tv Siouxland News At Sunrise CBS February 3, 2016 5:00am-7:00am CST
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"this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14" 3 3 good morning, and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise!it's 5 o'clock.i'm jacob heller.i'm meteorologist cat taylor.thanks for waking up with us on this xxx 3 morning. 3 a blizzard 3 warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.
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on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light. stay tuned! 3 3 3 presidential candidates are all over t t state of new hampshire today ahead of the first in the nation *primary* next week. it's a three - way race on the republican side right now between ted cruz... donald trump... and marco rubio. on the democratic side... hillary clinton is campaigning hard after her razor - thin victory over bernie sanders. c - b - s news correspondent (we - juh) weijia (jang) jiang is in ndham new hampshire. 3 (pkg) -nats- donald trump took to the campaign trail in milford, new hampshire
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iowa...and downplaying marco rubio's third place finish: (sot donald trump) he comes in third, i come in second. trump no good...rubio unbelievable night, unbelievable victory rubio outperformed expectations in the hawkeye state...finishing just one percentage point behind trump, the new hampshire favorite: (sot rubio) we cant just win with the people have now// we have to go out and convince more people that conservatism is the right approach for america -nats/cruz the florida senator is now positioning himself as the alternative to trump and first place iowa finisher ted cruz. (standup: weijia jiang cbs news manchester, new hampshire) with the first-in-the-nation primary here in new hampshire less than a week away - candidates on both sides are flooding the state in an effort to sway voters. while some have already made up their minds: (sot cheryl ann victor/ cruz supporter) everything that ted cruz believes in he acts on// he believes in the best things for america others remain undecided: (sot justin chappell/ undecided voter) i'm going to be going to a lot of town halls and looking at candidates//seeing what i feel is their genuine commitment once they get in office after beating bernie sanders in iowa by a razor thin margin - hillary clinton has come into new hampshire as the
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18 points: (sot hillary clinton) i hope you will choose with both your heart and your mind (sot bernie sanders) we're going to go after state after state after state both candidates could face each other in a possible debate here tomorrow. weijia jiang cbs news windham, new hampshire. 3 3 there's a democratic debate scheduled for thursday... but the bernie sanders campaign says he won't be part of it unless hillary clinton agrees to his conditions for future debates. clinton's people say her campaign *has* met those conditions. 3 this morning we're waking up to about a foot of snow in northwest iowa... even more in parts of northeast nebraska. that means *another* snow day for most students in siouxland... including sioux city public and catholic schools. we've got the latest closings and cancellations at the bottom of your screen... they're also online at siouxland news dot sioux city... all
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3 along with the tyson events center and all three branches of the public library.the city has also suspended garbage collection and declared a snow emergency.that means you can't park on the streetuntil the streets have been plowed.any car left on the streets will be totod... and the owner will have to pay for it.this blizzard even forced a planned bond vote 3 for iowa lakes community college to be postponed by a that vote'll happen next tuesday... february 9th. 3 3 a lot of us will be cleaning up that snow today... that's what we were doing here at the siouxland news studios yesterday afternoon. we got more than 12 inches of snow here... and the winds blew that around into some drifts that were about three times as tall. snowplows... trucks with blades... even some front - end loaders were out all across siouxland last night... trying to clear out roads... driveways... and sidewalks. 3 and the heavy snow yesterday
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life...a man was killed in a single - vehicle rollover crash in thurston county nebraska yesterday morning. 3 the nebraska state patrol says the crash happened just before 9 - 30 about a mile south of macy on highway 75. 3 the driver was the only person in the s - u - v that crashed. 3 we haven't learned his name yet... until the state patrol notifies his family. investigators are still trying to find out exactly why he crashed. 3 if we're talking about bad weather in northeast video we got from a team of storm chasers. this is from their trip along highway 20 near ponca. the roads were snow - covered... visibility was extremely poor. we also have video from joe (wreck - uh - lie - tis) reklaitis in concord nebraska. you can see the blowing snow... and hear the high wind. because of that... the nebraska department of roads pulled plows off the roads for a while in northeast nebraska. 3 travel advisories are out in all three siouxland states... that's causing all sorts of
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siouxland news reporter (yet - ska) jetske (wah - ron) wauran shows us how this storm is affecting a lot of people who drive for a living. 3 huge mounds of snow, piled all over the roadscausing treachorous conditions and forcing the south dakota department of transportation, to shut down i-29 toward sioux falls.state officials closed i-29 from tea exit 73 to the iowa border."the wind and the snow right now it's not safe to be driving."south dakota public safety officials say, the heavy snow and high winds are creating white-out conditions with zero to near zero visibility and making roads in the area impassible. monday's blizzard that hit the midwest, has left drivers in a standstill."it's just something you've got to do." wade evans has driven hundreds of miles from molden, missouri but because of strong winds and white-out.evans stopped at a north sioux city gas station, before his next stop in elkton, south dakota."with what i do, i've got to get feed to the farm so they could keep producing milk."but some other drivers...were left in the ditch. this morning, woodbury county sheriff dave drew, tweeted out this photo, a semi, jacknifed on highway 20 on by the highway 75 bypass. north sioux city volunteer firefighter tyler kruse urges all drivers, to please be careful on the roads."it's definitely bad enough to that you shouldn't be on any roads and so probably just stay home until roads get cleared, but if you do have to go out, make sure you have stuff in your
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you ever need it."nats3 3 a celebration at the "y" that was supposed to happen this morning is being postponed.the norm waitt senior y - m - c - a in south sioux city was planning to celebrate its 130th ananversary 3 this morning from 10 to 11 a - m.because of the snowstorm...that event's been pushed back a week to february 10th. the 'y' says everything else about the
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*including* the cake. 3 the greenville zoo in south carolina has a new baby giraffe!zookeepers say the mom... autumn... gave birth tuesday morning without any complications. this is autumn's third calf. now the first one lives at the toronto zoo... the second has moved on... too.the new baby will have a physical exam to find out it's sex... height... and weight. officials at the zoo are offering you a chance to name the new baby... you just have to give a donation... too. the name will be picked later this week. 3 3 3 3 winds are still gusty out
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going to make wind chills pretty low. your forecast is next. 3 3 coming up on siouxland news at sunrise... the zika virus is suspected of causing a lot of birth deffects and brazil is considered ground zero. we'll show you how health authorities are trying to fight the problem. 3 "you're watching siouxland
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there's a lot of snow out there. how much did you get at your house?3 3 3 and while you're there... why not share a selfie. from now until february 5th you can post a selfie with your valentine on our facebook page... or at siouxland news dot com... and you could be a winner.once all the entries are in we'll open up the voting and announce the winner here on siouxland news at sunrise. the winner will get a prize package from sunnybrook floral and greenhouse... granny's stitches with viking... and jodean's steakhouse lounge and buffet. 3 united is bringing back one passenger perk that'll make it easier fofoparents to travel... (hen - nuh) hena daniels is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch.
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quarter earnings today - the tech giant says it will lay off about 15 percent of the workforce - that's about 17 hundred employees - as part of a restructuring plan. yahoo shares have fallen about 35 percent in the last year. /// falling oil prices and continuing concerns over the global economy dragged the markets down tuesday.the dow dropped 295 points.the nasdaq fell 103. ///after 4 years - ununed airlines will once again allow families with young children to board early. the airline decided to reverse its policy to make traveling less stressful for parents. the change will go into effect february 15th letting families with children under the age of two to board the plane before other passengers.///an emerson student in boston came up with a pretty creative way to make some extra cash by renting out his dorm room on air -n-b. 19 year old sophomore jack worth hosted three guests before the school forced him to take the posting down. worth was fined
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is now facing discplinary action by emerson.//that's your cbs moneywatch report. for more log onto cbs moneywatch dot com. in new york, im hena daniels 3 3 the zika virus is suspected of causing a lot of birth deffects and brazil is considered ground zero. c - b - s news chief medical correspondent doctor jon lapook is in brazil where authorities are on a "search d destroy" mission to kill the mosquitoes carrying the virus. 3
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still, she gets mosquito bites about once a week. she's had no obvious symptoms of zika, but 80 percent of the time, those infected don't feel sick. (sot jlp 12:14:31) are you worried for your baby?(narr #5) yes, she told me. prejudice exists and is serious. as a mom, i would give all my love, but i would worry about the outside worldlapook - live tag -- i asked dr. correia about today's report of sexual transmission of zica virus in the us. he said that has not been documented yet in brazil, but that officials are sure to
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the death of 13 - year - old colie lovell. as c - b - s news correspondent don dahler shows us... a fellow virginia tech engineering student... 19 - year - old natalie keepers... is charged with helping eisenhauer commit the crime. 3 (pkg)(presser)(narr) at a press conference, nicole lovell's mother, tammy weeks, tried to describe the daughter she cacaed "co-lee." she couldn't finish.(weeks) colie had a passion for pandas, music, dancing, dreamed of being on american idol.//nicole touched many people throughout her short life (starts to shake, walks away).(gfx in)3 prosecutors have charged 18 ar old david eisenhauer with first degree mumuer. and his fellow rginia tech engineering student, 19 year old natalie keepers, is now charged with helping him commit the crime. commonwealth' s attorney mary pettitte:(gfx out)(presser) a very preliminary cause of death is
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(gfx in) eisenhauer is a former high school track star. according to police documents he first told investigators "i believe the truth can set me free."(gfx out)(pix of natalie, house)thirteen year old lovell..who'd survived a liver transplant... was last seen at her mother's blacksburg, virginia home last wednesday. her family believes she blocked her bedroom door with a dresser and climbed out a window. her body was discovered saturday lying on a road in north carolina. (walking shot, pics of nicole) (narr) lovell'l'father, david, and her step-mother, terri, stayed in touch wiwi the teen through social media. but they were concerned about her activities on some websites, where the family believes she ultimately met her accused killer.(11:03:02 don) were you aware that she was active on these teen flirt sites?// (11:03:06 david) we knew there were some issues at one time with her on theseseites and we addressed them and i guess we didn't do enough. (dahler live tag: the two suspects are being kept in this jail without bond and have not yet entered a plea. scott, lovell's funeral will held
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taylor.3 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned! 3 the super bowl is already a big win for some small businesses who get work with the n - f - l in the bay area. c - b - s news correspondent jamie (you - cuss) yuccas shows us how the n - f - l's business connect program has changed the life of one woman from san francisco.
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storefor 10 years yvonne hines has opened her southern sweets bakery to the san francisco public.sot: yvonnedon't act up for company now-i'm talking to the brownies, come out of the pan!last week, she learned the nfl would give her the biggest order of her life sot: yvonne (no font) i could not fumble this--i.could.not.fumble.this! hundred baked goods through its business connect program for (standup bridge: jamie yuccas/san francisco )the contracts are worth a lot of dough. more than 3 million dollars went to hundreds of san francisco businessesand just because super bowl week has started does not mean other order cannot come in. sot: jason: there are businesses this week still submitting invoices last minute requests even now, so we'll tally all that up once it's over.the economic impact from super bowls is often debated but jason trimiew with the host committee says when local businesses are hired.... it's easy to tally how much they earn. jamie: are you rooting for the panthers or broncos? yvonne: i'm rooting for san francisco. (we high five.)because the added business isn't just a win for yvonne but for her community.
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3 to be eligible for the program... businesses had to register as women... minority... veteran... or l - g - b - t owned. they'll also get to take a course with google to further the benefits of their contracts. 3 the blizzard yesterday made travel pretty much impossiblele in the midwest. but believe it or not... . some airports actually stayed open thanks to the hard work of maintenance crews. one of those was central wisconsin airport near wausau wisconsin. 3 (take pkg) (take sot)"nat of control tower"" (take sot) mark cihlar, interim airport director"we get all this drifting with all this wide open space and we've got to make sure that's cleaned off so the airplanes have sufficent braking action" (take sot)"nat of plane taking off" (take sot)"the main things that we're looking for
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down to bare pavement and our ulitmate goal is to have a surface that's no worse than wet conditions" (take sot)"but then the other challenge that we face that we have no control over is visibility" (take sot)"nat sof radio" (take sot)"as you can see over here, our plows just finished plowing this area and you can hardly tell a difference" (take sot)"in addition to a plow in front of them, they are towing a broom that's sweeping the pavement and behind t t broom are air blowers blowing it." (take sot) "we're able to get out and clear a runway, depending of condition, in as little as 10, 15 minutes we can clear a runway just in time for a plane to land " (take sot) "nats of plane taking off"end pkg3 3 it took about 12 hours longer than state party officials would have
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have confirmed hillary clinton *is* the winner of monday night's caucuses. the former secretary of state ended up with just under 50 percent of the vote... but just *over* 50 percent of available delegates. she came in 2 - tenths of a percent ahead of vermont senator bernie sanders. the third candidate... former maryland governor martin o'malley... ended his campaign after getting the support of just one - half of one percent of caucus - goers. 3 statewide... both ted cruz and hillary clinton won very narrow victories... but what about here in siouxland? our own siouxland news reporter nick (pop - h h) popham shows us those results... as well as a couple o oer interesting tidbits from caucus night monday. 3 final results show that in woodbury and sioux county- democrats felt the bern as vermont senator bernie sanders
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counties.3 former secretary of state hillary clinton found success in plymouth county after getting support from 55 percent of caucus goers.those precincts with slashed black lines indicate that both sanders and clinton were tied. on the gop side-even with the overall lead in iowa-ted cruz did not gain the most supporters in siouxland as donald trump secured both woodbury and plymouth county. the junior senator from xas was able to beat trump in sioux county... getting 33 percent of the vote. surprisingly- mr. trump came in fourth here losing to cruz, florida senator marco rubio and doctor ben carson.another surprising thing last night was that a few delegates for the county convention were given to hillary clinton by a few precincts-many people were questioning the results after some participants had a result-the delegates were ven to clinton after her side won a coin flip. 3 the coin flips in those five
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significantly impact clinton's win in iowa... even though the win was by less than half of one percent. 3 now that the iowa caucus is in the rear - view mirror pundits say *trust* in a candidate played a big part in who got votes. our national correspondent jeff barnd sat down with a political expert who says the issue of trust *will* stay critical in this primary season. 3 sot cruz"god bless the great state of iowa."sot clinton "i stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief."as iowans went in record numbers to choose their candidates pollsters say the issue of trust *clearly* played a major factor.sot hudak"trust i think is an important issue... in that any candidate running for office... people want to feel good about... people want to believe in."roughly half of iowa's voters are self- proclaimed evangelicals... who according to several iowa polls... place trust and values at the top. hudak says that in part helps explain senator ted cruz's victory *and* it *may* indicate why donald trump could have a bumpy ride ahead.sot hudak"so that draws real questions for people like donald trump... who hasn't necessarily lived a christian life... and is something that chritian values voters in the republican party are going to have quite a bit of trouble with."/bridge/"even though mr. trump attracts large crowds to his rallies largely due to his *celebrity status. the gop has a very core religious element to it. and as part of that republican
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democratic side... the e-ml scandal continues to dog secretary clinton's campaign. hudak says that *in part* *could* explain why senator bernie sanders came so close to winning iowa. and hudak beleives looking forward, hillary clinton *must* win the trust of a *major* part of the electorate: the independent voters..sot hudak"the way that this investigation continues to play out.. and the way the clinton campaign will explain it is going to be fundamental for how independents perceive clinton."hudak says hillary clinton *and* donald trump... though *popular* figures... need to *earn* voters trust if they're to win the nomination of their respective parties this washington, i'm
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3 with the super bowl just days away... fans have all sorts of traditions to predict the winner ahead of the montana... they look to ozzy... a 700 - pound grizzly bear... to pick the winner. this year... folks gave ozzy the choice of two banana cakes with peanut butter frosting. ozzy took his time t twalk around and think about it a bit before making his decision.he finally chose the cake with the horse logo on it. yep... he went with the broncos over the panthers this year. he correctly picked a patriots win last year. 3 3 3 3 3 are you ready for some high - tech football? we'll show
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taylor"3 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and agagn on sunday. right now it looks
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year being played in the heart of silicon valley, you know it needs to handle an onslaught of techies. on sunday at levi's stadium in santa clara, california, there will be 72 thousand football fans that want to tweet, facebook, instagram, snapchat, periscope, and peach their hashtag superbowl 50 selfies -- and this stadium will be ready. opened in 2014, levi's stadium is the most high-tech football venue, and for the big game it is wired with 70 miles of wi-fi cabling, with one internet access point to every 100 seats within the bowl. the stadium has 10 times more bandwidth than the nfl mandates at other stadiums. last year's super bowl in arizona saw 6.4 terbytes of data transfered, and this year could easily surpass that. and the tech is not just to help get get fans online - it's to help get them drunk. there's app where fans can order drinks to be delivered to their seats. if you're one of the 110 million expected to watch the game on tv, well you can watch it for free. the game is broadcasted on cbs, cnet's parent company, and if you have an over-the-air digital antenna you can pick it up. but it's also streaming live on the cbs sports website and cbs sports app -- and it's free to stream even if you don't subscribe to cable. of course there are always some people who watch the big game for the commericals. companies are spending as much as $5 million dollars for a 30-second ad. and for the first time amazon will have a super bowl spot. (source: amazon: 01;36;16 - 01;47;07) it's for the amazon echo smart speaker. you'll see alec baldwin and former dolphins quarterback dan marino interatcting with alexa, the voice-activated personal assistant for the
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you read up on our guide to how to get your tv ready and adjust the settings so the display and sound controls are primed for maximum football enojyment. here's one tip: you want to adjust the color with green on your screen to make sure it's not too dull, yellow or too vibrant - because green is the most common color you'll see in the game. the movie or cinema preset mode tends to be best for green than any other picture mode. but if you can't watch the game, you don't have to feel like you're missing out. computers have been working on simulating the outcome. (source ea sports: 02;23;08 - 02;39;04)the madden nfl video game says the carolina panthers will take home the title against the denver broncos 24-20. they take the lead 17-0 atathalftime, and the broncos come back with 20 points but panthers quarterback cam newton dives into the endzone with only one minute left for the game winning touchdown. the makers of the game, electronic arts, have correctly guessed the winners nine times out of the last 12 years, and even got last year's score exactly right.that's it for this tech update, and there's more at from our studios in new york, i'm bridget carey 3 3 who was that guy making faces behind hillary monday night? did you see him? we'll introduce you we'll him? did you see night? hillary monday faces behind guy making who was that 3
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blowing snow.3 3 good morning, (city)... it's (temp) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (sponsor) camera. 3 when hillary clinton faced an audience to claim viviory in iowa... someone making faces behind her back tried to steal the show. who was that guy with stickers all over him? c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos caught up with sticker boy. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- i'm sure hillary clinton wanted the audience to chew over her speech,(hillary clinton, (d) presidential candidate) "and we have to be
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literally.3 (jeanne moos, new york) "what are the different nicknames you've had?(peter clinkscales, "sticker boy") "i've gotten sticker boy, sticker man...idiot, that's a popular one."18-year old peter clinkscales masticated throughout hillary's speech. (hillary clinton, (d) presidential candidate) "an incredible honor to..."the drake university freshman bopped his neck.(hillary clinton, (d) presidential candidate) "we have the opportunity to do now." what looked like a sneeze into his arm was actually a dance move called the dab.(hillary clinton, (d) presidential candidate) "to have a real contest of ideas" the only idea peter had was to mess around after he and a friend managed to seat themselves right behind the candidate. (peter clinkscales, "sticker boy") "moticed a lot of cameras pointed at me so just started goofing around."and viewers couldn't look away. "can we all just agree that #stickerkid is the one to bring our nation together." (hillary clinton, (d) presidential candidate) "we have to be united."peter's not a hillary fan. though he once posed with bernie sanders, he's not passionate about any candidate and instead of bothering to caucus he came here to fool around.(jeanne moos, new york) "making fish faces behind hillary clinton on national tv...i bet he faced the wrath of his parents when he got home around 1 in the morning."(peter
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"my dad was on the computer just laughing at everything that was happening. he was like "you're so stupid.""and when the speech ended, peter danced. mashable tweeted "the mvp of hillary's speech is clearly dancing sticker guy" who joked about selling his leftover hillary stickers for college tuition. the dance gesture he made is the move of the moment...even hillary has attempted it...behind her back, hillary hasn't been had, she's been dabbed.jeanne moos cnn new york.3 3 "weather on the ones brought to you by window world" 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned!
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wearing some... interesting... pants. gayle... nora... and charlie 3 thought the pants were pretty cool. 3 so charlie was challenged by gayle to wear those pants on the show tuesday... and charlie showed up wearing pants that weren't identical to cam's... but they were pretty spectacular... too. 3 3 coming up this morning in your 6 o'clock hour... concussion rates have gone up in the n - f - l by more than 50 percent. we'll show you what the league is doing to tackle the your morning news, weather and sports are all coming's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.keep it right here on siouxland news
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3 presidential candidates are criss - crossing the state of new hampshire ahead of the first in the nation primary next week. after the iowa caucuses it's a three way race now on the republican side... between ted cruz... donald ump... and marco rubio. on the democratic side... hillary clinton is campaigning hard after her razor thin victory over bernie officials in texas are still evaluating the first known case of zika virus transmitted in the united states. tuesday officials showed the person likely got the virus by having sex with an infected person who'd traveled to venezuela. zika virus is thought to be spread by mosquitoes... it's been linked to a rare birth defect in thousands of babies... mostly in south america.and... parts of the south are getting ready for more severe weather just a day after being hit by storms and tornadoes. mississippi and alabama saw a lot of damage tuesday as twisters tore apart homes and other buildings. the same weather system buried parts of the great plains under heavy snow...
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3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning".i am charlie rose. coming up, the entrepreneur whose story inspired the movie, "joy." how one invention changed her life. that is coming up, on cbs this morning.3 3 "this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14" 3 good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise.thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor.3 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of
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is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned! 3 3 3 with a 58 percent increase in concussions between the 20 - 14 and 20 - 15 seasons... the n - f - l is studying how to deal with *more* concussions. as reporter john blackstone shows us... this increase came after the league cracked down on helmet - to - helmet hits. 3 1- after fororr new york giant
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27 doctors were shocked to discover he had a degenerative brain disease unusually advanced in someone so young. his mother barnetta blames football.(barnetta sash) 22:32 they could have all the money back if i could just have my son back. nothing else matters. and you can't compensate anybody enough for that. (nats movie) 3--in the movie, "concussion" will smith plays dr. bennet omalu, the pathologist who first identified the brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy or cte in football players. he battled the football establishment to have it recognized.(dr. bennet omalu) 11:58:17 - nobody is denying cte any longer**** dr. omalu has studied the brains of dozens of deceased nfl players.(dr. bennet omalu)****12:20:05 - jb: how many of the players on the field on super bowl sunday will already be suffering from brain damage? bo: i believe that 90 to 100 percent of professional players will suffer from cte.*******(dr. mitch berger) 8:37:26 i think that's a bit of hyperbole. i can't imagine that being the case.4--dr. mitch berger, is a brain surgeon, and chair of a committee that monitors head injuries for the nfl. over the past decade the league has made dozens of rule changes to reduce the athletic
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sky", watches for injuries from a stadium box and an independent neurological consultant monitors from the sidelines. (dr. mitch berger) 8:29:50 concussions are up //i think because of the vigilance, because of the unaffiliated neuro trauma consultant, because of the spotter in the media box - there were twice as many evaluations or screeningngfrom concussions this year. 5--but dr. omalu believes it takes less than a concussion to damage the brain.(dr. bennet omalu) 12:20:50 - by the time you reach the professional level, you must have received thousands - if not hundreds of thousands - of blows to your head (mimics blow to head) **********(live taga foundation established in dr. omalu's name is looking for ways to diagnose cte in living patients. now the brain damage can only be identified after death. the nfl is developing new equipment including
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3 this morning we're waking up to about a foot of snow in northwest iowa... even more in papats of northeastst nebraska. that means *another* snow day for most students in siouxland... including sioux city public and catholic schools. we've got the latest closings and cancellations at the bottom of your screen... they're also online at siouxland news dot sioux city... all city offices closed at 10 yesterday morning, 3 along with the tyson e ents centnt and all three branches of the public library.the city has also suspended garbage collection and declared a snow emergency.that means you can't park on the streetuntil the streets have been plowed.any car left on the streets will be towed... and the owner will have to pay for it.this blizzard even forced a planned bond vote 3 for iowa lakes community
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next tuesday... febrry 3 3 a lot of us will be cleaning up that snow today... that's what we were doing here at the siouxland news studios yesterday afternoon. we got more than 12 inches of snow here... and the winds blew that around into some drifts that were about three times as tall. snowplows... trucks with blades... even some front - end loaders were out all across siouxland last night... trying to clear out roads... driveways... and sidewalks. 3 and the heavy snow yesterday claimed at least *one* life...a man was killed in a single - vehicle rollover crash in thurston county nebraska yesterday morning. 3 the nebraska state patrol says the crash happened just before 9 - 30 about a mile south of macy on highway 75. 3 the driver was the only person in the s - u - v that crashed. 3 we haven't learned his name yet... until the state patrol notifies his family. investigators are still trying to find out exactly why he crashed. 3 if we're talking about bad weather in northeast nebraska...check out this
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orm chasers. is is from their trip along highway 20 near ponca. the roads were snow - covered... visibility was extremely poor. we also have video from joe (wreck - uh - lie - tis) reklaitis in concord nebraska. you can see the blowing snow... and hear the high wind. because of that... the nebraska department t roads pulled plows off the roads for a while in northeast nebraska. 3 travel advisories are out in all three siouxland states... that's causing all sorts of problems still. our own siouxland news reporter (yet - ska) jetske (wah - ron) wauran shows us how this storm is affecting a lot of people who drive for a living. 3 huge mounds of snow, piled 3 all over the roadscausing treachorous conditions and forcing the south dakota department of transportation, to shut down i-29 toward sioux falls.state officials closed i-29 from tea exit 73 to the
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snow right now it's not safe to be driving."south dakota public safety officials say, the heavy snow and high winds are creating white-out conditions with zero to near zero visibility and making roads in the area impassible. monday's blizzard that hit the midwest, has left drivers in a standstill."it's just something you've got to do." wade evans has driven hundreds of miles from molden, missouri but because of strong winds and white-out.evans stopped at a north sioux city gas station, before his next stop in elkton, south dakota."with what i do, i've got to get feed to the farm so they could keep producing milk."but some other drivers...were left in the ditch. this morning, woodbury county sheriff dave drew, tweeted out this photo, a semi, jacknifed on highway 20 on by the highway 75 bypass. north sioux city volunteer firefighter tyler kruse urges all drivers, to please be careful on the roads."it's definitely bad enough to that you shouldn't be on any roads and so probably just stay home until roads get cleared, but if you do have to go out, make sure you have stuff in your car and an emergency kit if
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3 a celebration at the "y" that was supposed to happen this morning is being postponed.the norm waitt senior y - m - c - a in south sioux city was planning to celebrate its 130th anniversary 3 this morning from 10 to 11 a - m.because of the snowstorm...that event's been pushed back a week to february 10th. the 'y' says everything else about the event will go on as planned... *including* the cake. 3 if you're afraid of spiders... you might want to walk out of the room for a minute. scientists have found a new species of arachnid.but they're calling'em a monster species. they're called crypto - master behemoths. they look
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actually classified separately by biologists. scientists say they're closely related to spider - like arachnids we call "daddy longlegs."biologists searched across quite a few states in the u - s and finally found the crypto - masters in oregon's mountains. even though they look scary... scientists say this species is actually harmless to people. 3 3 3 3 iowa state squandered a big lead against west virginia in a battle of top fifteen college basktball teams. coming up in sports... see if the cyclones could recover and secure their third win over a ranked opponent in 15 days. chris is next in sports. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob heller and meteorologist cat taylor"
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3 "weather on the ones, brought to you by siouxland federal credit union"3 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned! 3 sports with sports director
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siouxland, 3 here's a look at your morning sports.there's no place like home for the cyclones. that's because the hilton coliseum is the place where they've knocked off top five opponents like kansas and okalahoma as well as iowa before they were a top five a win over number 14 west virginia shouldn't be asking too much right!?1) 1st half: isu senior georg niang for 3 and he hits it! early on the cyclone offense was rolling! mountaineers head coach bob huggins not happy. 2) then check out deonte burton. he's gonna through down a huge dunk cyclones get out to a 25-10 lead. and hilton was rocking! thing were looking really good 3) mountaineers answered - gather up the loose ball, devin williams dunks and is fouled. he would make the free throw. west virginia started to get back into this thing.4) then the press takes hold,
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jaysean paige finishes. cyclones led by 4 at the break. they lost that huge lead! 81- 76 the final!hey check this out! iowa senior basketball player jarrod uthoff is on the cover of this week's regional sports illustrated. the magazine hits newsstands later this week. the article inside the magazine focuses on the all-america candidate and the fifth-ranked iowa hawkeyes, who host penn state on wednesday evening. uthoff is the first iowa basketball player since george peeples in 1966, to be on the cover of sports illustrated. and it marks the first time in school history that iowa football and men's basketball were featured on sports illustrated covers in the same season.the south dakota high school basketball polls are out courtesy of the argus leader. elk point jefferson is 5th in girls class "a". dakota valley receives votes in both the boys and girls polls.nebraska preps released their girls basketball ranks late last night. south sioux city moves up from 4 to 2 in class "a". pierce got their first loss so they drop from 1 to 3 in c-1. west point beemer jumps from 6
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remain 1-2. stanton was unranked and is now d-1 emerson hubbard and howells dodge stay at 2 and 4 respectively. and pender drops from 7 to 8. wynot jumps from 8-7 in class's been a whirlwind past 48 hours for a young man who you can make the argument was the top high school football player in siouxland this year. norfolk catholic's david engelhaupt was committed to play football next year at the university of wyoming. but when the huskers come calling like they did yesterday, you've gotta rethink things. this morning he accepted the huskers offer. i caught up with david this afternoon on the phone to talk about the whirlwind for him that *was* the last 48 hours. engelhaupt: "the last 24 hours has been crazy. like for this to be happenind two days before national signing day." chris: "when did you first get the feeling that nebraska was interested?"engelhaupt: "well they asked me to go to camp last year. and i went to that and i felt like i did pretty good there. and we stayed in touch for a bit. nothing real big."chris: "talk about what it means to have a drdrm come true like that your favorite team comes calling to have you
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engelhaupt: "it's awesome. it's an amazing feeling. i'm extremely honored that they would offer me a scholarship to come play for them."chris: "what is their plan for you? what position are they going to have you play and what did mike riley tell you?" engelhaupt: "i'm going to play more of a tight end/h-back type role. it's a hybrid position. i'm pretty excited to play that position. the wide receiver tight end type of position is something i've always wanted to try and do. i'm excited to have an opportunity to do that now. once their spring ball starts i'm hoping i can make some practices and meet some of the guys that are going to be in my class next year. i'm jacked. i'm excited to be a part of it."chris: "what was it like to have to tell the folks at wyoming i'm sorry but this situation just came up and i can't turn it down?" engelhaupt: "it was tough, because i got to know those coaches really well and they were great to me. and they always showed me as a top priority guy and i appreciated that so much. i just thought it was best for me to go to nebraska."chris: "what are you going to do to celebrate? you've got the day off from school i know that." engelhaupt: "me and some buddies are going to probably go to pizza ranch and celebrate."hopefully it's open! that's it for your morning sportscast.join us tonight for sports at 5 and 10.have a
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3 exciting announcements for three of this year's big award shows... and a patriotic salute from lady gaga. suzanne marquez has our *eye on entertainment.* 3 pkg script:(narr-1) ( vo - rock the kasbah red carpet - newspath entertainment, david bowie music video - 3 youtube)lady gaga will kick off super bowl fifty - singing the national anthem.she'll aso pay tribute to the late david bowie at the grammy awards airing live, february 15th on cbs. the producer says it's shaping up to be a six to seven-minute medley of three or four bowie songs./// ((narr-2)) (wipe vo - start with hello nats, beiber and jennifer lawrence on red carpet from "joy" premiere, nick website - tuesday folder, shelton b-roll - tuesday folder)adele, justin beiber and jennifer lawrence are among the nominees for nickelodeon's 2016 kids' choice is undedeay now in 22 categories from best movie to best book. country music singer blake shelton will host the show in march./// ((narr-3)) (wipe vo - red carpet in newspath entertainment - into the woods, late late show - tuesday folder)and actor and comedian james cordon will host this year's tony awards show.cordon is the host of the late late show on cbs and won a tony for best actor for his role in the comedy "one man, two guvnors" in 2012. that's your eye on entertainment. suzanne marquez, cbs news, los
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page... or at siouxland news dot com... and you could be a winner.once all the entries are in we'll open up the voting and announce the winner here on siouxland news at sunrise. the winner will get a prize package from sunnybrook floral and greenhouse... granny's stitches with viking... and jodean's steakhouse lounge and buffet. 3 3 still to come this morning... it's considered one of the greatest sea rescues of all time... we'll show you the efforts to save the crewmen of the *pendleton*... and the men who faced impossible odds to surviveit's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.your weather and morning news are all ahead.
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cat taylor.3 3 a blizzard warning continues for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced v vibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned! 3 sixty years ago bernie webber led a crew of four coast -
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rescue off cape cod massachusetts. they saved 32 people from certain death in a horrendous storm. that tale of heroism hit the big screen this weekend. as mark albert shows us... the movie "the finest hours" captures the triumph and tragedy of one harrowing night... and the courageous men who pulled it off. 3 ctm script: pkg) (nat sot clip nothing to do with luck)3 "wave! gonna work us off that shole. we need to hit it hard. yeah there's no other way. wave!"(track 1) it was a nor'easter so hellacious, it split a five-hundred foot, 10-thousand ton tanker oil tanker in half, and set the crew of the "s-s pendleton" scrambling for their lives. (nat/gouthro 22:54:57)showing mark photos of the tanker split in two"this was the pendleton? this was the pendleton"(track 2)(inside gouthro house-interview 2shot;
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of gouthro in uniform)64 years and a lifetime of memories after that bitter february day, one sound stays with former coast guardsman mel "gus" gouthro... who made it to the ship's bow... miles away from the stern. (sot/gouthro 11:33:16)"i can hear those cargo tanks rumbling to this day- boom boom boom, and i said "oh baby, don't you sink now!!" (track 3) (more shots of bow section)eight crewmen, including the captain, were in the bow.but gouthro's rescue party found no one to save. (sot/gouthro 22:31:58)(mel "gus" gouthro/former coast guardsman)"i climbed up on board, we went up inside, there was a man passed out and dead, he was fully clothed and he had piles of saw dust bags. /// mark: to keep warm? mel: probably to keep warm. i suspect he died of exposure. mark: no one made it out of that section alive? mel: no." (track 4)(black & white pic of webber & gouthro together) gouthro's best friend, bernie webber, battled to get to the other half of the ship - the stern - several nights before... in conditions few could survive.(nat/movie 1:25) ( trailer #1)"he's sending you out to die. pine: in the coast guard, they say you gotta go out, they don't say you gotta come back in." (track 5) (courtesy: disney) the epic tale of that night in 1952 - and what happened on the ferocious seas in blinding conditions - is now a disney movie, starring chris pine as webber... who led a crew of four on a small coast guard lifeboat, known by its call-sign, the 36-500. (nat/movie 1:40)( trailer #1)"please tell me we're taking that boat to a bigger boat."(track 6)(each of these events is represented in the trailers/broll/clips)the massive storm tore out boat's compass... played havoc with the radio... shattered the glass windshield... and
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(nat/movie 00:10)( publicity clip - got about five)"fitzy, the engine died. /// you got about five seconds, boys"(track 6 cont) there was no help, no backup. (show black&white pic of crew of four in cafeteria - from 10/17/15 pkg)3 just four men - none over the age of 24.(nat/movie 03:44) ( publicity clip - just go back)"(pine): you want to turn back around? no. not now. we came too far. we're not giving up on them. not on my watch!"(track 7)(movie clips) incredibly, they managed to find the pendleton's stern - and 33 men desperate to escape the crippled, sinking by one, the sailors climbed a gyrating ladder down to the 36-500 lifeboat.the coasties saved all but one... who fell into the sea and drowned. (sot/gouthro 22:29:48)"and that i know has bothered all four of those guys. that they lost one. /// mark 21:39: bernie was a minister's son? mel: yeah. mark: did he have a little faith from above that night? mel: he, he said that god was on our side."(sot / clip listen up!) "listen up, we'll put the sea behind us. just let it push us along until we end up somewhere." (track 8)(show black&white pic of all the people crammed on the boat at the pier - 10/17/15 pkg)32 survivors crammed onto the 36-foot boat -- built for just 12.still without a compass, webber somehow guided them home.(sot / clip listen up!) "don't you
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a good boat, she'll get us through. we'll get you home, we're all going home." (sot/gouthro 22:18:31)"anyone who will see this film, will look at that boat and say "no, they couldn't do that." they did that. q: i've been on that boat. it's small, it's unbelievable to think all those people made it on there. a: when you want to live, you'll find a way." (nat/12:56:06)(ctm 10-17-15 mark & ryder walk the plank) "q: so this is the famous boat? a: this is the boat." (track 9)(10/17/15 pkg)we visited the restored 36-500 on cape cod this past october. volunteers, like dick ryder, raised a quarter of a million dollars to save the boat... and also preserve the legend. (sot/mark & ryder 13:10:56) (ctm 10-17-15 mark & ryder walk the plank)"q: do you ever think that you're looking out the same windows that those four crewmen were? a: all the time. all the time." (nat/premiere 1:00)( world premiere broll)nat of coast guard band marching (track 10)(january 25/hollywood)with the u-s coast guard band leading the way, the movie's premiere docked monday in hollywood. (show fitzgerald posing for pitcures - world premiere broll @ 5:40)andy fitzgerald, the last of webber's crew still alive, anchored the red carpet... his trademark wit
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cameras.(sot/fitzgerald 00:08) ( world premiere soundbites andy fitzgerald) "yeah, this is very, very exciting - (but) it's not we went in the boat." broll part 2)"ready? and action!"(track 11)(show andy and mel on set walking @ 1:52 on epk broll part 2)during filming, fitzgerald and gouthro visited the massachusetts(?) movie set together... (nat/filming 03:28) ( broll part 2)"(andy) that's chris pine. he's kinda a big star."(track 10 cont) (andy with chris pine on broll part 2 @ 2:15; bana on domestic trailer #1 @ 1:24 & 1:29)...and met the actors... including pine, casey affleck, and eric bana. (nat/knapp)(use nat of actor beau knapp: domestic trailer #1 @ 00:54 & 1:39) (track 11)( domestic trailer #1 @ 00:54 & 1:39)in the movie, gouthro is played by beau knapp.(sot/mel & mark 22:38:23)"we got treated like royalty. // 44:11 q: chris pine called you a "live wire" who likes to joke around. were you the live wire at the station? a: i still am."(track 12)chatting with him this week at his home outside boston, gouthro also had a quick comeback for those who think only hollywood writers could dream up a drama like this. (sot/mark & mel 22:40:08)"this is a movie that is true. /// to make that rescue and to get those men, it was fantastic. it was just, it was just great. q: and to this day, the cg calls it the greatest small boat rescue. a: i believe it is. it is."(track 13)the finest hours whose legacy is now timeless. mark albert, c-
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3 it took about 12 hours longer would have liked...but iowa democrats have confirmed hillary clinton *is* the winner of monday night's caucuses. the former secretary of state ended up with just under 50 percent of the vote... but just *over* 50 percent of available delegates. she came in 2 - tenths of a percent ahead of vermont senator bernie sanders. the third candidate... former maryland governor martin o'malley... ended his campaign after getting the support of just one - half of one percent of caucus - goers. 3 statewide... both ted cruz and hillary clinton won very narrow victories... but what about here in siouxland? our own siouxland news reporter nick (pop - hum) popham shows us those results... as well as a couple other interesting tidbits from caucus night monday. 3 final results show that in woodbury and sioux county-
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vermont senator bernieiesanders won the majority of both counties.former secretary of state hillary clinton found success in plymouth county after getting support from 55 percent of caucus goers.those precincts with slashed black lines indicate that both sanders and clinton were tied. on the gop side-even with the overall lead in iowa-ted cruz did not gain the most supporters in siouxland as donald trump secured both woodbury and plymouth county. the junior senator from texas was able to beat trump in sioux county... getting 33 percent of the vote. surprisingly- mr. trump came in fourth here losing to cruz, florida senator marco rubio and doctor ben carson.another surprising thing last night was that a few delegates for the county convention were given to hillary clinton by a few precincts-many people were questioning the results after some participants had a result-the delegates were
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side won a coin flip.3 3 the coin flips in those five precincts did *not* significantly impact clinton's win in iowa... even though the win was by less than half of one percent. 3 3 each day... thousands of people across the country are faced with a decision... whether or not to donate a loved one's organs. up next in your healalwatch... we'll show you how that decision was repaid with love for one woman from arizona. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob
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for eastern siouxland, while it has expired for the rest of us. a winter weather advisory is in effect for siouxland because of reduced visibility due to blowing snow.skies will clear somewhat today with breezy winds and highs in the low 20s.our next chances for snow come on friday and again on sunday. right now it looks very light.stay tuned!
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3 drugs used to treat anxiety and insomnia are not linked to an increased risk of dementia. that's the finding of the newest research on tranquilizers... like valium and (zan - axe) xanax. a study in the b - m - j found no association with dementia... but it recommends doctors avoid these drugs for senior citizens to prevent other health risks. 3 3 more than three million women in the united states are at risk of drinking while pregnant. the centers for disease control says that's because women are drinking while they're not using birth control... and sometimes even while they're trying to get pregnant. alcohol during even the first weeks of pregnancy can cause long - lasting physical and intellectual disabilities. 3 3 parkinson's patients might be at higher risk for falling and hip fractures for years *before* being diagnosed. researchers in sweden studied more than 24 - thousand patients... they found in the 15 years before diagnosis... parkinson's disease was associated with a 36 - percent higher risk of hip fracture.
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arizona... as a mother was able to hear her son's heartbeat again for the first time in almost three years. her 7 - month - old son... lukas... died suddenly in 2013. as reporter don champion shows us... a few days ago... clark met the little girl whose life was saved by lukas' donated heart. 3 natthe tears flowed instantly between heather clark and esther gonzalez.natthrough their two children, the mothers know too well the tragedy of loss- and the beauty of a second chance.nat "crying thank you"their story started in 2013 when heather's 7-month-old son lukas died suddenly. "he was just so outgoing, he was just a little ham."in her moment of grief, heather made the brave decision to donate lukas' organs.she remembers what she thought.(sot heather clark/donated sons organs) "there is another family out there, somewhere, you know
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what i'm feeling, somewhat, and i have the chance to make them not go through what i'm about to go through."in arizona, it's exactly what 3 ester gonzalez was going through at the time.her 18-month old daughter jordan was fighting for her life because of a congenital heart defect.after countless surgeries and seizures, jordan needed a new heart to survive. and that's exactly what she got; lukas' heart was a match. but, because the donation was made anonymously, the families until this past friday.nat "can i have a kiss on the cheek please."the moms found each other online.their bond was instant.then came a gift. (sot) "heather this is for you."a teddy bear...(sot) "say that's my heartbeat- heartbeat."... that played the beat of lukas' donated heart. then heather got to listen for herself.(nats)heather listening to heartbeat.(sot esther gonzalez/daughter received donated heart) "she would be so selfless to be able to think of another family while she's going through her grief,"two moms brought together by tragedy... (sot) "it's so strong."... but now bound by triumph.don
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3 good morning, (dakota dunes)... it's (22 degrees) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (skywatch) camera. 3 a grizzly bear in montana picked the broncos to win super bowl 50. but does madden agree? here's your c - net tech update. 3 are you ready for some high- tech football? i'm bridget carey. this is your cnet update. when you have the biggest football game of the year being played in the heart of silicon valley, you know it needs to handle an onslaught of techies. on sunday at levi's stadium in santa clara,
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thousand football fans that want to tweet, facebook, instagram, snapchat, periscope, and peach their hashtag superbowl 50 selfies -- and this stadium will be ready. opened in 2014, levi's stadium is the most high-tech football venue, and for the miles of wi-fi cabling, with one internet access point to every 100 seats within the bowl. the stadium has 10 times more bandwidth than the nfl mandates at other stadiums. last year's super bowl in arizona saw 6.4 terbytes of data transfered, and this year could easily surpass that. and the tech is not just to help get get fans online - it's to help get them drunk. there's an app where fans can order drinks to be delivered to their seats. if you're one of the 110 million expected to watch the game on tv, well you can watch it for free. the game is broadcasted on cbs, cnet's parent company, and if you have an over-the-air 3 digital antenna you can pick it up. but it's also streaming live on the cbs sports website and cbs sports app -- and it's free to stream even if you don't subscribe to cable. of course there are always some people who watch the big game for the commericals. companies are spending as much as $5 million dollars for a 30-second ad. and for the first time amazon will have a super bowl spot. (source: amazon: 01;36;16 - 01;47;07) it's for the amazon echo smart speaker. you'll see alec baldwin and former dolphins quarterback dan marino interatcting with alexa, the voice-activated personal assistant for the if you're hosting a super bowl party at your home, i suggest you read up on our guide to how to get your tv ready and adjust the settings so the display and sound controls are primed for maximum football
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want to adjust the color with green on your screen to make sure it's not too dull, yellow or too vibrant - because green is the most common color you'll see in the game. the movie or cinema preset mode tends to be best for green than any other picture mode. but if you can't watch the game, you don't have to feel like you're missing out. computers have been working on simulating the outcome. (source ea sports: 02;23;08 - 02;39;04)the madden nfl video game says the carolina panthers will take home the title against the denver broncos 24-20. they take the lead 17-0 at halftime, and the broncos come back with 20 points but panthers quarterback cam newton dives into the endzone with only one minute left for the game winning touchdown. the makers of the game, electronic arts, have correctly guessed the winners nine times out of the last 12 years, and even got last year's score exactly right.that's it for this tech update, and there's more at
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3 it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. 3 3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 3 3 good morning, this is sgt todd sassmann with your siouxland news traffic to goofficers will be running radar on 6th street and glenn ave.have a safe drive to work and school this morning, for siouxland news, this is sgt todd sassmann 3
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3 presidential candidates are criss - crossing the state of new hampshire ahead of the first in the nation primary next week. after the iowa caucuses it's a three way race now on the republican side... between ted cruz... donald trump... and marco rubio. on the democratic side... hillary clinton is campaigning hard after her razor thin victory over bernie officials in texas are still evaluating the first known case of zika virus transmitted in the united states. tuesday officials showed the person likely got the virus by having sex with an infected person who'd traveled to venezuela. zika virus is thought to be spread by mosquitoes... it's been linked to a rare birth defect in thousands of babies... mostly in south america.and... parts of the south are getting ready for more severe weather just a day after being hit by storms and tornadoes. mississippi and alabama saw a lot of damage tuesday as twisters tore apart homes and other buildings. the same weather system buried parts of the great plains under heavy snow...
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