tv CBS This Morning CBS November 20, 2015 7:00am-9:00am CST
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>> touchdown jacksonville. >> that's tough. trying to cover julius thomas. >> and the jags have back to back wins. >> is it just me or is mike huckabee always bririing everything back k food? >> wisis i had some meat that i could have put in that meat locker. we're talking chicken and egg here. the popeyes chicken. >> so many food metaphors. >> the fda has approved genetically modified salmon. >> i think we have a picture of the je metgenetically modified fish. there we go. welcome to "cbs this morning." we are following breaking news of a new terror attack, this time in west africa.
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mali have stormed a luxury hotel where gunmen are holding up to 170 hostages. >> the standoff at the radisson blu hotel in mali began early in morning. the state department says as of now it is not aware of any americans among the hostages. >> the attack has involved up to tenilitants whoammed into the hotel grounds in a vehicle using guns and grenades. mali's security minister has said there are now at least three dead at this stage. up to 170 hostages, guests and staff are reportedly being held by the attackers. there wewe early reportshat about a dozen of the hostages were released if they could recite passages from the koran. 80 have now been freed.
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this is a hotel in the international area of mali's capital and normally has a large multinational clientele. turkish airlines said five of its employees are among the hostages. the u.s. embassy has asked u.s. citizens to shelter in place where they are. there may well be a link between this attack and that in paris a week ago. mali is a former french colony and french troops went in to put down an islamist rebelli two years ago. there are a thousand french troops still in mali and a u.n. peace keeping force. mali special forces were told to enter the hotel to try to free
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>> thanks. we hav a former fbi supervisor, a special agent. welcome. >> thank you, sir. >> we're just learning all the developments in mali. from what you know, what does it say? >> mali is an area where al qaeda is very active. if you recall, affiliates of al qaeda were able to control mali at one point. and the french intervened back in 2013 to assist the government taking control back in the country. i wouldn't be surprised if al qaeda or one of its affiliates, i won't be surprised they were behind that attack, because al qaeda today definitely don't want to be up staged by isis in paris. >> we've been so focused on isis because of the situation in syria and what happened in paris, but you say you're more worried about al qaeda than
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>> i'm worried on both. al qaeda maybe stateless but the state of al qaeda is very strong. isis came out from al qaeda. al qaeda is an idealogical narrative thatrovide these jihadi extremists with the passion and their goals. al qaeda is way stronger than it used to be on 9/11. on 9/11 they had 400 members. now they have armies in syria. >> under what name. >> they fight under al nusrah. now they control the third largest city in the country. they are very active not only in mali, in algeria and tunisia and libya. >> are they in competition, al qaeda and isis? >> yes. they are in competition. they are basically -- isis used
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to be part of al qaeda. al qaeda is -- >> exactly. >> al qaeda is a poisonous tree and isis is just a branch of that tree. isis is a symptom of the disease. al qaeda is the disease. >> let's go back to the bombings in franch wheree where the master mind has been confirmrm dead.d. how importrtt is that? >> it gives you closure that the leader is dead. also with in saint-denis they were able to disrupt -- there was maps for the airport, for the defense district in paris. they found explosives, they found weapons. that is extremely important. but still there is a lot of things need to be done. and thth threat level in p pis remains very high. >> we keep hearing the snake has many heads. yeah. look at the network that conducted this attack. this network is not only a
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it's also in belgium. now i think they are searching for a terrorist in the netherlands.attacks. a french tv video claims to show a female suicide bomber setting off an explosion during that raid. officials say this morning that a third person died in that apartment. holly williams is in paris with the latest on the bomber aabdeslam, is thought to still be on the run and french officials say they have no idea where he is.
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the hunt for salah abdeslam has now been extended to the netherlands. unlike seven of the other attackers, he didn't blow himself up, but, instead, slipped through the fingers of french police as he escaped. french media is reporting that this is who thought to have wednesday as police stormed the hideout of ababaud. french police s s they found her passport at the scene and identified her body usg fingerprints. this audio apparently records aitboulahcen's last moments alive as they demanded to know the whereabouts of abaaoud. french meded obtained video that purportedly shows the moment of the blags. the blast.
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aitboulahcen didn't seem like an extremist. she liked to party, drank occasionally, she drank in the evenings, who said this man who claimed to know her. police searched the apartment of aitooulahcen's mother, one ofthe french government says abdelhamid abaaoud who fought with isis, was able to re-enter europe undetected, raising concerns abobo border control. about 1,000 french citizens are thought to have joined extremist homes without a warrant. nor norah? >> holly williams in paris,
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thank you. top u.s. law enforcement are urging americans to turn their fear into action. jeff pegues is near the white house where they say they're ready for anything. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. with this daily barrage of isis propaganda videos, the nation' top officials held a news conference on thursday. they wanted to tap down and assure a nervous public. the isis video threatens an attack in the u.s., this time targeting the white house. but fbi director james comey says law enforcement is not aware of any credible threat of a paris-type attack. >> we have seen no connection at all between the paris attackers and the united states. >> reporter: stiti the fbi is investigating what it cal a few dozen people deemed highest risk for carrying out a copycat paris-style attack.
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comey vowed to cover them like a blanket. u.s. officials remain concerned about lone wolf attacks inspired by those isis videos. the department of justice is taking another look at all of the individuals on their radar who may be isisi sympathizers. just as it did over the summer, it could lead to a flurry of arrests. in june one such case led to a confrontation after a terrorism suspect in boston charged officers with a knife. the suspect was shot and killed. according to the department of justice, since 2013, more than 70 people have been charged with attempting to join isis or other terrorism-related officials. loretta lynch. >> we take all threats seriously. we're taking all action to diffuse threats as they merge. and we're vigorously prosecuting those who seek harm to the american people. >> reporter: an isis threat to
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deadly war zone. but this time they're fighting alongside kurdish peshmerga forces. they're volunteers in the battle against isis who have dug in around the oioirich region of kirkuk. >> this is an isis flag i captured on my very first offensive. >> reporter: ohio native chris kidd was a marine sergeant in 2004 and fought in some of the fiercest battles of the iraq war. >> i watched isis try to take over all of iraq. i felt like it was ruining all we worked so hard for. we didn't fight for nothing. >> reporter: he's teamed up with about ten u.s. vets including this former army lawsuit from arkansas. he wears a body camera on each
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raid to protect his family, we agreed not to use his name. >> they thought i was i was crazy at first for coming out here, but they're supportive now. >> reporter: the men told us they're in it for the long haul. we met a couple of guys from boston. i asked them what they missed most about home. they said watching the patriots this season. the fbi director, the director of naj inteltional intelligence must fertcertify that each candidate poses no threat. >> reporter: good morning. we've heard a lot of suggestions
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from all the presidential candidates this week about how to handle syrian refugees. but donald trump seemed to take things a step further on thursday when he appeared to endorse a muslim database that would be used to track all muslims living here in the u.s. >> there should be a lot of systems beyond databases. wewehould have a lot of systems. today you can do it. but right now we have to have a border. we have to have strength, we have to have a wall. >> reporter: during a campaign stop in iowa trump was asked if he'd consider using a database to track muslims living in the u.s. >> i would certainly implement that absolutely. >> reporter: later in the day he seemed t t back away from the idea.. ben carsrs used a canine analogy to describe the changes with screening syrian refugees who want to come here. >> if there's a rabid dog run running around your neighborhood, you're probably
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good about that dog. doesn't mean that you hatde all dogs. we have to have in place screeningg mechanisms that allow us to determine who the mad dogs are. >> reporter: democratic candidates argued against even a temporary hold on accepting refugees. front-runner hillary clinton argued the refugees are fleeing the same terrorists threatening the united states. >> turning away orphans, applying a religious test, discriminating against muslims, slamming the door on every syrian refugee, that is just not who we are. we are better than that. >> reporter: former florida governor jeb bush struck a different tone. >> we need to be cautious as we go through this not to get to a point where our emotions over take our brain. >> reporter: bush did strike back at president obama, who
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focus on allowing in syrian christians instead of muslims. by the way, charlie, we reached out to the trump campaign for clarification on this idea of a database to track muslims but they haven't gotten back to us.victed of spying for israel in a controversial case from the 1980s is free on parole this morning. he left a north c colina prison befofo dawn. he served 28 years of a life sentence after pleading guilty the white house says there have en no changes to t t terms of his parole. an american is among five people killed in the attacks in israel and the west bank. 18-year-old ezra schwartz was from massachusetts.
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he was studying. he was among the volunteers delivering feed to palestinian soldiers. >> the region has seen a wave of violence recently following disputes over a holly site. this morning we're seeing the evidence of a record drug bust. i'm carter evans among the u.s. cutter, looking at $3 billion worth of cocaine, all seized by
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why it won't be on strtr3 winter storm 3 warnrngs are 3 out for the 3 entire area, as 3 good morning siouxland, i'm jacob's a look at your morning news. 3 winter weather means the iowa department of transportation is getting ready to help keep the roads clear and safe to drive. over the lasasfew days crews have been g gting their winter weweher equipment ready to go. it'll be warmer snow... so crews aren't pre - treating the roads. the wintery mix we'll get could wash away the brine. all the trucks are filled with salt and are ready to go as soon as the roads start getting slick. 3 "the biggest thing is that they realize the snow plows are going at a lower rate of speed and to give us a little more room and more time to get around us... visibility is bad for the public and bad for us"stay tuned to o siouxland
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news this morning... we'll haha the latest on n his blast of winter weather. 3 and with that blast of winter weather this morning... we'd like to take the time to remind you that a lot of kids in siouxland don't *have* a winter coat to keep them warm... but you can change donating to this year's coats for kids drive. siouxland news is partnering with davenport cleaners and the salvation army to take in gently - used coats... clean them... then distribute them to kids in need. if you want to nate... check the "coats for kids" page on our website... siouxland news dot com. we'll have a list of donation sites there.that's all i've got for now... have a great day! 3
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3 winter storm warnings are was faced with extreme crosswinds when attempting to land in ireland. the plane made it onto the runway wednesday but the pilot was forced to pull up and go around again. yikes! the aircraft landedesafely on ththnext try. you've been on planes where that's happened. where it goes down, comes back up ickly, you look around at the pilot and flight attendants. >> nothing you can do. sit back and hope they do the right thing. >> still scary stuff. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, drug runners are using ferries, ananthe coast guaua is fighting back and in the water, too. we'll take you along for a bust that netted nearly $1 billion of drugs. plus, fans are saying hello today to adele's new album.
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cannot get it on streaming music services. we'll look at the controversy over the way the album is being released. it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the wall street journal" reports on some of the nationest biggest health insurance company thinking of pulling out of obamacare. united health care says it lost on the affordable act exchanges. operating losses this year will total $700 million. the san diego u.n. tribune reports on more mexican leaving than moving to the u.s. they say between 2009 and 2014, more than 1 million mexicans left the u.s. for mexico. in that same period, 870,000 mexican entered the u.s. the reasons for returning, to reunited with their family or start a family, plus some were deported and others just wanted jobs in mexico. "the new york times" reports on the fda approval of genetically modified salmon. the fish is the first genetically altered animal
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cleared as safe to eat in the u.s. it can grow twice as fast as normal salmon. the law does not require the enneered fish to be specifically labeled. critics have filed a lawsuit to fish. the indianapolis star reports on former subway spokesman jared fogle sentenced to nearly 16 years this prison. a judge delivered the sentence thursday, three months after the 38-year-old entered a plea bargain. he admitted too trarang child pornography and crossing state lines to have sex with underage girls. the sentence was more harsh than the prosecutor's recommendation. "the boston globe" reports boston bombing survivor claims an dancer who uses prosthetics to dance. she tweeted, you lost my luggage with over $250,000 of leg and dance e rts. american replied saying they have their best employees tracking it down. they promise to have an update this morning. something tells me they will
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find it or they'll replace it asap. >> very important. >> it's in their interest to do that. >> we have an update this morning on this morning's terror attack at radisson blu hotel in bamako, mali. security forces are going floor by floor t tough the building where gunmen took up to 170 hostages. a witness says there is gunfire right now inside. the state department says there are no americans in the tel. fbi director james comey says there are no credible terror threats to this country but his agency is tracking people considered high risk to carry out attacks. sunday on "60 minutes" anderson cooper looks at how u.s. law enforcement agencies are changing their advice for what you should do if you're in danger from a so-called active shooter. here's a preview. >> reporter: according to the fbi, 60% of active shooter attempts are over before police ever arrive. so, now law enforcement agencies throughout the country are trying to educate the public on
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>> your options are run, hide or fight. >> reporter: that's what you tell people they should do? >>f yao in positionon to take the gunman out, it's the best opposite for saving lives before police can get there. and that's kind of counterintuitive to what cops tell people. we say, don't take actions. call 911. don't intervene in the robbery. we've never told people, don't take action. this is a different scenario. >> reporter: you're telling them that now, though. >> we are. >> reporter: to get that message out, police departments are making vidids like these that inform the public to use furniture and barricade their offices to hide from an attacker. the videos also emphasize creative ways to fight back. according to the fbi, in 13% of active shooter attacks, unarmed civilians were able to stop the gunman. it is important to remember that as tragic and scary as these active shooter incidents are, it's highly unlikiky yououl ever be caughttp in one. a person's chance of actually
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with an active shooter is 1 in 2 million. a person's chance of being hit by lightning is 1 in 700,000. do you worry about an overreaction, people getting too scared, fearful of something which in all likelihood they will never encounter? >> you can be prepared and you can have a society that is resilient and alert and conscientious and safer without scaring people. >> and sunday on "60 minutes" anderson shows us how officers are training after shootings. that's sunday here on cbs. i think it's an important discussion to have. >> i do, too. very troubling sign of the times. you see it on planesnowadays, people intervene when they think there's something wrong and don't wait for instructions to do so. >> i hope it's clear exactly what they're recommending. this morning the u.s. coast guard is celebrateing a massive drug bust off the coast of
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central south america. it's part of an historic year in the battle. investigators say about 80% of the cocaine smuggled into this country is brought up the cific coast, packed inn small boats and even submines. carter evans gets a look at the big haul. he's at guard base in san pedro, california. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the coast guard just delivered more than 25 tons of confiscated cocaine to dea agents waiting on shore. the head of the agency told us, if he had additional ships available, he could intercept even more.e. traveled by boat to the coast guard cutter seven miles off the coast of san diego. on board we found dozens of pallets, piled high with 50,000 pounds of cocaine. the coast guard crew spent the last three months chasing down drug-smuggling boats off the coast of central, including this makeshift submarine.
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hatch and found more than 200$200 million worth of cocaine stashed inside. >> the more resources we can apply, the more we can stop. >> reporter: laura collins is captain. what is it like when you get that intel and all of a sudden you get eyes on one of the semisubmersibles? >> it's thrilling. completely exciting. exactly what we trained for. exactltlwhy i wear the uniform.. everything coming together. it feels great. >> reporter: the videos shows the cramped quarters inside a drug sub. every space is packed with as much cocaine as possible. this is what three-quarters of $1 billion of cocaine looks like. that's just wholesale. on the street it's worth a lot more. it's been a record year for the coast guard. working with the military and u.s. customs, they've seized more cocaine in the pacific than the last three yea combined. they say the reason it's smuggled is simple economics. >> when you look at the business
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one kilo of cocaine, about $2,000 in colombia. that same kilo sells for $25,000 here in the united states. >> reporter: when the smugglele are caught, the coast guard says they rarely put up a fight. so far, they'verrested nearly 700 of them. well, most of the cocaine and smugglers, actually, are going to be prosecuted here in the u.s. as for the cocaine, some is going to be kept for evidence. the rest will be incinerated as a secret location. its a tremendous amount of cocaine, gayle, but the coast guard still estimates it's only catching about 30% of what's out there. >> but that's a really big catch. thank you very much, carter. adele's new album is out this morning. #happiness. there is a catch, though, if you want to hear it. ahead how the pop star is holding back from popular streaming music services. what do you predict it's going
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to do well, however you get that music. and if you're heading out the door, where are you going? we hate you're leaving us now. we only set your set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time you look because we'll be here until 9:00. we'll be right back. good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. yoyoare type e . yes, i iestment opportunities can be anywhere.e. or not. but you know the difference. e trade's bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action.
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it was just like a movie it was just like a song >> that's her newest song "when we were young." it's beautiful. i like that better than "hello." the reviews are p ping in for adele's new album. more than 3.5 million albums are being shipped in the u.s. alone. the latest star to snub digital streaming services. good morning. >> adele's album is expected to be one of the biggest selling records in a decade but it comes with an old fashioned catch, if you want to hear it, you have to buy it.
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is final here. >> reporter: on the first day the single "hello" was released, the video was watched more than 1.6 million times an hour, a youtube record. for everything i've earned >> the anticipation factor on this i i big. >> reporter: joe levy is a contributing editor att "rolling stone." >> what adele has done by keeping the marketing of this record simple and song-based. everybody here is watching you >> and basically doing nothing but releasing music, she's driven up anticipation of the record and she's created a more authentic experience foror the fansns let me photograph >> reporter: adele has also decided to keep her new album off streaming services like spotifj and apple music, so fans who want to hear it, need to buy it, one way or another. the move comes at a time when cd sales have declined 80% in the
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past decade and digital streaming accounts for 32% of annual revenue for record labebe. last year taylor swift famously denied spotify access to her album "1989." and in june swift also held her album from apple's new streaming service, until the company agreed to pay artists during the free trial period. adele's reasons for refusing to stream are unknown, but because of her cross-generational appeal, levy says album sales are expected to reach unprecedented heights. never mind i'll find someone like you >> reporter: her last album "21" sold over 30 million copies worldwide. >> they always say in the music industry, that's the key to that kind of megaillions success. when you get a record that kids will buy for their parents and
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but if you add in, one the grandparents might buy for their grandchildren, wow, you can sell a lot of freaking records. >> yes, you can. this morning spotify released a statement to cbs newewsaying, quote, we love andespect adele as do her 24 million fans on spotify. we hope she that she will give those fans the opportunity to enjoy "25" on spotify alongside "19" and "21." we reached out -- >> but if you were her -- >> i'd do the exact same ing. >> for months oror year -- >> every artist woulul dohis if she could. she's one ofhe few who can. >> taylor swift can, adele can. >> yeah. >> maybe 10 or 20. >> but she can and she will. i love it. but you've got another great musical group coming up on
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>> the electric light oeshg strashgs el orchestra, elo. they sound unbelievable. they're going to play h he tomorrow a a we'll talk to jeff lynn. love it. love that music. >> oh, my. a kayaking competition goes badly wrong >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places.
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if your hair, skin and nails don't look more beautiful, we'll give you your money back. i did it... and i feel beautiful. visit for details. amateur video captured a dramatic water rescue during a river race in north carolina. kayaker nick fielder fell out of his kayak before the most dangerous part of the course. one kayaker dove over to rescue the man. it happened during the 20th annual green river race. the kayaker suffered a broken
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tailbone and two fractured vertebrae. incredible video. >> lucky. an in-depth look at sexism in hollywood. maureen dowd is here. hello, maureen. inequality from some of the most powerful voices in hollywood. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." intimidating. doing something simple... meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it's helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you're prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd,
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it is friday, november 20th, 2015. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including the unfolding battle to free hostages after a terror attack in west africa. a look inside the group where gunmen took up to 170 people hostage. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> up to ten militants rammed into the hotel grounds in a vhicle firing guns. >> i won't be surprised if al qaeda are behind that attack. al qaeda said they definitely don't want to be upstaged. >> abdelhamid abaaoud now confirmed dead, but his fellow attacker, salah abdeslam is thought to be on the run. >> with the daily barrage of isis propaganda video, they wanted to tamp down fears. >> this is an isis flag i
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captured in one of my first offenses. >> for the first time as u.s. soldiers, they have found themselves outgunned. >> donald trump seemed to take things a step further when he appeared to endorse a muslim database that would be used to track alluslims livingg here in e u.s. >> this is what three-quarters of a billion dollars worth of cocaine looks like. >> the more resources we can aploy, the more we can stop. >> you like the emojis, but there's no feminist emoji. it's a burning bra. this is 70% of a dollar. jane fonda. i'm charlie rose wit gayle king and norah o'donnell. security forces in mali's capital are going floor by floor in a luxury hotel where a gunman took up to 170 hostages this morning. witnesses report several bursts of gunfire. the hotel's operator says most of the hostages are still
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>> the radisson blu hotel is used by many western travelers. our davivi mararn reports u.s. special forces are on hand and helpinmove the hostages to safe locations. mark phillips is tracking the story from london. mark, good morning. >> reporter: well, the attack involved up to ten militants who rammed into hotel grounds with guns and shouting allah akbar. there's one french national and two malians. up to 170 hostages may have been held but many have escaped or been freed. the first to be released were let go if they could recite versus from the koran. now 80 hostages are out but numbers are changing minute by minute. the hotel has mostly a foreign clientele. 12 air france crew were being held. they are out.
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there were captives from turkish airlines, china and other countries as well. the u.s. embassy has asked u.s. sitd zens citizens to shelter in place. 1,000 french troops remain in mali after france went in to put down an islamist row bell 81 in its f fmer colony two yeaea ago. but as today's attack has shown, those groups are still active. the paris prosecutor's office says this morning that a third person died in a police raid targeting suspects in the paris terrorist attacks. the prosecutor also confirms that the woman was one of those killed in wednesday's raid. this video shows the moment she set off an explosivevest. she is thougug to have detonated a suicide bombs police stormeded the hideout. >> abdelhamid abaaoud, the planner of the attack, also died
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it showed abaaoud in a nearby subway station after the attacks. another suspect, salah abdeslam is still on the run. theanhunt has been extenend to the netherlands. >> the paris attacac have put the spotlight on using encrypted apps to communication. robert gates told us thursday he thinks it's time for a heart-to-heart talk between the president and some of the leaders of the tech companies in terms of them providing some help to the government on some of these highly sophisticated encryption devices. i spoke with linkedin co-founder reid hoffmanor my pbs program and he explained why silicon valley companies are in favor of encryption. >> most of the really interesting silicon companies are global in nature and they think of their customers and members as global in scope and so the problem is that they have to say, okay, how do we protect their interests the right way. they're not saying how do we protect isis' interests, how do
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citizen in any particular coununy. and thth tends to lead you to the e ght way to do that is to do something globally. now, i've been thinking a little about this and i said, look, if the governments of the major world countries could get together and say here is what we are all doing collectively, like we all agree on kind of a global treaty that this is what we're going to do, then it's easier for the tech companies to do that because then they're not playing one country against another or one set of citizenry against another. >> you can watch the full interview with reid hoffman tonight on my pbs program. the paris attacks are also fuelin the latest battle in congress over guns and background checks. thousands on the government's terrorist watch list which includes the no-fly list bought firearms in the last decade. think about that. and all of the sales were legal. nancy cordess on capitol hill how that watch list iss not enough to stop a gunsale. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a bill to close that loophole
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congress every year for the past eight years but it has gone nowhere. like all legislation involving guns, this bill generates strong emotions on both sides. >> if you're too dangerous to board a plane, you're too dangerous to buy a gun. >> reporter: democratic senator dianne feinstein calls closing the loophole a no-brainerer originally backed by the bush administration, the bill would give the attorney general the power to deny the sale, delivery or transfer of a firearm to anyone known or suspected to be a terrorist. the bill would apply to the approximately 420,000 people on the federal government's terror watch list. a recent government study found that over a ten-year period, the fbi conducted more than 2,000 firearm background checks on people whose names were on the watch list. less than 200 were denied, and for reasons unrelated to the list. >> to think that we have this loophole or gap in the law is unimaginable.
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>> reporter: republicans have long argued that a bill like this would infringe on second amendment rights. a 2009 justice department audit showed 35% of the names on the watch list shoulddot have been there in t t first place. in a statement to cbs news, the national rifle association said the legislation does nothing to would deny law-abiding citizens their constitutional rights without due process. house speaker paul ryan, who passed a bill yesterday to beef up screening of syrian refugees, was noncommittal on the gun bill. >> you said it's better to be safe than sorry. is thihi something thatt you'd suppppt? >> thihiis the beginning of all this process. the task force is taking all suggestions from democrats and republicans. >> reporter: when a firearms purchase is checked against the terror watch list, it does end up helping investigators, because that application includes a social security number, it includes a name and address and it even pin points where the request was made and
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morning." i don'want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. itit the one and onon cure that's... pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. john's wort. it also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. side effects may include tiredness and headache. i am ready to put hep c behind me.
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the equal employment opportunity commission is interviewing female directors to learn if there is a pattern of discrimination. katherine hardwick told the government about what she calls the slander, libellous and untrue statements made about myself and other women. the filmmaker is among 100 men and women in hollywood who shared their thoughts with pulitzer prize-winning columnist maureen dowd. ureen, good morning. how perersive is this problem? >> well, norah, i think we've all seen the numbers, so it's 1.9% of the top 100 grossing films are made by women directors.
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i grew up on movies. they form our ideas of who we are and hollywood, you know, a long time ago stopped sending out really positive role models for women. they started making super hero movies where men are the heroes and women are the afterthoughts, as the women inn hollywood say. >> what's interesting about your piece, it's not about numbers, this is about real people saying real things. >> right. and there's a lot of raw emotions. >> exactly right. >> and hollywood is run on fear. the whole town is so afraid. if they have a $100 million movie, they're afraid to let a woman director try it for fear -- the women studio chiefs are afraid because if it's a woman, they'll get extra blame. the men are afraid because they just want to find young guys in baseball caps who remind them of them. >> to pick up on charlie's point, though, about the comments, every though a female driven project is made and succeed it's considered a fluke.
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whereas a white male is presumed competent until proven otherwise. and this one, they don't want us to be priests, they want us to be obedient nuns. >> the amazing thing is i've covered saududarabia and i've covered the cath rickolic church. in both cases these societies got warped, they got sick because they're not using the brains and heart -- >> of half the population. >> yeah, of women. who knew that the same thing could happen in the most liberal town on earth. >> it's just amazing. female writers got quotes like i don't understand how this character can be smart and sexy. or can you insert a rapee scene here? >> right. because -- that was liz merriweather, she's great. >> this is something a male executive said to her? >> but women executives too because women are caught in these narrow stereotypes where they want women characters to be likeable.
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a woman c cracter who slept w wh several men and the men said, no, she's not likeable if she does this. so they're caught in these outdated myths both in terms of how they market movies. they're just thinking about what 15-year-old boys want. even though tom rothman, said of head of sony said women drive the markets and watch more tv. but t ey still in thehe heads want those 15-year-old boysr are catering to the 15-year-old boy within themselves. >> they don't want to see women crying. men just think i don't want -- women are going to start crying. >> that's what dana, she has a new show called the good girls revolt. she said the real fear of men in hollywood is if you let women make movies it's all going to be beaches and terms of endearment and too much crying. >> so what does it take to change all this? >> well, there's a federal
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because it's very efemoral. it would be very hard to prove because it all happens behind closed doors. but i think women are talking up, the actresses are talking up. natalie portman askedor a man director. selma hayek says we're not leaving at 30. when we turn 30, we'te not disappearing anymore. >> reese witherspoon is starting her own production company. >> and they have been very successful by the way. >> katherine kennedy says women need to take the initiative. but lena dunham had another take on that. >> kathleen kennedy in charge off lucas films saidd we've never had a woman direcec star wars because i woman never called me and told me what her vision is. lena dunham is said, wait a minute, you call all the young guys you give these jobs to. why are women expected to hustle twice as hard to get the job?
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a great film critic who's called this problem immoral, if not illegal, you know, says that women s suld stop blaming women and hollywood and help them. >> and instead should call on women to make the films. >> well, one top woman at a studio said to me we're chipping away at the problem. we're going to try to make it better for our children and grandchildren. now, compare that to justin trudeau who has a 50-50 cabinet and they said why are you doing that? he said it's 2015. >> he's the n n prime minister of canada. >> and the woman at the top of the studio is saying maybe it will be better for our grandchildren. >> talent withll sorts o genitalia can make money. i think that's very true. >> exactly. >> who said that? >> gingie cohen. >> and there's plenty of evidence of that, right? hunger games. >> oh, wow, maybe a woman. >> maureen dowd. thank you. always good to see you.
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>> thanks. this morning, the world's first taco bell is finding a new home even if it's a shell of its former self. next we'll take you on a different kind of late night fast food run. you're watching "cbs this morning." scanner: rescan item. rescan, , scan. rescan itete vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. what if getting ready was this easy?
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now teeth-whitening is, with the colgate optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen just brush, whiten, and go! no waiting. no rinsing. it deeply whitens for whiter teeth in 2 days. optic white toothbrush plus whitening pen. brush. whiten. go.o. when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. can't afford to let heartburn get in the way? try nexium 24hr, now the #1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. get compmpte protection withthhe new leader in frequent heartburn.
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you can see the store known as nuero uno. it's being relocated from downey, california, to the company headquarters in irvine. the flagship taco stand was built in 1962 and has been closed for nearly three decades. it was going to be demolished but now the company has decided to preserve it. they're trying to decide what to do with it. >> i like it. >> a little piece of history. hedge fund manager turned superstar sal kahnhn decided to o open a school ofofis n. now he's in the toyoya green room and tell us what prompted that decision. and he'll tell us if kids have too many standardized tests.
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your local news is next. 3 winter storm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. friday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 good morning siouxland, i'm jacob's a look at your morning news.
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fofothe enenre area, as we arr exexcting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow 3 winter weather memes the iowa department of transportation is getting ready to help keep the roads clear and safe to drive.
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3 over the last few days crews have been getting their winter weather equipment ready to go. it'll be a warmer snow... so crews aren't pre - treatingng the roads. the wintery mix we'll get could wash away the brine. all the trucks are filled with salt and are ready to go as so as the roads start getting slick. 3 "the biggest thing is that they realize the snow plows are going at a lower rate of speed and to give us a little more room and more time to get around us... visibility is bad for the public and bad for us"stay tuned to siouxland news this morning... we'll have the latest on this blast of winter weather. 3 and with that blast of winter
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>> look at that. here is a time lapse view of the beautiful sunrise this morning over lake michigan in good ole chicago. morning." here comes the sun. i like it. comimi up in this half ur, this man iss on a missiono change education. he's going back to the future. his name is sal kahn. he's in our toyota green room. the online schooling pioneer shows his traditional brick and mortar school with unconventional teaching methods. that's ahead. right now it's time to show you some of the headlines from around the globe. britain's independent reports on the discovery of the world's second largege diamond. it's the size of a tennis ball. the 1100-carat stone was unearthed wednesday. its value could run into the tens of millions of dollars. >> some would say a little gaudy. >> but you'd take it. >> you're right. >> "time" reports on music
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for comments he made. he described what's behind a new commercial for apple streaming service. he said some women find it difficult at times to find music and that triggered a social media backlash that you wouldn't believe calling his remarks -- i feel so badly about this because we had called jimmy to unveil the commercial here and we were all sitting at the table and it's just awful that something he said was taken out of context. we were both talkingngo him in the green ro and i get the point that he was making. >> it's important to watch the entire interview. i told him how i still love itunes and am not ready to make the jump towards streaming. my husband said itunes is going to be something of the past, you're going to need streaming. although adele shows us today we still need itunes. >> those of us who know him know the last thing he is, is sexist. i bet he can!t wait to come back next week.
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he's always welcome right there at the table. >> he's a good guy. all right, we're learning from "the san francisco chronicle" they're reporting on facebook's new tool to help couples after a breakup. it's meant to save people from emotional pain to allow them to avoiddeeing pictures or posts from a former spouse or partner. users can hide their own posts from exes and avoid the more extreme step of unfriend. you just kind of block it, sort of. and "the washington post" reports on a new study showing men tend to overeat as a way to show off to women. cornell researchers found men ate 93% more pizza and 86% more salad when dining with at least one woman compared to those eating just with n. the study says males may be following an evolutionary impulse to show biological fitness. whatever that means. >> is that true? >> whatever that means. >> that's so crazy. i once went out with somebody who said i've never seen a woman
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eat as much as you do. i said i'm just showing off. he never asked me out again. what does that an? moving r rht along, from standardized t tting to common core, the battle over teaching america's kids is heating up this morning. in 2006 hedge fund manager sal kahn used online tutoring to try and reinvent learning and break down the barriers with the kahn academy. it delivers more than 589,000 lessons. now he is thinking small. he created a brick and mortar school in california. students ages 5 through 12 are in one classroom. sal khan, welcome back to the table. >> great to be here. >> i can't imagine kids 5 to 12. they have different mindsets, different skill sets but they're all in one room learning together? >> in a lot of wayss it g gs back to how humans learned from --
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most of 200,000 years of human history. it's only the last 150 years that we separated students by age and these classrooms. and the idea is, is that you can learn a lot from the students who are a little older than you. if you're 12 years old, you can exercise a lot of leadership and be a teaching assistant for the younger students. we do brere them outut every now and then but we separate them by independence level as opposed to age level. whatever independence level you're on, in math, reading or writing, you're on your own track. so there's maybe a not so independent 5-year-old who has moved ahead in math but needs remediation in reading and that's okay. >> why did you want to build this brick and mortar, simply to provide a testiti placac >> you know, whenever someone imagines anything virtual, they say versus barnes & noble. we always said khan academy the virtual will be a resource to liberate the physical.
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a handful of kids. but khan academy, we have over 30 million students using us. we could send them information on how to do similar things in their own classrooms. >> montessori does some of that. you talk about a year-long school. why did you want that to be the curriculum? >> first of all, montessori, in a lot of ways we are exactly montessori. if montessori was around in 2015 we wouou hope she would use some of the same ideas and tools. in terms of year long, i guess the question is why not year long. most of us stopped farming a little while ago and that's why summer vacation existed. and if you put all of these new ideas around mixed age and blended learning, all of those aside, the gap between the u.s. and shanghai test scores can be purely accounted for by time in the classroooo it's really not only -- you have the summer learning loss, which is not only time that you're not learning and you
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could be but actively forgetting the things that you learned at the end of last year. just summer and also full day, our current school system was designed for one income families where the mom would be at home and the kids would come home. now you have two across the demographics, you have two income earners, so why not go full day, allow the kids to get all the work done during the day and when they go home, the biggest correlate having success is having dinner with your family and sleeping. so create some space for that. >> but you know the counter argument teachers will make. that's the unions and teachers say i can't do that on the salary you pay me. that's the counter argument, right? >> this is something we want to explore because if you look at funding and education, actually very little of it goes to the teacher. here in new york city public schools, they're spending close to $20,000 per student per year. that's about $500,000, 600,000 a classroom. teachers get very little of that.
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>> they talked about the tech elite's quest to reinvent school in its own image. is that what you're tryinin to do?? >> welel you knowow i d dve a honda so ion't know if i'm a tech elite. >> honda is a good car, sal. >> you are somebody that the tech elite pay attention to. >> it was actually my dream to start a school before khan academy existed. now that we've had this reach we've worked with a bunch of schools. we said let's do it under our offices for real. >> you started khan academy cousin. how old was she? >> 12 at the time. >> unit conversion. >> did you ever think it would go to this? it's amazing what you've done in a short period of time. >> no. >> good answer. >> changing education. suppppter like bill gatete >> love having you here, thanks as always, sal khan. this morning, a cameraman
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he faces a murder charge in the death of his first wife. kurt sonnenfeld worked for fema, videotaping ground zero after 9/11. he's battling extradition with a bizarre claim that the u.s. really wants him back because of what he saw after the attacks. erin moriarty went to buenos aires and here's a preview. >> reporter: kurt sonnenfeld is a wanted man in the u.s., but he lives openly and freely in argentina, raising twin daughters with his second wife, palla. >> he is innocent. there's nothing else to say. >> reporter: sonnenfeld's first wife, nancy, died of a gunshot wound totohe head new year's day, 2002. he insisted it was a suicide, but police said the scene said otherwise. retired detective jonathan priest. >> we realized really very, very quickly that this was not a suicide.
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this was a homicide investigation. >> reporter: before sonnenfeld went on trial, prosecutors suddenly droppededhe caca, cititi insufficient evidence, but continued to investigate. a year and a half later, they refiled the murder charge. but there was a problem. sonnenfeld was in argentina. former colorado governor billow bill owens. >> he went there so he didn't have to face charges in colorado. >> repepter: when they tried to get him m extradited, sonnenfeld began his own pr campaign, tapping into argentina's opposition to the death penalty. >> they told me i was going to be put to death. >> reporter: in fact he never faced the death penalty. but for years he and his wife capitalized on that claim. the signs say don't let the u.s. assassinate my father. >> i believe that mr. sonnenfeld haha built an aura as a martyr, as a hero.
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i think the politics of argentina have protected him from a murder charge. >> reporter: but sonnenfeld didn't stop there. he began telling reporters in argentina the u.s. really wants him back to silence him. for what he saw at ground zero during his work there as a fema cameraman. >> do you think that the government knows? >> yeah, i'm 100% sure of it. >> reporter: sonnenfeld claims the u.s. knew about the attack but did nothing to stop it. yet he has never offered any concrete evidence. back in denver, nancy's cousin is worried kurt sonnenfeld may be getting away with murdrd. >> he is trying to usehat terrible situation to shield himself from murder charges. >> and you can see erin moriarty's full report "the strange case of kurt sonnenfeld" tomorrow night at 10:00/9:00 central.
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it is part of a special "48 hours" double feature. the first episode is at 9:00 central. that's all herer on cbs.s. >> i always love back-to-back episodes. monday on "cbs this morning," inside pixar animation on the 20th anniversary of "toy story." how the studio that changed the way movies are made is gaining a new generation of fans. when we come back, we'll take a look at the most unforgettable moments of the week. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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'll be right bac p to to remember thatp can be one hell of a life.r >> and this morning we congratulatecongratulate charlie congratulate charlie for his induction for the new york journalism hallp journalism hall of fame, the deadlinedeadline p deadline club,deadline club, the deadline club, the largest
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journalists,p jourlist along with our 60 minutes colleague, lesley stahl. they were recognized for their lifetime -- there's leslie.p they wererthey were recognized for theirtheir -- theythey werep they wererthey were recognized for theirth-- another day, another wordor charare rose but we love when that happens. >> i know, congratulations. >> well, thank all the people that i like to be. that does it for us. be sure to tune into the "cbs this morning" with scott pelley tonight and for news any time, anywhere, watch our 24-hour digital news network, cbsn. as we leave you, we take a look back at the week that was and wish you a great weekend. >> we do. take it easysy we e ok back at the week that was. >> it's friday.p >> an intense>> an intense manhunt all over europe. > abaaoudp >> abaaoud was >> abaaoud was killed by a sniper. his body was found riddled with bulle holes. >> 20 bombs dropped on raqqah. the message is that france is fighting back.
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>> isis used this footage before but this time they say there is no credible threat. > people in new york city will not be intimidated.d. >> could that bring down a plane? >> i think it would depend on where they placed it in the plane and how many explosives were in the soda can. >> it's more than just a game. it was a statement of defiance. >> demonstrators are demanding names of the officers involved. >> the new terror attack, this time in west africa. >> up to 10 militants rammed into the hotel ground. >> inside the home when the ceiling collapsed on his head and shoulders. >> incredible. >> can you imagine what they have done to change his life? >> the giant panda cub didn't careless about her debut. >> today lady liberty offered isis a fitting gesture.
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> forp >> for>> >> for republicans seeking the presidency, paris changed everything. >> it could be the great trojan horse. we cannot take a chance. >> isis can only be defeated through a ground force. >> we need to go on the ground and in the air. >> they have declared war on us. >> i spent a lot of time liststing to liticians, ready to send our young men and women into conflict. the ttouble is when the going gets rough, the politicians are nowhere to be seen. >> if you're in a war of culture and lifestyle with france, good [ bleep ] luck. >> journalism can be one hell of a life. >> i love it. >> dear charlie, i love you so much. >> can you meet me later tonight? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger >> you're not the girl out in public when they're talking
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saying i better eat a salad because i know people are watching. >> oh, no. if somebody were to say, oh, you shouldn't be eating that, i'm going to eat like five right in front of your face. >> i went out with somebody who as much as you do. he never asked me out again. what does that mean. >> oh, nice! >> i am your father. >> when you break up with somebody, the first rule is no phone calls. the second rule, you don't go over to their house and drive by to see what they're doing. you juju say, no, gone, history, i'm moving forward. >> can you see us sitting here at 102?
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am. 3 winterertorm warnings are out for the entire area, as we are expecting the season's first snowfall. we can expect widespread snow amounts of up to 6-8" through early saturday. the storm will start impacting the area early this morning with the snow finally leaving the area early saturday. with the onset of snow look for temperatures to be greatly impacted. iday's highs will only be around 30, and with fresh snowfall things will stay pretty cold for the upcoming weekend with highs in the 20s and 30s and lows in the teens. 3 good morning siouxland, i'm jacob's a look at
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3 winter ather means the iowa department of transportation is getting ready to help keep the roads clear and safe to drive. 3 over the last few days crews have been getting their winter weather equipment ready to go. it'll be a warmer snow... so crews aren't pre - treating the roros. the wintery mixix we'll get could wash away the brine. all the trucks are filled with salt and are ready to go as soon as the roads start getting slick. 3 "the biggest thing is that they realize the snow plows are going at a lower rate of speed and to give us a little more room and more time to get around us... visibility is d for ththpubl and bad for us"stay tuned to siouxland
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to cook their heart into "welcome to sweetie pie's's" miss robbie. >> i am not a photographer. >> announcer: sensation audrey. it starts with a bang. now, are you ready for rachael! [cheers and applause] >> rachael: welcome, everybody, welcome. i love when these two are here, we have so much fun together. everybody knows that this is miss robbie and tim from [cheers and applause] >> rachael: now, yes, we are going to make mile high sweet potato pie, is that what we're doing today? >> yes, ma'am. >> rachael: if you guys missed
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we were talking about the fact this smoking hot woman is single. are you still sisile? >> i am still single. >> rachael: tim and i said, we got to get on this issue, get a plan for a man. >> we. >> rachael: so today, you know how we do mystery taster from time to time, i don't know who the guest is and we disguise their voice, today we're going to play mystery dater. [cheers a a applause] >> rachael: and it's got a fun foodie twist to it. i'm getting ahead of myself. we're going to start with sweet potato pie, just in case both mystery daters, if both of the mystery daters don't work out, we'll have mile high sweet potato pie to go to. take it away, the kitchen is yours, guys. >> tim is going to do the crust. >> why i got to do the crust?
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