocaine? some will be kept for evidence the rest will be incinerated. carter evans cbs news, aboard the coast guard cutter bertholf.3 3
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3 after the break on siouxland news at sunrise... congress says more than 250 americanan have tried d join isis... one in four of them are from minnesota. we'll show you how the somali community there is trying to fight radicalization.
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3 3 3 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's hihis will only be arounun30, and d th fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs s the 20s and 30s and lows in
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3 minneapolis is a long way from the rs in the middle east and north africa. but extremist groups have found the city to be fertile ground for recruits. reporter jamie (you - cuss) yuccas takes a look at why. 3 18-year old dahir ali is exactly who terrorist groups like isis are looking to recruit -- he's s young, mususm and ofofn feels like an
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outsider.(sot@05:58//6:21) (ali) "people come up to me and say, you know, you're this, you're that. you're a terrorist.he grew up in the cedar riverside community in minneapolis, which has the largest somali population in the country. many came as refugees in the19-90s. the unemployment rate here is 21 percent, three times the state average. and an alarming number o oyoyog somali men from this neighborhoid have left to join extremists groups---since 2007, two dozen have joined al-shabab in somalia.(nats imam)imam adbisalam adam is now part of a community task force, created this summer to stop the radicalization.(adam) 1" it's time for muslims to really stand up and really fight thesesgroups and defeat them through faititand military too." (sot@937/1645// 1315)(jamie) what is so appealing?(adam) its the appeal of the sense of accomplishment to be something bigger than yourself its that sentjment that extremists tap into.(adam) "there's no contradiction to being a muslim, being an american, and being a somali, all three are
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also deployed mali police officers like mukhtar abdulkadir and abdiwahab ali to develop trust in a neighborhood suspicious of authorities. they walk the beat, meeting elders, interacting with the young, and handing out contact cards written in somali. (sot) " they call us, you know, before they call 911.but they feel the frustration when one of those calls cocos too late. (sot) (live tag) (currently, five somali men from minnesota are awaiting trial, accused of trying to join terror group, isis. there are at least 15 other cases being investigated. scott, the task force has the support of minnesota's us attorney - but the group says it still has a lot of work to do within their 3 community.) 3 3 still to come...
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outlined what they would do about the crisis in syria and the refugees. we'll show you their plans... next. you're watching siouxland
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3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob
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taylor.3 3 winter storm warninin are out for the 3 is morning... republican presidential front runner donald trump says he would put a mandatory database in place for muslims. his comments come as lawmakers on capitol hill vote to block 10 - thousand syrian refugees from coming to the united states after the paris terrorist attacks. c - b - s news correspondent don champion takes a look. 3 (pic c om on trtrp) donald trump firsrssaid he wouldn't rule out creatingng mandatory muslim database in this interview with yahoo news. (gfx of article) "certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy," he said. later, in an interview with nbc news trump, again, endorsed the idea.(sot donald trump / nbc news courtesy) "i would
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certainly implement that, absolutely" (-:31) later on thursday though, when asked whether the database would be any different from when jews were required to register in nazi germany, trump refufud to answer.(sot pipe 1 hd 15-nov-20 ump database 5:08) "you tell me, you tell me" (- :09) (paris file) his comments come a week after the deadly isis terror attacks in paris... (sot thu0267 :07) "the bill is passed" (-:08) ... and on the same day that lawmakers in the house- voted to put a syrian refugee resettlement program on hold... the bill calls for stricter background checks on syrian and iraqi refugees. (sot thu0267 rep. bob goodlatte/r-virginia :14) "there is a very real possibility that a terrorist, particularly one from, or claiming to be from syria or iraq, will attempt to gain accesssso the united states as refugee" (-:25)[take: sot pelosi thu0267incue: it slams the dooroutcue: unspeakable violence.duration:0:06](sot :06 unspeakable violence) the bill now faces an uncertain future in the senate, where senate democratic leader harry reid said there's quote "no
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bill. don champion, cbs news.3 3 the new legislation for refugees would require three high ranking u - s officials... including the f - b - i director... to sign off on each applicant before any refugee from syria or iraq could enter the united states. 3 the sioux gateway airport's only current airline is making a change.american airlines is changing the way it calculates frequent flyer miles. starting next year... . points will be based on ticket prices instead of miles traveled. the company will also be lowering the number of reward - miles required to get free flights. american is the last major airline carrier to change its loyalty program to a payment - based model. it is the most heavily - used airline in the u - s. 3 there was a no - shave november celebration n last night at unitypoint t alth sasat luke's.i was part of the
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this year... i didn't win... but it was established as a fact that my facial hair was less *creepy* this year. the whole thing was a lot of fun... but it was meant to bring attention to men's health issues... like prostate cancer. doctors wewe en giving prostate cancer screenings last night. 3 "i think finding cancer early, early detection and appropriate treatment is really important. so if you can do screening test even without seeing doctor it's nice to know what your base line is and follow that over time. if there are increases that make it seem concerning then to get further testing done."there was also a hot wings eating contest last night. sioux city musketeers' captain joe snively placed second in that. i did not place... and my lips still felt like they were on fire this morning. 3 big brothers big sisters of siouxland is kicking off its annual holiday tour of
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for the group will take tour groups through five homes in dakota dunes. tours started yesterday morning... they'll keep going through saturday. the five homes were decorated by four interior design groups. big brothers big sisters says this is a great way to support siouxland kids. 3 "it just shows how big of a support system we have there are a lot of people here in siouxland that really care about the children in our community. and they all come together to help donate to our agency through the silent auction, through tickets sales. and we could be more @ grateful or thankful for everybody contribution and everything everyone puts into this event. "some tickets are still available for tours this can find out where to buy them in this story on our website... siouxland news dot com. 3 a local wealth management firm is making the holidays easier for hungry families in siouxland.e - f - s wealth management in sioux city presented the food bank of siouxland a 5 - thousand dollar check yesterday afternoon. the donation
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firm... which is continuing the donation drive at the office. 3 "the impact t a gift like this is just bebeuse 3 not only does it give us the financial where with all to go out and buy additional food which we so desperately need "the food bank says the money will help buy 50 - thousand meals for people in need this holiday season. if you'd like to donate non - perishable food items... e - f - s has a blue donation bin in their office on sunnybrook drive in morningside. 3 the latest estimates from the centers for disease control say as many as one out of every 45 children has some form of autism. awareness about autism spectrum disorders is growing... and not just in american homes and schools. a lot of police departments are now training officers how to handle people with autism on the street and in tense situations. c - b - s news correspondent kenneth craig has the story from saint paul minnesota. 3 trt: 1:46(natsot)'there you go.'linda huber and her 23 year old son, aaron, recently
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spent a day at a trampoline park with other young people with autism. and officers from the saint paul police department were part of the action (natsot)'want to go jump and have some fun?'it was a far y from three years ago when police arrested aaron - after beating and pepper spraying him. officers saw him standing on a street and thought he looked suspicious. (sot - linda huber, mother)"it was the most horrendous thing and we still suffer a lot from it." police say aaron ran, then fought back. initially, they didn't realize he was autistic. linda's complained to police department leaders. who went to officer rob zink. . has two autisticicsons of his own. (sot - officer b zink, saint paul police dept.)"i never want to have that happen to my so- at all."he brought in trainers to help officers deal with the increasingnumber of people diagnosed with autism. it's an ongoing initiative. (nat - source: training - class reversals)"when escalation happens..."police agencies nationwide are doing the same thing. experts say routine police commands, lights, and sirens can escalate an already-tense situation.(soo- dawn brasch/autism society of minnesota) 1"when you have interaction with somebody now,
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do. and how to approach that personsaint paul officers are also working to rebuild relationships with autistic children they've had rough encounters with before. 13 year old devont'e used to run from police. now, officer zink is a friend (natsot)'scooby do right here...'it's changing his perception of police - from enemies - to friends. and that gives his mother some peace of mind.(sot - charlene wilford/devonte's mother)"i thinik it's wonderful. they will learn, they will know it will be a better example and nobody will get hurt."kenneth craig, 3 cbs news, saint paul minnesota. 3 an animal in wichita is hiding because he got spooked by an earthquake yesterday morning.the 20 - year - old orangutan "ponji" lives at the zoo in wichita kansas. the area was rattled by a four - point - seveve- magnitude e
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ponji took shelter where he usually does... under his *blankie*. zookeepers think ponji will be back to his normal self later today. 3 3 3 3 3 it's getting easier to avoid the black friday crowds. we'll show you why... next... in your c - net 3
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3 winter storm warnings are 3 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this
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morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in
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the teens.3 3 another phone company is introducing its own payment system. here's your c - net tech update. 3 ". i'm bridget carey, this is your cnet update.***""whent comes to holiday shopping, we're all tired of fighting the store crowds. so, more people are shopping online duringblack friday weekend. and google is doing a few things to make shopping on your phone a smoother
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shopping section has been rereesigned to help you narrow down options better. and if you know what you want, like tricycles for kids, you can break down the choices by features, brand and price. and once you find the exact item, you can dive deeper and see reviews. google also can help find which stores near you carry the item. this is not an app. it is all in your browser. and of course google rather have you spending more time insidedegoogle seaeah -- because that's where it makes the most money from ads."but even if you want to avoid in-store fights, ebay is
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putting a virtual twist on the black friday battle. begining at 4 p.m. eastern o o thanksgiving day, ebay is making people vote on which of two items they rather see a sale for in the next hour, and the item with the most votes wins. so at 6 p.m., would you rather get 25% off a gopro hero4 or 18 percent off the low-end apple watch? the deal unlocks an hour later, and this voting process continues throughout the night with different pairings of products. it's called the wish bigger wishbone -- like a turkey wishbone, you pull two
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cracks off the bigger piece gets their wish to come true. if you're still trying to figure out what your loved ones are wishing for, just ask watson. ibm's watson supercomputer has figured out whatathe hottest hohoday gifts will be this year, and it's all searchable e a new ios app called watson trend. the watson computer combed through 10 thousa posts of social media sites, blogs, comments, ratings and reviews to pick out hot gifts - and it can understand context and tone in our langauge to decipher our desires. the app has apple watch as a top tech gift, followed by tvs. and in the toy section, star wars and legos also are hot. i don't think you need to be a super computer to figure out apple and star wars are hot this, if you want to pay for those holiday gifts at the register with your smartphone, there are more options than ever before, with apple pay, android pay and samsung pay. *** soon lg will b bpart of e mix with lg pay. t t company announced it plans s launch an lg pay service, which will likely let you pay by waving your phone at a terminal. i don't expect it to be popular when you have apple and google already doing their own service with many partners, but so far lg has partnered with two large korean credit card companies. and this week apple pay continues to expand to more countries. you can now use apple pay in canada and australia, but only if you have an american express card. "that's it for this tech news update, and there's more at from our studios in new york, i'm bridget carey. 3 3 world leaders are in the philippines for the a - pec summit... and they've got their usual crowd of advisors and assistants. but one of them is drawing a different sort of crowd. it's (time) this morning. thanks for
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3 3 good morning, (le mars)... it's (32 degrees) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (icon ag & turf) camera. 3 squealing fans are nothing new for boy bands. but when they're squealing at a prime minister... it's enough to make you say... "oh, canada." c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos shows us the fan frenzy over a world leader at the apec summit. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- they screamed like smitten teenagers.( girls squeal )they called his name.( girls in crowd ) "justin!"no, not justin's justin trudeau, canada's'sew prime minister, in his prime at the apec summit....3 ( girls in crowd ) "he's so handsome!"...sending girls into giddy giggles.( girls giggle )remember when barack obama was the "it" leader?now president obama seems gray and
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old canadian reportedly y scheduled to appear in n janunuy's vogue.but when hashtag apec hottie started trending, canada's primi minister faced competition from mexico's commenter saw shades of 50 shades of gray's christian grey.both men were compared to disney princes.a local phillipines paper put them on the front page asking "are you with team nieto or team trudeau?"there they were one on each side of president t obama.( jeanne m ms / reporter ".".and the winner of the apec hottie award is..."( justin trudeau / canadian prime minisxer ) "hi. good to see you."more than onpoll declared trudeau the summit's hottest hottie. to which he responded...( justin trudeau / canadian prime minister ) "i have focused on what i have to do and the substance of what i put forward, and that has left me both grounded and able to focus regardless of perceptions."perceptions like this?( woman in crowd ) "can i get a kiss?"he may be a heartthrob to some, but his heart belongs to his wife of 10 years...( chchrs )...and their three kids.the leadererf a coununy known for its cold winters is hitting some hot buttons."he gives me chills." jeanne moos, cnn..."bye!"
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3 3 winter r orm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise the sunrise
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3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise watercooler...there are generous people... then there are... like... insanely generous peop. carol suchman was walking by a new york toy store with a sign that said "for rent"... she decided to buy instead.more specificalal... she bougug everything in it... to give to the homeless. everything... toys... school supplies... stuffed animals... it was
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3 coming up this morning... another organization has joined the fight against isis. we'll show you how the hacker group anonymous is getting your morning news, weather and sports are all coming's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.keep it
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at 3 hehe's a look at your weather to go ... 3 3 3 3 3 the international search for another key suspect connected in paris is still going on today. a day after confirming the death of one of
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still looking for salah (ahbhb s - lawm) abdeslam... he ipped away. nce the attacks... the f - b - i says it is monitoring dozens of isis sympathizers who could try to carry out a copycat attack in the u - s.president obama is in malaysia... in the middle of reports of an imminent terror threat to the region. police in the country issued an alert thursday saying suicide bombers... filiated with isis and abu sayyaf... were possisiy in kuala lumpur and another city. the presidt is in tpe nation for a weekend summit focusing on trade and economic issues.and... a former naval intelligence analyst convicted of spying for israel is a free man as of today. jonathan pollard spent almost ththe decades in a nortrt carolina prison after his arrest in 1985. the 61 - year - old argued he was forced into pleading guilty. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in
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studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning". i am charlie rose. coming up, pulitzer prize- winning journalist maureen dowd. her new york times magazine story on hollywood's leading women speaking out. coming up, on cbs this morning. 3 3 good morning 3 everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise. thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting g e season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up 6-8" through early saturday. . e storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be grely impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens.
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3 the computer hackckg group called anonymous says isis is its new enemy. the hackers say they attacked te terror group's online presence.
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and says there's more to come. reporter elaine quijano takes a look at the tech war against isis. 3 more than 20,000 twitter accounts belonging to isis were just taken down by anonymous."(track)runs=:11 insert from :05 to :16on wednesday... the computer hacking group "anonymous" says it made good on its threat... (cover here with paris video) launching a cyber attack against isis... in retaliation for last week's violence in paris.(from the youtube video) "isis; we will hunt you, take down your sites, accounts, emails, and expose you."(track) runs=:15insert from :23 to :38 (gfx in) it offered a link to a list of thousands of twitter accounts it sayselonged to isis... claiming t thhe taken thememff-line. (gfx out) while twitter haproven to be a valuable recruiting tool for the terrorist group... experts are down-playing the impact of anonymous' actions.(t denise zheng, deputy director and senior fellow for the strategic technologies program at csis center for strategic and international studies) (near 15;55;54) they're not going to be able to disrupt operations or coordination within the isis network. it's much more e an annoyanan, really, i think, to them, t tn anything else.(track)runs=:15 insert from :50 to 1:05 yesterday... us intelligence
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officials again stressed the need for greater cooperation between the government and tech companies... that develop highly-encrypted messenger apps which allow undetected communication between users... including potential terrorists. (comey)(19;29;41) if they find somebody they think might kill on their behalf, or might come and kill ininhe caliphate, thehemove them to a mobile messaging app that's end to end encrypted. and at that moment, the needle we've been searching the entire nation to find and have found, goes invisible to us. (brennan)(near 1:26 in) they have been using these great advances in technology to aims. (track)runs=:25insert from 1:27 to 1:52(gfx in) amid these growing concerns... berlin-based "telegram"... onene of thoseseighly encrypted online messaging apps... announced a significant shift wednesday. it says it has blocked 78 isis-related channels...which the group had been using to disseminate propaganda. (gfx out) that's a different tone than the company took in september... when telegram co-founder pavel durov was confronted about the fact that isis uses his app. (pavel durov / telegram messenger co-founder, font will have september date) "privava, ultimately, and our righghfor privacacis more important thananour fear of bad
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things happening, like terrorism."3 (xxx) 3 winter weather means the iowa department of transportation is getting ready to help keep the roads clear and safe to drive. 3 over the last few days crews have en getting their wiwier weather equipment ready to go. it'll be a warmer snow... so crews aren't pre - treating the roads. the wintery mix we'll get could wash away the brine. all the trucks are filled with salt and are ready to go as soon as the roads start getting slick. 3 "the biggest thing is that they realize the snow plows are going at a lower rate of speeeeand to give us a little more room and re time to get aroundndus... visibility is bad for the public anbad for us"stay tuned to siouxland news this morning... we'll have the latest on this blast of winter weather. 3 and with that blast of winter weather this morning... we'd like to take the time to
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in siouxland don'n'*have* a winter coat to keke them warm... but you can change donating to this year's coats for kids drive. siouxland news is partnering with davenport cleaners and the salvation army to take in gently - used coats... clean them... then distribute them to kids in need. if you want to donate... check the "coats for kids" page on our website... siouxland news dot com. we'll have a list of donation sitits there. 3 an accident in morningside yesterday afternoon sent one person to the hospital.justfter 3 - 30 yesterday afternoon emergency crews were called to an accident in the 2 - thousand block of south nicollet street in morningside. one car had rolled over... with one person inside. the person was freed then taken to the hospital. two other people in a separate car got minor injuries... thenenrove themselves to the hospital after police got there. 3 a sioux city man accused of robbing a taxi driver earlier this year is heading to prison.38 - year - old daniel zentz pleaded guilty to first - degree theft... assault
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felony... and o - w - i in woodbury county district court.he got a 20 - year - prison sentence... and d s to rve at least 5 - years before he can geparole. he was accused of robbing a cab driver at gunpoint on gordon drive september 13th. 3 3 a sioux city man charged with *stabbing* a friend in the chest earlier this year is *not* getting any jail tme for the crime.35 - year - old paul verbeski got a 5 - year - suspended prisononsentenen and probation after pleading guilty to assault causing seous pronouncing that sentence... judge jeffery poulson says verbeski needs mental health care... not prison. 3 downtown sioux city has a new gas station now.kum and go opened its new facility at the corner of gordon drive and virginia streets yesterday morning. the new store has a aide varietetof fuels... like e - 15... e - 85... and both regular and biodiesel blends. 3 "i know with the road construction gordon drive and with the new interstate coming
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through this was one of the locations we thought would be a great spot for a new store. "as part of the grand opening... the store offered its first 99 customers a coupon for a 99 - cent whole pizza. and today... drivers who fill up between 10 and 2 will get the chance to buy e - 15 gas for just a dollar fifteen cents a gallon. the new store is one of just 120 stores across the country that offer e - 15. 3 and more business development is taking place in sioux city's bridgeport industrial area. 3 the city celebrated the grand opening of a new s sc buildingng in the park yesterday afternoon. the building is 50 - thousand square feet... available for any type of development a buyer wants. it's also strategically located... right across the street from the new seaboard - triumph pork plant. 3 "the future of sioux city. the ability to attract business out to sioux city and out in this area. but we have a lack of space, we have had over the last two years business looking for space that
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"3 mayor bob scott says the city is always hearing from businesses looking for available buildings like this one. 3 sioux city's camp high hopes has named its 20 - 16 smiles ambassadororthe program picks one adult and one kid camper out of the 12 - hundred who spend time at the camp each year. they're asked to represent the camp at events across siouxland. this year... 9 - year - old jenna dejong of alton and 41 - year - old kyle kellen of le mars got that honor. 3 "we honor them and then we ask them to provide a small service to us and the community by representing ca high hopes and what we stand for."you can look out for kyle and jenna this sunday... as they make their ambassadorial debut at the holiday lighted parade in downtown sioux city. langseth says thee goal is to display the camp's values... and have some fun whwhe dodog it. as the united states stays on high - alert after the paris
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is the islamic state? in this morning's safe and secure report... national correspondent jeff barnd talks to experts 3 who point to recent attacks... that *might* show *desperation*... on the part of isis. 3 the bombing of a russian passnger jet. the e cent bombing in lebanon and now the paris attatas *all* attributed to isis. but t some experts, the "style" of these attacks *could* be a sign that the strgth of the islamic state on it's home turf is waning./sot/"the paris attack is especially surprising to me at least if only because it is an attack commited so far away from lands that are under the control of isis//it's pretty clear that they have lost momentum."/vo/ terrorism maryland say isis has lost roughly 25% of it's territory since last summer . in another setback, turkey has tightened its borders into syria making it harder for *adult* isis recruits to enter.. and leaving anywhere between 3 and 4000 children to take their place on the battlefield./sotot rational if not deplorable way to round out your human resources issues."/bridge/"no doubt isishas a slick propaganda campaign with the clear intent to inill fear. and to remain *relevant*."/sot/ tinsley "the message if you will of perpetual victory . has to some degree been strained."/vo/ isis is also getting pounded by u.s., frenchchegyptian and russian
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face of isis progranda jihidi john. also the man suspected of leadinthe paris attacks was killed in a major police raid.. where a suspected *female* isis recruit. blew herself up..../sot/tinsley "it is interesting that isis would begin to use suicide bombers that were females. that is atypical of this organization." /vo/ isis losing ground in iraq and syria is good news for the allies but as the isis region shrinks terror experts say *every* isis
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twisted orders i'm jeff barnd 3 reporting. 3 every year the president of the united states pardons at least one lucky turkey... but what does it take to get pardoned?employees at foster farms say beautiful feathers and a confident walk is s eded when you'r'rstrutting your stuff in front of the commander r chief. this lucky turkey showed he has what it takes. he'll get to take a trip east on turkey one.then... he'll be escorted to the white house's rose garden... where he will be pardoned. after that he'll live out the rest of his days in virginia. 3 3 3 3 the n - f - l's golden
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bowl 50. we'll tag along as "the freak" and "prime time" pay a visit to their old high
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3 3 we're checking up with moose again on this thursday morning. what's up moose? 3 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 n - f - l hall - of - famer (de - on) deion sanders played on back - to - back winning super bowl teams. (juh - von) jevon (curse) 3 3 3 3 3 school.old h hh a visit to their "prime time" pay freak" and along as "the we'll tag 50. to super bowl in the buildup rolling along program keeps football golden the n - f - l's 3 3 3 3 days in virginia.the rest of his he'll live out after that be pardoned. where he will garden... house's rose the white escorted to the white house's rose garden... where he will be pardoned. after that he'll live out the rest of his days in virginia. 3 3 3 3 the n - f - l's golden football program keeps rolling
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along in the buildup to super bowl 50. we'll tag along as "the freak" and "prime time" pay old high school. 3 3
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3 n - f - l hall - of - fam (de - on) deion sanders played on back - to - back winning super bowl teams. (juh - von) jevon (curse) kearse played in two super bowls as well. they each brought a golden football to their *shared* former school in florida. n - f - l films is capturing the journene jamemebrown... host of "the n - f - l today" on c - b - s takes us to north fort myers high school. 3 e continue this morning our "high chool honor roll" series, on the road to super bowl 50. hall-of-famer deion sanders played on back-to-back winning super bowl teams. jevon kearse also played in two super bowls. they each brought a golden football to their *shared* alma mater in florida. n-f-l films is capturing the journey. james brown, host of "the n-f-l today" on cbs, takes us to north fort myers high school. 3 a nenemarvel series hits netflix today. it's (time)... netflix today. series hits a new marvel 3 3 school.myers high to north fort cbs, takes us f-l today" on host of "the n- james brown, journey.capturing the n-f-l films is florida.alma mater in their *shared* football to golden brought a they each bowls.two super also
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played in jevon kearse bowl teams. jevon kearse also played in two super bowls. they each brought a golden football to their *shared* alma mater in florida. n-f-l films is capturing the journey. james brown, host of "the n-
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north fort myers high 3 school.3 3 a new marvel series hits
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entertainment 3 is after the break. 3 3 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the o oet of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs s ll only be around 30, and withthresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 3 a new marvel series is s t today. plus, how to look like a ballerina. and will adele's new album stream on spotify? suzanne marques has the latest in your eye on
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3 ((pkg script)) ------------------------ (narr:) nats s ello"/xl recordings-columbiafans are saying =hello= to adele's new album. "25" was releasedoday anthe music industry is projecting over a million album sales in the first week. the new york times says adele has decided =not= to release her new music on streaming services like spotify. ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- (narr:) one of the country's most famous dancers is sharing her secrets about health and fitness. in 2017 misty copeland will publish a book called "ballerina body." she's the first african american to become a principal dancer with the american ballet theatre. ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- (narr:) nat "creed"/warner bros. sylvester stallone is back as roroy the latest spinoff from the boxing riri. nats h hlywood, cathe cast hit the rerecarpet in hollywood for the world premiere of "creed." michael b. jordan stars as the son of one of rocky's heavyweight rivals. (sot michael b jordan/actor) - "being able to potentially start my own franchise with a guy like sylvester stallone and an iconic character like rocky is kind of massive." (bridge/suzanne marques/cbs news) "creed" is the seventh installment in the rocky franchise. it opens next wednesday. ------------------------ ------------------------- ---------------------- (narr:) the newest superhero series is now available for binge watching. netflix releases 13 episodes of "marvel's jessica jones" today. krysten ritter stars as a tough new york detective with super human powers.(nats "marvel's jessica jones"/netflix)and that's your eye on entertainment. sm, cbs
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3 here's what we're e lking about on facebook this morning... it might be a good idea to think warm thoughts today. where's your favorite 3 vacation spot?
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3 still to come...the newewet star wars movie hits theaters in a little less than a month... and it's the first time the mastermind of the space saga is not intimately involved in the process. we'll hear george lucas' thoughts on leaving star wars to someone's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.your weather and
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of "star this morning... this morning... fancs of "star wars" are waiting for the end of a 10 - y@ar -movie - drout. we're ss than a month from the premiere of episode seven... "the force awakens." but this is the first "star wars" sequel george lucas isn't intimately involved in. c - b - s this morning anchor charlie rose talked with lucas about why he won't get a say in any of the new disney - ned movies. 3 13:2:2:39;27 // the issue was ultimately they looked at the stories and they said, "we wanna make something for the fans." so i said, "all i wanted to do was tell the story of what happened, you know, it started here and it went there. it's all about generations, and it's about, you know, the issues of fathers and sons and grandfathers. and it's a family soap opera." :25:03;14 i mean, ultimately. i an, sp-- we call it space opera, but it-- people don't realize it's
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it's all about family problems, and that c-- it's not about spaceships. so they decided they didn't wanna use those stories, they decided they were gonna go do their own thing. and so i decided, "fine." but basically i'm not gonna y to-- they weren't that keeneno have me involved anyway, but at the same time i said, "i'm not gonna-- if i get in there i'm just gonna cause trouble." 'cause they're not gonna do what i want 'em to do, so-- and i don't have the control to do that anymore, and all it would do is muck everything up. 13:25:36;10 so i said, "okay, i will go my way and i'll let them go their way." and it really does come down to-- 3 a simple rule of life. which is when you break up with somebody, the first rule is no phone calls. the second rule, you don't go over to their house and drive by to see what they're doing. (laugh) the third one is you don't show up at their coffee shop and say you are going to burn
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say nope gone history i'm moving forward> 3 ththsioux gateway airport's s only current airline is making a change.american airlines is changing the way it calculates frequent flyer miles. starting next year... points will be based on ticket prices instead of miles traveled. the company will also be lowering the number of reward - miles required to get free flights. american is the last major airline carrier to change its loyalty program to a payment - based model. it is the most heavily - used airline in the u - s. 3 there was a no - shave november celebration last night at unitypoint health saint luke's.i was part of the celebrity facial hair contest this year... i didn't win... but it was established as a fact that my facial hair was less *creepy* this year. the whole thing was a lot of fun... but it was meant to bring attention to men's health issues... like prostate cancer. doctors were even giving prostate cancer screenings last night. 3 "i think finding cancer ear,
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early detection and appropriate treatment is really important. so if you can do screening test even without seeing doctor it's nice to knkn what your base line is and follow that over time. if there are increases that make it seem concerning then to get further testing done."there was also a hot wings eating contest last night. sioux city musketeers' captain joe snively placed second in that. i did not place... and my lips still felt like they were on fire this morning. 3 big brothers big sisters of siouxland is kicking off its annual h hiday tour of homes.this year's fundraiser for the group will take tour groups through five homem in dakota dunes. tours started yesterday morning... they'll keep going through saturday. the five homes were decorated by four interior design groups. big brothers big sisters says this is a great way to support siouxland kids. 3 "it just shows how big of a support system we have e ere are a lot of people here in
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siouxland that really care about the children in our community. and they all come together to help donate to our agency through the silent auction, through tickets sales. and we could be more grateful or thankful for everybody contribution and everything everyone puts into this event. "some tickets are still available for tours this can find out where to buy them in this story on our website... siouxland news dot com. a local wealth management firm is making the holidays s easier for hungry families in siouxland.e - f - s wealth management in sioux city presented the food bank of siouxland a 5 - thousand dollar check yesterday afternoon. the donation came at an open house for the firm... which is continuing the donation drive at the office. 3 "the impact of a gift like this is just because not only does it give us the finanaial whererwith all to go out and buy adadtional food which we so desperately need "the food bank says the money will help buy 50 - thousand meals for people in need this holiday season. if you'd like to donate non - perishable food items... e
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bin in their office on sunnybrook drive in morningside. 3 3 millions of americans suffer from depression... and a lot of them have found relief from the symptoms by using antidepressant medications. but in today's healthwatch... reporter jim morelli talks to an expert who says a lot of cases of depression can be treated effectively with something as simple as a pair of running shoes. 3 dr. jane erb is director of the depression center at bostonon brigham and women's spital. she says researchers are learning more about the power of exercise in treating depression - a therapy that, in some cases, can even take the place of antidepressant drugs.(jane erb/brigham and women's hospital) it's really just been over the last couple of decades that there's been more focused sort of clinically validated trials that ve established that there truly are appreciable effects that go well beyond's well known that exercise causes the release of
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chemicals in the brain which bring about feelings of euphoria..the so-called runner's high. but there may be other physiological things happening as well. a recent study, published in the journal "cell," found that mice, specially bred to contain high levels of a chemical released during exercise? seemed resistant to depression brought about by stress. e important thing, doctor erb says - even for those with major depression - is to try to keep moving.(jane erb/brigham and women's hospital) anything one can do to try and counter the forces of depression, when the depression is just getting bigger - and particularly if medications aren't working - the more it can kind of help keep reins 3 on that vicious circle. 3 it's becoming easier to avoid the black friday crowds.we'll show you why... next...
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3 out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this s morning wiwi the snow finally leaving the e ea early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in
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3 another phone company is introducing its own payment system. here's your c - net tech update. 3 ". i'm bridget carey, this is your cnet update.your cnet updada.***""when it cces to
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tired 3 of fighting the 3 store crowds. so, more people are shopping online durinin black friday weekend. and google is doing a few things to make shopping on your phone a smoother experience. the google search shopping section has been redesigned to help you narrow down options better. and if you know what you want, like tricycles for kids, you can break down the choices by features, brand and ice. and once you find the act item, you can dive deeper and see reviews. google also can help find which stores near you carry the item. this is not an app. it is all in your browser. and of course google rather have you spending more time inside google search -- because that's where it makes the most money from ads."but even if you want to avoid in-store fights, ebay is putting a
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virtual twist on the black friy battle. begining at 4 p.m. eastern on thanksgivivg day, ebay is making people vote on which of two items they rather see a sale for in the next hour, and the item with the most votes wins. so at 6 p.m., would you rather get 25% off a gopro hero4 or 18 percent off the low-end apple watch? the deal unlocks an hour later, and this voting process continues throughout the night with different pairings of products. it's called the wish bigger wishbone -- like a turkey wishbone, you pull two ways but only the one who cracks off the bigger piece gets their wish to come true. if you're still trying to figure out what yououloved ones a a wiwiing for, just ask watson. ibm's watatn ssercomputer has figud out what the hottest holiday gifts will be this year, and it's all searchable a new ios app called watson watson computer combd through 10 thousand posts of social media sites, blogs, comments, ratings and reviews to pick out hot gifts - and it can understand context and tone in our langauge to decipher our desires. the app has apple watch as a top tech gift, followed by tvs. and in the toy section, star wars and legos also are hot. i don't think you need to be a super computer to figure out apple and star wars are hot this, if you u want to pay for r ose holiday gifts at the register with your smartphone, there are more options than ever before, with apple pay, android pay and samsung pay. *** soon lg will be part of the mix with lg pay. the company announced it plans to
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which will likely let you pay by waving your phone at a terminal. i don't expect it to be popular when you have apple d google already d dng their own servrve with many partners, but t far lg has partnered with two large korean credit card companie and this week apple pay continues to expand to more countrie you can now use apple pay in canada and australia, but only if you have an american express card. "that's it for this tech news update, and there's more at from our studios in new york, i'm bridget carey. 3 if you're a fan of cats and dogs...just wait 'till after the break.the siouxland humane society will be a furry friend onto the the
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3 entire area, as 3 we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly 3 3
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3 time for a visit from the siouxland humane society... there are many adorable animals available looking for a great family to take them home.melissa fischer and sparky join us for this week's
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3 thanks for 3 thanks for 3 being with us 3 this morning.3 if you missed 3 this segment 3 or you just 3 want to catch it again, check out us online at our website... siouxland news dot com slash sunrise.
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3 3 we'll take a look at your traffic, n ns and weather to go coming upupfter the break... you're watchchg siouxland news at sunrise. 3 it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. 3 3 here's a look 3
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(time) 3 it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.
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3 3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 3 3 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 3 the international search for another key suspect connected to last week's terror attacks in paris is still going on today. a day after confirming the death of one of the leaders.s. police are still looking for salah (ahb - des - lawm) abdeslam... he slipped away. since the
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attacks... the f - b - i says it is monitoring dozens of isis sympathizers who could try to carry out a copycat attack in the u - s.president obama is in malaysia... in the middle of reports of an imminent terror threat to the region. police in the country issued an alert thursday saying suicide bombers... affiliated with h isis and abu sayyafaf. wereossibly in ala lumpur and another city. the president is in the nation for a weekend summit focusing on trade and economic issues.and... a former naval intelligence analyst convicted of spying for israel is a free man as of today. jonathan pollard spent almost three decades in a north carolina prison after his arrest in 1985. the 61 - year - old argued he was forced into pleading guiltyty 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 3 if you're hitting the road this weekend, here's a look at the cheapest places to fill up in town before you go, according to looks like regular gas is 1.89
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hills, 2.09 a gallon at casey's in norfolk and 1.91 a gallon at t
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. breaking news. gunmen storm a hotel in mali and take 0 hostages. the u.s. embassy tells americans to shelter in place. >>8a new isisideo threatens an attack on the white house. how the fbi monitors potential lone wolf attackers. >> and donald trump adds fuel to the refugee debate. he supports a database to track muslims s re in the uninid statat. >> we begin withh a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> more than 17 hos0 hostages were taken this morning. >> three hostages have been killed in the radisson blu hotel siege.
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>> there are reports some hostages have been freed. >> isis warns of more strikes. >> abaaoud spotted on surveillance footage. >> pollard released from federal prison this morning, 30 years after he was caught sharing intelligence secrets with israel. >> the presisint and hillary clclton are completely out of touch with reality. >> in a blow to president obama, that overwhelming vote in the house in favor of a bill requiring high level signoffs for refugees. >> slamming the door on every syrian refugee, that is just not who we are. >> a new jersey state trooper allegedly drunk on duty after rear endndg anotherer car. >> daring river rescue. a kayaker falls out of his boat.
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>> touchdown jacksonville.
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