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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  February 24, 2016 5:00am-7:00am CST

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i'm as high as a kite "this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14" 3 3 3 the governor gets the go - ahead to change the state's medicaid program. we'll tell you how that change will impact more than half - a - million iowans. 3 and major changes are coming to the more than 100 catholic parishes in the diocese of sioux city. 3 a northwest iowa man accused of killing his elderly mother could reach a deal with prosecutors.good morning, and welcome to siouxland news at sunrise!it's 5 o'clock.i'm jacob heller.i'm meteorologist cat taylor.thanks for waking up with us on this xxx morning.3
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for rain/snow mix 3 will move in starting west and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies. we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly warming into by friday and then over 60 for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of a rain/snow mix. 3 3 3 donald trump pulled off a big victory last night in nevada. in the battle for second... the race between ted cruz and marco rubio is still too close to call. now... as c - b - s news correspondent danielle nottingham shows us... presidential candidates are starting to focus on super tuesday.
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last night's nevada caucuses... donald trump continues his winning streak... with an eye on super tuesday states: (sot trump 00:51:32) we have great numbers coming out of texas, amazing numbers coming out of tennessee and georgia and arkansas// it's going to be an amazing two months. we might not even need the two months, to be honest, folks. the billionaire frontrunner garnered much of his support in the state -- from voters who are dissatisfied with the government. (sot voter) the current administration's attitude is just not where i think we need to be. politically correctness is destroying us. the win gives trump the majority of the delegates in the state...bringing him closer to clinching the gop nomination. (sot analyst) i think it really primes him well to head into those march 1st states. i think he is well positioned to sweep across the board. (stand up: danielle nottingham cbs news las vegas, nevada) as trump continues to gain momentum...the rest of the gop field is battling it out to become his alternative. entrance polls show a majority of caucus-goers who favored a candidate with more political experience backed marco rubio over ted cruz. the texas senator addressed supporters shortly after polls closed: (sot cruz) one week from today will be the most important night of this campaign. they'll face trump in their next debate tomorrow night in texas...before voters in 11 states pick their choice for commander in chief. danielle
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3 3 iowa's senior u - s senator says *no* nominee by president obama to replace supreme court justice (ann - ton - in) antonin (scuh - lee - uh) scalia will be considered by the u - s senate this year.chuck grassley... the chairman of the senate judiciary committee... co - signed a letter to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell confirming his committee would *not* hold any confirmation hearings on any president obama nominee to the supreme that letter... grassley and the other 10 republicans on the committee wrote... quote... "we intend to exercise the
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the senate... to ensure the american people are not deprived of the opportunity to engage in a full and robust debate over the type of jurist they wish to decide some of the most critical issues of our time." 3 3 and iowa democrats wasted no time responding to grassley's letter. they call the move "childish obstructionism." iowa democratic party executive director ben (faux - key) foecke released a statement that says... quote... "preemptively denying the president's supreme court nominee a hearing on his or her qualifications, without even waiting for the president to name a nominee, is partisan obstructionism at its worst.grassley and his republican colleagues have decided to close their eyes and cover their ears instead of doing their jobs." 3 and staying in iowa now... after almost six months of political battles over the future of iowa's medicaid program... it looks like the fight is over for now. federal regulators say
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*privatize* the program *can* go ahead.the governor's office announced the centers for medicare and medicaid services have approved the transition to a "managed care" system. iowa will join 39 other states and the district of columbia by letting private insurance providers manage the medicaid program... with state oversight. the original target date for the switch was january 1st... but that was pushed back to march 1st... april 1st now. the governor argues the change will provide more efficient... effective care. but critics are worried it'll lead to deep cuts in services. democrats in the legislature say they'll make sure there's *strict* oversight of the program. 3 back in siouxland... the woodbury county board of supervisors is still working on setting the county's budget for the next fiscal year. 3 a lot of last night's budget talks were about taxes... and how much money should be diverted to the county's emergency reserve fund.
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increase the amount in the reserve to just more than 20 percent of the county's annual budget. plus... now the county will *borrow* 5 and a half million dollars to fund the coming year's capital improvement program. 3 "we accomplished property taxes going down for the second straight year in woodbury county which is a wonderful thing not only for property tax payers and hard working families but also as an economic development 3 tool."the supervisors are expected to finalize the budget at a special hearing on march 15th. 3 the county board *also* wants to restore the woodbury county courthouse before its centennial in 20 - 18. 3 that'll include replacing 90 light globes inside the historic building. right now the board is looking for a company to do the work. because the globes need to be replaced entirely... the new fixtures and the paint used on them will have to meet specific... historic standards. 3 "they have become very brittle most of them have visual cracks in them. and its just
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a light bulb in them without damaging them further." 3 the board also wants to see if they can fix the stained glass windows and terra cotta at the courthouse at the same time. 3 the city council is going ahead with plans to build a new cell tower in morningside.verizon wireless wants to build a tower in the 900 block of south rustin street. people who don't want the tower in their neighborhood gave a petition to the city council last month. one person says the value of up to *80* homes there will be lowered by the tower... but the council decided to move ahead with the project. 3 this morning we've got an update on a story we told you about yesterday. some westside neighbors who say they haven't been able to drive on the dirt road to their homes since the big blizzard. now... as siouxland news reporter jaclyn driscoss shows us... city crews have come to their rescue. 3 natscity crews began working on west 7th street overnight... natspacking dirt
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road passible. residents say this dirt road has been out of commission since the blizzard earlier this month with ruts more than a foot deep. "it's a mess. it's a muddy, rough mess to climb even in four-wheel drive because i have a four- wheel drive. most of the people around have trucks, but it's still kind of hard to climb." for as long as residents can remember, this has been a dirt road and the city has no diffinitive plans to change that."some residents are simply satisfied, they'll live on a dirt road. they're o.k. with that and they make it work. others really do want to have pavement and some sort of hard surface so they don't run into the problems these folks on west 7th ran into which i think the city is timely correcting."sioux city has a total of 67 miles of dirt roads which are a continuous and difficult task to maintain. field services manager ed pickens... tells us it's a constant struggle, but one the city tries to keep up with. pickens also says some people make the mistake of hiring private contractors to put salt on those dirt roads... which the city *won't* do. that's because the salt simply turns the dirt into a wet, muddy mess that's even more difficult to's a clear challenge for the city to maintain, but it also makes simple tasks for some residents next to impossible to complete. nats"cars can't get up here to take me to the hospital. i can't walk down
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3 field services manager ed pickens say the city works with local emergency providers to keep the streets open. he knows people in town... even his own department... would like to see more of the streets paved... but that
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3 a lot of kids dream of becoming astronauts and traveling into space... but it looks like even the final frontier gets boring every now and might think that anyway... if you saw this video posted on twitter by astronaut mark kelly. we see someone in a gorilla suit bursting out of a bag on the international space station and terrorizing a crew explanation is given... just a weird tweet from kelly that says "i thought you said you had things under control up there." 3 3 3 3 temperatures have fluctuated a bit overnight, expect that to continue for the next couple hours before we warm up a bit. 3 3 a recent magazine article says
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to buckingham palace... more than once. but *not* for the queen. coming up... we'll take a look at the fight going on between the royal *canine* family. 3 "you're siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob heller and
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to you by siouxland federal credit union" 3 we will see yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west 3 this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this
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before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then over 60 for saturday.another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of a rain/snow mix. 3
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3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... a local organization held a cooking
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food? 3 soon you might be able to pay for stuff with a selfie... jamie (you - cuss) yuccas is in new york with our c - b - s moneywatch. 3 consumer confidence is down to its lowest level in seven months.and investors are concerned about oil prices. that sent stocks lower on tuesday.the dow sank 188 points the nasdaq dropped 67// southwest airlines may be headed southeast -- to cuba. the company's c-e-o says the carrier could begin flights this year after the us and cuba agreed to resume commerical air traffic last week.currently only charters are flown there. u.s. carriers face a march 2 deadline to submit applications.// sour news for candy lovers.mars is recalling milky ways, snickers and other candy bars in 55 countries because plastic was found in one of its products. the company is concerned it could be a choking hazard.// and mastercard will soon let you buy items with your face! the credit card company is launching selfie and fingerprint technology to allow customers to make online
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on its app in a few months.the company will be able to tell it's a legit selfie, instead of a previously taken photo, by requiring users to blink while shooting the picture. that's your cbs moneywatch report, for more head to cbs money watch dot com, in new york, i'm jamie yuccas.// 3 3 the special edition of town and country magazine... honoring queen elizabeth's 90th birthday... talks about the royal treatment of her corgis. as reporter mark phillips shows us... the dogs live quite the pampered life. 3 (queen looking queeny -- state opening of parliament?) normally -- as far as they can manage it -- what happens in
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country magazine queen's birthday edition)but the special, 90th queen's birthday issue of the high-society, town and country magazine... (royals)... contains the spectacular revelation of a family rift of such vicious in- fighting that a psychologist had to be called in. a rift between... (queen with corgis) ... the queen's corgis... the dog breed she is famously fond of.(sot dr roger mugford)there were a number of fights. mp: between the dogs... rm:...between the let alone between the family 14:29:22 rm: (laughs) between the dogs.(sign of dog on analyst's couch/mugford feeding treats to dogs)pet- psychologist, roger mugford, calmed the corgis down by sorting out the hierarchy. a lot like the way the royals work. and he discovered a possible reason for the doggy- discord. (glum charles and diana)the corgis were at each others throats at the same time as the royal family were at each others throats over diana and prince charles' marriage.(sot)particularly when you're distracted by the affairs of state and other things going on within the family, as they were at that time with princess diana's situatation.(royal corgis in royal situations -- moving or stills)the royal dogs' life does seem a lot like the royal family's life.... pampered... and they eat off good crockery. (sot mugford)the bowls are leftovers from the palace kitchens, i presume. a battered silver dish here and silver dish...rm: and a cracked piece of porcelain there. (queen and corgis -- stills and/or moving)and there's another way the royal corgis are like the royal family.(royal family pic?/queen victoria)the royal line of people are all direct descendants of single person
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queen)and the royal line of corgis are all direct descendants of a single top dog as well. at the palace -- in dogs as in people -- breeding counts. mp cbs news london. 3 3 the murder of a pregnant woman in louisiana might be solved... louisiana might woman in a pregnant the murder of 3 news london.3 3 3 the murder of a pregnant woman in louisiana might be solved... if police could unlock her iphone. after the break... we'll show you how this case stacks up in apple's fight against the f - b - i. 3 a little cooler than this time
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well.3 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 we will see yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then over 60 for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of
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3 the murder of a pregnant woman in louisiana might be solved if police could unlock her iphone. as c - b - s news correspondent jeff pegues shows us... a lot of other similar cases hang in the balance between apple privacy concerns and law enforcement. 3
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smartphones.8:27:34 olsen: this is a very, very slippery slope.ted olson -- apple's attorney -- used to represent the us government before the supreme court. 29:37 pegues: you think that part of the slippery slope here is that ultimately the government could develop a backdoor, with apples help, to listen in, to eavesdrop on phone calls that are happening now?8:29:55 olsen: yesolson knows about terrorism - his wife - barbara - was a passenger on the plane that crashed into the pentagon on 9-11. he believes terror cases can lead to government overreach. //terrorists, want to take away our civil liberties, they want to break down our system, they want us to over react, they want us to say, well, privacy goes out the window. but baton rouge's district attorney - hillar moore says -- britany mills' case is about catching a killer.the question is - to live in a civilized society, ina free society, and you want justice, you have to give up some of your liberties. and this is one that i think is reasonable for you to give up. 3 3
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for you to give up. 3 3 3 at least three people are dead and many more hurt after tornadoes tear through the southeast. still to come... we'll show you where the storms are headed next. you're watching siouxland news
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3 "this is siouxland newst 3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat
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3 we will see yet 3 another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then over 60 another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of a rain/snow mix.3 3 sticking with weather this morning... at least three people are dead and quite a few are missing afr strong storms and tornadoes rip through the gulf states. as c - b - s news correspondent don champion shows us... in some places... homes and entire neighborhoods are barely recognizable now. 3 (pkg)(sot tue0558 :05) nat storm even into the overnight hours, storms showed little mercy on the gulf states.(sot stringer video 1 :33) siren in pensacola, florida a reported tornado tossed around cars and
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neighborhood. kelley williamson admits she barely survived.(sot stringer video 2 kelley williamson/survivor :20) "and uhm, we were okay that's all that matters but it just felt like a big train running through" (-:24) (tue0586) in many areas, daylight will reveal the true extent of the damage. (tue0586 :55) with power knocked out, people used flashlights overnight to sift through debris.(sot wed0003 :11) nat thunder the storms gained strength all day tuesday- with at least 26 tornadoes reported in the south. (tue0608) one of them blew the roof off this gym in praireville, louisiana. (sot tue0608 aaron forsyth/witness :28) "they had about 35 people here, working employees and people just working out and about 8 kids in the daycare- definitely a scary situation" (-:35) (tue0519) not far away in the town of convent- another tornado destroyed this rv park killing at least 2 people. the state's governor fears some people are missing. (sot tue0577 sheriff willy martin louisiana :16) "we really don't have a good way of knowing if we have 1 2 3 people who are unaccounted for we know we have people in hospitals" (-:22) (tue0581 :25) to the north in mississippi witnesses say a tornado ripped a mobile home off its foundation killing the elderly man inside. (tue0291) in new orleans, the stormsms even spawned three waterspouts
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3 catholics in siouxland should get ready for some major changes.these changes will be announced thursday afternoon at diocese of sioux city headquarters. whatever change is coming will affect all 108 parishes... priests... and parishioners in the *24* counties the diocese covers. we'll be at the announcement thursday... and have the latest on our thursday newscasts and online at siouxland news dot com. 3 the akron iowa man charged with murdering his mom in 20 - 14 *could* be taking a plea agreement.a plymouth county judge has ordered a hearing for "plea taking" in the case of jonathan (new - neighbor) neunaber. it'll happen monday afternoon at 1 - 30 in le mars. the bodies of esther (new - neighbor0 neunaber and her husband donald were found in their home out in the country near akron in july 20 - 14.
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died of natural causes... but esther had been killed by blunt force trauma. jonathan (new - neighbor) neunaber was arrested a few days later in wisconsin and charged with his mother's murder. 3 a northeast nebraska man is accused of murdering his wife over the weekend.police in o'neill nebraska have arrested 37 - year - old eduardo quintero on a charge of second degree murder.they say around 9 o'clock saturday night quintero and his wife... 37 - year - old guadalupe quintero were arguing when eduardo stabbed her multiple times before hurting himself.*he* was taken to a hospital in o'neill... then transferred to the nebraska medical center in omaha where he was arrested.he's being held on a 2 million dollar cash bond. 3 students at an elementary school in morningside will get some specialized lessons starting this fall.spalding park elementary school will become sioux city's fifth "specialty school" at the start of the new school year. while
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education... coding... and the arts... spalding park will focus on environmental sciences. 3 "we'll have an outdoor classroom when they've completed this work, they'll have a lot hands on gardening and agriculture components to the work they do outside, they'll have green spaces outside and inside to kind of bring that environmental sciences to life."the trees and fields behind spalding park elementary played a big role in this designation. 3 it's been a little warmer than normal... but this is still a great time of year to take a cruise. if you can't afford it... though... maybe own. 3 that's what they've been doing for almost 20 years at the siouxland center for active generations. this year it's "greek cruise week"... with bunch of different actites like a food tasting contest. our own larry wentz and diana castillo were some of the celebrity judges tasting greek breads... greek desserts...
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3 "its really a good idea because its way to bring in some of the members that maybe don't get a chance to travel or to do some of the different activities that you do during cruise week and get to experience during cruise week. gives them the opportunity to do some of those things."chefs and bakers from 8 different care centers and nursing homes were part of the contest. larry and diana say they were *all winners*... because everything was delicious. 3 iowa's utility regulator is delayiyi a decison on a proposed pipeline frorooil fields in north dakota... *again!*the bakken oil pipeline has been up for argument in the state for almost two years... with environmental *and* property rights groups uniting to oppose it. the proposal would run the pipeline through 17 iowa counties between the south dakota and illinois borders. the iowa utilities board is the last state regulator to make a decision on the project. it's held quite a few hearings... and
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decision at a meeting in early march. 3 3 a new purdue university study says fewer people are getting trapped in the nation's grain bins. only 47 incidents happened in 20 - 15... the lowest level in a decade. seven of those were in iowa. twelve other states reported at least *one* incident. twenty - five people were killed across the country in those 47 incidents... down from 31 in 20 - 14. the study's authors say the number *could* be higher... though... because not every incident was reported. 3 eighteen years ago connor (hen - zee) henze lost the ability to hear when he got sick as a newborn baby. now... as our own siouxland news sports director chris neyenhouse shows us... the senior on elk point jefferson's basketball team says if anyone wants to tell him he *can't* do something... he's just not listening. 3 at 6 foot 6 elk point jejeerson starting center
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player on the basketball court. the team's leading rebounder gives husky fans reasons to cheer. but he can't hear them. because connor has been deaf since he was 3 months old."i was really sick. i had meningitis." "we were told that he would be deaf, there was a great possibility he would be mentally handicapped. couldn't walk, couldn't talk, may not even live." "they found out i had almost died twice while i had that disease and from that point on i was deaf."at the age of three connor met jennie clause, who has served as his interpreter throughout his childhood. "he doesn't need me. (laughs)"but husky head ach cole knippling says *he* sure needs her. he says she does more than just sign the plays in to connor on game days. "as a coach, you're watching so many different things with all the different players. but jennie's just watching connor. so she'll come to me and say you're telling him to do this and he's not doing it. so it's great because she tattles on him all the time and then i get after him."connor remembers the day coach first went after him and recruited him to play basketball when he was in middle school."i felt just inspired and elated. it didn't mean that i was on it. i had to work my butt off to be on varsity." "it's kind of a crime. if he wasn't deaf, every naia school in our area would be drooling over him. he's the biggest athlete i've ever had here."and in a sport where trash talk is king, connor is unfazed."if they say mean things i ignore them, actually i can't hear them." "my favorite story is when he was a 7th grader, we were doing an in-practice scrimmage. and he used to wear a coclear implant so he could wear some things. and he was shooting a free throw to win the scrimmage. and they were all getting loud and he just unplugged it, looked at him
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it, plugged it back in and went, 'what?'"what's next for connor is college. he'll be going to gallaudet university in washington d.c. it's the only higher education institution where all programs and services are specifically designed to accomodate deaf and hard of hearing students. "it's the complete opposite of what he's used to. because there you need an interpreter if you're hearing.""i want to be in an education career. with a major in education with a minor in sports field management. and i'd like to play basketball for them for the next four years.""i think he's going to play there. i think he's gonna do great." "it's been exciting just to watch him grow up and be so successful."chris: "are you going to miss him?" "yes, very much so."wherever he goes, connor will always have a cheering section right here in siouxland, whether he can hear them or elk point,
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3 cat... could you imagine being stranded sixty - five floors up? two window washers in midtown new york had to wait for someone to
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them.crews were trying to save the two window washers yesterday afternoon. their scaffolding stalled as they were working outside the sixty - fifth floor at 17 - 17 broadway. firefighters say the scaffolding *was* stable... but mechanics couldn't get it moving again.instead... firefighters had to take out a pane of glass to bring the workers inside the building. . neither of them were hurt... and they didn't have to wait too long. rescuers got them inside the building in just over an hour. 3 3 3 3 how's your new year's resolution going? still working out? if it's started to *fizzle* out... we can help... next in "talk of the town." 3 "you're watching siouxland
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heller and meteorologist 3 cat taylor" 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 we will see yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly warming into the upper 40s by friday and then over 60 for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the another chance of a rain/snow mix.
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3 the norm waitt senioy - m - - a wants to help you help yoself by keeping your neos year's resolution to stay healthy. chris deroin is here to talk about it on "talk of the town" this morning.good morning! 3 jake and a guest or group of guests discuss upcoming
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3 thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment...or want to find out any more can find everything on our web site...that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... 3 3 a british gynecologist made the delivery of a lifetime. we'll take a look at his first *gorilla* c - section. it's (time) this morning. thanks for watching siouxland news at sunrise.
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3 good morning, (onawa)... it's (28) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (skywatch) camera. 3 what's it like for a doctor who normally deliver baby humans t tdelilir a baby gorilla instead? c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos has a story that'll make you say 'awwwwww!' 3 --reporter pkg-as follows--it was a c-section that had even the main doctor going ape in that low key british way.... (dr. david cahill) "the most unusual and special and exciting delivery i've ever done." 's a girl...gorilil. the staff at bristol zoo knew the mother wasn't feeling right and then the fetus grew unresponsive. that's when zoo
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dr. david cahill who's delivered lots of human babies. (dr. david cahill) "over a thousand. i don't keep count." (jeanne moos) "uh huh and how about gorillas?"(dr. david cahill) ahhh one ha ha they decided to do an emergegey caesarian.(dr. d did cahill) "this was just like any other mother but she had very thick skin and felt very different to the touch."things got tense when the two pound 10 ounce newborn came out not breathing. bristol zoo's vet did cpr blowing air into her lungs as someone else did chest compressions. it worked. there have been other rare rilla c-sections, for instance, two years ago in san diego...a four-point-six-pound baby famous for her blue knit far the as yet unnamed bristol zoo infant is being hand raised by staff. she's brought within sight and smell of her mom, but the mother hasn't shown any interest in taking care of her. as for the doctor turned gorilla deliverer....we wondered what did he tell his wife?(dr. david cahill) "whahadid i tell
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day's wo all in a day's work s the comment." the patient is doing very well. while the doctor is getting teased by colleagues for the hairy special delivery.(nats)ok famous person have your dinner. thank you, darling.bon appetit! jeanne moos, cnn, new york. 3 3 "weather on the ones brought to world" 3 we will see yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.we will dry out after that for a few days with temperatures quickly wararng into the upper 40s by friday and then over 60 for saturday. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance of
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3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise watercooler...monday night president frank underwood... yeah... kevin spacey's character from the netflix show house of cards... was showing off his official portrait at the nationon portrait gallery. the cast ofofhouse of cards walked the red carpet... too. the thing about house of cards it's the one thing d - c can agree on. for democrats... republicans... and independents... the
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be the one thing that gets everybody to sit down... shut up... and laugh. 3 3 president obama was showing off his proposal to close the detention center at guantanamo bay in cuba. coming up in your 6 o'clock hour... we'll show you doesn't like that plan... and your morning news, weather and sports are all coming's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.keep it right
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3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 33 3 3 here's a look at your news to go ... 3 3 presidential candidates are focusing on super tuesday states now... after last night's republican caucus in nevada. c - b - s news is projecting donald trump with a *big* victory in the silver state... mainly bececse of voters angry about the government. marco rubio and ted cruz battled over second place... trying to become the alternative to the republican frontrunner.a severe storm system that set down deadly tornadoes in the deep south is
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of convent louisiana was hit especially hard... as a possible twister tore through a trailer park. reported tornadoes caused sere damage in mississippi... too.o. where several homes in onene county were leveled.and... the centers for disease control is investigating morehan a dozen new cases of zika virus... possibly spread through sex. the cases involve men who visited areas affected by the outbreak and may have infected their female partners. health officials say the virus stays in the blood for about a week.... but can stay in semen for r *much* l lger. 3 and be sure to check out at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this morning".i'm norah o'donnell. coming up, the "alexander hamilton." how his book helped inspire one of the most popular shows on broadway. that's coming up, on cbs this morning.3 3 "this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14"
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welcome to siouxland news at sunrise.thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller.and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. good morning everyone. welcome to siouxland news at sunrise. thanks for waking up with us. >> i am not used to having frost on my car. i had to scrape off my windshield. >> we will see winter until we can get to saturday where we can see a little bit of spring. you can see things are quiet and calm out of bed this morning. but if you look atatour satellite , this is srting to break up a little bit areas covered by clouds are going to be warmer. temperatures closer to 30 in areas of cloud cover and if you don't have cloud cover, you are
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mostly cloudy skies, 410. we are going to see some winter was some rain switching over to snow through the afternoon and evening. obama is talking about his proposal to close the detention center at guantatamo bay in cucu. the plan would fulfifi a campaign promise he made back in 2008, but he is getting stiff opposition from some in congress. mark albert is at the white house. tran31--tran30 >>because terrorists se this as propaganda and their efforts to recruit. moreover, keeping this facility open is contrary to our values. >>reporter: there are 91 detainees left a guantanamo with one very clear for transfer to other countries.
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including the 9/11 mastermind. will cost as much as for hundred $75 million to move them and renovate or build a new facility, but it will save 85 million a year in operating costs. >> we can ensure our security, uphold our highest values around the world and save up-i for save taxpayers a lot of money in the process. >>reporter: the administration has identified 13 locations in the us, including south carolina, kansas, a colorado . the lawmakers have oppose the move. >> what he is doing is in direct contradiction with the american people. >> it would be illegal to transfer terrorists into the united states. >>reporter: the white house is encouraging the white house to act before obama leaves office.
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failed to include details required by law like the exact cost and location of an alternative facility because congress will not change the lock to allow terrorist detains on soil. the white house has stopped it from doing a detailed analysis necessary to give congress more specific information. a senior us sen. said fellow nominee by pres. obama to replace the supreme court justice scalia ill be consider thiyear. the senate judiciary committee had signed a letter was much mcconnell confirming the committee would not hold any confirmation hearings on any presidential nominee to the supreme court. in that letter, the committee leaders wrote we intend to exercise the constitutional wer granted to the senate to assure the american people are not deprived of the opportunity
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debate over the type of jurors they wish to decide some of the most critical issues of our time. and democrats wasted no time responding. they called the move, childish obstruction. the party director released a statements said preemptively denying the supreme court hearing on his or her qualifications without waiting for obama to name a nominee is partisan obstructionism at its worst. colleagues have decided to close their eyes and cover their ears us to enjoy their job. in iowa after six months of political battles over the future of iowa's medicaid program, the fight is over for now. regulators say the plan to privatize the program can go ahead. the gov.'s office analysis center for medicare and medicaid services have improved
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caca stem. iowa w wl join 39 states of the district of columbia by letting private insurance providers manage the program was state oversight. the original target date for the switchover was january 1 and has been pushed back to april 1 now. the exchange will provide more efficient and effective care. the e itics are worried it will lead to deep cuts in services. democrats say they will make sure this has strict oversight of the program. a woodberry county board of supervisors is working on setting a budget for the next fiscal year. last night's budget talks were about taxes and how much money should be diverted to the emergency reserve fund. supervisors decided to increase the amount to 20% of the annual
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borrow 5 1/2 million dollars to fund the coming years capital improvement program. >> the property. dad was going down for the second straight year, a woodberry county, which is not only a wonderful thing, but as an economic development tool. >> they are set to have a special hearing march 15. they want to restore a woodberry county board house before 2018, including replacing 90 light gloves inside the building. the board is looking for somebody to do the work because the gloves need to be replaced entirely, the new fixtures in the paint used have to meet specific historic standards. >> they have become brittle. most have cracks in the imperatives is difficult even to change a lightbulb in them without damaging them.
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if they can fix these stained- glass windows, m.d., terra- cotta at the courthouse at the same time. some of the sioux city city councils going ahead with plans to build a new cell tower. verizon wireless plans to build a tower 900 block of s. western st. people that don't want the tower gave a petition to the city council last month. one person said the value of 80 homes will be lowered by the tower. the council decided to move ahead and get permission for the project. tax season is in full swing. millions of americans are filling out paperwork hoping for a return i not a balance toto what's the likelihood of getting audited? we take a look at who might get one of those dreaded audit notices. >>reporter: twos the season for taxes and for some, fear of a
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>> the irs is a gestapo that's not the case. >> your odds of getting audited are pretty low. >>reporter:, according to the latest data those odds are less than 1% for middle income filers pay they go up with income level, unless a person reports have been no income at all. audits are not as arduous as you think. >> what you see on the movivi is the irs agent knockingn your door but a lot of times you just get a letter from the irs. >>reporter: here. somethg to keep in mind, just because they send you an audit letter doesn't mean you owe more money. and if you get audited comes down to your actions, not just your income. like taking excessive deductions, failing to report all taxable income or taking an early payoff from retirement account are all red flags for
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prepare is good record-keeping. some of the time to do tax planning and think about your tax returns is not in march, but in the 12 months preceding march. some people are asking where did the love go? down the street to a temporary new home. in philadelphia, the landmark was moved. loaded onto a forklift. the world famous love sculpture was taken from its home at jfk plaza across jfk boulevard to a new hoho outside city hall. >>the spot was chosen because of how close it was to love park. when renovations. i love park are down, the sculpture won't be hard to find. so get some improvements that will make it look brand-new.
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sculpture to be ming around. real results. a look at the machine keeping
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, why don't we check in with loose right now? >> you there? >> good morning, guys. how is it going? >> waitingor this now, waiting for this now. . it's not going to be much. hopefully it doesn't work that well paid >> i'm waiting for saturday. >> why? >> 62. >> we just had that. >> yesterdayay 58. we will see if it keeps going as it gets closer to saturday. >> the backyard is one big mud pie. seven guineas to warm up, more so dries out.>> good point.
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that was kind of cool. >> it reminded me of something google would do. >> really? what is this? >> so a guy in a gorilla suit on the iss terrorizing people. >> the russians. >> that's awesome. >> they are breakable things inside of their. all of those wires come. i think they are important. >> i think this is something google would do in a baby seat. >> that would be awesome. >>this is posted by astronaut mark kelly on twitter. there is no explanation for what this was. he just tweeted, i thought you said you had things under control up there. >> that could be a space gorilla.
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>> it could be a serious situation. >> planet of the apes happen that way. i'i'a little concerned. i'm conceceed with the fact that he keeps trying to wreck things inside the space station. >> it's probably fine. >> that's our tax money hard at work. >> we were wondering how they got a gorilla suit upuphere. >> i am sure there are weight limits and things you can pack so lover brought that up, had to leave behind three and --three offi just to pack that. now they're going to have to wear it like every tuesday >> we are assuming that the suit. >>looks realistic.
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we were talking about some window washers in new york that were trapped for like an hour. no one was up there wearing a gorilla suits. >>we were talking about how much this is like a no thank you situation. 65 floors up for an hour. they are used to hide spots. i think that they are used to the heights but it. they said it was stable, but the firefighters had to go take out a pane of glass. >> notice how the wind is blowing that thing. >> and it would be really called. >> that would not be pleasant at all.
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later this morning. >> we will be doing it again. thanks guys. like we were just talking about with moose, we have some winter, that is going to happen today. and spring by saturday and winter again. where on a roller coaster this week. things are looking calm. satellite and radar showing clouds over the eastern half of siouxlxld. it's messing with our temperatures, a little bit. if you have clouds over your area or your closer to 30. we're pretty much splitting the difference but we have higher wind speeds that could really break up the clouds a little bit but we have more clouds
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will slii to the south throughout the day today that will create some showers in the afternoon. it will start out as rain and switch over to snow and by tomorrow morning. it's out of the way. it will be pretty cold tomorrow, but by the end of the day we should see some sunshine . thanks to these high pressure systems. by friday we have a big warm-up this making its way to siouxland friday and saturday. if you're heading out to the bus stop, pretty chilly. mostly cloudy for the rest of the day and rain showers of snow showers this afternoon and light snow showers, not everyone will see them. when starting to get breezy and then tomorrow partly cloudy and a bit cooler.
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feel much colder than it is. when we head into friday and saturday, looking at sunny skies , 62 for saturday. each year 610,000 people die of heart disease and heart disease. this one out of every--and people waiting for a heart transplant. then tracy y ows us that one day a fake heart could be forever inside your chest. >>reporter: would not think there was anything wrong with lance. until you notice the backpack and the unusual l unds. are you aware of that sound at
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>> it is why it's nice to me. people tell me about it, i hear it. >>reporter: it is the sound of his heart beating. well, not his heart. the one he was born with had to be removed when he had heart failure at age of 47. he now has a total artificial heart beating inside his body. do you feel less humid nine you're carrying around machine that is pumping a hard inside your body? some again the beginning you do. >>reporter: this is what it looks like. artificial ventricles are implanted in the chest. they are attached to a set of tubes connected to an external battery carried around in the backpack. it pumps 130 burst of air a minute, replicating a rapid heartbeat. that noises i was there.>>you
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off. you have kids, you want them to grow up and finish school. >> he is one of 12 people worldwide who has ever receiv an artificial contracts. dr. francisco garabedian is a senior surgeon at the mount sinai hospital in los angeles. a lack of donor hearts is huge. for thousand people made the waiting list. last year and 2500 received a transplant. >> there is a higher demand than supply. >>reporter: lance has been waiting for almost 2 years. >> i am hoping this is my year. patiences a virtue. >>reporter: companies are
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artificial heart for widespread use, something that the last for decades and make donor hearts, unnecessary sunday. our hearts pump 2000 gallons of blood every day in service 60,000 miles of blood vessels. >> how much of a game chchger would it be to have a artificial heart that was permanent? >> he is completely internal. that would be the true thing to me. >>reporter: lance will hopefully get a donor heart scene. they want the slide off his back. >> was the first thing you want to do what he no longer has at is a backpack and says should him? >> i want him to be able to go to the gym. >> does that mean a lot to him?
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something else on his mind. >> i want to mmt the families of the person who donated the heart grade to thank them andd let them see you are you know what they had done fofome and my family. being nominated for an oscar has its perks.
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3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 we will see yet another rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing mark. highs this afternoon will get to the 40s before north winds help cool things off.highs tomorrow will top out in the mid to upper 30s with breezy winds and partly cloudy skies.out after that , it is clear and calm this morning. you can see that outside our studios, but there is not much going on. radar is clear was nonoing going on but that will change as we head into the afternoon. here's why. you will see the formation of showers across the area. systems that into our south and overnight, switching over to some snow showers. not everyone will see them but some of you will get a trace to an inch of snow. so if you look at our extendede fofocast, things will gegea little bit crazy looking at the winter weather tonight.
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and sunday, getting up to 62 and another shot of winter. once again, with a cold front coming through bringing a rain and snow mix. being nominated for an oscar has its perks and an improbable olympic carrier gets the-i think >>reporter: hugh jackman is in new york for the new screening of his movie, eddie the eagle. a true olympian who captured the world's imagination at the 1988. calgary olympics. jackman plays eddie's coach. >> despite everything going crazy, he was having fun. >>reporter: also in attendance, eddie himself. >> i am hoping this will
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have an ambition, to go for a. >>reporter:, eddie the eagle has into theaters friday. and nominees don't have to go home empty-handed. all this week star zach invited to attend these gifting suites. ey will get a large bag of gifts filled with great things like a hoverboards, beauty accessories, cocktails, gadgets. you name it. they could check out jury that they can wear on the red carpet and sted up attending the oscars, some will spend the evening at a fundraiser in flint, michigan for the water crisis. this is your payment. --
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cooking contest yesterday. we asked what your favorite food was a pizza was the top answer. >> i love my dad's chicken n fried steak. >> a good cheeseburger. mi-pretty much all food. >> go ahead in way in. is still to come and a security flaw has been found that affects hundreds of wireless mice and keyboards. we will see how those devices,
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improvement. good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 we will see yet . good morning. siouxland thanks for waking up
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i am jacocoheller is pretty chilly and it will stay that way throughout the day today compared to what we saw yesterday. everything is nice and quiet out there. take a look at our satellite and radar you can see there are half of us and cloud cover and half of us whohodon't't have cloud cover. temperatures have been fluctuating a little bit. but it's going to continue for another hour. 27 x 7 a.m. and lunchtime--it will be 270 by 7 am and lunchchme, 400. after 3 pm some areas will have snow, switching over. to make a security flaw has
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thousands of wireless mice and keyboards that use just the downloads for their computers. we are going to hear about mouse jack of vulnerability they don't let a hacker control your c cputer by going through reless mouse. >> a popular way to control a wireless mouse or keyboard is through a usb. it can also make you vulnerable to hackers. it's called mouse jacking. >> if you have a wireless mouse. i can send whatever commands i want to. >> a hacker needs $15 antenna and 200 m of a vulnerable device. and a demonstration bastille took over our computer and was able to control and type commands. the mouse jack plot does not affect bluetooth connections that show the simple pick
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saying the vulnerability with a complex to replicate and would require physical proximity to the target. it's a difficult and unlikely path of attack. and logitech released a software update for wireless keyboard and mice. >> in the case of microsoft, amazon, dell, hp. users may have purchased the devices. >> the fall was discovered last november and affected companies were notified. -i for the flaw was discovered last november and affected companies were notified. changes are going to be announced next thursday afternoon at sioux city headquarters. changes will that priests, parishioners and diocese and all counties.
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and live here. a man charged with murdering his mom and 2014 will be taking a plea agreement. a hearing has been ordered for 1:30 pm and lamaar. bodies of the couple were found d in july 2014. esther was killed by blunt force trauma. jonathan was arrested a few days later and was charged with his mother's murder. stu mackay nebraska man is accused of murdering his wife of the weekend. police ininl nebraska arrested eduardo quintero on the charge e of second-degree mururr. quininro and his wife were arguing when he stabbed her quite a few times before hurting himself.
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transferred to the nebraska medical center in omaha, where he was arrested. he's being held on a $2 million cash bond. students at elementary school in morningside are going to get some specialized d ssons the spot that they will become the fifth, the specialty school at the start of the school year. other schools focus on stem education, coding, and the arts. this school focus on environmental sciences. >> we will have an outdoor classroom. hands-on gardening and agricultural components. there will be a great spaces outside and inside that will bring the environmental sciences to life. >> the trees and fields behind spalding park elementary played a big role of those designation. some it has been warmer than normal but it is still a great time to take a cruise. but if you can't afford it, you can create your own.
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they have been doing for years that the siouxland center for active generations. this week they will have food tasting contest. i now the celebrity judges were tasting great breads, desserts and appetizers. >> it's a good idea because it's a way to bring in some member, seductive a chance to travel or two so different activities that you get to do our experience during cruise week. >> chefs and bakers from a different care centers in nursing homes are part of the contest. they were all winners and everything was delicious. when it comes to the transgendered bathroom buildld both sides of the issues are trying tprotect children. house bill 1008 is going to be
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reporter brady mallory has more. >>reporter: the steps of the capitol building held up 30 voices. they are crying out for support fofotransgendered students. >> it affects me because i'm a transgendered student i get made fun of enough. >>reporter: advocates for equality ever hear from all over the state. they are glad the governor wants to hear them out. >> anytime you are talking, the doors open for change. >> we heard from some lawmakers that they had not nine we ad at transgendered individual, is a good day for them to come out and do that? >> i have spoken with the representative. >> i explained myself and said the bill was not intended to hurt or harm. >>reporter: deutsch said he
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protects children. >> i am protecting their hearts, their eyes and their mimi. i don't want our children to be exposed to the anatomy of other genders. >> it is an unfriendly message credits hostile. it's unacceptable in a state where we are trying to progress forward. >>reporter: hock calls 1008 unconstitutitial. i wiwi result in a lot of lawsuits. >> schools are struggling financially, this is the last thing they need.>>i explained there are possibilities that we could get seated is a stay. this is a value issue and if we protect our children and get seated, that's the decision we make. >>reporter: the hospital is one step away from becoming law. lg bt advocates hope their support for transgendered students is hard. >> keep going.
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he absolutely matter. any step you make is a step in the community. some of the latest health emergency has researchers in the us working overtime. going inside one of the labs leading the fight to create a zika virus vaccine. good morning. it's 260 outside and humidity
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miles an hour. 3 weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 we will see yet another chance for rain/snow mix will move in starting west this afternoon and evening as rain showers and switching to snow as we get close to the freezing good morning, we have a ol look at our stunning man this morning. we have some cloud cover across the area. it is splitting siouxland in half. cloudy skies on the eastern half and clear skies on the western half. we have more behind it. it's going to impact us later today. we're seeing areas for clouds are closer to 300 this morning. in some areas that are clearer closer t20. breezy winds in the northeast coer is breaking out the cloud cover this morning but we have clouds that are going to
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creating some rain showers. they are going to switch to snow showers and overnight tonight, snow showers and they will clear out by tomorrow morning. we are looking at a cold day tomorrow. compared to what we have been seeing. the good news is that we head into friday we will see a warm front trying to move through bringing warmer temperatures on friday and saturday. so if you're heading ououto the bus stop this morning, 26, a little bit chilly. bundle up. clear skies we can over to rain and then snow showers. tonight will be all snow. not everyone will see it. it will be breezy at 15 to 25 miles an hour. tomorrow, partly cloudy and cooler.
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than that. and if you look at our forecast, the good news is we have sunny skies for friday and saturday and above 60 for saturday. although the bad news this winter comes rushing back with a cold front on sunday. migrgrne and tension n headaches could share genetic links with irritable bowel sysyrome. according to a new study presented by the american study of neurology. half of the patients with migraines and tension headaches had ibs. researchers say patients with ibs and headaches have at least one gene that differs from healthy people. chldren with asthmaere sentome after a hospal visit with prescription medication make fewer visits back to the emergency room. boston university created a program that make sure asthma
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hospital rooms. after 46% of pediatric patients were unable to get their prescriptions filleded in a timely manner. students who do o tter in those acvities is better than us-- this is equal to for months of money. 100 confirmed cases of travel related zika virus in the us right now. gavin edwards is spearheading the research to find a vaccine. scientists have been studying the virus for decades. >>reporter: white powder is the zika virus. dr. robert cash at the university of texas medical branch has known about it since the 1960s.
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they were a lot of cases and no one was interested ih it. but times have changed and you realize how much we don't know. >>reporter: it may be linked to a condition with abnormally small heads of babies due to sunken brain growth. we're still at ground zero in the fight against zika. dr. shannon roski recently traveled and saw the devastating firsthand the effects of the virus. the university of texas. a solitude want the world's largest collection of viruses. 7000 samples are stored at the facility. eventually a vaine will develod.
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we are closer to a vaccine. >>reporter: there could be a vaccine by the end of 2017. >> there is a lab at ames,
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possible vaccine for the good morning, (ponca state park)... it's (28) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (hard rock hotel and casino) camera. good morning. it's 280 outside. we are getting a live look. 5g mobile data networks are being tested out. don't get out of yoururcurrentnt
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2016 is officially th year . htc has announced a release date of a virtual reality headset uses a front facing camera. it will go for $100 and preorders will start on february 29. that price is $200 more than an oculist that has put back preorders to july. if you want to use the oculist, you will need a heftycomputer to run them. it's going to cost you $1000. there are plenty-i finished 20th news coming out. bill gates is disappointed with apple over unlocking one of the san n bernardino ter.
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he told blooooerg that because the state. the view on things but with the right safeguards in place, there are places that the government should be able to access private information. on the current topic of the fbi versus apple, he will let the courts decide. hot off the heels of the company's announcement, samsung has opened up a flagship store e new york city called samsung 837. that number is the street address right is located but it's a cool set up showcasing new products like the galaxy s7 and edge and there are other exhibits like a virtual reality tunnel and art gallery. there is plenty to see and do their except you can't actually buy anything. that's right. this isn't a store. it's a place to see and play around with samsung stuff. finally, believe it or not, the next great leap in mobile
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bryce it in-rapid rise and invited us to look attheir nene technololo. it's 377 times faster than what we are used to write now with 4g. don't think about ditching your current phone had because 5g will not be a reality until 2020. that's it for this tech news update. for everything else, head over to cnet and follow me on twitter. things are calm and quiet this morning as the sun starts to rise. our hard rock hotel casino camera, you can see that things are pretty clear this morning. the radar looking nice and clear as we had throughout the day we will see clouds rush in and that will bring some rain
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to snow showers. people that you get snow, that will be out of the way by tomorrow morning but if you look at our forecast. we will see winter, spring and winter again. so here is our winter tonight we're looking at a cold day morrow, 36 and breezez it will make it feel colder than it is. but friday and saturday, beautiful sunny skies. 62 for saturday so enjoy saturday while at last, because winter will come rushing back on sunday with a cold front and
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for siouxland. it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.
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3 here's a look 6:57 am. a downtown look at sioux city. here's a look at your weather to go. 270 and clouds coming back at lunchtime and rain and snow showers in the area by 5 pm with 370. here's a look at your news to go. candidates are focusing on super tuesday now. after last night's republican caucus in nevada, cbs news is projecting donald trump is the big winner because voters are angry about the government. a severe storm system is moving east. louisiana was hit especially hard. tornadoes cause severe damage
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the one county were level. the center for disease control's investigating dozens of cases of the zika virus spread through sexex the cases involving a man have into the areas affected by the outbreak and they may have affected their female partners. the virus can stay in the blood for a week, but they can stay in semen for a lot longer. let's talk about whether one more time. it's going to be dreary and called. that will be dreary and very cold. that day today will switch over to snow showers tonight. it will feel much colder but there is some good news by saturday. 600. ; looks pretty nice and get ready for winter again on sunday.
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have a aonderful wednesday. captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is wednesday, february 24th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." deadly torordoes tear through thesouth. powerful winds toss rvs through the air. tens of millions could still be in danger. donald trump wins the nevada caucuses in a landslide. marco rubio surges to second. he'll be with us. is your phone secretly recording you, how some apps steal your personal information and your money. we begininhis morning with a look at today's s ye opener." your world in 90 seconds. > look up. it's going to cross right in front of us. >> oh, my god. >> wind picked up and sounded basically. deadly storms sweep through


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