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tv   Siouxland News At Sunrise  CBS  February 26, 2016 5:00am-7:00am CST

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with us on this xxx morning. 3 starting today, we will 3 dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to weekend with another chance for some the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up an eye on tuesday when we could see a system bring 3 3
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candidates focus back on their campaigns today after a debate last night in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking donald trump on the issues... while ben carson and john (case - ick) kasich didn't really stand out. c - b - s news correspondent omar villafranca is in houston texas. 3 (pkg)-nats-republican presidential frontrunner, donald trump, was the target of most of the punches in last night's debate...many coming from marco rubio. this fiery exchange on healthcare was one of the most tweeted moments of the night:(sot trump) the biggest thing we gototnd the ason we have no competition isecause we have lineses around the state.(sot rubio) so that's the plan? just the line the fact that we have intersta competition?(sot trump) the nice part of the plan is that you'll have many different plans(sot rubio) tacks between trump and ted cr got personal.(sot trump) i'm having a lot of fun up relax(sot trump) i'm relaxed. you're the basket casetrump also took hits from people off candidate said he hasn't released his tax returns but former presidential candidate mitt romney questioned the response via twitter. (sot trump spin room) he just wants to remain relevant. he's going to support marco rubio(standup: houston, tx) as the top three contenders went head to candidates, ben carson and john kasich, struggled to gain the spotlight.-nat/sot-can someone attack me pleasethe former neurosurgeon criticized the tone of the night:(sot carson) i think there was no attempt to be equitable with ...while the ohio governor appeared more optistic:(sot ) i think i penetrated and around the country that i'm
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600 delegates are up for grabs in next week's super tuesday contests.omar villafranca cbs news houston, texas.3 3 on the democratic side... hillary clinton and bernie sanders are making last minute pleas to mority voters ahead
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carolina. 3 there's a major change coming for hundreds of catholic churches in northwest iowa. church leaders say starting next year... they're re - organizing the diocese because there are fewer priests.right now there are 108 parishes in the sioux city diocese. with the new propos... that'll be cut down to 67. this meansns about 40 parishes will move to oratory y atus... they'll stay open... but won'nt hold sunday mass anymore... they'd only be used for funerals... weddings... and prayer. the plan will mostly affect parishes in the northwest and southeastern parts of the diocese... which are home to 33 of the 40 parishes losing mass. this plan would go into effect in the summer of 20 - 17. 3 "it's, in a sense, moving from a ministry to buildings. we spend a lot of time running from church building to church building and trying to keep those structures all together. to really focusing on a
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make our priests available for pastoral ministry, the things that are important to them, their sacramental life."the diocese *does* want feedback from parishioners to help fine tune the plan. to do that... each pastor in the 108 parishes will form a leadership team made up people actively involved in the church. those people will get feedback from parishoners... and that feedback will be presented in a series of meetings in april of this year. 3 t that point we'll receive, what we're suming, is major feedback regarding the plan: things that look good, things that could change under the proposal. we'll take that feedback obviously very serisly and we'll make the plan."in sioux city... the move would cut eight parishes down to four... sacred heart will stay the same. 3 blessed sacrament and saint michael would combine to be named holy cross. 3 the cathedral of the epiphany... saint boniface... and saint
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called the cathedral 3 and immaculate concepepon and nativity will b bcombinin to becalled (mah - ter) m mer (day) dei. e parishes were structured with the catholic school system-.. so each of the combined parishes will hold sunday mass in the church associated with the school. 3 prospective entreprenuers in siouxland got a chance to compete for some start - up money last night.the annual "swimming with the sharks" competition is part of entrepalooza week. this year sevev sinesses pitched their ideas to a panel of local business experts... hoping to win a 4 - thousand dollar grant. 3 "this is a perfect board game and tail gating game actually indoor or outdoor for all ages. // the best part about it though is it takes up less space and it can actually when not in use hang up as a decorative item for the team or whatever image you want to put on the board."last night's event was sponsored by briar cliff's *enactus* team.
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almost 2 - years - old. and we have d - n - a to thank for identifying the suspect.police say 24 - year - old joseph lanckreit is one of two men who broke into a home on south clinton street in sioux city on may 15th... 2014... tying up and robbing the manager of a alocal bank.investigators found a band - aid worn by one of the robbers... and sent it in to the state crime lab in des moines for testing.that testing identified lanckreit... who's now facing charges of 1st degree burglary and 1st degree robbery. right now he's being held on 100 - thousand dollars bond. 3 3 a suspect in a more recent robbery is behind bars... too.police say 30 - year - old adonis bess broke into an apartment on summit street.... stealing some clothes and electronics from the homeowners before being forced from the apartment by someon who lives sthere... who later identified him to polili.when he was arrested wednesday at the w wming shelelr he still had some of
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along with some drug paraphernalia.bess is charged with 2nd degree burglary... 4th degree theft... simple assault... and possession of drug paraphernalia. he's being held on a 50 - thousand dollar bond. 3 3 and... a man wanted for escaping from sioux city's work release facility last month is in jail again. 26 - year - old jacob petty was put on escape status january 26th after he didn't come back from an outpatient treatment program.he was on work release... serving a 10 - year sentence for robbery.petty was arrested by sioux city police and is being held on a 15 - hundred dollar bond at the woodbury county jail right now. 3 sioux city police say if you used the cubby's gas station in singing hills... keep an eye on your credit card and bank accounts.officers say a credit card skimming device was found at one of the gas pumps at the cubby's gas station on south york street yesterday afternoon during an inspection. the device s
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pumps have been checked and cleared... but there's no telling how long the device has been there. police say the best way to avoid becoming a victim of is to always pay inside and use cash. 3 yesterday was the first day of the 59th annual siouxland home show.the 4 - day event is at the sioux city convention center downtown... with displays and exhibits from dozens of home improvement companies and contractors. the homehshow is put on by the home builder's association of greater siouxland... which is using money raised from this year's show to help a good cause in the community... *projects for paiots*... helping build or renovate homes for wounded veterans. 3 "the exhibitors put a lot of thought and work into their booths to show their proct.. th want to inform the public not only through their speech, but if they just look at their booths, they'll be able to tell what kind of workmanship
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do."3 the home show will re - open today from 1 to 9... then from 11 a - m until 9 on saturday... it'll wrap up with a final day from noon and 5 sunday. 3 a california couple just celebrated 70 years together as husband and wife!ed shevick is 93 and florence shevick is 91. they met in chicago in the '40s... and love to tell the story ababt the first time they cocoected. they were in a row boat. ed was sent to fight in world d r two... but while he was away they wrote to each other five times a week.they say they're able to stay together for so long because they follow the same ritual every night... they never go to bed without a kiss. the happy couple says they've walked holding hands almost every day for the last 70 - years. they have two kids... one grandchild... and a just - born great
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3 3 3 10 degrees cooler than we were this time yestderday, but don't worry, we are in for a warm day! your forecast is next. 3 3 in syria... it's getting common for a neighborhood to turn into a battlefield without warning coming up... we'll take a look at what used to be a suburb of damascus. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob
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credit 3 union" 3 starting today, we will dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some rain with highs in the 50s. the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up close to 60 once again. keep an eye on tuesday when we could see a system bring winter back k siouxland again. 33
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3 3 here's what we're talking about on facebook this morning... tomorrow looks like it might be a good day to fire up the grill. what areyour favorite things to 3 grill? 3 puerto rico could see partial government shutdowns... marlie hall is in new york with your c - b - s moneywatch. 3 wall street is hoping for a "three-peat" todaystocks rose for the second day in a row thursday after a favorable report for durable goods orders.the dow.gained 212 points.the nasdaqadded 39the u.s. treasury department says puerto rico could see a partial government shutdown if congress doesn't act soon. the us territory has 72-million dollars in public debt and has asked washington for a
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is in the works. andpresident obama says his first job as a teenager scooping ice cream at baskin robbins taught him valuable lessons about hard work and responsibility. he's calling on businesses to recruit, train and mentor teenagers for their first jobs this summer.that's your moneywatch report. for more, com. in new york, i'm marlie 3 3 in syria... it's become common for neigorhoods to turn into battlefields without warning. elizabeth palmer visited one neighborhood with the syrian army to get a rare look at the devastating civil war. 3 (massive destruction - with audio boom)this used to be a neighborhood .now - it's a battlefield(upsot: boom, muzzle flash from rooftop
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says it's got the enemy on the run.on cam"......."there's just been an airstrike behind me. wewee about 5 miles from syrian army is trying to clear this suburb of opposition fighters. there's no certainly and there's not going totoe any time soon.(liz walalng with solmer)solmer, one of the syrian soldiers, takes us to see the buildings - half a mile away - where he says the rebels are now hiding..(ws across no mansland to destroyed buildings)audible liz: oh wow(liz at the end of the path then abrupt pan to bombing boom boom audio - ftp clip barrel bomb)overhead - we can hear the helicopters scouting the target.then boom, boomliz: what are they hitting solmer?(he mutters something)terroristshe says. (cutaway to smoke)those are barrel bombs? (2nd time liz of barrel bomb drops and aftermath)barrel bombs are basically canisters 3 filled with explosives rolled out of a chopperthey are cheapbut horribly inaccurate. (cutaway to more booms/bullet crack)(liz walking shots with solmer and group)are there any civilians over there?no, he says.only fightersbut there ar fighter's families too cowering under the attacks. (jiggle cam snipers on walking/radio - ftp barrel
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tunnels the soldiers say were dug by fighters with the al qaeda linked al nusra front. (upsot)where they hid and fought for years.(gen & liz walking up stairs)general youssuf, the man in charge, leads the way through ruins he now controls.liz: you are still using airstrikes in the suburbs to fight nusra?(sot - general in arabic) yes, because they're dangerous - for syria and the world.... so we're justified in using any weapon that's legal.(soldier looking throughole - cu eyes. and end on road with massive plume of smoke) but that means its victories often look like nothing more than a
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3 3 one size doesn't fit all... at least not for airbus. the company filed a patent to accommodate larger passengers. after the break... we'll show y y how it could change the way airlines *sell* tickets 3 we could drop off a degree or two in the next few hours, but we will warm up quick once the
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meteorologist cat taylor"3 3 starting today, we will dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some rain with hihis in the 50s. the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up close to 60 once again. keep an eye on tuesday when we could see a
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siouxland again. 3 airplane passengers could see a very different kind of seat on planes in the future. airplane@maker airbus has filed a patent for a new kind of adjustable seat that could allow airlines to cram even
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change the seating to make room for larger passengers. this could also mean paying new fees. reporter kris van cleave takes a look. 3 as americans have gotten larger and their airline seats smaller, it's not made flying any easier..(source: airline passengers mos_hrem02 @ 16:47:34)((sot jim cleavland)) "oh they're too close yes, especially if they're heavy people or really b b people." (5 sec)(track / ffgfx 1 in) some overweight passengers even find themselves being shamed on social jet marker airbus is looking to patent this seating concept that could let airlines create what would essentially be a fee for larger passengers..jus t don't expect them to call it that.this bench seating concept would allow a traditional row ofof seats to be "rapidly and easily re- configureaeae" into seating for two passengers who need additional space--including "overweight passengers" or instead of seating 3...the bench could handle a family of 4--with two small children.a feature that would almost certainly come with a price tag (ffgfx 1 ends)((source: charisse jones intvu @ 00:01:50))(sot / charisse jones) "it's all about making more money" (2 sec)(track) charisse jones covers business travel for the usa today network. (source: charisse jones intvu @ 00:09:05)(sot ) "airlines are going to be very careful about not saying that the seat is for a specific
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overweight people or even families. they don't want to be accused of being discriminatory. but i don't think there's anything wrong with saying these are some options for different groups of people that you might find more comfortable." (16 sec) (track) typically more seats mean more money for the airlines which has - in the past - fueled some truly unusual seat designs.(ffgfx 2 in)last year airbus sought a patent for a design that would have passengers sitting above and below each other...before that it was this semi-standing seat seat maker zodiac - created a hexagon pattern with the flyer in the middle facing those on the aisle and window...adding up to 30 more passengers on one plane. (ffgfx 2 out) (track / vo continues)tennessee congressman stephen cohen worries the focus on squeezing in extra seats could jeopardize safety - making it hard to evacuate within the required 90 seconds--as seen in this video.he recently tried to require the f-a-a to set minimum seat size standards-- (source: airline seats rep cohen intv dc_hrem01 @ 15:36:05) (sot / cohen) "if people can't get out of an airplane in an emergency condition, they lose their
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shouldn't be after there's an accident, after there's an accident it's too late, and people are dead."((pkg ends)) 3 3 still to come... 3 four people are dead and a dozen more hurt after a man went on a shooting rampage through a bunch of places in a small kansas town. we'll show you why the investigation has hit a roadblock. you're watching siouxland news
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3 "this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14" 3 good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm meteorologist cat taylor. 3 starting today, we will dry out for a temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some rain with highs in the 50s. the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up close to 60 once again. keep an eye on tuesday when we could see a system bring
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3 breaking news overnight... investigators are looking through the scene of a deadly workplace shooting in kansas. three people were killed... 14 others hurt... shot by a man police say started shooting *inside* a lawn mower products plant. he was killed moments later. as c - b - s news correspondent don champion shows us... police are still trying to figure out a motive. 3 (pkg)(sot thu0424 :02) nat chopper investigators describe a chaotic scene inside this plant near wichita, kansas when a gunman opened fire.(sot thu0555 sheriff t. county sheriff dept. 1:32) "the shooter was actively firing on any target that came across his sights" (-:36) police say an employee shot 15 people at excel industries shortly after 5 o'clock thursday. in his hospital bed jesus fierros remembered the moment he got hit.(sot fri0045 jesus fierros/victim :09) people were just running saying somebody was shooting and next thing you know i felt i got
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i turned and started running" (-:20) (thu0473 :22) a law enforcement source tells cbs news the shooter was 38-year-old cedric ford. he was killed in a gunfight with the first officer who got to the scene. josh tucker knew him. (sot thu0432 josh tucker was just hunky dory,i mean didn't seem like this kinda guy" (-:42) before getting to the plant, investigators say the gunman randomly shot at motorists- hitting 2. (thu0473 :02) anxious family members could be seen looking for their loved ones.(sot thu0432 :13) "i feel like i'm in a nightmare right now" (-:15) jennifer trujillo (plant vo) says someone got shot right next to her husband.(sot trujillo/husband works at plant :08) "i heard my husband's voice but i won't be happy until i see him in person" (-:11) moments lat, that happened on live television.(sot thu0492 :24) "oh my god oh my god." (-:27) the atf and fbi are helping investigation. don champion, cbs news.
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gun in the shooting. k - w - c - h... the c - b - s affiliate in wichita... says he had an *extensive* criminal record. at last check at least five of the shooting victims in the hospital were in critical condition. 3 if you want to adopt a rescue dog... the siouxland humane society has a dozen new options right now.twelve dogs *had* been living at a home near shenandoah in southwest iowa before being surrendered to the siouxland humane society wednesday. their previous owner has "rescued" dogs and kept them at his home for a lot of years... but now he's getting ready to go into hospice care and wanted to make sure his dogs find new loving homes. 3 "when we if heard this story it really touched our hearts in many ways and that is why we were so glad to assist in any way we could. one of his wishes is that these dogs do go into wonderful loving forever homes and we are going to do everything that we can
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wish."3 the humane society picked up 12 dogs from the man's home yesterday... and will come back for another 6 when he *does* go into hospice care. 3 "a very loving home they guy loved his dogs he cared about them you could tell. like i say there is dogs back there they look similar and he could tell by looking at who they are, what personality they were, what they like, what they don't like. he had a nice little write up for us on each one of the dogs which is very nice and 3 helpful.."the twelve dogs are available right now at the siouxland humane society on tri - view avenue. there are labs and labe mixes. 3 students at (mah - ter) mater (day)dei school in sioux city showed off their mastery of over - complicated machinery yesterday afternoon.students in mr. sackmann's science class designed and built what are called "rube goldberg" machines... which use at least three simple machines to complete a simple task. the
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fish tank. 3 "we came up with the idea during school, we had to make a plan and then i had to bring, we had to bring different stuff. like i brought race tracks and they brought cars and a marble and then we just made a pulley and pretty much made it from our minds."students used things like toy cars... dominoes... and lincoln logs to design and build their machines. 3 painters from sioux city's 185th air refueling wing have finished painting a vietnam war era f - 100 jet.the f - 100 super saber jet will be on display in washington d - c later this spring. it took two weeks for the air guard painters to completely restore the fighter jet... which was used in myrtle beach south carolina as a trainer jet for pilots going to vietnam. it'll now be a static display and not flown anymore. 3 "having the opportunity to paint and knowing it's going to go out to dc for years to
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display, yeah, definitely a sense of pride it has a sioux city connection.""we appreciate what a great job they did to represent sioux city and 185th air refueling 3 wing."if you'd like to see more pictures of the jet... we've got a link to the 185th air refueling wing photo galley in this story on our dot com. 3 unitypoint health saint luke's is taking steps to improve sioux city. 3 they want to improve access to mental health care by including this option in all primary care clinics. a lot of diseases are associated with mental health and can greatly impact the recovery for patients... and there's a growing need for health care professionals in this field. the unitypoint health company hopes to improve that by working with iowa for a residency program to create more behavioral health specialists.
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of counselors and behavioral health specialists into our primary care offices is a big initiative for us. we continue to look at opportunities to grow our own behavioral health specialists and try to deal with the access issues that exist right now."3 right now... saint luke's does *not* have enough counselors for all of the primary care clinics... but says it *is* something the hospital is striving for. 3 parents are heading back to class so they can help with homework. it's not just parents of *high schoolers* needing help... though. as reporter jamie (you - cuss) yuccas found out... even the parents of *kindergartner s* need a refresher. 3 nats of the class starting these moms and dads are learning computer reading skills at parent university.q to child: do you teach mom? yes, sometimesjoanne saraceni is back in class with her kindergartener, nicole. :15-:20 (joanne saraceni/parent
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of how they're being taught 3 so we can help them better and not get frustratedschool districts across the country offer the classes for free. teachers say they're very popular. this one on long island had more than 60 parents eager to participate. :35-:39 (jason mangels/parent) did you ever think you'd have to go back to school to help finished my degree 5 years ago and i figured that was it yuccas/north bellmore, n.y.) it's not just learning how to reading and math is taught can be so different for parents, they need a refresher. nats: with the circles? daughter: the bonds.. the bonds. this school started the classes to help parents learn more about the common core curriculum, which sets national standards for english and math. but now they touch on a variety of topics. 1:03-1:12 (marie testa/superintendent, north bellmore school we're trying to reach out to parents to say the standard way that we learned is no longer that way. so we need to bring you in with us, bring you into the fold and help you so that you're successful at home in why parents are prepared to continue their education. if they're moving at the pace
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imagine what it's going to be like by second, third, fourth grade!as their children are challenge, these parents are determined to as well. jamie yuccas, cbs news, north bellmore, new york. 3 experts say the biggest differences in teaching? technology... students now learn visually. and that's not likely to go away. 3 a pursuit on a california road might not surprise you... but take a look at who officers were chasing last at least it looks a lot like one! the white pony was the star of a birthday party in madera california. but the onto a busy road.officers say there were a few near misses by cars... but no one was hurt. the c - h - p used a helicopter to follow the wayward "unicorn." it was ultimately found in a nearby orchard.
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3 3 the siouxland community health center has a meal coming up you're not going to want to miss.we'll talk about it next in talk of the town. 3 "you're watching siouxland news at sunrise, with jacob heller and meteorologist cat taylor" 3 "first alert weather with
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3 3 3 the siouxland community health center has a great meal coming up.that's why jim wharton joins us for talk of the town. good morning guests discuss upcoming
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3 thanks for being with us this morning. if you missed this segment...or want to find out any more can
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site...that's siouxland news dot com slash sunrise... 3 3 robots will have plenty of fuel when they have plenty of robots will have plenty of fuel when they rise up and get their revenge. we'll show you why a robot had to get poked... kicked... and shoved it's (time) this morning. thanks for watching siouxland news at sunrise. 3 stubborn clouds kept us below normal yesterday, but today that won't be the case.
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3 good morning, (downtown sioux city)... it's (25 degrees) outside at (time)... as we take a look from our (j - c roofing and insulating) camera. 3 it's not nice to bully a robot... especially a new version that's getting rave reviews for its abilities. c - n - n's (genie) jeanne (mows) moos shows us why it had to get poked...
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to show off those abilities. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows-- it's a wow moment...for robot fans. an impressive new version of the atlas robot is unveiled...and what steals the limelight?robot abuse.(trevor noah, host, the daily show) "but it's interesting that america's building robots that people can bully."(trevor noah, host, the daily show) "in 100 years that scene is version of roots, you understand this."and it's not just physical,but mental taunted and teased...this after doing such a nice job of lifting boxes. take this job and shove it, i'm outta here. no wonder atlas fans visualized robot revenge scenarios.and thth isn't the first time the highly regarded robot design company boston dynamics has mistreated one of its creations.(trevor noah, host, the daily show) "why do you "ahhhh" it's a robot?" (jeanne moos, new york) "actually there is a perfectly good reason for this robot abuse."when most robots fall down, they can't get back up. they often have to be carried off for repair.but when the new atlas was forced to it get back on its feet.and though it stumbles through the snow like bigfoot, it never loses its balance on the uneven terrain. that's a very big deal. even if one commenter noted "looks like me coming home from the bar last night."(jeanne moos, new york) "lest you think the engineers are just brutal bullies lacking any sense of humor."this was last year's christmas greeting from boston dynamics. even if their robots aren't laughing all the way.
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to you by window world"3 3 starting today, we will 3 dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some rain with highs in the 50s. the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up close to 60 once again. keep an eye on tuesday when we could see a system bring winter back to siouxland again.
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3 3 time for a trip to the sunrise watercooler...the flying scotsman... one fo the world's most famous steam locomotives... set off from london thursday on its first journey after a 10 - year... 5 point 8 million dollar refit. thousands turned out to watch the train as it left platform at london's king's cross station for the east coast main line journey north to york.the flying scotsman was the first train to break the 100 mile an hour barrier back in 19 - 34 aboard thetrain for the five - hour trip were 297 passengers made up of v - i - p's... fundraisers... and people who'd won a
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3 3 everyone of anthony yom's students have e passed the advanced plplement lculus exam for the past three years coming up... we'll show you thsecret behind his your morning news, weather and sports are all coming's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam.keep it right here on siouxland news
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3 3 here's a look at your weather to go ... 3 3 good morning, this is sgt todd sassmann with your siouxland news traffic to goficers will be running radar on riverside blvd and w w19th st have a safe drive to work this morning, for siouxland news, th is sgt todd sassmann 3 3 3 police in kansas are trying to figure out what led to a deadly shooting rampage near wichita yesterday. police say 38 - year - old cedric ford starting shooting at qutie a few people at three separate locatatns in hesston... even the lawn
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worked. at least four people died... including the shooter... who was killed by police.on the campaign trail... republican presidential candidates are focusing back on super tuesday states now after a heated debate last night in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking frontrunner donald trump on immigration... healthcare... and taxes. close to 600 delegates are up for grabs in next week's contests... almost half of the total needed to clinch the nomination.on the democratic side... hillary clinton and bernie sanders make last minute pleas to minority voters ahead of saturday's primary in south rolina. a recent poll shows clinton leading sanders among black and hispanicvoters... almost 2 to 1. sanders campaignedeln chicago thursday night... hitting the former secretary of state on her vote for the iraq war and campaign finances. 3 and be sure to check out siouxland news dot com all day at work and home for the latest news, weather and sports. 3 and here is what the folks in studio 57 are working on that you'll see in an hour on cbs "this
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3 "this is siouxland news at sunrise on kmeg 14"3 3 good morning everyone and welcome to siouxland news at nrise.thanks for starting your morning w wh ususi'm jacob heller.anani'm meteorologogt cat taylor. 3 starting today, we e ll dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some rain with highs in the 50s. the warmth sticks around for monday as highs could push up close to 60 once again. keep an eye on tuesday when we could see a system bring winter back to
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3 a los angeles teacher might have come up with the solution to a math problem that has stumped the best minds for centuries... how do you get school a los angeles teher might have to come up with a solution to a math problem that stumped the best mind for centuries. i do you get school kids to succeed at calculus? >> from the outside, lincoln high school does not like place that inspires greatness. old, with gateon the windows and a tougla neighborhood.
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you will find this man. >> this is almost similar to the sky. sun of korean immigrants, he teaches what i iconsidered the hardest class in school, advanced placement calculus. >> o o of my strategieieis to mama sure to provide the environment where kids are not asasmed of asking questions. >> 's approach to teaching goes beyond tech lighting the slope of a curve. he makes his classmate on weekends, after school and even holidays. >> i know for sure once they get the score and asked them if it was worth it, every single one of them say it was worth it. >> for three years in ebro, every student that has walked in this class has passed the ap calculus test. this year, one student, got every question right. >> his talent teaching commands respect and his personality is he gets to know his students on
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>> what is the secret here? >> they know that i sincerely care about them and it's prep for them. >> they were both honored by the la school board and president obama invited cedric to the white house science fair. the 17 -year-old wants to go to caltech and ba rocket scientist, well the teachers focus is on his next batch of student. >> there is a major change coming for hundreds of catholic churches in northwest iowa. icia leaders say next year they are reorganizing the diocese because ththe are fewer priests. right now, there are 108 parishes in the sioux city diocese and with the new proposal, that will cut down to about 67. that means a few parishes will move to oratory status, only
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it will only affect the northeast and southeastern diococe. thisislan will go into efffft in theheummer of 2017. >> it is in any sense moving from ministry to building. spend lots of time running from church building to church building, and really focusing on a ministry for people. make our priests available for the ministry. >> to do that, each pastor in the 108 parishes will perform a leadership team. parishioners and the feedback will be presented in a series of meetings in april ths year. >> at that point, we will major feedback regarding the plan, things that look good and
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feedback very seriously and will make adjustments and refinements to the plan. >> in sioux city, the move four. blessed sacrament and s t. michael would combine, the cathedral of the epiphany, saint boniface and st.joseph would go together called the cathedral, and immaculate conception and nativity would day. each of the combined parishes would have sunday mass in the church associated with the school. respective entrepreneurs in suitland got a chance to compete for some startup money. the annual swimminwith the sharks competition. they pitched their ideas to local business experts hoping to win a $4000 grant. >> this is it perfect board and
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outdoor, for all ages. the best part about it is it takes up less space, and it can actually hang up as decorative item for the teen or whatever image you want to put on the board. >> last night's event was sponsored by prayer clclffs. >yesterday was the 50 ninth annual sue land home show. the home show is put on the bye in the home owners association of projects for patriots, hoping to build homes for wounded veterans. >> they put a lot of work and thought into their booth to show their product. they want to inform the product not only through their speech, but, if they just look at the
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tell what kind of workmanship they do. >> it will be open until nine, and wrap up with a final thth final day from noon until five on sunday. iran says it will conduct a rocket test in the next few days, part of what it calls a space launch program. but added to two missile tests last fall, this raises eyebrows in washington, with some saying such tasks violate a un security council resolution. in this morning's safe and secure report, christine takes a look at what is at stake. >> and show of force. on iranian state tv, leaders want him missile storage facility. now the islamic republic plans yet another test, a space launch in the coming days. >> this space launch vehicle will have a range of maybe four
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there is no chance that this is for satellites for putting monkeys into space. this is a test of the icbm. intercontinental missile tests is no doubt that iran is flexing its muscle, both with missile tests conducted last fall but suggesting the goal of f fcing amamicans back to the negotiating table. >> part of the reason is they would like to get concessions out of the west, especially the united states. >> concessions like additional sanctions relief. now raising questions from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. >> are they trying to threaten the balance of power in the middle east against some of these other moderate sunni arab nations. >> that's not leverage, it is a
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community. >> some experts call iran's actions propaganda, seeing but world leaders will be watching and waiting, as the future of an already delicate relationship is in the balance. >> the european southern observatory has released some cool new pictures showing the entire milky way galaxy. data was gathered by the apex telescope in chile. it shows light at 7-millimeter wavelength in between infrared radio waves to create full picture of the area of the galactic plane as seen from the earth's southern hemisphere. >> it is the sharpest map of the milky way today. >> i love space pictures. >> just imagining where we are on that app and how tiny we
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>> just a tiny, tiny speck. >> the only stars we see in our sky is literally an inch of that. so tiny. >> entrepreneurs are ditching silicon valley for the midwest. up next, we take you to the center of that expansion, lincoln, nebraska. i had a brain tumor, she was going through all of her issues 25:57monica brown lost her mother to bladder cancer... just months before she was diagnosed...26:11 so it was hard. i think it was more hard on my dad and brother, because then i had surgery 2 months later,in 2008... monica had brain surgery to remove a slow growing tumor... but now years later... it's back... 25:19 i don't want my kids to not have a mom when they get older 25:22 the tumor was in a dangerous place...5:22 she has language function and some motor function that is kinda close to where the tumor is this time 5:26that's why doctor randy jensen... a neurosurgeon at huntsman cancer institute... is using advanced technology....4:42 since her last operation, now we have the intraoperative mri scanner this specialized m-r-i moves on ceiling mounted rails in the operating room... allowing surgeons to check after...
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>> t t tumor was in a dangerous place. >> she has language function and motor function that is kind of close to where the tumor is this time. >> that's why doctor randy johnson is using advanced technology. >> since her last operation, we haha the intraoperative mri scanner. >> it moves on ceiling mounted rails in the operating room, allowing surgeons to check after the surgery as to whether any tumor tissue remains. >> it certainly is helpful in the current situation. >> i thihi i am taking the most
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good morning. calm and quiet conditions out there this morning and you can specialty camera. we do have some cloud cover moving in from the west, and long as we day. 24 in sioux city, 23 in storm lake, our warm spots are the this morning. when speeds are e calm but they south. that will help us warm up as we go through the day today so that is kind of the key to our warm temperatures. that is because of the dissipating warm front. we also have the front edge of this trough which is a little bit of a weather maker, or when shift in some ways. if you look at what is happening this evening, you will see a wind shift out of the west. as we head into tomorrow, we regain those southerly winds on the backside of that trough and
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not just the 60's, but the middle 60's. tomorrow we will see that warm front starting to form, that as we head into sunday, that is when we see the cold front passed us and that will create the chance for some showers here in suitland or your sunday, and some colder temperatures, not too bad. this morning it's chilly and frosty when your way to the busstop this morning, but if you look, 50 degrees, mostly sunny and absolutely beautiful. tonight we will see that when shift to the west, and it will be chilly at 29 degrees. then the wind goes back to the south, sunny and warm, 64 degrs. absolutely gorgeous day tomorrow. temperatures decreasing just a little bit for your sunday, with chances for rain, warming back up on monday but then a very close i on tuesday with
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and temperatures back into the 30's. >> we are not checking back in with moose, some technical difficulties there. but there is an exodus going on, tech companies are bringing thousands of people to the midwest. mark strassman is in lincoln, nebraska, which is being called america's new innovation frontier. >> across the great plains even in winter, the new cash crop is high tech. be mac it's time we banged the drum and let people know there is something happening over here in lincoln, the prescott. >> what is happening, and in 2012, they decided to launch
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but first they had to leave san francisco. >> we could just be another start up on the west coast in the valley or we could be part of the movement in the midwest. >> boolow now has 100,000 subscribers. >> i felt like people in nebraska would bend over backwards to help you. >> this is silicon prairie and it's remaking cities across the midwest, from des moines to kansas city to lincoln. >> our pitch is, getting here and get in here and make it difference right from the start. >> huddles services, sports teams, and they host to the site and the software instantly analyzes it. be mac what is it about lincoln that works? >> it >> at the very supportive community for entrepreneurs.
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valley to silicon jerry like this. >> we have core values, and one of our core values is, fire the [ bleep ]. >> another competitive edge. everything is cheaper. the median home in san francisco sells for $1.1 million. in lincoln, it's about $158,000. be mac you can grow your team much faster with less capitol, same with our office space. >> today, lincoln is becoming a mini palo alto. once abandoned buildings now house code working spaces and incubators. >> you hear from people who come visit and check out the town, and they go, lincoln is cool. this is really cool. >> there are challenges. companies have struggled to attract outside talent and investors.
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three states, california, new york and massachusetts. but that is changing. >> i don't think that reflects the distribution of entrepreneurs for great ideas. >> the cofounder of aol heads- capital firm. >> some people call it the flyover country which, we think they are great entrepreneurs building great businesses. >> huddle started with three employees and it now has 400. >> it has been an amazing writer. we have a great team around us. >> huddle as employees working in 14 countries, at its new world headquarters is going up right here where it all began. mark strassman, lincoln,
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there oscar night diamonds. 6:18a.m., your sunrise entertainment is after the break. >> and here is a look at our flashback friday.
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freezing but 3 "first alert weather with meteorologist cat taylor" 3 starting today, we will 6:21a.m., and we are calm and quiet out there at this hour. our jc roofing and tower camera, you can see things are not doing much out there this morning. they are looking at the satellite and seeing some cloud starting to move in this morning, but they aren't going to last very long because we have clearing on the backside of those clouds as well. we will see the sun pick up here as we go throughout midmorning. 24 in sioux city, still pretty chilly, but we do have these winds that are pretty calm and coming out of the south. you can't really complain too
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here's what we are looking at for your extended forecast. 50degrees today, sunny and mild, and a clear day tomorrow. we have a cool front coming through for your sunday, and that basically means we will drop down in temperature, but not very much. a chance of rain possible, but still pretty mild at 58. >> the stars are picking out there oscar night diamonds, plus, why the vice president will take the stage at the academy awards. and, the legal fight over michael jackson royalties. >> linseed jones will go to trial with his lawsuit against michael jackson's estate. the producers asking for $10 million, thing he was short on royalties.
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an appearance at the academy awards on sunday. he will introduce lady gaga before she performs her nominated song, until it happens to you. he says he will use his introduction to speak out against sexual assault. part of the oscar night suspense is what the stars will wear. forever mark diamonds give us they look at some of the sparklers that show up. >> keep your eyes on the red carpet for gems like these. this ring is 7 carats. these bracelets are worth a cool million dollars. >> carrie underwood will be one of the performers at this year's academy of country music awards. kenny chesney and keith urban have also signed on for the show, which airs april third on cbs. and music history goes on the block this weekend. hundreds of guitars are being auctioned off. there are four from eric left
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artist george benson. that is your eye on entertainment. >> here's what we are talking about on our facebook page. tomorrow might be a good day to fire up the grill and head outside. what are your favorite things to cook on the grill? ricky had a whole list and timothy says, your can chicken. have you ever had that? >> i have had beer chicken before, it's really good. that i really like grilled pineapple. >> and sometimes you can't beat a good burger on the grill. >> that's true. >> weigh in on our facebook page. still to come, while many children are absorbed in their electronics and game systems, one dad is looking to change that with a new game that is getting a lot of attention. >> it's now 6:24 a.m., and as
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the good morning everyone,thanks for starting your morning with us.i'm jacob heller...and i'm good morning everyone, and thanks for waking up with us on this friday. >> i'm meteorologist at taylor. >> finally a friday warm-up. >> 60 degrees for the high today, and tomorrow even better. if you take a look at our great lakes camera, we do have some clouds across the area this morning, and that will change as we go through about mid- warning. you can see here on our satellite and radar that we didn't clear out for a while but now we have more clouds moving through the area. they aren't going to last long as we go through the day. temperatures here are pretty
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areas like the mars, yankton and cool spots in storm lake at 23 degrees. today, warming up to 50 degrees, we will have a 25- degree warm-up today. the wind won't be a problem today. >> thank you. a new family game has at the twain market and is flying off the shelves. it was designed by a father. we have the story on how this dad turned his lifelong passion into commercial success. be mac all players pass one adventure card to the right. >> it is game night. be mac to get the family around the table laughing and having a good time, there's nothing at rather do. >> when the family pulls out the cards and rolls the dice, no one is left out. the game is called dragon would and they have all just about
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that is because aaron darren game making is the culmination of a lifelong passion that started when he was a little boy. >> on the earliest age, i was playing games. >> he wanted his family to play something he couldn't find on the market. >> interesting for me, where i would want to play it, but easy enough for them to pick up and learn. >> he brought it to a boston area game publisher, and it's being sold all around the world. >> the game has sold 30,000 copies. >> over the christmas holiday season, it was probably one of the top-selling games that we had. >> it combines elements of poker and running up with fantasy. >> what do you think of that? >> i think it's pretty amazing, i'm thrilled.
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be enjoyed for generations to come. kenneth craig, cbs news, massachusetts. >> boy industry experts say classic board games are making a comeback this year and they are seeing increased sales. dragon what is sold online and at retailers across the country. if you want to adopt a rescue dog, the suitland humane society has a or dozen new options. 20 dogs had been living in southwest iowa beef for being surrendered. the previous owner was a rescue but now he wants to make sure his dogs find new and loving homes. >> they touch our hearts, and we were so glad to assist. one of his wishes is that these dogs go into wonderful, loving, forever homes, and we will do
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man with his wish. >> the humane society picked up 12 dogs from the man's home yesterday and will come back for another six when he does go into hospice care. >> very loving home. the guy loved his dogs. these dogs look similar, and he could tell by looking at them who they are and what personality they were, what they like and what they don't like. he had a nice little write up for us on each one of the dogs which is very helpful. >> the 12 dogs are available at the suitland humane society on tribe you ell mac try view avenue. >> students in mr. sackman's
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order called ruben goldberg machines which complete simple tasks. the goal was to deliver food to a fish tank. >> we came up with the idea to make the plan, and then we had to bring different stuff, like i've brought racetracks and they brought cars and marble, and then we pretty much came up with it from our mind. >> students use things like toy cars, dominoes and lincoln logs to design and build the machines. painters have finished jet. the super sabre jet will be in on display in washington dc later this spring. it took two weeks to completely restore the fighter jet which was used in myrtle beach, carolina, as a trainer jet four it will now be a static display and not flown.
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going to dc for years to come and be on prominent display, definitely a sense of pride. >> we appreciate what a great job they did it to represent sioux city. >> if you'd like to see more pictures, we have a link to the photo gallery and story on our website, siouxland . st. luke's is taking steps to improve mental health for patients in sioux city. they want to improve access to mental health care by including this option in all primary care clinics. many diseases are associated with mental health and greatly impact the recovery for patients, and there is a growing need for healthcare professionals in this field. the committee hopes to work with that by providing a residency program for more
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>> they are piloting embedding more healthcare specialists into our offices. we continue to look for opportunities to grow our own behavior health specialists, again, trying to deal with the access issues that exist right now. >> right now, st. luke's does not have enough counselors for all the primary care clinics, but they say it is something the hospital is thriving four. heart problems account for three quarters of sports related deaths in young athletes. now, chief medical correspondent doctor john the proof takes a look. >> isaiah austin was one of the nation's top college basketball players, then, if physical before the nba draft reveal the heart problem, ending his career. >> i didn't know what to do with it, but just accepting
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important than the game. >> in the us, sports related sudden cardiac death is a risk for players. >> this doctor reviewed the heart alters ultrasounds of more than 500 nba players. >> when we first saw them we thought, these are big hearts, these are abnormal. your first instinct is to say, these are big hearts. there average height is 6-foot seven and the average weight is 200-pound. >> it turns out that like any other muscle, the hearts get bigger with exercise, although the hearts of the nba player were about 10% bigger than normal, dangerous. the research establishes a baseline going forward. >> this will help us distinguish those changes from dangerous heart conditions that
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sudden cardiac death. >> in addition, they found that the aorta is also bigger in these athletes, and knowing diagnosis. doctor say this is now in model ininother sports. >> we will take a look next in >> temperatures cooled off to the mid- 20's overnight but we will warm up quickly once the
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comes up. 3 "first a art weather with meteorologist cat taylor" out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming lower and middle 60s for, tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another highs in the good morning, siouxland. some cloud cover across the area, but that will change as
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you can see in our great lakes countertops and kitchen camera in arnolds park, some e clouds, but we will see that break up as we go through e morning hours. the cloud cover is moving , but will move out quickly as we go throughout the midmorning. 24 in sioux city, cold spotted in. at 23. the warm spot is lamarr is at 27 and more forget 27. in speeds are pre- call mother, , but they are from the south, the what that will do is bring those warm temperatures up from the south and we have that dissipating warm front here which is allowing us to get the southerly winds. as we head into tonight, we see a when shift as the weather maker shifts those winds around. so out of the west tonight, allowing us to cool off. it will give us access again to the southerly winds and allows
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tomorrow, as well as the formation of a warm front which will move on out by sunday, this is when we will see a cool front comes through and it is a cool front because it will be in the 50's for sunday. but there is the chance for that rain possible for sunday. so pretty chilly out there this rning. but the good news is, 23 this morning, rusty, but by the end of the day, you won't need more than a light jacket. tonight, also clear but chilly and below freezing and 29 9 degrees. winds are calm at three to five, and we had into tomorrow looking at an absolutely gorgeous day. 63degrees, and tomorrow will be a great day to get outside and enjoy it. have rain coming for sunday and the possibility of snow for tuesday with temperatures in the 30's for the middle of the
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>> here is your update. >> there is one hope for their survival. i'm bridget carey, this is your cnet update. >> the half or board it was the hottest holiday gift into thousand 15 -- the hover board. until it became the hottest holiday gift for catching fire. you seenreports and youtube videos of the self balancing scooters combusting, and there is no safety standard for this sort of product. many cheap knockoffs started flooding the market, adding to the concern. last week, the us product safety commission sent out a letter deeming all hoverboards unsafe for posing an unreasonable risk of fire. the federal regulatory agency received reports of 52 hoverboards fires since
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to only sell models that meet the safety standards by underwriters laboratories, most well known as, ul. now major retailers have pulled them, and amazon is offering refunds. several major airlines already banned the devices, and in new york city, there are now signs up telling writers that verboards are banned from public transit. cnet got a behind the scenes look at independent labs where they are being examined, and they are not testing how easy it is to ride. this is about the safety of the battery and charger and overall electrical system inside. the, cmi on batteries condition out some serious damage when they explode. there are various tests, and
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safe, but when one does, what any retailer be okay selling it again when there is such a bad reputation? ? i don't authorities will be keeping up to speed on which models are deemed safe by ul to justllow one or two. hoverboards could be doomed unless they escape the image by evolving into a new type of product. what do you think about the hover board issue? do you have one that you still ride or would you try it if it was deemed safe? you can but us know by reaching out to or find us on twitter. from our studio in new york, i'm bridget carey.
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up on 3 starting today, we will dry out for a few days with temperatures quickly warming close to 50 and then into the lower and middle 60s for tomorrow. another cold front comes in on sunday to close out the weekend with another chance for some e in with highs in the 50s. the warmth stks around for monday as highs could push up close to >> good morning, siouxland. we are looking at some cloud
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from our hard rock camera here. there is some sun behind the clouds but we will start to see the breakup that break up as we go to the midmorning hours. tellite and radar showing that we do have that cloud cover moving but it won't last very long. here is model number one and thiss how high we will get on this model, 40 a degrees. and thinking we will get warmer than that. then the model cools down close to freezing, 64 degrees for tomorrow, and as we had throughout the night omorrow night, only making it into the 40s. so here is model number two, warmer than that first model. so this one is saying 50 degrees today and i agree with that. 56 tomorrow, cooler around 64, although 66 isn't out of the question. one thing i do agree with is the snow on tuesday which is a
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we are keeping a v vy close i on that. >> we always have adorable animals at the suitland humane society, and most of fisher and coco puff have joined us for today's sunrisisarray of hope. >> we are not sure what she is, possibly a lab mix. she came from a group of 12 dogs that we recently received. >> you guys got a lot of dogs yesterday? >> yes, there is a dying man in shenandoah that has rescued over 18 dogs over the years. so he surrendered 12 dogs to us and when he goes to hospice, we will have the other six. so we have some senior pets at
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-- like even coco puff, you can't tell that she's nine. she e s lots ofenergy. . so we do have a shelter full of senior pets, i think the youngest one is four years old, many of them are between the ages of 11 and 12. many of them are bigger dogs, and a lot of them are black. and they have some graying faces. that they are all up-to-date on their shots and vet visits and they are all available for adoption. >> if you want to meet one of them, how can you do that lex. >> we open today at 10:00. they are also sweet and good around other dogs, so you don't have to worry about that. some of them need socialized more than others, some of them are really timid, but for the
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part, great dogs. >> it sounds like they are all great dogs like you said. good additions to the family? >> yes, and we want to help this man. his dying wish is that they all find fever homes, and we are hopeful to do that. >> when it comes to adopting an older dog, are the things you have to think about? >> well just the fact that they are older, but none of them have medical problems or anything. you just have to be aware that they may have to get up more to go to the restroom. most of them are pretty laid back and just hang out. they are not going to be really active, so if you are looking for a very active dog, that might not be the right age. but they are all pretty laid- back and pretty quiet. they are probably y me of the most laid-back dogog've see now coco puff has lots of energy.
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dog, she's the one for you. >> do you have it many cats right now? >> unless we got more after i have very many. five or under. them out. up? >> we have the drake show, and all the proceeds go to the shelter. it's $12.50 per ticket, and you are guaranteed a good seat to a good show. we have a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. >> thinks >> thanks for stopping by. >> you are very welcome. >> if you see any future pad that we feature here, you can find all of that on our website, siouxland /sunrise. we will take a look at your traffic and weather to go
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you are watching siouxland news it's now (time) as we take a look outside (xxx) on the (xxx) cam. it is 6:57 a.m. on this friday morning, taking a live look at the state park from our hard rock hotel casino camera. and here's the look at our weather to go. we have a frosty start at 28, and we will warm up very quickly by sunday. >> good morning, i'm sergeant todd sussman with yours siouxland news traffic to go. officers will be running radar on west boulevard and west 19th street. have a safe drive to work and school this morning.
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to go on this friday morning. police in kansas are trying to figure out what led it to to a deadly shooting in wichita yesterday. 30 a -year-old cedric ford started shooting at quite a few people in three separate locations. at least four people died, including the shooter. he was shot by police. republican president of candidates presidential candidates are focusing back on super tuesday states now after heated debate last night in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz attacked donald trump on immigration, health care and taxes. almost half of the total delegates needed to clinch the nomination are up for grabs. only clinton and bernie sanders make last-minute pleas to minority of voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. a recent poll shows clinton leading sanders amongst black
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sanders was in chicago thursday night, and addressed campaign finances. be sure to check out all day for the news. and we are saying goodbye with coco puff. and she stopped trying to get under the couch. >> yes. she is super cute and she loves to listen to you talk. >> she does told her head and pay attention. >> she is very good, very laid- back. >> and great weekend to get outside. >> go walk your dog on saturday. >> all right, inks for stopping captioning funded by cbs good morning. it is friday, february 26th, 2016.
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marco rubio and ted cruz tear into donald trump in the final debate before super tuesday. could this be a turning point? a gunman storms a kansas factory, killing coworkers. victims describe the chaos as they tried to run from the bullets. and spike lee is in studio 57. we will talk about the oscars backlash and creating change in hollywood. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. seen the guy pull up and hopped out with ak-47 and fired a few shots outside before he went in, and then ducked down and went into the building. >> a deadly shooting spree in kansas. >> law enforcement officials are calling this an act of workplace violence. it was a good debate if you like the roman coliseum. >> this guy is a joke artist and this guy is a liar. >> when with i was leading the fight against the gang of eight,


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